Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, June 4, 1874
On the first of July next we will commence the publication of an illustrated monthly magazine, bearing the above title. The pages will be a little larger than the usual size of monthly magazines, and contain a choice selection of literary, scientific, miscellaneous and humorous articles, that will prove interesting and instructive in every home and at every fireside. The engravings will be the finest that art can produce, and the whole printed on clear type and on tinted paper.
The price of the TRIBUNE MONTHLY will be $1.00 per annum, or 10 cents for single copy.
Notwithstanding the character and cost of this publication, we shall furnish it gratuitously to every advance paying subscriber to the ALTOONA TRIBUNE. All present subscribers to the TRIBUNE, who have paid in advance, will receive the MONTHLY gratuitously for the time for which they have paid, and all who are in arrears who call and pay up their indebtedness, and one year in advance, will receive the MONTHLY gratuitously for one year.
By reference to an article above, it will be seen that the price of the Altoona TRIBUNE has been reduced to $1.50 strictly in advance, consequently all who pay up arrearages, and one year in advance, will receive the TRIBUNE and the MONTHLY for one year for $1.50. We think this offer sufficiently liberal to induce all our subscribers to avail themselves of the advance terms. Advance payments are so valuable to us that we can afford to make this offer and profit by it.
We shall send the first number of the MONTHLY to all subscribers to the TRIBUNE that they may examine it.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 4, 1874, page 2
AN ACT DISPENSING WITH JURY TRIALS. - The act passed by the recent Legislature to provide for the submission of civil cases to the decisions of the courts, and to dispense with trial by jury, has been approved by the Governor and is now a law. We condense as follows: Section one provides that in any civil case now pending in any of the courts of this Commonwealth, or hereafter to be commenced, after issue joined, the parties thereto, excepting those acting in a fiduciary capacity, may, by agreement properly filed, dispense with trial by jury, and submit the decision of such cases to the Courts. Such court shall hear and determine the same, the judgment subject to writ of error or appeal at the option of either party to the case. Section two says that the decision of the court shall be in writing and filed in the office of the prothonotary as early as practicable, not exceeding sixty days from the termination of the trial, and notice thereof shall be forthwith given to the parties or their attorneys. If no exceptions thereto are filed within thirty days, judgment shall be entered accordingly; if exceptions to the finding of facts or conclusions of law be filed within thirty days, the court or the Judge who tried the case in vacation may, upon argument, order judgment to be entered according to the decision filed, or make such modifications thereof as in justice and right shall seem proper, subject always, nevertheless, to review by writ of error or appeal to the Supreme Court.
Section three provides that every such case taken to the Supreme Court upon writ of error shall be heard and determined therein as writs of error are therein heard and determined, and every such case taken to the Supreme Court by appeal shall be heard and determined therein as cases of appeal in equity proceedings, and in case a new trial is ordered it shall be proceeded with before the same court in the manner herein before provided for.
An agreement to submit under this act shall be a waiver of the right of trial by jury, and cases submitted under the provisions of this act shall be subject to existing law as to costs, excepting no jury fee shall be required or entering judgment.
A SURE REMEDY DISCOVERED. - The newspapers, farmers and others have been anxiously inquiring for some time past for a remedy that will destroy the destructive potato bugs, and on the authority of Mr. Jesse Smith, of this city, we make the announcement that a sure remedy has been discovered. Mr. Smith is the fortunate owner of a patch of ground less than six miles square which is located somewhere on reservoir hill. This ground he has had planted with potatoes and already the pugnacious bugs have attacked the potatoes and were playing sad havoc therewith until Mr. S. read in an old bald-headed almanac that buckwheat was sure death to all pests of this kinds. Forthwith did he invest in a peck of brank, and swinging the bag which contained it over his shoulder, he started on a visit to his farm to test its efficacy as a bug-destroyer.
At an hour in the day when the rays of the meridian sun were at white heat, did he tramp over that farm, scattering buckwheat here and there, until both he and his supply had become exhausted. Perching himself on the topmost rail of a fence panel in order to take a breathing spell of five minutes' duration ere he would return to his home to await developments, he concluded to take one more look at his possessions. Imagine his surprise, reader, upon discovering in a distant part of the field something that resembled a big black ball and moving in an opposite direction as rapidly as the uneven surface of the ground would permit. Determined to ascertain what the mysterious and retreating object really was, he frantically seized a fence paling, moved forward, and upon coming up to it his gratification knew no bounds when the discovery was made that the black object was nothing more nor less than a whole army of potato bugs endeavoring to get out of that field with all possible haste, and heading straight for Tom Bell's potato patch on the other side of the hill, and in which no brank had been scattered. In this public manner the only sure remedy yet known that will banish the destructive little buggers, is heralded broadcast. Jesse says that it was a good joke on Tom Bell, anyhow.
TO BE HANGED. - Samuel Beighley, convicted in the Westmoreland Oyer and Terminer of the crime of willful murder, was on last Monday sentenced to death. Judge Logan proceeded to make a few preliminary remarks, and then said: "The sentence of the Court is that you, the said Samuel Beighley, the prisoner at the bar, here present, be taken thence to the jail of the county of Westmoreland, from whence you came, and from thence to the place of execution, at such time as the Governor of this Commonwealth, by his warrant, may appoint, and then and there you be hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may God in His infinite goodness have mercy on your soul."
Shortly after the sentence was delivered the prisoner gave way and burst into tears, for the first time seeming to realize the dread position in which his terrible crime had placed him.
The LAW ANSWERS THE QUESTION. - Much doubt having been entertained as to whether the act classifying Decoration Day among the legal holidays fully expressed its intent, the publication of the law will settle the dispute. It is as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, that the thirtieth day of May, commonly called Decoration Day, or when that day falls on the first day of the week, the day preceding shall be a legal holiday.
SEC. 2. It shall be lawful to require payment of all notes, checks and bills of exchange due and payable on such holiday to be made on the secular day next previous thereto, and in default of such payment the same may be protested, and such protest shall be as valid as if made on the day on which such note, check or bill became due by its own terms.
The Governor has signed the above act.
AN OPINION. - The Hollidaysburg Register gives it as its opinion that it will not be so easy hereafter to elect two Republican members of the Legislature in this county, as it has heretofore been to elect one. There are better chances for trades and combinations on the part of the Democrats, and unless our candidates be good and unexceptionable men, who can run a strong vote at home, as well as in the balance of the county generally, we may have at every representative election to chronicle the defeat of one of our candidates by a popular Democrat. With prudence on our part, and the nomination of intelligent and popular men for representatives, we have no fear; with any other kind we may look for disaster and defeat.
- We understand that the Moshannon Valley, east of Kylertown and Morrisdale, is becoming pretty well tramped over by railroad engineers this spring. Eastern capitalists have discovered that Morris township contains some "rich placers," and they are now making efforts to develop that section of the country. A railroad down the creek, or across to Snow Shoe, is of course the first thing in order. After that is under headway, it will not be long until the "black diamonds" will be wheeled out by the thousand tons. - Clearfield Republican.
(From Thursday's Tribune:) SUDDEN TERMINATION OF A HEARING IN A WHISKY CASE - The Prisoner Gives Leg Bail - Chief-of Police Riley and Mayor Gilland Give Chase - The Prisoner Escapes - A few days since mention was made in these columns of the arrest of a young man named James McCullough charged on oath of a woman named McClellan with selling liquor without license. Bail was entered for a hearing yesterday morning at ten o'clock. Before the hearing commenced the prisoner was seated on a settee in the Temple of Justice alongside of Chief-of-police Riley. At the request of the Mayor the Chief stepped up to the desk to make his return of subpoenas served, when young McCullough who had been watching his opportunity, bounded out of the office with the speed of a limited passenger train. At a single leap he descended the spiral stairway, closely followed by Chief-of-police Riley and Mayor Gilland in his barehead. Turning the corner into the alley McCullough continued on until arriving at the rear end of the lot of his father's residence, and then darting through a hole in the fence ran up the yard and into the house. It is not known whether the prisoner secreted himself in the house or passed on through to Fourteenth avenue, yet a thorough search made by officer Riley and ex-constable Hipsley failed to disclose his whereabouts.
A large crowd composed of policemen, lawyers, and others soon collected around the residence of lawyer Michael McCullough and for a little while the scene resembled a midnight brawl. Lawyer Herr insisted that the house be searched, whilst lawyers Woodkok [sic] & Dively and McCullough advanced the opinion that the thing could not be done. The officers stood quietly by awaiting the order of the Mayor, and when it came "search the house!" they went through it in less time than it takes to tell it, notwithstanding Mrs. McCullough and daughter declared their intention of scalding the first "dirty poltroon" that would attempt to go up stairs. The fruitless search over, the party returned to the Mayor's office, when the District Attorney ad interim asked that the recognizance of the prisoner be forfeited. This was objected to by the lawyers for the defense, when a fierce battle of words between the disciples of Coke and Blackstone ensued, during the progress of which the prosecuting attorney boldly accused the prisoner's counsel of having entered into a damnable conspiracy with certain parties to effect the escape of the prisoner; that when Chief Riley approached the Mayor's desk to make his returns of subpoenas served in the case, one of the lawyers for the defense "winked at the prisoner," whereupon the latter snatched his cap and left for that locality known as where the woodbine twineth. The scene which followed these bold words so boldly spoken forcibly reminded the reporter of a freight train off the track on a black night. The lawyers were very mad and it was a mighty good thing that they were not armed with three tined hay forks else they might have broken them. The Mayor was in a similar humor to that which seizes hold of the fourteenth man in a barber shop on a Saturday night, whilst the chief of-police was downright cross.
Order being restored the Mayor called the case of the Commonwealth versus James McCullough. Indictment - selling liquor without license. The defendant not appearing his recognizance was forfeited conditionally - the prisoner's counsel to produce his client at half-past two o'clock in the afternoon. He failed to do so however, when the Mayor declared the recognizance forfeited absolutely, and thus ended the most exciting hearing of the present week.
GENERAL LOCK-UP DELIVERY - Four Prisoners Dig a Hole Through the City Prison and Effect Their Escape -Their Subsequent Recapture and Committal to Jail. - The arrest of George Champenour and Peter Benner for attempting to throw Mrs. Keller's house down the well, the arrest of the old man Benner for threatening to kill his wife and daughter, and the midnight arrest of Frank Condo and Mollie Hagerty alias "Tree Frog,'" were reported yesterday morning. There are but two cells in the old lock-up, and when the last arrest was made it was found necessary to confine the female in one cell and the four men in the other in order to separate them. Shortly after midnight the men commenced tearing a hole through the wall on that side of the building, communicating with the property of D. K. Ramey, Esq., and according to the statement of Mollie Hagerty, who occupied the adjoining cell, they vigorously prosecuted the work until about four o'clock in the morning, at which time they had succeeded in making an opening sufficiently large to allow them to escape. They did not remain long thereafter, but left for parts unknown. It was certainly very ungallant on the part of the men who made their escape to not make an effort for the release of the female prisoner also.
After bidding adieu to the dingy and foul cell in the lock-up, three of the party, consisting of young Benner, Champenour and Condo, secreted themselves around town, during which time they laid plans to again make an effort to demolish Mrs. Keller's house which is located to the left of the Branch Railroad, in the Fifth ward. In some manner officer Howard learned of their intentions and hastening to the residence of Mrs. K. he secreted himself therein and barred the door. Soon thereafter he saw his game approaching and nerved himself for the struggle. The three men neared the house and demanded admittance. No answer. It was but the work of a moment for them to batter the door down, yet imagine their surprise upon being confronted by the officer who had arrested them only the evening before.
Then and there he took the three men into custody and with revolver drawn and cocked he warned them of the folly and consequences of an attempt to escape. The escaped prisoners were struck dumb with astonishment, none of them essaying a word save Champenour, who quietly remarked : "By ___ boys, I believe he would shoot." Marching the three prisoners in front of him the policeman succeeded in bringing them safely to town, yet while passing up Twelfth street Champenour watched his opportunity and broke away, making his escape down the alley between the Masonic Temple and the Brant House.
Benner and Condo were taken to the lockup, and afterward given a hearing before Mayor Gilland, who committed them to jail for trial. They were taken over the hill yesterday afternoon by Chief Riley.
ANOTHER ARREST FOR SELLING LIQUOR WITHOUT LICENSE. - Lawyer Michael McCullough, of this city, was arrested last evening on a bench warrant by Chief-of-Police Riley on the charge of selling liquor without license. Michael was escorted into the presence of Alderman Griffin, where he entered bail for his appearance at court to answer.
DUTY OF TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. - Those interested should not lose sight of the fact that a law has been passed by the legislature requiring the auditors of the several townships, boroughs, and cities, immediately after their annual meeting on the first Monday in June, to advertise in one or more county papers, an itemized annual statement of the receipts and expenditures of the borough councils, road commissioners, supervisors, overseers of the poor and school directors, for the year preceding the annual settlement for their respective districts. Said advertisements are to be published within ten days after such settlement; and further, it shall be the duty of said auditors to file a copy of the same with the town clerk, in their respective districts, and also with the clerk of quarter sessions, which will be at all times subject to inspection by any citizen thereof. Provided, that where two of said offices shall be exercised by the same persons, only one statement shall be required. Also provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to interfere with the present law, which requires annual statements of the receipts and expenditures of the borough councils, road commissioners, supervisors, overseers of the poor and school directors, to be advertised in the daily and weekly newspapers published in the respective localities. For neglecting or refusing to comply with this act the auditors shall pay a fine of twenty dollars, to be recovered by law, as debts of a similar amount are recoverable, by suit instituted in the name of the school directors on the complaint of any tax-paying citizen. Said penalty to be paid into the school treasury of the district.
A PAINTER FALLS A DISTANCE OF TWENTY-FIVE FEET FROM A SCAFFOLD - Nobody but a Chair Injured. - A miraculous escape from serious injury occurred over on the East Side yesterday afternoon. A young man named Emanuel Solinger, a painter in the employ of Capt. R. J. Crozier, was engaged at work painting the cornice on the three story frame building in course of erection for Mr. A. J. Cherry, on East Twelfth street, when the scaffolding on which he stood gave way and he was precipitated to the ground, a distance of some twenty-five feet, first striking on a roof a few feet below where he was at work, and then falling to the ground. In his descent the young man came in such violent contact with an old fashioned arm chair as to split it up into toothpicks; he also struck a store box and shivered it into smithereens. When he discovered that he was about to fall, he called to those persons below to "look out there!" Assistance was promptly given him and medical attendance summoned, yet after the supposed seriously injured young man had lain on a lounge for a few minutes, he deliberately got up, walked to the hydrant and washed his hands, declaring that he was not injured in the least. He then walked home, and in the evening was prepared to call on his lady friends as usual.
LONGEVITY. - There is now living in Hollidaysburg a lady named Wilson, who is in the eighty-fourth year of her age, and who has just cut a new tooth - the ninth within the past few years. She received her second sight a year or two since and is now enable to sew and read with the facility of a girl of sixteen. She has all the activity of the woman of fifty and much more energy than most of the young ladies of the present age. She has a brother living in Alexandria, Israel Graffius, who is in his eighty-second year, and who is well known throughout Huntingdon county, and that our readers may know how young he feels himself to be, we will tell them that some two years since he stood up as groomsman, at the golden wedding of John Porter, Esq., of the above named place, a position he filled just fifty years before. He talks of living long enough and having the strength to visit Philadelphia during the Centennial which we hope he may.
ARM FRACTURED. - On Saturday, Master Jimmy Baer, son of the Superintendent of Water-Works, with other members of the family paid a visit to Kittanning Point. While awaiting the train in the afternoon, which was to convey them back to the city, Jimmy determined to anticipate the appearance of the train around the curve above the Point, and for this purpose he either leaned too far over the porch at the depot as to lose his balance, or stepped off the same. In the fall which ensued, his arm was fractured. The fracture was reduced by Drs. Gemmill & Fay on his arrival in the city, and the sufferer is doing as well as could be expected this hot weather. Master James is particularly unfortunate in this line of mishaps - it being the second time he has had his arm broken in the course of a year.
SUPPOSED DEATH OF ESSINGTON HAMMOND. - H. M. Baldridge, Esq., of Hollidaysburg, has received a telegram dated at Grenada, Colorado, Ter., which states that W. H. Hammond had been shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a pistol, and that full particulars of the tragic occurrence would be forwarded by mail. It is the general supposition on the part of the residents of the county capital that the W. H. Hammond referred to is no other than Essington Hammond, Esq., late of Sarah Furnace, this county, whose recent failure and mysterious disappearance has been the subject of much comment, and is still fresh in the minds of our readers.
BEWARE OF DOGS. - On Saturday, while ex-Constable Hipsley was passing west along the railroad, in the Fifth Ward, he observed a dog, which from its conduct he supposed had an attack of the rabies. The canine, subsequently, fell down in a severe fit, which so confirmed Mr. H's first supposition, that with the aid of a couple boys the animal was killed. It would be well for all parties to be on their guard against dogs at this season of the year. The horrors of hydrophobia to be appreciated need only to be seen once, and the beholder will pray to be delivered from another such spectacle the remainder of his life.
ESCAPED PRISONER CAPTURED. - David Farner, one of the prisoners who recently escaped from the Ebensburg jail, was re-captured a day or two since at the house of his uncle, Mr. Christ Horner, in Conemaugh township, Cambria county, and afterward admitted to bail in the sum of eight hundred dollars for his appearance at court to answer the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. Elisha Dixon, convicted of rape, who also escaped at the same time, is still at large.
Mutual Separation Between Husband and Wife.
Among the ridges in a lonely and secluded spot some three miles distant in a nor' westerly direction from that flourishing railway centre, Bell's Mills, there has resided for a few years past a man and wife named Kerig, both middle-aged. Finding that the sacred bond which had bound them together in the holy yet uncertain ties of matrimony for a term of years had become both monotonous and galling, they determined on a mutual separation and a day or two since visited the office of Esquire John Campbell, of Davidsburg, Blair county, when in the language of Will Carleton, or Miss Emerson, the wife requested that official to
Draw up the papers, lawyer, make them strong and stout, Things are getting cross-wise, the old man and I are out.
In accordance with the foregoing request the 'Squire proceeded to draw up the necessary document that was to forever separate the once happy couple, the conditions of the separation being as follows: The wife was to deliver up to the husband all his wearing apparel, and in addition thereto was to pay him the paltry sum of one hundred dollars in cash. The husband desired the wife to send his clothes to him, but to this she interposed strong objections, declaring that if he would sign the article of agreement and then accompany her home she would then and there give him his clothes, furnish him with a bed over night and cook an extra breakfast for him in the morning. The husband signed the papers as requested and then rushed frantically out of the office of the justice, but stubbornly refused to accompany her home.
Upon the part of the wife there still seemed to exist a beautiful attachment for the man who had sworn at the altar to love, protect and cherish her, and following him out of the office she deliberately walked up to him, threw her arms around his neck, and imprinted a kiss on his tobacco-stained lips. The wife, who was riding horseback, then mounted her steed and swiftly hied away to her mountain home, around which the huge oaks and pines stand out like grim sentinels. Sad, dejected and alone, stood the husband, who is a finely-developed representative of the Teutonic family, watching the departure of her who had been his helpmeet in days of sunshine and in days of doubt and despondency. After she had disappeared from his vision, he too mounted a horse and soon thereafter disappeared, thinking as he rode through the mountain fastnesses in the language of Shakespeare -
Who builds his hope in air of your fair looks,
Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast.
The parties named are the owners in fee simple of a valuable farm snugly nestled at the foot of the Allegheny mountain, and are said to be comfortably supplied with this world's goods. Of course the separation reported is illegal, as was well known by the acting Justice at the time, yet in order to harmonize once more a domestic broil which is always sure to follow the slightest provocation upon the part of either husband or wife, the said official acted in the premises as herein before stated. It is the general supposition upon the part of all acquainted with the principals in the affair, their temperaments, etc., that a few days will suffice for them to see the error of their hasty action, and then like Shakespeare some more, ask a Higher Power -
Can'st thou not minister to a mind diseased; Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow; Raze out the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote, Cleanse the foul bosom of that perilous stuff, Which weighs upon the heart?
We can imagine the return of the husband to his wife once again. His approach to the domicile in which he had doubtless passed many pleasant as well as unpleasant hours, will be heralded by the barking of the faithful watchdog, which will attract the attention of the wife, who with outstretched arms will advance to meet him, and after imprinting another sweet kiss upon his forehead, not only a slight pressure of the lips, but a fair smack which says plainly, I love you ever so much, then both will heartily embrace each other and in the language of Shakespeare another time, will both exclaim -
These are not natural events: they strengthen, From strange to stranger.
WATCH RECOVERED. - Mr. D. S. Wilson left his watch hanging in his room on Saturday morning, which was espied and coveted by a small juvenile. The temptation was too strong to be resisted, and the youngster laid violent hands upon the same. Ex-constable Hipsley having dropped into a place of business on Eleventh avenue, his attention was called to the fact of a boy having in his possession a watch which he alleged he had purchased from two other boys for fifteen cents. This, with other replies received to questions asked the boy, led Mr. Hipsley to believe that all was not right, and he took possession of the watch, and proceeded to search for the owner. He called at several jewelry establishments in the city, and at Mr. T. C. Nelson's, Eleventh avenue, was rewarded by finding the register of the watch, with the name of the owner, D. S. Wilson, to whom he promptly restored the property, valued at $35 or $40.
NOTICE TO FISHERS. - We the undersigned do hereby forbid all persons from hunting on our lands, and fishing in the Bell's Laurel Run and other streams traversing our lands, or in the dams thereon erected, and we are determined to enforce the law against all who shall trespass upon our premises.
Harrison Cherry, I. I. Estep, Samuel S. Cherry, Calvin Hunter, Andrew Cherry, John Halfpenny, Jasob [sic] Root, John Hunter, John L. Root, W. H. Ebaugh, C. R. Igou, B. F. Bell, Riley & Sargent.
- If we have been correctly informed there is but one soldier entombed in the Newry cemetery. On Decoration Day, in accordance with the patriotic sentiment that animates the hearts of the true and loyal, the citizens of that town turned out en masse to decorate the grave in question. Flowers and evergreens in profusion were strewed over the mound, yet at a later hour in the day the astounding discovery was made that the wrong grave had been decorated. Instead of strewing the flowers over the grave of the soldier brave they had deposited them on a spot of ground that marked the resting place of a woman.
SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. - At Harrisburg, yesterday, the following decisions were rendered in Blair county cases by the Supreme Court:
Brotherline vs. Swires. Judgment affirmed. Barnes vs. Ake. Judgment affirmed. In re Broad Street Road. Order and proceedings reversed.
DEDICATION. - The lecture and Sunday school rooms of the M. E. Church of Mt. Union, will be dedicated June 7th. Dr. Dashiell, of New York, and other eminent ministers will be present. - M. K. FOSTER, P. E., M. L. SMITH, Pastor.
- Dr. J. M. Gemmill, of this city, left for Philadelphia on Sunday night to attend the funeral of John Edgar Thomson. A short time after he took his departure a telegram was received here announcing the death of a younger brother, Zachariah Gemmill, a retired merchant who resided in Philadelphia.
- County surveyors are now required to have their offices at the county seat.
ON THE WING. Orbisonia - Brief Description - The Rockhill Coal and Iron Company - Matilda Furnace - Personals, Etc.
Correspondence of the Tribune. ORBISONIA, June 1, 1874. Orbisonia is in Huntingdon county, fifty-four miles from Altoona, reached by the Pennsylvania Railroad and the East Broad Top Narrow Gauge Railroad, the latter leading off at Mt. Union, forty-three miles east of Altoona. I learn that Orbisonia is an incorporated borough, has a population of nearly one thousand, and is in the midst of coal, ore, limestone and plenty of money. The streets are laid out in good style, wider than usual in eastern towns and some of them are macadamized. The population is increasing rapidly. There are four churches, two schools, two hotels - the Eagle and Franklin - the former by Henry Wilt, and the latter by A. Carothers, both good. The principal business of the borough is carried on by Whiteside & Reed, dealers in hardware, stoves, groceries, drugs, oils, paints, etc. They are also dealers in Singer Sewing machines. Their building will be extended ninety feet back. Starr & Co., are dealers in dry goods, groceries, notions, clothing.
Robert Palmer is the undertaker and cabinet maker - one of the first-class.
Gratz & Brown carry on the clothing business extensively. They are also dealers in notions. Judging from their prices, and the quality of their goods, it is a good place to buy.
The drug store business is carried on by Dr. G. W. C. James, office and store, Cromwell street.
The life of Orbisonia is easily traced to the extensive Iron Works of the Rockhill Coal and Iron Co. Two of the largest, handsomest and most complete furnaces it was ever my pleasure to look upon, are so nearly completed as to enable those in charge to tell within a month or two of the time they will be "blowed in." In the fall of this year, the people of Orbisonia, and the United States, and even the European country, may expect to hear of these monster works in full running order, ready to supply the market with the metal made from the Fossil and Hematite ores, mined upon their own lands. These furnaces were commenced last spring, and it seems almost incredible when I say they will be ready so soon; but the cause is easily explained. When such a man as Casimir Constable takes hold as Supt., work must go right along, rain or shine. Taws and Hartman, the designers and engineers, are always "sure they are right before they go ahead," and have done much towards the speedy completion of the works. To give the reader some idea of the capacity of the furnaces, it may not be out of place to say that the cost will probably exceed four hundred thousand dollars, including the outside improvements. I did not wait to obtain figures, but this was given by one who ought to know. The boshes are each seventeen feet across, and the height sixty-five feet. The stock house is built of stone, is two hundred and eighty feet in length, and the largest in the State. It was built by P. H. Dougherty, Esq., the well known railroad and furnace contractor, who is at present engaged in laying foundations for coal transfers on the East Broad Top Railroad. Twelve steam boilers intended for the use of the furnaces, are already in position. The driving wheel is solid iron, and when placed in position, will rest upon a solid stone wall, hidden by masses of iron weighing many tons. The air cylinders are the largest in the State. The connecting pipes, through which air passes, are correspondingly large. The hot-air ovens are of the latest design. The buildings surrounding these are of brick. The company will make their own coke, and the coal for the same will be mined at the East Broad Top Mines, to which point the narrow gauge railroad will be completed in due time. The ovens used will be known as the Belgian.
The ore mines from which these works will be supplied are near at hand. These and all pertaining to them, are under the supervision of Thos. Andrews, Esq., who has a thorough knowledge of geology. A visit to these mines fully developed the fact that the inside was in charge of practical master-miners, and that practical miners were employed to make the openings. The ore is styled No. 1. Each opening is entered by a neat as well as substantial narrow-gauge road. Everything is complete. The inside bosses are well and favorably known. They have had long experience, and of course, the work must come out "all right." Their names are, Joseph Repper, and Wm. Ott, the latter formerly of Bloody Run.
Near the furnaces are a number of company houses, and a large frame building, the latter intended for a hotel. The grounds around it are to be planted with trees, and otherwise beautified.
I find in the employ of the company, Mr. B. F. Ripple. He has been serving in the capacity of general accountant, and seeing after the interests of the company in other ways. Mr. R., deserves much credit for the manner in which he has filled his position.
Much more could be said relative to Orbisonia, but my letter is already too lengthy, and so I must be off to
After stopping at the Mansion House, Shirleysburg, E. Eyler, proprietor and partaking of a good dinner, I visited a number of business houses. The first was the tannery of Lotz & Brown, in which we met David Moore, and others, from thence across the street to D. P. Harvey's shoemaker shop, and lastly to John B. Covert's residence. Mr. C. is a master stone mason - more about Shirleysburg some time again.
Time and space seeming to grow shorter, I am compelled to leave for Mt. Union, seven miles distant, and there stop for a good square meal at the American House, kept by James Maulls, Esq. After dinner, I had the pleasure of meeting with various old friends, among the number I will mention the names of John Dougherty, a retired justice, and who, in his advanced years, is constantly planning means for the young men to make fortunes. He is interested in coal and ore mines at various places. Blair & Appleby are as lively as ever. Jacob Flasher now sells Reapers and Mowers. The large tannery of A. D. Faust & Son, known as the Mt. Union Tannery, with one hundred and forty vats, is now in full operation. These gentlemen are successors to Jacob Hoffman. They intend to erect a new bark mill, and to make improvements of various kinds, which will render the tannery one of the most complete in the State. In my letter from this point last winter I made mention of the Furnace across the "Blue Juniata," as being the property of the Rock Hill Coal & Iron Co. This was a mistake, I will now say it is
established in 1837, and rebuilt in 1869. Up to 1874, it was owned by Reuben Garber, Dr. Rohrer, Martin Grube and Martin Peifer. The present proprietors are Garber & Peifer. The furnace was formerly known as a charcoal furnace, but, owing to a scarcity of wood, was changed to anthracite.
The capacity will exceed eighty tons per week, most of the metal being sent to Pittsburgh. The founder, Mr. Martin Grube, pronounces the metal very good, and no complaints ever reach the firm. The original name of the furnace was Mt. Union Iron Company. The general superintendent, is Reuben Garber. The mines are under the supervision of James McLaughlin, a former superintendent at Orbisonia. Both fossil and hematite ore is used. There are four or five openings, nearly all of which I visited personally from end to end. A neat and substantial two-foot gauge railroad, leading to all the mines - upper and lower openings - has been constructed, upon which a little engine is kept constantly at work. This road connects with the P. R. R., below Mt. Union.
The limestone quarry, probably half a mile below the furnace, and on the Juniata river, is under the charge of contractors, John Kyle being one of them.
The Matilda Furnace store is under the management of W. P. McLaughlin, a former newspaper contributor. Why he don't continue his early habits, is best known to himself. I suppose it is because the poor printer is the last to be paid. He has an assistant in E. Shraver, one of the "heavy men" of the valley. The sales of this store exceed thirty-five thousand dollars per annum. The depth of store is fifty feet, and the width twenty-two feet.
J. R. Rider Esq., is general accountant of the company, and another of those good-natured, courteous and accommodating gentlemen, such as are employed by first-class companies. - J. S. S.
SAD ACCIDENT - On Wednesday evening last (25 inst.,) while a number of carpenters were engaged in tearing down an old barn belonging to our County Commissioner, Mr. Samuel Morrow, in Sinking Valley, preparatory to putting up a new building, a young man by the name of Nevin Davis, of Shaversville, Huntingdon county, was struck upon the head by a piece of falling timber and fatally injured. His skull was fractured and his face fearfully lacerated. Medical aid was summoned and everything possibly done for him. After suffering great pain, he died about ten o'clock on Thursday night. He was aged about 21 years and leaves a young wife. His remains were taken to his home in Shaversville, where a large number of friends and relatives mourn his sudden taking off.
FELL FROM A TREE. - Thomas Wilson, aged thirteen years, son of Rev. R. E. Wilson, pastor of the Second M. E. Church, fell a distance of twenty feet from a tree on the Catholic Picnic Grounds, on Saturday afternoon and sustained serious injury. Dr. Allen attends the sufferer and gives it as his opinion that he will be himself again in a few days.
RAYBURN - CRUSE - At the Eighth avenue M. E. Parsonage, on the 13th inst., by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Mr. Henry F. Rayburn, of Charlottesville, Va., and Miss Jennie Cruse, of Frankstown, this county.
WILSON - In this city, on the 26th inst., Mrs. H. Jane Wilson, wife of C. W. Wilson, aged 23 years, 9 months and 14 days. Williamsport and Union county papers, please copy.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 4, 1874, page 3