Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, July 28, 1866
Letter from Tyrone.
TYRONE, July 26th, 1866.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - The warm weather still continues in these parts. While it is of advantage to the farmer, it is rather dangerous to those who are not accustomed to Sol's hottest rays. Two cases of sun-stroke have been brought to our notice, one an old lady residing near Birmingham, whose name we did not learn; the other Maurice Fitzgerald, Supervisor of Branch Roads. - Fortunately timely aid was procured in both cases and both parties are recovering. An accident, resulting from the carelessness of the person injured, occurred near this place, on Tuesday morning last. A young man named Penrose, of Bloody Run, Bedford county, was stealing his way, from Huntingdon to Altoona, on a freight train, fell asleep on the bumper of a car and fell from thence to the track, while the cars were in motion, and had one arm and foot crushed in a horrible manner. He was found near the track and brought to this place in an almost insensible condition. His arm has been amputated by Dr. Gemmill, of your town, and his foot will most likely have to come off. He is doing very well and it is thought will recover. Some fiend, or fiends, misplaced a switch, a short distance from this place, one evening last week, and threw the Express passenger train from the track. - Fortunately no person was injured in the least. - Local items are scarce, everything being quiet. The Base Ball Club still continues to improve, and the Bald Eagle will soon take rank with some older clubs. The Good Templars are prospering and increasing in numbers. We understand they intend holding a pic nic on Saturday next, at Laurel Spring Grove, near Birmingham. Judging from the preparations making it will be a grand affair. The political cauldron is beginning to boil, and the ball will soon be opened in earnest. While the dog-star rages it is best to keep cool on all subjects. More anon, TROJAN.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 28, 1866, page 2
BASE BALL. - Within the past week, the lovers of this noble game have had the opportunity of witnessing two match games on the ground of the Mountain Club. The first was played on Tuesday morning last, between the Juniata Club, of Hollidaysburg, and the Enterprise Club, of Allegheny City, the latter Club being now on a visiting tour, to play match games with clubs in different localities.
The game between the Juniata and Enterprise (six innings only being played) resulted in the defeat of the Enterprise by a score of 31 for the Juniata, against 26 for the Enterprise. The Enterprise boys did not "put in" their best at the opening of the game, allowing the Juniata to score 13 runs on the first innings, but they gathered themselves up afterward sufficiently to reduce the odds to five at the close of the sixth inning. The Enterprise was anxious to play a full game of nine innings but the Juniata was not willing to risk it, as from the manner in which the Enterprise boys were playing the last innings, it was not at all certain that the Juniata Club would have the most runs at the close of the ninth inning. The Juniata boys played well, were strong batters, and several of them good fielders. They were mostly large, strong men, while their opponents were all small and light men. It was the general wish of the spectators present that a full game should be played, but many of the Hollidaysburg people objected.
On the afternoon of the same day, the Mountain Club played a maten game with the Enterprise, resulting as the following score shows:
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Caldwell, s s
2 |
4 |
Fogan, 3 b |
2 |
6 |
Smith, c
4 |
2 |
Kramer, s s |
4 |
4 |
Miller, p
2 |
4 |
Euwer, r f |
3 |
7 |
Ferriday, 1 b
3 |
4 |
Brockett, 2 b |
4 |
5 |
Delo, r f
2 |
4 |
McKnight, c |
0 |
9 |
Gemmill, 3 b
3 |
3 |
Graham, c f |
5 |
4 |
Pettit, 2 b
1 |
3 |
Irwin, 1 b |
2 |
7 |
McCormick, c f
4 |
1 |
Pratt, p |
2 |
7 |
Reilly, l f
3 |
1 |
Bryant, l f |
2 |
6 |
24 |
26 |
24 |
55 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Mountain |
1 |
7 |
2 |
4 |
0 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
26 |
Enterprise |
5 |
7 |
1 |
0 |
16 |
6 |
9 |
11 |
55 |
Passed Balls - Mountain 19, Enterprise 13. Home Runs - Mountain 0, Enterprise 2. Struck out - Mountain 0, Enterprise 0. Fly catches - Mountain 6, Enterprise 6. Fly Catches Missed - Mountain 2, Enterprise 4. Out on Foul Ball - Mountain 7, Enterprise 7.
Umpire - R. W. Hunt, of Kickenpawling. Time of Game - 4 h 20 m.
During the progress of this game, several very fine plays were made, both in fielding and running bases. The Mountain boys played well, but they had to give way to the superior agility and science of their competitors.
The Enterprise Club played the Tyrolean Club, of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, scoring, 37 runs against 31 for the Tyroleans. On Thursday they played the Athletics, of Philadelphia, and made a score of 7 against 77 for the Athletics, about 11 to 1, as near as figures tell. The Athletics are hard to beat.
The Juniata, of Hollidaysburg, and the Kickenepawlings, of Johnstown, played a match game on Saturday last, on the grounds of the latter. On eight innings the Juniatas scored 38 to 27 for the Kicks.
The Enterprise and Kicks played a match game on Monday last. The Kicks were defeated.
A match game will be played on the grounds of the Mountain Club, at this place, on Tuesday next, between the first nine of the Star Club, of this place, and the first nine of the Hartslog Club, of Alexandria, Huntingdon county.
We learn that base ball clubs have been organized at Ebensburg, Cambria county, Warrior's Mark, Huntingdon county, and at Patterson, Juniata county.
On Tuesday last, the Eureka Club, of Pittsburgh, and Loyalhanna Club, of Latrobe, played a match game on the grounds of the latter, resulting in a victory for the Loyalhanna. The following is the score of the game:
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Clark, c |
2 |
5 |
Watt, p |
2 |
6 |
Diamond, p |
4 |
3 |
Baldridge, 1 b |
3 |
6 |
Welsh, 1 b |
3 |
4 |
George, 2 b |
1 |
6 |
J. W. Welsh, 2 b |
2 |
3 |
Oursler, 3 b |
5 |
3 |
Simpson, 3 b |
6 |
1 |
Smith, c f |
1 |
6 |
Ramsey, s s |
2 |
4 |
Anderson, r f |
3 |
3 |
Broddy, l f |
2 |
5 |
Jackson, l f |
3 |
3 |
Welsh, c f |
3 |
3 |
H. Griffeth, s s |
5 |
3 |
Gaches, r f |
3 |
3 |
McCabe, c |
4 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Eureka |
5 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
9 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
7 |
31 |
Loyalhanna |
3 |
5 |
0 |
11 |
5 |
8 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
40 |
Umpire - Mr. Geo. Noble, of the Loyalhanna. Time of Game - 2 h and 30 m.
BRUTAL MURDER. - It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Major George Raymond, formerly editor and proprietor of the Blair County Whig who was brutally murdered at his residence, near Woodbury, N. J., on the night of the 19th inst. From a letter from John Mitchell, Esq., father-in-law of the deceased, to a friend in this place, we glean the following particulars of the sad occurrence:
Mr. Raymond was murdered on the 19th inst., at about 3 o'clock a. m. The assassin entered by the back door of their cottage, and, armed with an axe, which he took from the woodyard, stole quickly to the second story. Mrs. Raymond lay in a front room - Mr. Raymond in a back room, communicating with it. It is likely the villain was in both rooms, seeking his victim, and having marked the right spot, approached Raymond's bed, and, by four strokes of the axe, inhumanly butchered him. This was done so noiselessly that his wife was not disturbed whilst the act was perpetrated; but she waked shortly after 3 o'clock, and hearing a sort of gurgling sound proceeding from that room, started up and called to her husband. No answer came, and the gurgling and dropping continuing, she leaped from her bed and rushed to him. Supposing he was vomiting, she gently raised his head, when her hands became covered with what she supposed was the contents of his stomach. She called imploringly on him to speak, but his jaw hung powerless. A few piercing shrieks from the window brought a colored man who lives near, when a light was procured and it was discovered that he was steeped in gore - dead. No clue has yet been discovered to the murderer. Nothing was missing from the premises, and from all that is inferred it must be the result of a deadly hatred or revenge from some desperado, but who it can be there is yet no ground to suspect.
DROWNED. - A young man named Amos Jonson, an orphan, from Bedford, was drowned in Stull's mill-dam in Richland township, Cambria county, on Monday of last week. He went into the water beyond his depth and could not swim. He recently resided with an aunt near Altoona.
DROWNED - May 23d., 1866, in the Indian Ocean, HOWARD E. SNYDER, son of J. and S. C. Snyder, aged 20 years, 5 months and 15 days.
The following extracts from a letter of the Master of the ship Rainbow, to the brother of the deceased, gives the particulars of the sad occurrence:
SHIP RAINBOW, May 23d, 1866.
At Sea. Lat 24 deg. South, Long. 58 deg. East.
Mr. H. H. SNYDER, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Dear Sir: - It is a sad duty that I have to inform you of the death of your brother Howard E. Snyder. He was drowned between the hours of four and five on the morning of the above date. He was called with others belonging to the same watch, and took his position on the Lookout or Forecastle, the place where the Lookout usually stands.
I was called at five o'clock by the second officer, who had the deck at the time, and he stated to me with some anxiety, that he could not find the boy and was afraid that he had fallen overboard. I thought such could not be the case as some one would have heard him, as the weather was good - ship moving about four miles an hour. Thinking he had fallen asleep in some place about the ship, I immediately commenced to search for him, but our efforts were of no avail - the boy could not be found.
The day before he was assisting the second officer to clean his room, as we were near our port. He stated to him he was contented, and was telling him how well he liked the sea.
He professed to be a christian; there was nothing in his deportment to doubt his sincerity; in fact his language and whole conduct on board this ship corresponded to his profession. His bible was his companion and he had other religious matter with him which he freely circulated.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy in this your sad bereavement.
BENJAMIN FREEMAN, Master of Ship Rainbow, Boston.
FREE PASSES. - By the following circular it will be seen that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have determined to abolish the present system of free passes. We understand this has been rendered necessary by the great abuses to which it has been subjected, passes having frequently been transferred, and in many instances sold by those to whom they were issued. This order of President Thomson will be productive of good results to his company, and will relieve the political community from many pressing demands which they are now subjected to:
PHILADELPHIA, July 23, 1866.
In conforming to the resolutions of the railway conventions, held in New York May 22 and June 28, 1866, this company must decline to issue free passes that can in any way be deemed in violation thereof; nor will local passes he given, except for purely charitable purposes, unless the interests of the company should demand their issue.
J. EDGAR THOMSON, President.
CHANGED HIS OCCUPATION. - D. W. A. Belford, Merchant Tailor, has been compelled to relinquish his business, in consequence of an affliction of his eyes, and has associated himself with Mr. Wm. Murray, in the mercantile business. They intend opening during the coming week, in their large and handsome new store room, on Virginia street, a general assortment of dry goods, groceries, queensware, boots and shoes and notions of all descriptions for ladies and gentlemen. Mr. B. desires all indebted to him to call and make settlement as early as possible.
IMPROVEMENTS. - In noticing improvements, last week, we neglected to make mention of a very decided improvement in North Ward. We refer to the new brick building put up by the Altoona Gas & Water company as a residence for the Superintendent of the works. The company have also added a new gas holder, which will enable it to keep on hand a larger supply of gas than heretofore, consequently we are not likely to be troubled with bobbing lights during the coming winter.
CHANGE - Mr. John P. Laird, for several years past Superintendent of Motive Power and Machinery, P. R. R., resigned his position on the 15th inst., for the purpose of accepting a similar position on the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R. R. Col R. E. Ricker, of the Terre Haute & Indianapolis R. R., has been appointed to the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Laird.
GRAND CELEBRATION AND PIC NIC - A grand Pic Nic will be held at Loretto on Tuesday, August 21st. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to enjoy a pleasant day in the country, where the air is cool and fragrant, and where you can be free from the dust, heat, noise and tumult of the busy towns, just go to Loretto on the 21st prox. - Dinner tickets, 50 cents.
FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. - A man named Samuel Henderson, brakeman on local freight, was killed on Wednesday evening at Pittsburg by being crushed between the bumpers of a couple of cars. The deceased was a resident of Conemaugh Station, Cambria county, and leaves a wife and five children in straitened circumstances.
Pic Nic. - The congregation connected with St. John's (Catholic) Church, of this place, will hold a pic nic, at the usual place, (grove near Peter Miller's) on Thursday, August 16th. A general invitation is extended to all who wish to enjoy a day in the leafy grove.
ACCIDENT. - A young man named John W. Kinsel, whose mother resides in East Ward, was severely injured, on Thursday last, whilst lifting lumber at Osceola, Clearfield Co. He was brought home yesterday and is now lying in a critical condition. Mr. Kinsel had just recovered from a similar injury sustained some two months since.
On the 25th inst., by Rev. S. A. Holman, Mr. James Bolger, to Miss Susan Hart, both of Altoona.
On the 5th inst., by the same (Rev. S. A. Holman), Mr. Perry G. Burkholder, to Miss Dora R. Barto, both of Blair co.
On the 12th inst., by Rev. M. P. Doyle, Mr. Michael Emswiler, of York, Pa., to Miss Jennie Beck, of Altoona.
In Altoona, July 19th, 1866, Minnie, youngest daughter of Jacob and Mary Szink, aged 4 years, 1 month and 15 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 28, 1866, page 3