Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, October 16, 1862
THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1862.
The Election.
Up to the time we go to press, (Wednesday evening) we are without
the official returns of the county. Sufficient has been received,
however, to indicate that Mr. Hall's majority in the county will
exceed 1700. Mr. Blair's majority will not be over 400. The returns
reported indicate a considerable mixing up of candidates and parties,
and former returns cannot be taken as a criterion. R. A. McMurtrie,
Union candidate, is elected to the legislature, and Hugh A. Caldwell,
Union, is elected Register and Recorder. Jas. H. Cramer, Independent,
is undoubtedly elected Treasurer.
The following is the official vote of this borough:
N. W. |
E. W. |
W. W. |
Total. |
Thomas E. Cochran+ |
66 |
102 |
76 |
244 |
Isaac Slenker |
71 |
159 |
99 |
329 |
William S. Ross+ |
67 |
100 |
77 |
244 |
Jas. P. Barr |
73 |
161 |
101 |
333 |
S. S. Blair |
60 |
92 |
70 |
222 |
Archibald McAllister |
84 |
181 |
100 |
375 |
L. W. Hall+ |
107 |
131 |
131 |
369 |
W. A. Wallace |
40 |
148 |
48 |
236 |
R. A McMurtrie+ |
60 |
94 |
69 |
223 |
Jno. R. McFarlane* |
76 |
150 |
95 |
321 |
Jno. A. Crawford+ |
45 |
70 |
60 |
175 |
James H. Cramer,* |
96 |
204 |
119 |
419 |
Hugh A. Caldwell+ |
66 |
115 |
83 |
264 |
H. Williams* |
55 |
127 |
62 |
244 |
Daniel Shock+ |
60 |
98 |
72 |
230 |
Jacob Zeth* |
64 |
127 |
82 |
273 |
J. S. Nicodemus+ |
56 |
96 |
62 |
214 |
Thomas Buchanan* |
71 |
154 |
91 |
316 |
H. C. Nicodemus+ |
59 |
97 |
70 |
226 |
David Henshey+ |
59 |
94 |
69 |
202 |
_____ Horrell |
63 |
149 |
86 |
298 |
People's Union candidates marked with a plus (+) ,
Democrats unmarked, Independents marked with a star (*.)
We have the report that McAllister's majority in Cambria county is
1100 and that Wallace's majority will reach 900. Mifflin county is
reported to have given Blair 150 majority. Huntingdon county gives
Blair about 300 majority. If the reported majorities prove correct,
Mr. Blair is undoubtedly defeated. Should Clearfield county give Mr.
Wallace 1000 majority, as is claimed, Mr. Hall is also defeated by
from 200 to 300.
From the State our returns are very meagre. Philadelphia city is
reported to have given the Union ticket 5,000 Majority, and elected
all the Union candidates for Congress but one. The indications are
that the general result will be but little changed from what it was
two years since.
Rebel Raid on Chambersburg.
A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer furnishes the
following account of the rebel raid on Chambersburg:
The cavalry, about three thousand in number, (although accounts
differ as to their strength, some parties insisting there were not
more than seven hundred of them,) and six pieces of artillery, crossed
the Potomac at Hancock or Clear Spring, on Friday morning, and
proceeded at once to Mercersburg, without committing any depredations,
or in the least degree interfering with the inhabitants along the
route, it evidently being their intention at the outset, to spare the
persons and property of private citizens, horses excepted. In fact,
this was communicated by some of them to parties in Chambersburg.
They entered Mercersburg about noon, to the great astonishment of the
citizens, who at first thought it was a body of Union troops. No
damage was done at Mercersburg, with the exception of pressing a
number of horses, there being no railroad depot, public workshops or
Government stores in the town. They passed through the town and took
the Pittsburgh pike for Chambersburg, arriving near the town just
before dark. One of their first acts was to plant three pieces of
artillery on a hill back of the town; after which a detachment of
fifteen men were sent into the town bearing a flag of truce, and
requesting to see the chief personages or authorities, stating that
they had an ample force at hand, and that the town must be surrendered
or shelled, at the same time stating that guns were in position for
that purpose. Hon. A. K. McClure and Provost Marshal Stimmel then
accompanied them to the officer in command, and all resistance being
impossible, the town was surrendered and soon afterwards fully
occupied. Previous to their entrance, however, a number of the
militia of Chambersburg proceeded to arm themselves and make a show of
resistance but the project was abandoned as entirely futile. One of
their first acts, on entering, was to plant two pieces of artillery in
the square of the town commanding the principal thoroughfares, and
placing guards at different points.
The town was fairly occupied about seven o'clock in the evening.
Shortly afterwards, a large portion of them made directly for the
warehouse and cars, in which were stored a great quantity of
Government goods, consisting principally of uniforms and a small
quantity of boots. Not long afterwards, the whole town was converted
into one vast dressing room. On every hotel porch, at every corner,
on the greater portion of the street door steps, in fact, all over
town might be seen rebel cavalry donning Yankee uniforms, and throwing
their own worn out and faded garments into the street. In many
instances, one man would ensconce his pedestals in two or three new
pair of pants, as many coats and the same number of caps hanging about
him. The streets became full of dirty rebel clothing. It is a
noticeable fact that many of them had on Union uniforms when they
entered the town, and a number of their horses were marked "U. S."
During the night until daybreak, a portion of them scoured the
country around in quest of horses, and captured about six hundred.
Ten of the number belonged to the Hon. A. K. McClure, and were fine
animals. Among the horses taken was a celebrated black stallion,
owned by some gentlemen in Chambersburg and valued at $1200. It is a
remarkably large and fine animal, and had quite a reputation in the
surrounding country. The rebels fed their own horses at the corn-
fields around Chambersburg. The road for five or six miles towards
Harrisburg is strewn with cornstalks that were gathered in the fields
and brought to the road for the horses.
The horses of those that remained in the town were ranged along the
streets, facing the sidewalks, and remained there for the night, the
riders lying around in different directions. It is not known that
they made an attempt to enter a single private house. The taverns
were all visited directly after they arrived, and a considerable
quantity of whisky was punished, for which payment was generally
proffered in Confederate script. The men were, as a general thing,
friendly, and even socially disposed towards the inhabitants, entering
into conversation with the citizens in the taverns barber shops
&c. In one instance one of them entered a tavern in which were
several citizens, and slightly hesitated at the door. Some one
remarked - "Come in, we won't hurt you." Whereupon he entered,
remarking, "Well, perhaps not, but some of you Yankees lie so."
With the exception of the occurrences above related, the night was
quietly spent. Preparations for leaving the town were commenced about
daylight. Combustibles were placed in the railroad depot, the
warehouse in which Government stores were kept, the machine shop and a
train laid to the powder magazine at the warehouse. The stolen horses
were got together, a large Government wagon with four horses and two
or three ambulances, found in the town, were well filled with military
clothing, &c., and each cavalryman had a quantity of clothing
piled up before and behind him, on his horse, in many instances the
pile reaching up to his chin.
Three locomotives and the same number of passenger cars belonging
to the Cumberland Valley Railroad were then utterly destroyed, the
buildings stated above were fired and totally consumed. They waited
long enough to see that the destruction would be complete, and at
eight o'clock in the morning the whole party left the town, each man
and horse a small sized clothing establishment.
The noise occasioned by the explosion of the powder magazine was so
great that it was heard at the distance of several miles down the
Valley, and gave rise to a report that spread in that direction, that
cannonading was going on at Chambersburg. The walls of the warehouse
being very strong did not fall down after the explosion, which
fortunate circumstance prevented much damage to surrounding private
property. None of the private dwellings were destroyed by the fire.
The buildings were fired about half-past seven o'clock. The citizens
of the town were gathered together at different points, and, of
course, had to endure the mortification of being passive spectators of
the scene. Some few straggling soldiers were in the town at the time
the rebels entered, but either remained concealed or made good their
escape towards Hagerstown or Harrisburg.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 16, 1862, page
PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. - Regular meeting held October 6, 1862.
Present. - A. A. Smyth, N. J. Mervine, D. Laughman, Jacob Hesser
and Chief Burgess John Allison.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Ithamar Moore presented a bill for lumber and hauling amounting to
On motion of D. Laughman, an order was granted for the amount of
Ithamar Moore presented a bill for raising street crossing.
On motion of Daniel Laughman a committee of two was appointed to
investigate the claim and decide thereon, and report to the next
meeting. - The president appointed Messrs. J. Louden and J. Hesser
said committee.
The Altoona Gas & Water Co. presented a bill for two quarters'
rent of water plugs, amounting to $42.
On motion of J. Hesser an order was granted for the amount of
Mr. James Hooper presented a bill for blacksmithing amounting to
On motion of D. Laughman an order was granted for the amount of
W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, presented his report of labor on streets,
amounting to $57.50.
On motion of Jacob Hesser orders were granted the following
W. W. Snyder an order for $22.50.
Benj. Devine an order for $16.00.
Bernard O'Conner an order for $19.00.
Mr. John W. Humes presented a bill for sundries for use of borough
amounting to $1.37.
On motion of D. Laughman an order was granted for the amount of
Citizens residing on Main street presented a petition, praying the
removal of an obstruction on the side-walk of said street, stating it
to be a nuisance.
On motion the petition was laid on the table.
On motion Council adjourned.
W. B. KETLER Secy.
A number of our citizens were unceremoniously thrown from their
equilibrium, on Sunday afternoon last, by the report of artillery in
the centre or the town. Not knowing the cause of it, and taking into
consideration the sudden appearance of the rebels at Chambersburg, on
Friday evening, doubtless many supposed that Altoona had been invaded,
and pious meditations and peaceful slumbers were hastily broken up. A
crowd soon assembled at the depot, when it was discovered that little
"Union" had made the noise, for the purpose of informing the people
that the Altoona militia, sent down to Mount Union on Saturday, were
about to return, their services being no longer required. This
explanation given, the excitement subsided but the crowd at the depot
continued to swell until the militia arrived. It is a question
whether the firing of cannon on the Sabbath day, no matter what the
cause of exultation may be, is proper. Certainly it is not, and
cannot be justified by any argument. There are but few who approve of
it, consequently, whatever may be the feelings of the majority of our
citizens in reference to the news exulted over, they can take no part
in what to them is a desecration of the Sabbath, and besides it is
very annoying. We know of but few other places where it is
ALTOONA MILITIA IN SERVICE. - On receipt of the news, on Friday
night last, that the rebels had entered Pennsylvania and occupied
Chambersburg, considerable excitement was created, and a raid upon the
Penn'a Rail Road, in the vicinity of Mount Union was feared.
Accordingly, at an early hour on Saturday morning the different
militia companies of Altoona were on the street all ready to proceed
to the scene of danger. We suppose that 500 men, at least, would have
been ready to march in less than three hours. It was thought
advisable, however, not to send more than 100 men from this point, and
detachments were taken from the companies of Capts. Street, Boyden and
Eberly, to make up the number. They proceeded to Mount Union in a
special train, leaving this place about noon. At Mt. Union they were
joined by a company of 60 men from Patterson, under Capt. Givler. The
men were disposed in the most advantageous manner and remained on
guard until some time on the day following, when they were ordered
home, the danger having passed. The boys enjoyed their trip, but
exceedingly regret that they did not have a bout with the rebels.
Verily, rowdyism is on the increase in this place. There was a
time when Altoona boasted the most orderly community, considering its
number, of any town in the State, but alas! her boast is now vain.
The demoniacal yells of young bloods, staggering their way home from
midnight bacchanalian rebels, frequently break upon the ear of
restless sleepers, and tell but too unmistakably that some young man,
(or more than one) the hope and pride of parents and friends, has
forsaken the path which leads to respectability and honor, and is
traveling in the broad road that ends in oblivion and disgrace. Who
are responsible for this destruction of the young?
MESSRS. EDITORS: - Permit me through the columns of your valuable
paper, to return to Mr. Wm. Marriott, of your place, a soldier's
thanks for the kind and acceptable manner in which he has remembered
an absent friend. On Friday last I received from him a box,
containing articles for the inner man, which it is impossible to
procure here at any price, and which were better relished on account
of their being sent from home, and prepared by friends. He may rest
assured he will be remembered by us, and our prayer is that success
may crown his every undertaking.
We have no news here at present. I was out on picket yesterday and
returned this morning. I think there must have been a fight at or
near Edward's Ferry, (Sunday) morning. I heard firing in that
direction. The men of the regiment, generally, are in good health. I
will write you again at an early period. Yours truly,
Lieut. Col. 125th Reg't. Pa. Vols.
A "SELL." - Our readers will remember that in our issue of two
weeks since we published a letter from a gentlemen in Ohio, making
inquiry in relation to a lady who recently traveled east from
Lithopolis, in that State. The published letter stated that a letter
accompanying it would inform the lady of the whereabouts of a valuable
dropped in the cars. The lady was supposed to be single, and to
reside in this place. The latter supposition proved to be correct,
but the former, alas, to the detriment of the hopes of the Ohio
gentleman, proved be erroneous. The lady for whom the letter was
intended does reside in this place, and is married. The letter did
not show that the lady had lost anything, but on the contrary, it was
the Ohio gentlemen who had been the loser, to the enormous extent of
his entire heart, and he was anxious to make an exchange with the lady
referred to. The lady not desiring such an exchange, will of course
return the unconsciously stolen property, and the gentleman will have
another opportunity of losing that valuable article, unless he buttons
his vest tighter and keeps his mouth and eyes shut while travelling in
the cars with ladies.
DEAD. - We are sorry to learn that A. C. Edwards, of Blair Furnace,
a member of Capt. Bell's company, 125th regiment, who was wounded in
the leg, near the knee joint, at the battle of Antietam, died of his
wound, in Chambersburg, last week. He had been removed to a private
house in that place, where he received all necessary attention, but
being a man of delicate constitution he was not able to bear up under
his wound. It must be a consolation to his friends to know that he
was fully prepared for death, and that he had no desire, so far as his
own feelings were concerned, to get well. He lived a christian and
died triumphing over his last enemy.
On Monday last, ere the excitement in reference to the rebel raid
had died away, Mr. Lewis, Supt. of P. R. R., received a letter from
Hollidaysburg, stating that three suspicious characters, representing
themselves to be from Western Maryland and on the hunt of stolen
horses, had been about that place for a few days, and had come over to
Altoona that morning. From the description given the men were readily
recognized, and were separately questioned by a number of our
citizens. They proved to be what they represented and offered to take
the oath of allegiance, if that was required.
THE NONPAREIL. - To save our readers the trouble of hunting up
their dictionaries to find out the meaning of the caption to this
article, we will tell them that it means unequalled; and we will tell
them, also, that John Leeser has christened his new place of business,
under Work's new house, on Main street, a few doors above Kessler's
Drug Store, the "Nonpareil Restaurant and Eating Saloon." Of course,
that means that Jack keeps an unequalled saloon. Jack will do the
agreeable to all who call with him.
A young man, lately married, fears being drafted, and advocates the
passage of a law, similar to that in force among the Israelites, as is
recorded in Deuteronomy, 24th chap., 5th verse -
"When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war,
neither shall he be charged with any business; but he shall be free at
home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he has taken."
Foolish Benedick! Were such a law passed it would cause a greater
rush to arms than ever.
Although elections are generally quietly conducted in this place,
the election on Tuesday last was unusually so. There was less pulling
and tugging at voters than on former occasions, as nearly every man
came to the polls with his mind made up, deposited his ballot and went
on his way.
It will be seen by the following, which we copy from the 12th
instant, that the recent Rebel raid into Maryland, and the vigorous
campaign inaugurated in Kentucky, is more to procure provisions than
for conquest:
The grass growing and provision raising country which stretches
from the Potomac at Harper's Ferry to Memphis on the Tennessee, is now
exhausted of its provisions. The armies of the South have consumed
everything in the central portion of it, and the joint armies of the
two belligerent powers have consumed the supplies of the extremes.
Much of the productive portions of North Carolina and the Gulf States
have been also exhausted, and the general scarcity of all sorts of
supplies is attested by the high prices of everything eatible. Wheat
is worth two dollars and a half at Bristol, in the heart of a fine
wheat country, and cattle are bringing seven cents gross in South
Western Virginia, the chief cattle raising region for the whole South.
Pork is not to be engaged now of the pork raisers of East Tennessee at
twenty-five cents, though one-fourth of that figure has always been
thought a good price after it had reached the market of consumption.
Hay which used to be difficult of sale at 50 cents a hundred in the
interior, now cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities to supply
the demand at two dollars. Every article of farm produce has gone up
to these fabulous prices, and the ready payment of these tempting
rates has exhausted the farming region of the South of their supplies.
High prices now no longer command, in requisite quantities, the farm
staples of the country.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 16, 1862, page