Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Wednesday, June 15, 1870
PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL - Adjourned Meeting, June 13, 1870. -
Council met at 7 1/2 o'clock, P. M., and was called to order by the
The following members were present: Messrs. Anderson, Elway,
Green, Jaggard, Kipple, Long, O'Toole, Robeson, Stewart, and Jones,
President - 10.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The Mayor presented his report for the month of May, 1870,
together with the Treasurer's receipt for the sum of $139.00
collected from various sources.
The following bills were presented and read, and orders granted
for the same:
To Altoona Gas and Water Co., for gas consumed to June 6. 1870 -
$ 23.00
To same for water rent for year commencing June 10, 1870 -
[Total] - $155 00
Mrs. McHale, residing in Fifth Ward, entered complaint against a
neighbor for certain injuries which she alleged she sustained.
Referred to members from Fifth Ward.
Mr. Robeson, from Fifth Ward Committee. reported that they had
given Mr. James Smith permission to construct sufficient drainage
through the alley, between 16th and 17th streets to properly drain
his cellar.
Council approved the action of the Committee.
Mr. Jaggard, from Committee on Permanent Improvements, reported
that the Committee had examined the route for the proposed sewer
from Thirteenth avenue and Twelfth street to Eleventh street, and
that they had placed the matter in the hands of the City
The City Engineer stated that he had examined the routes
proposed, but desired a week's extension of time in order to make a
still more thorough examination.
On motion of Mr. Robeson, the extension of time asked for was
Robert Tate, Tax Collector elect, presented his bond, with
surety, in the sum of $10,000 for the faithful performance of his
On motion of Mr. Jaggard, action in regard to the same was
deferred until next meeting of Council.
On motion of Mr. Kipple, A. A. Smyth, Esq., was exonerated from
payment of $1.65, being amount of tax overcharged.
Verbal reports were made from the various committees, and they
were continued, with instructions to report at the next night of
A communication from A. J. Cassatt, General Superintendent of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, relating to stone for macadamizing Tenth
and Eleventh avenues and Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, was
presented and read.
On motion of Mr. O'Toole, it was ordered that a contract with
the Railroad Company for the delivery of such stone be closed as
soon as practicable.
On motion of Mr. Jaggard, the City Engineer was instructed to
place permanent marks on all corners where benches or lines had
already been located.
The Chief of Police reported that he had notified Mr. Kelley to
stop removing the sand from Fourth avenue, and that Mr. Kelley had
Sealed proposals for constructing sewer on Thirteenth street and
Eleventh avenue were presented, opened and read.
On motion of Mr. Elway, action on the proposals was deferred
until next night of meeting.
Sealed proposals for excavation and embankment on Thirteenth
avenue, were presented, opened and read.
On motion of Mr. Kipple, the proposals were referred to the
Committee on Permanent Improvements.
A petition from citizens of the Second Ward, praying for relief
from the nuisance caused by the main sewer passing through said
Ward, was presented, read and placed on file.
On motion of Mr. Robeson, Messrs. Jaggard and Stewart were
appointed a special committee to take the subject into
Mr. Stewart moved that the City Solicitor be requested to draft
an ordinance providing for the macadamizing of certain streets and
avenues heretofore designated; and also providing for the
assessment of the cost thereof upon the property owners on said
streets and avenues, and for the tapping of sewers hereafter to be
The motion was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Kipple, the Finance Committee were requested to
meet the City Assessors at the Council room, on Saturday evening
next, at 6 o'clock, for the purpose of revising the assessment.
A complaint in reference to a gutter on Fourth avenue was
referred to the Street Commissioner, with instructions to remove
the annoyance complained of.
Council then adjourned, to meet on Monday evening next, June
20th, at 7 1/2 o'clock.
EXCELSIOR FESTIVAL. - The strawberry festival, held in the Opera
House, on Friday and Saturday evenings last, by the boys in blue
shirts, was well patronized, at least on Saturday evening, and we
hope that they netted a handsome surplus over and above expenses.
When we visited them, we found all the tables filled, and a much
larger crowd waiting to be served. Everything was arranged in good
style, the tables occupying one side of the hall, the centre clear,
and several rows of chairs on the other side, for the accommodation
of those who were waiting to be served, or remained to enjoy the
music discoursed by an excellent string band which occupied the
stage. The large room gave ample accommodation for the crowd,
without in any way interfering with those engaged in serving the
tables, or the comfort of visitors. The benefit of a large hall,
for such purposes must have been obvious to all who visited the
In this connection we would state that the Excelsior boys desire
us to return their thanks to the citizens for so liberally
patronizing them, and particularly to the committee of young ladies
who were in attendance at the different tables. The latter were
very attentive, working constantly for the comfort of all present
while serving the luscious strawberries or delicious ice cream, and
certainly deserve the thanks which have been showered upon them by
the members of the Excelsior company.
CONFIRMED. - The appointment of John Lingafelt, Esq., as
postmaster, at Hollidaysburg, vice James Bingham, Esq., resigned,
was confirmed by the United States Senate, on the 6th instant.
SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING. - On Sunday afternoon last, all the
Protestant Sunday schools, of this city, met in the city Opera
House, at three o'clock, to listen to an address delivered by Rev.
Pelts, of Philadelphia. The exercises were opened by singing that
beautiful Sunday School hymn entitled "Water of Life." H. L. Delo,
leading, assisted by Dr. Gemmill, John Shoemaker, J. Delo, Mr.
Glosser, Mr. Cole, and others, after which prayer was offered by
Rev. W. Wragg, of the U. B. church. The schools again united in
singing "Jewels," at the close of which Mr. Pelts was introduced
and for three-quarters of an hour commanded the attention of the
children and large audience of grown persons. After the address the
children and audience joined in singing a Sunday School hymn, and
after a few announcements closed by singing "Coronation." And it
was singing, - singing that must be heard to be appreciated.
Imagine 2,500 voices, young and old, pealing forth old
"Coronation." It was grand.
This was the largest assemblage of children ever convened in
this city. It is estimated that there was full 2,500 persons in the
hall. Counting the Sabbath School children only, there were some
1,700 or 1,800, and we feel sure that there were from 700 to 800
persons not directly connected with the schools. Here again, the
benefit of a large hall was so obvious that we need not say a word
in reference to the necessity for such a building.
KILLED. - Nathan Denny, a watchman at Warrior Ridge station, was
run over by the Cincinnati Express west, on Saturday morning last,
and instantly killed. His dog, with him at the time, was also
struck by the locomotive, or the cars, and had his back broken. -
The train was stopped and several of the train men and passengers
went back to where the man was lying, but found the dog so fierce
and savage, that notwithstanding his injury, he would not permit
any one to go near his master. Several shots were fired at him from
pistols, but none of them took effect, and it was not until
parties, who were acquainted with the dog, came up and coaxed him
away, that any one could go near the injured man. The deceased had
been in the employ of the Railroad Company for many years, and was
regarded as a faithful man. He leaves a large family.
MAN INJURED - SINCE DEAD. - On Friday evening last, a man named
John Ryan, residing at Prospect Hill, Cambria county, attempted to
jump on one of the cars of the Fast Line, as it was pulling out
from the depot, but missed his footing and fell upon the track,
where one of his legs was caught by the wheels of the next truck.
The leg was broken at the thigh, and the flesh stripped from the
bone down to the knee. He was taken up and cared for until the next
morning, when he was sent to his home, where he died shortly after.
He had been to Huntingdon, in search of work, had returned to this
place on the mail train, and, being under the influence of liquor,
as was supposed, missed the mail train and attempted to get on
board the fast line, where he met with the accident.
FOURTH OF JULY ON THE PARK COURSE.- The attractive list of
Premiums offered by the Altoona Park Association, for trotting,
pacing and running horses, to be awarded on the Fourth of July, has
arrested the attention of the owners of fast horses in different
parts of the country, and the managers have notice that several
will be entered, thus guaranteeing a lively time upon the course on
the Fourth. - Those who take an interest in fast horses, or delight
in witnessing animated contests for premiums, can be gratified by
attending this trial of speed upon the Park Course. Judging from
the interest manifested in the contests, last fall, we expect to
see a large crowd of people within the Park on the Fourth of July,
should the weather prove favorable.
TREMENDOUS RAINS. - On Saturday morning last, the hills and
valleys, in this section were visited by the heaviest fall of rain
that has been witnessed for many years. It was not a storm, but a
constant fall in torrents for a half hour or more. As a
consequence, the streets were overflowed and lots and cellars in
all the low parts of the city were overflowed or filled with water.
Perhaps the fall was opportune, for the purpose of convincing the
City Council that the small sewers they contemplate putting down
would be just nowhere when it comes to carrying off such a body of
water as that which fell on Saturday. It was fully demonstrated
that a sewer of the size contemplated on Eleventh avenue, will not
answer for such showers. Better have the sewer too large than too
BASE BALL. - A match game of base ball will be played, on next
Saturday afternoon, between the first nines of the Keystone and Gem
Base Ball Clubs, of this city. A close game is expected.
The Liberty Club, of Hollidaysburg, paid a visit to this place,
on last Saturday, for the purpose of playing with the Keystones,
but rain falling all day, the game was not played.
PASSED THROUGH. - About noon, on Monday, a special train,
bearing the Knights Templar of Pittsburgh, Greensburg and other
Commanderies in the western part of the State, passed through this
city, for Williamsport, where the grand Conclave is to be held,
opening this morning. They were all finely and fully dressed, and
made a handsome appearance. - At this point they were joined by a
number of members of Mountain Commandery.
FIRE ALARM. - An alarm of fire was created, on Monday morning,
by a quantity of paints, oil and benzene, kept in a pit in a house
in "Carpenter's grove" becoming ignited. - The fire was speedily
extinguished with no other loss than the paints and oil, and no
damage, except the burning of the hands of an employe who was
present when the fire occurred.
- Our old time friend, A. A. Smyth, now of Titusville, dropped
in upon us, on Monday morning last, looking hale and hearty as in
days of yore. Alex. is a live man, always on hand when any good
work is to be done, either for benevolent or patriotic purposes, or
the good of the public. We are pleased to learn that he is
prospering at Titusville, and is about to set up shop on his own
hook. Success attend him.
TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. - At a meeting of the Bar, held at the Court
House in pursuance of notice, June 11th, 1870, Hon. Samuel Calvin
was called to the Chair, and Maj. Wm. Williams and Aug. S. Landis
were chosen Secretaries.
On motion, Thad. Banks, John Cresswell, John Dean, Wm. Williams
and A. S. Landis were appointed a committee to report appropriate
That committee reported the following resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted, and it was ordered that the committee convey a
copy to the bereaved family of the deceased:
WHEREAS, James M. Bell, the oldest member of this Bar, has just
been by death forever removed from our midst.
AND WHEREAS, It is proper that the members of the Bar should
give expression to their feelings on the occasion. Therefore,
Resolved, That though for some years, Mr. Bell had in a great
measure retired from the active duties of the profession, he was
for many years universally regarded as one of the leading and
ablest lawyers in the valley of the Juniata.
Resolved, That though for some years in feeble health, he was
for a long time one of our most active, energetic, useful and
influential citizens - always distinguished for strong practical
common sense, great will and energy of character, and kindness, and
devotion to his friends.
Resolved, That we hereby tender to his widow and family our
sincere condolence and sympathy in their bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the several
papers of the county.
Maj. John Brotherline, John Dean, Col. R. A. McMurtrie and Hon.
Sam. Calvin made appropriate remarks upon the character of the
deceased, and paid high tributes to his personal worth, his
intellectual power, and his eminence as a lawyer and his usefulness
as a citizen.
On motion adjourned.
ABSCONDING WITNESSES. - Delinquent and absconding witnesses
hereafter will have to be a little more careful in responding to
the process of the courts, in important criminal trials. As will be
seen by the following section of a law passed at the last session,
they make themselves liable to indictment and heavy penalties:
Be it enacted, &c., That if any person who shall have been
required by virtue of any writ of subpoena or other legal process
to attend to testify in any prosecution for forgery, perjury or
felony before any criminal court, judge, or justice, or other
judicial tribunal in this Commonwealth, or who may have been
recognized or held to bail to attend as a witness on behalf of the
Commonwealth or defendant, before any court having jurisdiction, to
testify in any prosecution aforesaid, shall unlawfully and
willfully, from this Commonwealth or from the jurisdiction of such
court, and with intent to defeat the ends of public justice,
abscond, elope, or conceal himself, and refuse to appear as
required by said subpoena or other legal process or recognizance of
bail, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being thereof
convicted, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding two
thousand dollars, or undergo an imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or both, or either at the discretion of the court.
Y. M. C. A. - There was a large turn out at the anniversary of
the Young Men's Christian Association, in the Lutheran Church, on
Monday evening. The addresses of Gen. Beaver, and others are highly
spoken of by those who were present. We are sorry that other
important engagements prevented our being present, as we desired to
give a full report of the exercises. We hope to have a full report
in time for our next issue.
GET YOUR TICKETS. - Holders of, and parties entitled to, Life
Membership Tickets in the Altoona Park Association, will please
call upon John Lloyd, at the First National Bank and get the new
tickets prepared for them. The Treasurer desires to finish up the
business previous to the opening of the grounds on the Fourth of
July. They will therefore accommodate him by calling
RED MEN'S PIC NIC. - The first annual Basket Pic Nic of Bald
Eagle Tribe, No. 102, I. O. R. M., of Tyrone, will be held at
Sinking Spring Grove, near Tyrone, on 4th Sun, Buck Moon, G. S. D.
379. Judging from the names on the committee of arrangements, it
will be an enjoyable occasion, and it will give us pleasure to
participate should circumstances permit.
NEW COAL YARD. - By reference to an advertisement in another
column, it will be seen that John Cunningham has taken the coal
yard of Messrs. Watson and Cullen, on the old Branch track, in
Fifth ward, and is now prepared to supply coal of all kinds.
DROWNED. - On Saturday afternoon last, a man named Sankey, fell
into Stone Creek, below Huntingdon, and was drowned. His body was
not recovered until Sunday evening, when it was found in a pile of
driftwood a short distance below where he fell in.
On the 17th ult., by Rev. D. Hartman, Mr. Albert C. Rickabaugh,
of Altoona, and Miss Christie Henshey, of Antis Township.
June 1st, near Airy Dale, Huntingdon county, Mrs. Martha J.,
wife of J. N. Hamilton, in the 37th year of her age.
Once more has death entered that household and taken the wife
and mother. Consumption, that fell destroyer, marked her for its
victim. She leaves a husband and four motherless little ones
behind. In all the relations of life - daughter, sister, wife,
friend - she was a noble example to her sex, one that might be
followed without going astray; naturally of a religious turn of
mind, her every day life was marked by christian charity, love and
kindness, characteristics which made her the dispenser of peace at
home, and a shining light to the church. But neither beauty of
person or mind, neither filial affection or reverence for the
Almighty could turn aside the icy hand of death, neither the skill
of the Physician, the love of husband and relatives, or the warm
sympathy of friends could stay the insidious attacks of the
destroyer. Though the deceased was in the noontide of life,
surrounded by every comfort to make existence desirable, she gave
up all without a murmur - manifesting in death as well as in life
the sublime reverence for the Heavenly Father - "Thy will not mine
be done." - N. H. B.
In Gallitzin, on the 25th May, 1870, Dessie, daughter of W. B.
and E. A. Brenneman, aged one year, eight months and fifteen
Farewell our dearest Dessie,
Saved from all earthly care,
Taken to the world of light,
Our little angel there.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, June 15, 1870, page