Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, July 21, 1866
JOHNSTOWN, July 19, 1866.
DEAR TRIBUNE: So little of general interest has occurred in this "neck of timber" for the past few weeks, that I have been unable to find sufficient material whereof to make a letter worthy of perusal, and hence my silence.
The "strike" amongst the puddlers employed at the Cambria Iron Works, in this place, which for the past week has been the all-absorbing topic of interest and conversation, has ceased to excite so much comment, although the community is more and more every day realizing the baneful effects of the stagnation consequent upon the withdrawal of so many from active service, who so materially aided in the success of the town and the prosperity of the mammoth rolling mill here - emphatically the life-blood of the place and the main source of revenue. The places made vacant by the "strike" have been partially filled from amongst the disaffected of their own number and the employment of others unskilled in the business, but unless the departure of some of the principal leaders in the "strike" can be taken as an evidence of its having come to an end, there is little to indicate that the trouble is over or the works in a fair way of resuming their wonted prosperity. The "Puddler's Union" seems to be so widespread in its ramifications that to an outsider there seems to be but little prospect of securing the requisite number of puddlers to put the works in full operation, unless a compromise is effected or men unacquainted with the business put to work and taught the handicraft. A report prevailed yesterday that the company were willing to give within ten cents of the price demanded by the puddlers, (ie $6.90) but like many other reports in regard to the matter, it doubtless had but little foundation in fact. For the sake of the town, for the sake of the enterprising Company who have done so much to develop the natural resources of this section, and build up its immense prosperity, and for the sake of the poor men, who through choice or necessity are now standing idle, it is to be hoped that the condition of things which now prevails will soon be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.
If the "strike" has to some extent lost its interest, it is more than counterbalanced by the furore just now prevailing amongst almost all classes in regard to the great national game - Base Ball. The community, or at least a great portion thereof, may literally be said to have run wild on the subject. Go where you will - upon the street, into business places, public resorts, refreshment saloons, family circles, or even to the very portals of the church, and you will hear little else discussed than the match game that has been or is to be between such and such clubs - the relative merits of each club or of particular members thereof. Lisping children, half-grown boys, full grown men and aged-grown venerables, alike rejoice in the excitement and take a deep interest in recounting or listening to the details of the several games. The ladies, too, God bless them, are warmly enlisted in the cause, and manifest a commendable pride in encouraging a proficiency in the manly game. On Friday afternoon last, the ladies took occasion to present the "Kickenapawling" and "Iron" Clubs each with a beautiful and elaborately wrought flag - the former of blue silk with orange colored silk trimmings and the letter "K" worked in the centre, and the latter of crimson silk, with white silk trimmings and the word "Iron" of the same material in the centre. The presentation speeches were made on part of the "Kicks" by Mr. Morrell, and on part of the "Iron" by C. Elder, Esq., and received respectively by Maj. Potts and Alex. Hamilton, Esq. The occasion was an interesting and pleasing one, and the Knights of the Bat and Ball rejoice with great rejoicing in the approving smiles and cheering manifestations vouchsafed to them by the handsome and spirited young ladies of our town.
A game of base ball was played yesterday between the "Kicks" and "Independent No. 2," on the grounds of the former, resulting in favor of the latter Club seven runs.
A grand pic-nic is being held to-day at Whiskey Springs, some two or three miles from town, and soon as the weather clears up, which the sky would seem to indicate just now, there will doubtless be an immense outpouring of pleasure-seekers in that direction.
I know of nothing else that you will not learn fully as well from the local papers, and hence I close. - Yours, EKIP.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 21, 1866, page 2
BRIEF MENTION. - The Blair County Teachers' Association will meet in Hollidaysburg, on Tuesday, August 4th, at 10 a.m., and remain in session three days. - The July term of Court commences on Monday next. The list of jurors will be found elsewhere in to-day's paper. - Madison Cruse fell from the roof of the new rolling mill, in Hollidaysburg, one day last week, and had one of his arms dislocated, and face severely bruised. - A young man named Ullery, while running a race at cradling, in the harvest field of Mr. Harnish, near Frankstown, received an ugly gash in the leg from the point of a scythe in the hands of a companion. - The Hollidaysburg Register has taken possession of its new office. - An inmate of the Blair County Alms House committed suicide, a few days since, by choking himself to death with a handkerchief. He was a stranger in the county, and had previously attempted to drown himself. - A woman named Lottie Weston, who had been stopping at the United States Hotel, Hollidaysburg, for several months, was found dead in her bed on Tuesday night of last week. She retired to her bed apparently good health, an hour afterwards was a corpse. - The lead and zinc mines in the neighborhood of Birmingham, Huntingdon county, are now in working condition. The lead works are being built near the railroad, and operations will be prosecuted with vigor as soon as they are completed. About two thousand tons of lead have already been taken out, although no regular vein has yet been discovered. - The Johnstown puddlers' strike has come to an end, most of the workmen having gone back to their employment. Their loss in wages, according to the Tribune, amounted to over $25,000 - rather expensive loafing. - The Standard says that other goods may have declined, but the rise in hoop skirts, on the streets, is at times quite startling. Traugh, how could you? - The barn of John J. Good, near Conemaugh station, Cambria county, was destroyed by fire on the evening of the 4th inst. - The Logan Guards, of Lewistown, occupied the post of honor, in the recent demonstration in Philadelphia, on the 4th. - Mr. B. B. Willet, formerly of Spang's Mills, this county, was recently killed whilst engaged in lumbering in Indiana county. - The Tuscarora base ball club at Academia, Juniata county, publish a challenge to any club along the line of the Penn'a. Rail Road. Hope they will find some one to accept it. - Mr. John Dysart, a much respected citizen of Alexandria, Huntingdon county, was recently thrown from his wagon, and had his skull badly fractured, besides receiving other injuries. He lingered along for two days, when death kindly put an end to his sufferings. - The hot spell in the early part of the week was refreshingly relieved by the rain of Wednesday. The thermometer on Tuesday was up to 103 deg. in the shade, and the heat was so intense that in many places outdoor laborers had to cease work. Two workmen on the new Seminary building, in Hollidaysburg, were so seriously affected, that fears were entertained that they had been sun-struck, but we are glad to learn that they have entirely recovered. - We are indebted to our young friend, Mr. W. J. Denning, for late files of Louisville, Knoxville, Nashville, and other Southern papers. - Ex-tra-or-di-nary - the demand for copies of Maj. John Thomas's "narration." - The wife of Mr. John Settle, of Oliver township, Mifflin county, was bit in the hand by a copperhead snake, on Saturday last. Wine and whiskey were plentifully administered, and she is now recovering. - The barn of Maj. John W. Wilson, Union township, Mifflin county, was struck by lightning, one day last week, but, fortunately, sustained very little injury. - The dwelling house of Mr. John Hayes, in Reedsville, Mifflin county, was recently entered by burglars, and $300 in money and a valuable gold watch stolen therefrom. Mr. R. W. Kinsely's house, in the same place, was entered on the same night, and $60 stolen out of it. - A man named Riddles, from Centre county, was recently arrested in Harrisburg, on the charge of committing forgeries on parties in Lewistown and Bellefonte. - An unsuccessful attempt was made to rob the toll-house of the Juniata Bridge Company, at Mifflintown. A man named Wheeler was subsequently arrested at Lewistown, on suspicion of being the party attempting the robbery, but was discharged for want of sufficient evidence to hold him. - A base ball club has been organized at Patterson, Juniata county, and another at Ebensburg, Cambria county. Our national game is getting to be decidedly popular. - Adams' Express Company's office, at Perrysville, Juniata county, was entered one night recently, and over $1,500 stolen therefrom. - Rev. A. F. Shanafelt will preach in the Baptist Vestry on Sabbath morning, July 22d. The public generally are cordially invited to attend.
BASE BALL. - Notwithstanding the intense heat of the past week, the disciples of the bat and ball never ceased their efforts to perfect themselves in the art of ball-playing, and the grounds of the Mountain Club have been almost daily occupied by one or other of the several clubs in town. As no match games have been played, we have not been furnished with the scores of any of the games.
Next Tuesday, July 24th, the Enterprise Club, of Pittsburgh, will play two match games, on the grounds of the Mountain Club, in this place. - Their first game will be played in the morning, when the first nine of the Mountain Club will compete with them. In the afternoon, the Juniata Club, of Hollidaysburg, will play the Pittsburgh boys. From the well-known reputation of the three clubs, an unusually interesting and exciting time may be expected.
During the regular game between the first and second nines of the Juniata Club, on Saturday last, Mr. Roller went to the bat six times, and scored six home runs. Either pretty good batting, or else miserable fielding.
The first nine of the Juniata have gone to Johnstown, to-day, for the purpose of playing the Kickenapawlings.
A meeting of the members of the Star Base Ball Club will be held on Monday evening, July 24th, in the room above Laughman's Clothing Store. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be transacted.
IMPROVEMENTS. - Altoona is so rapidly approaching the proportions of a city, and so numerous are the improvements everywhere being made, that it would be impossible to keep a record of them within the prescribed limits of a weekly paper. We like, however, to refer to them now and then, as an evidence of the prosperity and energy of our citizens, and especially so, when these improvements are of a nature designed to benefit or ornament our town.
M'Cartney & Gwinn have almost completed a mammoth store and dwelling house, on the site of the one recently burned, on Virginia street, below Annie. When finished, it will be one of the largest grocery and provision establishments in town and will enable the enterprising firm to transact business to much better advantage than in their present contracted quarters. We may expect soon to see the remainder of the burnt district rebuilt. Strange as it may seem, although it is two months since the fire destroyed these buildings, and though heavy rains have repeatedly fallen since, yet the fire was still burning on Tuesday evening last. A log, nearly covered with coal, was found to be blazing with considerable violence, and on water being applied to it, an immense quantity of steam was at once generated.
'Squire Stewart has almost finished weather boarding his new frame dwelling on the corner of Emma and Katharine streets. This will be one of the handsomest and most comfortable residences in town, when completed, and has done much to redeem a spot that has heretofore been an eye-sore to all who took any pride in the town.
The Penn'a Rail Road Co. are now erecting an extensive addition to their already mammoth works, and, like all their buildings, it is of a character to reflect credit on the company, and to give an air of stability to the town.
Dr. Christy is completely renovating the frame building that has so long stood on the corner of Virginia and Julia streets. In addition to repainting the interior and raising the building a story in height, he is having it completely encased in brick walls, and it will be an ornament where it has heretofore been a disgrace.
The tin-smithing firm of Winter & Lang have recently built an extensive addition to their former shop, on Virginia street, below Annie, which will enable them to manufacture their wares on a much larger scale.
In addition to these, there are scores of other improvements, both useful and ornamental, but by whom they are being made, we have not yet learned. We confess that we are unable to keep the run of the population of Altoona, and although we would willingly give all due credit who are thus making additions to our town, we are totally unable to do so.
The hill back of East Altoona, known as Pleasant Hill, needs but another row of houses to complete it to the summit, and from the rapidity with which our carpenters put their houses together, we need not be surprised at any time to look up and see the hill covered to the top.
Loudensville, along the line of the Branch road, is also being rapidly built up, though as a general rule, the houses are more of an useful than ornamental character, being erected by our working-men in order to save themselves from the high rents now asked by landlords.
STEALING FRUIT. - As the season for fruit and berries approaches, our citizens are suffering from the depredations of petty thieves and pilferers, in many cases the children of respectable people whose parents do not dream of the occupation of their offspring. Under the technicalities of the common law, these annoying defenders could generally escape clear of all consequences. At most they could be in danger but of a sound thrashing by the angry owner, who then became himself liable for prosecution for assault and battery. Now things are changed. Under the act of 1860, the stealing of fruit from the tree or on the ground is a serious offence, and the remedy is simple and prompt. By that judicious and effective law the willful taking and carrying away of fruit, vegetables, plants, vines, shrubs or trees, is made a misdemeanor punishable in the Court of Quarter Sessions, and rendering the offender liable to a fine of $50 and imprisonment for thirty days. The course of proceedings under this act is plain and easy. A complaint before any Alderman or Justice of the Peace is all that any person has to do. The law will do the rest. This is the criminal remedy. For those who prefer it there is a civil remedy. By another section any one who shall willfully enter or break down, through or over any orchard, garden, yard or fence, hot-bed or green-house, or who shall wrongfully club, or cut, stone, break, bark or mutilate any tree, shrub, bush, vine, &c., or walk over, beat down or trample, or in any way injure any grain, grass, vines, vegetables or crops, shall on conviction before any Alderman or Justice of the Peace, or in any court, have judgment against him in any sum not less than $5 or more than $100 with costs. This fine is to go one-half to the informant and one half to the occupant or owner of the land. In default of payment the offender must go to jail. The law now provides a full and simple remedy against the plunder and damaging of gardens or yards, and it is the fault of the owners if they suffer.
COURT AFFAIRS. - Following is a list of the Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for July term of Court, commencing on the fourth Monday and 3d day of the month:
Baird Wm H, Logan tp
Brennaman John, Martinsburg
Crawford Armstrong, Tyrone
Caldwell David, Gaysport
Diehl Henry, Snyder tp
Fox Samuel, Catharine tp
Glass Wm, N Woodberry
Hawkesworth George, Altoona
Ickes Henry, Greenfield tp
Isett George D, Catharine tp
Irvin John E, Antis tp
Klepser Fredrick, N Woodberry tp
Leckron Jacob, Taylor tp
Leighty Jacob, Juniata tp
Loudon James, Logan tp
McGraw John, Hollidaysburg
Port George, "
Ramey David K, Altoona
Sharar Samuel, Hollidaysburg
Shannon C C, Altoona
White Daniel M, Woodberry tp
Weyandt James, Juniata tp
Wertz Jacob, Blair
Aurandt David, Huston tp
Albright John, North Woodberry
Adams Andrew, Freedom
Boyer George, Antis
Bowers John K, Taylor
Blyler David, Frankstown
Biddle Charles, Woodberry
Boyer Solomon, Altoona
Black John, Catharine
Bridenbaugh, Philip, Tyrone
Crissman Fred, Logan
Cherry A J, Altoona
Crawford Alexander, Tyrone
Condron James, Hollidaysburg
Dern H C, Altoona
Dean John, Woodberry
Friday Conrad, Snyder
Garner Jacob, Woodberry
Gardner Andrew, Antis
Geesey William, Frankstown
Hoover Rudolph S, Taylor
Hart Ellis, Allegheny
Holland John B, Blair
Isett Henry J, Catharine
Kopp George, Frankstown
Law Jacob, North Woodberry
Long John C, Catharine
McGovern James, Snyder
Morrow John H, Tyrone
McCartney Allen, Altoona
McClellan John, "
Otto George, Woodberry
Plummer Wm R, Snyder
Rhodes Isaac, North Woodberry
Ritchey John F, Greenfield
Simpson Lloyd, "
Thompson Moses, Logan
Wingate Jesse, Hollidaysburg
Albright Saml, Taylor tp
Bell Wm, Logan
Burley Benjamin, Altoona
Cannon John J, Allegheny
Carrothers Alex, Catharine
Carney Martin, Hollidaysburg
Carrothers J B, Catharine
Cassiday Francis, Blair
Dell Alexander, Catharine
Davidson Wm, Tyrone Bor
Fox Wm, Altoona
Good Peter, Logan
Glasgow John P, Antis
Halfpenny John, "
Himes J B, Tyrone Bor
Hamilton R R, Allegheny
Hileman Jos B, Altoona
Isett John D, Snyder
Johnston Frank, Gaysport
Keller Wm C, "
Kennedy Alex, Snyder
Kearney James, Altoona
Lingafelter Henry, Freedom
Leamer Levi G, Juniata
Lloyd Alex M, Gaysport
Lewis John, Snyder
Mapes Isaac, Freedom
Morrow Mathew, Tyrone
McCamant H C, Altoona
Powell Daniel, Huston
Rutledge, Alex, Woodberry
Soyster Joseph, North Woodberry
Spielman David, Blair
Sell Daniel, Freedom
Work L P, Altoona
Wilson Wm, Tyrone
Weyandt Joseph, Greenfield
Young Jacob, Altoona
Following is the list of causes set down for trial:
A Patterson vs Wm R Pomeroy et al
G McCammant's heirs vs John Bell
John Walter's Ex'rs vs Stephen Hammond
Charles Hughs vs G L Lloyd
Murphy & McKern vs Allegheny R R & Coal Co.
James M Bell vs Daniel K Reamy
Moore's for use vs D Watson et al
D K Reamy vs W W Jackson
John Brotherline vs J W Swires et al
John Bell vs Samuel Milliken
H Y Brady vs Jos K Ely
P Campbell vs Same
Benj Orne vs Kittanning Coal Company
Gatz & Harpster vs Pruner & Burley
Porter Milliken & Co. vs Lorenz Wingard Co
Same vs Lorenz & Leamer
John Brotherline vs Borough of Altoona
Thomas Vanscoyoc vs Tyrone & Clearfield RR Co
Jacob Zink's adm'rs vs C B Sink
Wm Thomas vs Hugh McNeal
John S Kough et al vs John S Calvert et al
Martin Lingafelter vs Geo M Mauk
Ellen Bouslough vs Wm Bouslough et al garnishees
G McCammant's heirs vs Samuel Milliken
Job M Spang for use vs Thomas Gallaher and wife
Jas Malone & Wife vs Adam Moses et al
West Branch Insurance Co vs E J Pruner
Mary Morrow vs Joseph Kemp
Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co vs John Shoemaker et al
James O'Neil vs T J Williams
Benj Lewis and wife vs H M Ingram et al
Jacob Mast vs Sol F Reamy
D K Reamy vs 1st Presbyterian Church of Hollidaysburg
James P McClellan and wife vs Daniel Laughman
Joseph R Smith vs Susan Rigg
E Brady vs H K Hammond
A Brady vs Same
Jas H Smith vs Patrick F Dhrew
Lycoming County Mutual In Co vs J Shoemaker et al
Robt McFarland et al vs A McMutrie [McMurtrie?]
NEW ENTERPRISE. - The proprietor of the Cornucopia Garden, on Main street, East of Union Hotel, has engaged the services of a talented corps of Minstrels, of the "burned-cork" persuasion, and intends giving the first of a series of performances this evening, at 7 o'clock. All who are fond of such amusements cannot do better than to call at this Garden, where they can refresh themselves with the coolest of ice cream, and the best of minstrelsy.
CIRCUS COMING. - Gardner & Hemming's Circus, in conjunction with Van Amburgh's Menagerie, an institution which enjoys an enviable reputation for the novelty and chasteness of its exhibitions, will give two exhibitions in this place on Monday, July 30th. Of course all who are fond of the sports of the arena will attend these exhibitions, and as the circus is an institution which but seldom comes this way now-a-days they may expect to reap a rich harvest.
On July 8th, by the Rev. A. F. Shanafelt, Mr. Wm. P. Wendenhall, of Lancaster, and Miss Anna C. Fisher, of Altoona.
At Vera Cruz, Mexico, June 10th, 1866, of yellow fever, Mr. Samuel B. Helsel, formerly of Hollidaysburg, Pa.
The relatives of Mr. Helsel are supposed to reside at or near Hollidaysburg, and are requested to communicate with the undersigned at Hyde Park, Pa., and Memphis, Tenn. - ELI BARNER.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 21, 1866, page 3