Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, May 28, 1874
THEFT OF A HAND TRUCK. - A resident of this city named William Mell, went into the ticket office at the depot on Tuesday night for the purpose of purchasing the necessary paste-board that would entitle him to a passage to Carlisle, Pa., intending to leave on the Fast Line at midnight. In his hand he carried a small trunk which was deposited on one of the seats whilst negotiating for a ticket. Watching his opportunity a well known character, who was in the office at the time, seized hold of the hand trunk and made off with the same effecting his escape. The matter was placed in the hands of the police, who succeeded in recovering the trunk yesterday morning and shipping it to its destination. The man who had stolen it was first captured and afterward escorted the officers to an alley in which he had secreted the same. There was no action taken in the premises.
PATENT GRANTED. - Among the patents granted in the month of April was the Keystone Stump Extractor, by Joseph S. Mullhollen, of Tipton, this county, a machine worthy of notice, as it is considered to be superior to any machine ever invented in speed, power, strength, simplicity and cheapness. Any person in need of a stump extractor, would do well to call and see it at work on Hugh Mulhollen's farm, near Fostoria, or address the inventor at Tipton, or D. Walker, Altoona, who is agent for the machines. They are all warranted to give satisfaction.
(From Friday's Tribune.)
A DASTARDLY ACT. - At the corner of Eighth avenue and Thirteenth street, in the Fourth Ward, there is a double two-story frame house occupied on the one side as a dry goods and grocery store by Campbell Bros. & Co., and on the other side as a private residence by J. G. Herbst. Yesterday morning, shortly after midnight, at an hour when night sable goddess was supposed to stretch her leaden sceptre over a slumbering world, one or more scoundrels took their position in front of the property mentioned and evidently at a preconcerted signal commenced firing stones and brickbats through the windows of a second story room immediately over the store room. The missiles passed through the window panes, shattering the glass to atoms, breaking the sash, etc., and striking the opposite side of the room near the head of the bed in which Mr. W. A. Magee, a member of the firm of Campbell Bros. & Co., was dreaming the happy hours away. Most fortunately the only damage done was to the window sash and lights and the defacing of the wall of the room.
Mr. Magee evidently has no enemies in the city, and it is fair to presume that, the persons who committed the midnight assault had no intention of injuring him. Their undoubted object was serious injury to Mr. Herbst, the President of the Temperance League, and who occupies the one side of the building named as a private residence. Who the parties are that assailed the bed-chamber of Mr. Magee are unknown, and doubtless will never be known. It was certainly a most dastardly act, and the parties engaged therein no doubt regret their hasty action. Five of the window lights were broken. Two of the stones and half a brick that were thrown are in the possession of Mr. Magee.
SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. - A telegraphic dispatch published in yesterday morning's issue detailed the particulars incident to the escape from the Ebensburg jail of two prisoners named Elisha Dixon and David Farner. Later in the day Sheriff Herman Baumer arrived in this city in pursuit of the prisoners. He had every reason to believe that after effecting their escape they headed this way, and as the people of Cambria county are inclined to the opinion that the two prisoners scaled the wall through negligence on the part of the officers alone, he was exceedingly anxious to effect their recapture. Sheriff Baumer kindly furnished us with the following description of the prisoners:
Elisha Dixon had on when he left, a blue coat, striped pantaloons, blue woolen shirt, is of dark complexion, and has black hair, brown eyes, star on left hand, and scar on left eyebrow; size of boot 6 1/2; height, 5 feet 9 inches; weight, 160 pounds.
David Farner had on when he left gray coarse suit, slouch hat with tassel on, white shirt; complexion dark, black hair, black eyes, size of boot 6, height 5 feet 8 inches; weight, 170 pounds; occupation, railroader.
$50 reward will be paid for Dixon, and $25 tor Farner, or $75 for both.
FILIAL INGRATITUDE. - A distressing sight was witnessed at the depot this morning. Quite an elderly and respectable looking lady was found at the Hollidaysburg depot desiring a passage to Altoona, but without money to purchase a ticket. Some kind-hearted man furnished the old lady with a ticket, and she was brought to Altoona. In answer to inquiries she said she wished to go to the residence of her son, and the police secured a conveyance to take her thither. Her story, if correct, indicates ungrateful treatment. She says that her son turned her from his home and bid her seek shelter in the Alms House, and that while on her way to this asylum, she was seized with a paralytic stroke, and is now much debilitated. She says she is seventy-six years of age. Surely life must be a burthen to that infirm old mother, and such ingratitude on the part of a son would only be pardonable on the ground that he could not provide enough for her to eat at his home.
SABBATH REST ITEMS. - Jno. M. Root was kicked by a horse last week and injured to such an extent that he was laid up for several days.
A daughter of Mr. Mordecai McCaulley fell into a cattle-guard on the railroad, near Salem Park on Friday evening, and was badly bruised, and has since been under the care of Drs. Clarke and Christy.
Rev. J. Kistler will deliver a lecture on Friday evening, May 29th, in the Antis church, on his four years' life in Africa. The proceeds to be devoted to the Lutheran Sabbath School at Salem church.
Thomas G. Trout has discovered a valuable vein of white clay on his farm, from which he has had some fine white ware made by Mr. E. Bennett, of Baltimore. Mr. Bennett has made a proposition to lease the mine if it holds out as well as the specimen clay used by him.
CLERICAL CONFERENCE. - A conference of Catholic clergymen of this diocese was held on Wednesday evening at the residence of Bishop Domenec, in Pittsburgh. Among other questions considered was the propriety of allowing Catholic children to frequent the public schools. It was urged that while some pastors denounced the practice from the pulpit, and refused the rights of the Church to those parents who violated this rule of Catholic discipline, others, again, tolerated the custom in their parishes. It was claimed that there should at least be uniformity throughout the Pittsburgh diocese, and that this uniformity should be governed by the Papal syllabus. Without deciding this much debated question, the Conference adjourned.
AN OUTRAGE. - Almost everybody in this county knows Pierce Ream, the young man who travels from door to door exhibiting wood-work specimens of his handiwork in the laudable endeavor to turn an honest penny. It seems that Pierce has worked his way to Harrisburg, in which city the "peep show" has been wrecked by one of the many unprincipled scoundrels who infest that locality. The Telegraph says: For some days a young man from Blair county, named Pierce Ream, who is afflicted with fits of epilepsy, has been in our city, endeavoring to gain a livelihood by exhibiting specimens of his handiwork in the shape of a ball enclosed in a double ring cut out of solid wood, and a wooden frame made with a common knife. He also carried a box containing an ingeniously contrived collection of animals which work by mechanical appliances. Yesterday afternoon, while standing watching a game of base ball at the corner of North street and Pennsylvania avenue he was approached by a young man (?) named Charles Murray, or Muier, who, without any provocation whatever, kicked the box, breaking its contents, cracking the glass in the frame and damaging the ball considerably. Such conduct is outrageous, and it is to be hoped the police may be successful in arresting the offender, when, we have no doubt, the Mayor will attend to his case.
AN INSANE MAN COMMITTED TO THE POOR HOUSE. - Yesterday morning two residents of the city, named William J. Allen and Thomas Sneath, discovered an unknown man to all intents and purposes endeavoring to twist off his head between the rails of a fence in the vicinity of the City Hotel. Upon approaching him they discovered that he was laboring under an attack of insanity and at once went to his assistance. Releasing the unfortunate man from his frightful position they escorted him to the office of Mayor Gilland where he was kept in charge until a commitment to the county almshouse had been made out. One of Myers' livery rigs was then brought into requisition into which the insane man was lifted and conveyed to the poor house, Mr. O. J. Birzley, driver of the Vigilant team, acting as an escort. The cause assigned for the loss of his reason and the name of the man are unknown. He is apparently about sixty years of age.
Glen White Coal Mines - Horse Shoe Mines - Old Portage Iron Works - Ebensburg - Personals.
Special Correspondence of the Tribune.
May 25th 1874.
By some means or other I overlooked the coal mines near Kittanning Point, and hence, a description of the same did not appear in the TRIBUNE. It is all my fault, but the improvements made during a month or two past, makes the subject more interesting. These improvements reflect credit on the able management, and the good-natured miners, of whom, by the way, I shall always have a good word, when they merit it. The mines in question, are known as the
which were opened years ago. As to who were the first operators, I made no inquiries, but the present working indicates that a practical Superintendent, under bosses, and thoroughly practical miners, have been about. Although these mines are not yet in full running order, there is shipped nearly one hundred tons of coal per day, known as the soft bituminous, for the mining of which the miners are paid by the ton. It is rumored that this company will shortly increase the labor, which, of course, will increase the shipments. The openings, or main headings, are very nicely driven, and the rooms correspond in finish. The thickness of coal, including a thin slate, will run from four to six and a half feet. While practical mining is believed to be a profession, a miner should be supplied with timber, to protect himself from the fall of rock, or coal, as the case may be, and good air-courses in conformity with the entries, assisted, in some cases, by good ventilation furnaces. No fans should be used; they are an injury to the miners. Pure air, which is necessary to health, is all that is asked.
In these mines I find no complaints. The air is good, and no furnaces or fans are used. The miners seem to understand "how it is themselves." The coal is shipped over the company's road to Kittanning Point, where it connects with the main line of the Penn'a Central. The little engine on this road - Pat McCoy engineer - is kept very busy hauling cars to and from the mines. The pitt boss is Mr. Valentine Eichenlaub.
The chief man at the Glen White mines, is Mr. David McCoy. The position of Superintendent was tendered him some years since, and he has proven himself a worthy official. He was employed at other mines previous to his appointment. He is styled one of the most "clever sons of Auld Ireland" and all who know him, will agree that the title is correct.
The store at this point is a company concern under the management of T. J. Stephens. Some how or other he has the same failing that some of the Cambria Iron Co., clerks are charged with - a hankering after the fair ones.
The steam saw mill belonging to the company, is run by contract by Wm. Cole, Esq., of Carrolltown, Cambria Co. Nothing but hemlock lumber is manufactured, which is sent to all parts of the country. J. S. Shettig manages the business, with Wm. Litzinger as sawyer, and John Divine as engineer.
A large boarding house in connection with the works, kept by Wm. Cole, feeds the hungry at the usual hours for such amusement.
Just across the hill, and not far from Glen White mines, are the
the property of S. C. Baker, and superintended by Andrew Patrick. These mines are operated similar to the Glen White, with about the same thickness of coal, and a thin strata of slate between the coal stratums. The coal from this mine is mostly used at the Allegheny Furnace coke department. The furnace at present being idle for repairs, the mines are not being worked to their full capacity. After the repairs are made the work will be commenced with renewed vigor. The new main entry, now nearly completed, will be accompanied by the new air-course, which will run parallel with it for a certain distance, and from thence distributed through the works. This will be a great improvement in the way of ventilating the mine, although the air is now very good. The present plan of the mine will enable the superintendent to ship any amount of coal on short notice. The miners are paid by the ton. To reach the Baker, or Horse Shoe mines, a narrow gauge road has been completed from Kittanning Point, a distance of three miles, climbing the mountain by means of a switch-back, the light T rail being used for the road, which is well ballasted and the grade easy. The cars, started at the mines, run to the tipple at Kittanning with one man to every six cars, and are returned by a "kick-back" mule.
Mr. Andrew Patrick is a Nova Scotian by birth, and has had much experience as a "black diamond" hunter. He assisted in opening some of the mines in Maryland years ago. He also operated a short time in and around Philipsburg, Centre Co. A special car has just been completed at this mine, for the conveyance of passengers. It was built by G. W. Fox, of the blacksmith department. And now I leave for the
Duncansville, Blair Co., the property of John Musselman, Esq., and superintended by his son, Henry Musselman. The works were established in 1833, over forty years ago. Many improvements have been made since Mr. Musselman has had charge, and the works have been kept in operation during the worst of the panic, giving employment to a large number of men. The iron is all manufactured into nails, the average number of kegs per day being about two hundred. The market is mostly in the east. Things look lively enough up here, but the same old complaint prevails, scarcity of money. Another visit to this place will develop further facts.
The station house of the P. R. R. is in charge of Mr. Musselman, with Alexander Hart as assistant.
Old Squire Sam. Wallace, the famous deer hunter, holds forth up here.
(From Tuesday's Tribune.)
STORE-HOUSE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. - At half past nine o'clock yesterday morning, during the prevalence of the thunder storm, the store-house of Messrs. Isett & Wray, located at Bell's Mills was struck by lightning. One of the chimneys was completely wrecked and a portion of the roof torn off. No one in the building at the time was injured, but several were as badly scared as though they had seen a sewing machine agent approaching in the distance. Wray says that he will not get any lightning rods now as the lightning was never known to strike twice in the same place.
RAILWAY WRECK. - There was a wreck on the Bell's Gap railroad yesterday. The train due at Bell's Mills at half past two o'clock P. M., broke at the Summit and the two sections went thundering down the mountain at a terrific rate of speed. The first section was got under control, however, but in a few minutes thereafter the rear section ran into it and badly smashed fourteen coal tracks [trucks]. The passengers and crew were fearfully frightened, yet nobody was injured. But for the coolness and promptness of engineer Kreider the wreck would undoubtedly have been worse.
VIOLATION OF THE LOCAL OPTION LAW. - Several days since a woman named McClellan made information against a young man named James McCullough for selling liquor without license over on Ninth avenue. McCullough was arrested by policeman Howard last evening just as he was about to go buggy riding for his health. He was taken before Mayor Gilland, and held in bail for a hearing on Wednesday. The young man's father, Michael McCullough, became surety for him.
INFORMATION WANTED. - Information is desired of the whereabouts of Jerry Sheehan, who was working at the Coal mines of the Bell's Gap Railroad, during the month of April, and left there April 23d, since which time nothing has been heard from him. He was recently from Gleuten Ferry, England, and aged about 32 years. Any information as to his whereabouts will be thankfully received by addressing Catharine Sheehan, No. 473 Pearl St. New York City. Pittsburgh papers please copy.
- General B. F. Bell and J. B. Gifford, Esq., are working a fine vein of soft fossil ore near the foot of Brush Mountain, at a point in the vicinity of Bell's Mills.
EBERST - HAUSSER - In Hollidaysburg, on the 25th inst., by Rev. M. Wolf, Mr. Anthony K. Eberst to Miss Ursula Hausser.
GRIFFET - ZIGLER - On the 19th inst., by Rev. Baker, Mr. William Griffet and Miss Sue Zigler.
STEWART - BEIGLE - May 17, by Rev. J. Walker, Mr. Henry H. Stewart and Miss Lizzie Beigle, all of this city.
FLEMING - On the 21st inst., Andrew Fleming, aged 41 years.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 28, 1874, page 3