Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, May 14, 1874
FAN FLIRTATIONS. - Here are the promised "'fan flirtations" which are published for the benefit of lady readers: "When a lady uses her fan in an outward movement, that is away from her into space - it means that she is single but you must not hope. The movement inward, from space to the body, means that she is free. If, however, this inward movement is made by fanning in a downward direction, it means that she is a widow; if in an upper direction, that she has never been married. A closed fan held upright means, "I want to speak to you;" letting it rest on the right cheek, Yes; letting it rest on the left cheek, No; drawing across the cheek, I love you; an open fan resting on the breast, silence; a closed fan presented to you horizontally, an invitation; presented by the small end, indifference; with one leaf open, friendship; two open leaves, sympathy; three, love and passion. A "talking fan" should be composed of seven leaves or folds, to correspond with the seven days of the week. The hour you are expected to swing on the gate is intimated by so many taps being made on the leaf which represents the day; a closed fan placed on the lips means, don't tell; on the eye, I have a message for you; putting to forehead, all right; a circular movement of the fan, I am engaged.
AN IMPORTANT DECISION. - Our court reporter has failed us entirely this week. Hoping that he would come to time with a full report of proceedings, we have delayed making mention of the case of Frank Endress, of this city, a brewer, convicted of selling beer by the keg. He was brought up for sentence on Monday last, when Judge Dean imposed a fine of fifty dollars and costs. The decision of the Judge, in this case, was awaited with considerable interest, inasmuch as it had been held over from last court. In his remarks, previous to pronouncing the sentence, Judge Dean stated that, as the defendant admitted the charge, at the time, but supposed he had a right to sell by the quantity, he would impose the lightest penalty of the law. This decision settles the question, that no brewer or distiller has a right to sell in any quantities, large or small, in this local option county.
THEFT OF FLOUR. - Some unknown individual seems to possess a mania for breaking into Anderson's flouring mill, located on the line of Union avenue, in the Fifth Ward, three successful attempts having been made recently. It was sometime during Tuesday night that a member of the "clifaking" fraternity forced his last entrance into the mill, on which occasion he despoiled it of several bags of flour and other movable property. The thief had better not make an attempt to enter the mill again before the present moon has waned, else he might be captured and sent over the hill. Forbearance has ceased to be a virtue with the proprietor and he is now on the alert. This information is gratuitously given for the benefit of a man who would not relish the idea of going to jail. Will he heed it?
A RESIDENT OF BLAIR COUNTY INJURED ON THE RAILROAD. - On Tuesday afternoon a man named George Lang, a resident of Blair county, had his foot crushed to a pulp on the railroad. The accident happened about one and one-half miles west of Middletown, in Dauphin county. Lang was walking westward on the north track when he heard the danger signal of an approaching train behind him, and had just stepped upon the opposite track when he was struck by a eastward bound passenger train - the Harrisburg Accommodation - and was injured as above stated. The injured man was picked up and conveyed to Lancaster and taken to the hospital where amputation was performed. Lang is a waterman and his home is near Hollidaysburg.
GATHERING THEM IN. - The opinion seems to be pretty generally prevalent that the Soldiers' Orphan School recently located at Cassville, Huntingdon county, will not be removed to Martinsburg this county, as was earnestly hoped would be the case by the citizens of the latter place and residents of the county generally. The principals of the other Soldiers' Orphan Schools in the State are fast gathering in the children of the abandoned Cassville school, as we learned yesterday morning from Dr. Moore, principal of the school located at Mount Joy. The Dr. took several of the orphans along with him yesterday, and informed us that Blair and Huntingdon counties alone would furnish about twenty pupils for the school under his charge.
BROKE A WINDOW. - Mr. Frank Molloy is the proprietor of a segar and tobacco store, as also a gas-fitting and plumbing establishment which is located at the corner of Eleventh avenue and Fourteenth street. In attendance at the former establishment he has a boy who is in training for the tan bark arena, and yesterday morning whilst the boy was engaged in his daily acrobatic feats he missed his footing and plunged headlong through one of the large show windows of the establishment, smashing the glass to smithereens. The clerk escaped uninjured, yet is none the less inclined to abandon what he supposes to be his calling.
ARM BROKEN. - Whilst engaged in tearing down a stable on the premises of Hon. J. W. Curry, corner of Eleventh street and Howard avenue, yesterday morning, the scaffolding gave way precipitating a carpenter named George Bush, from York, Pa., a distance of about eight feet, breaking his left arm between the elbow and the shoulder. The injured man was assisted to his boarding house at the corner of Ninth avenue and Twelfth street, where the fracture was reduced by Dr. William M. Findley.
SAW MILL DESTROYED BY FIRE - Loss About Fifteen Thousand Dollars. - The steam sawmill of Hoover, Harris & Co., situate on the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad between Blue Ball and Phillipsburg, was entirely destroyed by fire on Sunday morning last, between three and four o'clock. No lumber was burned, although it was piled very close to the mill. Loss about $15,000, insurance $10,000. It is thought the mill will be rebuilt at once.
- John Valentine, a well-known individual who is now confined in the county jail, is of the opinion that the MORNING TRIBUNE was hard up for an item when it made mention of the fact that he stole the supper of two other prisoners the same evening he was committed. John will now learn that his theft of the supper of his fellow prisoners furnished two items for the MORNING TRIBUNE. He is a scoundrel on wheels.
A LIBERAL ACT. - Robert L. Johnson, Esq., of Ebensburg, and well and favorably known in this city, at his own expense procured neat coffins in which to enclose the remains of the four raftsmen named P. S. Irwin, Amos Purdy, Edward Purdy and Jacob Bowder, who were recently killed on the railroad between Gallitzin and Cresson, and had them forwarded to their respective homes for interment.
BURNED TO DEATH. - During the temporary absence of her parents, a few days since, an eight-year old girl, named Sarah E. Hughes, was burned to death at Matilda Furnace, Huntingdon county. We are without further particulars.
A Miner Lights Out with a Fellow-Workman's Wife - They Carry Off a Sewing Machine and Ten Dollars in Money - After Nineteen Years of Wedded Life a Woman of Thirty-seven Becomes Enamored of a Young Man of Twenty-four - No Cause Assigned for the Desertion.
Him did you leave.
Second to none, unseconded by you.
Until Monday last there resided over in Hollidaysburg a family composed of Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins, with no children. Mr. Jenkins is a miner employed in the ore mines in the vicinity of the county capital, to which place he removed from Pittsburgh some six months ago. For the past nineteen years he has led a happy life in the society of her alone whom he called by the endearing and sacred epithet of wife. When the husband and wife left Pittsburgh for the purpose of locating at the county capital, they were accompanied by a young man named Daniel Osborne, also a miner, between whom the social relations were of a most friendly character, too much so, in fact, as the sequel proved.
During all the long term of years that Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins lived together, the husband saw nothing in the every-day life of his wife that would lead him to suspect her infidelity to the marriage vow, even up to the morning of the eventful day on which she gathered up her robes around her and silently stole away.
On Monday morning of the present week, Mrs. Jenkins prepared the breakfast as was her wont, which was partaken of by both husband and wife, and afterward Mr. J. repaired to his daily toil. In the evening, with a light heart and a buoyant step, thinking only of her whom he supposed would be in waiting to receive him and to greet him with a holy kiss at the close of the labors of the day, he retraced his steps homeward bound, yet upon arrival there he was surprised beyond measure to find the house cold and tenantless, his wife being nowhere to be found. Discovering a letter on the floor he picked it up, and excitedly devouring the contents of the envelope was dumbfounded as he read the letter in his wife's handwriting, which was addressed to a friend in England informing her that she (Mrs. Jenkins) was soon to leave the shores of America and sail once again to her old home in a foreign clime.
With crushing force did this intelligence come to the kind and honest-hearted husband. He could hardly realize that the woman who had been the wife of his bosom for a period of nineteen years could thus desert him without a moment's notice. Upon making inquiry in the neighborhood, the still more unwelcome and poignant information was gleaned that could leave no doubt that she had eloped, and with whom? With a man who was a fellow-workman, a man who had been treated with all the kindness and respect of an intimate friend, a man who had frequently been invited by the husband to partake of his hospitality, the man Daniel Osborne.
It was learned that Osborne and Mrs. Jenkins had left Hollidaysburg on the noon train for Altoona, but it is not known whether they took their departure eastward or westward bound from here. The perfidious wife and the scoundrel who enticed her to leave her home, took nothing with them but a small sewing machine and some eight or ten dollars belonging to Mr. Jenkins, although it is said that Osborne had succeeded in laying away some money for a rainy day. The latter and the Jenkins' family had been acquainted for a period of nine months only. It is thought by Mr. Jenkins that the letter referred to was simply a ruse and that the guilty parties are still in the State.
Both parties are of English birth, Mrs. Jenkins being thirty seven years of age, has a mole on her left cheek and when she left home was dressed in a blue velveteen dress. Osborne is about twenty-five years of age, is slightly pock-marked, and is said to be a shrewd and cunning individual. Mr. Jenkins was in the city yesterday and had an interview with Mayor Gilland, to whom he related the facts in the case in substance as noted, and asked the aid of that officer in the effort to ascertain the whereabouts of both his wife and the villain who was instrumental in ruining his happy home. Mr. J. is not blessed with an abundance of this world's treasures, but is exceedingly anxious to have the guilty parties apprehended, and will be thankful for any information that will lead thereto. Exchanges, especially those of Pittsburgh and Hollidaysburg, will confer a favor by making a note of the elopement and the description of the parties.
AN IMPORTANT LIQUOR CASE - The Vender of Intoxicating Liquors Held for Damages. - One of the most important cases that claimed the attention of the Blair county court the present week was that of the widow and heirs of S. Burgett versus W. Bridenthal. It was an action of Case, and came up yesterday.
About eighteen months since S. Burgett, deceased, who was employed in driving an ore team, stopped with his team at the hotel of W. F. Bridenthal, in Martinsburg, and whilst there it was alleged he drank a sufficient quantity of liquor to become intoxicated, and while in this condition he mounted the saddle horse of the team and continued on his journey. A short time afterward he fell from his horse and the wheel of the wagon passing over his body he was killed. The heirs of the deceased brought suit against Mr. Bridenthal, the proprietor of the hotel, to recover damages in the sum of one thousand dollars on account of the death of the husband and father. The action was brought under section 3 of the act of May 8, 1854, (Purdon's Digest page 946; Sec. 35,) and a jury was empannelled last evening to try the case, yet before the jurors were sworn the case was settled by the defendant, Mr. Bridenthal, confessing judgment for the sum of six hundred dollars.
Section 3 of the act of May 8, 1854, before mentioned, reads as follows:
Any person furnishing intoxicating drinks to any other person in violation of any existing law, or of the provisions of this act, shall be held civilly responsible for any injury to person or property in consequence of such furnishing; and any one aggrieved may recover full damages against such persons so furnishing by action in the case, instituted in any court having jurisdiction of such form of action in this Commonwealth.
So far as our personal knowledge extends this law has never before appeared upon the surface in an action for damages in the Blair county court, yet it bears a striking similarity to the Ohio liquor law, while its provisions are too plain to be misinterpreted, and must set at rest the disputed question of the personal liability of the vender of intoxicating liquors for damages.
When one reflects for a moment of the amount of woe, and wretchedness, and injury and crime which has disgraced the country the past few years, and which can be solely attributed to the traffic in intoxicating liquors, it is certainly surprising that similar actions for damages have not followed each other in rapid succession, and the men who were responsible for it all made to smart under the enforcement of the wise provisions of the law in question.
- A tramp named Edward Wyatt undertook to contend with a locomotive for the right of way on the railroad, in the vicinity of South Fork, early on Thursday morning. The locomotive wasn't in a condition to be trifled with, and picking up Mr. Wyatt threw him a distance of several feet, severely cutting him about the head. The unfortunate man was cared for by the authorities.
The Court.
W. W. Jackson for use vs. Kittanning Coal Company and Blair Iron and Coal Company. An action of ejectment in which defendant pleads not guilty. Continued by consent.
Peter McKenzie vs. James Rainer. Sci. fa. to revive. Defendant pleads payments with lease. Continued.
H. and F. McIntosh vs. William Maitland. Appeal. Defendant pleads non assumpsit. This case came to trial, and the verdict of the jury awarded the plaintiff sixty-four dollars and forty-four cents.
John B. Robinson vs. John Potter. Appeal. Defendant pleads payment with leave. Settled.
John Brotherline vs. Ed. Malone, et al. Trespass. Defendant pleads liberum tenementum. Continued.
Elizabeth Harris vs. George W. Tatham. Dower. Defendant pleads never indebted. Continued.
Samuel Milliken vs. B. F. Bell. Trespass quare clausum fregit. Defendant pleads liberum tenementum. Continued by consent.
E. M. Jones & Son vs. Whitcomb and Townsend. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads non assumpsit. Continued.
G. W. Mauk vs. Samuel Walters, administrator. Covenant. Defendant pleads covenant performed. Continued.
Jacob Bollinger vs. W. K. Piper. Trespass on the case. Defendant pleads not guilty. Continued.
A. Thomas vs. John Costlow. Quare clausum fregit. Defendant pleads not guilty and liberum tenementum. Settled.
J. S. Burkhart vs. William Burkhart. Debt. Defendant pleads never indebted. Continued.
Sarah Stuff vs. J. H. Stiffler's administrators. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads non assumpsit. Continued.
J. S. P. Harris et al. vs. James Patterson et al. Ejectment. Defendants plead not guilty.
A. McFadden vs. S. Hammond. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads payment with leave. Continued.
John K. Neff vs. Harrison Crorsuch [sic]. Appeal. Defendant pleads non assumpsit and payment with leave. Continued.
John Riley and wife vs. M. McCullough. Ejectment. Defendant pleads not guilty. Continued.
D. A. Winters vs. Andrew Boyles. Sci. fa. sur. Mechanics' lien. Defendant pleads payment with leave. Plaintiff becomes non suit.
Wm. Ritchey vs. P. R. R. Lease. Defendant pleads not guilty. Continued.
J. S. Cupples vs. City of Altoona. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads non assumpsit and payment with leave. Continued.
W. N. Barclay vs. Samuel Milliken & Son. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads non assumpsit and payment with leave. Settled.
Safeguard Insurance Company vs. James A. Lowrey. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads non assumpsit. Continued.
A. M. Lloyd & Co. vs. E. Hammond. Appeal. Defendant pleads non assumpsit and payment with leave. Settled by defendant confessing judgment in favor of plaintiff and against himself for amount claimed.
M. L. Bechtel for use vs. John Charles. Debt. Defendant pleads never indebted. This case went to a jury who returned a verdict in favor of plaintiff for the sum of two hundred and thirty-eight dollars and seventy-three cents.
John T. Ake vs. G. T. McCormick, with notice to E. Hammond terre tenant. Sci fa. to revive. Defendant pleads nul tiel record and payment with leave. The jury in this case found for the plaintiff the handsome sum of five thousand eight hundred dollars and nine cts.
Burgoon's Heirs vs. Harry Walls. Ejectment. Defendant pleads not guilty. This was an action to recover certain coal lands, sold by Thomas Burgoon, now deceased, to the defendant for $3,000, payable in twelve annual installments. It was alleged that the price was infinitely below the real value of the land, that the time was ridiculously protracted, and that defendant had made no effort to comply with these terms, formally to him as they were. Verdict of the jury, for the plaintiff.
John Brotherline vs. G. W. Domer. Debt. Defendant pleads nul debet want of consideration and payment with leave. The jury brought in the following rather singular verdict: We find and certify that there is a balance due George W. Domer of two hundred and fifty-six dollars and sixty three cents.
Abraham Rock vs. James Gartland. Assumpsit. Defendant pleads non assumpsit and payment with leave. This case went to a jury who found for the plaintiff the sum of $478.80.
John Brotherline vs. Carey Murdock et al. Ejectment. Defendants plead not guilty. This was an action to recover a certain tract of land purchased by plaintiff from a Mrs. Clark and her husband in 1870.
Defendants had purchased the same land from Mrs. Clark alone in 1864, and it was contended that inasmuch as she was not joined by her husband the said deed was null and void. On the contrary, defendant claimed that the deed to Brotherline was obtained by fraud, and that the said defendants were of right entitled to the land. Calvin for the defense and Blair for the plaintiff made powerful addresses, some people think they even surpassed themselves. The victory rested with Mr. Blair, for after a few minutes' deliberation the jury returned with a verdict giving the plaintiff the undivided half of the land described in the writ, less that portion surveyed in name of Valentine Bell.
The case of John Malone's Heirs vs. C. B. Malone is now on trial.
THE DIFFERENCE - Beauties of the Liquor License System - One of its Outgrowths. - In Blair county where the people have the good sense not to license grog shops, we have no such scenes as the one given below. Over in Johnstown, however, where they have free rum [run?], they are indigenous, which a local print, mildly denominates, in noticing the disgraceful affair, "a slight breeze,'' - only a ripple on the surface - a specimen brick of the fifty-two or more licensed rum holes within the bounds of its one-horse court: "Mrs. Berringer, nee Miss Lizzie Foster, started out last evening on her first rampage since enveloping herself in the silken meshes of matrimony. Her first complaiments [sic] were paid to the hotel of Mr. Schwaderer, at the Millville end of the Lincoln bridge, and in a very brief space of time she materially assisted in increasing the means of ventilation in that establishment by throwing rocks through three of the large panes of glass in the show window of the bar-room. Her tongue in the meantime kept pace with her actions, and such an avalanche of blasphemy and vituperative slang as she poured out had not been heard in that neighborhood for a long period.
"Her next objective point was Wood, Morrell & Co.'s. store, and for a short time she sailed around through the stores and offices, and violently abused the clerks in a manner that was awful to contemplate. Policeman Glass happened around at this juncture and conveyed her to the lock-up. As the poor unfortunate is approaching maternity the Burgess concluded to leave her in his office until he could get a conveyance to take her home, as by this time she began to suffer seriously from her excited conduct. During his absence she broke a chair and spittoon, spilled ink over the desk and papers, and carried on like an insane woman. Shortly afterwards she was taken to her residence in Millville Borough. Whoever furnished her the liquor that crazed her, considering the present condition she is in, is very culpable and should be punished for such heartlessness."
BROKE HIS COLLAR BONE. - A brakeman named Frank Bressler was injured on the Bell's Gap railroad on Saturday. At the time of the accident Mr. B. was engaged in coupling cars, and having his shoulders caught between the bumpers, was squeezed so effectually that his collar bone was snapped in twain. The facture was adjusted by Drs. Clark and Christy.
LEFT HIS DUE-BILL. - The man named McFarlane who has spent the greater portion of the last three days in the city lock-up, was yesterday morning again escorted into the presence of Mayor Gilland and compelled to answer a number of pointed and unpleasant interrogatories. A long interview between the violator of the ordinances and the chief executive of the city, resulted in the former depositing with the latter a carefully prepared document which read as follows: One day after day I promise to pay to the city of Altoona the sum of six dollars, that being the amount of the fine imposed, etc.
TAKEN TO JAIL. - Hezekiah Malone visited Mrs. Cherry's place, on Ninth avenue, yesterday afternoon and committed a breach of the peace, all of which was not to the liking of Mrs. C. and in consequence she took the proper course to have Hezekiah brought to justice. Alderman Poffenberger had jurisdiction in the premises, and in default of bail in the sum of five hundred dollars, Mr. Malone was escorted over the hill.
HAD HIS LEGS CUT OFF. - A young man named John Cochran, employed in the capacity of a freight brakeman on the Pittsburgh Division, had both his legs cut off yesterday whilst engaged in the performance of his duties. The accident occurred at Portage station.
Morrisdale Coal Mines - Largest in the Clearfield Region - Woodland Fire Brick Works - Personals, etc.
Special Correspondence of the Tribune.
A few days since, I visited the very extensive colliery of the Morrisdale Coal Company, a short distance from Philipsburg, around which is springing up quite a village, of course, mostly, or all, the property of the company. These mines are the only ones in operation along the Morrisdale branch, and orders seem to pour in on the Superintendent regardless of the "panicky times." This month about 8,000 tons gross, were mined and shipped. The company, which is composed of R. B. Wigton, 208 South Fourth St. Philadelphia; William Dorris, Huntingdon, Pa., and D. W. Holt, Philipsburg, Pa., own 2,179 acres of actual coal land. Mr. Abe Jackson is overseer of the works, and all are under the supervision of D. W. Holt, Esq., who is also a partner in the extensive tannery, at Philipsburg, notice of which appeared in the TRIBUNE some time since. There are two drifts in the mine, running in opposite directions. About 450 tons per day is the average taken from the old opening when in full running order, and the capacity of the new drift will exceed 200 tons per day. Mr. Jacob Brubaker, the boss miner, undoubtedly deserves to be rewarded for his part of the work, in keeping the mine in good condition. The air is good - miners paid promptly. The coal will average 4 1/2 feet in thickness.
The tracks leading from both openings are roofed to prevent any obstructions during the winter. The capacity of these mines will be increased, although the actual turn out of coal is about 650 tons daily, a sufficient force of practical miners being employed to do this at any time. Mr. Jackson, the general overseer, is a man of more than ordinary ability, and has discharged his duties faithfully ever since the projection of the business.
The mines have been kept in constant operation during the past, when a large number of other collieries were suspended, by the careful direction of D. W. Holt, superintendent.
Among the latest improvements I notice two very fine buildings, a dwelling and a store. The former is forty feet square and four stories in height, containing twenty-four rooms. The building is of frame, furnished from cellar to garret. The cost of this was about $4,000.
The store is also frame, two stories high, with a very fine basement, in which is stored surplus goods. The size of this neat and substantial building is 36 x 56 feet, built at a cost of about $4,000. The salesroom is on first floor. The central one, 28 x 36 being set apart for dry goods, adjoining this, on the left entrance, is the grocery department, which is 14 x 36; on the right is the boot and shoe department, 14 x 22, and the office of the company, 12 x 14. These departments are all connected by entrances, thus affording access to any room without going outside of the building. The second story is used for carpet and storing surplus dry goods. The entire building is heated by one of Graff & Co.'s, large furnaces, manufactured in Pittsburgh.
W. H. Lingenfelter, a former resident of Blair county, and more recently connected with the Kemble Coal and Iron Co., at Riddlesburg, Pa., has charge of the books of the company. He is assisted by his son, A. E. Lingenfelter. Mr. Lingenfelter deserves much credit for the manner in which he discharges the duties of his office.
The storekeeper is Col. John R. Herd, one of those lively men, and one who drives business right along.
The store, and all belonging to it, is under the general management of A. J. Graham, Esq., of whom the Philipsburg Journal spoke in the highest terms of praise. Mr. Graham, has had charge of it since the business was first established. His business tact and unremitting attention to affairs entrusted to his care, will retain him in position for years to come. Being kind, courteous and accommodating, there can be no doubt that his future will be crowned with success.
The Union church, at this point, was erected nearly two years ago by the proceeds of one day's labor. The company gave the coal, the miners contributed their labor, and the railroad company carried the coal to market free.
A school is kept open by Mrs. Jolly, which is well attended.
Other improvements are being made, but time and space will not admit of further notice on this occasion. So I am off to
on the Tyrone & Clearfield branch, distant from Clearfield about six miles. This is a new village, the support of which is the extensive fire brick works. The Woodland Fire Brick Works, is one of the largest concerns of the kind in the State. They are manufacturers of best quality of fire brick, ground clay and ganister cement. Brick of any form, made to order, also lining for blast furnaces, and bosh and hearth bricks. The furnace brick are all pressed on edge, making them of uniform thickness. Capacity of these works, 3,000,000 bricks per year. Their office and yard is at 371 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. The main building is 80 x 120 feet. Engine house 30 feet square; stock house, 16 x 30 feet. The general manager is John McMath, Esq., accountant J. S. Norris; traveling agent, C. Boggs.
About one-fourth of a mile from the above works are those of the Hope Fire Brick Co., the brick manufactured being similar to those of the Woodland Co. The main building here is 75 x 120 feet, two stories; there are three large kilns connected with these works, the process of firing which is unlike any others in this country. Capacity of each kiln, 40,000 brick. The clay banks are about half a mile from town. Thickness of the fire clay is six feet, of superior quality. H. A. Richard, manager, Book-keeper, L. G. Will, Engineer, E. Cole.
At Woodland is also a large store, under the management of E. B. Plummer. The firm name is Kessler, McMath & Co. They deal in dry goods, groceries, &c.
The lumber business is carried on extensively by Albert & Bros., who own a large saw mill, and manufacture shingles, pickets and lath. They cut boards any thickness, from ten to sixty feet long. Dried lumber on hand. Those in want of anything in their line will find prices very reasonable. - J. S. S.
CHARGED WITH STEALING COAL. - Thomas Haley, a watchman in the employ of the railroad company yesterday appeared before Alderman McCormick and lodged information against a lad named Wilson Collier, charging him with stealing coal from cars standing in the company's yard. A warrant was issued.
OLD LETTERS. - Never burn kindly written letters; it is so pleasant to read them over when the ink is brown, and the paper is yellow with age, and the hands that traced the friendly words are folded over the hearts that prompted them under the green sod. Above all, never burn love letters. To read them in after years is like a resurrection of one's youth. The elderly spinster finds in the impassioned offer she foolishly rejected twenty years ago, a fountain of juvenescence. Glancing over it she realizes that she was once a bell and a beauty, and beholds her former self in a mirror much more congenial to her taste than the one that comforts her in her dressing room. The "widow indeed" derives a sweet and solemn consolation from the letters of the beloved one who has journeyed before her to the far off land from which there comes no message, and where she hopes one day to join him. No Photograph can so vividly recall to the memory of the mother the tenderness and devotion of the children who have left at the call of heaven, epistolary outpouring of their love. The letter of a true son or daughter to a true mother is something better than an image of the features - it is a reflex of the writer's soul. Keep all loving letters; burn only the harsh ones, and in burning them, forgive and forget them.
MAYER - PFEIFFER - On the 10th inst., in the German Lutheran Church, by Rev. M. Wolf, Mr. John J. Mayer to Miss Maria Pfeiffer.
MILLER - ROUSH - On the 5th inst., by Rev. M. L. Smith, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Petersburg, Huntingdon county, Dr. W. B. Miller, of Altoona, to Miss Lizzie S. Roush.
BROWN - SPECHT - On the 3d inst., by Rev. C. L. S?reamer. Mr. Jerem. Brown, of Martinsburg, to Miss Sarah Specht, of Bedford county.
SEELY - On the 9th inst., William Seely, son of John P. and Mary Seely, and brother of Winfield S. who died yesterday, May 8th, in Millville, Blair county, Pa. These were kind and affectionate brothers, and now they are gone to the place where they shall rest forever in the bosom of Him who said on earth, "Suffer little children to come unto me."
SEELY - On the 8th inst.. Winfield S. Seely, second son of John P. and Mary Seely, of the town of Millville, Logan tp., this county.
LAISE - In Duncansville, on April 29, 1874, Mrs. Eliza, wife of J. M. Laise, in the 60th year of her age.
THAUAR - In this city, on May 5th, 1874, Mr. Michael Thauar, of consumption, after a lingering illness.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, May 14, 1874, page 3