Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 15, 1878
Fight Between a Dog and Monkeys.
A scene which occasioned some amusement to the lookers-on was
enacted at the hotel of James Dunn, on Union avenue, between Eighth
and Ninth avenues, yesterday. A couple of Italians stopped at the
tavern for some refreshment, having with them two monkeys. One of the
monkeys was chained under a porch, while the other was fastened to one
of the Italians. They were occasionally loosened and allowed to roam
the yard. Some boys of the neighborhood presently discovered the
presence of the monkeys, and they determined to have some fun. Dunn,
the proprietor, owns a large bull-dog, and the boys thought the dog
was a match for the monkeys, so they got up a fight between them. The
dog made a hard fight, but could gain no glory, as the "monks" were
able to keep both dogs and boys at bay. The snorting, scratching and
chattering were almost distracting.
Burglars' Tools Found.
On Sunday Mr. John Myers, a car inspector in the Pennsylvania
railroad yard in this city, near Hagerty's wood, on the line of the
railroad, found a skeleton key and a "lock-picker." He gave them to
Police Officer Isett, who in turn handed them to Mr. J. H. Sands, yard
despatcher. The key was tried and was found to unlock almost any
door. Most likely some of the tramps in the wood lost the
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 15, 1878, page
The days grow shorter at both ends.
All the stylish dresses for fall are to be cut short.
The cricket's evening song begins to sound fall like.
Garnets, so long tabooed, are again edging into fashion.
There's a trimming consisting of a lace of gold filigree work.
The schoolboy's heart grows heavy as the vacation days roll by.
Jennie June thinks the round waist will revive the pretty apron of
Recent importations of fancy woolen goods, gauzes and silks are in
Sin never strikes for higher wages. It is satisfied with death for
its recompense.
The man who scribbles over show windows with a piece of soap has
reached Westchester.
The Christ Reformed Church Sunday school will picnic at Roaring
Springs on the 22d inst.
The Camp Daily will be issued from the office of the Lewistown
Gazette during the Juniata valley camp meeting.
The MORNING TRIBUNE keeps growing in public favor, and daily
accessions are made to its already large circulation.
An exchange calls the watermelon "that luscious capsule of pink
moisture," and another "our favorite national pod."
A carrier pigeon was picked up during a storm in Johnstown on
Tuesday evening. Its feathers were nearly all beaten off by hail.
"If names are necessary they can be given. We don't think it
necessary," writes an anonymous correspondent. We do, however, and
the paper goes the way of all unendorsed communications - to the waste
Several cases of sickness are reported in Williamsburg, among them
James Roller, Esq., who has been dangerously ill but is now somewhat
The Williamsburg farmers are complaining that the corn and potato
crops will be a complete failure owing to the lack of rain, and the
indications are that their complaints have considerable foundation in
The martins are exercising their young for their southern flight.
Last year they were unusually late in taking their flight, which
weather wiseacres said was a sign of an open winter. How near they
hit the mark all know.
A valuable horse belonging to Mr. William Stokes, proprietor of the
planing mill on Green avenue below Ninth street, was kicked on the leg
on Sunday night last by another horse. The leg was broken. The
animal was shot yesterday.
Dr. W. C. Roller, of Hollidaysburg, has appointed Jacob Burley, of
Tyrone; W. D. Couch, of Altoona, and S. B. Isenburg, of Mines, to
represent him at the Senatorial conference.
The barn of David Yoder, in Richland township, Cambria county, was
struck by lightning on Tuesday evening and totally destroyed, with its
contents. Fifteen days ago Mr. Yoder's insurance policy ran out.
"Ticks filled with alacrity" reads the sign of an enterprising
individual on Eleventh street, on the East Side. Straw, feathers -
alacrity! As we never slept on a tick filled with alacrity we haven't
the slightest idea what kind of a bed it would make.
It will delight the heart of the Small Boy to learn that his hours
spent in ardent admiration of Barnum's preliminary posters have
probably not been in vain. Barnum will be in Pittsburgh on the 10th
and 11th of September, which indicates his advance in this
John Hawn, one of the brothers of that name who were so brutally
beaten and then robbed by tramps in June last, died at his home in
Juniata township, Huntingdon county, on the 4th inst. His death is
believed to have been hastened by the ill-treatment he received at the
hands of the robbers.
There's nothing like cold water
As it bubbies from the spring;
It beats the coolest lager,
Port wine or whisky sling.
Gone aloft is little Jimmy;
In the pantry ne'er again
Will he gather mother's pickles
To his little stomach's pain.
From the topmost shelf he tumbled.
Crashing down he fell ker slam,
And a piercing cucumber
Pierced him through the diaphragm.
Notes from Hollidaysburg.
Ten stonemasons, with their helpers, are pushing up the heavy stone
foundation for the new engine house at furnace No. 1.
The wife of Thomas Hussey died on Monday at the residence of Pat
Halpin, in Shantytown. Mrs. Hussey's mind has been impaired for the
last two years.
Scott Confer mourns the loss of a pair of boots and some other
small articles that left his dwelling on Sunday last. About the same
time a man who had worked with him stepped down and out.
Hutchison Ayers, of Blair street, is the latest happy man.
Yesterday his family was increased by two, a boy and a girl. This
thing seems to be getting contagious.
Two young men, Baird and Sweeny, who had just served out a term in
jail for drunkenness and disorderly conduct have been on the rampage
again, and it is said warrants have been issued for their arrest.
A little son of H. Clapper, residing at Frankstown, had his left
arm broken a few days ago by a rail which fell upon it as he was in
the act of opening the bars of a field adjoining the parental
residence. Dr. D. S. Hays set the fractured member.
Mrs. Catharine Bender, the old lady who was so badly injured by an
explosion of coal oil some weeks ago, is now pronounced out of danger
and her wounds are rapidly healing. The old lady was in a critical
condition for a time and she is largely indebted, under Providence, to
the skill and attention of her physician, Dr. D. S. Hays.
Another attempt was made to rob the residence of Father Walsh, of
St. Mary's Catholic Church, a few evenings ago. Three burglars
obtained entrance to the house, but were frightened away by shots
fired by Mr. Walsh. They will sooner or later be caught up if they
continue this sort of conduct. Perhaps we ought to apologize to the
burglars for mentioning the occurrence, but then it is generally known
in the community, and publication can do no harm.
A visit in the early morning to the coke ovens in Gaysport will
well repay persons who desire to secure specimens of butterflies, bugs
and all other kinds of winged insects. They are attracted by the
light from the ovens and soon fall victims to the sulphurous gas.
Millions of the most beautiful as well as the most hideous can be
gathered up after a dark night.
James Kelley, positively the last of the hundred thousand servants
that belonged to the immortal G. W., together with his aged wife, are
inmates of the Blair county almshouse. Those who look upon the white
hair, the bent and decrepit body and the wrinkled face of old James
will not doubt his being a genuine centenarian. He attended camp
meeting, and frequently walks to town to see his old friends.
Gaysport is noted for its little excitements which generally
originate near the plank road, and like the waves on the mighty ocean
never cease until reaching Lowe's island at the further extremity of
town. The latest was caused by the Hollidaysburg Gas Company. In
excavating for a foundation at furnace No. 1 a public sewer was opened
and found to be filled with coal tar. Hot steam and water was let in,
which caused the tar to discharge into the channel of the river, the
water in which is so low that it will not carry the tar away. The
town cows made the discovery that coal tar was death to the flies and
waded into the black, sticky mass, and by a vigorous use of both legs
and tails soon left no place uncovered for an attack from their little
tormentors. The tar had the same effect that the rods had that were
laid in the watering trough, with the only difference that the tar
made them all black, instead of ringed, streaked and striped. So the
owners, not knowing their cows, had, like little Bo-Peep, let them
alone until they came home, etc. What troubled Bridget and Catharine
most was that the lacteal fluid was effectually sealed up, but pretty
soon some inventive genius made the discovery that a plentiful supply
of fine dust applied to the udder formed a crust similar to the shell
of an egg and as easily removed. So things are quieting down, but the
citizens have petitioned the borough fathers to abate the
For the last two weeks a small band of gypsies, whose tawny skin
and coal-black eyes and hair denote them to be of the genuine
vagabond, fortune-telling tribe, have been camping in the ore bank
woods. In their daily visits to town they soon found out the
residences of the superstitious and ignorant and have been
appropriating any and every thing they chance to see about the
dwellings. A widow lady, who supported an aged and infirm aunt by
washing, on several evenings last week when she returned to her humble
dwelling, after a hard day's washing, found chairs, bedclothes and
even the small amount of provision carried away by one of the party
who had so worked on the brain and superstitions of the old lady that
she permitted them to take what they wanted. A constable was
notified, who soon caused them to cease their visits to that
An Ore Hill correspondent, under date of August 6, writes as
The item in yesterday's TRIBUNE concerning Theodore Dichy is
incorrect. Dichy is engaged in digging ore and had his hand hurt
while thus engaged. Jones Gifford is the engineer in charge of the
little locomotive engine at the mines.
The water is about played out. A day or two more and the washer
will be idle. During the period of enforced idleness the pump will be
repaired by James Craig, of Hollidaysburg, who is now here for that
Mr. Frank. Glessner, of Hollidaysburg, paid us a flying visit to-
day. Familiar faces are always a welcome sight in this rather lively
Ore Hill clerks do not believe it the pleasantest thing in life,
this thing of getting up at midnight to get a bottle of laudanum,
paregoric or soothing syrup for some unhappy father who is prancing
around under your window, all because there's trouble with the baby's
The Sunday school is in a flourishing condition. The sum of $15.50
was recently subscribed by the miners for the purchase of singing
The MORNING TRIBUNE is a welcome visitor at this place, and is the
only paper that gives us all the news. Mr. Dobbins is a faithful
agent, never having failed to send our papers up. We are thankful
that this is so, for its failure to arrive would knock things all
Another Dastardly Outrage by the Haggerty's Wood Tramps.
E. F. Swoope, a resident of Three Springs, Huntingdon county, who,
as many have done before him, teaches school during the winter months
and turns his hand to anything that will enable him to earn a
livelihood in the summer, arrived in the city on Sunday night from
Westmoreland county, where he had been working in the harvest field.
He stayed all night at a hotel, and in the morning walked to the lower
shops to inquire for work. While in that vicinity he was hailed by
three of the tramps who infest Haggerty's wood, who wanted to know
where he was going. He told them he was going to Huntingdon. They
then asked him if he couldn't give them some whisky, and Swoope said
he could not and would not. Without more ado the villains attacked
Swoope, knocking him down and robbing him of $2. One of the
scoundrels struck at him with a knife, and his upper lip was cut clean
through. Swoope, after being beaten and robbed, contrived to get away
with the additional loss of his hat. On his way to the Mayor's office
be met Chief McDonald, and, stating what had occurred, returned with
the chief for the purpose of identifying his assailants. Swoope
recognized one of the men and the chief succeeded in capturing him.
The two others escaped. At the Mayor's office the prisoner, a
villainous-looking tramp, gave his names as Thomas Green, and said he
was from Denver, Colorado. He was committed to the lock-up to await
the first train to Hollidaysburg, where he was taken last evening by
Sheriff Stiffler. Swoope, who has a brother in this city, went to see
him in order to arrange for the continuance of his journey home. He
had some money left, even after the tramps got through with him.
The Eclipse Monday Evening - Other Astronomical Phenomena.
The eclipse of the moon was a success in this latitude. It arose
gracefully over Brush mountain about 7:40 o'clock, its surface being
about one third eclipsed. That part of the pale luminary of night not
covered by the shadow had a murky red appearance. On the 15th of this
month, at 11:23 P. M., Jupiter's fourth satellite will emerge from its
occultation and be visible twenty-seven minutes and then disappear in
Jupiter's shadow. The other three satellites of Jupiter revolve
around in planes but little inclined to the planet's orbit, so that
each revolution they pass through the cone of shade, thereby causing
to themselves an eclipse of the sun. The fourth satellite, on account
of its greater inclination, is eclipsed less frequently. There are
other phenomena of great interest to the scientific world that will
manifest themselves during the latter part of the month. Although of
much benefit to astronomers the coming events will not awaken very
much interest in the smoked glass merchants.
Greenbackers Willing to take Gold.
In giving out the money with which to pay the employes of the
machine shops on Saturday the banks issued a large number of bright
new pennies. In a little while many of the recipients began chaffing
the workmen who belong to the National Greenback Labor party, telling
them that their organization came to the front too late - that
resumption had already begun. "If you don't believe it, look at these
two-dollar and-a-half gold pieces!" they said. One of the
Greenbackers, taken with the bright appearance of the coin, walked up
to the counter and requested of the cashier "two of those two-dollar-
and-a-half gold pieces." The cashier then handed him out two new
pennies, much to the man's astonishment.
A Melancholy Relic.
One day last week George Miller and two of Doug. McCartney's boys
were over the mountain at Lowther's old saw mill, in Cambria county.
While stooping down to take a drink out of the run one of the party
discovered something bright under a stone, which proved to be a silver
watch and steel chain, supposed to belong to one of three men who were
blown up with the mill in 1865. The works were somewhat rusty, but
the case was still bright. The hands indicated 2 o'clock, at about
which time the mill blew up.
Two Young Men, Attempting to Separate Combatants, Are Drawn Into the
Fight - One of Them Severely Gashed.
On Saturday night, in the neighborhood of Ninth street and Eleventh
avenue, a row occurred, during which a young man who was not
originally a participant got pretty badly cut about the head. The
facts, as near as they have so far been ascertained, are about as
follows: A man named Rhodes was pummeling another party, whose name
no one seems to know, pretty severely. Rhodes is a large man, and, as
the story runs, had taken some advantage by which his opponent became
the "under dog." Scott and Wesley Eckelberger, young men who reside
in the vicinity, passed at the time, and the man who was getting the
worst of the fight called out and asked them if they thought he had a
fair show, or if it was a fair fight, or something of the sort. The
reply was "No," and Scott Eckelberger, who is a stout young man, went
to the assistance of the man who was being beaten and endeavored to
separate the combatants. Of course this drew the attention of Rhodes
or some of his friends to Eckelberger, and he was attacked. He
knocked his first assailant down and was compelled to repeat it. Then
another party unknown came up, and Scott knocked him down also. By
this time Rhodes, it is said, got near enough to Eckelberger for the
purpose and stabbed him with a knife in the right side, near the lower
edge of the shoulder blade. Wesley Eckelberger, in assisting his
brother, was struck with a beer glass thrown by another individual,
who was not recognized. (Some say this fellow took the glass out of
his pocket, and used it by striking with it.) Wesley received some
ugly cuts, and the glass was broken into fragments. It was reported
that he had an eye knocked out, but this rumor was caused by a cut
over the eye which allowed the lid to drop. His cheek was badly
gashed and he received other wounds, none of which, fortunately, are
dangerous. Scott Eckelberger, when he went with his brother to Dr.
Ross to have the latter's hurts attended to, did not know that he was
cut until some one noticed blood on his clothes. His wound is
trifling, however.
The "Tribune" Misinformed About Presiding Elder Mitchell.
The following statement of Presiding Elder Swallow speaks for
itself. We are glad that the reports concerning Presiding Elder
Mitchell's position in regard to the observance of the Sabbath at the
Juniata valley camp meeting are unfounded. Our information was not
original with us, but came to us in such a shape as to demand
publicity in that it might be denied or affirmed. If true it would be
injurious to the coming meeting; if false it was nothing more than
right it should be so branded. This official utterance of Rev.
Swallow sets Mr. Mitchell and the management right before the public
and removes the main objections that have been urged against the
latter. A protest against special Sunday trains and closed gates is
about the limit reasonable persons could demand of the directory. The
protest has been made and the closed gates are promised. All that the
TRIBUNE has said on the subject has been from the best of motives,
with not the least particle of hostility to the association, for the
very good reason that one of the family of the writer is a
TYRONE, August 6, 1878.
Eds. TRIBUNE: There certainly is a mistake in the statement published
in the TRIBUNE yesterday to the effect that Presiding Elder Mitchell
is determined to let his recalcitrant brethren know that Sunday at
camp shall be observed as heretofore. First, it is entirely unlike
the man to make such threats or boast, and second, at a meeting of the
Board of Directors of the Juniata Valley Camp Meeting Association,
held at Newton Hamilton in April (I think), 1877, he sustained the
position - taken by some of us in favor of closing the gates on the
Sabbath - in a speech of ten or fifteen minutes, giving his reasons
why the gates should be closed; hence I think that the TRIBUNE has
been misinformed.
By the way, the camp meeting directors sent a committee to the
railroad company since the camp meeting last year with instructions to
say that we want no special trains to the camp meeting on Sabbath, and
if they are run we will close the gates to all passengers arriving on
such trains. Now the railroad company has announced by large and
attractive posters the schedule for special Sunday trains. Of course
the gates will be closed, and, of course, no man or woman of
respectability, to say nothing of religious culture, will go on these
trains to spend the day outside the gates. Yours fraternally, S. C.
The Habeas Corpus Case of Ex-Councilman Detwiler.
Ex-Councilman George Detwiler, who was arrested some days ago
charged on the information of Patrick H. McDermott with attempting to
set fire to an unoccupied house on the East Side, and who was placed
under $1,000 bail for his appearance at court, was before Judge Mann
at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon on a writ of habeas corpus. McDermott
was the first witness sworn, and his testimony was substantially the
same as that contained in the information, the language of which has
already been published. The evidence of two other witnesses tended to
corroborate the charge of McDermott. Judge Mann ruled that no
witnesses for the defense could be heard, and after the case had been
argued by John A. Doyle (as private counsel) and District Attorney
Jackson for the prosecution, and Messrs. Flanigan, Brophy, Mervine and
Alexander for the defense, the judge said that in his opinion
sufficient evidence bad been adduced to justify him in binding the
defendant over for his appearance, but, in compliance with the
application of counsel, he would reduce Detwiler's bail from $1,000 to
$500. Mr. Detwiler's former security, Benjamin Burley, then went upon
his bond.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Patrick Sullivan, laborer in the foundry, was agreeably surprised
on Saturday evening. Ever since Patrick's return from the army his
eyesight has been impaired, and a few weeks ago he found it necessary
to place himself under the treatment of a Philadelphia oculist. Mr.
Sullivan being poor he could ill afford to lose the time consumed by
his stay in Philadelphia, so his fellow shopmates subscribed sums
aggregating about twenty-seven dollars and presented the amount to him
at the co-operative store on Saturday evening. The recipient was so
grateful that words failed him in his efforts to express his thanks.
The foundrymen evidently have in them a good deal of the milk of human
The "Blind Musician" in Huntingdon.
A blind musician, who plays a harmonica and an accompaniment on the
guitar, gave some very excellent curb-stone entertainments here on
Saturday last to the delight of lovers of good music. His little
daughter Emma, who led him around, also danced and gathered in the
pennies contributed by a not over-charitable public. His name is
Bellos, of New Castle, Pa., and he has been blind for twenty-eight
years. - Huntingdon Monitor.
This is the individual with whom the management of the Connolly
House, on Tenth avenue, about a week ago had so much trouble about the
payment of his board bill. The little girl is not his daughter, it is
said, and if all reports are correct she should be taken away from
those who have her in charge at present.
Death of Leroy Phelsh.
Leroy Phelsh, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, of whose bad luck in having
his leg crushed between cars near Huntingdon mention was made last
Monday week has since died. He was reputed to be a tramp. He was
taken to the Huntingdon county almshouse, and word was sent to his
father of his condition. The father came on and on Saturday last,
accompanied by a physician, went to see his unfortunate son. It was
found necessary to amputate the limb, and in an hour and a half after
the performance of the operation poor Phelsh was dead.
A Young Man Torn to Pieces in the Rolling Mill at Johnstown.
A most terrible and shocking accident happened at the rolling mill
of the Cambria iron works at Johnstown yesterday morning, and the
details are of the most awful description. The Tribune says that
Cloyd L. Delany, who was in his 17th year, was employed at the "run-
out hook," on the finishing side of the rolls, in the old mill.
Shortly before 3 o'clock he lay down on a bench which is close to the
engine, while the engineer worked part of the turn for him. After the
usual spell, which lasts about twenty minutes, the sleeping man was
called up; and instead of making his way around the ponderous wheel be
deliberately walked toward it, and fell between two of the arms, or
spokes. It was revolving very rapidly, and in the twinkling of an eye
his horrified fellow workmen saw the mutilated and dismembered body
shooting upward from the opposite side.
They noticed one of his legs flying at an angle in the direction of
the place where he fell against the wheel, and the other striking a
steam pipe some fifteen feet overhead. They also saw the body shoot
almost perpendicularly upwards and the intestines stringing out from
the bowels and lapping around the iron braces of the roof. Then they
heard a dull thud on the iron floor as the mangled, bleeding form came
down, and they saw the brains of the poor fellow scattered around.
With the exception of his face, which escaped with two very slight
bruises, there was scarcely a semblance of anything human about the
corpse. His fellow employes gathered up the scattered limbs and
entrails as best they could, and placing the dismembered parts on a
stretcher the remains were conveyed to the undertaking establishment
of Mr. James, on Clinton street, where they were placed in a
This was about 3 o'clock in the morning, and three hours later the
corpse was removed to the late home of the deceased, on Walnut street,
near the Stonycreek.
Cloyd Delany, the young man who was killed, came to Johnstown last
spring from Wayne township, in Mifflin county, and commenced working
in the rolling mill only three weeks ago. His disposition was so
gentle and good that all his fellow employes "took to him" at once,
and they would do anything for him. In fact he was frequently
relieved of his employment for a short time by fellow workmen who did
not happen to be engaged at the particular time. After midnight on
Tuesday he got thus a resting spell, and it is likely he was not fully
awake when, hurriedly jumping up in answer to a call, he made his way
against the wheel. The fence which surrounds the large fly wheel had
been taken down several days ago for the purpose of making repairs to
it, and no temporary barrier was put up in its place. This was an
oversight which may be classed as almost criminal carelessness.
Brazil Not a Paradise.
Colonel John A. Lemon, of Hollidaysburg, received a letter from his
brother Samuel a few days ago, the facts of which, in view of certain
statements recently made, are important. Mr. Lemon says that
everybody connected with the Collins expedition is in good health,
that the company is thoroughly organized, and that the work of
building the railroad is being pushed rapidly. He also states that
they have plenty of good, substantial provisions. This would seem to
indicate that a writer in one of the eastern papers has been drawing
on his imagination for his facts when he complains of starvation
staring the members of the expedition in the face. There is no doubt
but that the employes who went to Brazil found things entirely
different from what they were used to, and the grumblers who expected
a sort of paradise in that far-off country were surprised at the
prevalence of heat, the absence of luxuries, and the close attention
paid to them by mosquitoes and different varieties of insects peculiar
to a torrid climate. Then they discovered lots of venomous reptiles,
huge anacondas and such, which induced them to find fault with
everything. Many comforts of civilization are doubtless denied them,
but they will get used to the situation.
The Night-blooming Cereus.
For four years past Dr. Ross has had in his possession a plant
which puts forth the flower known as "night-blooming cereus." He
obtained the specimen from a man in Greenville, Mercer county, who had
neglected it in his hothouse, and the plant had been frozen to the
ground. In the four years Dr. Ross has possessed it, it has recovered
its vitality, and to the interested family it gave signs Sunday of the
rapid development of its flower. Early in the evening the petals
began to open, and about 10 o'clock the beautiful flower was in full
bloom. The petals begin to close as the morning approaches, and by
this time, most probably, the green and not handsome stems bear no
evidence of having given birth to such glorious beauty as they did
Sunday evening. Quite a number of persons enjoyed the spectacle
during the night.
The Proposed Printers Picnic.
The printers of the Juniata valley take kindly to the proposed
picnic. Why shouldn't they, when, as a rule, they are good cases? -
Huntingdon Local News.
No reason in the world. It is well known that the printers will
"stick" to anything they "set up." They would, no doubt, make a good
"display," as their "make-up" is generally "correct," and when they
"distribute" their glances among the fair sex, or "press" their lovely
"forms," all will feel like "rolling" in and having a gala ("galley")
day. No "stone," however "imposing," would be left unturned to make a
fair and lasting "impression."
Knocked Down and Almost Run Over.
Mrs. Lena Roger, wife of Simon Roger, butcher, residing at the
corner of Chestnut avenue and Tenth street, was in a dangerous
predicament on Saturday morning. The horse, attached to a wagon,
belonging to her husband became unmanageable in the yard of their
residence and started to run away. Mrs. Roger, who was standing by,
was struck in the side, knocked down and her clothing torn, while the
animal nearly ran over her. The shafts were broken and the wagon
Hollidaysburg Seminary.
This institution, under the management of Professor Hussey, will
commence the fall term September 11. It is among the best educational
establishments in the State, well conducted in all its departments, as
witnessed by the annual large and increasing list of students.
Professor Hussey is a gentleman of the highest character and eminent
as an educator. He is assisted by an able corps of instructors.
Altogether we can most cordially commend the Hollidaysburg seminary to
the patronage of our friends everywhere.
Two More Youthful Trespassers Jailed.
When an eastern-bound freight train arrived in this city Thursday
morning two boys - James Hickey, whose parents reside on the East Side
and who has been away on a "jaunt" for two months or more, and a
Harrisburg boy named Henry Engle - were taken out of a box car. In
the afternoon they had a hearing before Alderman O'Toole, and under
the act which forbids trespassing were committed to the county jail.
Railroad Policeman Mock took them to Hollidaysburg.
A Severe Spraining Accident.
On Saturday morning, while Mr. J. T. Warfel was engaged in hauling
some vegetables from the Pennsylvania railroad warehouse the horse he
was driving made a sudden turn around the corner of Eleventh street
and the gentleman was thrown out. In the endeavor to save himself
from striking the ground on his head Mr. Warfel threw out his right
arm, the wrist of which was severely sprained by the collision with
the earth.
He is Greeted by a Church Full of Friends and a Happy Time Spent.
The feelings of Rev. Mr. Baker, pastor of the First Lutheran
Church, of this city, can be better imagined than described at the
spontaneous outburst of affection exhibited to him at the reception in
the church Tuesday evening. The reverend gentleman arrived in New
York a couple of days ago from a trip to Europe, which was entered
upon on the 23d of last May. He was accompanied on his continental
tour by S. S. Mason, Esq., a member of his church. Mr. Mason arrived
in New York with Mr. Baker, but did not accompany him to Altoona.
The despatch to friends in this city announcing Mr. Baker's arrival
in New York also stated that he would reach home last evening. When
the fast line, which was twenty minutes late, came in there was quite
a gathering of his friends to greet him at the depot. The reverend
gentleman was met when he alighted by the Church Council, consisting
of four deacons and four elders, and then George F. Jones and Rev.
William B. Glanding - the latter having frequently filled the pulpit
during Rev. Baker's absence - escorted him to the bosom of his family,
where he was joyfully welcomed.
In the meantime the church had been lighted up and the pulpit was
decorated with vases of beautiful flowers, a handsome cross depending
from the front of the stand. A frame having a large arch in the
centre and on either side smaller ones bad been erected and tastefully
ornamented. The centre piece bore the words "Welcome Home;" the right
arch was inscribed "Our Pastor," and the left one "And Brother." This
last had reference to Mr. Mason.
Front seats had been reserved for the family and their intimate
friends. Mr. Baker entered the church about 8:30 and was escorted to
the platform in front of the pulpit by George F. Jones, followed by
Mayor Hurd and Revs. Hunter, of the Church of God; Sherlock, of the
Third Methodist Church; Spangler, of the United Brethren Church;
Shearer, of the Second Lutheran Church; Jaekel, of the German Lutheran
Church; Mose, of the Lutheran Church, of Lockport, N. Y.; Glanding, of
the First Lutheran Church, and Keedy, president of the female seminary
at Hagerstown, Md., who ranged themselves in chairs in the extreme
front of the auditorium.
Mr. Jones announced Mr. Baker's arrival, and the choir rendered a
voluntary, after which Rev. Hunter delivered a prayer. Then Mayor
Hurd made a short address of welcome in behalf of the people of
Altoona. Addresses of welcome were then delivered by Rev. Sherlock on
behalf of the ministerial body; on behalf of the congregation by J. S.
Herbst; on behalf of the Sunday school by Mr. Bushnell; on behalf of
the Church Council by T. Blair Patton, and an address welcoming Mr.
Baker back to his pulpit by Rev. William B. Glanding. These exercises
were interspersed with beautiful and appropriate music by the
excellent choir.
Mr. Baker replied to all these evidences of affectionate regard in
a neat little address in which he expressed his thankfulness for the
tribute of love that had been paid him. He said he was not prepared
to recount the scenes he had passed through and the many impressive,
remarkable and beautiful things he had observed. His visit had not
lessened his love for the old world and its wonders, but had increased
his love for his own free country. It was not that he loved foreign
lands less, but America more. He thanked God for the mercies that had
been shown him in his travels. Not a single accident or an hour's
detention, to his knowledge, had occurred to mar the pleasure of his
visit, during which 10,000 miles had been traversed. When he got to
New York, however, he never before felt half so much like making a
speech - he was so happy to stand once more upon the shores of his
dear native land - and he felt like singing that grand old song of
freedom, "My country, 'tis of thee." He had seen many magnificent
churches and places of worship, and heard music the grandeur of which
had deeply impressed him; but there was nothing which could displace
the love he bore for his own old church and congregation and the music
of the choir at home. He again thanked the large audience for this
token of their appreciation, friendship and affection.
Almost the entire assemblage then passed in front of the pulpit and
personally greeted their returned pastor and friend.
Mr. Baker looks exceedingly well, and his trip has evidently agreed
with him. Mr. Mason stopped off at Philadelphia to visit some
A Trip to Baker's Peach Farm.
The senior of the Tribune knows just where there are good victuals,
good fruits, pretty women, nice trout and big bass, and we always like
to travel with him when he goes forth on a mission of spoliation. So
Tuesday he vaguely hinted that if we wished to mount shank's mare we
might go with him to the peach orchard of Mr. George W. Baker, two
miles or more north of the city. The invitation was accepted and a
pleasant walk found us in the orchard, where Mr. Baker was at work
looking after his fruit, and who gave us a cordial welcome, after
which he escorted us through the grounds, pointing out the choicest
fruit and ever and anon stopping to test the quality of that which is
rapidly ripening. Mr. Baker will have about one thousand bushels for
sale this season, which he purposes putting in the hands of several of
our city dealers for disposal as the fruit ripens. He is making many
improvements about his farm, and will plant one thousand trees of
different varieties next season to take the place of worn-out trees
and to enlarge his orchard. The trees in the new orchard are thrifty
and have each about a peck of fruit on them. Mr. Baker is a clever,
whole-souled gentleman, and we wish him good luck in his pomological
An Immense Structure.
Persons who have not visited Johnstown since the Gautier Steel
Company's building was commenced can form some idea of the magnitude
of the structure when we state that it covers an area of 86,080 square
feet. The trusses are of iron, and it has been the aim to construct
it entirely fireproof. The roof consists of ploughed and grooved
sheathing, upon which is placed prepared paper, gravel and tar. It is
scarcely possible that a fire could attain much headway, as there is
nothing inflammable about the entire building, except the wood of the
roof and part of the preparation which covers it. Some of our expert
school boys can apply themselves to finding out how many acres are
contained within the above figures. - Johnstown Tribune.
Attempt at Suicide by a Drunken Man.
About 1 o'clock Saturday morning a sensation was created at the
upper roundhouse by a man who seemed determined to commit suicide. A
number of the trainmen were at the place at the time, and it required
all their exertions to keep the man from throwing himself on the
track, down which cars were being dropped. The man was under the
influence of liquor. The trainmen, finally becoming wearied with the
drunken man's actions, sent one of their number after the police, who
proceeded to the roundhouse and arrested the would-be suicide. He was
given time to reflect in the lock-up.
A Providential Escape.
A young man named Mock, a resident of this city, is employed as
freight brakeman on the Pan Handle road, and it was his train that ran
into the passenger train on that road on the fatal Wednesday morning
of last week. The "run" that morning was also his, and the brakeman
who was occupying his position for the time was killed. Mock was at
his home in this city on a vacation.
A Few Insignificant Articles Destroyed in Westley's Grocery.
As Policemen Randolph and Coho were passing down the west side of
Eleventh avenue, opposite the "Star Grocery" of Westley & Bro.,
just below Twelfth street, about 1:30 o'clock Friday morning, they
heard a noise as though made by a falling storebox. Thinking thieves
were at work the officers crossed the street, and laying their hands
upon the window glass found it to be exceedingly hot, with a strong
smell as of something burning emanating from the inside. Light puffs
of smoke were also observed stealing out through the crevices in the
The alarm was sounded, the TRIBUNE compositors took up the yell and
a crowd soon collected in the street, but nothing was done until the
fire department arrived. The Vigilant hose carriage and steamer soon
appeared, the door of the store was bursted open, and a right lively
blaze was discovered in the rear end of the store behind a partition.
The interior of the building was very hot.
The stream that was turned on soon subdued the flames with but
little or no damage to stock. The fire originated in a barrel
standing against the inside of the back partition. The manner in
which the barrel was burned would indicate that the fire had commenced
in the top of the barrel, for it was piled in a heap as though the
burning embers sunk in a mass. A hole 1 3/4 feet in width and about 3
feet long was burned in the floor beneath the barrel, and the
partition was badly scorched. Flour and broken cigar boxes were
scattered over the floor.
The August Moon.
The moon plays a prominent part on the August records. Crowned at
the commencement of her course with the honor of giving a portion of
the world a sight of that grand phenomenon, a total eclipse, she
modestly goes on her way, waxing from the tiny silver crescent gracing
the first evenings of the month to her conjunction with Jupiter on the
11th. On the next evening, at her full, she treats the world to
another scene, for she rises partially eclipsed and remains shorn of a
portion of her full-orbed beauty till nearly 9 o'clock. Thus we have
a solar and lunar eclipse within a fortnight of each other. The
waning moon is also in conjunction with the three planets, Mars,
Uranus and Mercury, a day or two before her course is ended.
Crystal Wedding Celebration.
About 8 o'clock Tuesday evening a number of members and friends of
the Reformed Church met in the lecture room of the church to celebrate
the crystal wedding of the pastor, Rev. A. C. Whitmer, and his wife.
Quite a number of presents were made, among them being a copy of
"Fleetwood's Life of Christ," an elegant silver castor, cake stands,
fruit dishes, pickle dishes, etc. The presentation speech was made by
A. V. Dively in a few appropriate words and was responded to by Rev.
Safe at Home.
Rev. James Curns and Hugh Pitcairn, Esq., reached home Sunday
morning, after a two months' European tour. Both gentlemen are
looking remarkably well, bearing every index that a voyage over the
ocean has been beneficial to them. They were most cordially welcomed
by hosts of warm hearted friends.
Accident to a Horseman.
Mr. John Isett, a farmer residing in Sinking valley, by his horse
stumbling as he was going through Blair Furnace, near this city,
yesterday afternoon, was thrown off and badly cut on the forehead.
His injuries were dressed at the residence of Mr. David Fleck, near
the scene of the accident, after which he resumed his journey
The Place to Stop.
Parties visiting Martinsburg to attend the picnic of the Altoona
(Pennsylvania railroad) lower shop employes and Pennsylvania Railroad
Steam Fire Engine Company, Saturday, will find it to their advantage
to take their dinner at the Globe Hotel. Mr. William Stiffler, the
landlord, is prepared to accommodate any number who may favor him with
their patronage, and will give them the full value of their money in a
sumptuous dinner. Remember the place. The Globe Hotel,
TOELKE - In this city, August 12, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Henry
and Gertrude Toelke, aged 3 years, 8 months and 10 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 15, 1878, page