Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Wednesday, July 21, 1880
Severely Afflicted With Cancer in the Breast. Her Condition Critical.
The friends of Mrs. Creighton, wife of Mr. Samuel Creighton, formerly of this city, but now of Williamsport, will be sorry to learn of her severe affliction. We learn from the Lock Haven Journal that about six months ago Mrs. Creighton discovered in her right side or breast a development which created misapprehension that it might be a cancer. It was examined by skillful physicians, whose judgment was that it was not cancerous. About two weeks ago a different conclusion was reached, and she was taken to Philadelphia, where her physician pronounced it a cancer of such malignant character and rapid development that he was unwilling to attempt its removal. She was taken immediately to Rome, N. Y., and examined by Dr. Kingsley, whose skill and experience in the treatment of such cases is probably superior to any in the country. His diagnosis of the case fully sustained the previous opinion of its malignancy and the doubtfulness of a permanent cure. It was very evident that if not removed the result would be fatal in a comparatively short time. She is now at Rome under treatment. Her friends and physicians are not without hope that she may cured. From the disease and treatment combined her sufferings are most excruciating. Mrs. Creighton's numerous friends in this city deeply sympathize with her in what may ultimately prove a fatal disease.
That Big Hancock Club at Houtzdale.
EDS. TRIBUNE: We read in the Daily Sun of your city the following: Houtzdale has a Hancock and English Club that "embraces the names of 240 persons." This is simply untrue. They have not 40, or not over that number. This we do know. It is calculated to make the impression that Hancock and English are very popular here. They are, it is true. Some of the old Greenbackers are going over to them. The Garfield men should be up and doing. The other fellows are wide awake, you may depend upon that. It is going to be nip and tuck this time, and if we succeed, it will be at the price of eternal vigilance. We all know what that is. - REPUBLICAN. Houtzdale, July 20, 1880.
A Visit to Hickory Ridge Ore Mines.
Two young men engaged in a knock-down on the bridge yesterday.
Dr. Thad. Gardner and wife, of New York, are enjoying their annual visit at the old home.
Yesterday Major Wighaman and Martin Bell caught in the reservoir 1180 catfish with rod and line.
A huckster from Bedford county, with thirty-two bushels of huckleberries in his wagon, stopped at the Kellerman House yesterday.
William Connor desires us to say that he is not the man who stole the beer and __ed the man who made it, as some of the boys are trying to make it appear.
Miss Retta Cunningham and her sister, Miss Jessie, departed on last evening's train - Miss Jessie to make her future home with her sister, Mrs. Patton, in Altoona, and Miss Retta to spend the heated term in Cambria [? Clarion?] county.
On Monday, in company with Mr. Hugh Gallagher, a practical miner, we visited and inspected the great Keenan limestone quarry and ore bank recently opened on Major John Cresswell's Hickory ridge farm. Our first move was an inspection of the ore bank. After passing up a gulch to a point near the top of the ridge, we came to a new surface drift cut in the hill about fifty feet. At the mouth of this drift lay several tons of what Mr. Gallagher pronounces very rich hematite ore. This ore had all been taken out while making the short and narrow drift, but that was not all, for we were informed that a car load had been shipped to some furnace. At the end of the cut was a well some thirty feet deep, in which no great body of ore had been struck or was visible. This cut throughout its entire length is composed of fine ore and clay, evidently from a wash from some great body of ore, but the great difficulty is to discover the exact location. Many wells have been struck for that purpose, but the only result was to find the same wash of ore and clay, ___ strike the limestone. Mr. Gallagher thinks the indications will justify the expense of a washer, and should the main body of ore never been found the surface ore wash would pay the expense. We next visited the stone quarries, and after a chat with the gentlemanly boss, Mr. Keenan, we were accompanied by him to the different points where gangs of men were ___ing into the solid blue limestone. Just as we reached the cave a terrible wind, rain and hail storm made it necessary to seek shelter, which we did in the blacksmith shop, as the cave alluded to was only accessible by miners and mountain goats, the entrance being up some fifty feet from the base of a perpendicular and smooth limestone rock. We were shown some beautiful specimens of stalactites and stalagmites that Mr. Nicholas Riley had found in the cave. We have visited many caves and seen many incrustations, but none so fine as those. After the storm we had no more time to extend our investigations further, and after giving a glance at the avalanche of muddy water that went leaping down the stone chute we hastened to the railroad, where we arrived just in time to make the connection which landed us at home. Bass fishers are informed that these holes are splendid traps and full of all sizes of toads.
The Best Ball Story of the Season - Garfield Club Organized.
Mr. William Brott and his mother, of Pittsburgh, are the guests of James Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Embank, from the city of Brotherly Love, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ellsworth.
James Spencer, Esq., one of the attaches of the Philadelphia Ledger, is visiting relatives and friends here.
Joseph Wagner expects a yield of 2,635 bushels of oats off of a thirty-five acre field. It is a beautiful sight.
Miles Hewitt, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his sister, Mrs. George Roller, who has been quite ill, but who is at this writing somewhat better.
Mrs. James Roller, the excellent lady who presides at the Roller house, was taken suddenly and seriously ill on Saturday evening, but at the present is somewhat better.
Miss Annie Snyder and Miss Lilah Work, of Altoona, have been sojourning in our midst for a short time, and express themselves as having a most agreeable and pleasant time.
Mr. J. G. Mullen, one of the best-looking conductors yet on our branch, has charge of the train now - Conductor Campbell being off duty on account of sickness in his family.
The heavy and excessive rains of late have had the effect of spoiling the bass fishing on account of making the water too muddy, but such minor things as corn, potatoes, etc., have been greatly benefited.
Mr. George Garner, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of this township, died at his home on Clover Creek on Monday morning. His disease was gangrene of the feet. He was aged about 70 years.
The Cornet Band of this place discoursed some excellent music at the Garfield meeting on Saturday evening, and many persons remarked the proficiency it has attained. They are open to propositions now to play for any parties or meetings during the campaign, and we know they can and will give satisfaction.
Quite a number of summer visitors dropped down on the village last week. Among the number we note Mr. A. R. Metz, of Philadelphia, who is connected with Messrs. Grabill & Co., who have the largest wood and willow establishment in the country.
Mr. Will Fay, for several years bookkeeper and salesman for James Patterson, has accepted a position at Fort Fred Steele, Wyoming Territory, and will leave here for that place about the 1st of August. Will is a first-class accountant, a number one salesman and an agreeable young man. We confidently commend him to the denizens of that far-off Territory and wish him a prosperous and successful career in his change of place.
The latest bass story on the authority of one of Catharine township's truthful young men, William Delzier [Delozier], is as follows: Mr. Sellinger resides a short distance below Aetna, close by the Willow dam. On Sunday last he hear a terrific splashing in the dam, and on investigating it he thought it was one of his hogs, drowning. It was but the work of a few minutes to pull the object to shore by the aid of a pole with a hook on the end of it, when he discovered it was a bass, evidently choking on a large sunfish. The bass, according to this veracious young man of Catharine township, weighed seven and a half pounds.
The parties interested in the formation of a Garfield and Arthur club, to the number of forty or fifty persons, met on Saturday last in Thompson's Hall (which they have rented for the campaign) and effected an organization as follows: President, Geo. Fay; Vice Presidents, J. M. Kinkead, J. E. Ellsworth, Joshua Roller, E. Trimboth, C. Sparr and John Schwartz; Secretary and Treasurer, F. R. Schmucker; Assistant Secretary, George Ake; Sergeant-at-Arms, H. C. Allender; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, S. B. Hilins. A few remarks were made by Messrs. Kinkead and Trimboth, Mr. Trimboth, as usual, waving the bloody shirt, after which they adjourned until next Saturday. They expect to increase the club to two hundred members.
ISETT - In this city, July 19, Samuel K. Isett, aged 49 years, 4 months and 5 days.
The funeral will take place from his late residence, Chestnut avenue, corner of Eighth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
RENNER - At 7:30 A. M., July 20, Jacob Renner, in the 74th year of his age.
Funeral services at his late residence, No. 1113 Eighth avenue, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, to which the friends of the family are invited. Interment private, at a later hour, at Petersburg, Huntingdon county.
WESSNER - In Tyrone, of diphtheria, July 16, Catherine, daughter of Gottlieb and Adaline Wessner, aged 3 years and 20 days.
RICHARDS - July 9, Minnie May, daughter of Alfred and Sarah J. Richards, aged 5 years, 1 month and 28 days.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, July 21, 1880, page 3
Things Briefly Told.
Hollidaysburg has one hundred and six colored persons.
The Democratic Committee will meet in Hollidaysburg on Saturday.
When Jim Stewart talks at the telephone they can hear him all over Hollidaysburg.
W. Fisk Conrad has purchased the Walker property on Logan street, Tyrone, for $1,500.
The railroad company machinists have decided to hold a picnic, probably on August 12.
John W. Smith, of Tyrone, tried to commit suicide on last Friday night, but didn't quite make the landing.
The Tyrone Presbyterian congregation will hold their picnic in Funk's grove, near Warriorsmark, to-morrow.
The Standard says that Rev. S. McHenry, of the Newry Lutheran church, has tendered his resignation.
Five car loads of emigrants passed through Altoona yesterday on their way to the land of the setting sun.
The Young Men's Christian Association, of Tyrone, has reorganized and will hold regular meetings every Sabbath afternoon.
A report was yesterday circulated around town that Chief of Police Powell had been shot, but it was utterly without foundation.
The Fifth Ward Democratic Club was locked out of its hall last night through an oversight of the janitor and could not hold a meeting.
Ex-Sheriff Funk, Democratic candidate for Associate Judge, and Captain L. W. Neff, candidate for Treasurer, were in the city last evening.
Editor Traugh, of the Standard, looked in on us yesterday. He was dreadfully put out about the muddy waters, having an eye to one more trouting.
The Standard hears that Hon. Thad. Banks has found his summer residence at Sunny Mount to be very beneficial, and that his health is much improved.
The Finance and Decoration Committee of the Garfield and Arthur Club of Altoona, are requested to meet at the office of Edmund Shaw this evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Jack Muffty returned home from Gettysburg last night with a straw hat large enough to come down over the ears of Goliath of Gath. It took a wagon to haul it home.
Policeman John Kimmell was yesterday married to Miss Kate Carroll by Rev. Father Schell, of St. Mary's church. We wish John and his young bride a smooth voyage on life's sea.
It is stated that Messrs. Franciscus & Wood, of Lewistown, have leased the Cold Spring Forge property, and will at once put up an edge-tool factory that will employ a large number of hands.
A very heavy hail storm passed over the railroad about twenty miles beyond Johnstown on Monday. Train men say that the ground was white with hail for some time after. Foliage on the trees and corn was very much cut.
Mrs. Johnson, a cake woman at the depot, was assaulted early yesterday morning when returning from the fast line east, by four brave men, one of whom struck her in the face and then endeavored to break open her house.
Since the arrest of the editor of the Mifflin Owl numerous inquiries have been made by a few persons here as to their Altoona correspondent. If everybody charged with writing for it is guilty they are certainly well supplied from this point.
Mr. S. K. Isett, who was for a long time railroad policeman, died at his residence on Chestnut avenue on Monday afternoon. Mr. Isett was a soldier of the late war, in which he contracted the disease from which he died. It was only a few months since he was pensioned.
Mr. G. F. Armstrong has purchased the store of the Altoona Iron Company, in Millville, for the sum of $1,600 cash, and will hereafter conduct the same. He has also purchased the store of Conrad Ott, and will move the stock and building into and alongside the foregoing. Mr. Armstrong is an enterprising business man, worthy of public patronage, of which we hope he will receive a large share.
Off to Cresson.
Last evening quite a large party of Altoona citizens with their ladies took the train for Cresson, where they spent a social evening with dancing and music. The company was largely composed of the Logan House guests, although quite a number of others accompanied them by special invitation. It is the intention to have the Cresson guests return the visit shortly. The party returned about midnight.
Henry Jengling Found Under the Trees Near the Reservoir.
Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock some boys walking in the vicinity of the Twelfth street reservoir, found the apparently lifeless body of a man lying in the woods. They sounded the alarm and soon quite a crowd was collected. An examination was made, and the man was found to be Henry Jengling, a well-known character on our streets. When first discovered he was not dead, but in a very few moments he breathed his last. Coroner John Humes was immediately notified, and a jury composed of the following gentlemen was summoned: Messrs. William Akers, Charles R. Cromley, George M. D. Sandrus, Gust. Klemmert, James Hileman and Jacob W. Miller. After a view the body was removed to Undertaker Tipton's. The jury heard evidence which developed facts about as follows: Jengling lived most of his time lately at Albert Beck's, in Mudtown. He was a German, and very well educated, having been a newspaper editor before he came to this country. His want of a thorough knowledge of the English language, however, prevented him from following the business here. Rum and extreme poverty were his besetting troubles. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death from heart disease, he being in the habit of taking ether. He may have taken an overdose which resulted in death. The body will be buried at the almshouse today. On Monday it is said that he presented Fred Earhart with a silver snuff box which he carried, as he believed he would not live long and would have no further use for it. An effort will be made to communicate with some of the deceased's relatives, who are said to be living in Germany and occasionally wrote to him.
The New City Railway.
At the last meeting of Council the street railway ordinance was referred back to a committee for further amendment as it was not satisfactory to the proposed corporation. The committee has met and made several important and most excellent alterations in the ordinance. Instead of giving one company the monopoly of the city, any company which fulfills the requirements may build a road. The objectionable clause in regard to keeping fifteen inches outside of each track in repair has been stricken out. The width of the track has been changed to conform to the standard for wagons - not less than five feet. The city also reserves the right to disturb the road-bed in order to make necessary repairs to water pipes. In other particulars the ordinance is the same as the one which was passed and rejected by the company some months since. There seems to be a very favorable feeling in Council toward the projected railway, and it is hoped it may now be completed without further delay.
Death of a Venerable Lady.
We are pained to record the death of Mrs. Sarah Stine, mother of William Macklin, Esq., of McVeytown, and aunt of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dern, of the TRIBUNE, at her residence in Mattawana, Mifflin county, yesterday morning, at the ripe age of 87 years, 7 months and 27 days. Mrs. Stine was one of the best of women, in all that constituted a good neighbor and a trusted friend. Though she had nearly reached her four score years and ten, yet her place in the domestic circle will be sadly missed, and she will be mourned by a large circle of relatives who looked up to her for motherly counsel. For many years, perhaps half a century, she was a member of the Presbyterian Church, which professions she adorned by an upright walk and conversation. She has passed from the busy scenes of this life to her reward in a brighter and better world. Her funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at McVeytown.
Held for Adultery.
The case of Mrs. Swope, charged with adultery, was yesterday afternoon before Judge Mann on a writ of habeas corpus. Quite a number of witnesses were examined, the respective sides being represented by attorneys as follows: For the prosecution, Messrs. Tierney, Lytle, of Huntingdon, and District Attorney; for the defense, Messrs. Herr and Leisenring. The Judge bound Mrs. Swope over in the sum of $200 for her appearance at court. Higgins, against whom the complaint was also made, was arrested yesterday at Houtzdale. He waived a hearing and entered bail for his appearance at court.
Jacob Renner, a Silver Grey, Dies at His Home.
Although expected, the death of Jacob Renner, one of Altoona's oldest citizens, was none the less painful to his many friends. He expired at his residence on Eighth avenue, near Twelfth street, yesterday morning. Mr. Renner was a member of the Silver Grey Social Club of this place and the third member who died within six months. Deceased was born on his parents' farm, near Huntingdon, on May 2d, 1807, where he remained until about seventeen years of age. He then moved to Williamsburg and was apprenticed to a cabinet maker. Subsequent to that he lived at different times at Alexandria, Petersburg, Clearfield county and Tipton. Finally Mr. Renner moved to Altoona and engaged as a clerk in the carpenter shop of the railroad company, in which capacity he continued until 1870, when failing health compelled him to retire from business. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 1 o'clock, to proceed to Petersburg for interment.
A special meeting of the Silver Grey Social Club was held last evening at their usual place of meeting, to take action in relation to the death of their late brother member, Jacob Renner. The meeting was called to order by the President, Robert Alexander, when on motion of Mr. Eaby the reading of the minutes was dispensed with. The Secretary made a statement that he and Mr. Everson had visited the family of the deceased brother, and that they requested the club to attend the funeral in a body, and take charge of the remains. On motion six pall bearers were selected as follows: John Miller, William Sellers, William McClellan, Allen McGlathery, George Hawksworth and Matthew Black. On motion adjourned, to meet to-day at 2 o'clock P. M. at Eaby & Son's ware rooms, to attend the funeral of our late brother.
A Young Girl Endeavors to Make Way With Herself.
At a late hour on Monday night the police were informed that a young woman had attempted to commit suicide at a house near Sixth avenue and Fourteenth street. They proceeded to the place and found a girl aged about 17 years, lying at the house, vomiting violently and with every symptom of poisoning. She is a native of Huntingdon, but is said to have come to Altoona with Madame Rentz's minstrels, and to have abandoned the troupe here. The next heard of her was a report that a young lady had been violently assaulted while on her way home from the Vigilant ball some weeks since. [This appears to have been partially incorrect, as she was not at the ball.] The girl, on Monday night was taken to the lock-up and put under lock and key, after having partially recovered. Yesterday morning she told the Mayor that she had taken a half ounce of aconite to end her troubles. Shortly after breakfast she was sent on her way rejoicing. Later in the day, in conversation with a reporter, she stated that she had not intended to commit suicide, and indeed denied any desire whatever to climb the golden stair yet awhile. She, however, said that she had tried to kill herself at Akron, Ohio, some time since. The girl is quite young and pretty, and is neatly dressed. She was sent to her home in Huntingdon last night by the police authorities.
Garfield and Arthur Club.
A meeting was last night held in the Opera House by citizens of the First and Seventh wards who were interested in forming a Garfield and Arthur campaign club. Quite a number of citizens were present and the club starts out under apparently a propitious star. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Hauser, and Edmund Shaw, Esq., acted as Secretary. The report of a Committee on Organization, appointed at a former meeting, was read and adopted. It contained the following organization: President, D. K. Ramey; Vice President, Edmund Shaw; Secretary, J. Fred. Snyder; Treasurer, Harry Geesey; Captain of Marching Club, Colonel Theodore Burchfield; Chairman of Finance Committee, Louis Plack; Executive Committee, A. L. McCartney, J. L. Metzgar, B. F. Rose, H. C. Dern, James McCullough, S. B. Calvert, James Williamson, D. Laughlin, A. W. Houser, George Harman, Harrison Oburn, James Shollenberger, James A. Elway, A. C. Lytle, Major John M. Clark, David How, James Cox, James Turner, Levi Geesey, William Tompkins, William Burley, N. F. Cunningham, Christ. Bash, Michael Stover and David Beegle. After other business the club adjourned. The regular time of meeting was fixed for every Saturday night.
Arrested for Selling Liquor Unlawfully.
When the three boys, Madden, Casselry and Ehringer were arrested a few days since, they were found to have a bucket of beer. Subsequent investigation showed that a boy named Kechler had forged an order for it, and then sent a boy named Rice with part of the stolen money and the order to buy it. He purchased it of Mary E. Oeffinger and Martin Oeffinger her son. The Oeffingers were arrested for selling liquor to minors, and yesterday had a hearing before Alderman Rose. There is a knotty question here, as to whether they have a right to sell to any minor on an order even if it was not forged. The case was adjourned until this evening, when it will be argued. It is the general opinion that the law is explicit in regard to selling to minors. In case the parties are bound over, it has been agreed to submit it to Judge Dean for decision without trial by jury.
Mifflin the Scene of a Dastardly Outrage.
Last night word came to Altoona that Lush Louder, a resident of Patterson, near Mifflin, had kicked his wife to death. Jealousy seemed to be the cause. The particulars were as follows: Mrs. Louder has for some time past been in delicate health, and as she and her husband could not get along together they separated and she went to live with her sister. There she became more sickly and a physician was called in. Louder thought his attentions were greater than was necessary and appears to have become jealous of him. Yesterday he went to see his wife, and while disputing about the doctor gave her a kick which killed her. Our informant says he was captured and locked up. Louder is known in this city as a man apparently about 33 years of age and addicted to drinking. He is said to be a rough customer and very shiftless, not staying at one employment any great length of time. This was largely the cause of the separation, as he could not earn money enough to keep the family.
Later. - Word received last night said the woman was still living, although no hopes were entertained that she would survive.
Mending the Old Reservoir.
A force of about thirty hands is employed in rebuilding the old reservoir dam, near South Fork, for the Western Game and Fish Association, and the embankment will be completed within two months, providing no untoward accident should delay the work. It was the anticipation of Mr. Pearson, the gentleman in charge, that the job would have been finished up some time ago, but he has experienced the greatest kind of difficulty in securing competent hands, and his force all along has been less than one-half the number he would be willing to employ. Some of our older residents will remember that on the 26th of this month, eighteen years ago, the reservoir dam broke, and although comparatively little damage was done by the flood the residents down along the Conemaugh felt easier after the water found a regular channel through the fissure which had been made in the high bank.
Rough on Eli Green.
From the Philadelphia News.
Altoona has a fat man in the employ of the Pennsylvania railroad who weighs 438 pounds. He tried on a military uniform the other day just to see how he would look, and in ten minutes it was reported all over town that Hancock had arrived.
Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, July 21, 1880, page 4