Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, June 14, 1877
Mr. William Nesbit of this city, President of the Pennsylvania
State Equal Rights League, has called a meeting of the same at Erie on
the third Tuesday, the 21st day of August, 1877. He publishes the
following address in connection with the call:
Colored Men of Pennsylvania:
There has been no time since the organization of the League in
which events have clustered more full of threatenings and dangers than
the present, and the League again calls you to meet, consult and
organize, that you may intelligently perform your whole duty. The
moral sentiment of the country seems so stultified that although less
than a decade has elapsed since our rights as citizens have been
recognized, those who have always been our stern, unrelenting foes,
those who forfeited every right because they tried to break up the
Government, those dangerous men who have kept the country in commotion
and turmoil for half a century, have succeeded in forcing the loyal
and true to the rear, and traitors are now filling the places and
wielding the power that of right belongs to the loyal friends of the
Government. Conservatism in favor of caste proscription seems to be
the rule, both North and South, and the general tendency is toward a
re-opening and a re-settlement of the questions settled by the war.
We are dwarfed in matters relating to our educational interests. The
higher branches of the industries are a sealed book to us, and even
where we have qualified workmen, able to compete with the best-
qualified in spite of the prejudices of the people our color excludes
us from honorable employment; and financially the outlook is to us
especially discouraging.
Can we do anything to better our condition? Is it not our duty to
try? Men of Pennsylvania, send your best men to represent you at Erie
in the hope that good results will follow.
WILLIAM NESBIT, President, Altoona, Pa.
WM. D. FORTEN, Cor. Sec'y, 386 Lombard st., Phila.
Altoona, June 8, 1877.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 14, 1877, page 1
Happy hours,
Verdant bowers,
And cheap flours,
And flagrant flowers.
All rhyme with June showers -
And there are "millions in them."
Bell's Mills has a public reading room.
Tramps steal the old hats and coats on the scare crows in
There was a slight frost on Monday morning, but did no damage,
except to tender vines.
John Yohn now blossoms in Castle McClure for assault and battery on
Englehart Bickle.
The pardon of Thomas J. Williams of this county was refused by the
Board at its recent session.
In a period of thirteen years, Mr. Isaac Peck has bought and built
in this city thirty-nine houses.
The Methodists of Bell's Mills will hold a festival on Friday and
Saturday evenings, June 15 and 16.
The stable of Mr. John Eberly at Waterside was destroyed by fire on
the 3d inst. Loss $400, no insurance.
The annual commencement exercises of St. John's Convent Schools
will take place Thursday evening, June 21st.
The Board of Pardons has recommended the pardon of John B. Zahm, of
Johnstown, convicted of embezzlement.
John C. Trout of Antis township sold his farm the other day to Mr.
Fred'k. W. Shaffer, of Logan township, for $14,500.
The interest of Thomas Collins, who has gone into bankruptcy, in
the Philadelphia Times is to be sold by U. S. Marshal Hall.
To suit the times the price of admission to the Talmage lecture is
put at 40 cents, and 20 cents for children. All should go and hear
The Mirror says Mr. Schumberg was born in 1853 and came to this
country in 1822! He must have been brought over in a bag before his
L. R. Boggs, Esq., Deputy Insurance Commissioner, has our thanks
for a copy of the fourth Pennsylvania fire and marine insurance report
for 1876.
Burglars relieved Mr. John Weller, residing on Fourth avenue,
between Fifth and Sixth street, of a quantity of clothing and
provisions on Friday night last.
John H. Westbrook has been appointed Fish Warden for Huntingdon
county. Let him keep a sharp eye on pirates and hogs, and make it
lively for them.
The School Board organized on Friday evening last by the re-
election of B. F. Custer, Esq., President; Geo. W. Slayman, Secretary,
and Theo. H. Wigton, Treasurer.
Keep your cellars locked. The provision thief is on his rounds
again - several premises having been visited with success, the past
week, by the midnight raider.
At the eighth re-union of the Ninth Penn'a. Veteran Vol. Cavalry in
Mount Joy, on Thursday last, Samuel A. Ruhl, of this city, was chosen
President of the association for the ensuing year.
We welcome again the visits of the Lancaster Daily New Era to our
sanctum. It maintains the high character with which it first started
out - able, vigorous and newsy in all its departments.
W. W. Jaggard, another son of Mr. C. Jaggard of this city, stands
first in the graduating class at Dickinson College this year, takes
the first honors of commencement, and is the valedictorian of his
"Rocks on which People Split," is the subject of the lecture to be
delivered by the world-renowned lecturer, Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, in
the Second Presbyterian Church, on Monday evening next, at 8
The report of the State Commissioners of fisheries for 1876, is
before us, for which we are indebted to the courtesy of the
Commissioners. It contains much valuable information for those who
take an interest in pisciculture.
The house of Mr. Ayers, in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, was
destroyed on the night of the 5th inst. during a thunder storm. How
the fire originated is not known. Only Mrs. Ayers and some small
children were at home.
The post office name of Plattville, Cambria county, has been
changed to Garman's Mills, and P. Garman appointed postmaster. C. P.
Hatfield has been appointed postmaster at Alexandria, Huntingdon
county, and H. T. Bloom, at Bloomington, Clearfield county.
A tramp from Westchester, Pa., had a leg broken by the cars coming
together, on Saturday morning, between this city and Gallitzin. He
was sitting on one platform with his feet on the other. He was taken
to Gallitzin and then returned to the almshouse of this county.
The amateur dramatic company of this city dedicated Dr. J. P.
Thompson's new hall in Williamsburg on Saturday evening, by the
reproduction of "Sheridan's Spy, or the Heroine of Libby Prison."
They had an overflowing house, were handsomely entertained, and highly
pleased with Williamsburg hospitality.
W. W. Reninger, whose offence has been noticed in these columns,
was convicted in the Cambria county Court last week, and sentenced to
pay a fine of $100, costs of prosecution, and imprisonment of ten
years at hard labor in the Western Penitentiary. Judge Dean read the
beast a severe lecture.
Mr. Robert Clark, father of the boy James Clark, who had his leg
taken off by jumping from a train while it was in motion, at the east
end of Gallitzin tunnel, recently, has entered suit against the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company for damages. The preliminary documents
have been filed in the Prothonotary's office at Hollidaysburg.
It is said that W. Fisk Conrad, Esq., went for the scalp of our
editorial brother Traugh in the Democratic Convention for supposed
heresy. As this is an "off" year it affords a fine opportunity for
the "unterrified" to settle their little personal "unpleasantness."
Fisk went home with the scalp on his belt, and friend Traugh can go to
the State Convention without authority.
John Holden in jumping off a freight train at Warrior Ridge station
on Monday evening, had his foot so badly crushed that amputation was
deemed necessary. He resided at Spruce Creek, and was charged with
corn extract at the time of the accident.
The Republican Committee of Cambria county at their meeting on
Saturday elected Wm. M. Jones and H. W. Storey, representative
delegates, and John T. Harper Senatorial delegate to the State
Convention, with instructions to vote for Hon. John A. Lemon for
Auditor General.
DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. - The elections for delegates to the
Democratic County Convention were hotly contested in this city, and in
some instances marked with considerable bitterness. Likes and
dislikes entered largely into the struggle, and Democrats voted for
delegates, in many cases, upon their individual merits, without
reference to the combatants or factions that desired "to rule the
roast," not that they loved the Dively crowd more or the Greevy mad-
caps less, but that they detested both. This class of Democrats were
ripe for any measures that would most effectually squelch the
pretensions of either. They are becoming quite disgusted with these
factional fights, which they regard as evil and only evil, and
calculated to breed schism in their ranks. In the Third Ward the
fight was especially warm and bitter. In one instant blows were
exchanged between a couple of the unwashed and unkempt and unterrified
patriots, and in another, the pugnacious developments of a party were
with difficulty restrained and bloodshed averted. But the Democrats
are never happy unless somebody treads on "me coat tail" and the
shillalah is brought into requisition. Whether the bad blood
engendered and the Kilkenny cat fights inaugurated by the factions
will result in an increase of Democratic cats in November is a mooted
HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. - The annual commencement exercises of
the Altoona High School were held in the Opera-house on Tuesday
evening. The attendance was large, and the graduates acquitted
themselves in a creditable and satisfactory manner. Miss Alice V.
Shew delivered the salutatory, entitled "Life's Pivots," and Albert M.
Leisenring the valedictory, "Revolutionary Rising." Both these
productions were well prepared and delivered, and won for the speakers
due praise and honor. A. M. Crosthwaite and G. M. Anderson delivered
orations on "Fame" and " Peculiar People," respectively. These
efforts were very creditable and interesting, and had an originality
about them that was refreshing. Miss Jessie Custer read an essay on "
Dawn." Her reading was excellent, and the subject matter quite
entertaining. She was rewarded at its close with several bouquets.
L. T. Hamilton discoursed on the "Grandeur of Nature." His subject
was well chosen, and he discussed it in a very appropriate and
handsome manner. The choir, under the leadership of Miss Lizzie
Snyder, acquitted itself finely, and was frequently encored. Rev. M.
N. Cornelius made the address to the graduating class at the close of
the services. His remarks were very appropriate, and his words fitly
chosen. The whole affair, from the beginning to the close, was
eminently successful, reflecting credit upon the graduates and all
connected with the High School.
RAILROAD NOTES. - A new schedule went into effect on the P. R. R.
on Sunday.
Samuel A. Black, Esq., formerly Superintendent of the Middle
Division of the P. R. R., has been appointed Superintendent of the
Toledo, Wabash and Western road.
Five new passenger cars and one baggage car for the P., Ft. W.
& C. Railway passed west on way passenger train last week.
The firemen on the ''shifters" in the yard have been taken off, and
now the engineers do their own firing.
The new double track bridge of the Pennsylvania railroad, to be
built across the Susquehanna river, at Rockville, is to cost
Mr. Reed, Assistant Supervisor at Gallitzin, has been transferred
to Hollidaysburg, and Mr. J. R. Davis, of Altoona, succeeds him at the
former village.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers is twenty-five years old,
and has a fund of nearly $4,000,000. The monthly dues of members are
$10. In case of sickness an engineer receives $25 a week, and at his
death his family receives $3,000.
TERRIBLE HAIL STORM. - Mifflin county was visited by a terrific
hail storm on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The force of the storm
was expended from the M. & C. railroad in a breadth extending from
the old camp-ground beyond Reedsville to Naginey's and thence across
the Dry Valley, and towards Painter down to and below Soradoville on
the S. & L. railroad. Between the camp-ground and Naginey's hail
fell in heavy volumes and of large size, many of the stones being as
large as hulled walnuts. Here it fell straight, cutting the limbs and
leaves of the trees. In Dry Valley it proved more severe, and
amounted to almost devastation. Hundreds of panes of glass were
broken, corn cut beyond recovery, and the wheat heavily destroyed. In
fact, it is said, some farmers have lost their entire crop. A son of
Mr. H. C. Vanzant, who was plowing in a field when the storm came up,
unhitched his team and made for shelter. The horses became
unmanageable, and he was thrown and badly injured. Hail fell as large
as a hen egg, and covered the ground for hours afterward. These facts
we glean from the Lewistown Sentinel.
PERSONAL. - The wife of Mark Halfpenny, Esq., brother of Col. John
Halfpenny of this county, died in Lewisburg, Pa., on the 2d inst.
after a long illness, aged 55 years. Mrs. Halfpenny was a most
estimable lady, whose hospitality we enjoyed in years gone by. Her
demise is sincerely lamented by a large circle of friends and
acquaintance by whom she was greatly beloved for her many virtues and
excellent traits of character. Of the Halfpenny family proper,
consisting of seven brothers and sisters, all are yet living - the
eldest, William, being 80 years of age, and the youngest 60. They are
a most courteous, kind and hospitable family, and command the respect
of all with whom they come in contact.
Mayor Patterson of Harrisburg, escorted by Mr. D. Orr Alexander,
paid the TRIBUNE office a brief visit on Thursday morning. He is a
native of Blair county, and was returning from Williamsburg, his old
stamping ground, whither he had been to renew the friendships of other
years, both of relationship and otherwise. He is a very pleasant and
affable gentleman, and Blair county esteems it a high honor to have
one of her sons Mayor of the Capital City.
Mr. Conrad, of the McVeytown Journal, spent Friday with us on
business and pleasure. He is quite free in his manners, social in his
intercourse, and publishes a good local paper. Our city did not wear
that brisk appearance that former visits led him to suppose it should;
but "Cooney" should remember that we are not exempt from the general
demoralization everywhere prevailing. Call again.
J. D. Hicks, Esq., paid us a pop visit on Saturday. J. D. has in
him the "get up" of a good lawyer, and is bound to make his mark in
the legal world. Besides he is an enterprising citizen of Tyrone.
Judge Orvis, of Bellefonte, is holding the Cambria county Court
this week, Judge Dean being engaged in holding a special session in
Huntingdon for the trial of Reese who killed his father-in-law, Dr.
Rev. N. A. McDonald who has been a Presbyterian Missionary in Siam
for the past seventeen years, reached the home of his family in Mt.
Union on Tuesday evening, the 5th inst. He has been home but once in
that time, in 1869-70. From Yokohama, Japan, to Mt. Union the
distance is 8,000 miles, and the trip occupied 25 days.
Mr. John W. Renner, formerly of this city, but now of the P., C.
& St. L. Railway, with quarters in Pittsburgh, dropped in to see
us on Monday. He is the same John of yore, and a steadfast patron of
We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Maud Domer, wife of D.
D. Domer, Esq., of the Shamokin Times, which occurred on Sunday last.
To a large circle of friends and acquaintance in this city this news
will be received with sincere regret. We deeply sympathize with the
bereaved husband in this sad affliction - wife and children all taken
in a year.
FREAKISH AND PROLIFIC CAMBRIA. - The Cambria Herald vouches for
these items: "Messrs. Barker & Son are the owners of a mare which
gave birth on Wednesday morning to a colt which has three fore legs,
two of which, from the shoulder, are well developed, and the left leg
is well proportioned and fully developed to the knee joint. The colt
is still living and is quite a curiosity. Squire Hads, of Chest
Springs, is the owner of a ewe which gave birth recently to a fine
healthy lamb which is compelled to go through the world without
hearing, having no ears whatever. Mr. James McClosky, of Gallitzin,
is the owner of a sheep from which he has sheared 36 3/4 pounds of
wool in the past three years. 12 1/2 pounds were sheared this season.
Captain Flanagan killed a blacksnake in Clearfield township the other
day which measured over eleven feet in length and thirteen inches in
circumference." For monstrosities and big "snaixs," Cambria has the
lead so far this season. Well, the Cambrians are about one thousand
feet above their surrounding neighbors, and it is well they have
something else to boast of beside perpetual snow, frost and ice.
FLOUR STOLEN. - On Thursday night last some persons not very
honest, or else driven to dishonesty by the pangs of hunger,
burglariously entered the grist mill of Mr. Peter Good, near Eldorado,
and purloined two sacks of flour. He effected an entrance by raising
a back window, and appeared to be in no hurry, but deliberately
emptied the contents of two paper bags into another bag and then took
his departure nobody knows where. If the party were starving Mr. Good
does not regret the loss, though he would rather the thief would have
come to him in daylight, stating his case and received his charity;
but if he was able to pay and stole out of "pure cussedness'' then he
don't appreciate such midnight jokes.
CLAIMS FOR WAGES. - An important law, passed at the last session of
the Legislature, provides for giving priority to claims for manual
labor, on all trials of claims for wages in the courts of this
Commonwealth. Heretofore, the claims of workingmen, after getting
into court, by being placed at the end of the list of cases have often
been so delayed from court to court that the plaintiff, from inability
to be present when they have come up, has been compelled to compromise
a just claim to get the matter settled. This new law gives all such
claims priority and so far is a real benefit to the laboring man.
POCKET PICKED. - Mr. E. W. Blanchard, a clerk employed in the
Transportation Department P. R. R., this city, while returning from
Philadelphia on the Pittsburgh Express on Monday last, was relieved of
a ten dollar bill by some member of the light fingered tribe. Mr. B.
was asleep at the time and his loss was not discovered until he
reached this city.
KNEE DISLOCATED. - Last Friday morning, a thirteen-year old son of
Henry Herr, in getting out of a wagon at Stokes' planing mill, in
First Ward, made a misstep, falling to the ground, and dislocating the
knee joint of his right leg. Dr. Walker ministered to his injury,
after which he was removed to his father's residence on Eighth avenue
and Sixteenth street.
AFFAIRS ABOUT TIPTON. - On Friday morning last, while Mr. Abraham
Beyer and son were hauling a load of fencing - post and rails - to a
field for use, made a narrow escape from death or severe injury.
[sic] Mr. Beyer was seated on the load about the middle of the wagon,
his son, T. B. Beyer, was driving, and Earnest Warren, son of Capt.
Warren, of Altoona, walking behind the wagon. In passing through the
covered bridge at Beyer's mill, a section of the cross-stays between
the plates fell down, striking the rear end of the wagon. One piece 4
x 6 inches square, and 17 feet long, struck within three feet of Mr.
Beyer. Another piece struck young Warren about the head, knocking him
down and inflicting severe injury. He was in a critical state, being
part of the time delirious. Drs. Ewing and Piper ministered unto him,
and at this writing (Tuesday) he is mending.
The recent rains are doing great good to the growing crops. Wheat
will be short in straw, but is pretty well set. The fly is bad in
some fields. Corn, oats and potatoes are growing finely, but the bugs
are hard on the latter.
Monday morning a large buck crossed two of Mr. Abraham Beyer's
fields, close in front of Charlottesville, in plain view of the whole
town. Not liking the surroundings he made for his native mountains,
clearing the middle fence, post and rail, handsomely. - B. A.
A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. - Thomas Morrow, of this city, who has been
running as Mail Agent between here and Pittsburgh, came very near
being killed on Saturday. The circumstances as related by his son,
are as follows: He left here in the morning and went to Pittsburgh
attending to his duty, intending to return home on the Day Express,
but instead got on the Fast Mail West. He says he can recollect
nothing more until he found a physician over him washing the blood
from a cut on the back of his left hand. He was picked up by the
railroad agent at Birmingham Cut, bleeding and insensible. His tin
box and clothing, which he kept with him while on duty, was found
alongside of him. His injuries consisting of a cut across the back of
his left hand, cut on the left temple and side of the head, and the
back of his head bruised. His wounds were promptly attended to, and
he was sent to his home on the Atlantic Express the same evening. How
he got off the train is a mystery, as there was no one in the
immediate neighborhood when the accident occurred, and as the train
rushes along at the rate of forty miles an hour, it is a wonder that
he wasn't instantly killed. - Globe.
A FURIOUS TEUTON. - A German named John Marksdollar residing on the
Dry Gap Road, was escorted to the lock-up on Tuesday, bleeding, and
looking somewhat the worse for the scrimmage in which he had been
engaged. He had for some days been imbibing his favorite beverage,
and under its exhilarating influence cleaned out his own premises, and
attempted the same benign job for a neighbor named Dumm. Mrs. Dumm
and children not liking this bad dollar, gave him a clean field, but a
brother of Mrs. Dumm was not so easily intimidated. Marksdollar with
a sledge unlifted, assumed a threatening attitude, and Mr. Dumm not
liking that shape, whipped out a revolver and shot the excited Teuton
in the fleshy part of the arm. He then ran out of the house, with
Marksdollar in close pursuit, following him into the city, still
clutching the sledge. Chief Randolph appeared on the scene, captured
the ugly coin, and prevented further circulation.
A NEAT WAGON. - Mr. R. F. Myers received the other day from the
manufacturers, Messrs. Showers & Scholl, Mifflintown, a very neat
and handsome track wagon. The vehicle is made for trotting, and
weighs only 83 pounds. It is about the airiest thing in the wagon
line we have ever seen in this section. Mr. Myers has purchased
several buggies from this firm recently, and pronounces their work
excellent and durable.
SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. - The Supreme Court in session at
Harrisburg rendered a large number of decisions on Monday. Among them
we find the following on cases from this county:
Piper vs. Yeager. Judgment affirmed.
Lycoming Fire Insurance Company vs. Dickinson, et al. Judgment
Pennsylvania Railroad Company vs. Gorsuch. Judgment of the 9th of
January, 1877, reversed.
Wise vs. Rhodes. Judgment reversed, and a venire facias de novo
PERRY COUNTY CURIOSITIES. - The land of hoop-poles, buckwheat straw
and pretty women is determined not to be surpassed in the race for the
display of curiosities. John M. Foose of that county, has a four-
legged chicken, which is now about a month old. W. Stambaugh has a
duck with three legs, the extra one being behind the other two.
Cambria is only ahead of Perry in big snakes.
Committee organization met on Saturday last at Hollidaysburg, W. Lee
Woodcock, Esq., was elected temporary chairman and Gilbert Holliday
temporary secretary. After a call of the districts a permanent
organization was effected by the election of Milton Alexander, Esq.,
of Altoona, to the position of chairman, and James F. Milliken, Esq.,
of Hollidaysburg, as Secretary.
John W. Humes, Esq., of Altoona, was declared the nominee for
No action was taken in regard to the repeal of the "Crawford County
System" of making nominations - the Committee holding that it has no
jurisdiction in the matter.
The attendance upon the session of the Committee was quite large,
only four districts not being represented. The proceedings were
harmonious, and the temper of the members present indicate an active
and vigorous campaign.
A REVEREND GRANGER. - Rev. John A. DeMoyer, pastor of the M. E.
Church, Hollidaysburg, has purchased the farm of Wilson Gearhart, on
the North Branch of the Susquehanna, this side of Riverside, for the
sum of $7,000. The farm was bought at Sheriff's sale by Peter Baldy,
of Danville, who sold it to Mr. DeMoyer. If our reverend brother
makes as good a granger as a preacher he will be a valuable addition
to the tillers of the soil.
I want to be a granger
And with the grangers stand;
Hay seeds in my hair -
A plow line in my hand.
SUDDEN DEATH. - On Saturday morning the city was startled by a
report that Mr. Joseph K. Ely, an old and well-known citizen, had
fallen dead at his residence of heart disease. Subsequent inquiries
revealed the fact that the unfortunate was not Mr. Ely, but a young
man named Joseph Lingle, son of William Lingle, residing on Lexington
avenue east of Ninth street. The young man had been ill for a year or
more of heart disease. He was in the 18th year of his age.
DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE. - There are at present running loose in the
streets of this city too many worthless dogs that jump out and snap at
children and others passing. Their number could be diminished without
any inconvenience to the public at large. As the season is
approaching when the canines are subject to attacks of the rabies it
would be a wise precaution to put a number of them out of the way.
ELECTION. - The Franklin Building and Loan Association stockholders
will meet in Logan Hall Wednesday evening, June 13, 1877, at 7 1/2
o'clock promptly, for the purpose of nominating and electing officers
to serve the ensuing year, and receive the Directors fourth annual
report. No one in arrears is entitled to vote. - H. Hawk,
SMITH - RIGGLE - April 19, by Rev. W. M. Meminger, J. C. Smith to
Miss Lucinda M. Riggle, of Antis township.
McFARLAND - BUCK - May 7, by Rev. W. M. Meminger, Crawford E.
McFarland to Miss Hannah Buck, both of this county.
WILT - WEAVER - June 7, by Rev. M. Spangler, S. F. Wilt of
Marionsville, Blair county, to Miss Sarah J. Weaver of Portage,
Cambria county.
MAUK - In this city, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Rebecca Mauk, aged 23
EMSWILER - In this city, on the 8th inst., Mrs. Michael Emswiler,
aged 31 years.
LINGLE - In this city, on the 9th inst., Joseph, son of William and
Sarah Lingle, aged 18 years and 9 months.
SCHUMBERG - In this city, on the 9th inst., Justus Schumberg, after
a long illness, aged 43 years, 5 months and 27 days.
McATEER - In this city, on the 8th inst., Mr. John W. McAteer.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 14, 1877, page 3
Theo. H. Cremer, Esq., is experimenting upon a novel mode of
cultivating strawberries. Early in the spring he procured a barrel,
and perforated it with five rows of auger holes. He then put in a
layer of earth to the depth of about five inches, and arranged the
plants so that they would grow through the holes. This he continued
to do until the barrel was full of earth, and as a gratifying result
of the experiment, a luxuriant plant now protrudes from every one of
the sixty holes. When the berries ripen, the effect will be
beautiful. For beauty, convenience and economy in cultivating the
delicious fruit we have never seen anything equal to this device, and
we would recommend all who desire a "hanging garden" upon a small
scale to try it. - Huntingdon Local News.
SCALLOPED OYSTER-PLANT. - Boil oyster-plant or salsify till very
tender, drain off all the water and rub through colander; add butter,
pepper, salt and milk, and mix well together. Put in baking dish,
cover the top with breadcrumbs, with here and there small bits of
butter. Bake a delicate brown. Celery salt may be used for a flavor,
but not quite as much as one would of common salt.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 14, 1877, page 4