Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 6, 1874
Court Proceedings.
The case of Levi Knott was continued this morning. Mr. Ramsey was
re-examined, and Richard Zipond and. Aaron Paup concluded the
examination on the part of the Commonwealth. For the defense Mr.
Knott was called to the stand and swore it was not him but the "other
man," the same being the "Charley" who was with him on the trip to
Bell's Gap. Mr. Knott being ignorant of Charley's purpose in going.
With this witness defense rested. The counsel for the defendant
claimed that although the Commonwealth proved that the offense had
been committed, yet they failed to prove Mr. Knott to be the offender.
On the other hand the Commonwealth quoted Wharton's Criminal Law on
circumstantial evidence as applicable to his case. After a clear and
well prepared charge from the Court the jury retired at half past ten
o'clock. Verdict - guilty on all three indictments. Messrs.
Alexander, Stevens & Neff for Commonwealth; Blair for
As Samuel Whren plead guilty and submitted to the indictment
against him, the witnesses summoned on his case were discharged.
The Court fined ___ Conroy, a witness, $5 and costs of attachment
for non-appearance the day before, and announced that all witnesses in
the liquor cases would be fined when they failed to appear.
The case of Com. vs. Patrick Redmond was next called, and defendant
plead guilty and submitted. The witnesses in that case were
accordingly discharged.
Com. vs. William R. Smith. Indictment - selling liquor without
license. A jury was called, and the case opened by Mr. Alexander.
Ross Noonan, the only witness called, testified to having bought
whisky at Smith's Red Lion Hotel, in Altoona. The case was submitted
to the jury without argument. Verdict, guilty. Stevens &
Alexander for Commonwealth. Mr. Tierney for defendant.
Com. vs. Andrew Pote. Indictment - fornication and bastardy.
Barbara Clair, the prosecutrix, was very positive that Andrew was the
father of her child, which is bad for Andrew. The case was submitted
to the jury without other argument than an attempt on the part of the
defense to show that the offense was not committed in this county.
Verdict guilty. M. Alexander for Commonwealth. Tierney &
Brumbaugh for defendant. Adjourned till ten o'clock.
Com. vs. Andrew Cherry. Indictment, assault and battery. Not a
true bill, and prosecutor to pay the costs, except the $4 to the
At the opening of the afternoon session Andrew Pote was called up
and sentenced to pay a fine of $1.00 and the costs of prosecution, and
further the sum of $30.00 to Barbara Clear for lying-in-expenses. and
further one dollar per week for the term of seven years from the 20th
of June, 1874, for the support of the child, and further to enter into
recognizance with one good surety for the compliance with the
sentence, etc.
Com. vs. Frank P. Bressler. Indictment - fornication and bastardy.
Defendant pleads guilty and submits.
Com. vs. Levi Knott. Indictment - for selling liquor without
license had remained open since April term. Nolle pros.
Com. vs. Greene & Geesey. Indictment - selling liquor without
license. Nolle pros.
Com. vs. Margaret Hannigan. Indictment - selling liquor without
license. True bill. Recognizance forfeited.
Levi Knott. No. 8. July session. Nolle pros.
Com. vs. Sarah Farrell. Selling liquor without license.
Com. vs. Elias Smith. Indictment - larceny. True bill. Elias is
charged with stealing or attempting to steal a horse, two halters, and
a bridle, from the stable of Mr. Fleck near Duncansville. He was
caught in the act by the family of Mr. Fleck. When captured he said
he was on his way home, but declined to tell where he lived, or what
his business was. He was taken to 'Squire Gibboney, and there
received his commitment. Such is the substance of the testimony of
Mr. Fleck and family. The Commonwealth also proved by Messrs. Bailey,
Jos. Young, Jos. Gardner, Silas Piper and Peter Smith that the accused
was seen in the neighborhood in company with a man named Cherry, the
day previous to his arrest. At this juncture, in the absence of
important witnesses, the court was adjourned till eight and a half
o'clock this morning.
Com. vs. Wm. R. Smith. Indictment - furnishing liquors to men of
known intemperate habits. True bill. A jury was called and case
opened by Mr. Alexander. For the Commonwealth Chas. Hartman. Ephraim
Powell, Mr. No__ian, Thos. Elway, Jas. J. Rauch, Mrs. Powell, Sam'l
Powell, Miles R. Jones, and David Kinch, were called to make a case
against Mr. Smith. While for the defense Mr. Smith took the stand and
gave his own version of the matter. After able arguments by the
counsel on both sides, the jury was charged and retired at four
o'clock. Verdict not rendered at the time of adjournment. Alexander
and Stevens for the Commonwealth. Tierney for defendant.
After hearing a number of petitions, etc., the Court resumed the
trial of Mr. Smith. The defense recalled Mr. Fleck for a few moments,
after which the argument was opened by Mr. Tierney, who tried to show
that as none of the horses had been removed, the man Smith could not
be found guilty. Mr. Baldrige for the Commonwealth, claimed that the
prisoner was guilty of at least one attempt to commit larceny. The
Court reviewed the law and the evidence, and sent the jury out at
half-past ten o'clock. Verdict not guilty of felony, but guilty of
attempted felony. Baldrige and Alexander for Commonwealth; Milliken
and Tierney for defendant.
The jury in the case of W. R. Smith, of the Red Lion Hotel,
returned at 11 o'clock this morning, reported disagreement and were
The grand jury submitted a statement to the effect that they find
the court house too small for its purpose and recommended its
enlargement. The court heartily concurred in this report and spoke of
the difficulty of conducting the county business both in the court
room and in the offices on the first floor and alluded to the
appalling results which might follow the destruction of the county
records by fire. They should by all means have some better protection
than they now have.
Two indictments - selling liquor without license. True bill. The
case was called and counsel for defendants asked for a special
verdict, the object being to appeal to the Supreme Court. Objections
being raised by the Commonwealth and after some sharp argument on both
sides the defendants were requested by the Court to bring in a special
plea. Mr. Bell, a witness, was asked to give his reason for not
obeying the summons of the day before. As there was a hitch between
his statement and that of the officer who served the subpoena, Bell
was let off by paying the cost of the attachment.
Court then adjourned till two o'clock in the afternoon.
The first thing in the afternoon was making six new voters by the
naturalization process, which business disposed of, the trial of F. W.
and C. Rauch proceeded. An argument of about an hour, on points of
law, followed. Two pleas, one an issue of fact for the jury, and the
other an issue of law for the judgment of the Court were offered. To
these the Commonwealth demurred, and after hearing the arguments at
considerable length, the Court ordered judgment to be entered for the
Commonwealth upon the demurrer. There being no issue for the jury,
which had been called and sworn, they were discharged. This was a
hotly contested fight between the attorneys. It is generally regarded
as being a test case in the interest of the brewers, and was got up
with the object of carrying it up to the Supreme Court for revision.
The defendants desired to establish their right to sell beer by the
keg. In the present state of the case, they will appear in a few days
to receive sentence, after which the matter will be taken to the
Supreme Court by a writ of certiorari. Messrs. Landis and Alexander
for Commonwealth; Blair and Tierney for defendants.
Com. vs. Wm. R. Smith. Indictment - selling liquor without
license. True bill. In the absence of witnesses the case was
Com. vs. Mrs. Harkleworth alias Mrs. E. C. Keller. Indictment -
nuisance. True bill. This business woman hailed from this city, and
the witnesses, some four or five of them, were very clear in their
testimony that the defendant kept a disreputable house.
The details of the evidence were "smutty" to the last degree, and
would be a rich morsel for papers of the Police Gazette and Day's
Doings order.
During the argument of the counsel, the "Mrs." played the
"affecting" and we can certify that it was well done. Wonder how much
it affected the jury. Verdict, not guilty, but that defendant pay one
half the costs and the prosecutrix, Mrs. Benner, the other half. Mr.
Dively for Commonwealth, Capt. James Milliken for defendant.
Com. vs. Thos. Fox and Wes Stevens, was the next case. These young
gentlemen were indicted for assaulting an officer, while the latter
was engaged in attempting to quiet a riot. Constable Lowry, policemen
Geo. Daugherty and Simon B. Barr, together with several others who
assisted in making the arrest, were examined. This was a county
capital affair. Mr. Alexander conducted the prosecution; while Capt.
Jim Milliken fairly astonished his friends in his zeal for the
prisoners. The court directed the jury to seal their verdict and
bring it in in the morning.
Court adjourned till 8 o'clock this morning.
One of the strangest verdicts ever known in this court was rendered
yesterday afternoon in the case of the Commonwealth vs. E. C.
Harklesouth alias E. C. Keller, a woman who was indicted and tried for
keeping a bawdy house. A number of witnesses were called on the part
of the Commonwealth, all of whom testified to the bad reputation of
the house, and described acts on the part of the defendant which
proved beyond a doubt that she was in the habit of permitting, in her
house, the commission of crimes which are peculiar to houses of ill
fame and received money therefor. No evidence was offered in defense,
yet the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and that the costs be
divided between the prosecutor and the defendant. What is most
singular about the verdict is the fact that no evidence was before the
jury to show who the prosecutor was, and the only theory that your
reporter can form as to the probable cause for a verdict so contrary
to public morals, is founded upon a shadow of a hint from the
defendant's counsel in his argument that the prosecutor might have
instituted this action through business rivalry, yet whether there be
any ground for such a suspicion there was not the slightest evidence
of it.
At the opening of court this morning, the jury in the case of the
Commonwealth vs. Thos. Fox and West Stevens, returned a verdict of
guilty against Stevens; Thos. Fox not guilty, but that he pay one-half
the costs.
Com. vs. Samuel Frue, Geo. Ounkst, Jackson Miller. Indictment -
riot and unlawful assembly.
This was another county capital case. The prosecutor, W. G. Lewis,
was sworn, and testified to the disorderly conduct at his place of
business on Montgomery street, Hollidaysburg, on the evening of the
7th of February. Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Albert, Mrs. Sturtzman, and Jas.
Cooper were also brought by the Commonwealth, but failed to prove
anything beyond some swearing, calling names, etc. For the defense,
Jack Eddleman, Chas. Foeppel, Geo. Ounkst and Dorsey Salyards, took
the stand and testified that some small boys had caused the annoyance
for which these young men were arraigned. No verdict up to the
morning adjournment. Alexander for Com.; Blair for defts.
Com. vs. George Lloyd. Indictment - assault and battery. True
bill. The parties to this suit are of the African persuasion, and
hail from the county capital. George was accused of beating his
mother, who had been keeping him. George must be a worthless darkey,
as it has been shown that, although he is a stout and able-bodied
youth of 17 years, he refused to do anything in the way of earning his
own living. Verdict, guilty.
A large number of indictments of the grand jury, mostly for the
violation of the local option law, were continued until October
The following was overlooked by our reporter in forwarding his copy
for yesterday's paper.
Com. vs. E. C. Swope. Indictment - practicing medicine unlawfully
in Blair county. Continued until next sessions.
Adjourned until two o'clock.
The jury on the riot case was ready at the opening of court, and
returned a verdict of not guilty, but the defendants to pay the
Another case of Com. vs. Wm. R. Smith, was then reached. Smith has
had several indictments against him for selling liquor without
license. Defendant here pleads that he was already convicted for this
offence on a former trial, and court left that for the jury to
determine. Chas. Hartman, Theodore Stroh, Albert Beales, Miles R.
Jones, and Samuel Powell testified, most of them positively, for the
prosecution. Verdict, guilty. Messrs. Alexander and Stevens for
Commonwealth, Tierney for Defendant.
This ends the criminal list.
On the civil list the case of McKay vs. W. F. Bridenthal, was first
reached. This suit was for a book account amounting to $209.63, with
interest. The amount in dispute was for goods shipped to defendant
but never received by him. Counsel for plaintiff took a non-suit in
the absence of McKay's books of original entry. Capt. Jim Milliken
for plaintiff; Mr. Hewitt for defendant.
Louis Plack, assignee People's Planing Mill Co. vs. Henry Fickes,
owner, and Albert Lockard, contractor. This was a mechanics lien for
lumber furnished on certain buildings described in the lien. Verdict
for plaintiff in the sum of $95.
D. & C. Moore vs. Wm. Cornell, owner, Adam Mauk, contractor.
Mechanic's lien for the sum of $108.20, amount of plaintiff's bill
with interest. Verdict for the plaintiffs in that amount.
Court adjourned till 9 o'clock Friday morning.
On the reassembling of the court this morning, the prisoners who were
convicted at this court were brought in and sentenced as follows:
Mrs. Anna Laisher. Selling liquor without license. Fine of $100,
costs of prosecution and 90 days in the county jail.
Samuel Whren. Selling liquor without license. This being only the
first offense it was only $50 fine and costs of prosecution.
Jane Higgins. Same offense. $50 fine and costs of
John Ehringer. Selling liquor without license. Fine of $100 and
costs of prosecution.
Jno. Ehringer and Geo. Geesey. Selling liquor without license.
Ehringer $100 fine, one-half the costs, and ninety days in the county
jail. Geesey $100 and the other half the costs. This being the first
offence for Geesey.
Harry Miller. Selling liquor without license. $100 fine and costs
of prosecution.
Patrick Redmond. Selling liquor without license. First offence,
and a slight one at that. $50 fine and the costs of prosecution.
Levi Knott. For selling liquor without license. $100 fine and
costs of prosecution. For selling to minors, $20 fine and costs, and
forty days in jail. For selling on Sunday, $100 fine and fifty days
in jail.
Wm. R. Smith. Selling liquor without license. For the first
conviction, $100 fine and costs of prosecution. For the second
conviction, $100 fine, costs of prosecution and 90 days in jail.
F. W. Rauch and Chas. Rauch. Two cases for selling liquor without
license. First case $100 fine jointly, and costs of prosecution.
Second case, $100 fine jointly, costs of prosecution and 60 days in
Cameron Johnson. Selling liquor without license. $100 fine and
costs of prosecution.
Gephart Myers. Selling liquor without license. $100 fine and
costs of prosecution.
Elias Smith. Attempt to commit larceny. $100 fine, costs of
prosecution and imprisonment at separate and solitary confinement at
labor in the Western penitentiary for the term of four years.
Wes. Stevens. Resisting a peace officer. Five dollars fine, costs
of prosecution and sixty days in the county jail.
Geo. Lloyd. Assault and battery. One dollar fine, costs of
prosecution and twenty days in jail.
The Court made an order fixing the second Monday of October of each
year as the time for the commencement of the October term. This has
been found necessary in order to avoid the election day in November,
as the October term is hereafter to continue for three weeks.
Local option fines, $1,470.
Tuesday, the first day of September, was fixed for Argument
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 6, 1874, page 1
The Blacksnake Dead - The Potato Bugs Cremated - The Tortoise at
Large -The Tree Frogs Singing Amid the Swamps of Logantown - The Wild
Cat Shipped to the Zoological Institute. - The glory of the MORNING
TRIBUNE office menagerie has departed, the last vestige of its varied
collection - the wild cat - having been shipped to the Philadelphia
Zoological Gardens Wednesday afternoon on the Mail train. To the
Messrs. Jones, Allport & Co., of Philipsburg, Centre county, we
would again return our warmest thanks for the present of the cat. We
are free to admit that since we have been in possession of the
ferocious animal which is the representative of a species that infest
our mountain fastnesses, but which are rarely seen alive, the
menagerie has been a "big card" for the office "Trib." Hundreds upon
hundreds of people have flocked into the office for the purpose of
gazing upon the cat, many of whom have lived among the mighty
Alleghenies for over a quarter of a century and have been heard to
remark that they had heard them "holler," but it was the first wild
cat they had ever seen.
Had it been possible for us to have given the animal the attention
which it should have received, we would never have bid it a last sad
farewell, and being desirous of placing it in the hands of parties who
will see that it is kindly cared for while the sands of its life hold
out, it was resolved to ship the cat to the Zoological Gardens at
As stated, it was yesterday afternoon that the cat was prepared for
its journey. In the same cage in which it was received, it was
shipped eastward bound, the box bearing a large placard on which the
following inscription was to be plainly seen: "Wild Cat "You Know!"
Captured in the forests of Clearfield county. Compliments of the
MORNING TRIBUNE, Altoona, Pa., to the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens.
Care of John Wagner, No. 130 Walnut street, Philadelphia." Between
the words "Wild Cat" and "You Know" was to be seen a cut of a monster
wild cat which has been in this office for a number of years and which
originally belonged to a circus company that forgot to pay their
printing bill.
The parting between the attaches of the office and the cat was
painfully affecting, which, in a great measure, was due to the grief
that welled up in the cat's bosom on account of the death of the
blacksnake, the cat having been in attendance at the funeral of the
snake a few days previous, and then and there witnessed a scene that
it can never, never forget.
Ere the arrival of the Mail train at the depot, and whilst the box
containing the cat was permitted to rest on a truck, the people
flocked from all parts of the city to gaze upon the animal which was
weeping like a child at the time, and making more noise than a
regiment of children.
But "You Know" has gone, and you know we bid thee a last sad
farewell. No longer will we be permitted to gaze upon thy fiery eye-
balls by night, or gently stroke thee under thy left ear with a long
pole by day; no longer will we enjoy a monopoly of those delightful
serenades when all the rest of the city is wrapped in the arms of
slumber, and above all no longer will we have the exquisite pleasure
of escorting the many young ladies of the city to where the wild cat
was wont to live and explaining to them its customs and habits. This
thought is extremely painful and we dismiss it at once, but if the
ladies are sharp they will forget that the wild cat has been shipped
eastward bound and come around every afternoon anyhow.
The menagerie has been broken up; the wild cat is gone, the snake
dead, the potato bugs cremated, the tortoise set at liberty, and the
tree frogs turned loose in that portion of the city known as
Logantown. In the future the show business will have no charms for
us. With the classification, structure, habits, and habitations of
animals we are done.
ACCIDENTAL POISONING. - On Wednesday afternoon a little daughter of
Mr. Norval Hawk, residing in the Seventh ward, unfortunately got hold
of a bottle containing an ounce of laudanum, and drank the whole of
it. Immediately thereafter she was taken violently ill, and some two
hours afterward Drs. Christy and Walker were called upon to attend the
sufferer. They at once administered the proper remedies and succeeded
in thoroughly evacuating the stomach of its contents, at the same time
giving the little sufferer instant relief. Everything that medical
skill could possibly do was done throughout the entire night, as also
during all of Thursday, and at a late hour that night the condition of
the child was such as to warrant the expression of a medical opinion
that it would speedily recover from the effects of the undue soporific
taken into its system. The attending physicians did everything in
their power for the relief of the youthful sufferer, and it affords us
pleasure to note that their efforts will doubtless prove most
ON THE WING. - Off to Colorado. - On the Pacific express train
westward bound, Friday morning, Col. E. B. McCrum, senior editor of
the MORNING TRIBUNE, took his departure for the far West. He was
accompanied by his wife, who has been in delicate health for months
past, and his visit to "the plains'' is solely for his wife's health.
At Pittsburgh he was met by Mr. Hugh Pitcairn, Superintendent of the
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis railway company, and his wife,
both of whom formerly resided in Altoona, and who will accompany Col.
McCrum on his tour through the West. Mr. Pitcairn also takes his wife
West for the benefit of her health. We fondly trust that both Mr. and
Mrs. McCrum as well as Mr. and Mrs. Pitcairn, will return home in
improved health. Mr. McCrum has promised to contribute for the
columns of the MORNING TRIBUNE during his absence.
HORRIBLE ACCIDENT - A Man Torn to Pieces. A horrible accident
occurred at Tyrone Thursday morning about half-past seven o'clock. A
man named Jacob Bryan, employed as a laborer at Daniel P. Ray's
tannery, near the Ward House, whilst doing some work in the tannery
leech room, was caught on a shaft that was running at the rate of one
hundred and fifty revolutions per minute. The unfortunate man was
literally torn to pieces. His body was severed in twain immediately
below the breast. From the knees down both legs were ground into an
unrecognizable mass of flesh and bones. One of his arms was
completely torn off, and the back of his head crushed in. Byron was
aged 54 years and leaves a wife and ten children, several of whom are
grown up. He resided on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, about
one mile west of Tyrone station.
TAKEN TO JAIL. - The miner named John Williams who is charged with
being one of the party of miners who instituted the riot on the
Cincinnati express train on Monday evening a week, and who was
arrested in the coal mines at Houtzdale, Clearfield county, on Monday,
by officers Allen and Westbrook, of Huntingdon, was Tuesday afternoon
committed to the Blair county prison for trial along with the three
miners who had been previously arrested and committed on the same
charge. He was taken over the hill by depot policeman Clark.
A FOUNDLING - A Four Days' Old Child Left on a Door Step - A Clue
to the Identification of the Heartless Mother. - Between ten and
eleven o'clock on Monday night as several of the members of the family
of Mrs. Matilda Confer, among whom was Mr. Jean G. Vallade, a son-in-
law, who does business on Tenth avenue, were standing on a porch
engaged in picking cherries from a tree that stands in close
proximity, their attention was attracted by the piercing cries of an
infant that was evidently near at hand. Upon proceeding to make an
examination, Mr. Vallade discovered that the sounds emanated from a
bundle lying on the second story of the portico at the main entrance
to the house. Picking up the parcel he was surprised beyond measure
to learn that it contained a male infant, and upon taking it into the
house the members of the family discovered that it had evidently been
well cared for, as it was clad in a white dress, a heavy red flannel
petticoat, and in addition was carefully wrapped up in a barred shawl
of a light grey color. A bottle of milk, that was subsequently found
to be strongly diluted with paregoric, was also found in the bundle,
but nothing to show from whence the child had come, or who was the
heartless mother that had abandoned it. An aged lady named Mrs.
Carroll, residing next door, was then called in, who afterward filled
up the bottle with fresh milk to be used as food for the child.
On Tuesday morning Dr. J. T. Christy was called in to look at the
child, who gave it as his opinion that negro blood coursed through the
veins of the infant - that it was a mulatto child not more than four
days old. Later in the morning our reporter called at the residence
of Mrs. Confer and discovered that everything possible was being done
for the comfort of the foundling by Mrs. C. and her daughters. The
diluted milk had been preserved in a glass tumbler and as the medical
gentleman had stated, smelled strongly of paregoric. In the afternoon
Frederick Young, Esq., one of Blair county's Board of Poor Directors,
had the babe conveyed to the county alms house.
We are inclined to the opinion that we have a clue which if
properly worked up, will lead to the detection of the heartless mother
who abandoned her off-spring. On the Philadelphia express train, on
Monday evening, Capt. E. W. Eisenbise, conductor, a woman took
passage. She had a bundle in her arms which contained something that
the conductor mistook for a dog, and upon making inquiry the woman
stated that the bundle contained a negro child, the mother of which
was a young girl who belonged to one of the first and most highly
respected families in Pittsburgh. She added that she was en route for
Philadelphia, for the purpose of placing the child in an alms house.
The woman alighted from the train upon its arrival in this city and
immediately thereafter started around the corner at the railroad
company's ticket office. It will be remembered that the train in
question arrives in Altoona at a quarter before ten o'clock P. M., and
that the child was found on the portico stoop of Mr. Vallade shortly
after ten o'clock, he having entered the house a few minutes previous,
at which time the child was not on the stoop.
About half-past ten o'clock, this same woman, without the child,
appeared at the rail road company's ticket office and inquired of the
night ticket agent what time the next train would leave for
Pittsburgh. She was informed that it would leave the following
morning at 4:20 o'clock. She then inquired where there was a good
hotel at which she could put up for the night, and upon being
informed, directed her steps thither. She registered her name and
requested to be called in time for the Pittsburgh express train which
leaves at the hour named, the hotel clerk at the time expressing
surprise at a woman alone and unattended, and without baggage,
presenting herself at the hotel at such an unseasonable hour, the
trains having arrived and taken their departure sometime previous.
She was awakened the following morning as per request and after
purchasing a ticket for Pittsburgh boarded the express train as
stated. We have merely related the facts in the premises as we were
enabled to gather them, from all of which it is fair to presume that
the strange woman in question, and the person who deposited the child
on the door stoop at the residence of Mrs. Confer, are one and the
At the depot last evening we met Mr. Eisenbise and inquired of him
whether the woman in question, who was alleged to have been dressed in
plain black, took passage on his train on Tuesday morning as was
supposed. He replied that she had, and added that he had asked her
what she had done with the negro babe. She replied in substance as
follows: "As you doubtless know, I had a ticket that called for a
first-class passage from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. The mother of
the child (which was a mulatto) died at the time of its birth, and her
parents employed me to get it out of the way.
"The mother was a white woman and belonged to one of the most
highly respected families in Pittsburgh. Her parents wanted me to
take the child to Philadelphia, and bought me a ticket for that city,
but I thought I could make way with it in Altoona as well, and I
resolved to do so. I left it on a door stoop, but in what part of the
city I do not know; it was several streets back of the railroad. A
man and a lady had entered the house a few minutes before I left the
baby there.
"After depositing the child on the stoop, I had proceeded but a
short distance until I heard it commence to cry. I am a married
woman, my husband is away from home and I am anxious to get back
before he gets back home. The father of the child was represented to
me as being a negro. I am well acquainted with the family which is
very respectable. After I left the babe on the door stoop I returned
to the Logan House, in Altoona, and ordered a room."
The woman in question is reported to have been dressed in plain
black. She had no baggage with her - nothing save a sun umbrella of a
light color. She was a passenger on board the train upon its arrival
at Pittsburgh. We might mention that she said considerable more than
has been reported in these columns, but the late hour at which we
close this item forbids any additional reference to her
MINERS' PICNIC. - On Saturday, August 15th, a grand picnic will be
held at the Summit Grove, near Lloyd's station, on the line of the
Bell's Gap railroad, under the auspices of the Miners' Social Club of
Lloyd's mines. The music will be furnished by Capt. Myers' celebrated
string band, of Altoona, and dancing will be opened at nine o'clock A.
M., and stop at 12 o'clock P. M. Refreshments will be served
throughout the day, but no intoxicating liquors will be allowed on the
grounds. The public generally is invited to attend the picnic. We
have been requested to state that the best possible order will be
WHO CAN BEAT IT? - One of the editors of the TRIBUNE has a Bantam
chicken, but two months old, which has already laid two eggs - the
first on Friday, and the second on Saturday. This, we take it, is one
of most remarkable instances of fecundity on record. There is a
rooster of the same brood that can crow as lustily and put on as many
airs as any chanticleer of his size extant.
THAT ORGAN CASE. - Miss Annie Johnson Released from Jail on a Writ
of Habeas Corpus. - It will be remembered that in the controversy for
the possession of an organ sold by Miss Annie Johnson, an agent for a
New York music house, to Mr. Daniel Stackhouse, residing at the corner
of Sixth avenue and Tenth street, in which Alderman Poffenberger
exercised jurisdiction, Miss Johnson was committed to jail. It seems
that the contract for the sale of the instrument was in substance as
follows: Mr. Stackhouse was to pay $50 in cash, and $20 each month
until he would have liquidated the original cost of the organ - $270,
the organ to remain the property of Miss Johnson until the terms of
the article of agreement had been complied with. Mr. Stackhouse paid
$150 on the organ and then refused or neglected to pay any more, when
Miss Johnson secured assistance and going to Mr. Stackhouse's
residence bore the musical instrument away. This was the origin of
the difficulty which resulted in the Alderman issuing commitment in
the premises and ordering Constable Conrad to take the prisoner to
jail which was accordingly done. In extenuation of the action of the
officer it may be proper to state that at the hearing Miss Johnson
positively refused to produce the article of agreement, the substance
of which is given above, hence her committal to jail. In addition she
stated that she did not want a hearing, did not want bail, and "as you
have me here now you can do whatever you please with me."
At this stage in the proceedings the matter was allowed to rest
until yesterday morning when a writ of Habeas Corpus was issued by the
Court of Common Pleas directing Sheriff Bobb to have the body of Annie
Johnson brought before His Honor, Judge Dean, the writ being
returnable at ten o'clock A. M. Following will be found a certified
copy of the record in the premises:
Now, 3 August, 1874, on hearing of this case, and no probable cause
shown by the commonwealth for the detention of the prisoner, Annie
Johnson, she is discharged from custody and it is ordered that the
property alleged subject of larceny be restored to the condition in
which the officer found the same when he executed the warrant of
J. P. STEWART, Prothonotary.
By the Court.
In accordance with the foregoing officer Conrad proceeded last
evening to restore the organ to its rightful owner, as per the
provisions of the article of agreement. And thus the matter rests for
the present.
ROBBERY AT CLEARFIELD. - Sometime during Sunday night or early
Monday morning, the merchant tailoring establishment of Mr. Henry
Bridge, in Clearfield, Pa., was entered by one or more scoundrels and
despoiled of merchandize to the amount of four hundred dollars.
Entrance was effected to the room by means of forcing open a rear
window. Piece goods to the amount of one thousand dollars additional
had been packed up ready to be carried off also, yet it is supposed
that the burglars were frightened off and thought that the additional
load would be too great for them to make way with successfully. There
is no clue to the perpetrators of the burglary. Mr. Bridge visited
Tyrone yesterday afternoon in search of the parties. For the above
information we are indebted to R. A. O. Kerr, Esq., who returned to
his home in this city from Clearfield last evening.
preliminary hearing in the case of the Commonwealth vs. James J.
Hansom, who is charged with selling liquor without license and also
selling to minors, was conducted at the office of Mayor Gilland.
Eight witnesses were sworn, who testified to having bought liquor at
Hansom's place of business, whereupon the Mayor required bail to be
entered in the sum of eight hundred dollars to answer the charge at
the October term of Court, which was promptly furnished. Alfred
Houser, who was arrested on a like charge, waived a hearing and
entered bail also to answer.
PAINFUL ACCIDENT. - David R. Potter, of Sabbath Rest, an employe in
Kerr's sub division gang, on the railroad, met with a severe accident
on Wednesday evening while engaged in making some repairs to his
stable. By a misstep he was thrown violently to the ground from the
second floor of the stable, a distance of about twelve feet, and in
his descent he fell across a sharp piece of plank, fracturing several
of his ribs and injuring him otherwise. Dr. Christy, of Bell's Mills,
dressed his wounds and reports him doing as well as can be
TAKEN TO THE PENITENTIARY. - On Saturday morning last Sheriff Bobb
passed through the city en route for Pittsburgh. He had in his charge
the man named Elias Smith, who was recently sentenced by the Blair
County Court to a term of four years in the western penitentiary on
the charge of attempting to commit larceny.
- The latest style of ladies' dresses reminds us of a fancy buggy
harness, such is the profusion of buckles, hip-straps, back-bands,
collars and check up reins.
Western Pennsylvania - In the Coal Mines - Business Prospects,
Personals - Central Pennsylvania - In the Mines - Personals.
Special Correspondence of the MORNING TRIBUNE.
CONNELLSVILLE, Fayette county, Pa., July 29th, 1871.
One of the most interesting visits it has been my lot to complete,
after subjecting myself to the dangers, temptations, etc., was finally
concluded on Friday of last week. In order to give your readers an
idea of real genuine traveling on "foot back" through the mines, in
the blackest of darkness - sometimes - it will require some little
explanation. Therefore, I will take each mine separately, from Mount
Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Mount Pleasant and Broad
Ford Branch, a distance of ten miles. This branch is operated by the
Pittsburgh, Washington and Baltimore Railroad Company. The South-west
Pennsylvania Railroad crosses this branch on a grade at a point near
Scott Dale. On the line of the Mt. Pleasant branch there are thirteen
hundred and fifty coke ovens, and more are in course of erection. The
coal mined along the route is manufactured into coke, and sent to
various parts of the country, where it is used in the manufacture of
various metals. The first mine visited was that of
owned and operated by Markle & Co., located at West Overton,
Westmoreland county, Pa. The mine was opened about two years ago.
The average thickness of the coal is about 9 1/2 feet. This company
has shipped a large amount of coke to various parts of the Union, and
the prospects for an increased trade is fairly good. The coal here,
as well as at the other mines on this line, is made into coke. They
own seventy of the thirteen hundred and fifty. The company, which is
composed of such men as Gen. C. P. Markle, Captain Casius Markle, son
of the former, and Peter Sherrick, cannot help being almost foremost
in the ranks as coal and coke merchants. The Superintendent of these
works is Mr. Jake P. Gallaway, formerly of the extensive paper mills,
at West Newton, and which are owned by the Messrs. Markles. Jake is
one of those unflinching, go-ahead men, I sometimes meet. He means
business. I am under obligations for courtesies extended during my
visit. The former Superintendent, David Sherrick, Esq., a good
friend, has passed away. No longer will his friends be permitted to
partake of his hospitality, or converse with him on heavenly things.
His death was caused by typhoid fever.
The next works visited were those of
miners and manufactures of pure Connellsville coal and coke. This
company's works are located at West Overton, a short distance from Mt.
Pleasant, Pa., from which a well constructed branch leads off to the
Mt. Pleasant Branch. The mine was opened one year ago. Three months
from the time work was commenced, coke was being manufactured. The
work to be done in the meantime was to build a railroad, one and a
half miles in length, a bridge one hundred and ten feet in length,
besides other necessary improvements. The coke carries its own merits
with it, as did the spirits frumenti issued out by the Overholts in
the days of old. They have ceased its manufacture. The main entry of
the mine, from mouth of pit to face of work, is 1,000 feet. The rooms
are driven differently from any I have ever visited. They are driven
from left of main entry and are twelve feet in width, leaving a rib
eight feet wide for the support of the mountain above. In another
entry, to the left of main entry, the rooms are driven to meet those
on the right. The height of stratum is about ten feet. Eight feet of
clean coal mined. The capacity of the mine is about two hundred and
fifty tons per day. The company are running sixty-two ovens.
In connection with this business the company are owners, shippers
and manufacturers of the best brands of flour. The mill is 100 x 60
feet, six stories.
Overholt, Boyts & Co. also own the large store. It is well
stocked. I met here Mr. B. F. Boyts, formerly of Pittsburgh. Before
closing on this mine it may not be out of place to state that part of
Overholt's coal works were opened in "our grandfather's days." They
are in a good state of preservation. A. S. R. Overhalt, Esq., General
Superintendent of the entire works, laid out the new ones. He will
please accept the thanks of the writer for courtesies extended. The
next mines visited were those of
known as the "Eagle Mines." They are also manufacturers and
shippers of coke. The mine, through which I was piloted by Mr. Jas.
Shaw, the boss miner, is well calculated and but little trouble will
be experienced in taking out all the coal. Of the entire works,
Michael Darr, Esq., is Superintendent. He is another of those whole-
souled fellows whom I meet sometimes. The company own eighty ovens.
All are in blast.
What has been said about previous mines will apply to these, with
one or two exceptions, and these are regarding the funny fellows. For
instance, Milton Vance, the master mechanic, has the reputation of
being a joker. Well, he is. Then, W. F. Findley, chief blacksmith,
comes in with his "gossip" from various points, and has lately taken
quite an interest in the Missionary cause. Then, again, comes along
H. Johnston, the carpenter. He keeps pace with the "panicky" times,
and declares himself next candidate for constable. Still they come.
Elias Chambers, never behind time, and known as a good coke-drawer,
feels his head and propounds questions for debate.
This company also own a very fine store, from which the surrounding
country is mostly supplied. J. A. Miller, one of the firm, is well
and favorably known, and of late has taken a great interest in the
cause of temperance. S. B. McMillan, formerly of Pittsburgh, and one
of the firm, is the "local preacher." (?) He attends to both
occupations with ease. The above gentlemen, one and all, will please
accept thanks of undersigned for good, square meals at Darr's. The
next mines visited were those of
known as "Summit Mines," superintended by Mr. Jas. Hurst, one of
the heavy men of the firm, and a first-rate joker; formerly of Mt.
Pleasant. These mines were opened last October, in which there is
room enough for forty men to dig - coal about the same thickness of
others along the line. They ship coke to all points. The boss miner,
Adam Ritenour, reports his underground part of the business in first-
class order. What has been said of other mines along this route will
also apply to this one. They also have a store for the accommodation
of miners and others. The next visited were the mines owned by
miners and manufacturers of Connellsville coal and coke, whose
office is at No. 70 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. These works are
known as the "Globe Works." Coal same as other mines in and around
here. The mine was opened about a year ago. Engines are supplied
with coal from these works. The company owns a well-stocked store,
managed by C. E. Patterson, of "row boat" fame. The next mine visited
was that of
located on the same branch railroad at Morgan station. They, too,
manufacture the celebrated Connellsville coke. The mine was opened in
1872. Nearly fifty ovens are in full blast. The work is
superintended by my old friend J. A. Strickler, Esq., of the firm, and
to whom, by-the-way, I am indebted for many courtesies. He laid out
his own mine. Morgan & Co. receive their coke. The water used
for wetting the coke, is pumped from the Youghiogheny river, a
distance of over one mile, through pipes, three inches in diameter.
The men employed here are of sober, industrious habits. The bath-
rooms at these works are free to all. The next works visited,
just near Strickler & Lanes, from which coal and coke are
shipped. Their office is on second floor, City Bank building, corner
of Smithfield street and Sixth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. The mines were
opened about five years ago. One hundred and ten coke ovens are kept
in constant blast, all of which are under the general management of J.
O. Tintsman, Esq. The underground work is in charge of J. F. Keck.
General accountant and shipping clerk, W. P. White. Mr. Tintsman was
formerly of Mt. Pleasant, and has won for himself quite a reputation
as a pioneer in the coal and coke business. The next mines visited
were those of
who run the largest number of ovens, there being in all two hundred
and one out of the thirteen hundred and fifty. Out of the two hundred
and one ovens, one hundred are run forty-eight hours to make coke,
while the others are run seventy-two hours for the same purpose.
Frick & Co., do a large business, in fact, are among the leading
business men of Western Pennsylvania. I was unable, on this occasion,
to get full particulars regarding these works, but on some future
occasion, by permission of Mr. Frick, of the firm, I will again visit
his mines, at which time I hope he won't have a fast horse on hand to
carry him away. V. S. Harbaugh, Esq., is master miner, who piloted me
through the slope mine, a well-calculated mine, well ventilated and
well secured.
Throughout, the ventilation, running of rooms, entries, cross-
headings, air courses, short-cuts, etc., cannot be condemned.
Firedamp is not reported anywhere in the region. I am not sure
whether any part of this region is really liable to any calamity
caused by this, but suppose the mines would be, had they not practical
miners, and those who understand the thorough ventilation of them.
Sure enough, carelessness would be the cause of a calamity caused by
fire-damp. I do not predict this. The next point visited was
Connellsville, Fayette county, where I was kindly escorted to the
The above works are well known throughout the United States and
Europe. For years past there has been but little change in the manner
and style of the firm. The works are situated opposite Connellsville,
on the New Haven side, to reach which one of the most beautiful
suspension bridges in the country has been erected. Of course, the
bridge is public property, but these works being at one end of the
same, and presenting an appearance equal to the busiest part of
Pittsburgh, adds largely to the beauty.
There are several departments of the works, in which are employed
the most skillful machinists and mechanics of various kinds, among
whom I will mention the names of draughtsmen, C. L. Burgermeister,
Capt. James Harp, Maj. J. Z. Prichard, Lieut. Hugh King, Lieut. G. W.
Kelley, Col. Owen Clark, Sergt. Geo. Shaw, Jr., Commodore Jno. L.
King, Capt. Thos. Patterson, Brig. Gen. Jno. Braithwaite, Brig. Gen.
P. Winslow, General Foreman, E. C. Eaglen. These men and a hundred
others, work for Dawson, Bailey & Co. There are four narrow-gauge
locomotives now being built by this firm. They have turned out a
large number within a few months. The finest narrow-gauge passenger
engine it has my privilege to look upon for many months, is also on
the eve of completion. The mine engines manufactured by this firm
carry their own merits with them. All work warranted.
For the entire works, David Barnes, formerly of the Pittsburgh and
Connellsville Railroad, has charge of the accounts, etc., and as
everybody hereabouts know what David did do and can do, the company
have no need to be afraid of their books not being properly attended
After "doing up" the works, it became necessary for the good of my
health to take a good wash, which I did at the barber shop of Baily
Mitchell, the oldest and best known tonsorialist in Connellsville.
This done, the inner man next needed refreshing. I called upon
Geo. B. Patterson for plate of his prime soup, coffee, bread and
butter. Cumming served it up.
Leaving Connellsville I started for Greensburg, a distance of
twenty-four miles, but on the route stopped off to see Hays &
Campbell, the celebrated butchers, and after a "shake hands," &c.,
proceeded down to Everson, Fayette county, Pa., to see S. Wiley &
Son, general dealers in all kinds of goods. The "scrip" business here
needs remodeling or destruction. Think the latter would be better.
Back to Greensburg I again left for the Mountain City. - Yours, J. S.
DAVIS - CONRAD - At the First M. E. Parsonage, July 29th, by Rev.
James Curns, Mr. William M. Davis, of Trufant, Michigan, and Miss
Linnie M. Conrad, of Osceola, Pa.
MOORE - FOX - At the residence of the bride's parents, Fifth
avenue, on July 30th, by the same, Mr. William P. Moore and Miss Alice
E. Fox, all of this city.
STOVER - KEITH - On the 26th inst., by Rev. H. C. Pardoe, at
Hollidaysburg, Mr. George C. Stover and Miss Barbara Keith, both of
this county.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 6, 1874, page 3