Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, October 30, 1862
The other day a little Frenchman, just arrived, who had been taking
English lessons, on the voyage, from a fellow passenger, complained
much of the difficulty of our grammar, especially the irregular verbs.
For instance, says he, "Ze verb to go. Did you ever see one such
verb?" And with the utmost gravity he read from a sheet of paper: I
go; Thou departest; He clears out; we cut stick; Ye or you make track;
They absquatulate. "Mon Dieu! What disregular verbs you have in your
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1862, page
Our Army Correspondence.
Sandy Hook, Oct. 13, 1862.
DEAR TRIBUNE: - I should have written you ere this, but nothing has
transpired with us that would be of general interest to your readers.
And even at this hour I doubt whether I can communicate anything
special or interesting. We have not seen your welcome sheet for two
or three weeks, and are getting rather rusty in "Local News." Please
send a copy regularly hereafter, and charge same to subscriber. News
have been scarce with us since our unfortunate and lamented companion,
"Brevier," wrote you, with the exception of the events of the 17th
ult., which, I see by the last Tribune we received, you have given
your readers from personal observation, having yourself visited the
ever-to-be-remembered field of Antietam. I can add nothing to your
able description of that scene.
The 125th is still encamped on Maryland Heights, and rumor, always
on the float, says they will quarter there for the winter. But it is
only rumor, no official notice of the fact having, as yet, been given.
They will have a cool time of it, if they do quarter there. The hill
is very steep and high, and though covered with timber when we first
camped there, is now strewn with felled trees. Companies have been
detailed for two weeks to cut the timber down. It wears a different
aspect from what it did when Miles surrendered it.
Companies D and G are detached from the 125th, to assist Capt. J.
Read, Commissary at this station, to unload and store army provisions,
from the cars of the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. This road is now doing
a very heavy business, both in the Freight and Passenger line. All
the Government stores from Washington to Frederick, Sandy Hook and
Harper's Ferry, (at which places there are stations for the
distribution of provisions) are carried over this road, and the
Passenger trains are every day crowded to overflowing.
Sandy Hook is on the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. about two miles from
Harper's Ferry, and is within a stone's throw of the Potomac. It is a
small village, very irregularly built, and not very cleanly in
appearance. However, it is a more desirable place to camp than
Maryland Heights, as water in abundance is close at hand, which is an
item of considerable importance to one who has to do his own washing
and cooking. Then we are closer to provisions, which are not
furnished by Uncle Sam, which we can buy. The place is under martial
law, of course, and Capt. J. Kinsler, of Co. F. 29th P. V., is Provost
Marshal, and keeps very good order in the place. Groups of rebels,
who have been either sick, wounded or prisoners, here apply for passes
or transportation every day. They talk and laugh with our boys like
friends, instead of enemies.
Our company, with one or two exceptions, is well, but the health of
the Regiment is not so good, as visitors who come to see us, inform
us. Three are reported to have died on the 21st. - Samuel Henchy, of
Co. A.; Leonard Mabis, of Co. K.; and another in Co. I, whose name I
have not heard. Mabis, it is said, fell into a spring, about a foot
deep, and drowned. It is supposed he was out of his mind at the time.
Chills and fever are very prevalent and appears to be the epidemic
with which all are inflicted.
Lieut. Alex. Marshall and privates Lewis Minehart, Jno. Walton and
Joseph Robertson, who had been absent, wounded, for some time after
the 17th ult., have returned, and are doing well, the former having
now command of our company. The last news we had of our absent
wounded they were all doing well, but are pretty well scattered over
the country. They are all anxious to rejoin us, and will do so as
soon as they are able. Our Captain is at Mechanicsburg, and was at
last accounts, doing well, and anxiously awaiting the time when he
will be able to take charge of his company. We all hope it will be
soon, for a better, more kind, and braver officer is not to be found.
Few Captains have the welfare of their companies more at heart than
he. Sergt. E. L. Russ is at Harrisburg, and I presume you hear from
him oftener than we do.
The following anonymous letter was received by Lieut. P. S. Trees,
on the 17th inst., and caused indignation and distrust in a great many
of our boys. It is well known that our boys did their whole duty on
the 17th of September, and to be charged with cowardice, or slinking
the fight under pretence, is not to be taken so easily at this time.
They did their duty nobly and should receive praise, instead of such
false accusations as are contained in the following letter. But I
give you the letter verbatim et literatim:
ALTOONA, ___ ___
Co. D. 125th P. V: - As we have been visited by several of your
company, and among the rest ___ ___. But his visit was not very
acceptable, for he left a very bad name for the company that left this
place. As I felt interested in the company, I thought it prudent to
let you or them know what the report is here. In the first place,
when he came up, he acted very bad, for he told so many different
stories about his being wounded. When he came through Mill Creek he
had both his hands tied up, and told there that he was run over by a
horse, and that it kicked him, and stove his breast in, and broke both
his wrists, &c., &c. He told in this place that the way he
was hurt was, he had a gun that he took from a dead rebel, that shot
six loads at once, and just as he was going to shoot the gun, it was
struck by a ball, and broke in two and crippled him. And further, he
said that as you were drawing near the ground where the fight was, and
when you were about 100 yards from the rebels, ___ ___ (of our
company) fainted and gave out, and said he was sick; and he (the
visitor) raised a great report about it. I had never thought that of
___, from what slight acquaintance I had with him, I thought he would
act the man in all cases. And further, he said ___ (also of our Co.)
gave out as you were going into battle, and he said he had to coax
hard to get him to go in. He said he stopped two or three times going
in, and he said he coaxed very hard to get him in. As I am not
acquainted with ___ I cannot of myself say anything of him, but, by
the talk of the people, he bears a good name here, and I think it bad
to ruin a good name. From what I hear I think you have made a poor
Your friend, A. L. T.
Please read to the company.
Will the writer of the above please send his name to the same
address, as by so doing he will relieve our minds of a doubt or
suspicion which exists there. It may all be as "A. L. T." reports,
and, again "A. L. T." may be an enemy of "the visitor," and seeks, in
this way, to injure him. We do not say it is the case, but how are we
to know? By sending his name, he will, perhaps, remove this idea, and
his letter shall be read to the company. It has not been made public
yet, as it would not do to make an accusation without being able to
substantiate it. If he so desires, his name shall not be used, only
to satisfy the mind of the person he addressed, that he is a reliable
man, and we will attend to the rest. We hope he will grant our
request, as we are deeply interested in the matter.
But we must stop scribbling. Any items of importance that may
transpire hereafter, dear "Tribune," will be communicated as soon as
Yours truly, BOURGEOIS.
Through the kindness of the recipient we are permitted to take the
following extracts from a letter written on the 18th inst., by a
member of the Anderson Troop, now with Gen. Buell's army. It is dated
in camp near Crab Orchard, Ky. In speaking of the late battle in that
vicinity the writer says:
"You have, ere this, read different accounts of our proceedings
since we left Louisville on this last expedition. I have seen few
papers since we left Louisville, and only one since the battle of
chaplin Hills, near Perrysville, and that was the Louisville Journal
of the 14th inst. That paper's account of the battle was mainly
correct. I will not attempt a description, but in general terms I can
say that it was one of the bloodiest and most desperate struggles that
has taken place in this department, if not in the country. The barren
hills and almost entire absence of water for man or beast, for miles
around, within our lines, made it a place of intense suffering for our
army, especially those who stood in line of battle all day (and the
weather hot and dry for the season) fighting a desperate enemy who had
almost all the water fit for use. There stood one wing of our army
receiving the deadly fire of an overwhelming force, but gallantly they
stood (with few exceptions) returning the fire with equally deadly
effect, as the battle field but too plainly indicated, when the smoke
had cleared away.
Here I am proud to say that the 79th Penna. Regt. Col. Hambright,
nobly distinguished itself for bravery and coolness. I have it from a
disinterested witness that the 79th stood in line of battle, never
wavering, as though on dress parade. Even those slightly wounded
stood up in line. Another person told me that when their ammunition
was exhausted they stood in line until they were supplied, and my
informant says the dead rebels in front of their lines attest to the
coolness and steadiness of their fire. Col. Hambright and his well
disciplined regiment will stand out as a bright contrast to some of
the raw troops who broke rank and run. The loss of the 79th in
killed, wounded and missing is about 250.
I was out in the evening and all night after the battle with
Surgeon Murray, Medical Director, assisting in having the sufferers
brought off the field to temporary hospitals in houses, barns, and
places of safety, for then we expected a general engagement to open
next morning. It was a beautiful moonlight night, but oh! it was a
night dark with gloomy apprehensions for the morrow. All night did
the gallant Rousseau watch the movements of the enemy and dispose the
remnant of his forces accordingly, retiring to higher and more
commanding positions. It was owing to the retiring of our lines that
three of the Anderson Troop were taken prisoners that night. They
were sent with despatches to Gen. McCook and proceeded to where his
head-quarters had been during the day and there found themselves in
the hands of the enemy. They were dismounted, disarmed and marched
some 20 miles on foot and paroled.
The next morning was bright and clear and everybody expected to
hear the ball open early, but no sound of hostile cannon was heard.
It was said they asked an armistice to bury their dead, but by noon it
was discovered that while some were burying the dead the main body of
the army was leaving as fast as possible towards Harrodsburg and
Danville. No doubt they had been going all night and morning. They
were pursued by our cavalry and a number of prisoners picked up and at
Harrodsburg near 2,000 of their sick and wounded fell into our hands.
Thus far they managed to haul them (about ten miles) and along the
road were strewn their dead - the wounded that died on the way were
tumbled out by the roadside and left for us to bury. But the dead
feel no more pain, and we had so many of our own wounded to attend to
that their dead lay three or four days without burial. It was hard
but we could not help it.
It was distressing to witness the intense suffering of our wounded
for several days after the battle. Almost every necessary comfort was
wanting until we got them moved to hospitals in Perrysville. We have
halted here for a few days while some of our army is still pursuing
Bragg. Our headquarters will likely not go any further on this road
but take another route. This is a poor section of country for man or
beast to live in, and I hope we may get to a better place soon.
Our company (Anderson Troop) is reduced to about 25 men for active
duty, and they are worked almost beyond endurance - on duty night and
day. From what we can learn, the boys who have been at home all
summer playing off sick - having their furloughs extended from time to
time - are now generally to be commissioned officers of the new
regiments, while those who have been here all the time, bearing the
burden and heat of the day, are overlooked. Our men here complain
bitterly at such treatment.
An INCIDENT OF THE BATTLE FIELD. - During the week of battles in
front of Washington Gen. Bayard went forward, under a flag of truce,
to meet and confer with his old comrade in arms, the now famous J. E.
B. Stuart, of the rebel cavalry. Less than two years ago Jeb was
first lieutenant and Bayard second lieutenant in the same company; but
Jeb. is now a major-general and Bayard a brigadier. During the
interview a wounded Union soldier, lying near was groaning, and asked
for water. "Here Jeb," said Bayard - old time recollections making him
familiar, as he tossed his bridle to the rebel officer - "hold my
horse a minute, will you, till I fetch that poor fellow some water."
Jeb. held the bridle. Bayard went to a stream and brought the wounded
man some water. As Bayard mounted his horse, Jeb. remarked that he
had not for some time "played orderly to a Union general." The
business upon which they met was soon arranged, and the old friends
parted - a fight, which had ceased while they were engaged talking,
recommencing with great fury on both sides the moment each got back to
his own ranks.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1862, page
ACCIDENT. - On Monday evening last, the ledge of rocks which
projected over the railroad track, just below the horse-shoe, at
Kittanning Point, fell down upon the track and was run into by the
first through freight train Eastward, causing a considerable wreck of
cars and killing a brakeman named Joseph Watson. The Engineer of the
train had his wrist sprained and the conductor his ankle injured -
neither seriously. We did not learn whether Watson was married or
single. He had but recently obtained the situation, and the trip
which proved his last was only the first or second he had made on the
On the 23d inst., by Rev. C. L. Ehrenfield, Mr. John M. Garret, to
Miss Annie M. Sisler, both of Altoona.
In this place, on the 26th inst., by Rev. A. H. Sembower, Mr. David
P. Ball, to Miss Magdalene Kesser.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 30, 1862, page