Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, June 7, 1877
Springfield furnace is again in blast.
Davis L. Wray has been appointed postmaster at Antistown.
Ebensburg has a $50 forgery case on hand. Developments are
John A. Graham, of West Huntingdon, has become insane from
religious excitement.
J. D. Hicks, Esq., of Tyrone was admitted last week to practice in
the Supreme Court.
The Standard has been indulging a removal to new quarters this
week, hence no paper.
A large black bear is frequently seen at the foot of the mountains
above Franklin Forge.
The district stewards of Juniata district have fixed the salary of
their presiding elder at $2,000.
The Cambria county Democratic delegate elections will take place on
the 7th of July, and the convention on the 9th.
Hon. Benj. L. Hewit, of Hollidaysburg, was, on Monday, admitted to
practice in the U. S. District Court, Pittsburgh.
The difficulty noticed in these columns between several of our
Hebrew fellow citizens is likely to be amicably settled.
A mine of mineral paint has been discovered on the farm of Thomas
R. Williams in Cambria township, Cambria county.
Edward A. Jaggard, son of Mr. Clement Jaggard of this city, won the
gold medal in the oratorical contest at Dickinson College.
It is predicted that the prosecution of Baker will not amount to
much, but will end in a grand blackmailing raid upon individuals.
At a recent Sheriff's sale in Blacklick township, Cambria county,
50 logs of pine timber sold at one cent a piece. Cows were sold as
low as $5.
It is not generally known that persons who take letters from the
post office belonging to other parties and fail to return them are
liable to a fine of $500.
The Mirror's table of election returns is a fearful jumble. The
idea of East Tyrone polling 130 votes on District Attorney, and only
19 on the other offices!
Saw mill No. 1, belonging to Hoover, Harris & Co., situate near
Philipsburg, was destroyed by fire on Friday morning. Loss $20,000,
insurance $11,200.
Mrs. Auker, charged with keeping a disorderly house on Fourth
avenue, was before the Mayor on Friday, who held her in $500 bail to
answer at the July term.
The district stewards of the Altoona district will meet in
Clearfield at 1 o'clock, P. M. on Tuesday, June 19, to fix the salary
of the presiding elder of the district for the ensuing year.
The Lewistown Gazette says: Glammorgan furnace is again under full
headway, turning out more metal per day than usual, and what is of
more importance meeting a ready sale for it.
Orbisonia's solitary policeman gets a salary of $6 per month, and
Huntingdon's $75 a year. And now Orbisonia envies Huntingdon's
liberality, and calls the salary it pays "magnificent."
Joseph Brandt, of Puzzletown, while sawing a piece of timber
recently, slipped, and the saw striking him on the thumb of his left
hand at the second joint disjointed it and severed all the
Israel Moyer while peeling bark in Licking Creek, bounding Mifflin
and Juniata counties, recently captured alive a pair of young wild
cats. They were in a tree which he cut down, and are about four weeks
"Poor old Jimmy Walls," now an inmate of the Huntingdon almshouse,
has become quite frail in body and mind, and bitterly recounts the
wrongs and woes which he has suffered at the hands of his fellow
By a recent decision of the Supreme Court constables and other
parties conveying paupers to almshouses are only entitled to six cents
per mile for such services. In some counties the charges have been
fifteen cents circular.
Jacob Shoop, of Shade Gap, in his 90th year, Mrs. Isabella
Williamson in her 87th, and Mrs. Eve Nightwine, in her 78th year, both
of Huntingdon, are the old people who figure in the necrology of that
county the past month.
Some egregious ass sends the Globe a letter threatening to burn
down the city, beginning at the First National Bank. The fellow who
would proclaim in advance such a diabolical intention is too cowardly
to do the act without the aid of bad whisky.
At the Knights Templar conclave in Lancaster last week, it was
decided to hold the next annual conclave of the Grand Commandery in
this city, on the 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of May, 1878. Mountain
Commandery No. 10, of this city, was represented at Lancaster with 45
uniformed men.
"An Engineer" in the Globe attempts to prove too much when he says
they "are not making more than sixteen to twenty days per month." He
shows by it that the railroad company has more engineers in its employ
than it needs, and retains them out of consideration of the hard
times. By resistance to reduction, what would be the result, and how
would their condition be improved ?
A fight on Tenth avenue was one of the pleasant pastimes Tuesday
evening, and the arrest of two of Hollidaysburg's high-toned young
men, named Robison and Locke, for disorderly conduct on the street,
the unusual excitement. They were fined $11.50 and reprimanded by the
Mayor and permitted to depart homeward in peace, sadder if not wiser
young bloods.
PAY SOMETHING. - Men who are in the receipt of small wages, and are
unfortunate enough to be in debt, should make it a point of honor, as
it certainly is good policy, to pay a little of the indebtedness off
every week or month, as they may happen to receive their wages. For
want of this simple plan thousands are forever in debt. A false shame
deters them from tendering a dollar towards ten; they resolve to put
it by until they can discharge the whole; some trifling luxury tempts
them, before which, not only their resolve, but their money wastes
away, and they in time become habituated to the system of debt
contracting without any thought or care as to how they are to
extricate themselves. This is radically wrong and dishonest, and all
good citizens should try to reform it by rendering a fair
DECORATION DAY. - The twelfth observance of the anniversary of this
day of hallowed memories was this year more general in this city than
ever before. It was a sincere demonstration, bereft of the asperities
which marked the years immediately following the close of the war. It
was well planned and successfully carried out, reflecting just credit
upon those who were chiefly engaged in making the display the success
it was. The weather was all that could be desired, and business was
pretty generally suspended throughout the city. The thousands that
lined the streets and crowded the summit of Cemetery Hill, attested
the absence of hostile memories. The beauty and fitness of the
practice, in this season of flowers, of decking the graves of our
gallant dead, is apparent, and we trust its observance will grow in
the affections of the people from year to year and be handed down to
the remotest generation.
Blest are the martyred dead who lie
In holy graves for freedom won;
Whose storied deeds shall never die
While coming years their circles run.
Blest be the ground where heroes sleep,
And blest the flag that o'er them waves;
Its radiant stars their watch shall keep,
And brightly beam on hallowed graves.
While freedom lives, their fame shall live
In glory on her blazing scroll,
And love her sacrifice shall give,
While anthems round the altar roll.
Year after year our hands shall bear
Immortal flowers in vernal bloom,
Till God shall call us home to share
Immortal life beyond the tomb.
At an early hour the participants in the ceremonies of decoration
began to assemble at the City Building, corner of Thirteenth avenue
and Twelfth street. At 9.15 the line was formed, and at 9.30 it
moved, as follows:
Chief Marshal.
Major John R Garden.
Assistant Marshals.
Col. David Jones and Capt. Geo. B. Hite. Bugler.
Hagan Eckels, mounted.
Drum Corps.
J. M. Connelly, leader; carrying a beautiful flag, 7 pieces.
Latta Guard.
Theodore Burchfield, Captain; D. H. Munson, Second Lieutenant; 40
Barouche containing Orator, Chaplain and reader of the poem.
Altoona City Band.
J. L. Neff, Leader; 18 pieces.
His Honor David A. Gilland.
Members of City Council.
A. G. Sink, Marshal; 7 men.
Committee of 30 ladies.
R. B. Mahaffey, leader; 18 members.
Old Soldiers.
Capt. Richard J. Crozier, Marshal; 35 men; many were scattered through
the procession.
Mountain City Band.
Aaron Fyler, leader; 15 pieces.
Junior Order U. A. M.
Cloyd Kerlin, First Marshal; John Parker, Second Marshal; carried two
beautiful flags; 70 men.
Second Presbyterian Sunday-school.
Harry Slep, Chief Marshal; Judge C. J. Mann, Assistant Marshal; 228
scholars and teachers.
First Methodist Sunday-school.
James Barger, Marshal; 175 scholars and teachers.
German Lutheran Sunday-school.
Henry Husfield, Marshal; one flag ; 98 scholars and teachers.
Third Methodist Sunday-school.
A. C. Lytle Marshal; flags in profusion; 180 scholars and
Twelfth street Mission-school.
Geo. Reeves, Marshal; flag, banner and two floral crosses; 65 scholars
and teachers.
Second Lutheran Sunday-school.
Charles Geesey, Marshal; 111 scholars and teachers.
United Brethren Sunday-school.
P. M. Smith, Marshal; 200 scholars and teachers.
Logan Battery.
George Hoeffler, Captain; John Lafferty First Lieutenant; cannon drawn
by 6 horses; beautiful flag; 25 mounted men.
The line passed down Twelfth street to Eleventh avenue and halted
in front of the Young America clothing house, where Col. David Jones
presented to the Second Presbyterian Sunday-school, it having in the
procession a larger number of members than any other school, the
beautiful banner offered by the Messrs. Rosenthal. The banner is of
heavy blue silk, bordered with gilt fringe, three by three and a half
feet, attached at the top to a roller tipped at each end by handsomely
gilt acorns and bearing the inscription in gold "Banner School,
Altoona, Pa." Mr. Harry Slep, of the Mirror, received the banner on
behalf of the school in a neat speech. The line then moved forward up
Eleventh street to Chestnut avenue, down Chestnut avenue to Ninth
street, and thence to Fairview Cemetery. When the head of the
procession reached the Soldiers' Monument in the Cemetery, the rear
rested on Lexington avenue. Entering the gates of the Cemetery the
drum corps of the Latta Guards played the Dead March. The Altoona
City Band discoursed a choice selection, and Rev. M. K. Foster offered
a prayer. An ode, "Reverence the Dead," was sung, and in a few
appropriate remarks the orator of the day was introduced to the vast
throng by Robert Johnson. The orator was F. P. Tierney, Esq., who
made a very appropriate address, acquitting himself in a handsome
The Mountain City Band then rendered a piece of music, when the
Committee of ladies strewed the flowers on the graves of the soldiers,
the choir meantime singing the "Soldiers' Decoration Hymn." Music by
the Altoona Band, followed by the choir singing "No More the Bugle's
Stirring Blast." Then came an original poem by Harry L. Woods, local
editor of the Mirror, which was very suitable to the occasion, and
reflected credit on the poetical genius of our young Bohemian
At the conclusion of the reading of the poem, more music was
rendered by the Mountain City Band, when the benediction was
pronounced by Rev. M. Spangler, of the U. B. Church. After the
ceremonies in Fairview Cemetery the line formed and moved down Ninth
street to Eighth avenue, up Eighth avenue to Twelfth street, where it
disbanded. A committee of five old soldiers then proceeded to the
Catholic and Colored Cemeteries, where the ceremonies of the
decoration was performed over the graves of the dead braves lying
Subsequently a meeting of the Memorial Association was held in the
Council Chamber, at which Major R. J. Crozier presided. Lieutenant D.
H. Munson read the minutes of last meeting which on motion were
approved. On motion a committee of three was appointed, consisting of
Major G. F. Dern, Edmund Shaw, and Mayor D. A. Gilland, to convey
thanks to all organizations and associations and to all parties who so
kindly took part in the ceremonies of the day. The committee made the
following report, which on motion was received and the committee
Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be and the same is
hereby extended to the different speakers; to ministers of the
different churches; to the Sabbath-schools participating in the
procession; the civic and military organizations; to the Altoona
Cornet Band; to the Mountain City Band; to Prof. Mahaffey and his
musical class for furnishing instrumental and vocal music; to J. B.
Hileman, Esq., for carriage for use of speaker; to D. O. Alexander for
use of organ; to E. B. Tipton, Esq., for lumber furnished; to I. &
D. Rosenthal, esqrs. for banner presented to the Sunday-school in the
procession furnishing the largest number of scholars; to all the
ladies of the city for flowers, etc., used in decorating the graves,
and to all other citizens of the city and vicinity who contributed to
the success of the occasion.
[Signed.] D. A. GILLAND, G. F. DERN, E. SHAW.
The business of the old year having been concluded, on motion an
election was held, and the following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: President, Richard Crozier; Vice President, D. A.
Jones; Secretary, D. B. Munson; Treasurer, H. B. Huff; Ex. Committee,
Col. F. B. Stewart, Capt. Charles Coplain, Maj. G. F. Dern, Capt. E.
M. Warren, Sergeant John Miller, Sergeant Edmund Shaw, Private James
Burns. Speeches were made, Auld Lang Syne and other songs sung, and
the meeting adjourned.
PERSONAL. - Dr. J. P. Thompson, of Williamsburg, paid us a business
visit last week. We are glad to note his improved health. The Doctor
is one of the enterprising citizens of that old burg.
Mr. John Anderson, of Logan township, now in his 86th year came
tripping up the steps to our sanctum with the vigor of a youth of 50
years, on Saturday. He takes a lively interest in political affairs,
and was a voter at the Republican primaries. He bids fair to last
many years yet.
THE TEN PER CENT. REDUCTION. - During the past week two meetings
have been held by the railroad employes of this city to consider the
proposed ten per cent. reduction of their wages. Beyond the
appointment of committees to lay their grievances before the head
officials of the railroad, nothing is known of their plans and
purposes. One thing appears evident: their counsels are divided.
Those entertaining radical views are for resistance, while those who
have discretion enough to forecast the end of such folly, are for
submission to the demands of the company. The party of the first part
are never safe counsellors in trying emergencies, and after getting
others into a world of trouble and inflicting upon them positive
injury, are the first to back out and accept a condition of affairs
they were most loud in denouncing. The writer has had some experience
in trades union difficulties, and has found them to be controlled by
men of rash and extreme views, who could neither accomplish anything
themselves, nor secure for the organization they represented any
substantial recognition of their demands from employers. About all
they were good for was to squander the funds, which susceptible
tradesmen had placed in their hands, in riotousness and blowing.
The end of all strikes is generally humiliation and defeat. The
largest and most formidable strike that ever occurred in this country
was that of the moulders, yet strong as they were numerically and
financially they were compelled in the end to succumb. Scarcely one
strike in a hundred is successful, because of the lack of wisdom which
govern the leaders. Their very indiscretions and radicalism overleap
their good intentions and dooms their cause to ignominious defeat.
Strikes are wrong in principle, and whether successful or
unsuccessful, generally result to the disadvantage of both employes
and employers - more particularly to the former.
But we have no idea that there will be any trouble from the present
reduction. In view of the depression that prevails in all departments
of business and industry, in every part of our country, it would be
extreme folly to resist a measure the railroad company deems so
necessary to its financial weal. The fact is the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company could readily dispense with one-third of its
employes, as the situation now stands, without detriment to its
service, but prefers to retain them in its employ because of the hard
times. There are thousands of men out of employment who are waiting
eagerly to step into somebody's shoes. The theory that men's places
cannot be filled is preposterous, and has been exploded in every labor
difficulty that has ever occurred. For the time being there may be
inconvenience, but as "invention is born of necessity," so
difficulties between labor and capital create men suited to the hour
and the emergency. At this crisis of surplus labor and general
stagnation in business and industry, the number of persons who would
appear on the surface adapted to the various mechanical and labor
pursuits embraced either in the departments of a great corporation or
of individual enterprise, would be simply astonishing. Rash and
intemperate men may think differently, but history and experience
prove all their arguments and theories at fault.
From all that we can learn, and from the general situation in this
city, we apprehend no difficulty, and believe the reduction will be
cheerfully accepted by the bulk of the railroad employes, while only a
few will utter their protest against it, but will finally accept what
they cannot change. A general strike would be detrimental to the
city, and extremely injurious to those entering into it. The least
done in that direction will be best for all parties concerned, and
those who abstain from foolish acts will in the end be far richer than
those who indulge in them. We regret the necessity for the reduction,
and know that it bears heavily upon the laboring classes. But it is
Charybdis on the one hand and Scylla on the other.
P. S. - Since writing the above we learn that the committee of the
grand lodge of the National Brotherhood of Engineers, together with a
large number of delegates from the Pennsylvania Central, leased lines
west of Pittsburgh, and New Jersey divisions, met at the Merchants'
hotel in Philadelphia, on Tuesday afternoon, and proceeded in a body
to the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and requested an interview
with Col. Scott, which was granted. The conference lasted for over an
hour, during which the question of reduction was freely discussed in
all its bearings. At the termination of the interview the committee
returned to the hotel to deliberate, and after a free discussion
relative to the matter, it was resolved to accept the reduction, and
Mr. Everetts and a representative of the firemen were instructed to
notify President Scott of the decision arrived at, which was done
immediately, and an adjournment took place.
COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. - Council met Monday evening, twelve members
being present. The Councilmen of the Eighth Ward were appointed a
committee to confer with citizens and Solicitor in regard to the
condition of John Tate's lot in that ward. R. Farabaugh prayed to be
exempt from sewer frontage on two lots in Eighth Ward. Referred to
the improvement committee. The Mayor's report showing $63.40 with
Treasurer's receipt therefor, was read and filed. Treasurer Galbraith
reported receipts to the amount of $883.54 from Tax Collectors. Mayor
Gilland returned, approved, the Recorder ordinance. The Finance
committee reported a number of matters belonging to that department.
The Water Committee reported in favor of waiting until after the July
interest had been paid to take action in regard to laying water pipe
in Seventh ward. Estimated cost of work, $1,283.75. The Committee on
City property reported building in Fourth ward not worth what it will
cost to repair it. Bids were received for printing 25 copies of
ordinance books and 2,000 waterworks regulations, as follows: Sun $90;
TRIBUNE $68, and Mirror $60. The matter was postponed until after
July. A number of orders were granted on the Treasury. The Vigilant
hose was ordered to be oiled at once, and the work to be done as
cheaply as possible. The Solicitor was ordered to proceed and collect
by suit all claims due the city up to 1875. He was also instructed to
examine and report all moneys received on account of 15th avenue
between 11th and 13th streets, and all moneys paid on account of same
and report at next meeting. Notice was read of $1,989.88 being due
the State as tax on loans. Council will meet hereafter on the first
Monday of each month. No more crossings will be laid, except those
already ordered, unless ordered by Council. One night policeman will
hereafter be stationed at 17th street and 11th avenue, and another at
9th avenue and 12th street. The bridge on 13th avenue between 18th
and 19th streets was ordered to be put in passable condition.
STILL GOING UPWARD. - Not long since we made note of the fact that
Mr. M. F. Harmon, appointed last fall to West Point by Hon. John
Reilly, stood 42 in a class of 89 members. The June examination took
place last Friday, and in the published list of classes, we find the
standing of Mr. Harmon in class No. 4 (first year) to be 24, with 89
members. He will rank in the third class the coming year, and we
predict he will show decided progress in the second year of his
military studies, and in the end graduate not far from No. 1, if he
don't grab that figure as his own.
PASSING AWAY. - There yet linger on the shores of mortality a class
of old-fashioned men whose race will soon be run, and whose
peculiarities of habit and costume will never be witnessed again by
succeeding generations. One of these, Mr. Samuel Gensimer, passed
away at his residence in Sinking Valley at 7 o'clock on Sunday
evening, May 27, at the advanced age of 80 years. The Tyrone Herald
says "it is something remarkable that he died just five years to the
minute after his wife expired. He was buried in a suit of blue cloth,
made up in the old style, with large flat brass buttons, which was
presented to him about 25 years ago by Mr. John T. Mathias. The suit
was almost as good when it was last put on him as it was when it came
from the tailor's, he having only worn it to elections and on other
special occasions." Thirty-five or forty years ago no man was
properly dressed unless he had on the proverbial blue swallow-tail,
ornamented with "the flat brass buttons" and a collar which taxed the
energies of an old-time tailor a full day to construct. The collar on
these garments was "fearfully and wonderfully made," kept their shape
amid all the mutations of several decades, and in connection with the
old-fashioned pews in the churches, formed a kind of pillow for the
head, and thus enabled the weary occupant of the standard blue to
snooze away while the minister entered upon sixteenthly of his
elucidation of free grace. One of the old timers, dressed in the
costume of more than a quarter of a century ago becomes at once the
cynosure of all modern eyes when he appears in public, and is as much
of a curiosity as a menagerie to the present generation; yet the
wearer of it is just as happy in that garb as the individual attired
in the latest and most fashionable cut. But they will soon be gone,
and with them the odd garments they have carefully kept and worn
before the present generation was born. May the end of all these
quaint, frugal, honest old men be peace!
SCHOOL VISIT AND PICNIC. - On Thursday last a number of the
scholars of the High School in this city, under the care of Prof.
Book, wended their way to Hollidaysburg by the 9.10 A. M. branch
train, with a view of paying a visit to the High School of that place,
under the charge of Prof. Pinkerton. The Altoona visitors were met at
the depot in Gaysport, and escorted to the room of the Hollidaysburg
High School, where they were welcomed by the singing of "Happy
Greeting to All." Subsequently they visited the new Court-house,
jail, and other points of interest about the county capital, and then
the entertainers and the entertained hied themselves to Dell Delight.
Here was spread in the grove an elegant and sumptuous dinner, which
was greatly enjoyed by the party. After the customary enjoyments
incident to such occasions, the party broke up, but not before
resolutions of thanks were adopted thanking the Hollidaysburg High
School for their cordial and kind reception and their splendid
entertainment. The Altoonians returned to Hollidaysburg, partook of a
good supper at that prince of hostelries, the Dannels House; then
boarded the train for home, arriving in this city at 7.15 P. M., all
highly pleased with the day's festivities and the social acquaintances
STRONG TESTIMONY. - At a temperance meeting held in Clearfield a
few days ago, Judge Orvis, in the course of an excellent address,
affirmed that of all the cases tried in the courts of that county the
previous week, "two-thirds of them were directly the fruits of
intoxicating liquors, and this at a cost of $1,000 a day to the
county." Judge Orvis is a recent convert to the temperance cause, and
being one of the Judges of that judicial district, his testimony may
be taken as conclusive as to the evils arising from the sale and use
of intoxicating liquors, and particularly as a potent agent in
fomenting litigation. What is true in reference to litigation in
Clearfield county, is doubtless true of Blair. The education of the
people on the subject of intemperance, how it wastes their resources
and energies, and taxes them severely and unnecessarily in the
maintenance of courts, prisons, almshouse and insane asylum, should be
the chief aim of all good citizens. Let the people know the truth on
this matter - and the truth will work their freedom from the
enslavement of rum.
LARGE SHIPMENTS OF IRON ORE. - The Bloomfield ore banks, situated
in Bedford county, (Duncan estate), shipped 6,690,100 pounds of ore
during the month of April, an increase of over one million pounds over
any corresponding period. Three new washing machines and screens have
been erected by the ore company, recently, which should double their
production and shipments during May and June and through the summer
months. Water is abundant to assist in preparing the raw material for
the market. The Bloomfield ore is celebrated for its excellence in
several respects, and has a large and profitable demand. This demand
keeps up a good local tonnage on the Pennsylvania Railroad, with
promising increase. The opening of a few more mines like the
Bloomfield along the line of the Hollidaysburg and Morrison's Cove
branch would give a large increase to the business of the company.
HAY STOLEN. - About the boldest theft that has taken place in this
neighborhood for some time past, occurred on Tuesday of last week.
About 11 o'clock on the day in question, a party from this city drove
to the farm of Daniel Stoner, near Gardner's Mill, in Logan township,
tenanted by Mr. William Coleman, entered the barn and deliberately
loaded their wagon with hay and drove back to the city. A laborer
working in an adjoining field observed the operation, but supposed the
thieves were acting by authority. The quantity taken was all that
could be conveniently piled on a one-horse spring wagon. The authors
of the outrage will likely be discovered, as such inquiries are being
instituted as will lead to their detection.
LEHIGH UNIVERSITY. - A copy of the Register of the Lehigh
University for the year 1876-77 has been sent us. This institution is
located at South Bethlehem, Pa., and was founded by Hon. Asa Packer,
in 1865, who appropriated $500,000 that year for the purpose, and
subsequently added 115 acres of land. The institution is open to
young men of suitable talents and training from every part of our own
land and of the world, for instruction in civil, mechanical and mining
engineering, chemistry, metallurgy and construction. Since 1871
tuition has been declared free. Among the students from this city we
find the names of B. F. Haldeman and Geo. W. Swartz.
ACCIDENTS. - Mr. Henry Miller, a brakeman, met with quite a severe
accident on Wednesday, while polling cars near the Fourth street
crossing. The pole dropped from the cars which he was pushing, and
striking the ground violently bounded upward, striking Mr. Miller on
the jaw, breaking it in two places. His injuries were dressed by the
company's physicians and he was removed to his home near Fairview
Cemetery. Polling or roping cars is always attended with danger, and
many and severe are the accidents resulting therefrom.
On the 24 ult., while Mr. Reuben Fox, of Sinking Valley, was
hauling manure with a four horse team, the team frightened, run off,
and in jumping through a gate, killed one of their number, a valuable
horse, and scattered things around generally.
Charles Fleming, a young man employed in the Globe office, had the
misfortune to get his left hand into the machinery of the power press
on Thursday morning. The result was that the index finger was cut off
and the second one badly mutilated.
Mrs. William Waddle, of Tyrone, accidentally fell down a flight of
stairs on the 28th ult., breaking her collar-bone.
The main shafting in the lower P. R. R. blacksmith shop broke
Friday morning, compelling that particular industry, the machine and
planing shop to shut down until repairs were made.
About 9 o'clock Saturday evening, while Conductor Adams was
coupling the caboose car to his train at the Ninth-street crossing, by
some means the thumb of his right hand was caught and badly injured,
necessitating amputation at the first joint. His home is in
Harrisburg whither he was sent after the physicians had dressed his
At an early hour on Monday morning while Patrick Feeney, watchman
at the upper shops, was descending a flight of steps in the
neighborhood of the round house, the heel of his boot caught in some
defect in the stairs, throwing him violently down the same. The cap
of his knee was dislocated, which will probably incapacitate him from
labor for some days. Mr. Feeney is a heavy weight, and when his
"earthly tabernacle" falls, "great is the fall thereof." We are glad
his injury, though severe, is no worse.
AN EXTRA DOSE OF MORPHIA. - On Sunday afternoon, Mr. John Hughes, a
brakeman on the Middle Division, suffering from a severe headache,
took a large dose of morphine. The drug was taken at the house of one
John Hall, on Ninth avenue, after which Mr. Hughes returned to his
boarding-house, kept by Mr. P. J. Clark on Twelfth street and Eighth
avenue. Soon thereafter he began to exhibit signs of drowsiness and
unconsciousness. Hughes previously told Mr. Clark what he had taken,
and that gentlemen immediately summoned Dr. Wm. M. Findley to his aid.
The usual remedies were applied, and the patient being kept vigorously
on the move, he was shortly pronounced out of danger. Hughes told
several stories, while under the influence of the drug, as to the
manner in which the morphia was administered to him; but on his
recovery he admitted that he took it voluntarily for the headache.
His narrow escape from death should be a warning to him to leave all
medicines alone of whose deadly power he is ignorant.
APPRAISING PROPERTIES. - Sheriff Stiffler and Deputy Sheriff Bobb
were in the city on Tuesday conducting the appraisement of properties
under the new stay law. When the properties are offered for sale they
will be knocked down if they are bid up to two-thirds of their
appraised value, otherwise, under certain other conditions, the sale
will be stayed for one year. Below will be found the appraised value
set upon them, and the names of the appraisers, who, it may be
remarked, were all thoroughly competent for the task assigned them:
Mrs. Minnie Devine, $3,000; John Young, $1,200; Charles Carner,
$1,950; P. F. Connelly, $1,000; Pat. McDunn, $3,300; Henry Yon,
$1,033; Miles McGuire, et al, $833; A. Mock, $1,950; Wesley Tate,
$329; Harry Geesey and wife, $2,183; N. D. Murphy, $4,150; Thomas
Hickey, $1,200. Appraisers - B. F. Stewart, G. M. Metz, James
Shollenberger, Joseph Shannon, R. H. Griffin and H. N. Anderson. -
LIBEL ON OUR SCHOOLS. - A special correspondent of the Philadelphia
Progress, who paid a "visit to Altoona," gets off this ill-informed
paragraph relative to our public school system: The public school
system of Altoona appears to be in a rather unsettled condition. The
lower grade schools are undoubtedly very good, but as much cannot be
said of the higher grades. Sometimes there is a High School, and
sometimes not, depending very much upon who comes along to take charge
of it.
The author of the above must have fallen in with an enemy of our
schools while here. For years we have had in successful operation a
high school, and it has never yet went a begging for a teacher, or
been a source of annoyance to the directors or the city
superintendent. The fact is, our schools are graded, and may be
reckoned among the best in the State, considering our brief existence
as a community. In this connection we would say to the Progress that
the political sentiment attributed to the TRIBUNE was never printed or
written by us, and is an entire perversion of what we did say and
write. The correspondent also falls into other misstatements, and we
advise the Progress not to bet heavily on his reliability hereafter
when he essays to write on Altoona topics.
RAILROAD NOTES. - Work was commenced yesterday on 500 box cars at
the lower shops.
H. W. Gwinner, Esq., General Ticket Agent of P. R. R., is pushing
dishonest train agents and conductors to the wall. He proposes to
make it hot for that class of persons. The other day be tripped up a
conductor named Geo. W. Hoyer, running between Harrisburg and
Baltimore, and about fifty tickets good between those cities,
Harrisburg and York and York and Baltimore were found in the hands of
a friend of the conductor, also a resident of Harrisburg, who sold the
tickets at prices ranging from $1.50 to $2.
"Pushers" have been put on different trains on the western end of
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Owing to the press of local travel the
regular conductors have great difficulty in collecting all the
tickets, and the pushers commence at the rear of the train on leaving
the Pittsburgh depot and go through until they meet the regular
conductor, and then hand over the tickets to him and get off the train
at East Liberty. They come back on the next train, performing the
same duties in the same manner.
HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION. - The examination of the graduating class,
in the elementary course of the Altoona High School, was held on
Friday and Saturday. The course includes orthography, etomology
[etymology], reading, writing, geography, English grammar, Caesar,
history and Constitution of the U.S., drawing, physiology, natural
philosophy, arithmetic, algebra and geometry. The members of the
class are Allie Shew, Jessie Custer, Albert Leisenring, Graham
Anderson, Theodore Hamilton and Milton Crosthwaite. The report of the
examination, which was very creditable, was announced to the class at
the close of the examination on Saturday noon, and resulted in Albert
Leisenring standing first, and Allie Shew second. The commencement
exercises of the class will take place in the Opera House, on the
evening of June 12. - Mirror.
ICE HOUSE BURNED. - The large ice house of Mr. E. L. Lewis,
situated at the Bennington bridge, near Hollidaysburg, was destroyed
by fire between 12 and 1 o'clock on Monday morning. A portion of the
roof of the bridge was also burned off, and two freight cars standing
on the siding were also slightly damaged. The fire is supposed to be
the work of an incendiary. Mr. Lewis only last week placed $1,000
insurance on the building. Much of the ice will be saved.
POPULATION OF ALTOONA. - Those who have been engaged for some time
past canvassing for the new City Directory, also interested themselves
in taking the census of the city. The last census was taken in 1875,
and then gave a population of 15,329. The census as just taken for
1877, shows a population of 16,954, an increase of 1,625 in two years.
This speaks well for us, considering the depression in business and
industry which has existed in our midst since the fall of 1873.
REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. - The following were elected delegates
for the Republican County Committee:
Antis - N. P. Ramsey, W. A. Lytle.
Altoona, 1st Ward - F. B. Stewart, Geo. M. Metz: 2d Ward - Wm. Fox, S.
S. Thompson; 3d Ward - W. Lee Woodcock, M. Alexander; 4th Ward - H. B.
Kendig, J. McCloskey; 5th Ward - D. Orr Alexander. J. H. Irwin; 6th
Ward - J. J. Canan, W. T. Howard; 7th Ward - R. McGill, L. Holtzinger;
8th Ward - I. C. Parsons, J. C. Rickabaugh.
Allegheny - Martin Gates, A. W. Black.
Blair - David Hamilton, S. K. Patterson.
Bennington - Thos. Lego, Saml. Stemer.
Catharine - Adam L. Hare, G. W. Reed.
E. Tyrone - A. C. Budd, James Attig.
Freedom - Ed. Butler, David Moses.
Frankstown - Wm. McKipple, J. B. Harpster.
Greenfield - John W. Johnson, John I. Hoover.
Gaysport - John Teeters, Harry A. Miller.
Huston - J. H. Clapper, S. B. Isenberg.
Hollidaysburg, 1st Ward - John G. Reed, D. M. Sellers; 2d Ward - W. C.
Roller, J. I. Brotherline; 3d Ward - James Rogers, Gilbert L.
Holliday; 4th Ward - J. F. Milliken, John McClure.
Juniata - G. P. Kelly, Jos. Helsel.
Logan - G. T. Bell, E. S. Hall.
Newry - M. F. Black, A. B. Knox.
Martinsburg - S. B. Zimmerman, W. Knee.
N. Woodberry - J. S. Nicodemus, A. W. Nicodemus.
Snyder - Geo. W. Merryman, John Sample.
Taylor - R. S. Hoover, E. Z. Kagarice.
Tyrone, 1st Ward - John Elliott, Saml. McCamant; 2d Ward - Wm. Riddle,
C. S. W. Jones; 3d Ward - John H. Burley, John A. Hiller; 4th Ward -
W. H. Nevling, W. S. Hoar.
Tyrone Township - Thomas Coleman, Wm. M. Morrow.
Woodberry - Elliott Johnson, John W. Swartz.
The committee will meet in Hollidaysburg on Saturday next, 9th
inst., for the purpose of organization. It is hoped there may be a
full turn out.
MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. - The commencement exercises of this institution
of learning, located at Birmingham, Huntingdon county, will take place
June 13, 1877. The following is the programme:
Chorus - Night's Shade no Longer - Rossini.
Vocal Solo - Infelice - Mendelssohn. Miss Edith Gregg.
Vocal Solo - Rose-Bush - Hodges. Miss Bessie Myers.
Piano Solo - Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 14 - Liszt. Mr. G. F. Land.
Address - Rev. A. A. Willits, D. D.
Vocal Duet - I Would That My Love - Mendelssohn. Misses Gregg and
Overture - William Tell - Rossini. Messrs. Lane and M'Camant, Misses
Jackson and Roberts.
Pacific Express west will stop at Birmingham June 13.
GREEN - RHODES - May 30, by Rev. J. W. Leckie, J. B. Green to Miss
Fanny Rhodes, both of Altoona.
BARR - In this city, May 30, William Barr, aged 55 years and 4
REIFSNYDER - In this city, May 31, Mrs. Clara W., wife of Le Baron
Reifsnyder, in the 30th year of her age.
IRWIN - At Bell's Mills, on the 27th ult., Frank Howard Irwin, aged
17 years, 7 months and 26 days.
The subject of the above notice was a youth of excellent character
and fair promise. His modest and unselfish bearing commended him to
his acquaintances, and he had many friends. He was a consistent and
exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church. His early death is
sincerely lamented. His remains were followed to the grave by a large
number of relatives and friends, amidst many expressions of sorrow and
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 7, 1877, page 3