Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, August 18, 1866
I wish I was a printer,
I really do indeed;
It seems to me that printers
Have everything they need,
(Except money!)
They get the largest and the best
Of everything that grows,
And get free into circuses
And other kinds of shows,
(By giving an equivalent!)
The biggest bug will speak to them
No matter how they dress;
A shabby coat is nothing
If they own a printing press.
At ladies' fairs they're almost hugged
By pretty girls who know
That they will crack up everything
The ladies have to show.
(Lucky fellows!)
And thus they get a "blow out" free,
At every party feed -
The reason is because they write,
And other people read.
(That's so!)
Report of the County Superintendent of Common Schools of Blair County,
for the year ending June 4, 1866
STATISTICS. - Houses. - Whole number, 120; No. unfit for use, 25;
No. with sufficient grounds, 48; No. with grounds suitably improved,
0. Furniture - No. with suitable furniture, 51; No. with unsuitable
furniture, 69; No. with injurious furniture, 37; No. well supplied
with apparatus, 0. Schools. - Whole number, 139; No. graded, 11.
Examinations. - Whole number held, 24; Directors present, 108; No.
receiving provisional certificates, 132; No. receiving professional
certificates, 2; No. of applicants rejected, 6; No. examined
privately, 30; Average grade of certificates, 2. Teachers. - No. of
males employed, 82; No. of females employed, 60; No. of failures, 5;
No. with no experience, 35. No. of visits by County Superintendent,
264; Time spent at each visit, 2 1/4; No. of days spent in official
duties, 246; No. of miles traveled, 1242; No. of official letters
written, 127. Private Schools. - Whole number, 35; No. of pupils
attending private schools, 1240; estimated amount paid for private
schools, $5340.
HOUSES. - One new house was erected in Alleghany at a cost of about
$1000. In consequence of heavy taxation, for war purposes, building
has been neglected or delayed. More interest, however, is now
manifested, and contracts have already been made for several new
houses. Of the number unfit for use, Antis has 1; Blair, 1;
Catharine, 1; Frankstown, 1; Freedom, 2; Greenfield, 7; Huston, 2;
Juniata, 1; Logan, 2; Snyder, 2; Taylor, 3; Woodberry, 2; N.
Woodberry, 6. In Blair, the number of houses might, with advantage,
be reduced to 5, in Taylor to 8 or 9, in Frankstown to 10, and in
North Woodberry to 6 or 7. Some of the schools in these districts
only average about 15 pupils, and thus the cost of instruction becomes
very great compared with the number instructed. The greatest
advancement seems to be made in schools averaging about 35.
FURNITURE AND APPARATUS. - Excepting the new house, supplied with
good furniture, and the one in Woodberry supplied with objectionable
furniture, there has been no change. Nearly all the houses reported
unfit, and some others not so reported, have furniture highly
injurious. It is to be hoped that the plan of arranging desks around
the way, and of furnishing seats without backs, will soon be entirely
abandoned. For the health, comfort and convenience of pupils a reform
in the plan for building and in the arrangement of furniture cannot
come too soon.
SCHOOLS. - At Tipton, Loudonsville [sic], Frankstown and several
other places, graded schools are much needed. The advantages of these
schools are so great that they should be established wherever
possible. It is still maintained that the school term should in no
case be less than six months. In a number of districts where the
schools are open but four or five months, much money is squandered in
sustaining private schools that are, in many cases, worse than
useless. If the most faithful and efficient teachers, employed during
the regular term, were always successful in obtaining private schools,
then there would be less objection. But this does not always happen.
In these schools are often found persons of the poorest
qualifications, or no qualifications at all, who never intent to make
teaching a business, and who would never think of running the risk of
an examination. Directors are much to blame for granting the use of
school houses to such persons. In a few districts, where private
schools are sometimes necessary, the directors invariably demand the
certificate before granting a house - just as they do when making
regular appointments. In justice to faithful teachers, and to the
people, this course is recommended. Our schools should be made more
desirable. Houses should be so comfortable, grounds so extensive,
furniture so convenient, and salary so liberal as to invite
competition. Directors, instead of seeking teachers for the schools,
should endeavor to make the schools so desirable as to be sought by
the teachers. If schools and their surroundings were thus made
pleasant, then there would be little trouble in securing the services
of competent teachers; resignations, so much complained of lately,
would seldom occur, and truancy and dislike for school would give
parents but little trouble.
EXAMINATIONS. - By holding a regularly advertised examination in
each district, together with four special examinations, it was
supposed that no private examinations would be necessary. But, after
all, the applicants for private examination became so numerous that
all my time, on Saturday, for months, was occupied in attending to
them. It is seldom that a progressive and competent teacher asks this
favor; but there are so many faithless and disaffected persons who do,
that it seems as though nothing short of total prohibition will remedy
the evil. The attention of directors is earnestly called to the
impropriety of granting such persons written requests. Examinations
were well attended by directors and others. The scarcity of teachers
and other circumstances, led me to exercise much leniency at the
examinations. Such a course is not now deemed necessary, and more
rigid examinations may hereafter be expected. All the numbers on the
certificate, without fractions, were used.
TEACHERS. - It is somewhat singular that all of those who failed
were males. Two failed in government, although well qualified in the
branches to be taught; two were unqualified for the schools to which
they were appointed, and one seemed entirely unsuited to the business.
With the same age, experience, qualifications and advantages, females
succeeded as well as males. It therefore seems to me, that when
employing teachers the question should not be whether the applicant is
a male or female, but whether he or she is well qualified to teach.
There is still too much encouragement given to quite young persons,
without experience and without the necessary preparation.
VISITATIONS. - There is still great irregularity in opening the
schools, and some are found closed at a very improper time.
Notwithstanding these hindrances, more than the usual number of visits
were made. Directors, now less engaged in the bounty business, have
given more attention to this very important duty. Whenever possible,
I make it an object to visit each school twice. This, however, cannot
quite be accomplished as long as we have schools that are open but
four months.
DISTRICT INSTITUTES. - These were organized in four districts and
were quite successful. The directors generally are willing to grant
the time for attending, if all the teachers desire it and manifest a
due degree of interest in progress and improvement.
OTHER AGENCIES. - In May, of last year, a Normal School was
organized at Martinsburg; but owing to adverse circumstances did not
accomplish all that was expected. However, of the 40 students in
attendance about 20 were teachers. - These, by commendable zeal and
perseverance, made creditable advancement. Late in August a High
School and Normal Institute was opened at the same place, by Rev. J.
W. Schwartz, A. M. This schools is kept open regularly during the
school year, and is conducted with marked ability and success.
IRREGULAR ATTENDANCE. - Although this is a serious hindrance to the
success of our schools, still it is not believed that attendance
should be compulsory. Where so many of our houses are like prisons,
and where there are so few employments, in and about the school,
calculated to cheer and gladden the heart, it is not surprising to
find a few pupils who are tardy and irregular in attendance. If all
our schools were in such a condition that the physical, intellectual
and moral powers might all be cultivated, developed and strengthened,
that truancy and dislike for school would cause but little
REMARKS. - Having served, as County Superintendent less than two
years, I am not prepared to speak with certainty of the condition of
the schools three years ago. However, there is reason to believe that
there has been no retrogression. To maintain our former standing,
under the difficulties we had to encounter, was perhaps all that could
be expected. Although our schools are, in many respects, better than
those of adjoining counties, still there is much room for improvement.
Our greatest wants now are, better houses and furniture, better
teachers, a longer term in a number of districts, more liberal
salaries to competent teachers and more interest among the people in
the cause of education. Nearly all the directors now in office are
progressive and liberal minded men. - Sustained by an intelligent
people we may reasonably hope for future progress and prosperity.
E. ELDER, Co. Supt.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 18, 1866, page
Income Tax.
The following list shows the amount of Income Tax payable in the
several Divisions in the County of Blair, 17th U. S. District:
9th Div. - D. C. Gibbony, Assessor.
Anderson, Wm., $3.01
Butler, T. L., 10.00
Deihl, Jonas, 12.36
Eichelberger, Lewis, 20.00
Kephart, H. P., 19.27
Trout, Perry G., 25.00
Buchanon, Thos., $ .53
Honer, Mary, 15.19
Hughes, Charles, 48.13
Knox, Alex, 17.57
Lovell, Wm., 8.95
McIntosh, H., 62.50
McIntosh, Francis, 62.50
McCahan, David E., 21.50
Road, George, 37.50
Wertz, Jacob, 12.50
Alloway, Agdon, $5.90
Biddle, Andrew, 35.30
Bare, D. M., 3.40
Erlenbaugh, John, 18.12
Forbes, Wm., 20.95
Gwinn, Alex, 12.7?
Longenecker, D. S., 10.3?
Manghemer, David, 9 4
Martin, Christian, 4.04
Martin, Jacob, 12.96
Marsden, Wm., 7.80
McMasteres, Francis, 1880
Madara, Wm., 31.25
Shoenberger, Jacob, 2.11
Shoenberger, Fred'k., 4.84
Boner, Griffith, $18.08
Christy, R. W., 5.00
Carady, Patrick, 4.24
Decker, Henry, 9.78
Gotwalt, George, 18.84
Hicks, Philip, 11.60
Hicks, Nelson, 25.83
Knee, George, 6.22
Lego, Sam'l, 2.91
Lynch, Jno, 15.8?
McCoy, David, 20.0?
McFadden, James, 19.58
Musselman, Jno., 9.00
McHugh, James, 82.81
O'Day, Jno., 4.51
Plowman, Wm., 10.91
Sacketts, Chas. E., 12.10
Smith, Wm., 52.40
Stifler, Jno. H., .82
Stusser, Philip, 11.25
Vaughan, John, 37.50
Watkins, John, 27.33
Welt, George, 181.10
Canan, W. H. J., 10.00
Leamor, Levi G., $37.50
Lovel, F. H., 19.60
Wertz, Henry, 12.01
Simpson, Mathew, 25.00
10th Div. - Chas. Hoover, Assessor.
Alexander, Robert, $7.87
Bittle, John, 46.75
Deal, Sam'l, 7.93
Davis, Robert, 41.44
Fouse, Fred'k., 3.64
Fay, Joseph, 78.99
Fouse, Adam, 25.60
Greaser, George, 8.61
Herrett, Jos. R., 70.3?
Kennedy, Wm., 29.19
Lykins, Isaac, 16.11
McClellan, Wm., 39.31
Neff, John R., 23.70
Royer, John, 447.70?
Ross, John D., 19.48
Roller, John M., 7.97
Spencer, W. M., 8.60
Smith, George, 12.78
Thompson, J. P., .92
McAllister, A., 15.77
Claubaugh, A., 2.41
Anderson, Albert, $16.01
Bridenthall, Wm. F., 8.86
Everhart, J. C., 9.58
Keajy, D. L., 10.3?
Lytle, E. S., 361.7?
Sanders, J. C., .30
Snyder, Theop's, 6.99?
Thatcher, Henry, 63.11
Crawford, H. S., 12.54
Patterson, J. H., $41.87
Stewart, Robert, 59.00
Wolf, Jesse, 22.18
11th Div., - Geo. W. Russ, Assessor.
Ancher, C. H., 18.50
Askew, Jos. W., 8.95
Aiken, Stephen, 2.53
Askwith, Wm., 5.87
Adlum, J. G., 25.00
Baker, John, .65
Bishop, F. T., 11.70
Bowman, Jno. F., 14.00
Bell, Wm., 14.43
Barnis, Wm., 6.26
Barkley, Wm., 6.09
Baxter, Thos., 4.20
Boyden, Wm. A., 2.50
Boyne, John, 6.00
Baker, S. C., 626.51
Black, Wm., 3.2?
Belford, D. W. A., 20.00
Boyden, Wm., 8.00
Bitner, Wm. S. .25
Bowers, Adam, 17.50
Bell, Henry, 15.00
Behm, Adam, 5.00
Berkowitz, Jos., 2.91?
Beck, Isaac, 8.12
Clabaugh, Mich'l., 34.81
Collins, J. B., 58.96?
Curry, J. W., 17.91
Christy, J. T., 27.25
Campbell, H. A., 41.56?
Cruthers, Wm. H., 9.75
Cochran, James, 10.0?
Carpenter, Chas., 1.9?
Carney, Wm., 7.9?
Clabaugh, John, 9.37
Campbell, J. M., 11.45
Caldwell, David T., 103.15
Converse, J. H., 40.9?
Custer, B. F., 55.69
Capstick, James, 3.30
Delo, H. L., 11.50
Delo, Jeremiah, 5.96
Dey, Joseph, 7.79
Davis, John W., 7.6?
Davis, John, 6.00
Develin, A. C., 13.45
Dern, H. C., 109.00
Dysart, J. H., 63.40
Delahunt, John, 3.10
Eirhart, John, 6.4?
Elder, E., 13.30
Everson, George R., 6.??
Elway, Thomas, 20.00
Frailey, John, 7.95
Franks, Wm., .70
Fox, Wm., 19.91?
Fritchey, John H., 55.25?
Fowler, John E., 1.17
Fettinger, H., 3.15
Frantz, Jno. W., 3.50?
Farrell, Thomas, 4.1?
Ford, W. B., 13.7?
Findley?, Wm. R., 9.11
Fyler, A., 15.45
Good, Jacob, .90?
Gibson, J. M., 20.00
Glanding, J. N., 19.12?
Graham, Joseph, 24.84
Gwynn, Jas. L., 14.79
Gemmill, J. M., 74.02
Gemmill, R. B., 40.75
Griest, Allen, 17.69
Gwyer, Jacob, 4.0?
Graff, Ludwig, 9.74
Graham, W. J. D., 2.39?
Hughes, John D., 37.97
Herr, Sam'l, 2.10
Hutchinson, E. S., 29.00
Hileman, J. B., 120.00
Hooper, John W., 4.13
Hefkius [Hefkins?], Thos., 3.12
Hodnut, Edward, 5.18
Hawksworth, Geo., 25.84
Hesser, Jacob, 114.45
Heizman, Theo. J., 57.93
Hall, L. W., 230.00
Hamilton, W., 12.32
Hamilton, Jos., 11.06
Hamilton, Josh, 2.44
Holman, S. A., 31.65
Jaggard, C., 280.33
Jones, E. M. 80.00
Johnson, W., 10.00
Kessler, Geo. W., 94.03
Kipple, Andrew, 42.58
Kelley, A. J., 9.82
Kearney, James, 25.00
Kitt, Sam'l., 10.35
Kerr, R. A. O., 79.34
Kettler, Wm. B., 46.90
Kipple, G. H., 3.60
Leman, Jno. P., 24.08
Lloyd, Sam'l., 9.66
Leader, Robert, 5.47
Law, Geo. B., 11.28
Leonard, W. K., 20.00
Lowther, James, 55.05
Laughman, Dan'l., 17.05?
Laird, John P., 178.25
Louden, John, 21.65
Lloyd, Wm. M., 1940.00
McClosky, John, 5.05
McNevin, W., 6.50
McCormick, Wm. C., 21.50
McCormick, Wm., 87.10?
McNoldy, G. F., 13.32
McIlvain, J. S., 22.60?
McHugh, John, 9.00
McClellan, H. T., 51.15?
McClain, Rich'd., 87.26
McCauley, Thos., 23.54?
McCrum, E. B., 294.98
McConnell, W. R., 13.59
McCartney, H., 3.15
Miller, Chmbers, 219.37
", D. R., 646.31
", L. A., 635.71
", Jno. S., 5.65
", George D., 14.54
", Wilson, 19.85
Morrow, Wm. H., 13.95
Mann, Chas J., 76.34
Mann, Jas. S., 96.85
Merwin, N. J., .36
Mason, C. C., 34.27
", Wm. B., 6.42
Maxwell, A. H., 6.95
Murray, Wm., 35.55
Myers, H. R., 30.70
McDivitt, John, 20.00
Neff, Dan'l. J., 49.90
Pottsgrove, George, .49
Pettit, Henry, 10.08
Pancake, L. B.?, 2.56
Palmer, Jeff, 35.57
Patton, W. P., 4.73
Peterson, Thos., 3.61
Parsons, Jos. D., 8.20
Peightele, H. M., 5.43
Robertson, David, 7.95
Roush, A., 31.30
Runyan, M., 36.17
Renner, Henry, 20.00
Rosenberg, Geo., 30.17
Rose, B. F., 142.97
Renner, J., 40.05
Roberts, G. A., 19.05
Riley, John, 52.68
Reigart, E. H., 4.20
Ramey, David K., 47.95
Sharp, James, .97
Schum, Henry, 5.77
Shuff, Sam'l., 1.75
Smith, J. A., 14.25
Springer, C. E., .45
Shauntz, J. A., 10.60
Smyth, Alex. A., 32.27
Stahl, Chas. J., 18.40
Stitzell, George, 8.18
Sha?k, Sam'l., 8.65
Sargent, T. P., 45.23
Sprankle, Sam'l, 37.40
Shannon, C. C., 43.25
Simms, W. B., 4.83
Scott, Robert, 15.45
S?urtz, John, 5.00
Taylor, Wm., 6.15
Teitze, Emil, 3.70
Tinker?, J. H., .69
Tipton, C., 11.25
Tate, Rob't., 9.65
Vauclain, W. C., 6.80
Wettend?rfer, Rich'd., 3.79
Winn, Wm., 8.36
Whitehead, Wm., 59.80
Wesley, John, 60.68
Warfel, Jno. B., 3.80
Wilson, T. M., 6.38
Wolf, Godfrey, 58.75
Weidel, D. G., 15.07
Woodcok, S. M., 20.00
Weiss, Jacob, 25.?7
Ward, Ambrose, 137.18
Wilson, Jos. M., 90.07
", Wm. H., 669.88
Wilson, Charles, 9.71
Wallace, R. W., 14.75
Woods, John, 6.40
Williams, E. H., 179.44
Webber, J. W., 62.99
Work, L. P., 25.53
Young, John, 8.90
Burchinell, Thos., $10.31
Baldridge, Jas., 13.61
Brawley, John, 16.46
Brotherline, John, 24.75
Bingham, James, 23.00
Barror [Barron?], D. H., 42.08
Blair, S. S., 121.40
Banks, Thad., 50.00
Brown, Moses, 10.00
Buehler, J. A. T., 6.30
Bell, Jas. H., 12.01
Babcock, Wm. R., 20.00
Baird, John M., .84
Bell, Jas. H., 356.00
Berry, Jacob, 25.00
Bechtel, W. L., 14.00
Cooper, Jas. M., 25.90
Calvin, Sam'l., 50.00
Coolbroth, L. H., 48.26
Condron, Jas., 48.10
Chamberlain, Wm. H., 81.56
Christian, D. R., 23.85
Dysart, Jos. 19.25
Dennison, James, 130.15
Diffenbacher, A. L., 7.77
Dean, John, 11.83
Dent, Wm., 17.50
Gardner, Jas., 78.75
Good, Peter, 25.00
Gwyer, A. W., 5.00
Hammond, D. E., 248.20
Hasty, William, 47.67
Holliday, A. L., 168.67
Hemphill, J. L., 202.50
Hewitt, Jas. M., 28.65
", B. L., 19.15
Horrell, R. L., 50.00
Irwin, Jos., 55.20
", David C., 17.15
", Crawford, 24.89
Isett, Sam'l., 55.00
Jack, Wm., 89.79
Johnson, R. B., 478.38
Johnson, B. M., 181.96
Kinports, Jas. M., 23.53
Keller, Wm. C., 43.81
Keatley, Jno. H., 5.00
Lloyd, A. M., 36.38
Landis, J. A., 20.18
", A. S., 52.33
Lingafelt, Jno., .44
Leamer, Henry, 44.47
Leman, Sam'l., 150.00
McFarlane, J. R., 49.15
", Thos., 50.25
McNeal, Hugh, 249.00
McFadden, S. P., 10.18
McKinney, John, 8.42
McMurtrie, R. A., 47.33
McNally, Peter, 3.41
McCoy, Francis, 15.00
McLanahan, J. K., 32.53
McFadden, Arch., 45.56
Moore, Thos. J., 10.73
Maus, Henry, 25.73
Matron, Jacob, 7.60
Martin, H. B., 46.65
McNamara, Robt., 50.00
Morrow, A. F., 45.14
Osterich, A. F., 23.40
Olmas, F. W., 5.00
", J. F., 15.75
Patton, Jas. R., 4.77
Patterson, H. L., 13.63
Peace, J. L., 15.00
Patterson, G. W., 22.38
Percher, Jacob, 3.43
Ramey, Dan'l. R., 16.67
Roelofs, Rich'd., 22.65
Russ, G. W., 4.60
Shorter, Fred'k., 31.66
Smith, Geo., 3.25
Smith, Jos., 36.05
Stone, Wm., 26.45
Statler, G. C., 5.60
Snyder, Jacob, 7.65
Shadrack, Wm., 10.00
Traugh, O. A., 4.75
Williams, W. J., 72.37
Weil, Julius, 10.00
Watson, David, 120.82
West, J. C., 4.25
Young, John, 10.00
Crawford, A., $17.77
", Jos., 16.00
", Jas., 9.14
", Elisha, 22.65
", Isaac, 52.40
", Foster, 10.45
Dysart, Ann, 11.25
Morrow, Robt., .60
", James, 54.83
Orr, John, 18.97
Stryker, J. T., 55.36
Tussey, D. P., 5.00
Bell, Edw'd., $ .14
Boyer, F. D., 50.00
Bell, Martin, 119.21
Bell, Jno., 26.30
Bell, B. F., 65.74
Clark, Bowan, 17.20
Dysart, Wm. P., 28.70
Elliott, John, 20.00
Hewston, Geo., 30.00
Lawson, Orr, 5.85
Lytle, W. S., 19.10
McCammant, Sam'l., 70.00
Shanafelt, A. T., 5.00
Story, Joseph, 4.13
Sellers, W. F., 4.95
Brua, Dan'l, $3.64
", Jacob, 16.41
Hileman, Wm., 36.08
", Philip, 7.40
Leaman, Geo., .72
McCune, Seth R., 5.90
McKeehan, James, 12.54
Stehley, Martin, 15.55
Aston, William, $14.43
Burley, J. H., 6.10
Boyer, J. J., 46.81
Burley, Jacob, 23.48
Berlin, Sam'l., 25.80
Burket, Henry, 30.00
Bottorf, John, 20.80
Calderwood, A. P., 10.00
Coryell, Jno. M., 5.58
Caldwell, T. L.?, 45.00
Cramer, B. F., 2.13
Cryder, Henry, 10.36
Fitzgerald, M., 35.00
Gifford, J. B., 24.02
Garland, David, 20.50
"., Sam'l., 29.30
Ginter, Dan'l., 23.06
Graffius, E. W., 13.23
", T. W., 15.23
Hoover, A. B., 20.41
Holmes, J. B., .17
Harper, J. M., 7.00
Hamer, Mich'l., 5.66
Isett, Jno. D., 9.96
Johnson, A., 10.02
Kowenslatz, Wm., 10.00
Lego, Thos., 10.13
McCoy, Jas. L., 6.50?
McFarlane, Jas., 8.35
McGonnigle, W. A., 14.40
Miller, Israel, 15.00
Minehart, John, 6.83
Nowlin, Wm., 19.55
Nevlin, H. H. H., 9.82
Pruner, E. S., 28.50
Russell, J. K., 22.81
Roadel, H. H., 57.16
Seegar, Christain, 17.69
Sweringer, P., 60.33
Stokes, Wm., 1.10
Study, S. M., 5.50
Stewart, S. C., 129.61
Smith, Robert M., 13.58
Thomas, J. W., 10.00
Toner, A. C., 17.50
Woods, Dan'l. D., 16.15
Walton, Isaac P., 10.00
Weaver, Jos., 22.41
Zerbe, J., 20.44
THE P. R. R. COMPANY'S SHOPS, &C. - In 1848 there was but one
building, a log house, upon the site of the present Borough of
Altoona. It was called the Mansion House, but only a part of it now
stands, which is used for a stable and is situate on the rear of a
vacant lot between Julia and Caroline streets. The P. R. R. Company
selected this location for the principal depot on their line of road,
and for their machine works, which had the effect of causing buildings
to be rapidly erected, and in an almost incredible short space of
time, a borough of considerable importance sprang up. In 1853 the
Company built the Superintendent's Offices, some of the Work Shops,
and the Logan House, one of the finest and most capacious hotels on
the Central Road, since which time Altoona has been growing in
proportion, so that it now begins to assume the appearance of a small
city, and can boast of its water and gas works, its banks, hotels and
stores, religious and literary societies, all of which will compare
favorably with those of much older boroughs and even cities.
The origin and growth of Altoona being solely attributable to the
enterprise of the P. R. R. Company, we think a short sketch of their
shops, &c., will prove interesting to our citizens, and at the
same time we shall be giving those who live at a distance from us,
some idea of what we are doing here.
We would, in the first place, state that all the buildings are of
the most substantial kind; the bricklaying, masonry, &c., being
the work of the very best of mechanics, and their exteriors are
finished in styles that render them an ornament to the borough.
Machine Shop - Eastern Dept., of which Mr. A. C. Devlin is the
Foreman, contains 21 lathes, of various descriptions, 7 drills, 2
slotters, 8 planers, 1 cylinder borer, 5 bolt cutters, 1 gear cutter,
1 milling machine, 1 forcing machine, 1 wheel borer, and a gas pump,
with which gas-tanks, used on passenger trains, are filled.
Machine Shop - Western Dept., of which Mr. James Sharp is the
Foreman, contains 12 lathes, 2 slotters, 2 boring mills, 5 planers, 1
quartering machine, 2 large wheel lathes, and 1 horizontal and 3
perpendicular drill presses.
The machinery in the two shops we have noticed, is driven by a
stationary engine of 80 horse-power.
Erecting Shop, under the foremanship of Mr. W. B. Ford, is
sufficiently capacious to allow of 21 locomotives being erected at the
same time, and it is seldom but that its full capacity is called into
Bridge Shop, of which Mr. A. A. Smyth is Foreman, is used for
fitting up all iron work for new buildings, bridges, &c., on the
entire length of the road, and constitutes one branch of the
maintenance of way department.
Boiler Shop, of which Mr. Joseph Nixon is Foreman, is a building of
sufficient size to admit of the largest work being executed therein.
It is in this shop that all the boilers and tanks used by the Company
are manufactured.
Pattern Shop, is under the charge of Mr. W. A. Boyden, and it is
here that all the patterns for castings for bridges, motive power,
buildings, &c., for the entire road are made. Adjoining the
manufacturing room is the stock room which contains patterns for
castings of almost every conceivable kind, both for iron and brass
work, all arranged in such a methodical manner that the foreman can
find anything he may require without the delay of an unnecessary
Tin Shop, of which Mr. Wm. Maloney is Foreman, is fitted up with
the most improved machinery for working tin and sheet iron. All the
tin and sheet iron work about the locomotives, such as the stacks,
&c., and about the cars, is here performed.
Blacksmith Shop No. 2, of which Mr. George Hawkesworth is Foreman,
contains 60 fires and 4 steam hammers. All the blacksmithing required
in building locomotives, bridges, &c., is done in this shop. This
constitutes, in part, another branch of the maintenance of way
The machinery used in Blacksmith Shop No. 2, and also Bridge,
Boiler, Pattern and Tin Shops, is driven by a second stationary engine
of 80 horse-power.
Blacksmith Shop No. 1, of which Mr. Jacob Szink is Foreman,
contains 35 fires and one trip hammer; also a heating furnace, used
for setting springs. All the blacksmithing for the Car Shop, and some
work for the Eastern Round House, is here performed.
Car Building Shop, of which Mr. John P. Levan is Foreman, is where
all passenger cars are built, trimmed and painted. Trucks are also
here built, and repairing old cars and the woodwork required about the
establishment generally, is done here. This department is divided
into four different sub-departments, which are severally presided over
as follows: The upholstery, trimming, &c., by Mr. C. C. Mason;
the paint shop, by Mr. Robt. Scott; the freight and repairing
department, by Mr. Andrew Kipple, and the passenger and general wood-
work, by Mr. George S. Levan.
Round Houses. - At present there are two round houses, each capable
of holding 30 engines. The Western is under the foremanship of Mr. J.
W. Frantz, and the Eastern of Mr. W. H. Jackson. The Company are
having erected a third round house, capable of holding 44 engines,
full particulars of the dimensions of which appeared in last week's
Iron and Brass Foundry, under the foremanship of Mr. A. H. Maxwell,
is a very large building, where all the castings for locomotives,
cars, buildings, bridges, &c., both of iron and brass, are made.
In this shop they run about ten tons of iron per day, and about 50,000
lbs. of brass per year. There are two cupolas, from the larger of
which they can run ten tons of iron per hour, and from the smaller,
eight tons of iron per hour.
Store House, is under the charge of Mr. J. S. McIlvain, assisted by
Mr. W. S. Douglass. All materials used in furnishing cars and
locomotives, and a general supply of articles used in offices, such as
lamps, brooms, &c., are here stored. A stock of belting, packing,
hose, flags, etc., is here kept on hand. The house in which the oil
is stored, is attached to this department.
Mr. T. W. Wordsell is the master mechanic of all the works.
There are about 1100 men employed in these extensive works, to whom
the Company pay, on an average, over $45,000 per month, which amount
is distributed amongst the merchants and storekeepers of the borough.
This does not, however, include a very large amount that is also
expended here by other employees of the Company, such as clerks,
conductors, engineers and brakesmen.
Offices attached to the Works. - The Motive Power Office is
presided over by Mr. B. F. Custer, as chief clerk, and Wm. H. Morrow,
as assistant. The Shop Office is under the charge of Mr. Wm. C.
McCormick, as chief clerk, and Mr. H. L. Delo, as assistant. The
Drafting Room is under the entire control of Mr. James Bowman.
General Superintendent's Office. - Mr. Edward H. Williams is the
General Sup't of all the road. Mr. R. E. Ricker, Sup't of Motive
Power and Machinery, Mr. John Reilly, Ass't Sup't, Mr. B. F. Rose,
Chief Clerk, and Mr. J. H. Converse, General Supt's Clerk.
Chief Engineer's Office. - Mr. W. H. Wilson is the Chief Engineer
of the road, Mr. Joseph M. Wilson, Assistant Engineer, Mr. Theo. J.
Heizman, resident Engineer of the Middle Division, Mr. W. H.
Whitehead, resident Engineer of branch roads, and Mr. George A.
Roberts, Chief Clerk.
Telegraph Office. - Mr. William McCormick is Manager, and Mr.
Charles McCormick, Chief Operator. Five other operators are employed
in this office.
In addition to the above named officers, there are Mr. R. B.
Gemmill and Mr. John McCormick, Train Masters, Mr. Jno. Stockton,
Ticket Agent, and Mr. John M. Stonebraker, Freight Agent.
The Company owns 370 locomotives, 310 of which are in actual use,
and our readers may form some idea of the amount of business done on
this road, when we state that fifty-eight freight and fourteen
passenger trains pass Altoona station, East and West, daily.
GAS AND WATER WORKS. - The Gas Works, which were erected in 1859,
are managed by a corporation which is styled "The Altoona Gas and
Water Company." The premises are situate on Virginia street, and the
lot has a frontage of 251 feet by 60 feet depth. The principal
building is of brick and has a neat exterior. In the Retort House
there are at present three benches with three retorts, of 7 feet 8
inches in each, but it is the intention of the Company to extend the
building 30 feet, and place therein three more benches with three
retorts of 9 feet in each. - These have been manufactured by Marshall
& Co., of Pittsburgh. At the same time it is their intention to
enlarge the coal shed, in the rear of the retort house, to a
sufficient capacity to hold from 50 to 60 car loads of coal. The coal
which is used is the celebrated Penn Gas Coal, and is brought directly
from the pits at Penn station, near Pittsburgh. After the gas is
generated in the retorts it is conveyed to the washer and from thence
to the condenser, then to the purifiers, fitted with patent slats,
which far surpass the old fashioned perforated plates. The celebrated
Duncansville lime is used in these purifiers. From thence the gas is
passed through the station metre which registers the number of cubic
feet manufactured, and from thence it is conveyed to the gas holder,
or what is commonly called the gasometer. At present there is but one
gas holder, which is 40 feet in diameter and capable of containing
20,000 cubic feet of gas. This was built by William Barnhile &
Co., of Pittsburgh. The Company are about erecting another gas holder
of 45 feet diameter and of capacity sufficient to hold about 30,000
cubic feet. The excavation is completed and the masonry work
commenced, under the superintendence of Mr. Joseph Watson. This will
be built by Morris, Tasker & Co., of Philadelphia. From the gas
holder the fluid is conveyed through the main and service pipes to the
consumers' meters.
Much complaint was made last winter of the deficiencies of gas, but
that will be obviated during the ensuing season by the additions and
improvements now being made.
The Company have recently had dug a pit for the reception of the
tar. It is 12 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep, well lined with
brick and cement and also covered. The public will no longer be
annoyed by the flowing of the tar along the railroad tracks and other
There are over 20,000 feet of gas main supplying over 300
consumers. There are 18 street lamps, all of which were put up by the
P. R. R. Company, who bear the expense of them.
The Company have erected, and nearly completed, opposite to their
works, a very desirable and commodious residence for Mr. W. H.
Durborrow, the able superintendent of both the gas and water works.
It is a two and a half story brick house, with iron window sills and
headings, and slate roof. It has a frontage of 27 feet by a depth of
57 feet. The lot upon which it stands is 60 feet by 150 feet. It
contains parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry and large closets on
first floor, and above eight bed rooms, bath room, closets, &c.
There are stairs, both front and back, leading to the chambers above.
The parlor and dining room are fitted with open fire places, and with
very handsome slate mantels and jambs. In the kitchen is one of
Kisterbock & Son's ranges with circulating boiler. The basement
or cellar is well drained and concreted, so that it is perfectly dry.
Altogether we believe it be one of the best furnished and most
comfortable residences in Altoona.
The plans and drawings were made by Mr. Pettit, Asst. Engineer to
P. R. R. Company. - Mr. Rosenberger had charge of the brick and wood
work. The plumbing and gas fitting was executed by Mr. Thomas Myers
who is employed by Mr. Ogelsvy, and the plastering by Mr. Jacob
The water with which this borough is supplied is brought from two
reservoirs in the mountain, nearly 3 miles distant from the reservoir
on Annie Street. Those on the mountain are 125 feet above the level
of the Railroad at the foot of Annie Street and are filled from a
mountain stream and spring. The one on Annie Street is 80 feet above
the Railroad level and is 50 feet in diameter and 18 deep, covered and
well ventilated. It will contain 264000 gallons. The company's lot
is 345 feet by 135 feet, so that they have plenty of room to build
other reservoirs. The water is used in its natural state, and is very
pure and cold.
The company have laid down over 18000 feet of water main, ranging
from three to eight inches. - They have also put in 22 fire plugs.
There are about 475 water consumers in the borough.
Mr. W. M. Wilson is President of the Gas & Water Company, Mr.
B. F. Rose the Secretary & Treasurer, and Messrs. Wm. M. Lloyd, G.
W. Kessler, J. F. Bowman, J. M. Wilson, and C. J. Mann, the
LOOK TO YOUR LOCKS. - Mrs. David Bell, of East Ward, found herself
locked out of an upstairs room in her house, a few days since. She
called a girl living with her to know the cause, but she could not
explain, and they both went to try the door. While trying to open it,
the girl caught sight of a man in the room. They at once gave alarm,
but before help came the burglar made his escape by jumping from the
back window to a shed roof and from thence to the ground.
A day or two since, the residence of John P. Levan was entered, in
daylight, and a quantity of pies and other provisions carried
The family of Jacob Renner found a man in their house, on their
return from church on Sunday night last. They entered by the back
door and he went out at the front.
STEALING OF CLOTHES. - During Tuesday night one thief or thieves
went into the yard attached to the residence of Mrs. Huff, situate on
Virginia Street next to the Lutheran Church, and selected from a wash
tub full of clothes, all the men's undergarments they could find, and
decamped with the same. The ladies' garments were carefully laid
aside and left there. This should be a caution to others not to leave
clothes out during the night.
P. S. - At Gen. Potts', in Loudonsville, they did not take time to
make selection of particular clothing, but appropriated a tub with all
its contents, embracing nearly all the wearing apparel of the family
that was in the wash, together with bed clothes, etc.
PERSONAL. - The University of Vermont, at its recent Commencement,
Aug. 1st, conferred the honorary degree of Master of Arts on Edward H.
Williams, Esq., General Superintendent, Pennsylvania R. R.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 18, 1866, page