Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Saturday, July 14, 1866
Letter from Tyrone.
TYRONE, July 10th, 1866.
MESSRS. EDITORS: Since the Fourth of July has gone by, the usual question for one friend to ask another on their meeting is, Well, how did you spend your Fourth? and thinking that my old friend, the Tribune, would propound the same question to me, I take time by the forelock and proceed to answer it. Of course the principal attraction was the flag presentation in Philadelphia, but as every one could not go there, and as Tyrone pretends to be a city of no small import, we had some attractions at home; the principal ones of which were two pic-nics and a game of base ball. The pic-nics were given by the members of the Catholic and Lutheran Churches, the larger crowd being in attendance at the first named. Both passed off very pleasantly and reflect much credit to the parties concerned, except the selling of beer, which we understand was dealt out irrespective of person, on the grounds occupied by the Catholics, which had the effect of creating somewhat of a disorder toward evening, and taken into consideration with the rain, had the effect of somewhat dampening the ardor of those who did not indulge. The base ball game was interrupted by a storm which put an end to it. More than the usual amount of rowdyism was displayed in the evening, resulting in black eyes, crippled limbs, &c., which we considered mainly attributable to the fact of beer being sold on the pic-nic ground above named. We had quite a local excitement to-day, on the arrival of the passenger train from Philipsburg, caused by the fact of a murderer being brought in on the train in a crippled condition, he having been caught near Osceola station. The facts of the case are as follows: Two brothers by the name of Campbell, who had but a short time since been honorably discharged from the army, had been on a spree and were conducting things as they pleased, breaking windows, &c. Complaint being made a constable by the name of Barr, near Centre Hall, Centre county, attempted to arrest them on Monday, June 25th, and while in the act of doing so one of the young men shot him, from the effect of which he died almost instantly. The murderer made his escape and was traced to Osceola. The house in which he was secreted was surrounded, and as the principal detective was ascending the stairs, the murderer jumped out of a window crying, "don't shoot," to the parties outside. They thinking he was going to surrender, brought down their revolvers, while he, taking advantage of their so doing, discharged his revolver among them, one of the shots taking effect in the shoulder of Mr. Harpham, of this place, and in the confusion the murderer again escaped; but this morning justice overtook him and he was brought too [sic] by a shot in the shoulder, and was taken to the Bellefonte jail. He is quite a young man and is apparently not over twenty-two years of age; is rather small and fine looking, and expresses much sorrow for what he has done. The match game of base ball between the Bald Eagle Club, of this place, and the Central Club, of Bellefonte, came off as was advertised and was decided in favor of the Bellefonte boys by the following score:
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Hasting, 1 b |
3 |
9 |
Hicks, 2 b |
1 |
8 |
Furst, 3 b |
3 |
9 |
Jones, c |
4 |
4 |
Mullen, 2 b |
5 |
7 |
Wilson, 3 b |
2 |
4 |
Shugart, c f |
5 |
6 |
Hilturn, l f |
3 |
4 |
Kephart, p |
3 |
8 |
Andrews, 1 b |
4 |
3 |
Wolf, l f |
0 |
10 |
Hall, p |
3 |
3 |
Hall, c |
2 |
9 |
Dry, c f |
3 |
4 |
Lipton, r f |
4 |
7 |
Merryman, l f |
4 |
3 |
Valentino, s s |
2 |
7 |
Hazlett, s s |
3 |
5 |
27 |
72 |
27 |
38 |
The game passed off very pleasantly and all were apparently in the best spirits. The Central Club was entertained by the Bald Eagle Club at the Ward House. The principal theme of conversation that now engross the people here, is a sermon preached by Rev. Moorehead, of the M. E. Church, of this place, on Sunday last, in which he attacked sinners generally and base ball players in particular. He compared the game to horse racing, cock fighting, gambling, &c., and said its base was H--l. We do not set ourselves up for a critic, but we do say that the Reverend gentleman should make himself acquainted with the rules and object of the game, before attacking it in the wholesale manner he did. And considering that some of the leading spirits of the ball club are members of his congregation, the sermon has created quite a sensation. - Yours, TROJAN.
On Friday, July 6th, by Rev. D. A. Cunningham, Robert Ferriday, of Altoona, Pa., to Miss Kate Bennett, of Philadelphia, only daughter of the late Capt. Charles W. Bennett, of the U.S. Revenue Service.
On the 30th of June, 1866, at Tyrone, by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. John F. Sheeder, of Blair county, to Miss Catharine L. Downing, of Centre county.
On July 3rd, 1886, by Rev Burdine Blake, at his house, William M. Rhodes, to Margaret Jane Eshleman, both of Rebecca Furnace, Blair county, Pa.
On the 5th inst., by Rev. John H. Clark, of Tyrone, Mr. George J. Jacobs to Miss Ida. C. Stoneroad, of Birmingham, Pa.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 14, 1866, page 2
Council Proceedings.
Proceedings of Council of Borough of Altoona, published in accordance with a resolution at their last meeting, July 6th, 1866:
Regular Meeting, March 6th, 1866.
Members present - Jno. McClelland, Pres't; Messrs. Fresh, Cyphers, Hesser and Dern, and Jno. A. Baer, Chief Burgess.
The meeting having been called to order, a new organization was effected by re-electing Jno. McClelland, Pres't; Jacob Hesser, Treasurer; T. Brophy, Sec'y; and D. J. Neff, Attorney for Council for the present year.
The minutes of the last meeting having been read and approved, the following bills were passed and orders granted:
To C. Jaggard, for cash, paid on sewer, $10.00
To Penn'a R. R. Co., bill against Sewer, 95.95
To Myers, for blacksmithing, 23.70
To Louis Place, for plank, 6.73
To John Fresh, for hauling to sewer, 5.00
To Robt. Green, carting on account of sewer, 7.50
To Isaac Peight, labor " " 11.00
To A. Hench, " " 12.80
To M. Scanlon, " " 19.25
To Jas. Woods, " " $14.00
To Bernard McMahon, " " 28.80
It was resolved to employ Geo. W. Dougherty as assistant Borough Constable until April Court, if necessary, at a salary of $25 per month.
On motion, adjourned.
Attest: T. BROPHY, Sec'y.
Regular Meeting, April 3rd, 1866.
Members present - Jno. McClelland in the chair; Messrs. Dern, Fresh & Rodamer, and Jno. A. Baer, Chief Burgess. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The following Bills were presented and orders granted:
To. B. McMahon, for Superintending Labor on Sewer, $27.90
To Jas. Woods, " " 22.75
To M. Scanlon, " " 22.75
To Henry Foust, " " 2.40
To Charles Smiley, " " 3.20
To A. Hench, " " 1.60
To J. K. Ely, for Carting on " up to date, 7.50
Jacob Cluck, bal. due on " up to date, 88.27
Geo. W. Dougherty, bal. of per Centage on collections, $12.85
Gas and Water Co., 21.00
Balance due John Clark, for services, 15.12
It was resolved to lay on the table the bill of viewers on Green street.
On motion, adjourned.
Attest: T. BROPHY, Sec'y.
Special Meeting, May 12th, 1866.
Agreeably to adjournment, Council met. - Members present, Messrs. Cyphers, Rodamer, Fresh and Dern. In the absence of the regular President, Mr. Cyphers was elected president pro tem.
It was, on motion of Mr. Rodamer, resolved to remove Isaac Peight from the night Police, as he was out of the Borough, and appoint in his stead Daniel Dickson.
It was resolved to appoint Andrew Skelly on the night Police, instead of Henry Ickes, until Ickes, who was ill, would recover.
The council then proceeded to the election, by ballot, of a Supervisor, when W. W. Snyder was unanimously elected to hold the office only so long as he gave satisfaction.
It was resolved that the present Supervisor retain his situation until June 1st, 1866.
It was resolved that the Chief Burgess be requested to notify Mr. Miller, agent for the property on which a nuisance exists, to have said nuisance abated; also to notify Jas. Kerns of a nuisance on his premises and to have it removed.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
MOSES CYPHER, Pres't pro tem.
Attest: T. BROPHY, Sec'y.
Regular Meeting, June 5th, 1866.
Present - Messrs. Fresh, Rodamer and Dern. Hesser, president pro tem.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.
The following bills were passed and orders granted.
To Henry Ickes, for 19 nights at $1.75 per night, $33.50
To Sam. Hileman for 21 " " " 36.75
To J. L. Williams for 21 " " " 36.75
To William Snyder for 21 " " " 36.75
To Samuel Ferguson for 20 " " " 35.02
To Samuel Dickson for 9 " " " 15.75
To Isaac Peight for 5 " " " 8.75
To Andrew Skelly for 1 " " " 1.75
To G. W. Dougherty, for 28 nights $49 }
To " " " for 34 days service $50 } 99.00
[Total] $304.25
For May - to B. McMahon, for 9 days, $16.20
" " - Jas Woods, 5 1/2 days, 9.62
" " - M. Scanlon, 5 1/2 days, 9.62
To Jno. M. Clark, services for April and May, 16.66 2/3
A communication from Jno. McClelland, offering his resignation as a member of Council, was read and accepted.
It was resolved to pay the Supervisor $.00 per diem. Mr. Jno. Fresh presented his bill for hauling sundry loads from March 7th to May 5th, $2.60, which was approved and an order granted therefor.
A communication from S. F. Ramey was read, offering pine plank for pavements at $19.00 per thousand feet, which, from its nondescriptive character, was laid on the table.
G. W. Dougherty was elected, by one of a majority, Borough and Bounty Tax Collector, for 1866. Mr. Dougherty being present, agreed to accept 3 1/2 per cent. on Borough Tax, and 5 per cent. on Bounty Tax.
W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, was instructed to procure from Hileman and Hesser one car load of such lumber as he needed.
Council adjourned until Tuesday, June 12th, 1866.
JACOB HESSER, Pres't pro tem.
Attest: T. BROPHY, Sec'y.
Special Meeting, June 12th, 1866.
Council met - Jacob Hesser acting as President pro tem. Present - Fresh, Cyphers and Dern.
The bonds of Geo. W. Dougherty, Collector of Borough and Bounty Taxes, were presented and approved.
On motion, adjourned, H. C. Dern, acting as Secretary in place of regular Secretary, who was ill.
Attest: H. C. DERN, Sec'y pro tem.
Regular Meeting, July 6th, 1866.
Present - Messrs. Hesser, Fresh, Cyphers, Rodamer and Dern, President pro tem.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
H. C. Dern, was unanimously elected permanent President in place of Jno. McClelland, Esq., resigned. Mr. Fisher appeared before the Council and presented receipts for the paying of Bounty Tax for 1864 and 1865, and asked the Council to refund it, inasmuch as he having been in the army as a volunteer, he ought not to pay Bounty Tax. Council deferred action in the case until they would examine law on the subject.
The following bills were passed and orders granted therefor.
To W. W. Snyder, Supervisor 22 days at $2 per day, $44.00
To Jas. Woods, 21 days at $1.75 per day, 36.75
To Louis Clemens, 20 12/ days at $1.75 per day, 35.44
To. Dan'l Cluck, 1 1/2 day at $2.00 per day, 3.00
To Jos. Cluck, 1 1/2 day at $1.75 per day, 2.25
To P. R. R. Co., bill of freight on lumber, 14.00
To Altoona Gas & Water Co., 21.00
To Wm. Rodamer, for attending suit of Brotherline vs Borough of Altoona, 2 days, 6.00
To John Fresh, bill of hauling for streets, 61.55
To T. Brophy, bill of books and stationery, making out duplicates, and services as clerk, 39.38
Bill of Dr. Christy and C. Jaggard, for Gas consumed in public lamp, in front of C. Jaggard's store, objected to and laid over.
A petition signed by Geo. W. Patton, Wm. R. Findley, M. D., Bittner & Isenberg, R. A. O. Kerr and J. L. Reifsneider, praying Council to pass an Ordinance similar to the Bridge Ordinance, forbidding all persons from congregating in front of the post office building, and from standing, sitting, loitering, lounging or loafing on porch, steps or railing in front thereof.
An ordinance, No. 20, in compliance with the above petition, was passed.
On motion, the President was instructed to have 25 copies of said Ordinance printed in hand bill form.
On motion, of Wm. Rodamer, it was resolved that the proceedings of Council be regularly published hereafter in the Altoona Tribune, and that the present publication include the proceedings since March 6, 1866.
On motion, adjourned.
H. C. DERN, Pres't.
Attest: T. BROPHY, Sec'y.
THE FOURTH IN ALTOONA. - The morning was ushered in with a continuous discharge of small arms, squibs, "double-knockers" etc. About sun-up the Altoona Silver Cornet Band made its appearance and marched through the principal streets, playing national airs. With the exception of a few individuals, mostly from towns down the road, who visited Altoona for the purpose of drinking whisky and kicking up a row, all the celebrating was outside of the town. The pugilistic individuals referred to were unsuccessful in their mission, so far as kicking up a row was concerned, and they left on the 2.30 P. M. Train.
The Junior Sons and a fair share of fair daughters celebrated the day by holding a pic-nic in a grove near Eldorado Station. We cannot speak of the sports on the occasion, as we were not there to see. We learn, however, that they had the benefit of the morning shower to commence with, and were refreshed in a similar manner, during the afternoon.
The L. H. & B. Society, and the Sunday School connected with St. John's (Catholic) Church, spent the afternoon of the day in the grove west of town, where a stage was erected and music and dancing ruled the hour. This Company also had the benefit of the afternoon shower, which caused laces, ribbons, dresses, etc., to wilt instanter.
Maj. John Thomas delivered his annual "noration," to a select audience, in front of the property-house of the Mountain Base Ball Club, at 3 1/2 P. M. See report elsewhere.
In the evening there was quite a display of rockets, candles, fire wheels, bengola lights, and such things, individually gotten up. That in the yard attached to the residence of the Gen'l. Superintendent, Mr. Williams, elicited much favorable comment and was the attraction of the evening. Candles, wheels, rockets, etc., were arranged throughout the grounds, and the trees were all dressed up with different colored paper lanterns, giving to the scene a beautiful and imposing appearance.
Not an accident occurred during the day, so far as we have been advised. Nearly all the drinking saloons were closed at an early hour in the afternoon and much drunkenness thereby prevented.
OUTRAGEOUS AND BRUTAL ASSAULT. - On the night of the 3d inst. a party of five or six young "roughs" assaulted an old man named Adams and his three sons and beat them in the most brutal and dastardly manner. Adams and his boys are employed in the nail factory at this place, and on the evening in question had worked until a late hour in order to have the 4th to themselves. They left the mill about 10 o'clock and started for their home in Duncansville, and were followed by these rowdies, one of whom it seems had some frivolous quarrel with one of the Adams boys, and overtook them near their home, when they at once made an assault upon the young man in question. The father interfered to save his son, when he was struck in the forehead with a stone, fracturing the skull severely. Clubs and stones were freely used by the infamous scoundrels, and the old man and his boys were all more or less severely injured. - Standard.
Altoona Temple of Honor, No. 22, meets every Friday evening, in the Hall, third story of Shannon's new building, Virginia street.
Crystal Spring Social Temple, No, 23, in connection with this Temple, meets every Tuesday evening, in the same Hall.
B. F. Rose, W. C. T.
ON A STRIKE. - The journeyman tailors, of this place, are on a strike. The bosses" entered into an agreement to cut down the wages on and after Monday last. The jours refused to stand the reduction, and quit work. No compromise has yet been affected.
BASE BALL - Below we present the score of a match game, played on Saturday afternoon last, between the first nine of the Logan Club (juniors) and the third nine of the Mountain, on a field of the latter. It will be seen that the boys "waxed" their "dads" in handsome style. They didn't do such good batting but the little rascals made 2.40 time between bases. An examination of the score will show that the representatives of the Tribune office came within one each of making clean scores. As it's all in the family, we'll trade the odds and call it clean in each case. Somebody must make outs, else there would be no fun in the game; and we think it right (as in this instance) that the figures should fall to those who have the least reputation to lose. But it don't work well when there are too many of such players on one side. The next time we play a match game of four hours duration, in the hot sun, we'll play by moonlight. - Mind that: -
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Bittner, c |
3 |
3 |
Findley, 2 b |
2 |
6 |
Stewart, 3 b |
1 |
5 |
Patton, s s |
1 |
8 |
McCormick, 2 b |
0 |
6 |
Ewing, 3 b |
1 |
8 |
Dern, p |
1 |
5 |
Miller, p |
0 |
9 |
Woodkok, r f |
2 |
4 |
Rose, r f |
2 |
6 |
Howe, 1 b |
2 |
3 |
McClelland, 1 b |
0 |
7 |
McDonald, c f |
0 |
5 |
Eby, c |
4 |
5 |
McCrum, s s |
5 |
1 |
Elway, l f |
2 |
5 |
Custer, l f |
1 |
4 |
W. Custer, c f |
3 |
6 |
13 |
36 |
15 |
60 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Mountain, |
7 |
4 |
6 |
11 |
8 |
36 |
Logan, |
21 |
17 |
9 |
7 |
5 |
60 |
Fly balls - Mountain 2, Logan 5. Out on foul balls - Mountain 8, Logan 2. Umpire - C. J. Mann. Scorers - B. F. Rose, Mountain; J. H. McMurray, Logan. Time of game, 4 hours.
The following is the score of a game played on the afternoon of the 30th ult.: -
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Caldwell, c |
3 |
3 |
Roberts, c f |
2 |
6 |
Converse, s s |
2 |
3 |
Renner, 1 b |
1 |
5 |
Reilly, c f |
2 |
2 |
Askew, 3 b |
3 |
3 |
Marshall, 3 b |
3 |
2 |
Nichols, c |
2 |
5 |
Pettit, 2 B |
1 |
4 |
Miller, 2 b |
0 |
7 |
Quigley, r f |
1 |
4 |
Snyder, s s |
1 |
6 |
Peel, 1 b |
1 |
4 |
Downer, r f |
2 |
3 |
Delo, p |
1 |
4 |
Humes, l f |
4 |
2 |
Ferriday, l f |
1 |
3 |
Pratt, p |
0 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1st Nine, |
6 |
0 |
5 |
14 |
3 |
28 |
2d Nine, |
5 |
9 |
19 |
5 |
5 |
43 |
Passed balls, not scored. Home runs, 1st nine none, 2d nine 1. Struck out, 1st nine 2, 2d nine 2. Fly catches made, 1st nine 5, 2d nine 5. Fly catches missed, 1st nine 5, 2d nine 4. Out on foul ball, 1st nine 8, 2d nine 7. Time 3 h and 20 m. Umpire C. J. Mann. Scorer, J. J. Ferriday.
The first nine of the National Club, and second nine of the Juniata Club, at Hollidaysburg, played the first game of a home-and-home match, on the ground of the former, on Saturday last, resulting in a score of 108 for the National against 25 for the Juniata, on seven innings.
The Kickenapawling Club, of Johnstown, and the Social Club, of Huntingdon, played a match game on the ground of the latter, on the 2d inst., resulting in a score of 49 for the Kicks against 47 for the Socials.
A match game will be played on the grounds of the Mountain Club, at this place, on Tuesday week, (24th July,) between the first nine of the Mountain Club and the first nine of the Enterprise Club, of Pittsburgh.
CHILD DROWNED. - A bright eyed, interesting little boy, aged about three years, son of Mr. John S. Zook, of Gaysport, fell into the river, on Saturday morning last, and drowned. The little fellow was playing alone on the river bank, back of Mr. Low's residence, and went out on the plank from which water is dipped, and losing his balance fell in, and was not discovered until life was extinct. This is the second heartrending instance of the kind that has happened during the past year in that neighborhood. - Standard.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 14, 1866, page 3