Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, September 15, 1866
A mass meeting of the Union voters of Blair County, will be held in
this place on Saturday evening next, September 22d, to be addressed by
Delegations from all parts of the county will be in attendance, and
the Silver Cornet Band has been engaged for the occasion.
This is to be the grand rally of the season, in this place.
Letter from Johnstown.
Johnstown, Sept. 13th, 1866.
Dear Tribune: It is so long since you heard from your Johnstown
correspondent that you have doubtless, ere this, concluded that he has
"dried up" completely. To disabuse your mind of this conclusion, if
such you have arrived at, I indite this epistle - less with the hope
of interesting your readers, than with the desire of letting them know
that your humble servant has not forgotten the ever-welcome
And now what shall I write about? Outside of politics there is
little occurring here of any exciting character, but you can "bet your
boots" that the political cauldron is kept boiling with a fervency, I
had almost said, worthy of a better cause. Be that as it may, both
political parties are laboring with a zeal unprecedented in this
community, and political gatherings are of almost nightly occurrence
here, or in the country districts surrounding. Amongst the
Republicans is this particularly the case. This being the home of Mr.
Morrell, the Republican candidate for Congress, himself and friends
seem determined to leave no honorable effort untried, (and
dishonorable ones I do not believe he is capable of) to secure a
favorable verdict from his own neighbors. Gen. Geary received quite
an ovation from his political friends here, on Saturday last. - What
with music, glee clubs, flags, "boys in blue," and a general
enthusiasm prevailing, the General must have felt as good as a young
mother over her first born. On the other hand there seems to be an
abiding faith that Gen. Geary and Mr. Morrell will not be called upon
to desert their present occupation, but that the mill will be kept
running and "squadrons set in the field" by the respective gentlemen
without further interruption, other than what may be required in the
effort to secure their election. However, we shall see what we shall
The nomination of R. L. Johnson, Esq., as the opponent of Mr.
Morrell, has been received with thank offerings by his friends, and in
him it cannot be denied that the latter gentleman has "not a foeman
worthy of his steel," or iron either, for that matter. There is, at
best, reasonable doubts of Mr. Johnson's election, and if a certain
Republican orator is to be believed, it is only because he was
defeated by Mr. Barker, and wants to gain the honor of being defeated
by a good man that he has permitted his name to come before the people
at all. Be Mr. Johnson's hopes what they may, our friend Barker will
"have a happy time" discovering the compliment personal to himself
contained in the speaker's remarks. However, the same orator said
that during the "dark days of rebellion" not a few of the denizens
hereabouts would not exchange a chew of tobacco or glass of grog for a
greenback dollar - an occurrence of which, the "oldest inhabitant," I
feel confident, has not even the faintest recollection in the remotest
degree. But a truce to politics, and now for a little local
Last week, and the present, has been consumed at Ebensburg by Court
business. A general stampede of lawyers and other s-c-a-m-p-s from
"this neck o'timber" has been the result, and, as a consequence, "all
is quiet along the line."
The "Turners,'' a German organization held a grand pic-nic near
this place, on Saturday last, which was attended by more people than
ever went to heaven from this region at one time. The members "turned"
their "limbs" around horizontal poles and other arrangements very
gracefully, the crowd generally turned the lager down their throats
easily, and postage currency turned itself into the association "till"
with a perfect looseness. There was a "turning" time generally, and
the participants "returned" to town well pleased with the "turn" of
A man was arrested here night before last in the act, it is said,
of appropriating corn and oats at the Cambria Iron Company's stables.
"Caught in the act" is presumptive evidence of guilt, and he will be
apt to be forced to emigrate further West in due time. The pilfering
is said to have been carried on for several weeks back. The
prisoner's name, which I withhold, is singularly significant of just
such predilections.
A young lad hailing, if I mistake not, from Conemaugh township, was
introduced to the Lock-Up yesterday, charged with the heinous crime of
attempting to outrage the person of a little girl - a mere child - the
previous evening. It is said that the young villain met his victim,
with a number of other little girls, on a country road, and after
asking the most obscene questions, pulled out a knife, and taking hold
of her threatened to kill her if she did not comply with his infamous
demands. The result was that he made the attempt, but failed, in his
hellish purpose - not, however, without considerably injuring the
unfortunate child.
A gentleman of Mormon proclivities found it convenient to leave
this neighborhood at a very unseasonable hour, a few nights ago, and
his present whereabouts are shrouded in mystery. - Said individual
buried one wife here, and married another, with whom he was living up
to the time of his sudden departure, when the news reached him that
another claimant for his bed and board, in the person of a just wife,
had arrived in New York from foreign parts, and was on her way to join
him. It is thought that the gentleman had some business elsewhere,
and has suddenly left to attend to it. When he returns we shall note
the fact.
Perhaps it may be a departure from the legitimate purpose of a
local correspondent to say anything in commendation of a particular
public house, or the proprietors thereof, but I cannot refrain from
putting it upon record, as a guide to travelers and sojourners in this
direction, that out side (or perhaps inside) of the city limits there
is no better conducted hotel, or one possessed in a greater degree of
the attributes of a comfortable abiding place, than the "Scott House,"
under the supervision of Messrs. Row & Co., of our town.- The
senior member, in point of proprietorship, but not of age, is Capt.
Amos Row, a brave Union officer during the late rebellion, a gentleman
in the strictest sense of the term, and a practical printer and whilom
editor of the Indiana Register. The other member of the firm, is Mr.
James H. Beauford, long and favorably known as the "mine host" of
several first-class hotels throughout the country - a man who
understands how to "keep a hotel," and render his patrons in an
eminent degree perfectly at home. In politics the house is equally
divided - the Captain voting in the way he fought, and the peace
member adhering to the Democratic cause. Politics, however, are not
obtruded upon any one, and in this as in all else that renders a hotel
a comfortable and agreeable place of sojourn, the "Scott House" is
unequalled by few and surpassed by none. Let visitors to this section
bear this in mind, and in the meantime I will adjourn to bed. Au
revoir. - EKIP.
For the Altoona Tribune.
Letter from Duncansville.
DUNCANSVILLE, PA., Sept. 12th, 1866.
MESSRS. McCRUM & DERN: - In your last issue I observed my name has
been familiarly used without authority, by "Union," who was too
cowardly to sign his name, but who is evidently a gentleman of heavy
mental calibre. It is possible I will survive the catastrophe, with
good care and attention, being in tolerable health now.
He undertakes to dictate my politics which is very silly, in a
community where intelligent people live, and read and come to their
own conclusions. He must not think because we are hid away in this
Country Village, that we are not posted, for we are. I read the N. Y.
Tribune, and the D. D. Press, daily. I cannot say by so doing, I am
politically edified, but to a certain extent, just contrary. I am
heart?ly disgusted with the Radical, incendiary doctrine promulgated,
and will not endorse it. I am an American, I think, and act as my
consciousness of right and duty dictates.
He is in a state of frenzy over the probable dissolution of the
Union by Johnson's policy. How much he knows about the last attempt
at dissolution I cannot say, he may be one who howled at home while
thousands like myself, were in the field for four years undergoing the
privations and dangers of a soldiers life to prevent it. If of the
former class he should have good sense enough to take a back seat and
say nothing, if of the latter, he should do just as I do - think and
act as he pleases, irrespective of any stay-at-home's counsel. I will
add, under like circumstances, am ready to share the dangers again
with my fellow soldiers to sustain the Union cause, let it be assailed
by who it may.
I am not ready to kick a vanquished foe when down, like the
radicals are, but can extend the Olive Branch, even though I am
compelled to smother some of my Northern prejudices, for the sake of
In order not to again surprise some of my "Republican Friends" (?)
I will say I endorse Andrew Johnson's Policy of Reconstruction - I do
not believe in taxation without representation - do not believe a
negro is as good as I am, nor in granting him the right of suffrage at
this time. Let him take care of the new rights he has just received
and he will have about as much as he | can attend to. I do not
believe in a few old political backs, dictating to the voters of our
Country how they shall vote, which is the case with the radical
portion of the Republican party.
There you have my ideas flat and any time any of my Republican
friends desire my reasons for the course I am pursuing, they can have
them accompanied by a little joke called "my office." It is a good
thing, I assure you.
I am much obliged to "Union," for his kind instruction volunteered,
and when I need more I shall be most happy to receive it. He is a
good fellow, no doubt, and an oracle not to be sneezed at. He and the
rest of my "Republican Friends" (?) can take this in fun, or in
earnest, just as they see proper, but when they undertake to attend to
my business, I wish them to know more about it. I do not intend to
have a controversy in this matter, but if by circumstances I am
compelled to, I will tell some truths that will not increase the
radical vote of our Country. I have been in the "ring,"
I Remain Very Respectfully, JOHN W. HICKS.
Letter from Tyrone.
TYRONE, Sept. 13, 1866.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - The excitement attendant on the fire in town, which
we noticed last week, had scarcely subsided before we were all ablaze
again by hearing of a very bold robbery committed among us. The facts
of the case are as follows: On Saturday morning last, some person or
persons (unknown of course) by means of an augur, effected an entrance
through a back door into a clothing store, in the central part of
town, owned by Wm. Vocht, Esq. The thieves succeed in getting a
considerable amount of clothing and any quantity of jewelry, (the
quality of which we did not learn) and retreated in good order with
their booty, no one discovering or knowing anything of the affair,
until the opening of the store apprised the owner that his jewelry had
all gone from the case in which it was kept. Mr. Vocht places his
loss at about five hundred dollars. Efforts were made to ascertain
the whereabouts and the course the thieves took, which proved to be of
no avail, as no clue to either has yet been discovered.
The Good Templar pic nic held near Spruce Creek, on Saturday last,
passed off very pleasantly to those in attendance. Owing to the rain
on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, the Huntingdon and
Petersburg Lodges were not present, leaving but Altoona and
Franklinville Lodges represented, but there were quite enough present
to have fun, and fun they did have in quantities. The dinner was
splendid and reflected credit on the cook. The singing, by the
Franklinville Lodge, was delightful and had a soul stirring effect.
Short speeches were made in the afternoon, by Mr. Ewing, of
Franklinville, and J. D. Hicks, of Altoona, which were well received.
A game of base ball was also indulged in, led off by Messrs. P. W.
Hoover and J. D. Hicks, as captains of the men. The whole affair
passed off nicely and all were sorry when the time arrived to go home.
Before parting, however, three hearty cheers were given for the
Temperance cause, and all present pledged themselves to work earnestly
for its support. Politics here, like "Mrs. Jo," in Dickens' Great
Expectations, is "on the rampage." All you hear is "Geary," "Clymer,"
"My Policy," &c. We noticed quite an enthusiastic supporter of
the first named, taking the vote of the passengers in the Philadelphia
Express Train, Eastward, on Thursday evening last. The result, in
three cars, amounted to 62 for Geary, 37 for Clymer, 14 not voting.
The Republicans are to have a grand meeting here, on Saturday next, at
which some of the apostles of the cause are expected to speak. Quite
a crowd is anticipated, and of course lots of whiskey will be drank. -
A match game of base ball is to be played here on Saturday next,
between the Star Club, of Altoona, and the Bald Eagle Club, of Tyrone.
So we are to have quite a busy and exciting day. - TROJAN.
Great Disaster at Johnstown. *
Falling of a Platform Crowded with over 700 Persons.
The most terrible accident that has ever visited Johnstown,
occurred on Friday morning last, during the reception of the
Presidential party. About fifteen hundred persons had congregated at
the railroad depot to receive them, and at least one-half of this
number were suddenly plunged into the bed of the old Pennsylvania
Canal, by the giving away of a platform erected by the Railroad
Company. The scene which ensued can be better imagined than described
- it was perfectly appalling. President Johnson, General Grant and
Secretary Welles were standing on the platform of the rear car, when
the depot platform gave way on account of the immense weight upon it,
and men, women and children were suddenly plunged into the canal
beneath. A panic seized upon those who were yet out of danger, and
hundreds fled in all directions.
The mass of human beings who were thus thrown promiscuously
together were able, the most part of them, to find their way out from
the debris, but no less than three persons were found to have been
killed outright, and a very large number badly injured. As soon as
the first excitement had passed away, ample assistance was at hand,
and the wounded were assisted to their homes. - Some of these died
shortly after reaching their homes, and many were found so hopelessly
injured that their lives are still despaired of. Physicians were sent
for in all directions. Several reached Johnstown during the
afternoon, and rendered valuable assistance.
The town presents an unusual appearance tonight, almost every house
is turned into a hospital. Nurses and physicians are hurrying to and
fro, in attending to the wants of the sufferers, but there is an
abundance of help at hand.
As soon as the accident occurred, General Grant and Admiral
Farragut alighted from the train, and seeing the extent of the
disaster, ordered one of the surgeons accompanying the party to attend
to the wounded. He is in town to-night and is still actively engaged
at his labors among the sufferers.
The Presidential train departed soon after the accident. President
Johnson has forwarded five hundred dollars for the benefit of the
The following are the names of the persons who were killed
outright: - David Metzgar, Nathaniel Duncan, and Mrs. James Quirk.
We learn from Dr. S. M. Sellers, of this place, who rendered timely
assistance to the unfortunate sufferers, that five more persons have
since died from their injuries, and many others are lying in a very
critical condition. More than fifty cases of fractured limbs have
occurred. In several cases amputation will be necessary.
It has been distinctly ascertained that the number of persons
injured is three hundred. The Johnstown Tribune publishes a list of
their names this (Saturday) morning which occupies an entire column of
that paper.
An examination of the wrecked platform shows that it was sustained
by three timbers and a truss, all of which were entirely rotten at the
centre. A medical force was dispatched from Altoona this morning.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, September 15, 1866, page
BRIEF MENTION. - The Shirleysburg Herald hoists the names of Miller
and Willis, Johnson Democratic candidates for Assembly, in the
Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata district. - Have you seen Anderson,
the shoemaker, at Spatz's old stand? We don't know whether he wants
to see you, or not, but if you want a good pair of boots for the
winter, you ought to see him. - The office of the Indiana, Pa., True
American, (Republican) is offered for sale. - The Huntingdon county
Agricultural Fair will be held at Huntingdon on the 26th, 27th and
28th of the present month. - The Juniata True Democrat has changed
hands - W. J. Jackman retiring and George Stroop entering into
possession. The retiring and incoming editors have our best wishes
for their future pecuniary welfare. - The Democratic Congressional
Conference, which adjourned from Huntingdon to Tyrone, nominated Robt.
L. Johnson, of Cambria, on first ballot, at second meeting, the name
of Hon. John Cresswell having been withdrawn.
IMPROMPTU MEETING. - Col. d. K. McClure, of Chambersburg, on his
way to address Union meetings at Beaver and other points in the
Western part of the State, arrived in this place, on Monday evening
last, and remained over night. - The fact was soon noised abroad that
Colonel McClure was at the Logan House. At once his friends secured
the services of the Silver Cornet Band, treated him to a serenade and
called him out for a speech. The noise of engines, and the bustle
attendant upon the arrival and departure of trains, makes the depot an
unfavorable place for addressing the people, consequently the crowd
followed the band to the corner of Virginia and Annie streets, where
the Colonel was introduced by John Swartz, Esq., from the steps of the
Superintendent's Office. Considering the short notice given, the
turnout was highly creditable, the crowd being almost as great as that
in attendance upon a previous meeting, of which several days notice
had been given. Col. McClure is a ready offhand speaker, perfectly at
home upon the stump, and he at once entered into the discussion of the
various political issues now before the people. - He was especially
severe on Hon. Edgar Cowan, who addressed a Democratic meeting in this
place, a few evenings previous. He showed up his political
vacillation in everything else than an amiable light. On the question
of giving rebels their rights under the Constitution, he defined these
rights to the entire satisfaction of his audience, if expressions of
approval may be taken as an evidence thereof. Touching on negro
suffrage or equality, as it is termed, he showed how ridiculous it is
to agitate the question, in this State especially, at this time; as,
according to the Constitution of the State, no amendment to that
instrument can be made within the next four years, and the negro
cannot vote in Pennsylvania unless such amendments is made. The
question of suffrage, he explained, belongs solely to the States, and
unless a majority of the people of this State are in favor of giving
negroes the right of suffrage, four years hence, or any time
hereafter, they never can exercise that right in Pennsylvania. Were
999 men out of every 1,000 in favor of negro suffrage to-day, it could
not be given for four years to come. Remarks dropped, by men of all
parties, showed that this question was not generally understood, and
that although they did not agree with the speaker on all political
subjects, they at least left his presence wiser on more points than
one, than they came into it.
SKILLFUL PRACTICE. - It is always a pleasure for us to record the
performance of good and great deeds by any of our citizens. We have
this week to refer to a triumph of medical skill, which reflects great
credit upon those who achieved it. A little daughter of Mr. John F.
Bowman, of this place, was, for a number of years, afflicted with
inflammation and weakness of the eyes. About a year, or eighteen
months since, he was induced to take her to one of the eye
infirmaries, in Philadelphia, where she remained a considerable length
of time without receiving any benefit. He then took her out of the
infirmary and placed her under the special care of one of the most
celebrated professors of the city. After treating her for several
months, he pronounced her case incurable, stating that the sight of
one eye was entirely gone. Mr. Bowman then brought her home. Most
persons would have given up the case as hopeless, but Mr. B.'s
affection for his afflicted child would not permit him to spare cither
efforts or money to secure relief for her. He requested Drs. Gemmill
& Campbell to try their skill, and, after an examination of the
case, they consented. She has been under their care for several
months, and we rejoice to say that little Ella Bowman's eyesight is
now completely restored, all inflammation removed, and that she is in
daily attendance upon our public schools. While great cures are
sometimes performed in city hospitals, it is possible that equally as
great may be performed in the country, if skillful practitioners are
MRS. GAGE'S LECTURE. - The lecture delivered in the M. E. Church,
on Tuesday evening last, by Mrs. F. D. Gage, of Ohio, was well
attended, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. Perhaps
curiosity attracted many, as we believe Mrs. G. is the first woman who
has appeared before this public as a lecturer. She is a woman of some
sixty years of age, not prepossessing in appearance, but bearing marks
of intelligence, determination and perseverance. Her style is easy
and graceful, and her voice soft, pathetic, attractive, clear, and
fills the largest hall. Her theme is temperance, and right well does
she handle her subject. She reviews the evils arising from the sale
of ardent spirits in four aspects, viz: financially, physically,
morally and religiously, and then presents, what she considers, the
proper mode of correcting them. We consider the lecture about as good
as any we ever heard on the subject.
COUNTY FAIR. - We hope our readers, in town and country, will not
forget the approaching County Fair. Let all who can, furnish
something for exhibition, and those who have nothing to exhibit give
it encouragement by their presence. The managers are making every
effort to render the occasion satisfactory to visitors, and we should
all feel an interest in its success, and contribute our mite to make
it creditable to "Little Blair."
STATE BASE BALL CONVENTION. - A convention of the Base Ball Clubs of
this State will be held in Harrisburg on Thursday, September 27th, in
the spacious Court House, at 10 o'clock A. M., to take into
consideration various matters of interest pertaining to "Our National
Game," as well as to secure an official recognition by the next
National Convention of all such clubs as shall be represented in the
State organization.
Each Club is requested to send two delegates.
J. M Bell, Star B. B. C., Altoona.
B. F. Rose, Mountain B. B. C., Altoona.
R. M. Hunt, Kickeneapawling B. B. C., Johnstown.
Wm. R. Jones, Iron B. B. C., Johnstown.
R. Snodgrass, Keystone B. B. C., Harrisburg.
W. E. Dougherty, Tyrolean B. B. C., Harrisburg.
A. J. Kauffman, Shawnee B. B. C., Columbia.
W. D. Cramer, Mechanics' B. B. C., Patterson.
W. H. Harrison, Williamsport B. B. C., Williamsport.
J. D. Hicks, Bald Eagle B. B. C., Tyrone.
M. D, Detrich, Dahlgreen B. B, C., Greencastle.
J. E. Torrington, Susquehanna B. B. C., Sunbury.
J. C. Adair, Amateur B. B. C., Carlisle.
C. H. Brady, Excelsior B. B. C., Mount Joy.
John Wallower, Spartan B. B. C., Harrisburg.
Henry Weiss, Mechanics' B. B. C., Harrisburg.
S. S. Blair, Juniata B. B. C., Hollidaysburg.
R. J. Horrell, Monitor B. B. C, Hollidaysburg.
H. G. Fisher, Social B. B. C., Huntingdon.
V. B. Beane, Swatara B. B. C., Middletown.
Wm. Wise, Alfarata B, B, C., Mifflin.
Clubs sending delegates or desiring information please address the
undersigned, lock box 66, Harrisburg, Pa.
Temporary Committee of Arrangements.
We learn that an invitation has been extended to one of the
Celebrated Base Ball Clubs of Brooklyn, N. Y., to visit this city and
play a match game with the Tyroleans, on the day after the convention.
No reply has as yet been received, but the public can rely upon a
grand match taking place on that day. An interesting time is
anticipated in Base Ball circles. - Harrisburg Telegraph.
BASE BALL. - On Saturday last, the 8th inst., the Logan Club, of
this place, visited the Huntingdon and played a match game with the
Spartan Club, of that place, the former coming out "first best," as
will be seen by the following:
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Hackett, 1b |
2 |
8 |
Cunningham, c |
4 |
5 |
Humes, ss |
3 |
6 |
Long, rf |
3 |
4 |
Ickes, cf |
3 |
7 |
Strickler, p |
2 |
5 |
Snyder, lf |
3 |
6 |
Gwinn, 1b |
4 |
4 |
Patton, rf |
4 |
5 |
Summers, 3b |
5 |
2 |
Worrell, p |
4 |
6 |
S. Long, 2b |
3 |
5 |
McDonald, 2b |
3 |
6 |
Burchinell, ss |
2 |
5 |
Findley, 3b |
2 |
6 |
Swope, lf |
2 |
4 |
Smith, c |
3 |
7 |
White, cf |
2 |
5 |
27 |
57 |
27 |
39 |
Out on Foul, |
10 |
Out on Foul, |
11 |
Fly Catches, |
7 |
Fly Catches, |
13 |
Struck Out, |
3 |
Struck Out, |
2 |
Scorer - Isaac Eby. |
Scorer - N. Cunningham. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Logan, |
4 |
15 |
9 |
3 |
1 |
10 |
9 |
0 |
6 |
57 |
Spartans, |
5 |
2 |
7 |
2 |
6 |
0 |
11 |
4 |
2 |
39 |
Umpire - H. G. Fisher. Time of Game - 4h. and 15.
The members of our junior club speak highly of Mr. Fisher, the
Umpire in the above game. His ready decisions and gentlemanly manners
have won for him their esteem and friendship.
OUR MARBLE WORKS. - Do our people know that we have marble works in
our town equal to any of the city establishments. True, there may not
be so many pieces of marble on hand, but those executed will compare
with that turned out by any city works. Go to our cemetery and
examine the stones and tombs from the works of Mason & Kendall,
and you will be convinced that you need not go away from home for your
monuments, tombs, or head and foot stones. Mr. Kendall has sold out
his interest to Mr. Mason, by whom the business will be hereafter
carried on. Mr. M. has just received a large supply of marble, of all
qualities, and will prepare it either for cemeteries, or building
purposes, at short notice and at fair prices. Call and see specimens
at his works, next door to Lutheran Church.
RECEPTION OF PRESIDENT AND SUITE. - We have neither time nor room,
this week, to detail the arrangements, speeches, etc., incident to the
reception of President Johnson, at this place, on yesterday afternoon,
but will give them in full in our next issue. We say, however, that a
more orderly concourse has not greeted him at any point on his route.
We say this with pride, as we do most heartily condemn rude and
insulting behavior at all times and under all circumstances. For this
reason we feel proud of the behavior of our people, as good order and
behavior seems to have been the exception throughout. - We think the
proper mode of behavior on all occasions of this kind, where the party
may not be liked, is either to stay away, or keep quiet.
WRITING SCHOOL. - Mr. J. A. Fulmer, professor of Penmanship, will
open a writing school, in Logan Hall, on Tuesday evening next, Sept.
18th. He will deliver a course of lectures and criticisms on the
subject. The room will be open for the reception of pupils - ladies
and gents - from 4 to 5 p. m. The course consists of fifteen lessons
in as many days. Scholarship $5. Bookkeeping also taught. Mr. F.
comes highly recommended by the press and others, but his specimens,
on exhibition at the Post Office, are sufficient.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, September 15, 1866, page
* The following is from the Harrisburg Telegraph of Monday,
September 7, 1866, page 2:
THE ACCIDENT AT JOHNSTOWN - Thirteen Persons Killed and Many
Wounded. - The terrible accident that occurred at Johnstown, on
Friday, was much more fatal and distressing than the reports on
Saturday represented them to be. It seems that not less than thirteen
persons were killed or fatally injured, and a very large number
In expectation of the special train containing the Presidential
party, a large number of people, probably three thousand in all, had
gathered in and about the depot at that place to tender the usual
salutations. Near the depot is an old canal, over which was a double
crossing with a sort of cover, fifty feet square between.
Upon this structure or bridge some eight or nine hundred people had
congregated, a large number of whom were women and children. The
centre part was densely packed, and must have contained at least four
hundred people. The train had hardly stopped when the centre part
gave way with a tremendous crash, precipitating the entire party, in a
headlong mass some thirty feet. Hardly had the noise of the falling
timbers and the shrieks of the terrified people above ceased, when the
groans of the dying and the screams of women and children came from
the awful wreck below.
All who had escaped injury proceeded at once to extricate the
sufferers, who were piled one upon the other among a mass of timbers
and iron rods.
The poor victims - men women, and children - were dragged out from
the ruins, several of whom had been crushed to death by falling
timbers, but more by being fallen upon by others. Most of the killed
and wounded were of the laboring class. Mr. Metzgar, one of the
killed, was proprietor of the hotel, and was quite wealthy; and Miss
Letitia Cannon was the belle of the town and graduated at the head of
her class on Tuesday last. The scene was one of indescribable horror.
The groans of the wounded, and the screams and tears of mothers,
wives, sisters, and daughters was the saddest sight even seen. The
following is a partial list of those killed, and of those pronounced
past recovery:
John Parvet, killed outright; Mrs. Welch, crushed to death;
Margaret Davis, killed instantly; Frank Debert, dying; Nathaniel
Duncan, killed; Lizzie Stobert, crushed to death; Samuel Mansell,
dying; Lettie Cannon, killed; Mrs. Martha Montire, cannot recover;
John Marsh and little girl unknown, crushed to death.
John Weeklands; John Jelly, spine injured; John Cairnes, face
crushed; John Johnson, badly hurt; Mary Trowbert, badly hurt; Mary
Richards, badly hurt; Robert Richards, both legs broken; John White,
badly injured; Michael McNamy, thigh broken; Miss Blenshaw, leg
broken; Henry Waters, skull fractured; Rev. Mr. Agnew, badly hurt;
Josiah Folsom, leg broken; Maria Jones, face crushed; Mrs. Carson, leg
broken and spine injured; Dennis Watson, leg broken; Mrs. Myers badly
bruised about face and body; Elizabeth Graham, hurt; John Fisher spine
injured; John Fredericks, badly hurt; Dr. Sheridan, badly hurt; Samuel
Young, leg broken; Wm. Baker, face crushed; Jas. Bayley, badly hurt;
Lewis Baumer, hip hurt; Christian Kolb, face; Adam Kettening, leg
broken; Lizzie Harris, both legs broken; Mrs. Frum, injured
internally; Mrs. Lewis, injured internally; Mrs. Parsy, injured
internally; Cyrus Little, badly hurt; Mrs. Fend, badly injured; Mary
Quin, leg broken; Mr. Ormer, hurt in shoulder; Mr. Hunt, badly
bruised; Barbara Greis, severely hurt; Mr. Dont, ribs fractured; Tim
Hunt, badly bruised; Daniel Cartwright, contusions; Christian Trobert,
hurt in head and side; J. B. M'Wright, nose cut off; Daniel Gillis,
hurt in head and leg; Thomas Lemer, face crushed; Patrick Mavin, leg
broke and spine injured; Wm. Mitchell, injured in back; Wm. Young,
both legs broken and injured internally; Mrs. Wonderly, hurt bad in
back; Wm. Rose, severely injured; Mrs. Diebeir, hurt badly; Richard
Morgan, badly crushed; David Reese, leg crushed; Mrs. Welsh, head and
back hurt; Henry Shur, flesh wound; Geo. B. Lucas, leg broken; Richard
Jones and wife, badly hurt; Daniel McPhike, leg and arm broken; J. T.
Petriken, chest badly hurt; Edward Ralph, knee dislocated; Mary
Morris, leg broken; George Kittering, thigh broken; Mrs. Alexander
Ryer, of Cincinnati, injured in arm, side and hip; Rev. Mr. Jenkins,
badly hurt; Daniel Jones, in knee and face; Miss Parry, badly hurt;
Lydia Swank, badly hurt; Thomas Butler, badly hurt; Mr. Gore, badly
hurt; Mr. Horn, badly hurt; I. W. Meyers, badly hurt; J. Williams,
badly hurt; J. White, badly hurt; Margaret Daly, contusion on thigh;
Peter Stower, thigh broken; Mrs. Trobert, ribs fractured; William
Harmer and son, and John Harmer, Mary Shepperd, and about one hundred
others, slightly hurt, bruised and scratched; Wesley Green, badly cut
in the head; Mrs. Moses, badly hurt in breast; John Cox, badly injured
in knee and head; Daniel Becker, leg broken; Robert Pritchard, leg
torn off; D. Cannon, leg broken; Mary McDonald, ribs broken; Mrs.
McDonald, badly hurt in head.