Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, September 8, 1866
BAD GRAMMAR. - Last week Mary Jane Grammar commenced suit in the
Sixth District Court, in Sacramento, for a divorce from her husband,
Joseph Grammar. There must be bad Grammar here. It seems wrong that
the feminine Grammar, having formed a conjunction with the male
Grammar, should thus decline to continue it. Perhaps Mary Jane
Grammar's moods may have caused unhappiness; or Grammar's attachments
to an improper noun; or again, the parts of speech may have been
excessively developed in the feminine Grammar. We have a great
respect for Grammar, and hope that Grammar and his wife will agree
grammatically; and that Mary Jane, on demanding a decree of divorce,
will find that the Judge won't "parse it."
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, September 8, 1866, page
DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. - The Delegates to the Democratic
County Convention re-assembled, pursuant to adjournment, in the Court
House, in the Borough of Hollidaysburg, at 11 o'clock a.m., on
Thursday, August 30th, 1866, and were called to order by the
President, A. J. CRISSMAN.
The list of Delegates was then called, after which, on motion,
adjourned to meet again at 2 o'clock.
AFTERNOON SESSION. - Convention met at 2 o'clock and was called to
order by the President.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to nominate candidates for
county officers, when the following ticket was placed in
Assembly - DR. ROWAN CLARK, of Antis. Commissioner - ELLIS HART, of
Director of the Poor - ROBERT C. GALBRAITH, of Tyrone.
District Attorney - JONA. D. LEET, of Hollidaysburg.
Auditor - J. G. McDONALD, of Gaysport.
The following resolutions were read by M. H. Jolly, Esq., and
adopted unanimously.
Resolved, That the high, patriotic course of Andrew Johnson, the
great Tribune of the people, meets with our earnest approbation, and
we hereby tender him our thanks for his efforts to restore and
maintain the Union and the Constitution in their integrity and
Resolved, That the thanks of the people of Pennsylvania are due to
their representatives in the United States Senate, Hons. Edgar Cowan
and Chas. R. Buckalew.
Resolved, That we approve the platform of principles laid down in
the resolutions and address of the National Union Convention, held in
Philadelphia on the 14th of August.
Resolved, That the ticket this day nominated is worthy the support
of every Democratic and conservative citizen of Blair county, and we
hereby pledge ourselves to use our best exertions to secure its
On motion, Aug. S. Landis, Esq., was called upon to address the
convention, which he did in a most effective and eloquent speech.
On motion, of S. P. McFadden, W. H. Irvin and S. P. McFadden were
appointed a committee to inform Dr. Clark of his nomination for
On motion, the thanks of the Convention were tendered to Mr. Landis
for his able address.
On motion, the proceedings were ordered to be published in the
Standard, and the Convention adjourned sine die.
A. J. CRISSMAN, Pres't.
Maj. John W. Hicks.
I, with many others of your Republican friends, were much surprised
to find you presiding at the meeting held in Altoona, Thursday evening
last, at which the Hon. Edgar Cowan spoke. You certainly could not
have been ignorant of the fact that this meeting was arranged by the
Democrats, under the assumed name of "Union Meeting," to avoid giving
it any public sanction as Democrats. Their posters were without any
name or responsible authority, and their design was to make it appear
as a Republican assembly. The cheat was so apparent that it seemed
impossible that any Republican would so far forget himself and his
principles as to countenance by his presence, in an official capacity,
a movement intended by the Democrats to weaken and destroy the Union
Party, and put into power, not loyal men, but the sworn, active,
bitter rebels of the South. That you, who so recently acted with and
supported the real Union Party, should allow yourself to be made a
cats-paw, by the Democrats, to give the meeting a seeming Republican
endorsement, is really astonishing.
Perhaps, Major, there is a small appointment in the Bread and
Butter Brigade lying around somewhere, upon which your longing eyes
are turned, that will account for this sudden "change of base." But,
Major, the people cannot be deluded by such shallow contrivances.
They see through the schemes of Cowan, Johnson, Jeff. Davis & Co.,
and the carefully guarded speeches of a renegade Senator, sanctioned
by the presence of a Republican presiding officer, will not blind them
to the true issue, nor divert them from their purpose to sustain a
loyal Congress. - UNION.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, September 8, 1866, page
Council Proceedings.
Special Meeting - Monday, August 13th.
Members present - M. Cyphers, J. Hesser, Wm. A. Rodamor, Jno. Fresh
and H. C. Dern, President.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Dr. Christy and Jno. McClelland were present and urged the
propriety of the Council paying for the Gas consumed in the public
lamp at Mr. Jaggard's corner.
Mr. Hesser, Chairman of the Committee on nuisances, appointed at
last meeting, reported that they visited the Tannery, and from their
observation said Tannery is not at present a nuisance and the
proprietor of said Tannery promised that in future there would be no
cause of complaint given. The Committee also reported that in their
judgment there was no necessity for a culvert along the run on
Allegheny street, but that said run should be bridged at the
On motion of Mr. Fresh, seconded by Mr. Hesser, the Superintendent
of streets was instructed to build a bridge across said run, opposite
the residence of Mr. R. A. McCormick.
On notion of Mr. Rodamor, seconded by M Cyphers, the bill of gas
consumed in lamp at Mr. Jaggard's corner was laid over until next
meeting night.
On motion, adjourned. - H. C. DERN, Pres't. Attest: T. BROPHY,
Regular Meeting, Sept. 4th, 1866.
Members present - M. Cyphers, Wm. A. Rodamor, Jno. Fresh and H. C.
Dern, President.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Wm. Rodamor moved that a committee of three be appointed to
examine into the propriety of permitting the Gas Co., to build or
extend their buildings across the alley which they are now obstructing
by their new improvements. Messrs. Rodamor, Fresh and Cyphers were
the committee appointed.
The following bills were read and approved and orders granted:
To W. W. Snyder, Supervisor of sts. for the month of August, 23
days, @ $2.00 per day - $46.00
To C. Clemens, laborer, for 22 3/4 days @ $1.75 per day -
To D. Cluck, laborer, for 17 1/2 days @ $2.00 per day - $34.50
To J. Berkowitz, for cash paid by him on sewer in Main alley -
To H. Bell, for 720 feet of plank @ $20.00 per m. - $14.40
To Gas & Water Co., for the qrs. ending Sept. 1865, Dec. 1865 and
March, 1866 - $63.00
To Stephen Aiken, a soldier, who had paid $5.00 bounty-tax - said
tax was refunded - $5.00
On motion of W. Rodamor seconded by M. Cyphers, it was resolved
that the Borough refuse to pay for the gas consumed in public lamp at
Mr. Jaggard's corner.
It was also resolved to exempt Henry Foust from his Borough and
Bounty taxes - $5.00.
It was also resolved that the Borough grade the ditch for a sewer,
extending from Annie to Catharine streets, on Virginia alley,
providing the citizens on said alley lay the sewer.
On motion of Mr. W. Rodamor, a Committee of three, consisting of
Messrs. Dern, Cyphers and Fresh, was appointed to inquire into the
expediency of preparing an Ordinance regulating weights and measures
in the Borough of Altoona.
On motion, adjourned. - H. C. DERN, Pres't. Attest: T. BROPHY,
We were in error, last week, in stating that Maj. W. W. Hicks, of
Duncansville, had been promoted to a brevet Lieutenant Colonelcy. It
should have been that Lieut. Col. John W. Hicks, late of the 76th
Reg't, had been made "Colonel by brevet, for gallant and meritorious
conduct during the war." Notwithstanding the Colonel's protestations,
we do not believe that he will let his children play with ours.
An extensive fire occurred in Liverpool, Perry county, on Tuesday
evening, Aug. 28th, destroying over $4,000 worth of property.
The Standing Stone Lodge of Good Templars, of Huntingdon, in
conjunction with the Lodges between that place and Altoona, propose
holding a grand pic-nic at the Big Spring, near Spruce Creek, to-
The Democratic Congressional Conference for this District, met at
Huntingdon, on Saturday last - all the counties in the district being
represented. After organizing, a number of ballots were had, when no
choice having been effected, the Conference adjourned to meet at
Tyrone city, on Thursday last.
The Annual Fair of the Juniata County Agricultural Society, will be
held on the 10th, 11th and 12th of October. The Huntingdon County
Fair will be held on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September.
A coal miner, named Joseph Griffin, met his death on Tuesday last,
at the mines of the Cambria Iron Company, by the falling in of the
slate from the roof of the drift.
The steam saw mill of Henry Hobole, in Carroll township, Cambria
county was totally consumed by fire on Sunday last. The loss is quite
A son of Robert Lansberry, of Bradford township, Clearfield county,
had his thigh broken and sustained other injuries, by driving his
wagon against an old tree, which fell on him in consequence.
A narrow escape from being poisoned occurred in the family of Major
McKinney, at Reedsville, Mifflin county, week before last, by the
accidental introduction of a small quantity of arsenic into a cake, of
which all the family, as well as a visitor, partook, and were quite
seriously affected. The poison had been used for rats, and by some
carelessness got mixed with tartar emetic.
Mr. David Johns, of Orbisonia, fell from the roof of his house, on
the 21st ult., and was so severely injured in the head as to cause
congestion of the brain.
A little daughter of Harry Ebersol, formerly of this place, but now
of Harrisburg, had her collar bone broken, a week or two since, by two
little boys shoving a coach tongue under it. We are glad to learn
that she is recovering from the injury.
We would call the attention of our readers to the fact that E. F.
Epler intends, on Tuesday morning next, to open out a new Vegetable
and Fruit store, in Green's old stand, next door to Lang &
Winter's Tin Shop, when he will constantly keep on hand all manner of
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, etc., such as apples, peaches, watermelons,
cantaloupes, tomatoes, cabbages, potatoes, etc. He intends running a
market car regularly to this place, and will be enabled to furnish our
citizens with fresh articles from the best Eastern truck farms. Give
Ep. a call.
BASE BALL. - We were slightly premature last week, in stating that
the Logan Club had gone to Huntingdon to play the Spartans, the game
having been postponed at the last moment. We understand, however,
that it will positively be played to-day.
The game between the Star Club of this place, and the Hartslog Club
of Alexandria, played on the grounds of the latter, on Saturday last,
resulted in a decided victory for the Star, turning the tables upon
the Hartslogers, who had come off victors in a former match with the
Altoona boys. Our boys speak in the highest terms of the good
treatment they received at the hands of their Alexandria brethren, of
the luxurious dinner prepared for them, and of the generous courtesy
of the citizens generally of Alexandria. The following is the score:
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Bell, l f |
2 |
9 |
J. McPherran, l f |
1 |
7 |
Jacob, c |
1 |
8 |
Hewitt, s s |
3 |
4 |
Hileman, p |
2 |
6 |
A. McPherran, 2 b |
4 |
3 |
Decker, 1 b |
4 |
0 |
M. McPherran, c f |
2 |
5 |
Broom, 2 b |
6 |
5 |
Porter, 1 b |
5 |
2 |
Howe, 3 b |
1 |
10 |
Young, r f |
4 |
4 |
Vache, s s |
5 |
6 |
Itinger, c |
4 |
5 |
Sellers, r f |
3 |
8 |
Henderson, p |
3 |
5 |
Buckus, c f |
3 |
7 |
Graffius, 3 b |
1 |
6 |
27 |
65 |
27 |
41 |
Fly Catches |
12 |
Fly Catches |
15 |
Fly Catches, missed |
8 |
Fly Catches, missed |
12 |
Struck Out |
1 |
Struck Out |
2 |
Out on Foul Balls |
10 |
Out on Foul Balls |
10 |
Out on Bases |
3 |
Out on Bases |
4 |
Scorer, Dr. Bittner. |
Scorer - Dr. Bucher. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Star |
9 |
0 |
8 |
17 |
12 |
2 |
7 |
6 |
4 |
65 |
Hartslog |
2 |
12 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
19 |
8 |
6 |
41 |
Umpire - C. J. Mann, Mountain Club. Time of Game - 3 hours and 30
The Star played the Orientals, of Petersburg, on the ground of the
Hartslog, on the afternoon of the same day. The game was a very one-
sided affair, and but six innings were played. We append the
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Bell, l f |
2 |
9 |
DeArmitt, c |
2 |
3 |
Jacob, c |
2 |
9 |
Neville, p |
1 |
4 |
Hileman, p |
0 |
10 |
Hoffman, s s |
4 |
0 |
Decker, 1 b |
4 |
7 |
Hunter, 1 b |
0 |
4 |
Broom, 2 b |
0 |
9 |
Myers, 2 b |
1 |
4 |
Howe, 3 b |
4 |
7 |
L. Port, 3 b |
3 |
2 |
Vache, s s |
4 |
6 |
Manning, l f |
1 |
4 |
Sellers, r f |
0 |
9 |
Shearer, c f |
3 |
1 |
Bockus, c f |
2 |
8 |
Wm. Port, r f |
3 |
2 |
Fly Catches |
4 |
Fly Catches |
6 |
Fly Catches, missed |
4 |
Fly Catches, missed |
11 |
Out on Foul Balls |
6 |
Out on Foul Balls |
1 |
Struck Out |
0 |
Struck Out |
2 |
Out on Bases |
6 |
Out on Bases |
11 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Oriental |
5 |
7 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
21 |
Star |
5 |
21 |
18 |
18 |
7 |
5 |
74 |
Umpire - C. J. Mann; Scorer - Dr. Bittner. Time of Game - 2
GEARY CLUB. - A meeting of the Republicans of Altoona was held in
the room over Laughman's Store, on yesterday (Friday) evening, for the
purpose of forming a Geary Club. A Committee was appointed, who
reported the following as the permanent organization of the Club:
President - JAMES H. DYSART.
Vice Presidents: East Ward - Lieut. Henry Elway, William Fox. West
Ward - Col. Frank Stewart, John Burley. South Ward - Jos. Morrow, B.
F. Custer. North Ward - L. Plack, D. K. Ramey.
Secretary - B. F Rose.
Treasurer-Wm. M. Lloyd.
Election Committee - East Ward - John W. Webber, Capt. J. B
Downing. West Ward - Capt. Henry Huff, John Loudon. North Ward -
Maj. John M. Clark, Jeremiah Delo. South Ward - Lt. Col. Jacob Szink,
Benj. Burley. Loudensville - Sergt. A Robinson, Dr. W. S.
The Club will meet every Saturday evening, in the root over
Laughman's store.
SHOT. - Mr. Samuel Walters, of Greenfield township, lately
discharged from the 19th Pa. Cavalry, was accidentally shot, on Monday
evening August 20th. It appears that a quarrel took place between
some parties at a house three or four miles above Claysburg, and Mr.
Walters, during the fight, endeavored to get possession of a rifle
that was indiscreetly handled by some one. Whilst in the act of
drawing the piece towards him, it was discharged, and the bullet
lodged in his thigh where it still remains. The wound is serious, and
may yet be fatal. Mr. Walters is a young, unmarried man, of good
character, and was an excellent soldier. - Register.
CHANGE OF FIRM. - Capt. H. B. Huff, of the late firm of Hutt &
Hileman, has purchased the interest of the latter gentleman, and has
assumed the entire control of the well-known Dry Goods Store,
(Patton's Hall) on Virginia street. He has just returned from
Philadelphia, where he purchased an extensive stock of the choicest
articles in his line of business, which he intends selling at prices
that will surprise all. For a full description of the numerous
attractions he has on hand, you need only read one of the circulars he
has scattered over the city.
Messrs. Stewart & Tipton desire us to state that they have
recently purchased a horse and wagon, and are now prepared to deliver
articles in any portion of the city, free of charge. They have also
added extensively to their large stock of choice groceries, which they
are enabled to sell at prices that defy competition, and they keep
constantly on hand every variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. We
speak knowingly when we say that they are liberal dealers, and we
advise all who need anything in their line to give them a call.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, September 8, 1866, page