Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Wednesday, September 16, 1863
Another Invasion.
We have our fears of another invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania,
notwithstanding the reports that different corps and divisions of
Lee's Army are being sent South to reinforce Beauregard at Charleston,
and Bragg and Johnson in front of Rosecrans and Burnside. The rebel
army now moves in the centre of a circle, while the Union army moves
around the outside, consequently the former can throw troops from one
point to another much more rapidly than the latter, and although corps
and divisions may have been sent South from Lee's army, they could
easily be recalled in time to make a raid North just previous to the
election in this State; and if another invasion is attempted, it will
be at that time.
Knowing the result of two attempts to invade the North, it would,
without due consideration, appear like consummate folly, and a
courting of destruction, for the Rebel leaders to undertake a third
trip of the kind. Whether the third invasion ever be even attempted,
it is now strongly talked of and urged by the Richmond papers, and, if
we are not much mistaken, this State will be thrown into an
excitement, greater than that of June last, ere the October election,
unless something be done, and that speedily, to divert the rebels in
another direction. An editorial in a recent issue of the Richmond
Inquirer details the programme, and lets us into the secret.
We know there are persons, even in this community, who will hoot at
this. - There were those whose facilities for being posted on the
general news were as good as ours, who hooted at us when we gave
credence to the report that Lee's army was on its way to Pennsylvania,
in June last; and when we had the most positive evidence that
Stewart's cavalry were in Chambersburg, they asserted with great gusto
that there was not an armed rebel in the State, and characterized the
excitement of those in authority as a "great scare," gotten up by Gov.
Curtin for political effect. We always knew that politics blinden,
but this proved it be more blinding than we had imagined. The sequel
opened their eyes. They cannot deny that that was a terrific battle
fought at Gettysburg, on the 2d and 3d of July, and that Gettysburg is
in Pennsylvania. We will allow our readers to imagine for themselves
what would be the situation of Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia,
Harrisburg, and, with the assistance of the rioters, even New York
city, had Lee been successful at Gettysburg. Undoubtedly the New York
riot would have been more extensive, and the riots attempted in other
places resulted more disastrously. The "scare" did not come soon
enough, and the destruction of one of the finest valleys in
Pennsylvania, just at harvest time, was the consequence.
Those who give credence to the reported invasion, present the fact
that the power of the rebellion is fast waning, and the only hope the
Rebels have is centered in Lee's army. When Charleston falls, as it
undoubtedly will, and Rosecrans and Burnside have driven the Rebels
army out of East Tennessee, the situation of Lee will become critical,
because of his supplies being cut off to a great extent, and his
connection with the Southwest severed. Beauregard and Bragg will then
be relieved of watching the points now held by them, and will be
thrown to Lee, thus giving him a large army to subsist and a powerful
army with which to make a forward movement. This army cannot be
subsisted in the small portion of the Confederacy which will be left
to it, and it will, of necessity, be compelled to make an effort to
reach the fertile valleys and well filled barns and storehouses of
Maryland and Pennsylvania. The inducements and necessities are two-
fold greater at this time than ever they have been heretofore, and, as
we have before stated, the attempt to reach the tempting bait will be
made, unless something be done to counteract it. Lee knows that
Meade's army is being filled up by the conscription, and he will make
the move before the new men can be made effective, if he moves at all.
We are not alarmists. We have presented nothing but what is
plausible, and all we desire is that people rightly view the matter
and be prepared to act promptly and in time. - We do not want to be
found napping when the Rebel fox calls again to feast upon what he
left in the valley in June last, nor do we want to find persons
throwing impediments in the way of those who would save the State from
the ravages of an invading army.
We have no doubt that, should Gov. Curtin take time by the
forelock, and at once commence preparations to successfully prevent a
repetition of the scenes enacted in the Cumberland Valley, in June
last, the movement would be characterized as political and
unnecessary, by those who care more for party than for country. - Such
were the charges last fall, and again in June last, and such would be
the charges of politicians again, even though the devastation of the
State should be the result. We hope we may be mistaken in the
foreshadowed intentions of the Rebels, but at the same time we hope
Gov. Curtin will not be overawed by any clamor which may be raised by
his political opponents to deter him from doing his duty in the way of
protecting the State from invasion.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, September 16, 1863, page
of our town have, within the past week or two, been in quite a flutter
of excitement in reference to the proposed visit of the noted Athletic
Club of Philadelphia, to Altoona, to play a match with our Mountain
Club. - On last Friday morning the visitors arrived, and after
refreshing themselves outwardly and inwardly at that excellent
hostelrie, the Logan House, they were escorted by their hosts of the
Mountain Club to the locality selected for the contest between them,
the same being the best ground our club is able to procure in the
town, that best being very poor indeed. In fact, the grounds of the
Mountain club, entirely unsuited as they are for ball play, in almost
every respect, seriously retard the progress of the members in
obtaining a thorough practical knowledge of the game, and the sooner
they change their quarters the better for the future success of the
club, so say the best judges among the visiting party.
Quite a number of spectators were collected around the ground on
the day in question, among them a delegation of the fair ones of
Altoona, considerable interest being manifested by all in regard to
the result.
Shortly after ten o'clock A. M. the game was commenced, the
Athletics being the first to display their skill at the bat. Before
their three players were put out, and their innings closed, they
scored three runs, no difficulty being experienced in securing their
runs, after first making their bases, inasmuch as the moment a ball
passed the catcher it went too far down the hill in the rear to be
returned in time to put the player out in running his base. This was
of course but one of the drawbacks arising from the peculiar character
of the field, but it was one of the most serious in its effects on the
play of both parties, and especially on that of the Mountain nine.
When the Athletics took the field the Mountain Club fully expected to
draw a blank for their share of the innings play, but by the loose
play of their opponents, who were exceedingly bothered in their
fielding operations by the unevenness of the field, the Mountain club
scored three runs also, thus being on a par, in run-getting with their
more experienced adversaries. This was quite encouraging, but in the
next innings "a change came o'er the spirit of their dreams," in
consequence of the successful efforts of the Athletics in getting
runs, no less than fourteen runs being placed upon their scorebook in
this innings to two on the part of the Mountain nine. In the next
innings matters became worse if anything, the totals, at the close of
the 3d innings, showing a lead on the part of the visitors of 29 to 5,
thus, almost at the very opening of the contest, depriving the Altoona
players of any hope for the successful issue for their party. They
did not give up the ghost, however, but courageously went on, hoping
for the best but fully prepared for the worst. In the 4th innings
each party scored one each, thus showing a decided improvement on
their play on the part of the Mountaineers. It was, however, a flash
in the pan, for in the two following innings the Athletics added an
aggregate of 38 runs to their score, the total figure at the close of
the 6th inning being 68 to 13. At this period of the game the
Mountain Club made a judicious change in the position of their
fielders, bringing in their best pitcher to pitch and placing the
right men on the bases, the result being that the Athletics only
scored five runs in their last three innings to nine on the part of
the Mountain Club. The final result was the success of the
Philadelphians by a score of 73 to 22, the Altoona players having the
consolation of knowing that they had obtained the highest score
against the Athletics that any club has attained this season, this
being, in a measure, a triumph of itself.
Of course the peculiar character of the ground prevented us from
witnessing that fine display of fielding for which the Athletics are
noted, and our players, too, failed to display their abilities to
advantage from the same cause. But, nevertheless, the contest was a
very interesting one throughout, and one exceedingly creditable to
both clubs from the very gentlemanly conduct that characterized their
actions during the whole contest.
Of the play of the respective contestants we have to speak in high
terms of that of nearly every one of the Athletic nine and on the part
of the Altoona players, the play of E. P. &C. Miller and of
Messrs. Kitchell, Darlington and Pettitt in their respective
positions, merits praiseworthy notice, their fielding, especially in
the last three innings, eliciting complimentary remarks from the
Philadelphians. - Mr. Haupt, the worthy President of the Mercantile
Club of Philadelphia, acted with thorough impartiality as Umpire, and
the contest proved to be quite an agreeable one alike to the
contestants and spectators.
At the close of the game the Mountain Club and their guests
proceeded to the Logan House, where the whole party sat down to a
truly sumptuous dinner, after which an adjournment was had to the
rooms of the Mechanics' Library Association where speeches, songs and
sentiment ruled for the remainder of the evening.
On Saturday morning a special train took the party to Cresson and
back after which sides were chosen by Messrs. Darlington and Col.
Fitzgerald, and quite a lively and interesting game was had,
the result being a victory for Darlington's side by a score of 21
to 18, in a game of nine innings and but two hours duration, being a
creditable display of skill on both sides. Malone led the score on
the winning side and Bell on that of the losing party.
The Philadelphians departed for home in the evening train, highly
gratified with the hospitalities hey had received, and especially
pleased with the result of their first visit to Altoona.
The following are the names of the players and their positions and
the score of the game of Friday:
O. |
R. |
O. |
R. |
Kleinfelder C |
4 |
8 |
E. P. Miller C |
1 |
3 |
Malone P |
3 |
9 |
Hunt P |
4 |
2 |
Paul 2 B |
4 |
8 |
Hutchinson R F |
2 |
4 |
Smith 1 B |
4 |
8 |
Kitchell 1 B |
5 |
1 |
Gratz 3 B |
2 |
9 |
Darlington 2 B |
2 |
3 |
McBride S S |
2 |
8 |
Pettit S S |
5 |
1 |
Gaskill L F |
3 |
8 |
Gemmell C F |
3 |
3 |
Hayhurst C F |
3 |
6 |
C. Miller 3 B |
0 |
5 |
Prendergast R F |
2 |
9 |
Riley L F |
5 |
0 |
27 |
73 |
27 |
22 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Athletic, |
3 |
14 |
12 |
1 |
15 |
23 |
9 |
2 |
3 |
73 |
Mountain, |
3 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
0 |
22 |
Umpire - H. H. Houpt, of the Mercantile Club, of Philadelphia.
Scorers - Messrs. Bell and Dr. Gemmill.
Passed Balls - Miller 7, Kleinfelder 8.
Home Runs - McBride 2, Malone 1, Smith 1, Gratz 1, Gaskill 1,
Hayhurst 1, Prendergast 1; Total 8.
Put Out on Foul Balls - Athletic 5 times, Mountain 7 times.
Put Out at First Base - Athletics 5 times, Mountain 7 times.
Struck Out - Pettit 1, Reilly 1.
Fly Catches Made - E. P. Miller 4, Pettitt 3, Darlington 1,
Hutchinson 1 ; total 9. Kleinfelder 1, McBride 3, Paul 1, Hayhurst 1,
Malone 1, Gaskill 1; total 8.
Catches Missed - Kleinfelder 1, Gratz 1, Paul 1, Hayhurst 1, Smith
1, E. P. Miller 2, Gemmell 1.
Left on Bases - Gratz 1, McBride 1, Hayhurst 2, E. P. Miller 2,
Darlington 1.
Time of Game - Four hours and forty minutes.
COUNCIL MEETING. - Regular meeting of Council Sept. 7th, 1863.
Present, John McClelland, N. J. Mervine, Jacob Hesser and James
Minutes read and approved.
The Supervisor presented his report of labor on streets amounting
to $116.42.
On motion, orders were granted as follows: - to W. W. Snyder,
$36.00; James Woods, $25.58; John Dalton, $24.48; James Wilson,
$26.13; John Haney, $3.85.
On motion, an order was granted to Philip Dempsey for hauling and
stone, amounting to $98.10.
On motion, an order was granted to D. & C. Morse for $9.32, for
bill of lumber.
On motion, an order was granted Messrs. John Elliott & Co. for
$99.24 for bill of lumber.
On motion, an order was granted P. R. R. Co, for $10.85 for bill of
freight on lumber.
On motion, an order was granted to James Hooper for $10.06 for bill
of blacksmithing.
On motion, an order was granted to Philip Dempsey for $100.00 on
account of filling Allegheny street, North Ward.
On motion, the President of Council was instructed to procure a
desk for use of Council.
Attest, W. B. KETLER, Sec'y.
A. M. L. & R. R. A. - The board of directors of the Altoona
Mechanic's Library and Reading Room Association met September 7th.
Members present, Lamborn, Reilly, Savory, Riebenack, Adlum, Keller,
Mann, Irons and Elder.
The resignation of George W. Grier, as Librarian, was accepted and
Mr. Isaac Worrell was appointed to fill the office until the next
regular meeting of the board.
The following gentlemen were elected active members of the
Association, Messrs. Wm. Black, James Henry, W. H. Moore and Fred G.
The Treasurer presented a bill of H. Fettinger's amounting to
$10.35 which was referred to the committee on Bills and Accounts.
On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered to C. R. McCrea, Esq., for
presenting to the Association some valuable documents.
On motion, adjourned.
E. ELDER, Rec. Sec'y.
Proposed amendment to the Constitution.
Resolved, That the first sentence of Section 3d, Art. XVII of the
Constitution be altered to read, Five of their number shall constitute
a quorum.
UNION MEETING.-By reference to an advert in another column it will
be seen that the Union party contemplate holding a grand mass meeting
in this place, on Friday evening next, to be addressed by a number of
the most eloquent speakers in the State, among whom appears the name
of Daniel Dougherty, Esq., of Philadelphia, familiarly known as "Dan
Dougherty," and heretofore styled "the silver trumpet of Democracy."
Having embraced the Union cause, he is now stumping the State for
Curtin. All the speakers named may not be in attendance, but
sufficient of them will be on hand to take up all the time and
entertain the audience in the right style. As these men are the
exponents of the principles held by one of the great parties to the
present political contest, let them be heard by all.
PRESENT YOUR CLAIMS. - Under the head of Special Order No. 88, Gen.
Couch gives notice that Capt. J. G. Johnson, A. Q. M., will be at
Altoona from the 15th to the 20th of September, and that all persons
in this county having just claims against the United States
Government, for supplies and transportation furnished the United
States forces during the recent rebel invasion, and the organized
militia forces called out by the proclamation of the Governor of the
State, dated June 16th, 1863, will present them to him for settlement.
See advertisement in another column.
BLAIR COUNTY MAN KILLED. - The Rev. Mr. Snyder, widely known
through the Western start of this State as "big Snyder, and formerly
Presiding Elder of the United Brethren Church, in this county, was
deliberately shot by three ruffians in Kansas, about the time of the
Lawrence massacre. The three fiends who were dispatched to kill him,
found him before his door milking his cow and, not knowing him, asked
him if he were the owner of that house. He answered them
affirmatively, when they drew their pistols and fired; the three balls
passed through his body, killing him on the spot. He was a most
worthy man, and highly esteemed by all who knew him.
IMPORTANT DECISION. - On Saturday last, the following important
decision of Judge Holt was issued by the Provost Marshal General:
"Under the thirteenth section of the enrollment act, it is clear
that a party drafted and wishing to furnish a substitute or pay the
commutation, must do so on or before the day fixed for his appearance.
The privilege expires with that day.
"If he fails to report himself and is arrested as a deserter, he
has still the right to go before the Board of Enrollment, and prove
that he is not liable to do military duty; but if, on hearing his
claim to exemption he is held to be liable, he cannot escape personal
service. He is also, under such circumstances, subject to be
proceeded against as a deserter.
REWARD OFFERED. - Frederick Beck, the jeweler, whom we noticed last
week as being robbed of a considerable amount of watches and jewelry,
offers a reward of $50 for the apprehension of the robber and return
of the property.
The loyal men of Blair county are requested to assemble in
Friday Even'g, Sept. 18th,
to ratify the nomination of
and to declare their determination to sustain the constituted
authorities of the Government, now and hereafter, in all measures
adopted and prosecuted by them for the suppression of the rebellion,
without compromise with traitors, as the only means of securing an
honorable and lasting peace.
The meeting will be addressed by Gov. A. G. CURTIN, Hons. P. C.
H. N. McALISTER, Esqrs. |
CHAMBERSBURG, Pa., Sept. 11, 1863.
6. Persons residing in Bedford, Blair, Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin,
Juniata, Somerset and Cambria counties. Pennsylvania, having just
claims against the United States Government, for supplies and
transportation furnished the United States Forces during the recent
Rebel invasion, and the organized Militia Forces called out by the
Proclamation of the Governor of the State, dated June 16th, 1863, will
present them to Captain J. G. Johnson, A. Q. M., at Altoona, Bloody
Run, Bedford, Huntingdon. Mount Union, Hollidaysburg and Johnstown,
Pennsylvania, for settlement.
By command of Maj. Gen. Couch.
JNO. S. SCHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General.
In compliance with the above order, I will be at
ALTOONA from the 15th to the 20th of September.
At BLOODY RUN from the 20th to the 25th of September.
At BEDFORD from the 25th to the 30th of September.
At HUNTINGDON and MOUNT UNION from the 5th to the 10th of October.
At HOLLIDAYSBURG from the 10th to the 15th of October.
And at JOHNSTOWN from the 15th to the 20th of October.
J. G. JOHNSON, Capt. And A. Q. M.
At the Altoona House, Altoona, Pa., on the 8th inst., by the Rev.
John H. Clark, Mr. George B. Roddy to Miss Mattie E. Ege, both of
Perry county, Pa.
Perry county papers please copy.
At Elizabeth Furnace, on the 11th inst., Keziah Stewart, (wife of
Alexander Stewart,) aged 45 years, 3 months and 26 days.
At the age of 16 she made a profession of religion and connected
herself with the Methodist Church, of which she was a consistent
member until the hour of her death - nearly thirty years. She was a
kind and dutiful wife, an affectionate mother and a good neighbor.
She lived to adorn the profession she had made, and dying, left the
evidence that her faith was not vain.
In Altoona, on the 12th inst., Mary A. Trout, (daughter of John and
Sidney L. Trout,), aged 24 years.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, September 16, 1863, page