Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, March 7, 1878
Samuel Milliken, of Hollidaysburg, has received the contract for
the telegraph poles of the Seaboard pipe and telegraph line.
Harry A. Jacobs leaves this morning for Harrisburg, where he will
resume his occupation of putting in type the wisdom of our
While a drover, name unknown, was examining a horse in front of the
Kellerman House, Gaysport, on Thursday, the animal kicked him on the
hand injuring that member rather seriously.
James McIntyre says that field mice have become so plenty that they
are destroying the growing grain and clover, and that the scalp law
must be repealed or a premium paid for the killing of these mice.
From fifty to sixty applicants apply every morning at the office of
the Master Mechanic for employment. They are invariably turned away,
as there is no work for extra hands at present.
D. Orr Alexander on pension day administered the oath to 203
persons, applicants and witnesses. Miss Annie Shoemaker filled up the
documents. This was the biggest day's work at swearing we have any
knowledge of.
In the company's building at Eleventh avenue and Twelfth street,
which contains the Superintendent of Transportation's office, the car
record office, the General Superintendent's office, and several
others, there are eighty-five employes.
At the recent election in Tyrone township, for the first time for
many years a justice of the peace was elected who it is said will lift
his commission. Our Sinking Valley friends must intend to do some
lawing in the next five years.
The Tyrone planing mills are moving along on nearly full time with
increasing orders, and it is said the Keystone furniture factory in
the hands of its new proprietor, will also start up again in a short
time - all on account of the new silver bill.
Harry Bush, of Hollidaysburg, died on Thursday evening last of
pneumonia, after a comparatively brief illness. He was a shoemaker by
trade, but had recently been employed as a puddler in the rolling mill
of the Hollidaysburg Iron and Nail company.
A white weasel is one of the latest additions to 'Squire Jones'
cabinet of curiosities. It was killed by James Robeson in the
champion scalp township of Frankstown. We may add here that Mr.
Robeson, who is an experienced and extensive farmer, is heartily in
favor of the repeal of the scalp act.
Mrs. Susan Leamer, widow of Henry Leamer, died at her residence,
Hollidaysburg, Saturday night last, aged 77 years and 20 days. She
has resided in that place since the year 1839, and many there are who
will hear of her death with profound sorrow. She became a member of
the Lutheran Church many years ago, and has ever since lived a
consistent Christian life. When the message came she was prepared to
go. The mortal remains of this aged lady were conveyed to their last
resting place in the Lutheran cemetery yesterday afternoon. She
leaves several children, thirty grandchildren and fifty great-
The most powerful argument yet advanced in favor of the repeal of
the scalp act is that since the hawks and owls have been exterminated
by the payment of premiums, the field mice have become so plentiful
that they in turn will exterminate the bumble bee, by destroying their
nests and eating their grub; and, as is well known in scientific
circles, the bumble bee is the only insect an all-wise Creator has
provided to distribute the pollen and thereby impregnate the clover
blossom, and thus enable it to give seed, it in turn, will soon be
exterminated, and as it is our principal fertilizer, our productive
fields without it would soon be so barren and so poor that when the
killdeers visit it they will be compelled to bring their provisions
Small-pox at Lloydsville.
It is learned on reliable authority that Lloydsville is afflicted
with small-pox, two cases being under treatment there.
Probable Fatal Mistake.
On Monday Mrs. Clark, residing on Fifth avenue and Sixth street,
took internally in a mistake a dose of tincture of iodine for tincture
of iron. The lady became deathly sick and suffered intensely from the
effects of the wrong potion. Dr. Goodman was called in and
administered the necessary antidotes, but Mrs. Clark was still in a
precarious condition Thursday.
Death of Miss Stewart.
Miss Elizabeth Stewart, 64 years of age, aunt of ex-Postmaster
Stewart, died yesterday morning at half past 3 o'clock, at the
residence of John T. Patton, on Fourteenth avenue, between Eleventh
and Twelfth street. Miss Stewart last summer sustained an injury to
one of her hips, breaking a bone, and she had been suffering from this
accident and from general debility ever since. She met death while
sitting in a chair. Her funeral will take place at 10 o'clock to-
morrow morning.
Arrest of Two Strikers.
Frank Gray and a man named Heenan were arrested on Thursday last by
Constable Stutzman, of East Conemaugh. The charge preferred against
the prisoners is that they ran a train of cars from East Conemaugh to
Johnstown during the July troubles for the purpose of bringing
assistance from the latter place to the strikers here. While arrests
were being made after the strike they vamoosed. The grand jury had
found true bills against them. It is probable they will be tried at
Ebensburg this week, where they are confined.
P. R. R. Earnings for January.
The figures of an official statement of the business of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company on all lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie
for January, 1878, as compared with same month in 1877, show an
increase in gross earnings of $12,720; a decrease in the expenses of
$137,947; an increase in net earnings of $150,677. All lines west of
Pittsburgh for the month of January, 1878, show a profit over all
liabilities of $143,155. This is quite encouraging, and tells
favorably for the steadily improving condition of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
Serious Accident.
About 10 o'clock Wednesday forenoon an accident of a rather serious
nature occurred at the Frankstown ore bank, some distance from town.
A portion of the embankment of the mine suddenly gave way and in its
fall caught one of the miners, Jacob Broyler by name. He says he was
struck on the side and hip by a piece of slate weighing nearly two
tons. Dr. D. S. Hays, of this borough, who attended Broyler tells us
that his side and hip are badly bruised, that no bones are broken,
although he is suffering intense pain and may be, probably is,
internally injured.
Bank President Arrested.
Samuel D. Livengood, president of the First National Bank of
Meyersdale, Somerset county, was arrested on Tuesday night, charged by
John Olinger with having made oath to a false statement of the
condition of the affairs of the bank before a notary public with
intent to deceive the Bank Examiner. The name of the notary before
whom the alleged false oath was taken is J. C. Yutzy. Mr. Livengood
gave bail before U. S. Marshal Hall in $5,000 for his appearance on
May 1. Mr. G. L. Miller, of Meyersdale, is his bondsman.
The Death of Colonel P. B. Wilson.
Colonel Philip Bender Wilson, it was learned from a dispatch
received here on Saturday by his cousin, Charles T. Wilson, depot
master, died at Bellefonte at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. Colonel
Wilson had been sick for some time, and his death was not unexpected.
He was a native of Centre county, where he was for years extensively
engaged in mercantile and manufacturing pursuits. Early during the
civil war he was elected captain of Company F, Fifty ninth regiment
(Second cavalry), Pennsylvania volunteers, and promoted October 28,
1862, major, in which position he served until he was transferred to
the Provisional cavalry June 17, 1865. In the military service no man
behaved with more gallantry under fire, or took a more active part in
all the battles in which his regiment was engaged. Accustomed in
civil life to have the direction of large bodies of men, he was
efficient in the discharge of the executive duties of his position.
On the termination of the war, he resumed his position in the business
competition in which he was a prominent actor from his earliest
manhood, and in the pursuit of which he won a character for honor and
capacity that made him respected by all who knew him. Deceased was a
brother of W. P. Wilson, and a brother-in-law of Hon. John B. Linn,
deputy secretary of the commonwealth.
Colonel Wilson was elected captain of Company B in the spring of
1875, and at Huntingdon in September of the same year was elected
lieutenant colonel. On the discharge of Colonel Milliken he was
elected to the colonelcy of the regiment.
The funeral took place at Bellefonte on Tuesday afternoon at 2
The Twenty-fifth Annual Conclave of Knights Templar.
It was stated in the Tribune several days ago that the grand
commandery of Knights Templar would hold in this city in the latter
part of May their twenty-fifth annual conclave. The dates have since
been fixed, and the conclave will assemble here on Tuesday, May 28,
and remain in session for three days. A grand Knights Templar parade
will take place on Thursday, May 30, in which it is expected that
knights from all quarters of Pennsylvania will participate. Circulars
have been issued by Mountain commandery of this city, and will be sent
to the different commanderies throughout the State requesting
information as to the probable number of representatives each will
send, &c. The committee of arrangements comprise Messrs. Timothy
Davis, chairman: Wm. Stimer, E. C.; Robt. Pitcairn, P. G. C.; E. H.
Turner, P. G. C.; A. H. Maxwell, P. E. C.; E. B. McCrum, P. E. C.; J.
D. McClellan; Rowan Clarke, M. D.; John L. Piper, Jas. P. Stewart; W.
H. Rose.
Another Libel Suit.
Thursday afternoon Constable Howard served another warrant on H. C.
Dern, Hugh Pitcairn and A. J. Greer, commanding them to appear before
Alderman Poffenberger, and answer the great (?) Recorder of Altoona a
supposed libel hidden in the following paragraph:
The Globe's appeal for mercy shall be heeded. Its conception of
journalistic courtesy is quite indistinct, and it is more to be pitied
than condemned. It is an irresponsible thing, according to its own
confession, and it would be cruel to worry its ponderosity and hunt
the "nigger scalawag" in the bank woodpile. It is not in the
TRIBUNE'S way at all, as our daily increase of business attests. "Go
poor devil," &c.
The defendants appeared before the Alderman last evening, and
entered bail in the sum of $1,000 each for their appearance at the
April term - Messrs. John P. Levan and Wm. Stoke becoming sureties.
Now, if there are more far-fetched libel suits, the prosecutors will
please hurry them up, so that not more than one Court may bothered
with such nonsense.
Narrow Escape.
Mrs. Carrie Shoffner, of Tyrone, while attempting to get on the Way
Passenger train at Union Furnace, whither she had been to attend her
music class, narrowly escaped a sudden and horrible death. As she was
standing on the platform just in the act of getting on the train the
fast mail east came tearing around the curve and quicker than thought
went rushing by, with Mrs. S. standing between the two trains, she
scarcely knowing what to do. Fortunately for her she done nothing, as
a step in front or back would have cost her her life. The fast mail
stopped, and passengers on both trains drew a sigh of relief when they
saw the lady stand out erect and unhurt. We have noticed at this
place before that the Way Passenger and fast mail pass there and it
behooves all parties who get on or off at that place to look out, and
the station agent should inform passengers of their possible
Thieving at Pottsgrove's Mill.
On Tuesday night a raid was made on Pottsgrove's Mill, in Logan
township, near the eastern limits of this city, and one hundred pounds
of wheaten flour and fifty pounds of buckwheat flour were stolen. The
thieves gained entrance to the mill by cutting out a couple of panes
of glass. This is the second time the mill has been visited within a
few days. On a former occasion fifty pounds of flour and corn meal
were taken. There has been considerable petty thieving going on in
that neighborhood of late, and all perpetrated doubtless by the same
parties. With Mr. Jonathan Hamilton's meat, Mr. Oliver Haggerty's
turkeys, and the flour, corn meal and buckwheat from the mill, the
rascals ought to live pretty well for a month or so. If they don't
choke to death in the meantime over their ill-gotten plunder we hope
some clue may be had which will result in their arrest and
Details of the Accident to James Gillan.
James Gillan, who it was reported in the TRIBUNE of Friday had been
hurt on the railroad near Gallitzin the night before, is a man about
sixty years of age. A freight train was going eastward, and the
unfortunate gentleman was walking in the same direction, and on the
same track, but when the cars got close he stepped off to the opposite
one. This was near the overhead bridge, about a mile west of the
village, where there is a curve, and consequently Mr. Gillan failed to
notice the approach of the "pusher," which was coming down at a
moderate rate of speed. He was struck and knocked some distance, his
right arm broken in three places, and he was also badly contused about
the head and body. He resides in the borough of Gallitzin.
That Mr. George W. Dixon, of Sinking Valley, is a gentleman of the
first water is a fact of which we were not wholly ignorant, but only
the more forcibly induced to believe by attending a social at his
house on Thursday evening, given in honor of the newly married couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crawford. The company was treated to the choice
things of Madam Dixon's larder, and was entertained in the best of
style by Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and Miss Annie Kantner. It was with
reluctance that they separated on the arrival of the "wee sma'" hours.
But we were assured that all, save one or two, wended their way
homeward, praising inwardly the host and hostess who had so admirably
entertained them during the evening. - TONY.
The April Jurors.
We presume that the TRIBUNE readers will scan with more than
passing interest the names of the gentlemen who have been drawn to
serve on the grand and traverse jurors for the first week of the April
term of court. Following are the names:
Samuel Abrahims, Altoona; C. N. Baish, Altoona; Thos. G. Bell,
Logan; Jacob Buck, Logan; Wm. C. Bayley, Hollidaysburgh; J. W. Fries,
Altoona; David Falkner, North Woodberry; Thomas Hunter, Antis; Albert
Hileman, Frankstown; Miller Knott, Altoona; John Lee, Altoona; Edward
Leighty, Juniata; Matthew Long, Tyrone township; Wm. Lingafelter,
Altoona; A. S. Morrow, Hollidaysburg; Seth R. McCune, Altoona; Adie
Russell, Tyrone township; Andrew Riley, Woodberry; Theophilus Snyder,
Martinsburg; O. A. Traugh, Hollidaysburg; Calvin Walters, Greenfield;
Geo. S. Wilt, Juniata; John Weyandt (of Jacob), Greenfield; Jacob
Zeth, Jr., Greenfield.
George Albright, Huston; John S. Akers, Huston; John Akers,
Frankstown; Robert Bonine, Gaysport; E. M. Clapper, Allegheny; W. H.
Calvert, Tyrone twp.; Elihu Crawford, Logan; A. Clabaugh, Woodberry;
Jos. L. Calvert, Altoona; John H. Clapper, Huston; Jacob Diehl, Tyrone
bor.; John Dean, Woodberry; Albert Diehl, Allegheny; William Estep,
Woodberry; Jacob Forsht, Logan; William Fox, Altoona; J. C. Gibboney,
Allegheny; Benjamin Garvin, Woodberry: Matthew Hunter, Blair; Stephen
Hughes, Blair; M. E. King, Altoona; Joseph H. Little, Altoona; C. F.
Lingenfelter, Greenfield; C. A. McFarland, Hollidaysburg; Blain
McCormick, Altoona; B. F. Patton, Altoona; Silas Piper, Allegheny;
Daniel Powell, Huston; Jacob Renner, Altoona; Richard Rowan, Altoona;
William Shiffler, Taylor; William Taylor, Logan; John Wike, Logan;
Jacob Walters, Greenfield; J. J. Wilmore, Tyrone bor.; Willian Yon,
G. F. Armstrong, Logan; W. Y. Anderson, Logan; H. L. Ake,
Woodberry; L. S. Burket, North Woodberry; John Black, Jr., Blair;
Andrew Biddle, Allegheny; Samuel Bottomfield, Woodberry; M. Clabaugh,
Woodberry; W. F. Conrad, Tyrone borough; C. Caltebaugh, Allegheny;
Thomas Cressman, Logan; J. H. Carr, Altoona; B. F. Dodson, Greenfield;
C. Dilling, Huston; William Decker, Altoona; B. J. Daniels, Taylor; J.
F. Ellsworth, Woodberry; J. W. Green, Blair; A. B. Hicks, Allegheny;
J. C. Hoover, Huston; William Harnish, Blair; T. L. Houck, Altoona; H.
Hague, Logan; Oliver Hagerty, Logan; Samuel Hartzell, Logan; R. R.
Hamilton, Allegheny: Jere. Miller, Martinsburg; Samuel McCamant,
Tyrone borough; Thomas Shorter, Altoona; J. B. Sykes, North Woodberry;
J. A. Smith, Logan; Westley Smith, Woodberry; James Tearney,
Hollidaysburg; Jere. Whitehead, Woodberry; William Weaver, Blair; H.
W. Yon, Altoona.
Cutting a Bee Tree.
There stood on the farm of Farmer McCahan, near Hollidaysburg, a
huge old oak tree whose butt measured in circumference some nine feet.
Decayed it was in the branches, and the farmer never thanked God that
its old trunk stood the assaults of time and seasons, but had often
expressed a desire to have this giant of the forest felled to the
ground. Not one of his tenants, however, would undertake the job.
Finally an idea struck him, and he called upon a gentleman who resides
in the county capital, and who shall be called John for short. John
is noted for his special line of honey. The farmer called on him and
told him that he had business in Hollidaysburg, and was fearful that
in his absence some scalawag would cut his bee tree, which, he verily
believed, contained about one ton of pure honey. John was asked to
keep an eye on the tree, which was pointed out to him in the absence
of its owner. He promised faithful attention. That night as the
farmer's pious head rested easily on his downy pillow the sweet echo
of the woodman's axe was wafted to his willing ears, and in the early
morn the heavy crash of the huge monster announced that his friend had
been faithful to his trust. But not a single hum of the little buzzy
bee or a drop of its delicious store rewarded him, and he has lost all
hankering after honey.
The Lloyd Bankruptcy Case.
The bankruptcy case of Wm. M. Lloyd, of this city, one of the most
interesting ever handled in this judicial district, both on account of
its magnitude financially and because of the number of people
interested, was up in the United States District Court, Pittsburgh,
Tuesday. It was claimed by the creditors that the bankrupt had made
an assignment, and the attempt was made to throw him into bankruptcy.
Mr. Lloyd resisted the proceeding, claiming that the petitioners were
not sufficient in number or amount to make the proceedings legal.
After a long fight, the United States District Court decided them
sufficient. The defendant then asked the Circuit Court for a review
of the proceedings in the District Court, and the motion for the
review was partially argued on Tuesday. Hon. S. S. Blair, of
Hollidaysburg, appeared for petitioner, and George M. Reed and George
Shiras, Jr., Esq., for the creditors. The case will be argued again
on the 15th of March.
Disposing of the Boys From the Mountain.
The three young men from the mountain who were arrested on Friday
for drunkenness and resisting the officers were before the mayor on
Saturday evening. Their names were Joseph Carney, Michael Sheridan
and John Sheridan. Carney and John Sheridan, who broke up the benches
and played havoc generally in the cell, were dealt with in a more
severe manner than was Michael Sheridan, who was let go on the payment
of costs. Joseph Carney's uncle, who lives in this city, went the
young man's security for the payment of costs and the damage to the
cell. John Sheridan was sent back to the lock-up to remain until the
costs in his case were paid and the money handed over to repair the
broken furniture in the cell in which he was confined.
Officers Elect.
We give below a complete list of city, borough and township
officers chosen at the recent election. Such of our readers as are
interested in such matters would do well to cut this out and paste it
in their scrap books:
Allegheny. - Judge, Samuel Moore; Inspectors, Silas W. Piper, Alex.
Buchanan; Assessor, R. R. Hamilton; Supervisors, Jas. McCoy, James
Clossin; Constable, Wm. F. Montgomery; School Directors, Westley
Dehaven, S. C. Steiner, William Montgomery (1 year); Auditor, G. W.
Lindsay; Clerk, Joseph Mitchell.
Bennington. - Judge, Patrick Moran; Inspectors, John B. Leap, John
Leonard; Assessor, E. G. Watkins.
Antis. - Judge, John Gheer; Inspectors, Tobias Kreider, Lemuel Ale;
Assessor, J. J. Estep; Supervisors, John Hostler, David Philips;
Constable, W. C. Forrester; School Directors, Thomas Beyer, Michael
Bridenbaugh; Auditor, J. W. Riddle; Clerk, W. S. Hostler.
Blair. - Judge, James Conrad; Inspectors, David Hamilton, Charles
Schultze; Assessor, Samuel Fink; Supervisors, G. W. Rhodes, Samuel
Fink; Constable, Thomas Tierney; School Directors, John Campbell,
William Bush; Auditor, Charles Curran; Clerk, Valentine Fink.
Catharine. - Judge, John Isenburg; Inspectors, Benjamin Gorsuch,
Jacob Sorrick; Assessor, J. H. Isett; Supervisors, Samuel Isett, James
McCormick; Constable, Samuel Neely; School Directors, J. H. Roller,
John Isenberg; Auditor, Samuel L. Hare; Clerk, J. H. Isett.
Frankstown. - Judge, Jacob Clapper; Inspectors, Geo. Diehl, Henry
Vandrew; Assessor, M. F. Glass; Supervisors, George Free, William
Carls; Constable, Charles Eicholtz; School Directors, John Miller, J.
B. Warfel; Auditor, Fred Hainsey; Clerk, Henry Harpster.
Juniata. - Judge, Jacob Leighty; Inspectors, Christ Jaehley, A. D.
Wilt; Assessor, A. C. Long; Supervisors, D. M. Leighty, Christ. Hite;
Constable, Thad. P. Stevens; School Directors, Jacob Mash, Emanuel
Diehl; Auditor, Jere. Long; Clerk, Geo. P. Leighty.
Greenfield. - Judge, Samuel Stiner; Inspectors, David H. Yingling,
Miles W. Black; Assessor, Samuel S. Weyandt; Supervisors, J. N. Zeth,
Samuel Dively; Constable, Samuel Dively; School Directors, James
Dively, Michael Black; Auditor, John McGraw.
Huston. - Judge, Henry C. Smith; Inspectors, J. H. Brumbaugh, Jacob
Hetrick; Assessor, Hugh D. Rhodes; Supervisors, Henry D. Smith, John
Rhodes; Constable, Aaron B. Mock; School Directors, M. L. Femualt,
John S. Acker; Auditor, Jacob Acker; Clerk, Levi Acker; Treasurer,
Jacob Ceerone.
Freedom. - Judge, James E., Butler; Inspectors, Joseph Ruggles,
Augustus Clark; Assessor, H. C. Feathers; Supervisors, John B. Curtis,
Augustus McCoy; Constable, Samuel Stroup; School Directors, James
McCormick, Richard Roely; Auditor, J. G. Lingenfelter.
Logan. - Judge, S. S. Stains; Inspectors, Samuel Hartzell, W. D.
McDonell; Assessor, J. P. McKnight; Supervisors, J. M. Burkhart,
Charles Copelurn; Constable, W. H. Winecrop; School Directors, William
Louden, Elihu Crawford; Auditor, James Hileman; Clerk, Thomas
Snyder. - Judge, William Green; Inspectors, Joshua Gorsuch,
Jonathan Woomer; Assessor, Josiah Mone; Supervisors, Henry Woomer,
Benjamin Calderwood; Constable, William Eaken; School Directors, Hiram
Friday (there was a tie vote between Sanford Stonebreaker and A.
Vanscoyoc); Auditor, M. Craine; Clerk, John Sample.
Taylor. - Judge, Wm. M. Robb; Inspectors, J. B. Snowberger, Peter
Dorsey; Assessor, J. E. Loner; Sup'vs., J. M. Snowberger, Daniel Hite;
Constable, Charles Shaffer; School Directors, A. S. S. Stayer, Charles
Martin; Auditor, David B. Rice; Clerk, A. J. Pollard.
Tyrone Twp. - Judge, Smith Wilson; Inspectors, Ezra McMullin, A. J.
Fleck; Assessor, Ephraim Burket; Supervisors, J. M. Wilson, James
McQuead; Constable, S. H. Miller; School Directors, Thomas M. Fleck,
John Wallace; Auditor, Samuel Morrow.
Martinsburg. - Judge, L. S. Burget; Inspector, L. A. Oellig, C. A.
McKillip; Assessor, J. L. Martin; Constable, J. H. Nicodemus; School
Directors, Robert Taylor, D. L. Keagy; Auditor, Frederick Keagy;
Burgess, Henry Bridenbaugh; Council, Jacob Rhodes, C. A. McKillip, D.
Snowberger, David Strayer, John May, T. W. Bonner.
North Woodberry. - Same election officers as above: Assessor, H.
S. Burget; Supervisors, D. S. Bronn, D. H. Brumbaugh; Constable, J. S.
Burget; School Directors, C. Bronn, J. G. Rhodes; Auditor, E. D.
Woodberry. - Judge, John Dean; Inspectors, M. C. Schnule, M. N.
Shollar; Assessor, Isaac Yingling; Supervisors, James Riley, Edward
Trimlath; Constable, J. D. Alleneer; School Directors, Edward Wolford,
William Richardson, Andrew Simms; Auditors, S. R. Schmucker, J. D.
Ross; Clerk, John McCloshey.
Newry. - Judge, James Conrad; Inspectors, David Hamilton, Charles
Shultz; Assessor, John H. Likens; Council, F. McCoy, J. Rhodes;
Constable, Jonas Auneman; School Directors, John Campbell, William
Bush; Auditor, Henry McIntosh.
Gaysport. - Judge, J. G. Barr; Inspectors, G. R. Curtis, D. Kilday;
Assessor, Hugh Smith; Council, William Kellerman, G. W. Patterson;
Constable, John Miller; School Directors, William P. Smith, J. R.
Crawford; Auditors, Alexander Dobbins, Frank Patterson; Burgess, C. B.
East Hollidaysburg. - Judge, John Barr; Inspectors, Matthew Huston,
D. H. Sickles; Constable, Samuel Fink; Supervisors, G. W. Rhodes,
Samuel Fink; Constable, Thomas Tierney; Auditor, Charles Curran;
Clerk, Valentine Fink.
East Tyrone. - Judge, Thomas McCann; Inspectors, William Lewis,
William Wilt; Assessor, William Shannon; School Directors, A. Harr, F.
Reeder, Peter Fry; Constable, John Nowlin; Auditor, James
Tyrone, First Ward. - Judge, Jacob Stephens; Inspectors, V. M.
Stonebreaker, William McIlvaine; Assessor, Jos. Eschbach.
Second Ward. - Judge, S. M. Study; Inspectors, W. H. Stephens, P.
Sneeringer; Assessor, Samuel Marks.
Third Ward. - Judge, G. Burley; Inspectors, John Igou, Michael
Haner; Assessor, C. R. Burley.
Fourth Ward. - Judge, J. Ammernan [sic]; Inspectors, David Stive,
M. Stewart; Assessor, Israel Miller.
The other officers of Tyrone, as well as those of Altoona and
Hollidaysburg, have already been given.
Preparations continue for that "novelty" surprise party, which it
is believed will be the event of the season. Should no untoward event
occur to disarrange the programme the affair will certainly be a
Sad and Fatal Accident.
A Petersburg correspondent of the Huntingdon Globe sends that paper
the following particulars of a sad and distressing accident: Last
Thursday night about ten o'clock several young men left the Methodist
Church at Petersburg to return home on horseback. They had proceeded
but a short distance, riding rapidly, when one of them, George H.
Sheasley, a son of David Sheasley, aged 16 years, ran, in the
darkness, into a broken buggy that was standing by the roadside, and
was thrown against a stone, crushing his skull, from the effects of
which he remained unconscious till the next day near three o'clock,
when he died.
The Western Hegira.
Four car loads of emigrants from the Bald Eagle valley, and as far
down as Montgomery station, twelve miles below Williamsport, came to
Tyrone last evening, and were transferred to the mail train at that
point. They were a very substantial-looking crowd of people, mostly
young, or at least below the middle age. Quite a number of girls and
boys and babies were in the party, and they were strewn through the
cars when they reached this city in all imaginable shapes to seek
comfort. The destination of a majority of them seemed to be
A considerable number of emigrants were on one section of the Fast
Line west, also. Some of these were from West Virginia, and came
across from Martinsburg to Harrisburg to get on the Central road.
Others were picked up at Harrisburg, the depot at that place yesterday
being full of people seeking homes in the west. These were also bound
for Kansas.
Walked Forty-three Miles to Join the Nebraska Colony.
The regular monthly meeting of Altoona's Nebraska colony was held
at the restaurant of Mr. S. T. Wilson, in the basement of the Opera
House, on Saturday night. There was a very good attendance of members
and others interested. The place of Mr. Simons, who has resigned the
office of vice president of the colony, was filled by the selection of
Mr. Thomas E. Lightner. Ten new members were enrolled, and the
interest taken in the movement is shown by the fact that three of the
new members walked forty-three miles to join. A meeting of those
colonists who intend to emigrate before the passage of the bill to aid
them by Congress will be held on Tuesday evening, the 12th instant, to
make preparations to get away about the 15th inst. The colony holds
its meeting every Saturday night at the usual place.
Death of John G. Shollenberger in Missouri.
J. L. Shaffer, secretary of Altoona lodge No. 473, I. O. of O. F.,
received a dispatch on Saturday from St. Joseph, Mo., announcing the
death in that city on Saturday morning at 7 o'clock of John G.
Shollenberger, formerly of this city. His disease was pneumonia. Mr.
Shollenberger left Altoona about a year ago and nothing was heard of
him until a few months since, when it was learned that he was in St.
Joseph engaged in contracting. He was a brother of Jas.
Shollenberger, constable for the west side. It is probable that the
remains will be interred at St. Joseph.
A Double Misfortune.
Some time ago we noticed the fact that Mr. James Thompson, a young
man residing in Riggle's Gap, Antis township, nearly severed his leg
between the ankle and knee joints, with a blow from an axe while
cutting down timber. While endeavoring to drag himself home the bone
snapped asunder, leaving it hanging by the flesh. Dr. Clark dressed
the wound, which knit together and healed nicely. The other day he
slipped and fell on the floor of his residence and broke his leg over
again. He has the sympathy of the neighborhood in his double
misfortune. We hope his leg may be saved to him.
A Rat's Run for Life.
Mr. Myers, Sr., of the livery stable on Twelfth street, met with a
laughable adventure Wednesday. A big rat was discovered in the
office, and a dog was set upon it. The rat escaped and made a break
for the first convenient hole, which in this case happened to be the
lower end of Mr. Myers' pantaloons. The frightened rodent ran up one
of his pant-legs and came down the other. The rat had his light
extinguished when he appeared the second time. The incident created
much amusement among the employes of the livery stable.
Heavy Shipment of Freight.
Saturday, shipment of freight from Pittsburgh was the largest that
has been made from that point for a long time. From 12 o'clock on
Friday night to 12 o'clock on Saturday night 1,250 cars, nearly all
loaded, were sent east from that place to various points along the
MCCUNE - FEAGLEY - On November 29th 1877, by the Rev. J. W. Leckie,
J, Albert McCune, of this city, to Miss Sallie F. Feagley, of Cold
Spring, Huntingdon county.
METZ - PATTERSON - On the 28th ult., by Rev. N. G. White. Mr. Grove
Metz and Miss Julia Patterson, all of Williamsburg.
CRILLY - On Wednesday, 27th inst., Harry youngest son of John and
Ellie Crilly, aged 1 year and 1 month.
SHAVER - In this city, on the 4th instant, Mr. N. C. Shaver, aged
about 23 years.
BROWN - In this city, on the 3d instant, Frankie Brown, aged 12
EBBERT - In this city, March 5, John Edwin, only child of John W.
and K. M. Ebbert, aged 2 years, 6 months and 11 days.
Neighborhood Pickings.
Huntingdon's pest house is now vacant.
Everett is not scourged with typhoid fever.
Gen. John Williamson, of Huntingdon, has been cured of the cancer
in his face.
Twelve or fifteen citizens of Mt. Union and Shade Gap started for
Kansas on Tuesday last.
Lon. Wertz, a young man of Huntingdon, tried to suicide Thursday
last by the use of laudanum.
Two attempts have been made to rob the confectionery store of G. W.
Yocum, in Mapleton, recently.
Christopher Miller, of Altoona, was caught robbing a church in
Pittsburg the other day and was committed.
Richard Ashmon, of Three Springs, Huntingdon county, has a cow that
has given birth to twin calves four times in succession,
Mrs. Levi Holland, who was so badly hurt by falling down a flight
of stairs in her residence in Johnstown, died on Wednesday
Sheriff Ryan, of Cambria county, last week, distributed $12,000
among those entitled to receive the same from recent sales in
The only surviving officer of the war of 1812 in this State, Major
Samuel Cooper, of Saltsberg, Monroe county, now in his 90th year, is
quite ill, with no hope of recovery.
Mrs. John Jones, a Port Royal colored lady, walked over the
embankment of the railroad bridge at that place, on Thursday evening
last, and so badly injured herself that when found she was dead.
S. P. Showalter, of Bedford county, was severely injured in the
shoulder and back by a tree falling on him the other day while hewing
timber. The tree had lodged against another one, and was dislodged by
the wind.
A barn owned by John W. Shaw and tenanted by E. C. Hamilton, near
Lewistown, was burned on Monday night, and with it three cows and a
heifer, three shoats, a sow with pigs, oats, and a lot of farming
The barn of Mordecai Henry, near Wilsontown, Huntingdon county, was
burned Thursday evening last, together with one young horse, some
sheep and poultry, 250 bushels of wheat, clover seed, several tons of
hay and straw, and a large crib nearly filled with corn.
Oh Friday the house of William Mosser, of Juniata county, was
consumed by fire, with nearly all its contents. His wife was lying
sick in the house at the time and he was at work in the field. Mrs.
M. made a narrow escape. Matches in the hands of his children caused
the mischief.
A fight occurred at an exhibition in Waterford, Juniata county, the
other night between a man named Vaughn and two Wilson brothers.
Vaughn was knocked down by a club in the hands of the brothers, and
while he lay on the ground was shot at. A bullet from a pistol
knocked off a middle finger at the hand joint, and an ugly bullet
wound was also made in his cheek, but the bullet so struck his face
that it glanced off instead of entering his head.
The Clearfield Republican states that Jas. L. Long, of that place,
started down the river last Sunday in charge of two rafts of spars,
owned by Philip Dotts, Esq., of Glen Hope that are said to be the
largest spars ever taken from this county. There are in all twenty-
two sticks, and all of them monsters in size, being one hundred feet
in length. One of the lot measured nine feet in diameter at the butt
and three feet at the top. This huge timber was cut on the headwaters
of Clearfield creek, and this is the third spring that they have been
on the way to market, reaching the mouth of the creek last
Barn Burned Together With Contents - That Fight.
Correspondence of the TRIBUNE. East WATERFORD, March 4, 1878.
On Wednesday evening, 27th ult., the large bank barn of D. Port Beale,
of this place, was set on fire at 7 1/2 o'clock and entirely consumed
with all its contents. The cattle were all saved. Mr. Beale and lady
were away from home at the time. The barn was insured in a York
company for $666, which will cover a small part of the loss.
I noticed in the MORNING TRIBUNE of the 28th ult., an account of a
big fight that should have taken place at an exhibition in this
village a few evenings since. I presume you copied from the Juniata
papers. I will give you the truth. Two young scamps named Vaughn
came to the school house drunk, and after behaving badly there they
left and soon met John Wilson and caught him, tearing his coat.
Wilson knocked him down and kicked him a few times. There was no
shooting done by either party. Vaughn skinned his knuckles by
striking the fence. The hurt on his face was from a kick, but he only
got half enough. - J. S.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 7, 1878, page 3