Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, June 18, 1874
Over the Pennsylvania Railroad, from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, in
Eleven Hours.
Probably the best specimen of an American highway to be found
anywhere is the Pennsylvania Railroad, between Pittsburgh and New
York. In solidity of construction, superiority of bridge
architecture, and smoothness of track, it is unrivalled. Throughout
its entire length it is laid with a double track of steel rails,
weighing sixty-seven pounds to a yard. These rails are fastened on
oak ties, imbedded in broken stone ballast, with splice joints between
the ties, and so arranged that the connection on one side comes
opposite to the centre of the rail on the other, thus preventing the
uncomfortable and monotonous jar experienced on tracks constructed
according to the ordinary plan. The rolling stock is as near
perfection as human ingenuity and skill has, up to the present time,
been able to make it. Locomotives and cars are alike built by the
company in their own shops, and in the details of materials, design
and finish, combine the highest excellence attainable. To all this is
added a rigid policy of management, exacting the utmost care and
courtesy from employes of every grade, and the application of those
effective safeguards - the Westinghouse airbrake and the block-signal
system - showing that whatever can be accomplished for the safety of
travelers has been done on this great line of roadway.
The high standard of excellence having been reached, the managers
of the Pennsylvania Railroad feel warranted in taking another advance
step for the special benefit of through travel, and on the first of
June commenced running a fast daylight train from Pittsburgh to
Philadelphia and New York, with close connection at Harrisburg for
Baltimore and Washington, on the following schedule:
Leave Pittsburgh - 7:45 A. M.
" Altoona - 11.28 "
" Harrisburg - 3.35 P. M.
Arrive Baltimore - 6:55 "
" Washington - 9:02 "
" Philadelphia - 6:40 "
" New York - 9:30 "
The magnificent run of four hundred and forty-four miles between
Pittsburgh and New York is made with but three stoppages - the first,
of only five minutes, at Altoona, after a stretch of one hundred and
seventeen miles; the second, of twenty minutes for dinner, at
Harrisburg, after an unbroken dash of one hundred and thirty-two
miles, and the third and last, of only five minutes, at Philadelphia,
after a run of one hundred and five miles, leaving a single stretch of
ninety miles across New Jersey to destination. No time being lost in
stopping, the wonderful locomotive engines work away with the
regularity of fixed machinery - taking their supply of water from the
track-tanks as they go, and carrying their fuel with them; and the
time is made by uniformity of progress more than by an increased rate
of speed. The train is made up of Pullman parlor cars and the best of
company's day coaches, all splendidly upholstered, mounted on
combination springs, and furnished with the plate-glass windows,
through which the landscape can be distinctly seen.
And here comes in the great charm of this daylight ride through
Pennsylvania, for the train leaves Pittsburgh at a quarter before
eight in the morning and reaches Philadelphia at a quarter before
seven in the evening. It is no new thing to say that the scenery on
the line of the Pennsylvania road is beautiful, and in many places,
grand. Every American who travels or reads has seen or heard of it,
the pencils of many artists have labored lovingly to portray, for
popular gratification, the attractions of the Allegheny mountains; the
Juniata, Susquehanna, and Conemaugh rivers, and the wonderful
agricultural vales of Lancaster and Chester counties, through which
this road runs. Long sweeps of wooded hills; lofty mountains and dark
ravine; picturesque valleys opening into each other; sparkling and
placid waters; wide, rolling, pastoral landscapes, follow in rapid
succession. A clang of the bell, sinking away in the rush of the
train, signals town after town and village after village. The dusty
turnpike, the dreamy canal, and the shaded by-roads are crossed and
passed in a flash. On, on, on, goes the tireless train, over a clear
track, carrying the traveler by a panorama, the like of which can be
found nowhere else on this continent, and probably not in the world.
After having breakfasted in the Mississippi Valley and dined at the
Capital of Pennsylvania, the passenger finds himself seated at supper
in the metropolis of New York, where the Atlantic throbs and swells in
its ceaseless activity.
A few years ago the man who should have predicted such a ride would
have been pronounced utterly and helplessly insane. Not even the most
sanguine enthusiast on railroads when their construction was
commenced, dreamed of overcoming distance at such a rate and it is
only because of the perfection of machinery and the inventions of
science that it can be done now. But it is a fact accomplished - a
reality of the day, and that is left for the people is to wonder and
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 18, 1874, page 1
A PRE-HISTORIC VETERAN. - Yesterday morning an old man named Joseph
Murgatroyd arrived in this city afoot. He was weary and foot-sore
from traveling on the turnpike and at once made application for
admission to the Poor House. During his stay here we learned from the
lips of the old man that he was a pre-historic veteran and at one time
in his life was perfectly familiar with every nook and corner in Blair
(at that time a part of Huntingdon) county. He was born in the month
of February in the year 1800, and is consequently in his seventy-fifth
year. Old Father Time has commenced to bear heavily upon him, as his
tottering frame, hollow cheeks, and sunken eye readily attest, yet his
mental faculties remain unimpaired enabling him to converse fluently
for one so well up in years. He is also endowed with a fair degree of
intelligence and entered heartily into a conversation having for its
object the gathering of a few facts relative to his early history. He
distinctly remembers when the ground on which the city of Altoona
stands to-day was a greensward.
Forty years ago he was employed in a woolen-mill at Duncansville,
Blair county, by Daniel Gibboney, and also worked in the fulling-mills
of "Fuller" Smith, Williamsburg, Jacob Brenneman, Martinsburg, and
John Keagy, in Woodbury township. A few years later be worked in a
little fulling-mill known as "Lile's woolen manufactory," and located
in what is now known as the "Kettle Run" and also by the name of
"Pottsgrove Run," the same stream that partially supplies Altoona with
her pure and sparkling water. The structure has since been torn down
or removed. In those days small fulling-mills were very numerous in
this section of the country, the old veteran having worked in all of
them. He recalled the names of many of the first settlers of this
section of the county, who have long since been laid beneath the sod,
and also the names of many persons now residing in Hollidaysburg. As
he spoke of his early life passed among Blair county's grand old
mountains his whole being seemed aglow with the fires of youth, and a
bright smile hovered around his care-worn countenance.
He compared his present style of dress to that worn by him in the
hey-day of his life, when he was wont to appear on the streets of the
old village over the hill - Duncansville - clad in fine broad-cloth,
and wearing polished boots and a beaver hat. The saddest part of his
tale was to the effect that often in after years and when he was yet a
young man, he would walk from Duncansville to the county Alms House
for the purpose of making glad the hearts of the paupers by furnishing
them with tobacco, and how happy it would make him to witness their
happiness. Little did the now frail and feeble old man then think
that a portion of his days would be passed in the same institution,
and that it would be an actual necessity for him to subsist for the
time being on the charities of the people with whom he was then
mingling in daily social intercourse. But then -
What fates impose, that men must needs abide,
It boots not to resist both wind and tide.
The old man Murgatroyd left the city for the Poor House yesterday
afternoon on conductor Knepper's train. He is a deserving individual
and we trust will be kindly cared for during the time that he remains
an inmate of that institution, which will only be until he is able to
proceed on his journey toward Philadelphia. He has never been
addicted to the use of rum, but is simply broken down by reason of old
age. He is truly a pre-historic veteran.
"HORSE SHU' CROOK!" - What Josh Billings Thinks of the Logan House
and Kittanning Point. - After leaving your offiss, dear editors of the
New York Weekly, in Rose street, i immediately packed mi trunk and
notified mi wife, and we both were soon on our way to the Pacific
We reached Altoona by the politeness and karphull dispatch ov the
Pennsylvania rale road, late Saturday night, Feb. 7th, and bivouacked
at the Logan House, kept bi sumboddy on a first rate plan.
The Logan House iz the kleanest hotel ov its size in North Amerika,
so my wife sez, and she knows, for thare iz no other woman now living,
to my knowledge. who hates dirt wuss, and knows what it is quicker,
when she sees it, than she duz.
She is a woman, that don't call a thing neat unless it shines on
both sides, and here let me state for the benefit of the tidy and
abhorrers of dirt, that neatness iz one ov the virtews, second, or
third, only to honesty, charity, and diskreshun.
Leaving Altoona after brekfast Sunday morning, we soon passed the
hi grade on Pennsylvania road, at the selebrated horse shu crook,
where the trains form a half circle all-most, and the engine seems
determined to run into the rear car.
Upon your left, az yu round this memorable bend, yu kan look down
into a gorge and see the smallest cows yu ever witnessed, running
around in the barn yard, no bigger than wharf rats.
The gorge iz either very deep, or the cows are sum nu breed that
don't grow large.
The scenery is simply grand, and the air iz as pure as the best
brand ov gin.
I mean, course, hydro-gin.
Gebhart Myers was arrested yesterday morning ere the break of day and
before he had gotten out of bed, on the charge of selling liquor
without license. The arrest was a sort of partnership affair and was
made by constables Conrad and Shellenberger, the former being armed
with a bench warrant and the latter with a warrant issued by Alderman
Griffin. It is alleged that Myers superintended a rum-mill which is
located on Tenth avenue, below the railroad company's freight depot.
He was taken before Alderman Griffin and held in bail to answer in the
sum of one thousand dollars - five hundred on each charge.
- The criminal business before the Cambria Court was disposed of in
one day and a half last week, and Cambria is not a local option county
either. - Standard.
And if the Standard's friends in Blair county would obey the local
option law, the criminal business could be transacted in half a day.
But a very large portion of Cambria county's criminal business is
disposed of by the one-horse court of Johnstown, which accounts for
the paucity of that kind of business at Ebensburg now, and which the
Standard does not take into its account.
WHOLESALE CAPTURE OF EELS AND FISH. - Mr. John Sneath, of Fostoria,
this county, who enjoys a reputation of being one of the most
successful fishermen in the State, recently set outlines, with baited
hooks to the number of two hundred, in the creek from a point near
Fostoria to a point west of Elizabeth Furnace. Upon lifting the lines
the following morning his efforts were rewarded with one hundred and
ninety eels, fall fish and snapping-turtles, but ten of the hooks
having been found barren.
- On Wednesday night there was a fire near Nineveh, between
Johnstown and New Florence, which consumed a store and its contents.
The proprietor passed through Altoona the same evening on the way to
Philadelphia to lay in a supply of new goods, and would not be advised
of his loss until he reached Philadelphia. The extent of the loss we
have not learned.
(From Friday's Tribune.)
IN AND ABOUT TYRONE. - The Herald says: Frank, son of Captain James
Bell, is very ill. It is feared that death by consumption will soon
relieve him of an immense amount of suffering, but we hope that he may
yet get well.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thomas M. Fleck, of Sinking Valley,
had an arm broken on Tuesday. Mr. Fleck, and [sic] was putting up a
large shed in front of Mr. Aaron Fleck's barn, in the Valley. He fell
from the top of the shed to the ground, a distance of some ten feet.
It is suppose he broke the arm when he started to fall by striking it
against a piece of timber in the attempt to catch himself. It was
broken between the wrist and the elbow, but which arm and how many
bones were severed we did not learn.
Wm. Eaken, Esq., of Snyder township, was first elected to the
office of Constable in 1844, before Blair county was erected, and has
served in that capacity ever since. He has been in attendance at
every court in this county since the first was held, and has never
been plaintiff or defendant in a suit before the court, and never was
sued for a debt of his own contraction. A suit or two before Justices
of the Peace, concerning bail, is the extent of his individual law
business, though he has always been engaged in suits concerning other
people. Which speaks well for Uncle William.
Warrior's Mark was the scene of considerable excitement on Saturday
last. A severe thunder storm visited that section and the water which
fell in perfect torrents from the regions overhead, raised Warrior's
Mark creek, which passes through the village, to a hundred times the
extent of its natural size. The result was a number of completely
ruined gardens, and much damaged grass and grain in the lower fields.
The water flowed into the house of our friend Mr. David Funk so
rapidly that his family were compelled to leave the premises. The
water also flowed into the house of Mr. Jesse Fetterhoof. Jackson's
store was completely surrounded by water, and the people were all in a
high state of excitement for a short time.
Jones, of the Herald, and fifty-nine other muscular grangers, had a
lively time in raising David Dickson's barn in Sinking Valley, on
Thursday, the 4th inst. He gives a glowing account of it in his
columns, interlarded with all the "hips, holds, get-out-of the-way,
and up-she-goes," customary on such occasions. We "spect" he worked
hardest at that dinner. Now, Colonel, don't leave us in the dark
concerning those "several raising" that "took place that evening," by
which "the girls went up as high as the boys." What were they?
The new Warrior's Mark M. E. Church won't allow promiscuous
sittings, except when dad and ma is on hand to keep things straight,
during services. This is good for decorum, but hard on beau and
The Democrat is worried over "Democrat of Antis" in the Radical,
but don't seem to get away very readily with that mysterious
personage. It also thinks there are about ten gentlemen aspiring for
the Republican Assembly nominations who are bound to be disappointed.
A safe prognostication.
- DEATH OF ESSINGTON HAMMOND. - In our issue of the 29th of May we
published an item relative to the supposed death of Essington Hammond,
formerly of Sarah Furnace, in this county. This was based upon a
telegram received by H. M. Baldrige, Esq., of Hollidaysburg, dated at
Grenada, Colorado, stating that a man named W. H. Hammond had been
shot and killed, but no particulars accompanied it. Reliable
information has since been received of the tragic end of Mr. Hammond.
It appears that while in Grenada, waiting for the train which he was
to accompany to the mines, he stepped into a hardware store for the
purpose of purchasing some cartridges for his pistol. The clerk in
attendance, while fitting the cartridges, snapped the pistol several
times, one barrel of which was loaded and discharged, the ball from
which entered Mr. Hammond's breast. Immediately upon feeling the
wound, he said to the clerk "Why, you have shot me!" and turning,
walked toward the door, before reaching which he fainted and fell to
the floor. He was immediately carried to his hotel, where the wound
was examined and dressed, and everything done which could contribute
to his relief.
The wound, however, proved to be of a fatal character, and after
lingering from the evening of the sad occurrence until the next
morning, death put an end to his suffering. A post mortem examination
was made, and an inquest held over the body, with an inspection of the
personal effects, papers, etc., of deceased. Among these were found
some three hundred dollars in money, receipts, and other papers, with
the name of Essington Hammond, Sarah Furnace, Blair county, as well as
others which clearly pointed to his identity. Mr. Hammond had also
told the landlord of the hotel where he was from, who promptly wrote
to Mr. Thatcher, of Pueblo, by whom the sad circumstances attending
the shooting and death were forwarded to Mr. Baldrige at
Hollidaysburg. The business embarrassments and mysterious
disappearance of Mr. Hammond will be recollected by the larger number
of our readers, and his sad and untimely end will elicit a general
feeling of regret and sincere sorrow from all to whom he was
personally known.
- Sheriff Bobb, of our county capital, paid our city an official
visit yesterday, armed with the proper instrument for levying upon the
household chattels of a Seventh Ward debtor. This he proceeded to
execute, with the promptness for which he is officially distinguished.
Arrived at the domicile wherein the delinquent resides, he found no
one home but the wife, who, in polite terms, was informed of the
object of his visit. With somewhat of a virago expression, the lady
ordered him to leave, which the Major most politely, yet determinedly
assured her he had no intention of doing until he had executed his
mission. She still more vigorously insisted, and in order to give
force to her persuasive argument seized the broom, which she
flourished in dangerous proximity to the official head. Nothing
daunted, however, the Sheriff performed his duty, made his levy, and
took an inventory of the effects. The joke comes in at the expense of
our city police (who wouldn't for the world have us tell that part of
it). When the officer had executed his writ, the woman looked awrily,
[warily?] yet somewhat mollified, toward him, and asked, "Who are
you, any how?" Being informed as to the character of the Sheriff she
exclaimed, in tones of evident relief, "oh, I thought you was one of
those rascally police." A good joke for the Sheriff, but rather rough
on our city guardians, who are proverbially efficient and polite in
the discharge of their official duty.
- E. F. Lytle, Esq., recent City Engineer, has returned from a two
week's jaunt to the South. He went by way of Louisville, Nashville
and Chattanooga, to Atlanta, Georgia, returning by the Knoxville,
Lynchburg and Richmond route. He reports things as wearing a
decidedly more brisk business appearance in the South than in this
locality, and is rather favorably impressed with country, climate and
people of the "Sunny region." He looks somewhat bronzed, as though he
had encountered pretty scorching rays, which, however, is abundantly
offsetted by the visible proofs of good living which he bears about
FIRE AT MIFFLIN. - About one o'clock yesterday afternoon a fire
broke out in the stable of John Wright, at Mifflin, and before the
conflagration had ceased its devastating work property to the amount
of about $7,000 was destroyed or damaged. Following is a list of
buildings consumed: Stable of John Wright and portion of dwelling
house, loss $1,500 - no insurance; stable and outbuildings of Captain
C. McClellan, loss $600 - no insurance; stable and outbuilding of Mrs.
Oswalt, loss $800 - insurance $300; R. E. Parker's stable was damaged
to the amount of about $200. Fear of a terrible fire induced many
residing in the neighborhood to remove their furniture, and
considerable damage was thus done. The properties destroyed were
located on the ground over which the great conflagration of 1871
swept, consuming buildings valued at over $200,000. There is a
difference of opinion as to the origin of the fire - some attributing
it to accident and others to incendiarism - Harrisburg Patriot 15th
FINE LOOKING EMIGRANTS. - We do not remember having ever seen a
finer looking body of European emigrants than those who passed through
yesterday on the 2 o'clock westward-bound train. In the six or seven
car loads there were none but good-looking, neatly dressed and cleanly
appointed men, women and children. Their dress was of a more modern
type than we generally find in emigrants, the women and children being
especially noticeable for neatness, and what was remarkable in
travelers so long en route as they must have been, we did not see a
single dirty faced or unkept [unkempt?] urchin among them. We did not
ascertain what particular locality they were from, but there was an
unmistakable Teutonic caste in face, manner and language. Any region
of the West might well be proud of this addition to its
THROWN FROM A WAGON. - Hon. James Hutchinson, one of our oldest and
most esteemed citizens, while driving on the plank road, on Saturday
morning, near his residence in the Fifth Ward, was severely though not
seriously injured, by being thrown from the wagon in which he was
riding. A party of boys on horseback, rode past Mr. H. at a furious
rate, which frightened and stampeded his horse, and hence the
accident. Dr. Gemmill was called and pronounced his injuries as above
stated. The boys, though badly scared, returned to assist Mr.
Hutchinson out of the predicament in which they had unintentionally
placed him.
RATTLESNAKES. - A few days ago Mr. John H. Haggerty, one of Antis
township's best farmers, captured and killed two large rattlesnakes,
in close proximity to his dwelling. A year or two ago he also killed
a very large one right at his kitchen door. Mr. Haggerty is somewhat
noted for his adventures with "varmints" and wild animals, and his
exploits with two deer, which were narrated in the columns of the
TRIBUNE at the time of their occurrence, will be recollected by our
INJURED. - On Saturday morning, a young man named Adon Salsburg,
while working on a passenger car gas tank, near the flue shop, was
struck on the head by a board which fell from scaffolding above. His
head was pretty badly cut, but he was able to resume work on
VISIT AFTER A LONG ABSENCE. - The Cove Echo says Mr. Daniel
Wildroudt, of New Portage, Summit county, Ohio, who left the Cove
sixty years ago, is here on a visit to his friends. We presume that
scenes have changed somewhat since his departure from Clover
WHAT'S IN THE WIND? - The Evening Mirror says Pittsburgh and
Johnstown liquor merchants were in this city in force yesterday
(Saturday). What for?
- On Saturday afternoon eight persons were baptized in the stream
at Anderson's saw-mill, in Logan township, by Rev. Mr. Dixon, of the
M. E. church.
CONTRACT AWARDED. - Our citizens will naturally feel a pride in the
success of any one of their number, and especially must they be
delighted when a tribute is paid to the skill of their mechanics or
artisans from abroad. It is in this spirit we chronicle the award to
Messrs. Webber & Darr, Painters, of Altoona, of the contract for
painting the new railroad bridge across the Mississippi at St. Louis.
It will be recollected this bridge - one of the grandest architectural
designs and undertakings ever witnessed in this country of grand
achievements - has been recently completed after unremitting labor and
vast expenditures of money, extending through several years. The work
of painting the bridge itself will amount to $18,000, and other
outside work, which has also been awarded to Messrs. Webber &
Darr, will swell the aggregate to at least $20,000. Success attend
them, say we, and all other Altoona or Blair county mechanics, whether
their skill and enterprise be employed at home or abroad.
There is some little feeling on the part of St. Louis boss painters
at this award to Messrs. Webber & Darr over all the competition
which they could offer. They say that the bridge was built by the
Keystone Bridge Company of Pittsburgh, the stone-work by some other
Pennsylvanians - in fact that the whole was done by Pennsylvania; and
now the painting has been given to a Keystone State firm also. It
will take about six tons of white lead to paint the bridge - at least
that is the estimate of Messrs. W. & D. - but the St. Louis
painters put it as high as twelve tons. The award of contract, under
all the circumstances, is quite a feather in the cap of our Altoona
- One of Hollidaysburg's interesting events Tuesday, was the
wedding ceremonies of one of the ancient borough's distinguished
citizens. Col. I. H. Rawlins led to the altar Miss Mollie Bohn of
that place. The ceremonies took place in the Presbyterian Church, the
pastor, Rev. Dr. Barron officiating.
MULLIGAN - CASSIDAY - At Newry on the 9th inst., by Rev. Father
Bradley, Mr. John Mulligan, of this city, to Miss Sarah J. Cassiday,
of the former place.
MUELLER - KUNY - On the 10th inst., by the Rev. M. Wolf, Mr. George
H. Mueller to Miss Anna Maria Kuny.
HARTMAN - In this city, June 12th, Mary E., wife of Rev. D.
Hartman, aged 54 years, 6 months and 27 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 18, 1874, page 3
Where Shall I Go West ?
The best thing in the West for the farmer, is a farm. He wants one
not far north, where his stock in winter will eat up all he can raise
in summer; and not far south, where heats are fatal to health, or at
least, to pluck. He wants prairies, which are farms ready for the
plow, and where he can raise sod corn forthwith. He wants rolling
prairies which are self-drained, and free from swamps and agues. He
wants a soil that has been proved fertile, alike in wheat and corn,
and that in a situation favorable to stock, sheep and fruit. He wants
a soil where mud-roads are not muddy. He wants to be near competing
markets and railroads, so that he can buy supplies cheapest, sell
products dearest, and transport them at the lowest rates. He wants to
be near a world's highway where his acres must increase in value with
a growth as ceaseless as that of interest. He wants to be near
mechanics, as well as a physician, school and church - in order that
while going West he may avoid the hardships and barbarism of going
out. He wants a farm in such a felicity of position as cheap as he
can buy it.
Such a boon is as far as the moon beyond the hopes of poor men
every where, except in the West, but it is there within their reach,
and nowhere so notably as in Southern Nebraska.
Farms combining the above mentioned advantages have there been
already secured for nothing by 13,000 homesteaders who filed their
claims in the United States land office in Lincoln, the capital of
Nebraska. They have been secured by an equal number of pre-emptors,
at the same office on paying at most $2.50 per acre. They have been
secured on terms considered more desirable by 3,000 purchasers of
farms from the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company, at
their office in Lincoln. These terms are extraordinary, such as ten
years credit, six per cent. interest, no payment of principal till the
end of four years, twenty per cent. thrown off from land price as a
premium for prompt cultivation, free passes for land buyers, half
rates for their freights, etc.
But what drawbacks are there from such an opportunity? The only
one worth mentioning is the lack of timber. This lack was not felt
till recently, as the first settlers found all streams skirted with
trees. It was long feared, but turns out after all a bugbear, and
more of a bug than bear.
As to houses, many new comers build such as suffice them for a
time, each with two loads of lumber, costing about $70, while so far
prepared for use that every man can make his own dwelling.
Those who wish to use their $70 otherwise, make sod-houses with
their spades - buying doors and windows at the nearest station, -
houses warmer and cooler than can be made of lumber, and which those
who have tried both like best.
Regarding fuel, all fears are groundless. Wood and coal are
nowhere dear, as compared with their price in older States. But corn
is much burned from choice. Settlers from Ohio testify that they find
it easier in Nebraska to raise corn enough for fires than it used to
be to cut down trees in a wood lot and prepare them for the stove.
Those who have tried both must know best.
Whether, then, a man would homestead, pre-empt or purchase, let him
be sure that now is time, and Southern Nebraska is the place for him.
His time is now, because the best chances are rapidly snapped up, and
the B. & M. terms are in part limited to the present year.
Nebraska is his place; because nowhere are there so many attractions
and so few undesirables. The South of Nebraska was always preferred
because of its milder climate, and after last winter's experience it
is sought with double reason.
The road thither, often called the Burlington Route, starts from
Chicago via the C., B. & Q. - initials worthy to be interpreted
Cheapest, Best and Quickest - a name of good omen, and which is also
proverbially the safest in the West, or out of it. Ho, then, for
Nebraska! the best new home for every man who leaves his old one.
Nebraska for farmers, farmers for Nebraska!
STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. - As strawberries are now in season, a
receipt to make a palatable dish, known as strawberry shortcake will
not be amiss. Rub a piece of butter the size of an egg into a little
flour, pour into it two cups of sour cream, one teaspoon of soda and a
little salt. Mix into dough and roll into cakes about one-half inch
thick and ten inches in diameter. Prick with a fork and bake in a
quick oven. When done split them open with a knife and spread with
nice butter, lay the bottom piece on a plate and cover it with
strawberries nearly an inch deep. It is better to have the
strawberries sprinkled with sugar a few hours before they are put into
the cake. Put over this the top of the cake with the crust side down
and a layer of strawberries again; over this lay the bottom piece of
another cake and more berries and put on the top piece right side up.
Serve with sweet cream.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 18, 1874, page 4