Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, June 24, 1875
Monday was the longest day of the year.
The Y. M. C. A. festival last week was a decided success, socially and financially.
A valuable mare, belonging to Mr. George A. Patton, died on Friday evening from the effects of founder.
Matilda furnace near Newton Hamilton has suspended operations, chiefly, we understand, for the want of coal.
The Republican State Committee is to meet in Harrisburg on Friday, July 2. R. A. Clarke, Esq., is the member from this county.
Tuesday's mild rain was fine for growing purposes. Garden vegetation drank it up with eagerness, and put on a grateful look in return.
Mr. T. Blair Patton, clerk of Council, has been prevented from furnishing the proceedings of Monday evening's meeting in time for this issue.
John West, while working at the Court House, Hollidaysburg, had his finger mashed last week. The pain experienced was intense for a short time.
The summer solstice commenced with genuine tropical ardor - only two days from Saturday, when fires were comfortable and stoves hugged with winter zeal.
These are the evenings when that festive musical cuss, the mosquito, treats you to a concert, and while he sings presents his bill for your earliest attention.
The ice cream and strawberry festival of the Chestnut avenue M. E. Church, thus far, has been well attended, and promises to be a grand week's success.
We have been requested to state that Mr. John Gamble, of Snyder township, will be urged by his personal and political friends for the position of Associate Judge.
To-day (Thursday) is an important one to license applicants. There are many of them now on the ragged edge of expectancy, who will have their minds relieved either in success or defeat.
The Johnstown Tribune has not a word of excuse or explanation for the failure of the Amateurs to come to time on Friday - probably on the principle that the least said is soonest mended.
This week the editors and their wives are enjoying themselves at Bedford, Cumberland, and other places, in their annual excursion. Altoona and Blair county, we believe, are not represented.
A pocket-book, containing money and papers of considerable value was found by the Sexton of the Second Presbyterian church, on Sunday, and restored to its grateful owner, Mrs. Thomas.
Fourteenth avenue is being improved considerably this season by the erection of new dwellings by Messrs. Hurd, Shollenberger, Dern and Plummer. J. T. Patton is also fixing up around his residence.
We hear but little of the operations of the lightning-rod man in this locality the present season. Hard times and empty pockets are proof against even the agent's oily tongue and voluble endurance.
It is said that the Broad Top miners are rapidly removing to the Clearfield coal region. The Clearfield coal is much easier mined. This is given as the reason for the change from one field to the other.
Harvest ought to be in full blast within a fortnight, yet we have seen but few headed fields of grain as yet, and none which begin to assume the golden hue. The season will be at least a fortnight late.
Thad Banks, Thos. H. Greevey and Jacob A. Herrold, Esqs., are in attendance as jurors at the Williamsport term of the United States Circuit Court. Several witnesses and principals are also on hand.
The Cambria Guard, Ebensburg's newly organized military company, is to hold their first picnic in Lloyd's Grove on the Fourth of July. The Latta Guard are invited to participate, and will very likely attend.
Cresson Springs is to have an editorial excursion party some time during next month. The quill drivers of West Virginia, with ladies, are to be entertained at the Mountain House. It will be done in first-class style.
Some one suggests that more seats should be placed in the vestibules of churches for the benefit of the young men who come to walk home with the young ladies, without wishing to attend divine services themselves.
Significant - the studied silence of the journals of both political parties on the Courthouse question. Is it a tabooed subject, either for editorial comment or convention platforms? The taxpayers would like to know.
A brisk little fisticuff came off near the Post-office on Monday. The belligerent principals flew around lively for a time, and the result was a damaged phiz to one of them. Alleged disparaging allusions to a lady was the causus belli.
A pack of cursing, unruly boys indulge the Sunday practice of playing ball on the lot adjoining Anderson's mill. The next time they are seen at it they will receive the attentions of the police. Attention to this may save trouble.
The Mountain City boys will be put on their metal on the 6th prox., when the Mutuals of Meadville, and the champion club of Western Pennsylvania are to play them a game. The occasion will attract a large crowd of spectators.
Cadet William Mann, son of Mr. Charles Mann, of this city, has returned home from West Point, having recently graduated at that institution. He will spend the time between this and the first of October at home, awaiting orders and assignment to duty.
Whisky imbibers have been on their tolerably good behaviour recently. But few belligerent or noisy demonstrative drunks have claimed the attentions of the Mayor or his police - getting ready, perhaps, for the time when all this can be done with a license sanction.
A large sea turtle was the sensation last week, in the vicinity of Adam's Express office, where it was on exhibition preparatory to being slaughtered and served up in soup and steak. It was dished out to customers and families in quantities and styles to suit the capacity and tastes of all.
Our hat is tipped to the Philadelphia All Day City Item for several complimentary notices of the TRIBUNE, as being among the leading and influential journals of the State, "superior in all the essentials of intelligence and honorable journalism." Good words from such a source are appreciated.
The average juvenile is just now engaged in the laudable, economical provision for the approaching "galorious [sic] Fourth." Fire-crackers, torpedoes and other explosives are the height of his cravings, and what he can't furnish from his own money-box will have to be made up from his governor's exchequer or the maternal pin money.
A party of Hollidaysburg Sabbath pleasure-seekers were ship-wrecked on the reservoir. They were testing the sailing qualities of a new yacht, when they were struck by a squall and capsized. They were finally rescued, cold and numb, making, it is alleged, a miraculous escape from a grave in the watery deep - food for black bass and sich [sic].
A lad only fourteen years of age has been charged with committing rape on a little girl only five years old, at Kittanning Point. The lad's parents have faith in his innocence, and promptly entered bail for his appearance at court. The hearing was had before Alderman Griffin, of this city. The boy's name is John Nagle, and that of the girl is Amanda Reed.
Everything is comparatively quiet in the political line. The Republicans are resting on their oars, and the Democrats prospecting over their convention preliminaries, meanwhile snapping and snarling over the honor of representing the party in the Erie convention and at the county gathering. When the clans do lock horns, the fight will be a sharp one, although short, with lots of fun for disinterested lookers-on.
A rumor has been current on the streets, that Mr. John Cochran, a former merchant of this city, had died somewhere in the west. He left here about one year ago, engaged in business in Allegheny City, where it is said he failed, after which he removed west. A short time since his son, a young man just grown, was killed on the Pan Handle Road, and if the reported death of Mr. C. should prove correct, it will be another verification of the saying that misfortunes do not come singly.
It is really astonishing what a rejuvenating effect a coat of paint has upon a weather-stained and dilapidated looking frame building. A few houses recently subjected to the process wear such an improved appearance that the old places are scarce recognizable in the new. As the cost is so trifling in comparison with the ultimate saving and the improved looks which dwellings and business places are made to wear, it is a wonder more persons do not strain a point to put on this more cheerful air.
The U. S. Revenue officials are after violators of the whiskey clauses of the law with a sharp stick. Several arrests were made last week in addition to those chronicled, and others are being inquired after. Among the witnesses subpoenaed to the Supreme Court at Williamsport in the Altoona case is Mr. T. F. Mumma, the clever assistant of Mr. S. Bewley, in the Express office. He was taken over to Johnstown and afterwards summoned for Williamsport, much to his surprise and greatly against his will.
Last week was emphatically a week of picnics and strawberry and ice cream festivals. This week promises a continuance, if not an increased enjoyment in this line. The Good Will boys followed the Latta Guard with a very delightful picnic, and both deserve credit for the orderly manner in which they were conducted. On Monday evening the members of the Chestnut avenue M. E. church began a festival, and the Ladies' Aid Society of the U. B. church will inaugurate theirs this (Thursday) evening, continuing until the close of the week.
FRAGRANCE WASTED. - Nothing so excites our pitying sympathy as to see the highest order of intellectual endowments struggling hopelessly in the face of a coldly-unappreciative world. The editor of the Johnstown Tribune is a sickly and heart-rending exemplification of this. He is, as the late lamented Michael Hasson would feelingly suggest, a talented cuss; but his greatest forte is humor. He is as brimful of fun as a china nest egg is of meat, and unites with it a vein of satire which would put Chaplain Davis to the blush. And yet he fails to be appreciated, although continually doling out gems of mysterious humor. His most successful and pointed efforts were those of the Ebensburg moon hoax and the Jewish adventure; and these are both so highly appreciated by the victims of his merciless humor, that we are assured he will be the recipient of a peculiar acknowledgement which will evidence the full force of their understandings. Not content with a home field for the indulgence of this fun-loving gift, he seeks pastures new with an ambition which fully equals that of Slaymaker's bull, and far surpasses both the pluck and want of discretion which characterized Deacon Jones' ram in his onslaught upon the swinging beetle. A financial article infinitely beyond his shallow depth inspires his belligerent brain, and an orthographical blunder in keeping within his meagre perceptions, throws him into an ecstasy of lunatic delight. Lunatics, imbeciles and idiots must be humored in their vagaries - it is harmless and pardonable pastime; and should the Tribune's funny man escape with an undamaged seat of his sensitive honor from the hands of his moon-struck mountain victim, we opine he will have all the boot he merits in the controversy, without our laying ourselves liable to Mr. Berg's displeasure in the violation of a law which forbids cruelty to animals.
A ROBIN'S NEST IN A SINGULAR PLACE. - The robin-red-breast is a gentle and trusting bird, but they have so often had their nests despoiled of their eggs and young that a little shrewdness outside of the ordinary line has to be practiced by way of self protection. Tree tops and hedges - even the most secure and apparently inaccessible branches - are such common selections for house-building and the rearing of a family, that no spot seems secure from the penetrating glance of the despoiling gamin. One pair at least, that we wot of, must have put on their studying caps when searching for a spot in which to perch their nest and conduct their brief house-keeping beyond the prying eyes of the dreaded youngster. The place selected was locomotive engine No. 72, which has been standing at the lower round-house for some time unused. The nest was built on the eccentric rod under the boiler; and so well satisfied are the male and mother bird with their housekeeping adventure, that they manifest scarce any alarm at the approach of persons whose daily duties call them into the neighborhood. The eggs were laid and hatched out without molestation; and four tiny robins are almost ready to take their first lessons in aerial navigation, preparatory to their final fight and commencement of life on their own hook. The interest taken in this little household by the railroad men about the roundhouse partakes of a fatherly character, and it would not be healthy for any nest-despoiling youngster to venture in the neighborhood on mischief intent.
FESTIVAL. - Providence permitting, the society of the Asbury M. E. Church, will hold a Festival in the grove near the church, for the benefit of the Logan Valley M. E. Parsonage, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings, June 29, 30, and July 1, 2, 3. All are cordially invited to attend. - John A. Dixon, Pastor.
A FLYING JOURNEY'S JOTTINGS. - On Saturday morning we paid a flying visit to Ebensburg, to take a hasty glance at once familiar and lovely scenery and to drink in its pure and invigorating mountain breezes. Plodding up the tortuous railroad slope, past McGarvey's, Kittanning Point, and puffing slowly round the wonderful Horse Shoe Bend, with its never-tiring scenery; glancing at the little pond, a miniature lake-sheet of water from which Altoona obtains its supply; taking in Bennington Furnace, with its burning or smoldering coke ridges; skimming through the tunnel with its never ending and impenetrable darkness; darting by Gallitzin, without even complying with the placard announcement that all trains stop here from five to ten minutes; we at length temporarily quarter at Cresson, where the Ebensburg Branch road begins. As we have half an hour to spare, and the Pacific Express is twenty minutes late, we have time for a good stroll to the Mountain House and through the delightful grounds. It was a little early for the quartering of regular guests, and we found but two of the cottages occupied by families, with only two or three guests in the main buildings. By the first of July the cottages will be pretty well occupied; and as there is a regular attendance at this delightful and healthful mountain retreat during the summer, every available space will doubtless soon be filled.
Here we found Messrs. Geo. K. Mullin and F. A. Barr, the energetic and competent young partners of Mr. Geo. W. Mullin, by whom the active business of the place will be conducted. Since our last visit to the Cresson Springs many improvements have been made, not only to the grounds, but to the buildings. The old billiard rooms and ten-pin alleys have been torn down, and a large frame structure erected, two stories high, with inside and outside entrances. The dimensions are 100 by 45 feet. On the lower floor, three alleys, with a space the entire length on one side devoted to swings and as a general play-house for the young folks on a rainy day, or when necessarily housed. The upper floor will be used for the billiard tables and refreshment stands, over the latter of which the presiding genius will be Mr. W. W. Jones, a gentlemanly and obliging caterer. An addition has also been built to the main mansion, in which are located a commodious gentlemen's sitting room, and barbershop and bath rooms. The grounds have been enlarged and improved, the lawns and groves, refreshened, the cottages rejuvenated, the springs surrounding rendered more attractive, and the walks and drives extended, so that the general appearance is not only bettered, but the actual comforts substantially enlarged.
At 10:25 the Ebensburg freight train with an incidental passenger attachment pulled up, and soon after we were speeding on toward little Cambria's county capital at the little less than lightning-like rapidity of some six knots an hour. If we lacked in speed, however, we were compensated by magnificent scenery on either side, including a bird's-eye view of Loretto and Munster, with a pleasing panorama of mountain slopes and valleys clad in richest verdure and waving fields of grain. Once at Ebensburg - the perching place of the genuine representative "Frosty Sons of Thunder," we were not long in seeking old time quarters and hunting up our boyhood acquaintances and friends. Our first glance rested upon the genial face of R. L. Johnston, Esq., in company with Esquires Sechler, Singer, the Borough Burgess, and landlord Fitzharris, who were intent upon wearing off the monotony and tedium of a long and hard Court term in a game of tenpins at the alleys of that prince of good fellows, Abel Lloyd, of the Lloyd House.
Leaving them to their laborious sport, we climbed the hill to the town, past the old Academy where we spent many hours of our boyhood in mastering the rudiments, under the spur of the birch in the hands of Messrs. Adams, Harris and others in succession, to the Linton House, over which our whilom journalistic friend, J. Todd Hutchinson, presides as master of ceremonies; and right royally does he wield the Boniface sceptre. Next in order, or rather confused order - if the hyperbole may be pardoned - we dropped in to see our brother chips, Messrs. McPike and James, the first of whom we found up to his elbows amid the types and ink, and the other on the stool of repentance with a quinsied neck swathed in cloths and flying a white tie as a flag of truce. John S. Rhey, Esq., an old friend, we found on hand with the old-fashioned word of welcome; Bernard McColgan, Esq., a county official, extended us a cordial greeting, as did also our legal friends, Messrs. Lake and Null. We also met many of the old-timers, among them Edmund J. Waters, John Williams, John Fenlon, Esqrs., Capt. James Murray, Judge Richard Jones, and the oldest man on the bench, Mr. John Dougherty, who, in his eightieth year, still plies the calling of a merchant tailor. Chaplain Davis is still rich in reminiscences of earlier times - in recitals of vast wealth acquired and wrongfully withheld - still devising and planning for his own and friends' aggrandizement, and deeply absorbed in his foreign correspondence.
About 5 o'clock in the afternoon we were kindly driven from Ebensburg to Cresson by Mr. Spence, the photographer, by way of Munster, on the old pike. We had not passed over this road since we were a boy, and shortly after the old Portage road was constructed, with its ten inclined planes between Hollidaysburg and Johnstown. The old pike has long since been abandoned by the company stockholders; and we are confident that those who are compelled to travel it are the gainers, as the township engineering of its interests is decidedly better than it was when tolls were collected as the sinews of improvement. Many of the old landmarks are wiped out, beginning at the Morgan toll-gate, Wharton's running pump and trough, and the old red bridge. Lloyd's once famous wagon-stand, in the early days of Conestoga teams, broad-wheeled wagons and musical bells, has fallen into farm-like quiet; only a little fissure in the hill-side marks the spot where stood the cabin of old Betsy Holder, and where she was murdered for possession of a few dollars she was supposed to have hid away in cast-off stockings, the patient accumulations from long years' sale of ginger cakes and spruce beer; Munster, once a famous, and neat if not thriving town, with a population from which have sprung some of the most enterprising citizens of the State, has left upon its once long and pleasant street but half a dozen houses - a perfect wreck of itself - and calculated to awaken us to a realization of a Deserted Village, in all the gloomy desolation with which Goldsmith's word-painting has clothed it. The only modern innovation upon the old-time customs and business, was a traveling photograph wagon, some 12 by 14, in which sombre looking pictures and doubtful likenesses are taken at half a dollar for the same proportion to a dozen in number.
And yet we cannot but admit that the changes wrought have been for the better. The farms wear a healthier, more cheerful and thrifty look; the buildings have thrown off a great deal of the old-fashioned air, and put on much of the modern garb. There is an air of greater comfort as well as more neatness, evidencing the fact that little Cambria has kept pace with her neighbors in the march of improvement. It was a pleasant and refreshing drive of eight miles, and recalled many pleasant recollections of boyhood's years.
Arrived at Cresson, we had time for a substantial supper at the Mountain House, and another stroll ere the arrival of the Philadelphia Express, on which we took homeward passage, and safely landed after a really delightful day's jaunt, of which we have hastily penned these imperfect jottings.
MORE OF THE THIEVES ARRESTED. - The arrest of the car robbers on the Middle Division, an account of which we gave in the TRIBUNE, has led to the capture of others; and the facts go to show the existence of a thoroughly organized system of plundering among certain railroad employes. On Thursday and Friday last the preliminary steps taken were successful in the arrest of several of the mountain party, and their being held for a regular hearing. On Tuesday, of last week, constable J. Wagner, of Chest Springs, Cambria county, came to this city, armed with a warrant for the arrest of Huston McMullin. He was found at work in the boiler shop of the Railroad Company, was taken into custody and conveyed to Chest Springs, where he turned States evidence before Esquire H. J. Hadds and implicated Jack Davis, Walter Davis, Al Davis, and Ellis Doty, all of Cambria county, and James Young and Levi Bail, of Blair county, from the vicinity of Plane No. 10, in various robberies recently committed. They are charged with having on the first of last November, broken into and robbed a freight car at Cresson of about $800 worth of goods, and with having, about a week after, robbed the warehouse at Kaylor's station, on the Ebensburg and Cresson branch. They are also charged with having robbed several freight cars at Hollidaysburg at various times, and with having stolen several thousand dollars worth of bonds from the warehouse of A. M. Lloyd, in Hollidaysburg last winter.
The railroad company have taken the case in hands, and will likely prosecute the arrested parties to the full extent of the law. The four Cambria county individuals were arrested on Wednesday last, at their abiding places, between Chest Springs and Gallitzin, and placed in jail at Ebensburg. The two Blair county members of the gang were arrested the same evening near Duncansville, brought to the city about ten o'clock at night, kept in the lock up overnight and on Thursday morning were taken by Constable Wagner, to Chest Springs, where they will have a preliminary hearing. Several pairs of new shoes, a lot of water proof dress goods and other articles were found at the houses of Young and Bail, and a large quantity of the same kind of goods found at the houses of the Cambria county operators, so that the evidence is pretty strong against them, inasmuch as none of them could give satisfactory explanation of how they came in possession of the goods.
HORSES STOLEN. - Henry Herr, grocery man, corner of Sixteenth street and Eighth avenue, had two horses stolen from his stable on Saturday night. The City Express man saw the horses being taken away, but thought Mr. Herr himself had them in charge, although at an unusually late hour. On Sunday morning Mr. H. and several friends started in pursuit and search of the missing animals, taking different directions. Mr. H. went to Brush Mountain, and during the morning came across a boy who had been hunting cows, from whom he learned that two horses were tied in the woods, and upon being conducted to the spot found his horses tied about ten or fifteen yards apart in a very secluded and almost inaccessible place. There seemed to be no doubt in the minds of the searchers that the thieves were secreted somewhere close by, where they could unseen watch all the operations of the hunters and the animals, and that it was the intention to strike out again in the night, hiding during the day. Had they made their appearance or been discovered Mr. Herr and his friends would have given them a warm reception.
UNRULY BOYS. - We know that Altoona can boast of some of the most unruly youngsters in the country. Some of them are not only recklessly criminal, but maliciously annoying. Last week an overgrown specimen of this kind tripped up and threw a small lad, in the neighborhood of Seventh avenue and Twelfth street, injuring him so badly that for several days his life was despaired of, and his injuries are so severe that his recovery must be slow, even if there does not remain some permanent disability. Boys in this neighborhood, as well as several others, are in the habit of practising these ugly pranks on children smaller than they are, and who are helpless in their mischievous hands. They, in common with members of the "gut gang" and similar squads, are fit candidates for the penitentiary or gallows, and will just as certainly bring up in one or the other institution as that they continue to practice their wicked games.
- Ross Piper took his handsome pony out to Dell Delight on Saturday and an impromptu race was had with one of R. F. Myers' Altoona animals. Ross' steed came out victorious. - Hollidaysburg Standard.
Mr. Myers thinks it hardly worth while replying to this, but if the backers of the "handsome pony'' are inclined to business, he will trot his horse against him for one mile, giving him 100 yards start, and agree to beat him 25 yards at the end of the mile - the purse to be for from $200 to $500.
- The Altoona Tribune evidently has a political bee in its bonnet which will likely make its appearance before the end of the campaign. The sooner the better, gentlemen. - Standard.
Is the Standard fishing after a flea in its ear? Better keep the political bee it has in its breeches than seek to unhouse another, with additional provocation to annoying friskiness. That magnificent Court-house project, with imported material, a consequent heavy taxation, and the murmurings of an indignant people, is sufficient to occupy its present attention.
ST. JOHN'S CONVENT SCHOOLS. - In acceptance of a courteous invitation extended us by Mother Aloysia, Mother Superior of the institution, we attended the annual commencement exercises of the Convent schools, held in the basement hall of St. John's Church on Tuesday evening. The attendance of parents of the pupils and friends of the school was large, the spacious hall being well filled in every part. Commencement exercises are always interesting, albeit sometimes too protracted and embracing features which, whilst they are highly intellectual and instructive, lack many of the more entertaining characteristics of sprightliness and humor. In this respect the commencement exercises of the Convent schools was a marked exception - the programme having been designed, doubtless, with a view of displaying to the best advantage the proficiency of the young ladies in their several studies and accomplishments at the same time that they contributed to the genuine enjoyment of the spectators and the pupils themselves. It embraced no prosy dissertations upon obsolete themes - neither essays nor long-winded speeches upon political vagaries or fashionable follies. Two little addresses, modestly and appropriately worded and prettily delivered, were all in this line, the balance of the programme consisting of dialogues, charades, and allegorical representations, interspersed with delightful vocal and instrumental music. One feature above all others which must have attracted attention, was the sweetly modest taste in dress, and the perfect deportment of the pupils throughout the whole evening's ceremonies - there being no necessity for prompting in any respect, and each part having been performed without a word from teachers, with a precision and readiness which would shame life long professionals upon theatrical and concert boards.
The stage extended the entire width of the hall, with a wing extension at the south end, upon which were placed two grand pianos. The appointments of the platform were appropriately convenient and chastely neat - the shifting and drop curtains so arranged as to either shut out or expose to view the whole stage and participating pupils from any portion of the room. Raised seats in semi-circle, afforded accommodations for 125 pupils, upon which they were grouped with artistic precision, leaving ample stage room for the various representations. A commodious dressing-room occupied the extreme northern corner; the front adornments of the entire stage length being of pure white, with tasselated gilt and stars; neat carpets covered the platforms and ascents leading thereto, while a flight of steps from the centre of the stage led to the platform upon which was seated Bishop Domenec, surrounded by the attending clergy. An object of special interest - as well to the audience as to the expectant pupils - was a large table, on which were arranged in beautiful order crowns, garlands, wreaths, prettily bound books, etc., the premiums which were to be awarded for proficiency in studies and meritorious conduct.
The arrival of the Bishop, accompanied by Fathers Garland, of Pittsburg, Schell, Tuigg, Gallagher and others, was the signal for commencement of the exercises ; and when the bell rung up and aside the interposing curtains, the sight presented was one of the most beautifully grand which could be conceived of tableaux vivants. Young ladies, from the tiny ones of five and six to those of fifteen and sixteen, were symmetrically grouped, all arrayed in white, with modest ornamentation, and wearing smiling faces which were unerring indices to the happy hearts from which they were reflected - of itself a scene sufficiently compensatory of the trip, through mud and rain, which was made to witness it. We would like to notice the exercises at the length they deserve, but time and space preclude it.
Part first was opened by a grand march duet, by Misses Lizzie Farrell, Annie Carney, Lizzie Luckett and Grace McDeith. Then came an address of love and welcome to Bishop Domenec, by Miss Julia McCullough, followed by the salutatory by Miss Julia Hughes - a cherub-faced pupil of not more than six years - which was delivered with a charming naiveté which took all hearts captive. Solo and chorus "All by the shady greenwood tree," was given by the young ladies, Miss Luckett playing the accompaniment.
Then came the really interesting part to the fortunate young ladies - the awarding of the crowns of honor, for being on the roll of honor each month during the session. The happy recipients were Misses Julia McCullough, Lizzie Luckett, Mary Gafney and Annie E. Kelley. The gold cross was the next premium; but as there were four who were equally entitled to it, they had to draw cuts from the hands of the Bishop in order to determine who should be its fortunate possessor. Miss Maggie Rooney was the lucky one - the less fortunate ladies being Misses Mary Gafney, Julia Flinn and Mary Howell. Honors for deportment were then awarded to the following:
Misses Mary Gafney, Maggie Rooney, Julia Flinn, Mary Howell, Julia McCullough, Rosie Kaylor, Lizzie Farrell, Monica Brophy, Bridget Smith, Louisa Plack, Nettie Plack, Sarah Crown, Rebecca Galbraith, Cecilia Horning, Annie Street, Alice McDermott, Louisa Mathews, Maggie Rowan, Lillie Boone, Mary Laughlin, Lizzie Kilday, Tillie Alexander.
Honors for Neatness were also awarded to Misses Lizzie Luckett, Julia McCullough, Annie Carney, Maggie Tiernan, Maggie Rooney, Lizzie Rudolph, Julia Flinn, Mary E. Casey, Monica Brophy, Bridget Smith, Annie P. Kelly, Julia Gority, Ellie Haas, Aggie Dunn, Ellie Lee, Mary Ellen Smith, Louisa Plack, Annie V. Carr, Nettie Plack, Addie Hudson, Annie Endress, Allie McHugh, Annie Herr, Mary Kelly, Mary Reilly, Katie Lyman, Maggie Gority, Katie Gority, Annie Feeney, Tillie Endress, Jenny Ferry, Katie Bracelin, Lizzie Galoway, Julia Hughes, Maggie McGuire, Annie McGuire.
The premiums were all bestowed by Bishop Domenec, the lady recipients in kneeling posture in front of the platform upon which he was seated.
"List to the Convent Bells" - duo and chorus - was sung by the entire group, Miss Lizzie Farrell presiding at the piano. A humorous as well as instructive dialogue, entitled "Synopsis of a Fashionable Education," by Miss Mary McCullough, assisted by several other young ladies, came next in order, and was received with decided marks of favor. "Golden Star Schottish" - duet - by Misses Clara Robeson, Nettie Clark, Mary Skelly and Cecilia Horning; "Vacation Song,'' by the little ones, accompanied by Miss M. Skelly; and "Polka Fantastique" by Misses Annie Carney, Lizzie Farrell, Lizzie Luckett and Mary Howell, concluded the first part of the programme.
By this time the appetite was whetted for something still more enjoyable, and the audience were not disappointed, for soon the curtain rung upon a beautiful allegorical scene, entitled "Reproof of the Flower Angel,'' the respective characters taken as follows:
FLOWER ANGEL - Miss Josie Smith
QUEEN ROSE - Miss Nettie Plack
PRINCE LILY - Miss Cecilia Horning
DAISY - Miss Mollie Kelly
HELIATROPE - Miss Annie O'Niel
MIGNONETTE - Miss Julia Hughes
VIOLET - Miss Cora Crist
BEE - Miss Jenny Ferry
After "Our Beautiful Mountain Home'' - solo and chorus - premiums for Attendance were awarded to
Misses Lizzie Luckett, Mary Gafney, Annie Carney, Lizzie Rudolph, Mary Howell, Rose Kaylor, Grace McDevitt, Annie E. Kelly, Annie Herr, Ellie Donivan, Annie F. McGuire, Lizzie Guinivan, Maggie Kehoe, Mary Guinivan, Cora Crist.
For Vocal and Instrumental Music to -
Misses Lizzie Luckett, Alice Maher, Annie Carney, Lizzie Farrell, Mary Howell, Grace McDevitt, Mary Hickey, Annie V. Carr, Ellie Haas, Nettie Plack, Ellie Gority, Julia Gerity, Clara Robeson, Aggie Dunn, Mary Skelly.
And for Drawing and Painting in pastels and water colors, to -
Misses Alice Maher, Louisa Plack, Lizzie Luckett, and Hannah McNallis.
"The harp that once thro' Tara's Hall," was effectually rendered, as was also the Edinburg Quadrille - a duet - by Misses Ellie Haas, Nettie Plack, Mary Skelly and Aggie Dunn. An acting charade, entitled "Surprising" was the humorous gem of the evening, eliciting, applause and merriment by its quaint humor, telling sarcasm, and practical lessons imparted as well as by the admirable personation of characters by the young ladies participating. The following is the cast:
with several ladies as guests.
"Our Banner of Glory'' - chorus - was the concluding song and chorus, in which the pupils took part, and the effect of which was touchingly beautiful and thrillingly effective. In front, upon the central steps, a group of some half a dozen of the tiniest scholars supported a large national banner, its folds artistically encircling them, while upon the stage the balance of the pupils bore smaller flags in their hands, waving them in graceful accompaniment to the sweetly-inspiring song and chorus, meanwhile their right hands pointing to the larger national banner, as its glories were chanted and devotion to its proudly-protecting folds told in sweetest notes of song. It was a living tableau which could not fail to thrill the heart, and at the conclusion round upon round of applause attested the deep impression which had been made upon the audience.
Bishop Domenec made a congratulatory address to the pupils, in which he highly extolled the proficiency they had made in their studies, and exhorted them to a profitable employment of the advantages which had been extended them, and the acquirements which they had won. He also highly complimented the pastor of the church, for his zeal in the work he had undertaken in rearing so noble an institution of learning in their midst, and in fitting words alluded to the self-sacrificing devotion of the Mother Superior and Sisters in their educational work and to the moral efficiency they had been instrumental in uniting with the high educational training of the pupils intrusted to their care. With an eloquent acknowledgement of the kindness and courtesy extended to him by the pupils and those under whose direction the delightful entertainment had been given, and with a blessing upon each one, no matter where their duty may call or their lines be drawn, he took leave of them.
At a signal from Father Tuigg the curtains were drawn, and the audience dispersed, highly pleased with the few hours spent in attendance upon the annual commencement of St. Johns Convent schools.
SUMMER EXCURSIONS. - We have received from Mr. Harry L. Nicholson, ticket agent, a copy of a very neatly printed little book, entitled "Summer Excursion Routes, illustrated for the season of 1875." It is a valuable work for reference to the excursionist or regular traveler, containing information relative to the various railroad, steamboat and other routes, together with life-like and attractive sketches of nearly all the noted summer resorts in the country. Some of these illustrations are really beautiful, and apart from its usefulness in a practical way, the interest which attaches to a perusal of the volume and a glance at the truly artistic sketches with which it abounds, renders it a valuable centre table and office desk ornament as well as pocket companion. Last year's edition was a very pretty and attractive volume, but there are many additional sketches - some of them new - which add materially to the value of the book for 1875. It can be obtained at the railroad ticket office - price ten cents.
[ I didn't find the Pennsy edition for 1875, but 1874 and 1876 editions of this publication are available on https://archive.org/ ]
I. O. O. F. - Saturday last being the twenty-sixth anniversary of Orphans' Home Lodge, located at Williamsburg, the event was formally celebrated by the members and a number of brethren from neighboring lodges. Veranda Lodge of this city, attended as a body, with several members of Mountain City, with their wives and daughters. The occasion at Williamsburg was a very interesting and pleasant one, the numbers being increased by members of the order from Hollidaysburg and neighborhoods. Addresses, music, and good cheer in the way of refreshments, together with an interchange of fraternal regard, contributed to the day's pleasures.
- The Pennsylvania Editorial Association is now on an excursion to Bedford Springs. The party consists of about 150 ladies and gentlemen. The excursionists remained over in Huntingdon on Monday night, and a special train carried them to their destination on Tuesday morning. Gen. Davis, of the Doylestown Democrat, made a speech in response to a serenade.
- Our young friend, John Brotherline, Jr., returned home from the Pennsylvania Military Academy, on Monday. He has been attending this institution for several years and has graduated with the highest honors. John is well liked, and we have no doubt that he will achieve success in whatever calling he may engage in. Welcome back. - Holl. Register.
TO FISHERMEN. - Mr. Andrew Cherry earnestly requests his friends not to fish in that portion of Bell's Run traversing his property during the month of July. He feels confident that all law-abiding persons will cheerfully comply with this request, and against those who are not disposed to do so the full rigor of the law will be enforced.
SUNDAY TRIBUNE. - The Philadelphia Sunday Tribune has been revived, and now appears with a really refreshened typographical look, as well as improved in all the essentials of first class journalism. We welcome it to our table.
General Resumption in the Mining Region.
WILKESBARRE, June 21. - The long looked for resumption of work at the mines of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company's collieries, at Sugar Notch, Wanamie, Hanover, Nanticoke, Empire, Diamond, Plymouth, Hollenback and others, took place this morning, at a reduction of ten per cent. from the prices formerly paid. The six months suspension in this region is now ended. The men of the Riverside Coal Company and individual operators also commenced work this morning.
Other mining sections of the State send out the same cheering indications of a resumption of operations and a final settlement of the troubles.
CRYDER - MARKEL - At Bell's Mills, on the 10th inst., by Rev. Wm. Swinden, Mr. Joseph Cryder, of Sinking Valley, to Miss Sallie Markel, of Pine Grove, Centre county.
GARLAND - ROHRABACHER - On the 17th inst., by Rev. J. Leckie, David Garland, of Bald Eagle, and Miss Lucetta Rohrabacher, of Reservoir.
KUHN - SMITH - In this city, on the 17th inst., by Rev. D. R. P. Barry, of Freeport, Pa., Mr. Josiah Kuhn and Miss Alice Smith, both of this city.
LEE - FOWLER - At St. John's Church, on the 17th inst., by Rev. Father Gallagher, Mr. F. P. Lee and Miss Florence U. Fowler, all of this city.
WOOD - WOOD - On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. Walker, Mr. Thomas A. Wood and Miss Tempie C. Wood, all of this city.
MILLER - In Antis township, on the 13th inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, David Henshey, Mrs. Margaret Miller, aged 85 years and 3 months.
FAY - In Williamsburg, on Monday morning, the 21st, James J. Kay, brother of Dr. Fay, of this city. His death was very sudden.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 24, 1875, page 3