Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, October 9, 1862
Hon. L. W. Hall.
We think the voters of this Senatorial district owe it to
themselves, the country, and a faithful representative, to re-elect
Hon. L. W. Hall to the State Senate. He has been tried for three
years in that position, and we have yet to hear a man condemn a single
official of his, in which the welfare of the country or the interests
of his immediate constituents was at stake. On the contrary his
course has been heartily approved by his political opponents, (Wm.
Bigler saying that he made a good Senator,) and he has steadily risen
in the estimation of his colleagues. In Col. Hall we have a man of
loyalty to the government - one truly conservative in all his views.
No man can charge him with radicalism, but all must admit that his
former course, which we take as a criterion, was straight forward and
open, and such as to meet with the entire approbation of all men who
prefer country to party.
At this time we require men of experience and ability in our
legislative halls - men who know the condition of the country and have
the ability to devise measures which will aid in crushing out the
rebellion and provide the necessary means therefor, without doing
injustice to the people. We have a man of that stamp in Mr. Hall. He
has been intimately connected with the government for years past and
has posted himself on all subjects, and is therefore prepared to act
in a manner which will benefit the whole country.
All who are acquainted with Mr. H. know that he is no bigoted
partizan, and that in all relations he is equally accommodating to
political friends and adversaries. No Democrat ever yet asked him for
a favor that was not as readily and cheerfully granted as though the
person had been his best political friend. Such actions speak for him
more effectually than words, and show that while he may honestly
differ with men on political questions, he is still the friend of all
and desires the good of all. If elected, he will work for the benefit
of all.
To the people of Blair county we would say, ere you cast your votes
on Tuesday next, consider whether Mr. Hall has done anything worthy of
condemnation, and if not, then vote for him. If you are satisfied
with his former course, why not re-elect him, even though he may not
be of your party. Let no political or personal feelings prevent you
from doing your duty in this respect. These are no times for
trifling. We want men, let them belong to whichever party they may,
who will stand up for the government. Mr. Hall has been tried and
found correct. His opponent is almost unknown to you, and you are not
sure how he will act. Then be sure you are right before you go ahead,
and you will be right if you deposit a ballot containing the words -
Senator, LOUIS W. HALL.
War News.
From the West we have news of a hard fought battle at Corinth,
where the rebel Generals, Price, Vanhorn and Lovel attacked the
Federal army under Gen. Rosecrans. The fight lasted some three days
and resulted in a complete victory for the Federal arms. We are
without details of the battle, but from despatches received we infer
that the loss is heavy on both sides. We have lost heavily in
In another column we give an account of a fight between a portion
of the armies under Buel [sic] and Bragg. It was not a general
engagement, although the loss is said to be heavy on both sides.
We have nothing of importance from the Army of the Potomac. There
has been some skirmishing below Washington, but no battles of a
decisive character. We expect important news from McClellan's army
within the next week.
The Chippewa Indians have indicated their willingness to join with
the Government in suppressing the Sioux outbreak.
U.S. STAMP DUTIES AND TAXES. - Messrs. T. B. Peterson &
Brothers, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, have just issued a neat
card, containing a list of "Stamp duties" imposed by the Act of 1862,
which Act went into effect on the 1st of October. The card will be
found very convenient for reference by all, and should be at the side
of every storekeeper, merchant, manufacturer, banker, attorney, or any
man or business, as it shows at a glance the amount of stamp duty or
tax to be paid on everything in every-day business, as well as the
Penalties of the Law, and fines for trying to evade each and every one
of the Stamp Taxes imposed by Congress. It will save a world of
trouble to every storekeeper and business man to have a copy for
reference at their side. It has been carefully prepared from the
official Documents at Washington, and copyrighted by a noted member of
the Philadelphia Bar. Price 10 cts. a copy, or three copies for 25
cts.; twenty-five copies for $1.75; one hundred copies for $5. Copies
will be sent by mail on receipt of the price.
THE CANDIDATES. - In another column will be found the card of John
R. McFarlane, offering himself as an independent candidate for
Assembly. As we know nothing good, bad or indifferent about Mr. Mc's
qualifications for the office, we will let his card speak for him.
When two good horses, who have never been tried, are placed on a
race course, both have friends to bet on them, but it is not until
they have trotted a heat that their bottom can be told. For county
Treasurer there are two new competitors on the track. Of the "model
conductor" we have spoken heretofore. Of his competitor the Blair
County Whig has the following: -
Mr. John A. Crawford, our Candidate for County Treasurer, is a
young man every way qualified to fill the responsible office for which
he has been nominated. Born and raised in Sinking Valley, he is noted
for the sterling virtues for which the inhabitants of that "HAPPY
VALLEY" are so famous. Mr. Crawford has been employed as Salesman and
Clerk for several years, during which time he has gained a thorough
knowledge of accounts, which is indispensably necessary to a faithful
discharge of the duties of the office for which he has been nominated.
No better selection could have been made by the convention.
Gen. Morgan's Skillful Retreat.
Next in rank to a brilliant victory, according to military
authorities, is a skillful retreat. The late movement of Gen. George
W. Morgan, who, with his command, had so long held Cumberland Gap, may
be classed as one of the most successful retreats of the war. For
months past we have heard that Gen. Morgan would have to surrender, as
he could procure no supplies for his troops. But as constantly have
we heard of some brilliant sortie on his part, the result of which was
the capture of prisoners and trains of provisions. At last, finding
the position untenable, Gen. Morgan has evacuated the Gap. But he has
done so only after having rendered it impassible. His line of retreat
lay through the poor, rugged and sparsely settled mountain region of
East Kentucky, swarming thickly with armed rebel bands, but by his
skillful maneuvering he has saved everything, every man and every gun.
It is also gratifying to learn that from the moment he began his
retreat, Gen. Morgan kept himself on the offensive, and although
constantly skirmishing with the enemy, he continued his march, his men
at one time continued steadily forward for twenty-four consecutive
hours. Shoeless, hatless, and half naked, Gen. Morgan's brave troops
day after day attacked the rebels with irresistible fury and success.
This harassing work lasted for sixteen days.
The troops under Gen. Morgan are composed of Tennessee, Kentucky,
Ohio and Indiana infantry and cavalry, with Wisconsin and Michigan
batteries. Except being somewhat tired after a heavy march, they are
said to be all in fine trim for a fight, and are ready for any service
they may be called upon to perform in the war for the suppression of
the rebellion. Gen. Morgan is a thorough soldier, by education, by
long years of arduous and gallant service, and by a period of close
application to military improvements in Europe. During a residence of
several years in France, as United States Consul at Marseilles, and in
Portugal, as United States minister, Gen. Morgan, without neglecting
the duties of his distinguished position, eagerly benefitted by the
experience of the most skillful of European officers. He visited
frequently the camp at Chalons, in France, to witness the results of
the Emperor Napoleon's improvements in military tactics, and carefully
studied them. He is at present in the first rank of our officers, and
now that he is free to act, we shall no doubt soon hear good reports
from him in another quarter.
GEN. HALLECK TO GEN. McCLELLAN. - Under date of Sept. 30th, Gen.
Halleck congratulates Gen. McClellan for his recent victories in
Maryland as follows: General, your report of yesterday, giving the
results of the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, has been
received and submitted to the President. These were hard fought
battles, but well earned and decided victories. The valor and
endurance of your army in the several conflicts which terminated in
the expulsion of the enemy from the loyal state of Maryland, are
creditable alike to the troops and the officers who commanded them. A
grateful country, while mourning the lamented dead, will not be
unmindful of the honors due the living.
Battle in Kentucky.
PERRYSVILE, October 8. - Bragg's Rebel army attacked two divisions
of Gen. McCooks corp de armee near this place yesterday. The
fighting was desperate. Gen. James S. Jackson, ex-Congressman, of
Kentucky, commanding a division, was killed. Gen Terrell, of Virginia
commanding a brigade, of Terrell's Battery, was severely wounded. On
two occasions the fighting was hand to hand. The Rebels were greatly
superior in numbers, and had the best of the fighting.
Gen McCook was then heavily reinforced, and the battle was resumed
to-day. The fighting was mainly done by General Rousseau's Division,
formerly General Mitchel's. Colonel George Webster, of the Ninety-
eighth Ohio, Acting Brigadier-General, was severely wounded. The
firing ceased about 7 o'clock this evening.
A doubtful rumor says that at the close of the engagement the
rebels had possession of part of the field.
LOUISVILLE, Oct. 9. Later advices from Perrysville reports Gen
Sheridan, of Illinois, as killed, but this is doubtful. Our loss is
stated at two thousand killed and wounded. A general attack is
expected immediately by our troops. The rebel loss is
Rebels in Chambersburg.
HARRISBURG, Oct. 11, 1.30 P. M.
Advices from Chambersburg state that a large force of rebel cavalry
appeared before that town yesterday, when it was surrendered without
resistance. Their pickets extend five miles this side.
MARCH OF BUELL's Army. - The best sustained march of a large army
which military history records, was that of Bonaparte, which was
destined for the invasion of England. It marched from Boulogne to
Cologne, up the Rhine, at the rate of twenty-five miles a day. This
has been eclipsed by the late move of Gen. Buell, over the bad roads
of Tennessee and Kentucky, which was at the rate of twenty-five miles
a day for three hundred miles. In Gen. Halleck's estimation, says a
Herald dispatch, this was a triumphant answer to the charges about
Buell's slowness, and hence the order to remove that which was to
deprive him of the command of the Army of the West.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 9, 1862, page
HARRISBURG, Sept. 25 1862.
The Quarter Master General of Penna. acknowledges the receipt, from
Ladies and others of Altoona, of supplies for the sick and wounded
volunteers, and desires, in the name and in behalf of these brave and
suffering defenders of our country and the flag we all love so well,
to thank, most heartily, the kind and patriotic donors.
Our brave and gallant volunteers endure, and are willing to endure,
privations without a murmur; but when prostrated by sickness, or
wounded in battle, they have a claim on the free will offerings of
those in whose defence they have periled their lives. Most nobly has
this claim been responded to by the patriotic women in all parts of
our glorious State. No town so small, no district so remote, that
their abundant contributions have not been sent forward to comfort and
gladden these suffering ones. God shield and protect our noble
soldiers, from sickness, wounds and death; and may He bless the kind
and loving hearts who labor so cheerfully and untiringly at home to
promote their comfort and cheer their hours of pain and suffering.
R. C. HALE, Quarter Master General.
Report of articles prepared and forwarded from the "Soldiers Aid
Society" of Altoona for the month ending October 8th:
383 rolls bandages, 68 shirts, 24 towels, 40 pocket handkerchiefs,
20 sheets, 9 linen coats, 2 feather pillows, 6 pillow cases, 35 round
and 11 square limb cushions, and a large quantity of lint and
compresses. 61 cans fruit, 5 bottles wine, 10 sacks of dried fruit, 2
lbs chocolate, 7 jars and 12 glasses of jellies - making in all 9
boxes and one barrel.
IN MEMORIAM. - Another family circle mourns a loved one lost. John
Rose, son of John and Sarah Rose, of this place, fell on the battle
field of Antietam, a sacrifice on the altar of his country. He was
shot through the bowels and lived thirty-three hours after receiving
the wound. He was a member of Capt. Hostetter's company. The
following lines, by George P. Morris, express the sentiments of his
parents and friends:
He died, as he had lived, beloved,
Without an enemy on earth;
In word and deed he breathed and moved
The soul of honor and of worth:
His hand was open as the day,
His bearing high, his nature brave;
And, when from life he pass'd away,
Our hearts went with him to the grave.
What desolation fill'd our home
When death from us our treasure bore!
Oh! for the better world to come
Where we shall meet to part no more!
The hope of that sustains us now,
In that we trust on bended knee,
While thus around his faded brow
We twine the wreath of memory.
ALARM. - An alarm of fire was raised on Tuesday afternoon, caused
by the roof of Mr. Burket's house, in North Ward, taking fire. A few
buckets of water, judiciously applied, quenched the flames, and the
"Good Will" boys with their "mersheen," succeeded in making only half
the distance ere they were stopped.
On the 17th ult., by Rev. A. H. Sembower, Mr. Jeremiah Davis to
Miss Louisa Nott, all of this place.
On September 4th 1862, at the residence of G. C. Reed, Esq., in
Warren, Ohio, by Rev. W. Clarke, Dr. J. M. Gemmill, of this place, to
Mrs. A. M. Hirst.
On the 18th ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the
Rev. J. B. Crist, Mr. M. Luther Fleck to Miss Maggie Fox, both of
Sinking Valley.
In Sinking Valley, August 30th, Mr. Jacob Fleck, Sr., aged about 80
In Hollidaysburg, on the 27th ult., Nancy Clark, wife of Matthew
Murray, in the 61st year of her age.
Suddenly, on the 26th ult., Plummer Waters, youngest son of Lee T.,
and Eliza Wilson, of Masseysburg, Huntingdon county, aged 6 years and
9 months.
How true it is that "man cometh forth like a flower and is cut
down." Little Plummer was a bud of unusual promise and beauty - too
lovely to grow upon the sterile soil of earth, exposed to its chilly
blasts. God has transplanted him to bloom in Paradise, where the
frost of death nor the blight of sin can never come.
Weep not, mother, it is well,
My sufferings o'er and I'm at rest
Where holy saints and seraphs dwell;
And thine is changed for Jesus' breast.
Weep not, father, for the dead:
The stroke that took thy child from thee,
Was but the call of Him who said
"Let little children come to me."
Weep not, brother, though the tomb,
So dark, and cold, and dreary seems.
My spirit's free and oft shall come.
And fondly whisper to thy dreams.
Weep not, little sister, dear,
For a union shall be given,
And when thou shalt in bliss appear,
I'll kiss the at the gates of heaven.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 9, 1862, page