Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, August 4, 1866
B. B. - The match game of base ball, announced for last Tuesday, to
be played on the grounds of the Mountain Club, between the first nine
of the Star Club, of this place, and the first nine of the Hartslog
Club, of Alexandria, did not come off. The match has been postponed
until Saturday next, August 11.
In lieu of the game between Hartslog and Star, a friendly game was
played between the Star and Mountain Clubs, resulting as follows.
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Caldwell, 2 b |
1 |
3 |
Decker, p |
2 |
5 |
Gemmill, 1 f |
3 |
2 |
Jacob, c |
3 |
4 |
Rose, s s |
3 |
2 |
McCartney, 1 b |
1 |
5 |
Delo, p |
0 |
5 |
Howe, 2 b |
1 |
6 |
Smith, c |
0 |
5 |
Stonebraker, s s |
1 |
4 |
Askew, 1 b |
2 |
3 |
Ehrhart, c f |
2 |
4 |
Downer, 3 b |
0 |
4 |
Hileman, l f |
0 |
6 |
Carothers, r f |
2 |
2 |
Backus, r f |
1 |
5 |
Stewart, c f |
1 |
3 |
Sellers, 3 b |
1 |
5 |
12 |
29 |
12 |
44 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Mountain |
4 |
8 |
5 |
12 |
29 |
Star |
14 |
12 |
12 |
6 |
44 |
Umpire - Chas. J. Mann. Scorer - J. S. Mann. Time of game - 2 h and
30 m.
On Thursday of last week, the Socials, of Huntingdon, played the
Juniatas, of Bedford, at the latter place. The game was decided in
favor of the Socials, the score showing 54 runs for the Socials to 36
for the Juniatas.
The Juniata Club, of Hollidaysburg, and Social Club, of Huntingdon,
play a match game to-day, on the ground of the latter.
Our neighbors "over-the-hill" seem inclined to cavil at our notice
of the recent match game of Base Ball played at this place, between
the Juniata Club, of Hollidaysburg, and the Enterprise Club, of
Pittsburgh. They charge us with prejudice and not playing fair, but
the quotations from our article, which they publish, do not justify
such conclusions. Had we used the same language in reference to any
club outside of Hollidaysburg, no such construction would have been
put upon it.
The young man of the Register is particularly severe - or tries to
be so. He may have heard the Enterprise players speak as he reports;
we heard differently. That the quotation from our article, which he
publishes was intended as an apology for the defeat of the Mountain
Club, is about as false, as it is mean. Having had previous specimens
of the Register's animosity to all things on this side of the hill, we
could expect little else. With the Bostonians, Boston is the hub of
the universe, and with the young man of the Register Hollidaysburg is
the hub of Blair county. It's time you would get clear of these
notions, Bub. Throw away boyish feelings, jealousies, animosities,
etc., and do not measure other people's corn in your half bushel.
Our sympathies and prejudices, if we really have any of the latter,
are always with country clubs as against city clubs. Were our desire
gratified, every city club that travels would be "skunked" every
innings, when matched with country clubs. Heretofore, the city clubs
have usually came off victorious, for the reason that they have had
much more practice than country clubs, but we think the day is not far
distant, when the champion clubs will be found in the country instead
of the cities. The country has the bone and sinew, and all that is
required is practice. We sincerely hope that this envious feeling
which appears to exist between Hollidaysburg and Altoona, may be
permitted to die out. It is useless, senseless, and annoying.
THE SHOWS. - The shows have come and gone. That of Monday last,
advertised as a menagerie and circus combined, was somewhat on the
Barnum order. The collection of animals was rather small, yet they
served to attract many fifty cent pieces from the pockets of persons
who would never think of attending a circus. The circus part of the
entertainments was a repetition of the performances in vogue for the
last fifty years. - The jokes of the clown were the same, the "same
fellow" in tights jumping over banners and bars and through hoops,
"same fellow" acting as ringmaster, in fact the same thing all around.
Those who witnessed these performances for the first time, doubtless,
thought them first rate, while those who have seen them twenty or
fifty times voted them a bore. Circuses scarcely ever change. They are
the same show now that they were fifty years ago. As boys we voted
them par excellence and hailed their advent with huzzas, as men we are
tired of them. The change is in us, from boys to men, and from seeing
a thing for the first time, to seeing it twenty times.
A DUTCHMAN'S TEMPERANCE LECTURE. - We have listened to many
effective arguments in favor of total abstinence, but we have never
heard one more exhaustive than that of the honest German, when asked
to speak at a meeting of the friends of total abstinence. After some
hesitation, he rose and said: "Vell, I shall tell you how it vas. I
put mine hand on my head, und dere was one pig pain. Den I put my hand
on mine pody, and dere was anoder. Der vas very much pains in all mine
pody. Den I puts mine hand in mine pocket, and dere was - noting. So I
joins mit de demperance. Now dere was no more pain in my head. De
pains in my body was all gone away. - I put my hand in mine pocket,
and der was twenty dollars, and mine vrow she said go right away to
Fries' "City Store" and buy all the groceries we want, nice and fresh,
and save your money by so doing, as the "city store" is the cheapest
in the town.
SCHOOL DIRECTORS TAKE NOTICE. - By the common school law of this
State, it is made the duty of Directors to publish an annual statement
of the amount of money received and expended, and the amount due from
collectors, and setting forth all the financial operations of the
district, in not less than ten handbills, to be put up in the most
public place in the district. In districts containing a newspaper, one
or more publications therein of the Annual Statement will be a
sufficient compliance with the law, and will render written or printed
handbills unnecessary - but they are indispensable in all other
FOR SALE. - A few shares of capital stock, in the Altoona Gas &
Water company, can be had by applying to E. B. McCrum, at this office.
- This stock pays eight per cent, per annum, clear of all taxation.
Persons wishing to secure this stock should call early.
BISHOP COZZENS WARE. - The application for a new trial, in the case
of this individual, was argues on Monday last. The motion was over-
ruled and the prisoner sentenced to twenty-one months hard labor in
the Western Penitentiary. Mrs. Hawk, convicted with the Burkholder
family, last October, whose sentence was deferred that she might
testify against Ware, was also sentenced to fifteen months in the
Penitentiary. We learn that a petition, signed by the Court, all the
members of the bar and the officers of the Penn'a. R. R., has been
forwarded to the Governor, asking the pardon of Mrs. Hawk.
NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. - We take pleasure in calling the
attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. G. W. Anderson,
which will be found in another column. He has taken the room formerly
occupied by Spatz & Co., opposite the burnt district, where he has
just opened a fine assortment of goods in his line. We have known Mr.
A. for many years, and can with confidence recommend him to the people
of Altoona and vicinity. See his advertisement and circulars.
PEACE IN EUROPE. - Latest advices from the seat of war, in Europe,
announce that peace is about to be established upon a permanent basis.
- Austria has signified her intention to accede to the terms proposed
by Italy and Prussia. The telegraph news are very meagre but positive.
- They are so far in advance of those received by steamers, in
reference to late battles, that we deem the latter without interest,
as they are now old.
CHANGED HANDS. - We notice that the agency sign of that old and
well established Fire Insurance Company, the Putman of Hartford, has
been removed to the front of Kerr & Co.'s office, and now occupies
a conspicuous place among the signs of the many good companies - fire,
life and accident - represented by this firm. The Putman is one of the
best companies in the country, well managed and careful as to the
risks taken. Kerr & Co. represent none but sound companies.
FAMILY POISONED. - The family of Mr. G. Lehr, of Mt. Rock Mills,
were suddenly taken sick one day last week, the symptoms being those
of poison. Rice soup had been eaten for dinner, and it is supposed
that some foreign substance in it had caused the evil. The family
consisted of Mr. Lehr and wife, several children, and a Mr. Emory. All
were more or less affected, some quite severely. Medical aid, however,
has restored all to health again. - Lewistown Democrat.
COURT PROCEEDINGS. - Owing to the intense heat, and the fact that
this is the most busy season of the year with the farmers, the civil
cases set down for trial were continued, and hence our Court term was
of short duration. Fortunately, for once, very little business was
upon the criminal calendar, and the Grand Jury completed their labors
and were discharged on Tuesday.
Commonwealth vs. Silas McFarland and J. T. McVey. - Indictment,
Assault and Battery. The prosecutor in this case failed to appear, and
the jury returned a verdict of not guilty and the prosecutor, Matthew
C. Walker, pay the costs.
Same vs. John Groves, jr., Rachel Groves and Sarah Groves.
Indictment, stealing the rails and posts which enclosed a piece of
ground belonging to Mrs. John Walker. The parties, it seemed, had made
way with the fence in question, but they alleged that they were using
their own property, having fenced in the ground themselves. However,
the Court decided that Mrs. Walker had a remedy, but that she had made
a mistake in bringing her action in the Quarter Sessions, as this was
clearly a case of trespass. The jury returned a verdict of not
Same vs. Jean G. Vallade. Indictment, selling merchandize in the
Borough of Altoona, at public auction, without license. The defendant
is a photograph artist, and undertook to auction off a lot of goods
which he happened to have on hands, at auction, without first
obtaining a license for that purpose in compliance with an act of
assembly applicable to Altoona borough and the township of Logan.
Vallade had employed an auctioneer to cry the sale, and the Court
decided that under the provision of the act of assembly referred to,
the auctioneer, O'Donnel, was the party indictable. The jury returned
a verdict of not guilty but the defendant and Prosecutor, David Irons,
each pay half the costs.
Same vs. Tillie Adlum. Indictment, Assault and Battery. Not a true
bill, and the county to pay the costs.
Same vs. Henry M. Butler. Indictment, obtaining goods under false
pretenses. True bill, and the parties ordered to enter into
recognizance for their appearance at next sessions.
Same vs. Christian Ginner. Indictment Assault and Battery. Not a
true bill, and prosecutor, Robert Leadith, to pay the costs of
Same vs. Mary Ann Crum and Lloyd Crum. - Indictment, Assault and
Battery. True bill, continued.
Same vs. Stephen Vancoyoc [Vanscoyoc], Aaron Vancoyoc, Rebecca
Haslett and Sarah Sharrar. Indictment, Assault and Battery. True bill,
and the parties ordered to enter into recognizance for their
appearance at the next sessions.
Same vs. John Smith, Benjamin I. Lewis, Allison Shomo, and Samuel
Baird. Indictment, Assault and Battery with intent to commit bodily
injury and to commit murder. True bill. But two of these parties
having been arrested, the case was continued until next sessions, with
the hope that the others would be apprehended and all tried at once.
Smith and Lewis are safe in jail.
Same vs. George Champenou and Go. Heffler. Indictment, Larceny. Not
a true bill.
Same vs. Robert Blake. Indictment, Assault and Battery. True bill.
Same vs. Margaret Lias. Indictment, Larceny, True bill.
Same vs. Rob't Sanders. Indictment, malicious mischief. True bill.
Same vs. Abraham Miller and Margaret Miller. Indictment, malicious
trespass. True bill. Continued.
Same vs. John Miller, Mary Miller and James Miller. Indictment,
public nuisance. True bill. Continued.
Same vs. James Ball. Indictment, Bigamy. - True bill.
Same vs. David Ditch. Indictment, Forgery. This was the most
important case tried at the sessions, and was, altogether one of the
most singular ever tried in this Court. Henry Ake Esq., the
prosecutor, charged David Ditch with having forged a receipt from him
for one hundred bushels of wheat. Mr. Ake alleged that he never
received the wheat and of course never wrote or gave the receipt.
Ditch is a farmer residing in Huston Township, this county, and has
dealt with Mr. Ake in Williamsburg, for a number of years. Their
accounts would run on many months without settlement, and when a
settlement was made it was generally by comparing the receipts in
Ditch's possession with the store books. Mr. Ditch was indebted to the
Ake firm, and as they dealt largely in grain, Mr. D. took this method
of liquidating his indebtedness. Upon comparing receipts in January
last, this large receipt, as it was termed, appeared with the others,
and it was immediately thrown out by Mr. Ake with the denial that it
was genuine. The case occupied much time in its trial; many nice
questions were involved, and the leading counsel, Mr. Blair for the
prosecution and Mr. Scott for the defense, each exhibited much skill
and energy in the able manner in which they conducted the case. They
displayed counter movements, flank movements, and advanced at times in
solid column. But it was evident as the facts in the case were
developed that Mr. Blair would lose. The defense showed that he loaded
up the grain, brought it to town, and from the fact that he refused to
sell it to another grain dealer in the same town, the conclusions was
natural inferred that Mr. Ake received it.
The case was well argued on both sides. The jury retired, and after
an absence of half an hour returned a verdict of "not guilty and that
the prosecutor pay the costs." Mr. Blair immediately moved to set
aside the verdict as to costs.
Court adjourned on Thursday afternoon, until Monday evening.
On the 25th of February, 1866, at Martinsburg, Pa., by Rev. Sans.
Hooper, Mr. A. Van Scoyoc, of Tipton, Blair county, to Miss R. E.
Hooper, of Altoona, Pa.
Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1966
Name: Rebecka Ellen Van Scoyoc
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 70
Birth Date: 20 Jul 1837
Birth Place: Hunt County, Pennsylvania
Death Date: 12 Feb 1908
Death Place: Snyder, Blair, Pennsylvania, USA
Father: Joshua Hooper
Mother: Cathrine Zeigler
Certificate Number: 18749
At the residence of his father, July 29th, Ezra P. Moore, aged 19
years, 1 month and 27 days.
He enlisted in the army on the 15th day of July, 1864, and
faithfully served his country for a period of four months.
Shortly after his discharge, at the close of the war, he was taken
seriously ill, and his illness was, no doubt, occasioned by the
exposures and hardships which he endured, in the public service, taken
in connection with his extreme youth, having been only about 17 years
of age at the time of his enlistment.
His disease, which was pulmonary consumption, made sure and steady
progress, notwithstanding the attention of friends and the skill of
Physicians. He lingered on, with great patience and resignation, until
death released him from his sufferings, on Sunday last, at 2 o'clock,
It is but just to the memory of this departed young man to say that
he was distinguished for great integrity and uprightness of character;
for kindness and courtesy of manners, and for unwonted calmness and
strength of purpose.
He expressed an entire and cordial trust in the Savior and hoped
for a blessed immortality, though his atoning merits. "Blessed are the
dead with die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that
they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."
On Wednesday, 25th inst., of Diarrhoea, Walter Scott, infant son of
I. C. and E. Singer (recently of Ebensburg) aged 9 months and 2
Walter! although thy stay was brief,
Amid our family circle here,
Loving smiles on every breath,
Twined us to thee, most fondly dear.
E'en now that once sweet prattling tongue
Reminds us of thy loving heart.
Sadly we sigh, and weep, and mourn,
Called from thee so soon to part -
O! dear loved babe! and is it so?
To thy fair form we bid farewell.
Soft in the grave, we lay thee low -
Jesus will raise thee. "All is well."
Now we'll not weep, without the hope
Given us, in God's most holy word,
E'en though we die, he'll raise us up -
Renew and make us like our Lord.
Altoona, July 30th, 1866. - ISAAC C. SINGER.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, August 4, 1866, page 3