Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, August 25, 1866
OIL AFFAIRS. - It is so long since we have touched on this subject
that our readers will look upon it as something new. So completely
has the oil excitement fizzled out, that it is scarcely ever
mentioned, except by the few who have suffered. Generally speaking,
it has proven a most magnificent humbug, nevertheless, there are a few
sound companies among the many worthless ones. All being now looked
upon with suspicion, the good are condemned along with the bad. One
among the number, with which many of our citizens are connected, which
is likely to yield a full return for the money invested, if not a
handsome surplus, is the Hamilton McClintock* Oil Company. For a
time, all appeared blank with the Company. - The agreement with the
land interest required the putting down of eight wells. The general
break down in stocks, last fall, prevented the sale of the working
capital, and the yield of oil from the first wells, at the low prices
of last winter, was not sufficient to meet the expenses incurred in
putting down the new wells. About the first of July the last wells
put down were got in working order, and they proved to be good ones -
one pumping 100 barrels per day and the other flowing 35 barrels per
day. Since that time the flowing well has increased to 75 barrels per
day. The first well put down has been overhauled, and is now pumping
from 80 to 100 barrels per day, making the yield from the three wells,
250 barrels per day. One other well, which has heretofore yielded
from 35 to 40 barrels per day, but which has been stopped for some
time past from want of water to supply the engine, will be started up
again. To this increased yield must be added the increased price of
oil. - During the past six months oil has scarcely ever been worth
more than from $3.00 to $3.50 at the wells, and part of the time not
over $2.50. Now it is quoted from $4.00 to $4.50, with a fair
prospect of going still higher, as all admit that the day for low
prices has passed. And to all this must be added the fact that there
are no more expenses to be incurred in putting down wells, leaving to
the Company the entire receipts as clear income which at present
prices is over $400 per day. The capital of the Company is $300,000
divided into 60,000 shares, of the par value of $5 each. Every one
can make calculation of the monthly dividend these receipts will
These are facts, and not telegraphic reports. - The day for
humbugging in the oil business is past. Eighteen months since, such a
yield of oil would have put the stock of the Company up to $25 or $30
per share on any stock board in the country. Now, however, it is
different. Oil stock, like other stocks, must have merit. It is
right they should. All the bogus concerns have been swept from the
stock boards, and really meritorious companies now stand a fair
chance. The Hamilton McClintock Company is willing to stand upon its
own merits.
THE DISEASE IS SPREADING. - A few years since, a disease, or as it
has been termed, a mania, made its appearance in one of our Eastern
cities, - Philadelphia, we believe. Although baffling the skill of
the most scientific of the medical fraternity, the trivial character
of its attacks excited no alarm, and it was not considered contagious.
- After a time, however, symptoms of the disease manifested itself in
other cities, and some of the larger towns of the East; still there
was nothing alarming about them, there being no visible increase of
violence in the attack or the succeeding stages, consequently all
apprehensions of fatality were dismissed. It was not considered
necessarily contagious, and the idea that it would be come epidemic
was not entertained. Subsequent events have exposed the fallacy of
these conclusions. - Like other epidemic or contagious diseases, it
appears to have followed the most frequented lines of travel, and
wherever those smitten therewith have been dropped from the trains,
the contagion has been communicated, until, at this day, there is
scarcely a town or village wherein its victims may not be numbered by
the score. Generally, it attacks the most athletic of our young men,
but the delicate, the aged, and even the tender maiden is not exempt.
In some cases of the latter, the attacks have been the most violent,
leading them to give very audible ejaculations and visible
gesticulations of approval or disapprobation, as their fancy dictates.
We are happy to announce that these are the only effects known to be
produced by the mania upon its female victims. The male portion do
not escape so easily, although we are not aware that it has proven
fatal in any case, up to the present, notwithstanding the attacks are
increasing in violence. The effects upon men are different; on some
it may be seen on their hands, in disjointed or dilapidated fingers;
in others on their disfigured countenances, but in by far the largest
number in their constant theme of conversation, ranting all the time
about "fly-catches," "fly-misses," "well-held balls," "fine plays,"
"foul balls," "bully short-stops, "splendid fielders," "heavy
batters," "pitchers," "catchers," etc. The disease is termed "Base-Ball-on-the-Brain." Are you a victim?
BASE BALL. - The match game, played some two weeks since, between
the Star Club, of this place, and the Hartslog Club of Alexandria,
resulted in favor of the Hartslogers, by the following score:
Hartslog, |
10 |
13 |
21 |
1 |
11 |
4 |
9 |
16 |
3 |
88 |
Star, |
2 |
12 |
7 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
10 |
4 |
8 |
49 |
The match between the Spartan, of Huntingdon, and the Logan, of
this place, played on Saturday last, resulted in a victory for the
Spartans. The following is the score: -
Spartan, |
2 |
8 |
8 |
3 |
24 |
8 |
5 |
5 |
0 |
63 |
Logan, |
2 |
4 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
23 |
A match game will be played on the field of the Mountain Club, at
this place, this morning, at 9 o'clock, between the first nine of the
Star, of this place, and the first nine of the Bald Eagle, of Tyrone.
In the afternoon a match between the Mountain and Bald Eagle will be
played on the same field.
MORE PILFERING. - On Tuesday night last, the residence of Mr.
Samuel Hileman, on Emma street, was entered, through a window, and the
kitchen and cellar thorough ransacked. - The depredator appears to
have been in search of cooked food only, as nothing else was missing.
- A peach tree, in the garden, containing a few choice peaches, was
Items from the Register.
William Lightner, an employee of the Blair Iron and Coal Company, was
badly injured on the evening of the 15th inst., by the kick of a
horse, at the stable of the Company in Gaysport. The wound was one
producing fracture of the skull, with depression and comminution of
the bone, and lacerating the brain mass. He is still living, but
Doctor Roller, who is attending him, informs us that he is in a
critical condition.
The Dunkard Church within a short distance of Duncansville, was
recently broken into and robbed of various articles, particularly
those belonging to their communion service. The loss is about $12.00.
It is a shame that the house of worship of this inoffensive and worthy
sect should be thus desecrated. It was evidently done by a mean
thieve, who if opportunity offered would do greater.
A very painful accident occurred, on Friday last, at the coal bank
of Cooper, Blackburn & Porter, by which Mr. Jesse Herbet was
almost instantly killed. He was pushing a truck into the head of the
shaft and having gone too far the truck was precipitated into the
shaft, a distance of seventy-five feet carrying him with it. He lived
about an hour. He leaves a wife and a family of children.
Amount paid out for salaries of Teachers, Repairs, Fuel and
Contingencies, $5046.13
Exonerations on Duplicate, 224.32
Collector's percentage, 209.32
[Total] 5479.77
Am't of Duplicate, 1865, $4414.78
Am't of State appropriation, 412.05
[Total] 4826.83
Temporary debt, $652.94
Approved by the Board of Directors. - JOHN A. BAER, Sec'y.
The Board of Directors have secured the services of the following
named Teachers for the coming session, commencing on the first Monday
of September:
High School, Prof. John Miller.
West Ward Grammar School, S. B. Taylor.
" " Intermediate School, Miss P. M. McCrum.
" " Primary School, W. W. Osborne.
East Ward Grammar School, J. B. Bowles.
" " Intermediate School, Miss Hattie E. Reynolds.
" " Primary School No. 1, Mr. Henry Hawk.
" " Primary School No 1, Asst., Miss Beckie Lewis.
" " Primary School No. 2, Miss Lizzie Speck.
GEARY MEETING AT HOLLIDAYSBURG. - The campaign was opened, in this
county, on Monday evening last, by a meeting of the friends of Gen.
Geary. The excursion train, from this place, consisted of five cars,
well crowded, accompanied by the Altoona Cornet Band. The meeting was
addressed by Hon. L. W. Hall, of this place, who it is agreed on all
hands, excelled himself on the occasion. He drew the line of
distinction, between the candidates for Governor, so clearly that none
could fail to see it, and presented the issues so plainly that all
could understand. The meeting was large and enthusiastic and passed
off pleasantly, the excursion party returning previous to eleven
CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. - The town of Mill Creek, five miles below
this station, has been very unfortunate in having three of its
citizens injured on the railroad, during the last two weeks. On
Wednesday, Aug. 1, John Ritter died from injuries received a short
distance below this place; on Monday, August 13th, Andrew Miller died
from injuries received a short distance above this place, and on
Tuesday last August 14th, George Miller, a brother of the latter,
while walking on the track in Mill Creek was struck by a locomotive
and thrown some distance. He was injured about the head, and when we
last heard he was in a very critical condition. - Hunt. Globe.
SUICIDE. - On Friday morning of last week, an old lady, named
Loreman, residing with her son, on Emma Street, committed suicide by
hanging herself with a rope, in an outhouse on the premises. She had
been laboring under an aberration of mind for some time past, and had
previously made attempts on her life.
BOUNTY AND PENSION. - All persons who have claims for either Bounty
or Pension should call upon J. F. FRUEAUFF, and put their cases in his
hands. He having been engaged in the claim business since 1860, and
having successfully prosecuted upwards of three hundred cases is
specially to be recommended as a safe, honest and prompt Claim
The Huntingdon Globe has hauled down the name of Gen. John W.
Geary, for Governor, and announces its intention to await the
nomination of a candidate who will support the National Union platform
adopted at Philadelphia, last week.
RELIGIOUS. - Rev. P. D. Collins, a descendant of Powhattan, will
preach in the Bethel on to-morrow (Sunday) morning at 10 o'clock, and
also in the evening.
Clark Wilson has retired from the Ebensburg Democrat, and set up in
the grocery business. Wm. H. McEnrue has purchased the Democrat.
On Wednesday, August 15th, 1866, BENJ. FRANKLIN, son of Benj. F.
and Eliza Ann Custer, aged 2 years, 10 months and 4 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 25, 1866, page
* 1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Hamilton Mcclintsck [McClintock]
Age in 1870: 59
Birth Year: abt 1811
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Dwelling Number: 268
Home in 1870: Corry Ward 2, Erie, Pennsylvania
Gender: Male
Occupation: Oil Borer
Male Citizen over 21: Y
Personal Estate Value: 500
Real Estate Value: 1500
George H Mcclintsck
William Mcclintsck
Household Members:
Hamilton Mcclintsck 59
Sarah Mcclintsck 50
Amanda Mcclintsck 26
George H Mcclintsck 21
William Mcclintsck 17