Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, May 10, 1877
Springfield furnace will be blown in shortly.
The Clearfield fire-brick works have large orders.
Springfield mines employ about 175 men and boys.
Hon. G. Harry Spang of Bedford has joined the Murphyites.
There was a right smart frost in this latitude Monday
Tyrone has the plate glass works fever bad. So has
Rev. De Moyer of Hollidaysburg can snatch type bald-headed.
The Bell's Gap R. R. Company are building twenty-five new coal
The Bedford Inquirer says Rev. James Curns is the largest man in
W. Gary, of Huntingdon, has been granted a patent for an
electro-magnetic motor.
Greenwood Furnace, Huntingdon county, will go in blast about the
15th or 20th inst.
The steward of the Cambria county poor house planted sixty
barrels of potatoes last week.
A slight fire, without doing much damage, occurred in the
Altoona rolling mill, Friday night.
Armstrong Crawford, an old citizen of Tyrone, died on the 1st
inst., in the 77th year of his age.
The carpenters on the new court house have completed their
contract, packed their "kit" and left.
Two unsuccessful attempts were made to burn the Hollidaysburg
colored school building last week.
The roof of Hamer & Ramsey's steam flouring mill in Tyrone
was slightly damaged by fire on the 1st.
The Beaver Dam mill was burglarized on Friday night of 275
pounds of flour belonging to Peter Stiffler.
The rumor that the Blair Iron and Coal Company would close two
of their furnaces is unfounded.
Those of our brethren of the press who extended their sympathies
in our recent illness have our thanks.
Council has appropriated $9,000 to carry on the city government
for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1877.
A locomotive grate bar fell on the great toe of Thomas Butler's
right foot, Friday, sadly demoralizing that member.
W. F. McFarland of Hollidaysburg has secured the contract for
furnishing the officer's desks for the new court house.
The temperance wave has struck Bellefonte, and Judge John H.
Orvis is among the distinguished reclaimed, besides other legal
Charles Stetler of Tyrone, while hunting near Tyrone Forges on
the 2d inst., had one hand severely injured by the bursting of his
What is the population of Altoona (about)? We judge about
12,000. - Lewistown Democrat. The census of 1875 showed a
population of 15,329.
Wm. Butler of Hollidaysburg was severely injured about the
shoulders and arm, Monday morning, by being caught between two coal
William Bell, son of Maj. F. M. Bell, Tyrone's new postmaster,
has been appointed baggage agent at that place in place of his
father, resigned.
The "liberal soul" who gives away one and two dollar bills is
making a successful tour down the Juniata Valley. He "did" the
greenies of Huntingdon.
Bell's Mills is enjoying a genuine sensation, and society there
is shaken from centre to circumference over the affair. We have no
wish to probe the scandal.
Fred. S. Ehrenfield, supervisor of Gallitzin, has been awarded
for the third time, $100 for the best section of road, by the
inspectors of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Postmaster Patton has appointed Mr. Adie B. Hicks to a
clerkship. The selection is a good one, and Adie will prove himself
a very competent and obliging officer.
Michael McDermott, brakeman, residing near McGarvey's Station,
had the thumb of his right hand mashed while making a coupling in
the yard, Monday morning.
The school-house at Barree Forge was entered Thursday night, and
the Sunday-school library case broken open, and a valuable Bible
taken therefrom and torn up.
Last Thursday Sheriff Stiffler escorted to the Western
Penitentiary Basil Moore, colored, and bigamist, "Dr." McEwen. Both
are sent up for a year - the former for larceny.
Among the bidders for the 5 per cent. State loan of eight
millions was the Blair County Banking Company. It wanted $15,000 at
par, but the successful bids ranged from 103 1-10 to 105
Four young Johnstowners have been arrested for trout-fishing on
Sunday. There are some like Sabbath-breakers in this neighborhood
that the constables ought to make interview offended justice.
Revs. J. Walker and M. P. Doyle are now in Westfield, Illinois,
attending the quadrennial session of the General Conference of the
United Brethren Church, as delegates from this (Allegheny)
A party of nine young men were arrested for disturbing the
religious services at Chestnut avenue M. E. Church on Sunday
evening, the 29th ult. They had a hearing before Mayor Gilland and
were fined and discharged. Right.
Mrs. John Snook has applied for a divorce from her husband. He
was convicted at the last Court of abortion on the oath of Miss
Settlemyer, but was granted a new trial. In default of $2,000 bail
he languishes in Castle McClure.
The planing mill of John Wagner and the foundry of the Messrs.
Hart in Chest Springs, Cambria county, were destroyed by fire on
Thursday morning last. Loss $6,000. Wagner's loss $1,000; insurance
$2,000. Harts had no insurance.
The Board of Poor Directors discussed at a special meeting on
Saturday the question of water supply for the almshouse, without
arriving at a definite conclusion. It will cost about $4,000 to
pipe the water two or three miles to the institution.
The Blair county Republican primaries to nominate a ticket under
the "Crawford county system" will be held on Saturday the 2d day of
June. A full set of rules for the government of the elections were
adopted, which we will publish in our next issue.
A fire at Wallaceton, Clearfield county, Saturday, destroyed
three million feet of pine lumber and about 25,000 shingles. The
railroad track was destroyed about 100 feet. Four telegraph poles
were burned and communication interrupted. Loss, $20,000; partly
Thomas Patterson of Newry last week plowed up a den of vipers,
and succeeded in killing seven of them, each of which was about 30
inches in length.
"Dad" Bowers, Deputy Prothonotary, spent 610 hours of solid work
indexing the new judgment dockets, transcribing in that time
29?.890 names. Good for "Dad!" He is a lively sort of a "cuss"
Mr. Thomas Morgan, residing in Logan township, one mile west of
the city, lost two children on Monday by scarlet fever. Three
others are down with the disease, while his wife is also in
delicate health.
William Banks, a moulder by trade, formerly employed in the P.
R. R. Foundry, this city, fell from the hay mow in the barn of
Albert Hileman, Frankstown township, Saturday, and fractured his
thigh bone.
A Granger organization was effected at Good's school house, on
Piney Creek, on the 28th ult. This makes the fourth organization of
this kind in Blair county. The State Grange is to be held in
Hollidaysburg next December.
James Cross of this city, while passing over some coal cars at
Marysville, on Tuesday, putting on brakes, slipped and fell into
one with a drop bottom, breaking his left leg below the knee. He
was taken to the Harrisburg hospital.
Prof. Dare, a gymnast and rope-walker, gave an exhibition of
himself on Tuesday afternoon, on a rope stretched across Eleventh
avenue, east of the TRIBUNE office. His feats were witnessed by a
large crowd, and rapturously applauded.
Mr. John Redding of Eldorado hired a couple of tramps last week
to help him with his farm work. They worked satisfactorily up to
Saturday evening, when Mr. Redding paid them off. The next morning
they were missing, as well as $25 in money and some wearing
apparel. Put not your faith in tramps.
Mrs. Gilmartin escaped from the almshouse last week, came to
this city and got full of the "devil" on Whisky Row. She went to
the house of Henry Brunell on Seventh avenue, and wanted to run the
same to suit her own notions. The police were notified, and she was
calaboosed and sent to her old quarters.
James Gardner, of Hollidaysburg, and Nat Ramsey of Bell's Mills,
were on Saturday elected Representative delegates to the State
Convention by the Republican County Committee. Instructed for Hon.
John A. Lemon for Auditor General. The Senatorial delegate was
conceded to Cambria county.
A petition signed by members of the Bedford bar to have the name
of Thos. H. Greevy, Esq., of this city, stricken from the list of
attorneys of that county, was presented to the court last week. The
offense consisted in a criticism of Judge Hall, in the Globe, for
his conduct in the Alden-Hamlin trial.
Attention is called to the card of Mr. A. L. Holliday, of
Hollidaysburg, announcing himself as a candidate for Register and
Recorder. Mr. H. is one of the oldest Republicans in the county;
has never before asked office, is thoroughly competent, and his
claims are worthy of consideration at the hands of voting
The Standard says there has been another of the semi-annual,
wholesale destructions of fish in our river, the banks of which are
covered with millions of fish of all kinds and sizes, from the
beautiful speckled trout to the little horny chub. It is said to be
caused by the emptying into the stream of the lime and other
poisonous substances of the tan vats at Duncansville.
John and Adam Cahoe of Gallitzin, while fishing on the Big
Moshannon, last Monday week, came across a bear with two cubs. They
seized the cubs, but the mother made it hot for them, treed one of
the men on a stump, and to appease her wrath he was compelled to
surrender the cub. They succeeded in getting away with the other,
which they brought home with them on Tuesday evening in the mail
train. The youngster was quite a pet among the passengers, and
loved to be fondled by them.
RAILROAD MATTERS. - The train agents are not to be
There are no locomotives of the "I" class to be built at present
in the shops of this city.
The new schedule for the running of passenger and freight trains
on the Pennsylvania Railroad will go into operation on the 13th of
the present month. The new head light numbers introduced on the
engines of the Pennsylvania Railroad, are an excellent improvement,
and of great benefit to signal tower men.
The Pennsylvania Railroad will return, free of freight charges,
all goods sent for display at the Philadelphia Exposition this
The Harrisburg car manufacturing company is pushing its contract
for iron tubular oil tanks with vigor, turning out from one to two
substantial cars per day. The tanks are painted red, white and
The Baldwin locomotive works of Philadelphia have just closed a
contract for the construction of nineteen locomotives - fourteen of
which are to be broad gauge and five narrow gauge - for a railroad
in Brazil.
Shifting engine No. 111, probably one of the first "dinkeys"
used in the yard at Harrisburg, is to be brought to this city and
cut up into scrap iron.
Several "ticket scalpers" were arrested in Baltimore last week,
and some $7,000 worth of supposed stolen tickets of the
Pennsylvania Railroad seized. The tickets were taken up by train
agents between Philadelphia and New York and not cancelled by
punching, and were sold to the "scalpers" at the end of the trip,
principally to J. W. Knapp, of Jersey City.
Mr. George Mitchell, P. R. R. agent at McVeytown for the past
sixteen or seventeen years, died at that place Sunday morning,
after a week's illness. His long service proves that he was a
competent and honest official.
The employes of the P. R. R machine shops of this city are
agitating the matter of organizing a mutual aid society, by the
establishment of a fund for the benefit of individual members in
case of accident or sickness.
The earnings of the P. R. R. for the quarter ending April 1st
were $400,000 in excess of last year. Railroad men say that through
freight has increased perceptibly within the past few days.
The P. R. R. proposes this season to renew No. 11 bridge, near
Tyrone, which is an iron structure, with stone arches. A force of
men are now at Gallitzin quarrying stone for the same.
ANOTHER CUTTING AFFAIR. - Late on Saturday evening as Mr. Peter
Vetter and Mr. Martin Hoele were returning home from the East Side,
they were met by a stranger between Eleventh and Twelfth streets,
on Eleventh avenue, who sought a quarrel with them. When near
Fries' hardware store, the stranger struck Hoele over the head with
a billy, knocking him down. Mr. Vetter interfered to protect his
comrade, when the midnight assassin began cutting Vetter in the
face and about his person. One of the cuts in the face is quite
severe, beginning below the eye and running entirely down through
the nose. He also received a deep gash across the palm of the hand
from the first to the fourth finger. Hoele was cut in the scalp,
and also received a slight wound in the right shoulder, besides
having his clothing cut in several places. Neither of the assaulted
party had ever seen the man before, nor would they be able to
identify him, hence there is no clue to the villain, and he will
probably escape arrest.
SAD ACCIDENT. - James Clark, a young man employed in one of the
coal mines in the vicinity of Bennington, met with a sad accident
at the east end of the Gallitzin tunnel on Thursday morning last.
He had got on the rear end of an engine tank for the purpose of
riding to the east end of the tunnel, and in jumping off his left
foot caught in the track, when the engine passed over it crushing
the member so badly that amputation was deemed necessary at the
knee-joint. The operation was performed by Dr. Fay, of this
COURT PROCEEDINGS - SECOND WEEK. - Our report closed with the
case of S. I. Fries vs. Elizabeth Brown on trial. This was a
feigned issue to determine the validity of a judgment entered by
Elizabeth Brown against W. H. Brown. The amount in controversy was
$450, and the question depended on the transfer of a deed for
property situated in the Second Ward of this city. Prior to May 12,
1870, John W. Brown was the owner and occupant of the property, but
on that date he transferred this property to W. H. Brown his
brother, who, in turn immediately gave judgment in favor of
Elizabeth Brown his mother, for $450. The same year W. H. Brown
transferred this property back to John W. Brown. The plaintiff in
this suit brings in a bill of goods sold to John W. Brown, for
which he had obtained judgment against Brown. Plaintiff claimed
that John W. Brown was insolvent at the time and that he made the
transfer for the purpose of defrauding his creditors. The defense
in this action was that every transfer of the property was a
regular bona fide sale; that the two brothers, John W. and Wm. H.
Brown, had been jointly interested in contracts and building houses
both in the oil regions and in this city. When they separated John
W. Brown continued in business as contracting carpenter and W. H.
Brown went to work in the shops. John W. Brown had borrowed from
his mother $450, and at the time this deed was made he owed several
judgments amounting to $800 or $900. About the month of May, 1870,
John W. Brown, in order to move to Pittsburgh, sold his property to
his brother by a perfectly honest transfer, the brother, W. H.
Brown, paying over $300 in money assuming the judgments that were
against the property. John W. Brown, finding that his Pittsburgh
enterprise did not pay as he had expected, relinquished his
business there and returned to Altoona within a year and bought the
property back from his brother, giving him an advance of $300 on
his bargain, all of which it is claimed was a perfectly honest
transaction. The jury rendered a verdict for the defendant.
A similar case of S. I. Fries vs. J. Warner et al. was passed to
await the verdict of the jury in the foregoing case.
Abraham Rhodes vs. Mary Rhodes' executor. Feigned issue to test
the right to the proceeds of two notes, one under date of October
1, 1872, for $3,487, payable in one year to the order of Abraham
and Mary Rhodes, the other dated April 1, 1873, for $100, payable
to the order of Mary Rhodes. This case occupied all of Wednesday
nearly in hearing the testimony of witnesses, which was of a
tedious though spirited nature, giving rise to some warm
discussions on the part of counsel for the parties interested. Mrs.
Rhodes, the wife of Abraham Rhodes, willed all her real estate to
her husband's sister, Mrs. Wise, together with the interest of her
money during the life of her husband, the consideration being that
Mr. Rhodes should be well cared for, and his personal wants
attended to for the rest of his natural life, he being quite old
and infirm in health, and requiring a great deal of care and
attention. After the death of his wife, Mr. Rhodes, declined to
take under her will, and suit was brought to recover the money of
these notes, which were in the hands of Joseph Fichtner Esq., of
Newry. Mr. Fichtner then brought the money into court and asked for
a decree to direct him to whom the money should be paid; hence the
action. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff of the amount
of the large note, $3,487 with interest from October 1, 1872, and
also found for the defendant the value of the small note, $100 with
interest from April 1, 1873.
George and Mary Burkhart vs. Home Loan and Building Association.
Feigned issue to try the title to certain personal property,
consisting of horses, plows, wagon, cooking stove, beds, table,
lounge, chairs, straw, grain, in short all the farming tools and
household furniture with all the products of the farm of the
plaintiff which had been levied upon by the Sheriff. Since the
levy, however, the stove, chairs and bedding were released and the
sheriff was directed to proceed with the sale of the other
property. Mr. Burkhart had signed an exemption note which the
Building Association took this way of collecting. The plaintiffs
claimed that Mr. Burkhart, being an illiterate man, did not know
the real character of the note he was signing, and that the
property belonged not to him but to his wife. The jury found a
verdict for the plaintiff, two horses, one stallion, one two horse
wagon, three setts of harness, one cart, two plows, one harrow, one
lot of hay, one lot of grain in straw, and all other personal
property, and found for Mary Burkhart two cows and one bureau, also
found for the defendant, one lounge, one cook stove, and one corner
Charles Rauch vs. Lawrence Knapp & Co. Feigned issue to
ascertain the title to the personal property of the Rauch Brewery
in Hollidaysburg, together with all the household goods of the
family which had been levied upon as the property of F. W. Rauch to
satisfy a judgment of Knapp & Co. The plaintiff alleged that
the property in question belonged to Charles Rauch, and not to his
father, F. W. Rauch. The jury found for the plaintiff 144 barrels
of beer, more or less, 15 casks, one horse and one wagon.
Philip Dempsey and wife vs. Wm. M. Loyd [sic], S. C. Baker and
Thomas McCauley. Action of debt to recover the price of a tract of
land near this city, containing 37 acres, 92 perches. Defendants
had bought this tract at the contract price of $400 an acre, and
paid $5,000 of the purchase money, but failed to pay the balance,
and this suit was brought to enforce full payment. Messrs. Baker
and McCauley, testified distinctly that they had signed the
agreement with the understanding that Mr. Lloyd would join with
them in signing it. Mr. Lloyd refused to sign it, and defendants
never made a payment on it, never authorized any one to do so, and
never took possession of the property. When they discovered that
Mr. Lloyd refused to share in the transaction, these two witnesses
erased their names from the contract. The case was given to the
jury at six o'clock Saturday evening, and in a few minutes they
found a verdict for the plaintiffs, $10,632.23. This closed the
April term. For the facts in the above we are indebted to the very
full report of the Mirror.
A SHARPER ON HIS TRAVELS. - The Johnstown Tribune says "that
liberal individual who gives away a five-dollar bill for four
dollars, a two for a one, and so on, was in Greensburg on Tuesday.
Plenty of people bought money, and when he sold watch-chains at one
dollar each returning two dollars to the purchasers, there was a
perfect rush of greenies to secure them. Finally a lot of chains
were sold at five dollars a piece, and the eager buyers were
waiting patiently to rope in their ten dollars each from the
eccentric salesman; but that wasn't the game. He drove off rapidly
with some sixty dollars clear cash, and the individuals who bit at
the tempting bait won't even wear their ten cent watch chains,
which were warranted to 'look and last as well as gold.' This
transparent trick has been exposed time and again, but people who
get taken in are the kind who won't subscribe and pay for a
newspaper." The same individual visited Hollidaysburg on Friday,
and succeeded in "doing" several citizens of that village out of
about $65 by practicing the above dodge. He held forth in this city
in the evening of the same day, and succeeded in victimizing a
number of innocent young men out of their money by the foregoing
process. But people love to be humbugged.
CITY RECORDER. - The City Council at their meeting on Monday
evening did not pass an ordinance accepting the act passed by the
late Legislature establishing the office of City Recorder in cities
whose population does not exceed 30,000 and is not less than 8,500
inhabitants. We do not think that Council ought to entail any more
offices upon the people of this city; they are now sufficiently
taxed for all practical purposes. We notice that some of the
leading journalists of other cities, which come under the
provisions of this act, take strong ground against its acceptance,
regarding it as a useless appendage, productive of no benefit to
anybody except the person chosen to the office. We can see nothing
in the act which would prove beneficial to this city, or even be a
relief to our courts. The acceptance of the act we don't believe
would be a wise thing for Council to do. We may be mistaken in the
opinion, but we have failed to see the benefits and advantages to
accrue to the city pointed out by the advocates of the measure. We
advise Council to make haste slowly in this recorder business.
LARGE FISH STORIES. - The Standard last week noted that a
Gaysport fisherman hied himself to the Conemaugh river, and while
fishing in that stream caught a stone jug in which was a large
catfish. The "catty" had taken up his abode in the jug when a
youth, and remained there until he had grown to such proportions
that he could not get out. The Gaysport man's bait and hook found
its way into the mouth of the jug, and the catfish swallowed the
bait, was caught and landed on terra firma with his stone house.
And now the Osceola Reveille sees the above story, and goes one
better, as follows: A boy living near Elliott's mill, while fishing
at the head of Osceola dam, felt a gentle nibble, and drawing his
hook toward the shore, observed a half gallon fruit-can trailing on
the bottom. Having secured the vessel, he was greatly surprised to
find that a large catfish had taken up his abode therein and
remained until his increased dimensions did not admit of egress. He
had evidently flopped around in his tin parlor until a hole was
made in the rust-eaten bottom, through which his tail protruded. In
this condition, the catfish had power to navigate from one place to
another, and must have been regarded by his aquarian neighbors as a
kind of iron-clad monitor.
RELIEF OF THE POOR. - The relief committee of the Y. M. C. A.
make report of their doings in way of relieving the poor from
November 25, 1876 to March 24, 1877. The number of families
relieved were 157, averaging five to each family. The value of
provisions distributed amounted to about $900, embraced in 160
pounds of meat, 1,626 loaves of bread, 1,235 pounds of corn meal,
28 barrels of flour, potatoes, rice, hominy, coffee, peas and many
other articles, besides clothing, boots and shoes, and 56 tons of
coal. The cash contributions amounted to $439.17, viz: from the
Musical association $246,87; Centennial celebration committee,
$56.94; J. W. Findley, $11.75; collections in the several churches,
$47.01; John P. Levan, $20; G. W. Strattan, $10; Col. F. B.
Stewart, John A. Sprankle, Jos. Darr and A. F. Hess, each $5, and
the balance in smaller sums from individuals and committees. The
committee return their thanks to J. H. Dysart & Co., John
Copely and Campbell Bros. for coal; P. R. R. Co. for free
transportation; Prof. Mahaffey and H. C. Delo and the benevolent
musical association for their concerts, and the several ward
committees for their faithfulness.
PLATE GLASS WORKS. - The location of Belgian plate glass works
has been the engrossing theme of the Huntingdon and Tyrone people
for some days past, growing out of the visit of Mr. August Gobert,
and Mr. H. Brasseur, of Belgium, who are looking up a site for the
location of the works. At Tyrone they have been wined and dined and
serenaded, and every attention paid them that would have a tendency
to impress them favorably as to that place being the very best
location, and their efforts do not appear in vain, and we hope may
ultimately be successful. The plan and drawings of Mr. Brasseur for
the works call for a building 1033 feet long and 135 feet in width,
with a capacity of 2,000 square feet of plate glass per day. The
works would employ upwards of 500 hands and consume fifty tons of
coal per day. The capital required to put in operation such works
is $1,000,000 - $800,000 for the erection of the necessary
buildings, machinery, etc., with $200,000 as a reserve for their
operation. The above is the estimate for works of the largest
capacity. What the ultimate determination of Messrs. Gobert and
Brasseur may be as to the site is only problematical, as they
extend their observations as far west as Indianapolis. Where the
most money is subscribed to the capital stock, that is most likely
to be the place where the Belgian plate-glass works will be
LIABILITY OF HOTEL KEEPERS. - Mrs. Ellen J. Null brought suit
against Lewis A. Crouse in the Bedford County Court to recover
$5,000 for the death of her husband, David R. Null. Crouse was a
licensed hotel-keeper in the town of Bridgeport, and on the night
of October 23, 1875, Null with a number of others went into the
bar-room of Crouse and drank frequently and heavily. It was shown
that Null became very drunk, and in this condition he started for
his home in Fair Hope, six miles west of Bridgeport. This was
between 10 and 11 o'clock, and was the last that was seen of Null
alive. The next morning he was found on the track of the Pittsburgh
and Connellsville Railroad, a crushed and mutilated mass of flesh,
unrecognizable except by his clothes. After a patient trial, the
jury, after being out fourteen hours, brought in a sealed verdict
of $1,500 damages for the widow. A motion for a new trial was made.
Crouse since this transaction has failed, but his bondsmen are
responsible, and if this verdict shall stand, then they will have
to pay the damages.
DEDICATION OF THE NEW COURT HOUSE. - The committee having charge
of the arrangements for the dedication of the new Court House have
fixed on Monday, the 2d day of July, the first day of Argument
Court. Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, who held the first court in the
county, is to deliver the address, and Hon. Judge Dean is to
prepare a judicial history of the county. All the living judges who
have ever held court in this county are to be invited to
participate in the ceremonies of dedication. This much has been
agreed upon, and at the meeting of the committee on Saturday next,
further arrangements will be made.
DEAD. - Mr. Theodore Ainsworth, who was run over by a caboose
car at the Fourth street crossing, about one o'clock on the morning
of the 13th of April, died on Monday morning. He sustained such
injury to his right leg that amputation was deemed necessary at the
knee-joint. The shock produced by the accident was so great that he
never rallied from its effects, and which terminated fatally as
above. He resided in Logan township, and was 25 years, 7 months and
27 days old.
GAS OFFICERS ELECTED. - At an election for officers of the
Altoona Gas Company, held on Monday, to serve the ensuing year, the
following were chosen: President, J. B. Collin. Managers, W. H.
Wilson, Wm. Darlington, Enoch Lewis, H. C. Dern, Geo. W. Patton.
Treasurer, W. D. Couch.
SCHOOL PICNIC. - On Saturday, Mr. James Treece, janitor of the
First Ward School-house, took the scholars belonging to Misses
Durborrow and McCormick's schools to Calvert's woods to enjoy a
holiday. The children each took with them a basket well supplied
with provisions, and they had a very pleasant time of it, enjoying
themselves hugely. Nothing occurred to mar the pleasures of the
little folks, and they returned homeward about five o'clock,
singing as they entered the city "Hold the Fort," and other
familiar songs. The janitor is quite popular with the little
ALL FOR THE BETTER. - The late term of our Criminal Court was a
decided improvement over the January term. The criminal business in
January occupied nearly the whole of two weeks, while that of the
recent term not much more than that many days. There was also an
absence of the fearful swearing that disgraced the January term,
which created in the minds of those who either heard or read the
evidence grave suspicions of perjury on the part of some of the
witnesses. Our criminal business has been entirely too large for
some years past, and if the diminution evinced at the April term
shall prove to be permanent, it will be hailed with delight by all
good citizens.
BILL IN EQUITY. - The counsel of certain creditors of Wm. M.
Lloyd, bankrupt of Altoona, on Friday filed a bill in equity in the
U. S. District Court, Pittsburgh, against S. C. Baker et. al. Mr.
Baker belongs to this city and the remaining defendants are
distributed throughout the State. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendants are debtors to the estate of the said Wm. M. Lloyd, and
the Court is asked for an injunction to restrain them from
conducting their business, a commissioner to take testimony and the
adjustment of the indebtedness of the defendants to the said Wm. M.
Lloyd. A subpoena was awarded.
LYCUM - RALSTON - May 8, at the Lutheran parsonage in
Martinsburg, by Rev. D. Stock, Albert J. Lycum to Miss Mollie E.
Ralston of Waterside.
SLEP - In this city, on the 2d inst., Freddy Becht, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Barry Slep, aged 1 year, 11 months and 2 days. Brother
Slep has our sympathies in this bereavement.
NUMER - In this city, on the 4th inst., Sarah Numer, in the 26th
year of her age.
BURBANK - In Duncansville, on the 5th inst., Mr. George Burbank,
aged 75 years.
GLASGOW - In Gaysport, May 2, Eliza J., wife of James Glasgow,
aged 52 years, 3 months and 15 days.
HARTZELL - Near Elizabeth Furnace, May 4, Mr. Jacob Emanuel
Hartzell, aged 79 years, 11 months and 6 days. Mr. Hartzell was a
highly respected citizen of the community in which he resided.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 10, 1877, page