Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 8, 1878
Accident to an Engineer.
On Friday last Mr. Theodore Dickey, engineer on the shifting engine
at the Ore Hill mines, on the Hollidaysburg and Morrison's Cove branch
railroad, came very near losing his life. He had been taking a train
up the road and was running back with his engine when the pin of the
rear driving-rod broke off and the rod ran through the cab, almost
striking Mr. Dickey on the head. He escaped, however, with but a
bruise on his left hand, caused by the rod falling on it.
Shoulder Dislocated.
A seven-year-old boy named William Miles, residing on Ninth avenue,
between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, accompanied by other
members of his family, was out in the wood near McCauley's shops
yesterday afternoon. The boy bent down a small tree, upon which he
swung himself until he finally fell off and suffered the dislocation
of a shoulder.
Incidents in the Life of a Lowly One. Her Triumphant Death.
The subject of this sketch, Venus Ann Gusta Simpson, better known
as "Sallie Brotherline," although well known to many in Altoona, yet
there are but few acquainted with her history, which is replete with
thrilling interest, but time and space will prevent our entering into
She was born, a slave, in Maryland and until she was fourteen years
of age, and was kindly treated by her master and his family. But when
at that age her master, Thomas Simpson, died. She with one brother
was sold and taken to Richmond, Virginia, where together with many
others, she was confined for several days in a slave-pen, enduring
suffering and mortification arising from the crowded room and the
coarse and brutal conduct and remarks of men who went there to
purchase slaves.
At last, on the day of sale, she was bought by some one and taken
to New Orleans where she was again put up at auction and bought by a
man bearing the name of Stanfield Phipps, and, with about twenty
others, all chained together, she was sent back to Richmond, where Mr.
Phipps turned them over to the tender mercies of a cruel overseer, who
took them to Mr. Phipps' plantation in Alabama.
Arriving at their destination, Venus, without being permitted to
rest, was placed immediately in the cotton fields; but not being
accustomed to field labor, nor entirely recovered from a severe attack
of typhoid fever, it was impossible for her to give satisfaction to
the brutal overseer, who seemed to take special pleasure in beating
her over the head and shoulders with his cane or her own hoe handle.
Her master was even more cruel than the overseer, and she carried to
her grave frightful scars that told of his inhumanity.
After Venus had been about six years in Alabama, Stanfield Phipps
died, and his wife, a tender-hearted woman, who was almost idolized by
her slaves, did all that she could to alleviate their sufferings; but
with every interference of hers, the overseer, who according to Mr.
Phipps' will, was to retain his position, inflicted some new
indignity, until at last she made her escape and took refuge with the
Union soldiers at Huntsville, Alabama.
Although at this time the emancipation of the slaves had been
proclaimed, Venus could not understand it, and believed she was safe
from her tormentor, only so long as she was out of his reach.
She remained at Huntsville about three months, and then accompanied
a Mr. Brotherline to Hollidaysburg, Pa , in whose family she remained
for four years; and as she was called Sallie by that family, she
became known as "Sallie Brotherline."
At the expiration of four years she left Hollidaysburg and came to
Altoona. Not knowing how to take care of herself in our northern
climate, through exposure and imprudence Sallie contracted a disease
which frequently disabled her from work; and at one time, too wretched
to care for the untried future and shrinking from accepting more of
the toil, pain and woe which for so many years had been her portion,
she placed herself on the railroad, hoping to end her suffering by
death. Fortunately she was seen by Mrs. Henry Johnson, who dragged
her from her perilous situation just in time to save her life, and
taking her to her own home she, without hope or thought of recompense,
cared for her as a mother would for a child.
When again strong enough to work Sallie went out to service, at
which she continued, except at intervals when her disease disabled
her, until last January, when she was again prostrated on a bed of
suffering. Rallying a little about the first of April she visited
Mrs. Johnson where she remained until the fifth of July, when death
released her from her sufferings.
All with whom Sallie ever lived will testify to her character for
honesty and faithfulness in all things pertaining to her employer's
interest. She was tender hearted, kind, gentle, and forgiving.
While living with Mrs. Brotherline that lady was indefatigable in
instructing her in the catechism and in trying to lead her in the way
of life, yet it was several years before Sallie consented to take
Jesus for her guide; but at last yielding, she united with the
Methodist Episcopal Church, and for a time lived as a consistent
Christian should, and though she never entirely ceased to love the
Savior, yet the time came when she was conscious of following Him at
too great a distance, and by inattention she severed her connection
with the church.
During her last illness she was at times greatly distressed on
account of her neglect of religious matters, but, as she went down
into the "valley of the shadow of death," the Savior drew very near to
her, and leaning on Him she entered the dark, cold river, and clapping
her hands and pointing upward, with a triumphant smile illuminating
her countenance, her emancipated soul joined the angel band on the
"evergreen shore."
That Sallie was universally loved was manifested by the interest
taken in her by all who could in any way contribute to her comfort,
but especially by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, who without thought of
remuneration, cheerfully cared for all her wants, and at her death by
Mr. Hooper, Mr. Nesbit, Mr. Alexander, and several others who attended
to having her buried in the colored cemetery and defraying the
expenses. A slave in the South and a faithful servant in the North
she now sits at the right hand of the Father, and with a crown upon
her head she rests from all her labors.
Captain Johnson, of this City, Struck with a Chair and Knocked Down by
A. A. Stevens, of Tyrone - Captain Johnson's Leg Broken.
An affray which occasioned considerable excitement at the time of
its occurrence, which was the subject of varied comment the greater
part of Monday afternoon, and which, furthermore, is to be regretted
on account of the prominence - which should have restrained them - of
the parties to it, took place at the office of W. D. Couch, on
Eleventh avenue, above Thirteenth street, about 3 P. M. yesterday,
between A. A. Stevens, a young barrister of Tyrone, and Captain Robert
Johnson, of this city, a man much older than his opponent. The
gentlemen were arguing in regard to a suit at law in which Captain
Johnson was alleged to have been a witness. The case was tried some
months ago, and as it is a familiar one to our readers it is not
necessary to review it at this time. During the discussion, which
grew very warm, Mr. Stevens was called a disagreeable name, and he
retorted by intimating that Captain Johnson, in the trial above-
mentioned, had perjured himself. Report then says that the latter
gave Stevens the lie, and struck at him with his cane through the open
window (Stevens being upon the sidewalk). When Johnson struck Stevens
stepped back from the window, and Johnson came out of the office and
followed up the first blow with three others, two of which were laid
on the body of Stevens and the other warded off by Stevens throwing up
his hand. The cane was a bent hickory walking cane, from 1 to 1 1/4
inches in diameter. As Johnson struck the third time Stevens caught
up a chair that was standing on the pavement and struck Johnson over
the head. Johnson dropped from the blow, and fell to the ground as if
shot, his legs doubling up under him. His left leg was twisted in
such a way that the weight of his body upon it broke both the bones at
the ankle joint. When Stevens saw what he had done he turned very
pale and went up the street as far as the office of Alexander &
Captain Johnson was picked up, a stretcher was procured, and he was
carried to his residence at 1120 Thirteenth avenue. After the injured
man had been taken away Stevens appeared and went to the depot, whence
he took the train for his home. Dr. Ross was called to attend the
injured man. The physician says the injuries are of such a nature
that, while Captain Johnson will eventually have the use of his leg,
he will more than likely be lamed for life. The wound in the head is
not dangerous. The skin was not cut, although blood oozed through
from the bruise. The doctor thinks his patient will be able to walk
with the aid of crutches in a few days.
A Former Resident of this City Loses His Life at New Brunswick, N. J.
Mr. Percy D. Lesley, formerly employed in the office of the
principal assistant engineer in this city, but latterly appointed
assistant supervisor of the New York division, with headquarters at
New Brunswick, N. J., met with a fatal accident Monday afternoon in
the railroad yard at East Brunswick. From a telegram received in this
city we learn the following particulars: Mr. Lesley was in the East
Brunswick yard taking figures from cars, and was stooping down
alongside of the track near a switch house. He suddenly raised
himself up and stepped on the track in front of a local passenger
train which was not more than fifteen yards distant. The engineer saw
him, but had hardly time to give the danger signal until the engine
struck him, crushing his skull and killing him instantly. There were
no other bruises about him. He was about 23 years of age, was a
nephew of General Manager Frank Thomson, and when at home was a
resident of Philadelphia. Mr. Lesley commenced his career with the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company (after having attended the Episcopal
academy in Philadelphia up to his 17th year) in the company's machine
shops at this point in September, 1873. He was transferred to the
draughting department in August, 1876, and from thence to the office
of the principal assistant engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad
division, Altoona, in August, 1877. On March 17, 1878, he was
appointed assistant supervisor of the New York division, in which
capacity he was acting at the time of the accident.
There is perhaps no community where the gloom of this sudden and
terrible calamity will fall with more realizing force than in Altoona.
Mr. Lesley made many friends during his career in the company's shops
who will bewail his loss. But more especially will his death be
mourned by the many young associates among whom his genial character
had marked him as a favorite. Probably the death of no one of the
many young men who have of late years come to Altoona to begin life's
career would have excited so much surprise.
Percy Lesley was so full of life and spirit, so animated with the
hope and ambition peculiar to youth, that death, sudden and awful, can
hardly be associated with his name. A poetical contempt of the danger
connected with railway management is the fatal snare into which many
operatives fall. Danger is pregnant in the air we breathe, and the
very genius of caution should control every man who toys with the
awful forces of steam and iron.
The Son of William Otto Choked to Death Under a Hydrant.
Yesterday about 12:40 P. M. citizens of the East Side were
considerably excited by the news of the death of Clarence - about
three years of age - the only son of William Otto, a laborer in the
lower lumber yard, who resides at No. 704 Seventh avenue, which was
caused in the following very peculiar manner: Clarence had been
assisting his mother in his childish way to move some carpets, and
after finishing the little work he could do he went to the cellar,
where a hydrant is situated in the front, and in attempting to take a
drink therefrom be placed his mouth over the nozzle and turned on the
water with such force that it completely strangled him, his teeth
closing tightly over the nozzle of the hydrant. At this moment his
mother appeared at the rear entrance, and on hearing the noise she
rushed to the hydrant and found her son clinched fast to the pipe.
She immediately turned off the water, and she found that the boy was
not loose, and in her attempt to get him from the hydrant nearly all
of his teeth were torn out. In her agony she picked the child up and
carried him to the front of the house. By this time friends who had
heard her screams appeared, and Dr. Goodman was immediately sent for,
but arrived only to verify the supposition that life was extinct. A
message was then despatched to the car shops to inform the father of
the sad accident. The mother was almost wild with despair at her
loss, as the boy was a very bright little fellow. The funeral will
take place from the parents' residence at 4 o'clock this
A Sixth Ward Grocery Store Robbed.
A perfect epidemic of theft is afflicting the city. Scarcely a
night passes but one or more establishments of some sort are entered
and robbed. The latest victim is Alexander Irvin, who keeps a grocery
store at the corner of Seventh avenue and Twenty-fourth street, which
was forcibly entered about 2 o'clock on Saturday morning. The thieves
effected an entrance by breaking out a large pane of window-glass.
They carried off two shoulders, a number of cans of peaches and
tomatoes, several papers of tobacco, and it is not yet known how many
other articles. This makes the sixth time that this store-room has
been entered and robbed - four times for a Mr. Armstrong and twice for
Mr. Irvin. After Mr. Irvin was robbed the first time he employed a
watchman, but he soon found, he says, that while the man "watched" he
lost more property than he did by thieves. A couple of young men have
of late been sleeping in the store, but they were not there on Friday
night. It is thought a dog that was about the store frightened the
thieves away before they had finished the task they had set
A Little Girl Has an Artery Cut.
Miss Rosy Korn, 12 years old, daughter of the manager of C. Simon
& Co.'s store at the corner of Thirteenth street and Eleventh
avenue, had her left arm cut quite severely on Friday evening. She
was in Simon's store on Eleventh avenue, above Thirteenth street, and
was attempting to pick a piece of glass out of the framework of a
broken mirror. The glass fell upon her and, striking her arm, severed
the radial artery. The wound bled freely, and Dr. Christy was
summoned hastily. He dressed the wound, and the little girl is doing
very well.
The October Jurors.
Below we give the jurors drawn for the October session of court.
As will be noticed the TRIBUNE will be represented on the
Levi H. Burget, North Woodberry; J. A. Boyce, Logan; S. S. Beamer,
Logan; Frederick Ball, Altoona; John B. Bell, Antis; Joseph Crider,
Snyder; Lewis Davis, Martinsburg; Timothy Davis, Antis; John B.
Garber, Taylor; A. J. Greer, Altoona; Martin Hoover, North Woodberry;
L. L. Hare, Catharine; Nicholas Hewit, Hollidaysburg; Milton Hileman,
Catharine; Miles Hartman, Tyrone township; L. K. Kelly, Catharine;
William McClelland, Altoona; Jacob Miller, Logan; L. B. Reifsnyder,
Altoona; George Sudenbaugh, North Woodberry; S. M. Study, Tyrone;
Theodore Sickles, Blair; Samuel Wallace, Allegheny; George Wisegarver,
Joseph G. Barr, Gaysport; J. G. S. Black, Greenfield; John C.
Biddle, Taylor; A. L. Bunker, Hollidaysburg; George Curtis, Gaysport;
Samuel B. Confer, Allegheny; Isaac Diehl, Juniata; William A. Fouse,
Huston; H. H. Feather, Freedom; John R. Frazier, Altoona; T. W.
Graffius, Tyrone; Robert C. Galbraith, Tyrone township; Jacob Hite,
Taylor; John Hicks, Catharine; John Hiltner, Tyrone; Alexander
Helsell, Freedom; Christopher Harpster, Frankstown; John Hamilton,
Logan; Elvin Hagey, Huston; George L. Freet, Altoona; David Kinch,
Altoona; John Louer, Taylor; Andrew Mock, Woodberry; John Nolan,
Greenfield; William H. Oelig, Martinsburg; Martin Ounkst,
Hollidaysburg; John McKinney, Tyrone; J. K. Patterson, Blair; Thomas
Smith. Frankstown; William Shaffer, Woodberry; Samuel Tussey,
Frankstown; Charles Vowinckel, Hollidaysburg; Theodore H. Wigton,
Altoona; Joseph Wilt, Allegheny, Henry M. Wilt, Freedom, Samuel B.
Weyandt, Greenfield.
D. Orr Alexander, Altoona; Philip Beamer, Allegheny; Jacob Burley,
Tyrone; Luther Beegle, Juniata; Henry C. Barclay, Logan; Sandford
Burley, Tyrone; Henry Decker, Allegheny; Jacob M. Dibert, Greenfield;
James Detrick, Taylor; Levi Delozier, Blair; David Christian, Altoona;
Daniel Finn, Blair; H. G. Gardner, Logan; Elias G. Glass, North
Woodberry; Jonathan Glunt, Logan; John M. Gibboney, Allegheny; W. J.
D. Graham, Altoona; B. F. Hoover, Huston; John Hostler, Antis; Geo. H.
Harker, Freedom; Harvey Kilgore, Altoona; John Kennedy, Woodberry;
Jeremiah Long, Juniata; Henry Lykens, Huston; Harry McCord. Altoona;
Cyrus Mateer, Catherine; Amos Noel, Tyrone; William Riddle, Tyrone;
William Richardson, Woodberry; Peter Reed, Tyrone; Daniel P. Ray,
Tyrone; Henry Shaw, Freedom; Joseph Slippy, Frankstown; David Smily,
Woodberry; David K. Ramey, Altoona; James H. Wilson, Tyrone.
Samuel C. Albright, Taylor township; Adam Bowers, Altoona; William
Brandt, Logan; James H. Bell, Hollidaysburg; Thomas Beyer, Antis;
Jacob Burger, Freedom; Christian Brenecka, Altoona; Jeremiah Black,
Greenfield; Thomas Bancroft, Freedom; Jacob Clapper, Huston; James B.
Campbell, Antis; John Fresh, Logan; Robert Fay, Woodberry; Samuel
Fink, Blair; Clark Grazier, Tyrone borough; James H. Gibbony,
Woodberry; Samuel Gensimore, Tyrone township; Patrick Hannigan, Blair;
Daniel Harris, Tyrone borough; C. B. Jacobs, Hollidaysburg; D. R. P.
Johnston, Altoona; Joseph Long, Altoona; John Lingafelt, Frankstown;
G. W. Lingenfelter, Greenfield; William McCormick, Woodberry; David
Mock, Taylor; John L. Metzker, North Woodberry; Frank McGillan,
Gaysport; Martin Mummast, Woodberry; Robert H. McCormick, Altoona; L.
B. Pancake, Altoona; Robert Potter, Antis; Enoch Piper, Woodberry;
John M. Pressel, Altoona; S. C. Stewart, Snyder; Michael Zeigler,
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 8, 1878, page 2
An up-town shoe store makes woman's rights to order.
Lightning might do more sometimes if it wasn't in such a hurry.
Side-combs, so long banished, are again worn by ladies, old and
A horn of Bourbon and the horn of plenty, as a rule, are strangers
to each other.
The harvest hath ended and the tramp draws nigh, or becomes
India mousselaine over white satin is the newest style for summer
wedding dresses.
Take your ear of green corn at both ends, in both hands, and fear
neither man nor colic.
Mr. John Henderson, of Piney creek, who has been an invalid for a
year or more, died on Friday morning.
The doctors say the whole cause of business depression lies in the
fact that there isn't consumption enough.
The next session of the Altoona public schools will commence on the
first Monday of September.
A beautiful material for evening dresses is the new jasper silk,
which in color is a combination of delicate colors and shadings.
The number of permits granted for interments in Fairview cemetery
during the month of July were twenty-eight, three more than for July,
W. D. McCormick, of Lock Haven, has lately received orders for
upward of ten thousand of his patent school slates, six thousand of
which go to London.
The new Lutheran Church in Huntingdon will be dedicated on the 11th
of August, Rev. Dr. F. W. Conrad conducting the dedicatory services.
He is an excellent preacher.
Mr. J. S. Ake, of Woodberry township, and National candidate for
County Commissioner, had one of his feet badly hurt the other day by
being run over by a grain wagon.
"How do you swear?" forms a curious phase of human
conscientiousness. In swearing a jury at the late court we noticed
seven swore by the book, two by the uplifted hand and three
Messrs. Robert Barkley, of Johnstown; Wm. M. Jones, of Ebensburg,
and J. C. Gates, of white township, are the conferees appointed from
Cambria county by General Campbell.
On the 14th inst. the Vigilant Fire Company will hold a basket
picnic at Lloydsville. Two hundred invitations have been issued. The
Social string band will furnish music for the merry dancers.
A partial eclipse of the moon will be visible in this latitude on
the evening of Monday next. The eclipse will begin at twenty minutes
past 4 P. M. and will end at fifty-four minutes past 9 P. M.
We regret to note that William, son of Mr. John S. Calvert of Logan
township, will lose the sight of one of his eyes, caused by running a
stubble into it while in a combat with bumble bees noticed in the
TRIBUNE two weeks ago.
John Quinn, who lives about half a mile below Fostoria, last week
threshed from wheat grown on considerably less than half an acre of
ground over twenty bushels of clean wheat. John thinks this is "brag"
Workmen have commenced work on the First Presbyterian Church, which
is to be remodeled. The work of tearing down the steeple began
yesterday. Services will probably be held in the auditorium on Sunday
next for the last time for a period.
One of Pinkerton's detectives, who has been doing special duty in
this city for the past fifteen days, left on Friday evening after
successfully "working up" an important case. A mass of evidence in
regard to the case is left in the city.
About 9 o'clock on Saturday morning James McCullough, of Fourth
avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, was struck by a
truck while at work on a trestle in the lower yard and thrown a
distance of fifteen feet to the ground. His left wrist was broken and
his face badly cut and bruised.
Eliza Ellen Confer, formerly of Winslow, Illinois, is anxious to
know the whereabouts of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kephart, formerly
Mrs. Elizabeth Hickson, who is somewhere in California. The papers of
that State will do the daughter a great kindness by publishing her
request. Address Mrs. Ellen Confer, care of the Evening Mirror
office, Altoona, Pa.
The Baldwin locomotive works have built 4,500 locomotives in the
past forty-five years, the first one having been completed November
23, 1832, and known as "Old Ironsides." Since 1854, 3,889 locomotives
have been built. The largest number were built in 1872 and 1873 - 422
and 437 respectively. Last year 185 were built, and 230 are expected
to be finished this year.
'Tis pleasant at the close of day
To play
And if your partner makes a miss
Why kiss
The sis,
But it she gives your shin a thwack,
Why, whack
Her back.
Thomas Vanscoyoc, who for many years has been long and favorably
known as an estimable citizen and neighbor in the northern end of our
county, died on Thursday last at his home in Snyder township, at the
advanced age of nearly eighty years, and was buried in Tyrone on
Saturday last. Mr. Vanscoyoc has lived in Antis and Snyder townships
from his childhood, and spent the most of his time as a farmer. He
was a quiet, unassuming citizen and an honest man, and the many who
knew him bear testimony to his high character as a neighbor and
Christian man. His remains were followed to their last resting place
by a large concourse of neighbors, citizens and friends. "The end of
the righteous man is peace."
The boy stood squarely on the base
Already two were out -
The grin that lighted up his face
Shone round about his snout.
The boy he raised the ash aloft
And called for one hip high;
The pitcher put it in red-hot -
It hit him in the eye.
Again the gallant youth stood up,
Determined he would score;
The next one hit him in the paunch -
He playeth ball no more.
A $60,000 Fortune.
For some time past rumors have been floating about that Mrs.
Haines, of this city, an aged Quaker lady well-known to many of our
readers, had, by a relative or friend dying in Wales, been willed some
$60,000. A reporter visited the lady yesterday, but obtained but
little of the facts from her, as she was very reticent. However, she
did not deny the rumor, but said the facts in the case were not ripe
for publication at present. The lady is the mother in law of Mr. C.
C. Shannon, the jeweler.
Notes from Hollidaysburg.
The rolling mill is running day and night.
The furnaces are also keeping it up the whole twenty four
By the way the Pennsylvania Railroad Company is rushing ejectment
suits in the hands of Sheriff Stiffler it is evident that they mean
Samuel Sharrar, one of our oldest and best beloved citizens, has
been ill for several days past. We understand that he is now
A boy named Walker, residing at the foot of plane No. 10, met with
an accident Monday whereby several ribs were broken. We are without
The cabin occupied by Jacob Weir, in Allegheny township, was broken
into on Monday last while Mr. Weir was at work, and a suit of clothes
and a pair of button gaiter shoes stolen. This happened, singularly
enough, the same day that two boys were taken past the cabin to the
Western penitentiary for committing a like offense.
Act No. 97 of the laws of 1878 is an act providing for the registry
of dogs and constituting the prothonotary of each county the register
of the same. For that purpose he is to procure a docket in which to
enter descriptions of such dogs as their owners may consider worth the
trouble and expense. Dogs thus registered are to be considered
personal property, and if they are stolen the thief can be punished
for larceny. We advise everybody and all their relatives to have
their dogs registered at once.
An old gentleman residing in this neighborhood has in his family a
boy who is his bane. The boy is like all boys, rather mischievous,
prone to dally when sent on an errand, and possessing a well-developed
fondness for fruit. The other day the old gentleman sent the boy on
an errand, and becoming impatient at his prolonged absence, started in
search of him. In due course of time he found him making his way
toward home in a leisurely manner, and eating, with every appearance
of enjoyment, a banana. The old gentleman is not a church member and
is as expert in the use of profane adjectives as Kearney, the labor
agitator is reported to be. Prefacing his remarks with a liberal
sprinkling thereof, he said: "You young villain, you're of no earthly
use in the world except to eat pianos!" And as the boy softly sidled
off, the last morsel of his "piano" disappeared down his throat.
The fire at furnace number 1 on Wednesday evening, to which brief
reference was had Thursday morning, caught from the hot air ovens, and
the upper story of the engine room in which the fire originated was
entirely consumed, and the whole structure was so badly used up as to
necessitate its removal. The loss is very trifling, but little if any
injury having been done to the machinery, and the furnace was running
along yesterday morning as calmly as though nothing out of the
ordinary routine had happened. Singularly enough, it had been
determined to tear down the old engine room, and the work of
demolition was to have commenced in a day or two. As it was the fire
saved the proprietor the trouble and expense of the same, and removed
the building in quick time. It may be added that the fire department
turned out promptly and did good work.
Speaking of Kearney, who is now in the east, will you permit your
correspondent, in the absence of local items, and upon his own
responsibility, to pencil a thought or two? Kearney, the papers tell
us, was born in Ireland and came to this country in 1868. Granting
that he "declared his intentions" as soon as he landed he did not
become a citizen until 1873, and has thus been an American citizen for
five years. Within that brief period he has seen many evils in our
country that need correction, and the one special evil that he
proposes to correct is the immigration of Chinese to this country.
"The Chinese," he says, "must go." Don't you consider it just a bit
cheeky that this fellow, who has scarcely got completely fixed in his
citizenship, should set about to drive people out of the country who
were here before him, and who have been behaving themselves vastly
better than the man who is railing at them? If the respectable
citizens of the United States were to rise up in their indignant might
and demand that Kearney and the whole brood of agitators and
communists and infidels who are abusing the privileges granted them by
our free Christian government be driven out of the country they are
seeking to destroy, they would make terrible faces and protest against
the bigotry which sought to curtail their "rights." And they would
impudently demand "Is not this country the asylum for all oppressed
(white) people?" Yet we opine that the Chinese are much better people
than fellows like Kearney. And if the offal of Europe is to be
vomited upon our shores in ever increasing volume, self-preservation
will demand that we do something to prevent them overwhelming us
beneath their own nastiness. "Here's our sentiments.''
We noticed Thursday a petition in circulation praying the honorable
Town Council to prohibit the placing of cinder on our streets, and
especially on the "diamond," alleging that it produced various bad
effects. In reference to the query as to what good this would do -
the petition had already received the signatures of a number of
prominent citizens - we were informed that four members of the Council
are really opposed to this cinder business, but could do nothing in
the premises until a formal remonstrance, signed by the citizens, came
before them. It all seems very funny to us. We always thought four
could outvote two. At any rate, now that all the streets have been
covered with cinder, it is too late to draw back. It will do no less
danger in the "diamond" than in any other part of the town. But we
shall see what we shall see.
Thursday morning Major John Wighaman, of this borough, accompanied by
a lad named Clark, went down the Juniata on a little fishing
excursion. About 9 o'clock in the forenoon he became very sick, and
his symptoms were such as to greatly alarm his companion, who by great
exertions finally succeeded in getting him to the house of Albert
Wilson, which, fortunately, was close by. Dr. Smith was sent for and
went to the house at once. Proper remedies were administered and Mr.
Wighaman slowly improved. He was brought to his home in the
afternoon. The doctor says it was a case of prostration from the
effects of the heat. Although Mr. W. was in a very precarious
condition for a time, his condition is so much improved as to warrant
the prediction that he will be himself again in a little time. It was
fortunate that he was so near Mr. Wilson's house when stricken
Dr. Howard Crosby, of New York, a preacher who has attained a
national reputation, is reported to be in favor of cheap beer. He
also classes beer with lemonade and soda water, and calls it "a mild
summer drink.'' We could wish that Dr. Crosby would spend one of his
vacations in our town. We could give him a royal entertainment and as
delightful scenery as he can find anywhere in America, and we think we
could teach him something about beer. We know him to be an honest
man. Hence the belief that he would bow to the stern logic of facts.
Nine-tenths of the trouble that we have in Hollidaysburg comes from
lager beer. The very best, the most intelligent, the most noble-
hearted of our young men are to-day beer drinkers. For days and weeks
they drink along without getting boisterous or raving upon the public
streets. But every now and then discretion leaves them, and then
follows such a disgraceful scene as is narrated above. Another
thing, we never knew a whisky drinker to abandon that strong liquor
and take to beer drinking in its stead. On the contrary, we know men
who are confirmed drunkards who begun by drinking beer, and we never
knew an American who made a business of drinking beer who did not
become a drunkard. Is it a safe thing, then, or a wise thing for
Christian men to stop short of absolute prohibition? We are well
assured here in Hollidaysburg that if we could get rid of the beer
shops fewer of our young men would become drunkards.
Third Day's Proceedings - Arguments and Objections - Probabilities
of an Adjournment To-day.
The proceedings in the register's court in the Lloyd bankruptcy
case were exceedingly dull and prosy during the greater part of
Thursday, especially in the forenoon and the early part of the
afternoon. The claims generally that were given in were presented by
the attorneys, who also presented their powers to do so by duly
executed documents. The greater number of these were presented by
George M. Reade, Esq., of Ebensburg, and he voted them straight along
for Curry, Gardner and Jones for assignees. Occasionally one would
come in from the other side, or an objection would be raised to some
informality by one of the other parties, which was generally
overruled. W. Lee Woodcock, Esq., seemed to be the principal
gentleman raising objections, and he was so often and promptly
overruled that he at last seemed to tire of his efforts to delay the
proceedings, and Mr. Reade was finally allowed to go on
uninterruptedly with his monotonous song of "Curry, Gardner and
Jones." Notably among the large claims voted was that of a Mr.
Troxell for over $15,300.
By the hour of 4 P. M. Mr. Reade got through and the argument
commenced on the "held-over claims," the first of which was the claim
of D. K, Ramey for $5,500. The admission of the vote on this claim
was disputed by Mr. S. S. Blair, who produced an affidavit of Mr.
Lloyd. On the other side, in favor of the admission, were Messrs.
Reade and Hicks. This claim was subsequently withdrawn, and the next
taken up were the claims of Mrs. Ritchey and Dr. J. T. Christy. The
principal objection to the voting of these claims was on account of
the judgment obtained by them on the 28th of September, 1875, some ten
days after Mr. Lloyd's assignment. Mr. Blair read another affidavit
from Mr. Lloyd, and took the position, seemingly much to the surprise
of the lawyers present, that these judgments were liens against Mr.
Lloyd's property, and per consequence were "secured claims," and
should not participate in the election of assignees for the unsecured
claims. Mr. Blair was followed by Hon. Henry D. Foster in quite a
lengthy argument in favor of the same view. On the other side Mr.
Reade argued at some length, and cited the opinion of Judge Ketchum in
ruling the same point in a question of a quorum, in which he said:
"These claims were not secured," and consequently had a right to make
a part of the necessary quorum, and now, in the light of the same
facts, should participate in the election of assignees. To meet Mr.
Lloyd's affidavit he cited evidence already taken in the case of Mr.
Lloyd's deed of assignment of all his property out of his hands,
Upon the conclusion of the argument Mr. Blair desired the register
to hold the claims over until this morning, so that he could look at
some further authorities. This was accordingly done, and the court
adjourned at 6:10 P. M.
Probably seven hundred claims, representing about $500,000, have
thus far been proved. About two hundred of these have been presented
by Mr. Reade, the attorney for the depositors with Lloyd & Co. at
The depositors in but two of the defunct banks, those of "William
M. Lloyd & Co," of Altoona, and of "Lloyd & Co," of Ebensburg,
have so far voted their claims. These two banks were run solely by
William M. Lloyd, notwithstanding the flourish of a firm name.
The claims proved against firms of which Lloyd was a member have
not yet been presented, but will probably be handed in to-day.
As the tickets for assignees announced in the TRIBUNE on Wednesday
morning contained some inaccuracies we reprint it correctly to-
J. W. Curry, Altoona; William M. Jones, Ebensburg; E. H. Gardner,
A. S. Morrow, Hollidaysburg; William D. Couch, Altoona; George F.
Huff, Greensburg.
When the Lloyd bankruptcy court adjourned on Thursday evening the
claim of Dr. Christy, for $6,656, and the claim of Mrs. Rebecca
Ritchie, for $3,877, were in the hands of Register Shafer for his
decision upon the question of their admissibility. The case was
further argued yesterday, and the register finally decided to permit
the claims to be voted. The claim of John Reilly was also admitted.
Those of Lloyd, Hamilton & Co. and of Lloyd, Caldwell & Co.
were postponed.
The Curry, Jones and Gardner ticket for assignees was elected by a
very large majority of the votes of the creditors and by a majority
representing $102,457.17 of claims. The following was the vote:
Curry, Jones and Gardner - Votes: 576. Claims: $298.626.02
Morrow, Couch and Huff - Votes: 150. Claims: 196,168 85
The court concluded its sessions about 4 P. M., and the members
from a distance departed for their homes on the evening trains.
The Arrest of Trespassers.
Joseph Clark, "Davy" Douglass and William Allen, the three boys who
were clamoring to the officers on Wednesday to be taken to jail, were
before Alderman O'Toole Thursday on a charge of trespassing on
railroad trains. Information was made to that effect on Wednesday,
and yesterday morning Officer Isett arrested the boys. One of them
said he would like to be heard, but as he denied nothing contained in
the charge he was sent to the lock-up with the other two. The penalty
is imprisonment in the county jail, but as the officers have always
heretofore paid the costs of transportation and the city must pay the
expenses while in the lock-up, the officers are consequently not
anxious to conduct them to jail, inasmuch as they have never had the
amount of money thus expended refunded. The complaint in this regard
is general, and if arrests for these offenses are to be continued it
would be well if some arrangement were made looking to the payment of
the expenses. It is manifestly unfair that the officers of the law -
men who are not specially interested except to execute the law when
required so to do - should be made to bear the costs. The law
providing for the arrest of persons trespassing contains no provision
for the payment of expenses that may grow out of these suits.
Robbery at Mateer's Branch Drug Store.
Some time during Tuesday night or Wednesday morning a robbery was
committed at the branch drug store of Councilman C. C. Mateer, at the
corner of Eleventh avenue and Ninth street. It is not known exactly
how an entrance to the store was effected. Although the back door was
found ajar in the morning no locks had been broken on doors or
windows. It is thought the parties may have been well acquainted with
the ins and outs of the building, and that they may have entered
through one of the windows during the afternoon and secreted
themselves. At all events the transaction was very quietly conducted,
as the young man who slept up stairs was totally unconscious of the
presence of thieves below. Mr. Hooper, who has charge of the store,
was away at the time. The money drawer was relieved of its contents,
about $15, and a lot of plug tobacco was stolen.
Was it Their Last Gift to "Papa?" - A Gettysburg Relic.
During the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at
Gettysburg last week the remains of a Confederate soldier, a member of
Company F, of the Thirty-first Georgia regiment, were found. Of
course nothing was to be seen but bones, and the figures upon which
had once been the cap rested upon the skull of the dead man. The
plate of the belt-buckle was discovered in the position in which it
had been worn during life, and bore the letters "C. S. A." upon it.
The man had been buried where he fell, with all his apparel and
accoutrements upon him. An ambrotype picture, only the glass of which
was in a state of preservation, was discovered lodged between two ribs
on the left side of the breast, evidently having been carried next the
heart. The faces of a woman and two little girls were plainly
distinguishable. The woman - judging from the picture - had jet black
hair, black eyes and rosy cheeks, and the same features characterized
the children, who stood beside their mother, each with a hand resting
upon her shoulder. The lady was probably 28 years old at the time the
likeness was taken. The picture was sent to Philadelphia, where it
will be photographed, and copies sent to Georgia in the hope of
discovering the relatives of the dead soldier who wore the gray and
fell fighting for the "Lost Cause" in the terrible battle of
Mrs. Dhrew's Unfortunate Connection with the Laws of the
The United States and Blair county are giving Mrs. Dhrew, of the
Red Lion Hotel, on Tenth avenue, this city, no end of trouble. She
had scarcely got out of the clutches of "Uncle Sam," as represented by
a United States marshal from Blair county, a few weeks ago, till she
was required to give security for her appearance, on a charge of
selling liquor on Sunday and to minors, before Judge Dean, at
Hollidaysburg. Mrs. Dhrew, however, did not appear, having folded her
tent and stolen silently away. She did not remain long, for in a day
or two she was at home again. It would seem that Mrs. Dhrew has been
the subject of police scrutiny notwithstanding, for Friday Constable
Houck, of Hollidaysburg, appeared at her residence unexpectedly and
secured the lady. In order to make sure of his prey it was necessary
for him to remain about the hotel all day, during which time
unsuccessful efforts were made to obtain bail for her. The constable,
in the afternoon, almost lost his prisoner, for in one of his
unsuspecting moments she slipped out and sped down Tenth avenue to the
residence of John Welsh, a couple of doors below O'Neill & Fogle's
establishment. Being well acquainted with Mrs. Welsh she entered the
house - which fronts on Eleventh avenue - from the rear. The
constable discovered where she was located and followed her with a
horse and buggy. He evidently was out of patience, for, as an eye-
witness relates it, Mrs. Dhrew was compelled to get into the buggy and
was driven off up Eleventh avenue in the direction of Hollidaysburg,
and the supposition is that, as no security for her appearance was
forthcoming, she was taken to jail. Inquiries for Mrs. Dhrew at her
hotel last evening elicited the response that she had "gone away" -
nothing more.
Mrs. Henry and Her Wicked Partner.
Mrs. Ellen Henry, the first wife of the man who was convicted at
Hollidaysburg last week of bigamy and sent to the penitentiary, writes
a letter to the TRIBUNE from Gallitzin. She speaks of the comments
upon the case - taken from the Hollidaysburg Standard - published in
this paper on the 31st ult., and hopes the editors of the TRIBUNE
"will be gentlemen enough to give the true facts of the case, as she
has no way to prove herself innocent until he returns from the
penitentiary." Mrs. Henry gives us the privilege of condensing her
letter, of which we very gladly avail ourselves.
In regard to the charge that she frequently left her husband Mrs.
Henry says that was because he beat and abused her and threatened to
take her life. "He starved me and the children by his drunkenness,
and kept me naked, I may say, for I had to borrow a dress to go away."
She says, in refutation of the charge that she had gone away with
another man, that the longest time she ever was absent from him was
six weeks, and that it was a low, degraded act of Henry and his
attorney to attempt to thus blacken her character in order that he
might escape the penalty of the law. She says her husband never
accused her of unfaithfulness, and she was surprised when that
accusation was made in court. Henry, she remarks, knew very well that
she had not obtained a divorce, as she was separated from him but four
weeks when he remarried, and five days after that event he placed one
of his children in the almshouse; so he did not marry to better the
condition of the children. Mrs. Henry defies her husband to prosecute
her when he returns from the penitentiary. Her character will stand
the test before the courts, she says, while his will not. All that
she has said about him she can prove.
Mrs. Henry dwells upon several other subjects which are of no
general interest.
School Teachers Appointed.
Tyrone township has the credit of paying larger salaries to
teachers and having a longer school term than any other township in
the county. After the recent school examinations the following
teachers were selected: School No. 1, J. B. Harpster; No. 2, W. F. D.
Noble; No. 3, E. S. Shuman; No. 4, P. N. McHugh; No. 5, George W.
Moore. Snyder township schools will commence the third Monday in
September, and will continue six months, with the following teachers:
Bald Eagle school house, S. B. Green; Pines, Belle Miller; Elk Run, W.
C. Crowell; Cold Spring, Joseph Cryder; Baughman's, James Wilson;
Hickory Bottom, L. A. Root; German settlement, Ellen Kane, at $30 per
month. The salaries of the Elk Run and Cold Spring teachers are $40
per month, and of the others $36.
County Superintendent Stephens Friday examined applicants for
schools in Logan township at Fairmount school house. The following
candidates were successful and received appointments to the districts
preceding their names: Millville, H. L. Lloyd; Grade, J. P. Giles;
Fairmount, W. H. Stephens; Pleasant Hill, George W. Lytle; Fairview,
J. W. Walters; Collinsville, C. M. Piper; Logan, J. D. Weyant; Blair,
D. B Yingling : Point, D. D. Coleman; Baker's Mines, Martin Coleman;
Glen White, J. W. Stewart; Primary, Ella Lewis; Eldorado, L. B.
Crumbaker; Coleman, T. B. Hunter; Hamilton, W. C. Ream.
A Tramp Killed on Saturday.
About 5:25 o'clock on Saturday morning an unknown tramp was ground
up under the wheels of second Cincinnati express west at a point about
three-fourths of a mile east of Cresson. He was walking on the track
in a westerly direction, and failed to step out of the way on the
approach of the train. The engineer sounded the customary warning,
but the man continued on his way unconcernedly, and before the train
could be checked the locomotive struck him. He was horribly mangled,
and, although his skull was crushed in, he lingered in an insensible
condition for twenty-five minutes, when death ensued. There was
nothing about him by which his identity could be established. He was
apparently about twenty-five years of age. The poor authorities took
charge of his remains and interred them decently.
Fell on a Knife.
A boy named Ehringer, about 10 years old, residing on Seventh
avenue, between Seventh and Eighth streets, fell upon a knife which he
was carrying in his pocket, cutting a gash in his side about four
inches long. The injury is not serious. Dr. Goodman dressed the
Story of a Hog, a Snake, a Fox and Hounds.
A Cambria county man was discoursing the other day on the incidents
of his life, relating the following: At one time he was greatly at a
loss to know how a sow and her pigs got into his field. He organized
a careful watch, and found that the sow would place her snout under
one corner of the fence, fling her hind legs into the air, while two
of the pigs would seize one of the maternal legs, pull on them, and
with this pry raise the fence and permit the brood to get inside.
Then they would hold up the fence while she also gained admission to
the field. Then at the signal of a grunt the pigs stood from under
and down came the fence, resuming its status quo. While he was
seeking out the cause of this pigheadedness, he came across a
rattlesnake, which he despatched. It was a monster, having sixty-one
rattles as his caudal appendage and measuring four inches between the
eyes, so he says. Another morning his hounds accompanied him on his
search after pig information, when they scented a fox. The morning
was profoundly foggy and his brain exceedingly clear, and he followed
after in the chase. He drew near to Clearfield creek, at a point
where he knew from surroundings the banks of the stream were
exceedingly precipitous. The hounds were driving the fox toward him,
and he was anxious to see what turn affairs would take when Reynard
and the dogs reached this jumping-off place. He was astonished to see
the animals, instead of rushing madly into the yawning chasm, pass
over safely on the fog! He never saw such a fog before in his life;
it was thick, very thick, and excellent for bridging purposes. We
were disposed to make light(ner) of these stories, but having been a
close student of the fables gotten up by our Bedford cousins we have
about come to the conclusion that there is nothing new or improbable
under the sun.
A Very Hoggish Tale.
Nat. Ramsey tells this tale on an Antis township farmer and hog.
The farmer built a worm fence around one of his fields. In one of the
pannels he took for a bottom rail a hollow log, which had a large
crook in the middle. The farmer had a hog which annoyed him no
little, by getting into fields where he was not wanted, and was no
less at a loss to know how that original of lard got into that field.
So he instituted a careful watch to find out the shrewdness that was
in this particular porker. What was his astonishment to find the
animal entering at one end of this hollow log and emerging into the
field at the other end. Then the farmer set his wits at work to
astonish that hog as much as the hog had annoyed him. So he gets to
work and turns the log over, making the bend toward the inside of the
field, thus throwing both ends on the outside, and awaited
developments. Presently along came his hogship, and darted in at one
end of the log, but the astonishment of the animal was great when he
found he was not in the field, and back nearly where he started from.
He looked a sort of obfuscated, thought there was some mistake about
the matter, and tried it over again and again, first in at one end
then at the other, still with the same result - not in the field. He
was the picture of bewilderment, so amusing that the farmer came near
losing his life by the operation. He had seated himself on the stump
of a tree, reaching some ten feet above the ground to watch the
movements of the hog, and in a fit of laughter over the joke he had
played on the animal fell off, but was caught by a stub of the stump
in the seat of his unmentionables, and would probably have died in
that position, had not Mr. Ramsey very fortunately came along at that
moment and relieved him from his unpleasant predicament.
The Sad Return to Altoona of a Mother and Her Son.
On Saturday evening last, on the mail train to this city, were a
lady named Brubaker and her son George, a young man 24 or 25 years
old. Mrs. Brubaker had taken her son to Philadelphia on Tuesday last
to consult with physicians in that city in regard to the condition of
George, who is afflicted with an enormous swelling on the side of his
neck and face. Several eminent medical men were seen, some of whom
pronounced the young man's trouble to be enlargement of the glands of
the neck, while one said it was a disease called "king's evil." They
were all, however, unanimous in the opinion that the unfortunate young
man was incurable, and that any operation would be attended with fatal
results. A Harrisburg physician was also consulted, but he could
promise no relief. The swelling has attained such proportions that
Mr. Brubaker is unable to talk. It was a sad return for the little
party, and the melancholy thoughts that must of course fill the minds
of both mother and son can better be imagined than described.
Another Burglary.
Between 1 and 2 o'clock Friday morning thirsty thieves broke into
the hotel of Henry Husfield, Sr., at the corner of Ninth avenue and
Ninth street, and appropriated about a dozen bottles of liquor which
were in the barroom. Three dollars in money, which the proprietor
says was in the cash drawer when he retired, are also missing. The
liquor is valued at about $25. The crew of the shifting engine in the
lower yard discovered the barroom door open and notified Mr. Husfield.
The double door had been broken open, and the jamb into which the bolt
slipped when fastened was split from one door-post to the other.
There is no clue to the thieves. Policeman Isett significantly states
that the tramps located in Hagerty's woods were possessed yesterday of
more of the ardent in bottles than he has noticed them to have for a
long time. All day yesterday corks were popping and the ubiquitous
crowd were apparently having a jolly time.
Another Tramp Used Up on the Railroad.
Daniel McKernan, a tramp, who said he was from Sandusky, Ohio, and
was making his way to New Jersey, was walking in an easterly direction
across bridge No. 11, near Tyrone, on Thursday morning. He heard a
freight train come thundering along in front of him, and stepped to
one side to avoid accident, not noticing the Johnstown accommodation
train advancing behind him. The train struck him, and his shoulder-
blade was broken. He also received a severe cut in the top of his
head, about six inches long. He was taken to Huntingdon and his
wounds were attended to. The injured man was brought to this city on
the Pacific express train yesterday morning by Policeman Westbrook, of
Huntingdon, and in the afternoon was taken to the almshouse. McKernan
is about thirty years of age.
Bill Lewis' Narrow Escape.
Bill Lewis, a colored porter at the Logan House, has not always
served in that peaceful capacity. He was, in days gone by, a warrior,
and is a veteran of the late difficulty between the North and the
South. He aided and abetted the Southern Confederacy by driving a
mule team. One day in the vicinity of Fredericksburg Bill was
whipping up his contrary animals while the cannon balls and shells
were flying thick and fast, when a big ball came unexpectedly that way
and, as he says, "struck de lead mule squar' in de head. De mule
neber hollered. I tell you, boss, I bounced off de saddle mule in de
quickes' time 'magin'ble, and, clar' to goodness! I hain't seen dat
mule team to dis day!"
A Tramp Who Wasn't Particular.
A lady who resides in the vicinity of Ninth street crossing was
accosted by a tramp the other day who requested a piece of bread. The
lady told him she had no bread in the house, and the tramp said:
"Well, madam, give me a piece of pie; I can eat pie just as easy as
bread!" It is not stated whether the pie was furnished or not.
Interesting Ceremony in the Second Lutheran Church Last Evening.
The wedding ceremony that was announced to take place in the
TRIBUNE of Saturday last came off in the Second Lutheran Church last
evening. As early as 6 o'clock the lecture room of the church began
to fill up with people, although the time set for the celebration of
the nuptials was a half hour later. But few invitations were issued,
among the favored being a TRIBUNE reporter. He arrived a little late
and found the room crowded. Scarcely had he taken a seat when the
sounds of the "Louisville Wedding March" floated through the room from
the organ. While the joyful music pealed forth the bride and
bridegroom, Miss Jennie Moser (daughter of Rev. D. Moser, deceased,
and sister of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Mr. Moser, of New York
State) and Rev. J. W. Kimmel, of Arcadia, Ohio, entered the church.
They advanced to the open space in front of the pulpit, where the
officiating clergyman, assisted by Rev. J. F. Shearer, pastor of the
Second Lutheran Church, in a neat service pronounced them man and
The bride was dressed in bronze silk trimmed with white lace, while
bouquets of orange blossoms and white roses were entwined gracefully
in her hair and on her bosom and neck. Her head was adorned with a
princess hat trimmed with orange blossoms and blue silk; a white veil
depended from the hat, while her hands were encased in white kid
gloves. The groom was dressed in broadcloth, and wore a white tie and
kid gloves of the same color.
On the conclusion of the short services the happy couple, friends
and invited guests repaired to the residence of the bride's mother,
next door to the church, where congratulations were extended and a
sumptuous repast served.
The newly wedded pair left on fast line west last evening for
Cresson, where they will remain a few days, after which they will
visit Canton, Ohio, and from thence proceed to Arcadia, in the same
State, where the Rev. Mr. Kimmel is stationed. We wish the happy
couple success in life.
Guying the Blair Furnace People.
Not long ago a concert was given in the church at Blair Furnace, a
couple of miles below this city, and among quite a large audience
present was a young gentleman who, it may be as well to state, had two
ladies with him. The gentleman said he was a newspaper reporter of
this city, and appeared to be much taken with the concert, but
especially so with a piece rendered entitled "Katy Did." On leaving
the church he said if the concert would be repeated the next evening,
and "Katy Did" be sung again, he would come down and bring with him a
large number of Altoona people. The concert was repeated, the piece
was rendered; but, alas! the Blair Furnace people failed to see the
Altoona "large number." Katy-didn't take worth a cent.
An Ex-Councilman Charged With a Serious Offense.
Patrick H. McDermott, a resident of the Fifth ward, made
information Wednesday morning against George W. Detwiler, an ex-member
of Council, charging him with attempted arson. Mr. Detwiler was
subsequently arrested, and at a hearing the prosecutor testified as
At 10:45 o'clock last night (Tuesday) I heard my dogs barking
furiously; the next house to mine is empty; Mrs. Houck lived in it
last; I got up and went to the yard and saw a man in the act of
pouring oil in through one of the windows in the empty house; I
recognized Detwiler.
According to this testimony Detwiler was held in $1,000 bail for
his appearance at the next term of court, Mr. Ben. Burley becoming his
surety. It is alleged that Mr. Detwiler was annoyed by disreputable
characters who it is said lived in the house he is charged with
attempting to burn, and he took this means of getting rid of the
Officers of the Juniata Medical Society.
The Juniata Valley Medical Association recently elected the
following officers:
President - John P. Sterrett, of Juniata.
Vice Presidents - Crawford Irwin, of Blair; Isaac Guss, Huntingdon;
Charles Long, Bedford; L. Banks, Juniata.
Recording Secretary - W. C. Roller, Blair.
Corresponding Secretary - Sydney Thomson, Huntingdon.
Treasurer - J. W. Brown, Mifflin.
The business meeting will be held at Lewistown on the second
Tuesday of January, 1879, at 11 o'clock A. M., when the time and place
for the next annual meeting will be fixed.
A Flagman's Hand Mashed.
James Houck, of 1011 Lexington avenue, flagman of a freight train,
while coupling cars at Bellwood about 11 o'clock Sunday night had two
fingers of his right hand seriously hurt by being caught between the
"deadwood." The end of his fourth finger was cut in such a manner
that the nail could be raised from the flesh. A company physician
dressed the wound when Mr. Houck was brought to the city.
A Big Catch of Eels and Catfish.
On Friday night last George Sneath, of Petersburg, set something
less than two hundred hooks in the river between Tipton and Tyrone,
and on Saturday morning he was much surprised and gratified, when the
work of lifting them was done, to count seventy five good-sized eels
and three large catfish as the result of the night's work. As a
fisherman George holds the palm.
Father Bradley Recovering.
Rev. Father Bradley, for forty-five years pastor of the Catholic
Church at Newry and the oldest priest in this diocese, being over 80
years of age, is recovering from an illness that it was feared by many
would cause his death. His friends and acquaintances will doubtless
be glad to learn that the aged priest is so much better.
Arm Broken.
On Friday evening a son of John Hickman, residing on Eleventh
avenue, fell from a tree and broke both bones of his left arm below
the elbow. Dr. Christy was called and set the bone.
FICKES - SHAEFER - August 1, by Rev. S. McHenry, S. W. Fickes and
Mrs. Rebecca Shaefer, both of Claysburg.
TAYLOR - In this city, July 31, Wallace Clifford Hoenstine, aged 5
years, 7 months and 15 days.
SMITH - In this city, August 3, Edith S., infant daughter of J. F.
and Annie C. Smith, aged 8 months and 4 days.
HOOVER - August 2, in Claysburg, of diphtheria, Harry Franklin
Hoover, aged 8 years, 10 months and 15 days.
MARSHALL - At the residence of her parents in Logantown, Sarah,
infant daughter of John M. and Mary M. Marshall, aged 4 months.
(Baltimore papers please copy.)
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 8, 1878, page 3