Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 17, 1877
TYRONE, PA., May 15, 1877.
EDITORS TRIBUNE: - Several of our Sinking Valley farmers report their
corn in the ground. For this early work they deserve praise, but at
the same time they need sympathy, for the present indicates that they
will enjoy the luxury of doing their first work over, and replant
their entire fields with corn. The experience of the past few years
in this country, we think, is convincing of facts sufficient to assist
the most skeptical believer in the early planting of corn, that the
corn planted between May 10th and 25th, is the most likely to produce
the desired result, viz., a good crop. We claim to be right, and
shall continue so to claim, until the contrary is proven.
The business prospects of our fair town, or embryo city, might be
better. The glass works has about blown over or gone by. The meeting
was called, surplus wind blown off, and speeches made in which it was
fully demonstrated that plate glass can be manufactured - can be
manufactured at a profit, and can be manufactured at a profit in the
United States. It was further shown that works for such purposes can
be erected, and can be erected at Tyrone; that a party of gentlemen
from Belgium were now in this country and ready to unite their capital
with the capital of business men in this section, and go into the
business with a positive assurance of success. The sand, lime and
coal were shown to be easy of access, and our town to be the most
eligible location in the entire length and breadth of our whole land.
And the Belgium capitalists were fully satisfied on all these points.
Well, a committee was appointed of five, the band played and the
meeting adjourned. The committee have never been notified of their
appointment, through the blunder of somebody. Time is flying, the
Belgium capitalists waiting, and Tyrone is rapidly being distanced by
parties and places which present less advantages and less facilities,
all because we lack the vim and energy, and are playing the part of
drones instead of active, live business men. We may possibly wake up,
when it is decided that these works are to go somewhere else. For the
sake of our town and county we hope to the contrary, but our fears are
excited and there is very great danger of their being realized.
The action of the County Committee of the Republican party on
Saturday last has fortunately brought out no more candidates, but we
notice increased activity along the whole line. So far, 'tis hard to
predict who are the most likely to prove successful. A sorely
disappointed set of men in the entire number of candidates (excepting
one for each office) 'tis safe to predict, can be found at
Hollidaysburg, immediately after the return judges have completed
their count of the vote. A careful survey would suggest that the
candidates should be distributed evenly over the county. Altoona
being unsuccessful last year should have a nomination this. The swarm
of candidates for Treasurer forbids the idea of that office going to
Altoona; then she should have District Attorney. Martinsburg,
representing the south end of the county, and being an unsuccessful
contestant for a domination last year, presents a first class man for
Register and Recorder, and she being entitled to a nomination, we
think her choice should be satisfied. Williamsburg presents the name
of one of her best citizens for County Treasurer, and his nomination
would be judicious from a party standpoint. We do not wish to be
understood to be for the names above suggested. We are for the
success of our party, irrespective of men. Hollidaysburg last year
was honored by the nomination of Col. Lemon; Claysburg by Capt. Shock;
and our own end of the county by Col. Jones, all of whom, while being
honored by the party, are an honor to the party and to the locality
they represent. We hope each Republican voter will carefully consider
his duty to his party at the county primary and vote for none but good
and true men and firm, outspoken Republicans. Yours truly,
There was another severe frost on Saturday morning.
'Tis said a wet April and a cool May makes plenty of fruit, grain
and hay.
The children of St. John's (Catholic) church will hold a picnic in
the City Park on the 29th inst.
The St. Lawrence is externally the handsomest gin mill in the city
to entice the unwary Murphyites.
Daniel Vandrew's restaurant was broken into on Saturday and robbed
of a lot of confectioneries, etc.
Decoration Day promises to be better observed in this city the
present year than for several years past.
The paper mill of Morrison, Bare & Co., at Roaring Springs
manufactures 50,000 pounds of paper, it is said, a month.
John Pembrook, a 13-year old colored youth, has been arrested and
bound over for firing the Hollidaysburg colored seminary.
By the kick of a horse, a man named McConnell, residing near Newry,
had his left leg broken on Monday, at Allegheny furnace.
John Thompson has been appointed postmaster at Ebensburg, Cambria
county, and W. _. Wells at Osceola Mills, Clearfield county.
Huntingdon is determined to have the Belgian plate glass works, and
is holding meetings over the county to interest the people in her
Attention is called to the advertisement of Juniata Camp Meeting
Association in regard to renting boarding-house, restaurant and other
D. M. Wise, of Ansonville, Clearfield county, was relieved of a
gold watch and chain, on Thursday last, near the Centennial grounds,
The number of full members and probationers within the bounds of
the Central Pa. Conference were 34,840, an increase of 2,799 during
the year ending March, 1877.
An old frame house of bad repute, known as the toll-house, located
on Stony Point, Tyrone, was totally destroyed by fire on the 6th
inst., to the joy of better citizens.
James Cross hadn't his leg broken by falling into a coal hopper at
Marysville, last week; only his shin badly scraped was the extent of
his injuries - only that, and nothing more.
Pennsylvania Furnace, Huntingdon county, has extinguished its
fires, and will remain idle most of the summer. Chopping wood,
coaling, etc., has been suspended indefinitely.
Rev. J. Kistler, pastor of the English Lutheran congregations of
Tyrone, Sinking Valley, and Bell's Mills, has tendered his
resignation, to take effect on the 1st of October next.
The number of Methodist Sunday Schools in the Altoona District is
97, with a membership of 7,923. The total number of scholars in the
entire Conference (Central Pa ) is 41,762.
The various local temperance organizations in Blair county will
meet in Hollidaysburg this (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock, to
effect a permanent county temperance organization.
John Benton, a Johnstown business man, has failed. Liabilities
$27,741,69. Among his creditors are Snoberger & Co., Martinsburg,
$16.20, and the Hollidaysburg Iron Co., $526.21.
During the past four years twenty churches and two parsonages have
been erected within the bounds of the Altoona District, Central Pa.
Conference, eighteen of which are free from debt.
Alexander Rutledge of Williamsburg, is a candidate for County
Treasury, and is, we believe, a very worthy man and good Republican,
and has never before asked office at the hands of the party.
A number of alleys in this city are in a deplorable condition -
filthy in the extreme, and the proper authorities should enforce the
ordinance in regard to the same without "fear, favor or
Wm. H. Sherfy, whose death we recently noticed, was the signal
officer who sent Sherman's order over the heads of Hood's army to
General John M. Corse to "hold the fort," at Alatoona, Georgia.
John Brotherline, Esq., of Hollidaysburg, was arrested and bailed
on Monday, on a charge of Mrs. Loomis, one of his tenants in this
city, of making improper advances to her. The matter will be sifted
at the next session.
Old Jimmy Walls, after an extended peregrination through the
eastern portion of the State, has been lodged in the Huntingdon poor
house to spend the remnant of his days. Sad fate for one who, a few
years ago, was well to do.
On Saturday a workman assisting in removing a house on Seventh
avenue, between 22d and 23d streets, gave one of the "jacks" an extra
turn, causing the house to fall over on its side, damaging the
plastering, breaking the floor, and toppling over the chimney.
The Sunday School of the First M. E. Church has accepted an
invitation to participate in the ceremonies of Decoration Day. The
United Brethren, Second Lutheran, Second Presbyterian and the Second
M. E. Church have also decided to take part in the memorial
The building occupied by C. F. Randolph , druggist, and others, on
Eleventh avenue, adjoining the Opera House, and owned by Mrs. A.
Roush, has been examined by a competent architect and declared unsafe.
It is now being strengthened and rendered secure by Mr. J. L.
The R. R. Men's Christian Association will hold memorial services
in the U. B. Church next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in memory of
Richard Tradenick, an engineer on the Pittsburgh division, who died
last week.
The forthcoming (June) number of "Nicholas Minturn," (Dr. Holland's
serial story now appearing in Scribner's Monthly) contains an
important discussion on the subject which is the theme of the book -
namely, the proper treatment of the pauper and the tramp.
George Landis an employe of the lathe shop, while engaged in
cutting a leather belt with a pen knife yesterday morning, the knife
passed through the material more rapidly than he anticipated,
inflicting a severe gash on his breastbone. The wound was dressed by
Dr. Ross and he resumed work.
DECORATION DAY. - The third meeting of the memorial association was
held Friday evening in the Council Chamber, and quite a number of
persons were present. Major Crozier, President, called the meeting to
order, and D. H. Munson, in the absence of Captain Johnson, acted as
Secretary. The minutes of last meeting were read. D. H. Munson,
Chairman of the Executive Committee, was ordered to call a meeting of
that committee for the purpose of selecting ladies from each ward to
gather flowers, and to call the committee as soon as convenient.
Mayor Gilland, Majors Richard Crozier, John R. Garden and George F.
Dern made remarks interesting to the occasion. John Alexander
represented the A. M. E. Sunday-school, and stated that they would
turn out in a body, as some of their race lay in Fairview cemetery.
He was requested to invite the Baptist church and Moore's chapel, both
colored, to participate, in a body, as well. It was moved that the
Secretary of the Association invite all the Sunday-schools and pastors
of churches to participate, and that the invitations be written. On
motion it was ordered that at the next meeting, which will be held to-
morrow evening, May 18th, the election of a marshall shall take place,
and it is expected that the various societies, schools and other
organizations intending to participate in the day's ceremonies will
send delegates to assist in the election. All committees are expected
to make their final reports at this meeting. All old soldiers who
have not previous to this signed the Memorial Association roll,
present and absent, were invited to sign said roll. Several persons
signed. The book is in care of Lieutenant Munson, at the TRIBUNE
Office, where all old soldiers are requested to call and sign. On
motion, adjourned to meet to-morrow evening in the Council Chamber at
7 1/2 o'clock.
I. & D. Rosenthal of the Young America Clothing House, have
very generously tendered a silk banner, to be given to the Sunday
School which turns out the largest number in the procession on
Decoration Day. The banner will be on exhibition at their store,
corner Eleventh avenue and Eleventh street, in a few days.
RAILROAD MATTERS. - Mrs. Mary Harkins has been appointed passenger
agent at Etna, West Penn'a R. R., vice Miss Laura Funk, resigned.
W. P. Walker has been appointed passenger and freight agent at
Bell's Mills, vice B. F. Bell.
J. S. Leffard, of Mill Creek, has been appointed passenger and
freight agent at McVeytown, vice George Mitchell, deceased.
Simon P. Waugaman has been appointed passenger agent at
Hollidaysburg, vice F. H. Lamborn, resigned.
The passenger agencies at Benfer and Kremer, on the S. & L. R.
R., will be closed after June 1st.
A flashing light that indicates the speed and distance of a train,
and shows whether it is at rest or in motion, has been introduced as a
rear light on freight trains on the Pennsylvania railroad. It is
formed of two lights - one red and one white and designed to be placed
one on each side of the rear (caboose) car, so that they may be seen
in both directions on the line. A simple device for hiding the lights
at intervals is affixed to each lamp so that it may be made to "flash"
or alternately appear and disappear, and by suitable gearing this is
connected with one of the axles of the car. While the car is at rest
the lights are steadily visible; when the train moves the lights flash
once for each revolution of the wheels, and thus its movement and
actual speed can be easily estimated as far as the lights can be seen.
Another advantage results from the fact that the white light is
visible at a greater distance than the red. The engineer of a
following train may from this keep within the limit of a safe distance
by keeping the flashing white light fully visible and the flashing red
light dim or quite obscure, and by coming to a stop the moment the
flashing runs slow or stops and the lights become fixed and steadily
Trains on the road between Lewisburg and Centre Hall, Centre
county, will be running by the first of July.
The stockholders of the Sunbury and Lewistown railroad have elected
the following officers: President, Aaron Fries; Directors, R. W.
Shenk, Josiah Hart, George Shannon, James H. Campbell, George Schnure
and J. W. Moffley.
There were a number of suspensions in the shops of this city on
Saturday. The clerical, mechanical and laboring force is being
reduced at all points between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. These
suspensions will only be temporary, and as the exigencies of the
company demand the persons now affected will be mainly reinstated.
Major Clark, in addition to his duties as depot policeman, assumes
those of gate-keeper, vice Capt. McCaulley, suspended. The Major will
prove himself a gentlemanly and obliging officer, which he has always
been, and which his long experience about the depot gives every
The exact length of the Pennsylvania railroad, from Philadelphia to
Pittsburgh, is 353 1-10 miles, on which there is a mortgage funded
debt, bearing 6 per cent. interest, of $54,219, 760, exclusive of a
State lien on the public works between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,
bearing 5 per cent. interest, of $4,795,101. The authorized capital
of the company is $151,700,000, of which but $68,876,200 is paid in
and entitled to dividend.
SAD SUICIDE. - Miss Ellen Croft, a servant girl in the employ of
the family of N. C. Barclay, Esq., senior editor and proprietor of the
Sun, committed suicide on Friday night, by taking strichnine. The
immediate cause of her rash act is unknown. Throughout the day she
appeared in her usual spirits, and performed her household duties with
her customary scrupulousness and cheerfulness. Sometime after
retiring to her room Mrs. Barkley was summoned to her bedside and
found her suffering from, what she supposed, nervousness, and
succeeded in soothing the excited girl, and then went down stairs.
Shortly afterward she visited the girl's room and found her in
convulsions. Dr. Row was called and prescribed for her. Mrs. Barclay
in about an hour afterward, again visited Miss Croft's room, and
discovered her either dead or in a dying condition. Drs. Row and Wm.
M. Findley were sent for, and on their arrival pronounced her dead and
strichnine the cause. On searching among her effects for some clew as
to the cause for the commission of the deed, the following note was
found in her pocket-book:
I want you to send my things home. I have a silver dollar that is
for my sister Lottie Croft, my lame sister. I want to be laid beside
mother. Lottie, I don't want you to think hard of me.
You may send and get printed. I am going home to die no more. I hope
to meet my friends in Heaven. Good-bye sister and brother.
Coroner Humes held an inquest upon the body on Saturday morning,
the jury, composed of Messrs. E. L. Russ, W. W. Smith, John Coho, John
Ullery, Samuel Ullery and Jacob Holtzman, rendering a verdict "that
Ellen Croft came to her death by an overdose of poison administered by
her own hands." Miss Croft was about 19 or 20 years old, and quite
prepossessing in appearance. Her parents reside at Baker's Summit,
Bedford county, four miles from Roaring Springs, whither her body was
taken for interment on Saturday afternoon, and which were consigned to
their last resting place on Sunday, it being impossible to keep the
body longer, as decomposition had rapidly taken place. All stories
and surmises for the cause of her untimely self-destruction are simply
conjecture, and the mystery will, probably, never be unveiled.
HAUL OF STOLEN GOODS. - On Wednesday of last week, Chief-of-Police
Randolph and Depot policeman Clark made a descent upon the premises of
Clem Black, of odoriferous fame, whom they wanted on the charge of
having more goods in his possession than legally belonged to him.
Black was on the alert for the officers, and when they put in their
appearance he made good his escape, but they took into custody Clem's
sister and conveyed her to the lock-up. The officers searched the
house, and were rewarded by finding a large amount of goods which had
evidently been stolen, consisting of table cloths and covers, piece of
linen, several dress patterns, a quantity of green and roasted coffee,
enough tea to do an ordinary family of heavy tea-drinkers about a
year, a large stone firkin of lard, lot of tobacco, beans, corn, lead
pencils, oil cloth, two or three barrels of flour, with a variety of
other articles. Most of this plunder, if not all of it, has been
stolen from the cars of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, either in
transitu or while lying in the yard in this city. Miss Black was held
in $300 bail by Alderman McCormick for her appearance at court, which
she secured. The goods are at the Mayor's office, and are sufficient
to start a small grocery store. Clem and Harry Black were arrested on
Thursday night about 11 o'clock by officer Clark and a posse of men in
a stable belonging to J. K. Ely, near Fairview cemetery, and lodged in
the lock-up. After a hearing before Mayor Gilland they were in
default of $800 bail each, sent to keep company with their mother, who
reposes in jail under sentence for receiving stolen goods. It is to
be hoped that these raids of the Blacks on the P. R. R. and others
will be brought to an end this time, for they have become entirely too
ETTER - CHAMBERLAIN - On May 9th, in Hollidaysburg, by Rev, J. A.
DeMoyer, Mr. Wm. Etter to Miss Margaret Chamberlin, both of Huston
township, Blair county.
DECKER - In Tyrone, on the 7th inst., Mr. Wesley Decker, after a
lingering illness from consumption.
PRENGLE - Near Claysburg, May 4th, Miss Sarah Ann Prengle, aged 20
years, 6 months and 8 days.
CROFT - In Leamersville, May 4th, Ettie May Croft, aged 1 year and
4 days.
WIKE - Near Newry, May 5th, Earl V. Wike, aged 2 years, 5 months
and 2 days.
CALDWELL - In Frankstown, May 10th, Grace Elma, youngest daughter
of Sylvester and Carry Caldwell, aged 7 months and 4 days.
LAUFFER - At Cove Forge, on the 12th of April, Miss Elizabeth
Lauffer, aged 20 years, 7 months and 21 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 17, 1877, page 3