Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, May 3, 1877
Rodman furnace is again in blast.
The Indiana county treasury is empty.
Prisoners 21 occupied the jail last week.
They are now catching shad at the fisheries above Newport.
The grain reports from all parts of the State indicate a
bountiful harvest.
The next meeting of the Board of Pardons will be held on the 5th
of June.
"Shall we buy a steamer?" inquires the Lewistown Sentinel. By
all means.
The mountain tops around the city were white with snow yesterday
Tyrone papers rejoice greatly that Constable Riddle has been
able to procure a new uniform.
Work was slack last week in the P. R. R. foundry, and some of
the employes had a respite.
It cost $2,765.82 to run the borough of Tyrone last year. The
borough indebtedness is $31,662.40.
A new directory of the city is to made, and a new census taken.
Parties are now engaged in the work.
Forepaugh's circus and menagerie passed westward Sunday
afternoon. The train consisted of 32 cars.
The Standard has been informed that some of the millers of this
county adulterate their flour with white corn.
The contract for building the Fifth Ward School-house has been
awarded to H. N. Anderson, Esq., at $6,690.
21,770,740 pounds of ores mined in the vicinity of Bedford were
smelted in the Riddlesburg furnace last year.
A large tressel fell upon Mr. Wm. McCune at the lower shops on
Friday afternoon, considerably bruising his thigh.
John Kelly, who was injured in the Gallitzin tunnel on Sunday
night, the 22d ult., died on the following Monday evening.
The court set aside the sale of the St. Charles Hotel property
on representation of parties that they would bid $1,000 more for
Mr. Geo. B. Young, a prominent citizen of Alexandria, Huntingdon
county, died on the 25th ult., in the 77th year of his age.
Mr. Mathias Powell died suddenly in Williamsburg last week. His
supposed age was 94 years, though he claimed to be past 97.
Rev. W. P. Ross has been assigned to the Altoona and Bellefonte
charges by the African M. E. Conference, for the ensuing year.
We are indebted to His Excellency, Governor Hartranft for a copy
of the general laws passed at the late session of the
We are glad to say that Mr. James G. Knepp, who was so seriously
stabbed by the man Harkins, is considered out of danger.
The life interest of Matilda Mulhollem in a lot of ground, part
of the estate of John W. Ferry, is offered for sale. See
May ushered herself in this year cold and gloomy, with spiteful
snow flakes. Last year she signalled her advent with two inches of
Mr. Thomas Thompson of Hollidaysburg, the other day interviewed
a circular saw, and the result was three fingers less on his left
The kitchen of Mr. Peter Good, near Eldorado, was burglarized of
a quantity of meat, bread, potatoes, etc., on Tuesday night of last
A seven-year-old son of Philip Smith, on 9th avenue and 13th
street, on Wednesday evening of last week, fell off a fence and
broke an arm.
"Misfortunes never come singly,'' as we have reason to know. A
painful rheumatic left wrist keeps us howling before the wind. Job
ain't nowhere.
J. Cloyd Kreider has been appointed manager of the Opera-house,
in place of Mr. Wm. T. Marriot, removed to Harrisburg. A good
It is said that Mrs. Ellen Clemmens of this city, is heir among
others to a large tract of land upon which a portion of Georgetown,
D.C., is built.
There are a large number of tramps congregated in the vicinity
of Hagerty's woods and Warebaugh's. They ought to be driven out of
the county.
Scott Babcock, a painter at the lower shops, had the middle and
third fingers of his left hand severely cut on Friday, while at
work on a passenger car.
Syracuse Spanaberg, a preacher, was the first man hung in
Bedford county, for stabbing to death Jacob Glessner, after a
church council. This was in 1794.
A two year old boy of Mr. Wm. C. Defibaugh, on Ninth avenue,
came near choking to death Monday by getting a piece of apple rind
in his windpipe.
Mrs. Charlotte Miller, mother of Col. John S. Miller of
Huntingdon, died at her residence near Saulsburg, that county, on
the 14th ult., aged 84 years.
John Smith, from Montgomery county, was robbed by a party of
tramps, Saturday, at the end of the lower yard, of his watch,
revolver and other articles.
Mrs. Sarah Reed, widow of William Reed, a soldier of 1812, of
Blacklick township, Cambria county, recently received 17 years'
pension, amounting to $1,000.
The double-dwelling house and store of John Maher, on the corner
of 17th street and 8th avenue, was sold at assignee's sale on
Friday to A. J. Riley, Esq., for $3,050.
Rumor has it that the Blair Iron and Coal Company contemplate
stopping two of their furnaces. Reason: they can purchase iron
cheaper than they can manufacture it.
A little daughter of Wm. H. Gochenaur, on Green avenue, got a
piece of slate pencil into her right ear on Friday evening. It was
abstracted by Dr. Elliott, with some difficulty.
The Mountain City Brass Band serenaded a number of our citizens
on Tuesday evening. The music dispensed by it was most excellent.
It is a most promising corps of musicians.
Centre county voted by a majority of 1,493 against a poor-house,
preferring to pay $35,000 per annum for the maintenance of her
poor, rather than risk the mismanagement of the public
Geo. H. Butler of Bedford, managed to secure something over $200
on a forged note for $380. He was subsequently arrested and made to
disgorge, then bailed in $200 and decamped, never to return.
One solitary trout is said to inhabit Bell's Run. An expedition
is organizing in this city to capture him or wear the brook out.
Those who depend on that stream for water supply should be
The temperance movement in this city still maintains its
interest. Meetings are held nightly and numerous signers to the
pledge obtained. This week the meetings will be held in the Eighth
avenue M. E. Church. Attend.
Mr. Joseph Hagerty of Logan township, was considerably bruised
and hurt across the back Saturday night, by his horse falling into
an open trench at 8th avenue and 14th street, and throwing him over
his head. The horse was also hurt.
John Alexander's grocery on 17th street, near the bridge, was
robbed on Saturday by a tramp of three glasses of jelly. John
pursued the thief, and recovered two of the glasses, permitting the
rascal to go his way with a sharp lecture.
Hamilton Pollard, a "follower" of Forepaugh's circus, while
attempting to steal a ride on a train, Sunday, had his left foot
caught between the "dead woods" of two cars, and three toes were
crushed so badly as to render amputation necessary.
In the U. S. District Court, Pittsburgh, in the matter of David
McClain, bankrupt, Blair county, rule to show cause why rule of
March 9th should not be set aside, was made absolute as to the St.
Charles Hotel, and discharged as to property in Altoona.
The tobacco and notion store of H. A. Balsinger & Co., in
Hollidaysburg, was robbed of $100 worth of goods on Tuesday. It was
a daring robbery to be committed in broad daylight.
The Register says the spring-house of Blair Brua, in Frankstown
township, was robbed on Thursday night of nine hams and shoulders,
a tub, several pounds of butter and other articles.
M. L. McCartney has been chosen Superintendent of Logan
Sabbath-school; Michael Calvert. assistant; Geo. Maurer, Secretary;
L. Thompson, Librarian, and James Maurer, treasurer.
A large ladle in the P. R. R. foundry, filled with molten metal,
upset on Saturday, scattering the contents in all directions.
Nobody was hurt, but a good many persons were badly frightened.
Mr. William H. Sherfy, a prominent business man of Greencastle,
Indiana, and a relative of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pitcairn of this city,
while assisting the firemen at a large fire, was instantly killed
by a falling wall.
The tile in the new court-house is said to be a handsome piece
of workmanship, and elegant in design. There are about 400 feet of
tile work, of two or more colors, requiring 54,000 pieces, or 20
pieces to the square foot.
Robert Hunt of Lloydsville, Cambria county, 23 years of age, had
a tumor of 14-years growth, successfully removed from the left side
of his face, at St. Mary's Hospital, Philadelphia, recently. Dr. J.
Ewing Mears performed the operation.
It is said that there was quite a dry time in this city last
week owing to the licenses of the different hotels expiring. But it
is quite likely all who desired it had their whistles wet. The gin
mills, however, are again open and topers and tipplers are
correspondingly happy.
Attention is requested to the card of Capt. Robt. Johnson for
Register and Recorder. The Captain is eminently qualified for the
duties of this office, and would make a capital officer. We commend
him to the Republican voters of Blair, and hope they will favorably
consider his merits and claims.
Jacob Keckler of this county, whose exploits in horse flesh down
in the Cumberland Valley, we noticed some time ago, had occasion to
explain his eccentricities to an Adams county court last week, with
ill-success. For his free use of other people's property he was
sentenced to pay a fine of $30 and costs of prosecution, and five
months' imprisonment, in the county jail.
The above titled case was settled in the court of Common Pleas of
Blair county, on Monday of last week, by the defendant confessing
judgment in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $428. The
defendant in this case took a loan of three shares of stock from
the association aforesaid, and after paying his monthly dues for
several years, he fell in arrears and refused to pay anything more
into the association; and, as a matter of course, the Board of
Directors authorized their attorneys to issue upon the bond given
by O'Conor [sic]. The property of O'Conor was levied upon and
advertised for sale, when the defendant's attorneys petitioned the
court to stay the writ of execution and let O'Conor into a defense,
claiming that he would be able to show that the association was
fully paid. Upon this petition the court opened the judgment and
granted him a jury trial. The trial of the case was looked forward
to with great interest by the hundreds of stockholders in the
various Loan and Building Associations of this city, and the
favorable termination thereof will be hailed with joy by all the
members who have gone into the associations with the bona fide
intention of returning the money they borrowed, in monthly
payments, as required by law. We think too, it should be a warning
to the dishonest ones to pay up their dues and not spend their
earnings in paying costs and attorney fees in the vain endeavor to
wrong their fellow members of what is justly due them: If their own
sense of honor will not induce them to fulfill their contracts,
they can rest assured that the law will help them to make up their
minds to that fact.
County Committee will meet at Hollidaysburg, on the 5th day of May,
at eleven o'clock. Election of delegates to the coming Republican
State Convention and the adoption of rules, etc., governing the
primary elections under the Crawford County System, will be the
principal business. It is earnestly desired that the Committee be
fully represented. Written notice has been mailed to each member.
James M. LINGAFELT, Chairman. HOLLIDAYSBURG, April 26, 1877.
MEDICAL DELEGATES ELECTED. - Drs. Crawford Irwin, C. S. Stayer
and G. W. Smith have been elected delegates to the American Medical
Association, which meets in Chicago next June, by the Blair County
Medical Society. Drs. D. S. Hayes, John D. Ross, Wm. M. Findley, J.
D. Kirk and Rowen Clark were also elected delegates to the State
Medical Convention, which meets in Harrisburg on the 13th of June
SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS. - The Johnstown Tribune of the 26th ult.,
wishes the Blair and Huntingdon papers to throw some light upon the
following chapter of gossip which it dishes up. We know nothing of
the parties, but publish the matter for the information of our
readers, in the hope that the parties may be identified: One very
cold night in the beginning of February a gentleman well on towards
sixty years of age, who registered as George Brown, from Tyrone,
arrived at the Mansion House, having in company with him a fair
young woman of perhaps eighteen or twenty years of age. He stated
that the lady was the wife of a gentleman named Scofield, who
recently moved from Tyrone to Lincoln, Kansas, where he was engaged
in farming, and that in January he had sent word for his wife to
come on and join him. She started on the journey, her uncle, Mr.
Brown, intending to accompany her as far as Pittsburgh, but as she
was at that time, as he alleged, near her confinement, he deemed it
prudent to stop off here until after her child would be born. For
this reason he wished to make a contract for her board for a few
weeks. Mr. Shoemaker consented to an arrangement by which she could
take up lodgings in the hotel, and next day Mr. Brown left, after
first depositing the money for two weeks board in advance. Six
weeks ago last Monday the lady gave birth to a female infant, and
in due course of time was able to appear again at her accustomed
place at the table. She was very uncommunicative, but paid her
bills pretty regularly up until three week ago. It may also be
remarked that she seemed to have plenty of funds in her possession,
and also that some two or three letters were received since her
advent, which was postmarked Lincoln, Kansas, and directed to Mrs.
Annie Scofield. Just after the birth of her infant her uncle, as
she called him, came on, but left again on the early train next
morning. He seemed pleased with the happy termination of the
accouchement of his niece, and so expressed himself. She continued
liquidating her bills very regularly until three weeks ago, when
payment ceased. Last Sunday night, at eleven o'clock, she was in
her room in the second story front, and on Monday morning she was
absent, as was also the infant, a carpet sack containing what
little clothing she had brought with her, and a hand satchel, and
nothing is known of her whereabouts. She appeared to be familiar
with the names of people in Huntingdon. Brown told one party that
he belonged to Bellefonte.
THE MATRIMONIAL BUSINESS. - The hard times don't seem to have
any effect upon the matrimonial market. The chief object of women
appears to be to get a husband, and men to get a wife, and boys and
girls are infatuated with the same grand idea. It is said that a
young pheasant as soon as it drops the shell encircling its freedom
it begins to use its legs and paddle its own canoe. So with the
young miss. As soon as the short clothes are laid aside, she begins
to imitate the young pheasant and make good use of her legs in
skimming the streets in pursuit of the traditional husband. It
matters little to her whether she can cook a decent meals victuals
for her expected husband, sew a button on his shirt, or manage his
household by keeping things cleanly and in order. These are
secondary matters; the all-absorbing topic is: in all thy gettings
get a husband. It don't matter a rush if either of the matrimonial
dickerers have a cent laid by to get to housekeeping with, or even
as much as would buy a sack of flour. The latter is of no use to
two-thirds of the girls that get married now-a-days, as they don't
know how to bake it, and they can't tell good from bad bread, sweet
from sour. In place of learning the legitimate duties belonging to
and needful for them when they take upon themselves the cares and
responsibilities of the married state, they enter it as a burden
instead of a helpmeet. They awake to the realization of the fact
that the marriage part of the contract is easily performed, but
that the after duties is where "the de'il is to pay and no pitch
hot." Thus before many moons wax and wane, the sentimental,
love-struck parties have the poetry and romance taken out of them;
the expected matrimonial joys have either fled or proved a
delusion, and henceforward theirs is but the beginning of sorrows.
They rushed into matrimony hastily, blindly, without counting the
cost, consequently they have in their leisure moments the tears of
bitter repentance for their solace. God only knows what would
become of such fools, had they not a powerful reserve in "dad" and
"ma." These are convenient parties to fall back on, and, generally,
they have to do the housekeeping and make the living for a couple
of moon-struck sentimentalists. It was so in ancient times, and
will be so to the end. A great man once upon a time made a great
feast, and bade his neighbors. They all began to make excuses, and
among them was one who wanted to be excused because he had married
a wife. Here were two fools well met, and have we any reason to
believe that there will be any diminution of fools in the
matrimonial business in our own day? We believe with the Apostle
that it is better for some people to marry than to burn.
COURT PROCEEDINGS. - Our report was brought down last week to
the case of Commonwealth vs. John W. Snook, for abortion, on which
the jury was out. They subsequently came into Court with a verdict
of guilty, with a recommendation of mercy. The prisoner was
committed to jail to await the determination of a motion for a new
trial; which was subsequently granted him by Judge Dean.
Three cases against Mrs. Ann Tierney for selling liquor on
Sunday, to minors and keeping a gambling house, were continued.
A. V. Dively, Esq., asked for a writ of habeas corpus in the
case of Com. vs. Solomon Graff, which was refused. He also
presented a petition to have a new bill in the case of Com. vs.
Schroyer, sent to the Grand Jury, for the reason that the
defendant's witnesses had been called before that body. His
petition was also refused.
The case of Edmund Malone vs. Jacob Glass, on the civil list was
called. This suit grew out of a contract for peeling and hauling
bark. The plaintiff testified that he agreed with defendant to haul
the bark for $3 a cord; that plaintiff was to get his money at
Smith's, but defendant never hauled any bark to Smith's, but was
shipping the bark to Pittsburgh from Bennington siding. Malone
owned the land on which the bark was peeled. The defendant offered
considerable testimony to show why he did not perform his contract
with Mr. Malone. After argument of counsel and charge of Court, the
case was given to the jury on Wednesday afternoon, who returned a
verdict of $200 for the plaintiff.
The foreman of the Grand Jury, Mr. D. Orr Alexander, made the
following presentment, which was referred to the County
Commissioners for their action:
"The Grand Inquest, inquiring in and for the county of Blair,
respectfully do present that we find the almshouse of the county in
good condition, and a number of improvements are being made to the
buildings. We would recommend that some arrangements be made for
the supply of water, as it is much needed for protection to the
buildings and for sanitary purposes; the present supply is
inadequate for the consumption of the house. We also find the jail
in good condition in every part, with the exception of the yard,
which we find in a miserable condition, filled with old lumber,
rubbish and pig-stys, therefore, we recommend that all this be
removed and the yard sodded or sown in grass, or, at least, that it
be better kept than a refuse yard."
The Grand Jury then received the thanks of the Court for the
promptness with which they had dispatched business, and were
On the petition of H. M. Baldrige, Esq., Andrew Robison was
appointed guardian of Adie L., Clara and Ella Tussey, minor
children of David P. Tussey, late of Sinking Valley. Foster
Crawford was also appointed guardian of Lydia B., Calvin D., Alice
V. K. and Paul W. Tussey, minor children of same decedent. John F.
Fleck was also appointed guardian of Willis Defibaugh.
The case of Com. vs. Shoenfelt was continued on account of the
illness of the defendant, after which all the jurors on the general
panel were discharged.
His Honor Judge Mayer took his seat on the bench to hear
argument in the case of Duncan's heirs vs. Morrison, Bare &
Co., in which Judge Dean had been concerned while at the bar. The
complainants are the owners of the Morrison forges in this county,
and the defendants are owners of the paper mill at Roaring Springs.
The complainants allege that a stream of natural pure water flows
through their lands, on which their forges are erected, which has
been in their use for a period of thirty years for manufacturing,
culinary or other domestic purposes, and for watering their horses
and cattle; and that about the year 1867 the defendants built a
paper mill immediately adjoining the line of the complainant's
land, and on the stream a short distance above complainant's
forges, and that the defendants in using the water in the
manufacture of paper impregnated it to such an extent with chemical
preparations as to corrupt and pollute it, rendering it deleterious
and obnoxious to domestic animals and destructive to the fish which
frequent the stream, and so corrode complainant's machinery as to
be of great injury; they therefore filed a bill in equity, praying
for an injunction to restrain defendants, etc. Hon. John Cresswell
was appointed master to take testimony and suggest a decree; after
hearing the testimony, etc., the master suggested as a decree that
the bill of complainants be dismissed at their costs. To this
decree the complainants excepted, and Hons. S. S. Blair and A. S.
Landis ably presented the case of complainants before Judge Mayer,
while Hon. Thaddeus Banks and D. J. Neff, Esq., forcibly argued the
case of the defendants. Decision reserved.
Court convened on Monday morning, His Honor Judge Dean, and
associates Mann and Smith on the bench. Samuel Isenberg, John C.
McCartney, John Clark, and John Scullin, were excused from jury
service. A large number of petitions, motions, etc., covering a
variety of matters, were offered and made by the several attorneys.
Mr. Landis offered a preamble and resolution for a suitable
programme of ceremonies for dedicating the new court house.
Subsequently Monday July 2, was designed as the time for holding
the argument court, and Hons. A. S. Landis, B. L. Hewitt, Samuel
Calvin, Thaddeus, Banks, and D. J. Neff, H. H. Herr and A. A.
Stevens, Esqrs., were appointed a committee to prepare a programme
and make arrangements for the proper inauguration of the court
house. His Honor Judge Dean will preside over the affair.
The first case on the trial list was that of Brotherline vs.
Swires. A continuance was asked for by Mr. Brotherline, when Judge
Dean remarked that this case was now over twenty years old, and
that it was about time it was tried. Continuance refused.
A non-suit was taken by plaintiff in the case of J. H. Smith's
executors vs. Patrick Kelly's committee. The two cases of Casey,
Hileman & Co., vs. Allegheny Railroad and Canal Company were
continued; also the case of the Safeguard Insurance Company against
James A. Lowery.
At the afternoon session the hearing of applications for license
absorbed the attention of the court. The following were granted for
this city:
First Ward - John Stehle, John Schenck, Mrs. A. C. McIntyre,
Mrs. Annie Drhew, Mrs. Margaret Connelly, John Woods, Mrs. Thomas
Geraghty, John Nagle, D. P. McNellis, Gebhardt Myers.
Second Ward - John O'Neil, Patrick Mansfield, Mrs. Mary Hickey,
Fred Schilling, Henry Husfield, Peter Kelley, Joseph Stehle.
Third Ward - M. Fitzharris, John M. Hileman, Christian Seeger,
Christ Wahl, Geo. Espringer, Evan Powell, Thomas Carter, Adam
Wentzel, J. K. Maitland.
Fourth Ward - Charles Haid, Mina Devine, Gustav Klemmert,
Michael McCabe.
Fifth Ward - John P. Kahle, Mrs. Ann Tierney, Mrs. Caroline
Seng, Wm. Myers.
Sixth Ward - Philip Faddle, John Maher, James Dunn.
Eighth Ward - Mathias Oefinger.
The application of Mrs. Ellen Miles in the Fifth Ward, was
refused, as was also that of Geo. W. Buchanan, of Duncansville,
George W. Harris and Mrs. Joana Lasher.
A jury was then impaneled in the case of Jas. Bricken's
administrators vs. John Potter. After the plaintiff had put in his
evidence, and after H. M. Baldridge, Esq., had made a statement of
defendants' case to the jury, the counsel for plaintiff objected
that the plea put on record by defendants would not permit fraud
being shown, and they would plead surprise. Case continued.
The case of S. I. Fries vs. Elizabeth Brown was next called. On
ODD FELLOWS ANNIVERSARY. - Under the auspices of the members of
Eleanor Degree of Rebekah, the fifty-eighth anniversary of the
establishment of Odd Fellowship in the United of States was
celebrated in the hall of Altoona Lodge, No. 473, by a banquet and
other interesting services. The Eleanor degree was joined by the
Amelia and Endora degrees of Rebekah, while a large delegation of
male members from the several lodges in the city made up the
company. The Altoona City Band was present to discourse sweet
music. His Honor Mayor Gilland presided over the ceremonies, and
gave an interesting review of Odd Fellowship from the organization
of Washington Lodge, No. 1, April 26, 1813, at the Seven Star
tavern in Baltimore to the present time. Mrs. John M. Clark, Mrs.
Henry Rebuck, Mrs. Sadie Rickabaugh and Mrs. N. M. Smelker each
took part in the services, the former lady personating Martha
Washington. The whole affair was admirably gotten up and handsomely
enjoyed. The feast of good things was all that could be desired, to
which the guests did ample justice.
BUELL FAMILY. - This justly celebrated musical troupe will give
two concerts in the First M. E. Church, on Monday and Tuesday
evenings, May 14 and 15, for the benefit of the Sunday School.
These artists gave two concerts here nearly two years ago, and won
the praise and admiration of all who heard them; indeed, we did not
hear anything but the highest encomiums of their musical
performances. It is a rare treat to listen to them. Their rendition
of some pieces is perfectly grand. We speak for them a very full
house, as they are worthy of it, and will give the auditor the very
best satisfaction by giving him the worth of his money, Because we
know their merits, is why we speak so confidently of their musical
talents. Tickets 25 cents.
Memorial Association met as per announcement at the paper store of
R. J. Crozier last evening. The meeting was called to order by the
President and its object briefly stated, after which a motion
prevailed directing the Executive Committee to appoint a
sub-committee of two ladies from each ward, whose duty it shall be
to procure flowers, etc. A committee consisting of Capt. J. J.
Smith, Geo. B. Hight and J. R. Maize was appointed on music; and a
committee on oration, etc., consisting of Capt. Theo. Burchfield,
Capt. E. M. Warren and Louis McGlathery. The Executive Committee
was directed to invite all military and civic societies and
organizations, city officials, the fire department and the Sunday
and common schools to participate in the decoration services, and
to request them through the public press, to send delegates with
necessary instructions to attend the next regular meeting of the
Association. A delegation from the Order of American Mechanics was
present and declared the willingness of the order to take part in
the procession, etc. The meeting adjourned to meet next Tuesday
evening in the council chamber at 8 o'clock. - ROBERT JOHNSTON,
SOME WHISKEY CASES. - Major Leet says he was quite busy all
week, having, among other things, a number of Altoona liquor cases
to dispose of. These were as follows:
William Myers and Thomas Carter were arrested on the charge of
selling liquor to minors and selling on Sunday. A hearing was asked
and granted, when it appeared that the parties who had made the
information couldn't produce any proof to substantiate their
charges. Hence Messrs. Myers and Carter went on their way
In the case of Mrs. Ann Tierney, who was charged with selling
liquor to minors, selling on Sunday and keeping a gambling house,
the Justice deemed the evidence sufficient, and Mrs. Tierney was
asked to enter bail for her appearance at court, which she did.
Patrick Mansfield was charged with selling liquor to minors and
selling on Sunday. In his case the evidence was pretty conclusive
and bail for appearance at court was asked and given. Similar
charges were made against Christ. Wahl, but the evidence did not
sustain them and he was discharged. - Standard.
FURNACE BLOWN OUT AT RIDDLESBURG. - They began blowing out stack
No. 2 of the Kemble Coal and Iron Co., on Saturday last at 3
o'clock A. M. The last cast which was very light was made on Sunday
afternoon, at 4.30 o'clock, when the great 200 horse power engine,
which has been running steadily since 1868, stopped to remain idle
for the next two or three months. The furnace has been running for
upwards of six years, and has turned out in that time some
fifty-three thousand tons of iron, making in several instances as
high as two hundred and thirty tons per week. The reason for
blowing out at this time is because the lining for some fifteen
feet from the top has given away, leaving nothing but the iron
casting to withstand the intense heat and support the top
mountings. It will require some two or three months to make the
necessary repairs.
LAND FOR THE LANDLESS. - A correspondent, Mr. George Butler,
writing us from Rush Centre, Rush county, Kansas, says that county
contains the finest land in the country. It is a rich limestone,
and produces well. There is plenty of stone for building purposes.
There are at least 200,000 acres of vacant land, which can be taken
up under the homestead or pre-emption acts. Our correspondent
advises that men of family should not rent land, when they can have
as good or better farms for nothing. The society is good, has
churches and schools. He has lived in Rush county four years, and
regards that locality the very place for persons seeking homes in
the Far West. Rush county is on the frontier.
PAINFUL ACCIDENT. - Wm. A. Whitely, agent for Mr. D. Orr
Alexander, dealer in organs and pianos, in this city, met with
quite a painful accident on Monday evening, while driving through
the Williamsburg narrows. It was quite dark, and he ran his wagon
into a rut and pile of stones, producing such a concussion as to
throw Mr. Whitely violently to the ground, breaking his right leg
above the ankle. There was another party in the wagon at the time,
but he managed to maintain his seat in the vehicle. Mr. Whitely was
removed to Williamsburg, where his injuries were dressed by Dr.
Arnold. He was brought home to this city on Tuesday morning on the
Branch train, and his further medical wants attended to by Dr.
BANKRUPT MATTERS. - David McClain, bankrupt, Blair county.
Bankrupt discharged from his debts. Thos. Richey et al. vs. William
M. Lloyd, debtor, Altoona. Motion of Keystone Hotel Company to
withdraw from petition for adjudication. No action taken on
WAGNER - LIAS - April 21, by the Rev. Henry Baker, Owen Wagner
and Miss Hattie Lias.
LANDIS - ORR - March 28, in this city, by Rev. H. Baker, David
A. Landis to Miss Susan M. Orr, all of this city.
BURKHART - STONER - April 17, in this city, by Rev. Henry Baker,
Clinton D. Burkhart to Miss Rebecca Stoner.
TOMPKINS - FLEMING - April 24, in this city, by Rev. J. F.
Shearer, George W. Tompkins to Miss Annie M. Fleming, both of this
O'NEILL - FEENEY - April 26, by the Rev. Father O'Conor, in St.
John's Church, Michael O'Neill to Miss Maggie Feeney, both of this
BERGNER - SPONSLER - April 26, at the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev. John Edgar, C. H. Bergner, proprietor of the
Harrisburg Telegraph, to Miss Annie V., daughter of Wm. A.
Sponsler, Esq., of New Bloomfield.
LANDIS - ECKLEY - On May 1st, Summitville, Cambria county, by
Rev. H. Baker, Mr. Samuel Landis to Miss Mary E. Eckley.
RUPP - REIGH - On May 1st, at the German Lutheran Church, Eighth
avenue, by Rev. Jackel, Mr. Philip Rupp to Miss Maggie Reigh, all
of this city.
MUMMA - In this city, April 28. Mrs. A. H. Mumma, aged 44 years,
5 months and 4 days.
LONGENECKER - In this city. April 28, Harry L., son of Martin
Longenecker, aged 2 years, 3 months and 16 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 3, 1877, page 3