Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, March 18, 1875
(From Thursday's Tribune.)
BURGLARY AT OLMES & SINKS' MEAT MARKET. - After midnight yesterday
morning, the meat market of Messrs. Olmes & Sink, on Eleventh
street, opposite the Opera House, was burglarized. It seems that the
burglar first gained entrance to the yard in the rear of the market by
scaling a high fence, and then by the aid of a "jimmy," or some
similar instrument, forced open the rear door communicating with the
office. From the marks and indentations on both the edges of the door
and jam, it would seem that the effort to gain access to the market,
was attended with considerable difficulty. Once inside the building,
the burglar proceeded to interview the surroundings. The money drawer
was rifled of its contents, amounting to about two dollars, while in
addition, three coats that had been left hanging in the office and
several links of Bologna sausage were carried off. At the present
writing, no clue has been obtained that would lead to the detection of
the perpetrator of the burglary, yet nothing will be left undone to
ferret the matter out. If Fred Olmes succeeds in getting hold of the
chaps, he proposes making Bologna sausage out of him.
company's wheel foundry, on Tuesday afternoon, an accident occurred
which resulted in the severe burning of an employe named Samuel
Shultzberger. A laborer named Jacob Glouser was employed to skim
liquid iron in a ladle and attempted to do so with a skimmer that was
not perfectly dry. As a natural consequence an explosion ensued,
scattering the hot liquid in countless directions. Glouser was
slightly burned on the arm, while Shultzberger was frightfully burned
on one of the feet, and also sustained a number of painful burns on
the back. His sufferings at the time and during the remainder of the
day are said to have been of an intense character. His fellow workmen
immediately went to his assistance and conveyed him to his home, at
the corner of Third avenue and Nineteenth street. Medical aid was
summoned and everything possible done to alleviate the sufferings of
the unfortunate man. At a late hour last evening he was reported to
be resting easily.
and 9 o'clock last evening as a freight flagman named "Bub" Kirtley,
was assisting to make up the train on which he is employed - the
fourth Union Line - in the railroad company's yard, this city, he was
struck by a locomotive in the vicinity of the lower shops, and
sustained injuries that will probably result fatally. Sometime after
the accident occurred the body was found lying on one of the tracks by
other railway employes and at once placed in a caboose, brought to the
oil-house, and the railroad surgeons summoned. Upon examination it
was found that Kirtley had been terribly injured about the head. He
sustained a frightful scalp wound, while his face down to the neck was
red with gore. The injured man is employed between this place and
Conemaugh, and has a wife and two children residing at the latter
FILIAL INGRATITUDE OF THE BASEST SORT. - One of the meanest acts of
ingratitude that an only son could return to the mother who gave him
birth - a kind and indulgent mother - occurred in the vicinity of
Bell's Mills a few days ago. The perpetrator of the act is named
William Huston, who resided with his aged mother. Under the cover of
darkness he stole the sum of one hundred and forty dollars from her,
and then left a note stating that he needed that amount; that he was
going away, and she need not look for his return home again until two
years had expired. The ingratitude of the son was the more bitter and
crushing to the aged mother from the fact that she never thought for a
single moment that the wickedness of his heart could prompt him to
commit such an act. Thank God Blair county has but few such
villainous scoundrels within her borders.
AFTER HIS DAUGHTER. - A man named Jacob Ginther, of Fulton county,
arrived in Altoona Thursday afternoon on the Way Passenger train in
search of a runaway daughter. His story is to the effect that a
daughter named Rose, aged nineteen years, left her home a few days ago
for the purpose, as she stated, of visiting a young lady of about the
same age, named Lukenbaugh, whose parents resided about a mile
distant. Instead of going to the residence of Mr. Lukenbaugh the
daughter left for parts unknown, and the parents had good reason to
believe that she came to Altoona to see some of her friends. A
thorough investigation revealed the fact that she was not in this
city, and the almost heartbroken father returned to the east on the
Atlantic express train last evening.
- Judge Dean at Ebensburg, last week, in charging a jury, held that
the teacher stood during school hours in loco parentis toward the
children entrusted to his care; that his duties required him to
maintain good order and to see to the morals of his pupils, and that
he has a right to use the rod to restrain breaches of morality in the
school, exercising as much force as is necessary for the government of
his school: whatever may be the advanced theories of some, in
Pennsylvania, society has not reached that point where the law
considers it possible or proper to govern either a family or a school
without the moderate and proper use of the rod.
REMARKABLE FREAK OF NATURE - Five Fingers and a Thumb on Each Hand.
- Among the tramps who sought shelter at the Altoona Station-house
last evening was an Englishman who was making his way as best he could
from Pittsburgh to New Jersey. There is nothing remarkable in the fact
that his name is Charles Miles, but there is in the fact that the
"turnpike sailor" has five perfectly formed fingers and a thumb on
each hand. It is certainly a strange freak of nature. Barnum should
have that fellow.
particularly to the WEEKLY TRIBUNE, who propose changing their
postoffice address this spring, should not fail to notify us of the
fact as early as possible. Furnish us with the name of the office you
remove from, as well as the name of the office you remove to.
WORK IN COAL BANKS SUSPENDED. - Nearly all the coal banks between
Lilly's station and Sonman station, have suspended in consequence of
the miners being out on a strike, the latter demanding ten cents per
ton more than they have been receiving. Whether or not the operators
will accede to this demand remains to be seen.
A Young Lady of Seventeen Summers Attempts Suicide by Hanging - She
Repents of the Rash Act While Dangling at the End of a Rope - The
Sixth Ward the Scene of the Occurrence - A Sad Case.
Yesterday afternoon we were made acquainted with the particulars of
a melancholy occurrence which was reported to have taken place in the
Sixth Ward, this city, the same morning, but upon inquiry into the
facts in the case it seems that it occurred on the afternoon of
Saturday. A young lady named Miss Russell, aged about seventeen
years, attempted to put a period to her existence by hanging herself
in a bedroom, during the temporary absence of her brother-in-law and
sister, with whom she lives; but happily did not succeed in
accomplishing her rash purpose. It seems that during the past five
years Miss Russell has been living in Sinking Valley with a family
named McMullen. Recently she grew morose and melancholy from some
secret or fancied cause, and at times would act in an unusually
strange manner, causing the members of the family with whom she
resided, oftimes to think that she was either going mad or was crazed
with grief.
Some two months since she left the McMullen family, came to Tyrone
and from thence came to the residence of her brother-in-law, Eighth
avenue and Twenty-first street, in Altoona. Since her arrival here it
has been observed frequently that she is subject to a severe mental
depression of some sort, which culminated on Saturday afternoon in the
effort to take her own life. As soon as she had fully resolved upon a
suicidal death she adopted a novel plan to execute her purpose.
On the afternoon in question her brother-in-law was absent and her
sister had a business errand down town. As the latter left home Miss
Russel remarked to her that she would run into the house of a neighbor
named Cahoe, and remain there during her absence. It seems, however,
that she did not do so, but that as soon as her sister had taken her
departure she began making preparations for a fearful launch into
Procuring either a piece of bed cord, or clothes line - we were
unable to learn which - she proceeded up stairs and into a bed room in
which there is a hatchway communicating with a low and dingy loft.
Securing a stout billet of wood she laid it across the hatchway and
then deliberately tied the one end of the rope to it. Afterward she
manufactured a noose in an artistic manner, placed it tightly around
her neck and then - stepped from the top of a trunk on which she had
been standing all the while, and dangled in mid air. Almost
immediately she must have repented, and catching hold of the rope
above her head succeeded in drawing up the body until her feet again
rested on the trunk, after which she managed to unloose the noose and
then threw herself on a bed.
The brother-in-law returned home before his wife, and upon the
return of the latter she asked after the whereabouts of the sister.
As the conversation continued the sister came down stairs and related
to them substantially what is above reported. The struggle through
which she had so recently gone caused her face to wear a darker hue,
while her eyes were terribly bloodshot and started from the sockets,
and the marks of the rope were still plainly visible around her
One of the young doctors of the city was immediately summoned, who
gave it as his opinion that the young lady was out of her mind and
advised that she be sent to an asylum for the insane. Not having a
desire so to do, one of the oldest physicians was consulted and at
present writing the lady is under his care, with prospects of an
ultimate cure.
It is certainly a very sad case, and we trust that in the near
future the partially deranged unfortunate will be given the full and
free use of her mental faculties once again.
DOMESTIC INFELICITY. - A case of domestic infelicity is reported
from Philipsburg, Centre county. On Thursday the wife of Frank
Gowland entered complaint against him, before Justice Riddles, for
desertion. There are facts connected with the case that render it
peculiar. The wedding occurred about the holidays, both bride and
groom being still in their teens, and they began housekeeping only
about a month ago. On Tuesday, the young husband left home and from
Tyrone wrote to his father on the following day directing him to go to
his house, take his furniture, and return it to the merchants from
whom he had purchased it, as he and his wife could not agree and he
had left her. These instructions his father carried out to the very
letter, on the same afternoon, removing even the stove in which two
loaves of bread were baking, and leaving the young wife without a
single article of furniture in the house. The adolescent husband
returned to town and his father's house the same evening and was cited
before the Justice on the following day and gave bail for his
appearance at court.
THE FIRST SNAKE STORY OF THE SEASON. - We have positive assurance
that the coming season will be a good one for snakes, while the
MORNING TRIBUNE can justly put in the claim of reporting the first
snake story in the year of grace 1875. People of a nervous
temperament will not relish the foregoing statement, nevertheless we
deem it advisable to put them on their guard in advance. On Friday
evening as E. B. Funk, a son of ex Sheriff James Funk, of
Duncansville, was going to his father's stock fields after the cows,
he encountered in the path a live snake over three feet long, which
was in the act of crawling at a brisk rate over snow one foot deep.
Mr. Funk immediately dispatched his snakeship, and took it along home
with him. The ex-Sheriff, who writes us, measured the serpent and
will vouch for the truth of the foregoing. Possibly it was a
copperhead on its way South from New Hampshire, as the recent election
in that State would seem to indicate that that locality was not very
healthy for copperheads.
ILLNESS OF MISS JOHNSTON. - On the Mail train on Saturday
afternoon, Miss Annie Johnston, who has been engaged in giving music
lessons, in this city, for some time past, was taken to her home, at
Shirley, in Huntingdon county. The lady is suffering from cancer on
the breast, and it is thought cannot long survive. She had rooms at
the corner of Tenth street and Chestnut avenue, and has been seriously
ill for the past four weeks. She was carried to the train on a
lounge, having previously expressed a desire to die at her home.
ANOTHER BREWER ARRESTED. - On information preferred by John Seeder,
Mr. Gust Klemert, a well-known brewer on the East side hill, was
arrested by Chief-of-Police Smith on the charge of selling beer by the
keg in violation of the local option law. The defendant entered bail
before Mayor Gilland for his appearance to answer.
- Sunday night, the 7th, pending the furious snow storm which
visited a large portion of the country, flashes of lightning
illuminated the heavens at Mifflintown, Pa. Snow and lightning is
certainly a strange phenomenon at one and the same time.
STRAY CATTLE. - Any person who takes up stray cattle and neglects
to advertise the same in one paper in the county, within ten days
thereafter, subjects himself to a certain penalty prescribed by law.
It is well for our readers to make a note of this.
DEATH OF MRS. LUCY DONAHUE. - With feelings of sorrow we learn of
the death of Mrs. Lucy Donahue, which occurred at her home in New
Castle, Lawrence county, yesterday. Deceased was the wife of Mr.
Charles Donahue, a well known contractor, and formerly resided in
Altoona. Her remains will arrive in this city on the Day express
train this morning, and from here will be taken to Newry, this county,
the home of the family, at which place they will be interred in the
Catholic Cemetery to-morrow (Wednesday.) Mrs. Donahue leaves a sister
(Miss Annie Malone) residing in this city, and a large circle of
friends and acquaintances to mourn her sudden death. She was a lady
who was highly respected by all who knew her, having won the esteem
and friendship of her acquaintances by the kind and gentle disposition
which she ever exhibited. After a short life of usefulness here on
earth, she has gone, we firmly believe, to receive her reward in
Heaven. The friends and relatives have our deepest sympathy in their
TROUBLE AMONG THE JUNIOR SONS OF '76. - In Altoona at the present
time, there are two lodges of the order known as "Junior Sons of '76,"
an order composed mostly of working men, and which has been known to
exhibit its strength, numerically speaking, on election day in the
past. Each of the two lodges claims to be the Supreme body of the
world, and one of them has applied to the Blair County Court for a
charter of incorporation. The other lodge having filed exceptions
thereto, two gentlemen of the city are now engaged in taking testimony
in the premises, which testimony will be presented at the Argument
Court, when His Honor, Judge Dean, will decide which of the two lodges
can lay just claim to being the Supreme body. With intense eagerness
the result is awaited, not only by the members of the order, but by
outsiders who are familiar with its workings.
THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. - At noon of yesterday this locality was
visited by a rain storm which at first threatened to be of long
duration yet happily such was not the case. For a brief season the
rain descended very rapidly, while vivid flashes of lightning were to
be seen every few minutes, supplemented by the deep rolling thunder.
The only annoyance caused by the storm was the thorough drenching of
christians who were en route homeward from the numerous religious
resorts at the close of the morning services. The storm came on so
suddenly that but few were provided with umbrellas. Silks, etc.,
suffered terribly.
- Mrs. Barr, the mother of one of the boys who run away from
Hollidaysburg, a few days since, was in Altoona on Saturday inquiring
after the whereabouts of the travelers. As they had been released
from custody by the authorities here the day previous, she was unable
to glean any information. Diligent inquiry yesterday failed to reveal
anything additional.
LIQUOR SELLERS IN TROUBLE. - During the past few days several
persons who have been engaged in selling liquor to minors, and
otherwise violating the license laws, have been placed under bail for
their appearance at court to answer. Bail was promptly furnished,
after which, the violators returned to their old haunts to pursue the
same course.
- Business men generally should not lose sight of the fact
that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has ruled that a note or
acceptance payable at any bank, banker, or trust company, must be duly
stamped with a two-cent stamp to comply with the requirements of
section 15, of act of Congress, approved February 18, 1875.
Death of Adolphus Patterson.
An aged oak has fallen! A good Samaritan has gone home! A most
profound scholar rests from his labors, and after "life's fitful fever
sleeps well!" As the old family clock slowly tolled the eleventh hour
on Monday evening, March 8, 1875, all that was mortal of Adolphus
Patterson passed pleasantly and peacefully into a higher and brighter
Born in Tuscarora Valley, Juniata county, Pa., December 16, 1792,
he departed this life at the advanced age of 83 years, 2 months, and
20 days. He came to Williamsburg in the spring of 1819, and was
consequently, for 56 years, a resident of the town, during which time
he arose to and maintained the responsible position of its benefactor
and best business manager.
There was a time when he commanded the entire grain trade of
Morrison's Cove, and directed in every leading mercantile and
manufacturing enterprise of his adopted home. His counsel was sought
after and relied upon by every farmer and business man in the valley,
and so unassuming and generous was he in good works, that rich and
poor alike, held him in high reverence, and felt it an honor to do him
any favor he might require. His bearing was that of a gentleman and a
scholar, no matter what the position in which he was placed, nor
under what opposing circumstances that surrounded him.
He was a man whose broad charity, sound judgment, strong common
sense and brilliant intellect caused everyone near him to
instinctively feel that they were in the presence of a great and good
man, and no matter where he went nor where he was, his stately form
and dignified bearing, won willing and honored esteem. Always being
more statesman than partisan, he was no aspirant for political honors,
yet twice in his life he was, without his seeking or even desiring it,
complimented in District and State Conventions by a very flattering
vote for State Senator and Canal Commissioner.
He is gone now, and Williamsburg has lost a great man, the poor a
great friend, and society a great scholar. The writer of this has
been his constant companion and watcher during the past two months,
and has ever since his childhood days, known intimately and favorably
the person whose obituary he thus announces, and feels a pride in
having been instrumental, in his feeble way, of contributing in some
measure, to the noble work of cheering him in his last days, and
making easy and pleasant his dying hours.
"Lives of great men all remind us,
That we can make our lives sublime;
And departing, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time."
The funeral took place on last Thursday morning at 10 o'clock,
March 11th, from his late residence in Williamsburg. - FRANK.
HALL - OWENS - At Birmingham, Pa., On Thursday evening, the 11th
inst., at the residence of A. P. Owens, father of the minister and
bride, and in the presence of a numerous company of friends, by Rev.
W. J. Owens, Miss Blanch Owens and Mr. J. S. Hall, of Beech Creek,
BROWN - GLASGOW - On the 9th inst., at the St. Charles Hotel, in
this city, by the Rev. H. Baker, Mr. James Brown, of Lloydsville, to
Miss Lydia H. Glasgow, of Cambria county.
BLACKBURN - On the 12th inst., John Wesley, son of George and Annie
Blackburn, aged 1 year, 4 months and 10 days.
SINK - On the 15th inst., Mary Emma, daughter of Harry and Jennie
KATZMAIER - In this city, on the 10th inst., William Frederick, son
of John and Harriet Katzmaier, in the 3d year of his age.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 18, 1875, page 3