Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune,
Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 2, 1862
Visit to the Antietam Battle-Field & Hospitals.
It is not our intention to attempt a full portrayal of the horrors
which, in the early part of last week, marked the battle-field of
Antietam, although we doubt not a portion of our account will be
considered sufficiently horrible. We were told by those who had
preceded us to this scene of destruction, that we obtained a sight of
the tail end only. If that be so, we have no desire to see the whole
While stopping in Chambersburg we had a sight of the Pennsylvania
Militia who were encamped in that locality and all along the road from
thence to Hagerstown. We found Col. J. J. Weitzel, of Harrisburg,
with a knapsack on his back and a musket on his shoulder, acting under
direction of the Surgeon in charge of the Chambersburg hospital. We
also came across Jim Cramer, the "Model Conductor," figuring in the
position of Post Master of the regiment to which Capt. McFarlane's
Company was attached. Hon. Samuel Calvin, R. A. McMurtrie, candidate
for Assembly, James Funk, late sheriff, Essington Hammond, and other
notables of the town "over the hill," were in camp, and Jim told us
that they performed guard duty cheerfully, and behaved themselves in
all respects as became veteran soldiers.
Our party arrived in Hagerstown on Monday, 22d ult., and
immediately proceeded to the Lyceum Hall Hospital to look up the
wounded of the 125th Regt. In this hospital we found Capt. C. R.
Hostetter, of company D, who had received a gunshot wound in the right
side, just above the hip bone, the ball just grazing the top of the
bone. Although suffering severely at times, he was in good spirits,
confidently expecting to be on his feet in a few days and return to
take charge of his company. On another couch lay Serg't E. L. Russ,
formerly a compositor in this office. He had received a gun-shot
wound in the stomach, the ball passing out between his ribs on the
right side. While the regiment was falling back from the position to
which it had advanced, he loaded his gun as he moved, and would wheel
half round to fire, and just as he was in the act of taking aim, the
ball struck him. His case was at first considered hopeless, but
having survived the wound for a week, his physicians think that, with
care, he will recover. He is much prostrated. At his head lay A. C.
Edwards, of Blair Furnace. He had received a gun-shot wound in the
right leg just above the knee, the ball coming out at the cap of the
knee. It is only a flesh wound, but from its proximity to the knee
joint is necessarily very painful. He bears his lot with soldier-like
fortitude. It is not likely that amputation will be necessary in his
case. In another part of the hall we found Stephen Beales, from near
Allegheny Furnace. He had received a painful gunshot wound in the
left arm, just above the elbow. The arm was not broken, but from the
fact that he had been almost a week without having it properly
dressed, it was much swollen and very painful. It was properly
dressed, before our leaving, and he was forwarded to the hospital at
Harrisburg. Another cot contained Sergt. David E. McCahan, from near
Hollidaysburg. He had received a flesh-wound in the leg, near the
knee. Although of a serious character, he bore his misfortune nobly,
evidently glad, as were all the others, that he had escaped with his
There was a perfect jam of people in Hagerstown ere we arrived, and
each succeeding train added to the number. In vain we searched for a
conveyance to carry us to the battle-field, some eleven miles distant.
Every horse and vehicle in the town and neighborhood had been pressed
into the service of Uncle Sam, or hired at the most exorbitant prices,
by curiosity seekers, or those in search of wounded or dead friends.
All the hotels were filled to overflowing, and our endeavors to find
accommodations therein were crowned with no better success than our
search for a conveyance. A private citizen, on becoming acquainted
with our mission and situation, kindly took in our party, thus
dispelling our chances for sleeping on cellar doors with our carpet-
bags for pillows. Lodgings secured, we felt more comfortable, and
turned our attention again to the wounded who were constantly arriving
in ambulances and on foot. Those who had been wounded in the arm or
shoulder, walked into town and gave their places in the ambulances to
those who had been wounded in the legs or about the body and were
unable to walk. Thus was kept up a constant stream of stragglers
toward the hospitals. Some of the wounded were scarcely able to drag
their weary limbs along with them, and appeared to find relief on
being permitted to lie down on the pavement in front of the hospitals.
When night closed in, every available space in the Court House and
Lyceum Hall was occupied by wounded, sick and worn-out soldiers. In
an upper room of the Court House were a number of secesh prisoners.
Some of our soldiers looked hard enough, but the secesh looked far
worse. We wonder how men who are no better clothed and fed can make
even a show of fight.
Although the rebels had full possession of Hagerstown and
surrounding country for four days previous to the battle, they did no
damage to property. The citizens say they behaved themselves very
well, with the exception of eating them out of everything in the
eatable line. The testimony of the people is, that the Pennsylvania
Militia did more damage than the rebels. This made us feel bad, when
we considered that most of the people in Hagerstown and vicinity are
Union. The rebels were evidently on their good behavior, in hopes of
winning the people over to their cause. Failing in this, had they
been permitted to remain much longer, they would have taken care of
Having secured a conveyance, we left for the battle-field at half-
past five o'clock on Tuesday morning, taking the Sharpsburg Pike. The
atmosphere was sufficiently cool to render a shawl comfortable.
Nothing worthy of special mention attracted our attention until we
ascended a hill, about two miles this side of the battle-field. Here
our olfactory organs informed us, very perceptibly, that we were in
the region of decaying animal matter. On every rise of ground
thereafter we were greeted with the same stench, yet we could see no
marks of the battle. Thus we passed on until we arrived at the second
toll-gate, which is on the extreme left of the line of battle, the
line extending from thence beyond Sharpsburg, being some four and a
half miles in length. Here we found the first evidences of a battle,
in the limbs of trees cut off by artillery, and trees, fence rails and
posts perforated with musket balls. Passing on a mile further, we
came to the noted cornfield, in which, it is said, dead rebels lay as
thick as cornstalks, after the battle. For the truth of this we
cannot vouch, as all the dead had been buried ere we arrived, suffice
it to say, however, the number of graves, and the manner in which they
were piled into them, from 100 to 400 in a trench, were almost
sufficient to confirm it. On this ground we, for the first time,
realized the destructiveness of war, where large armies are engaged on
either side. All we had previously imagined sank into insignificance
when the reality met our view. Such a sight cannot be described. It
must be seen to be comprehended. Fences, both rail and stone, were
leveled with the ground. Fields of corn were tread into the dust and
the whole face of the country resembled a wide wagon road. The fields
and woods were strewn with torn hats, coats, pants, shoes, canteens,
haversacks, cartridge-boxes, muskets, good and broken, broken gun
carriages, &c., and the graves of the Union soldiers, who had been
buried where they fell, gave to every field the appearance of a vast
cemetery. In all directions lay dead horses, some of which had been
partly burned, but the task of thus destroying them was evidently too
great for the force detailed for that purpose and they had been left
to the elements and the buzzards. The salubrity of the atmosphere, in
this locality was, in consequence, anything but agreeable, and we did
not tarry long.
On every part of the field might be picked up unexploded shells,
cannon and musket balls. Conical shells, very much resembling the old
fashioned clock weights, appeared to have been most extensively used
in this engagement.
From this field we passed to the first hospital in the rear of the
battle-field, known as the stone house hospital. Here the scene
beggars all description. Our own and the rebel wounded were thrown
together promiscuously. Five of the rebel wounded, who had died the
previous night, were carried out just before we arrived. Every room
in the house, the porticos in front and rear, the barn floor and mows,
all the stables underneath the barn, the wagon-shed, and around the
straw and grain stacks, were crowded with the wounded, many of whom
were already beyond the reach of medical skill and were now struggling
in the last agonies of death. Among this number were men wounded in
every conceivable manner, with shot and shell, in the head, body, arms
and legs. - What astonished us the most was that they were still
The secesh wounded, and the prisoners who were attending them, were
a sorry looking set of mortals. Scarcely any of them had passable
clothing, and many of them had not sufficient to cover their
nakedness. We were heretofore disinclined to believe the reports we
received, as to the destitution of the rebel army in this respect, but
if we may take what we witnessed as a criterion, it is even worse than
represented. It seemed to us that they all looked alike. They are
all thin in flesh and sallow complected, and almost every one to whom
we spoke admitted that they did not get enough to eat previous to
their entrance into Maryland. A few bear the impress of intelligence,
but most of them are evidently of the poorer class of the South, who,
at home, are not as much respected as the slaves. Some of them were
Northern men, by birth, who had settled in the South, and when the war
broke out they were compelled to go into the southern army. All such
expressed the intention of going so far North, on recovering from
their wounds, that Jeff Davis would not see them again until the war
was over. Others again were full-blooded "chivalry," and were not
sparing in their denunciations of the Abolitionists, whom they vowed
to fight to the last. One old man, a Captain, from Mississippi, who
was wounded in the arm and knee, said that he considered it his duty,
in case he got well, to take his place in the rebel ranks and try us
again. No kindness or attention on the part of Union men make any
impressions on the minds of bigoted Southerners. So far as concerned
attention to the wounded, we could not see that there was any
distinction made between Union and rebel.
We think it would be a bad idea to put the ununiformed militia of
the North into the field against the rebels, especially if any of our
volunteers were in the neighborhood, because of the similarity of the
militia and rebel dress. We heard a number of our soldiers say that,
in an engagement, they could not distinguish between them and would be
as likely to fire into our own men as the enemy, unless the signals
were very distinct. Scarcely two rebels that we saw were dressed
alike. Their hats and caps are of every color and quality, and their
pants ditto. Their coats were of cotton and mostly of two colors,
light grey and walnut, hence the appellations of "grey backs" and
From the hospital above mentioned we passed to the one in which
most of the wounded of Cap't Gardner's company had been placed. Here
we found the house, barn, wagon shed, and every available spot filled
with wounded. After looking up our acquaintances and doing all in our
power for them, we walked through the house and barn examining the
different cases. We had heard soldiers say that, by constantly
mingling with and attending upon the wounded, they lost that feeling
for them which they experienced at first sight. We thought this
impossible, but two hours among them convinced us that it was
possible. Sights which at first made us sick and compelled us to turn
away, we could now look upon without a shudder. A gunshot wound in
the arm, or leg was, apparently, of no account. We found one man who
had been shot through the head just below the temples. It would appear
impossible that a man thus wounded should live, yet this man, after
having his wound dressed, was walking about the barn, talking with his
companions and seemingly giving it little attention. Another man had
been struck with a piece of shell which carried away one side of his
face and part of his skull. He was still alive, but evidently could
not last long. A rebel had received a bullet wound which cut out both
eyes and carried away part of his nose. Though apparently strong, his
case seemed to us entirely hopeless. A piece of shell had carried
away the roof of the mouth of a Union soldier. In his condition it
was impossible for him to take nourishment in any other than a liquid
state, and it was hard to think that he must die of starvation, if not
from the effects of the wound. Another case was that of a young
volunteer from Massachusetts. His thigh had been badly fractured so
close to his body that amputation could not be performed, and the
surgeon gave it as his opining that his life could not possibly be
saved. We could multiply cases, but the above will be sufficient to
give our readers an idea of the sights to be seen at one of these
field hospitals.
From this hospital we proceeded across the country, some two miles,
to another, styled the "brick house hospital," where our lamented
young friend, Fred. C. Ward, had died. Here we found some seven
hundred wounded, occupying as before, every nook and corner about the
house and barn. Two or three surgeons were busily engaged in
amputating legs and arms, trepanning skulls, &c. We witnessed an
operation on a man who had been struck with a piece of shell on the
top of his head, breaking the skull. He had lain insensible from the
time he received the stroke, on Wednesday, 17th, until the time the
operation was performed, Tuesday 23d. As soon as the fractured bone
was taken out and the depression removed from the brain, consciousness
returned and it required four men to hold him until the wound was
dressed. When the surgeon had finished and the man was lifted from
the table, he walked several steps and appeared perfectly rational.
The surgeon considered his case quite encouraging. Quite a number of
the wounded at this hospital had been lying there for a week, with gun
shot wounds in their arms and legs, and had not yet received medical
attention. The reports sent out by newspaper correspondents, to the
effect that the wounded were well cared for, no doubt had much to do
with preventing the attendance of a sufficient number of
How men can survive their wounds so long, without proper attention,
is a mystery to us. And yet you never hear them utter a word of
complaint. It is a perfect school of patience. Each one appeared
content to bide his time, thinking there were others more severely
wounded who deserve attention first.
Night coming on, and there being no accommodations for stragglers
in that neighborhood, the people having left previous to the battle
and not yet returned, we set out for the camp of the Penn'a Reserves,
distant about three miles. Persons who have never traveled in a
strange country where no one knows any more than yourself, can have
little idea of the difficulties attendant thereon. The battle-field
was still thronged with citizens and soldiers looking up relics, and
of every squad we inquired the way to the Reserve camp. Each party
put us on a new route, right or left, and nearly always wrong. After
having traveled about three miles, and laid out a pretty fair worm
fence, we came on the camp of King's Division. Again we made inquiry
- some of the party directing in one direction and some in another,
and almost quarrelling over their differences. One said it was half a
mile to the right, another a mile and a half to the left, and so on.
Finally we found a member of one of the regiments who conducted us to
the spot, otherwise we might have wandered around half the night, and
been within sight of the camp all the time. The men in the army know
but little about any other than their own regiment, or at most,
brigade, hence the difficulty.
Having found the Reserves and our acquaintances therein, we
prepared to make ourselves comfortable for the night. Three of our
party put up with Capt. Bohler, of company H, 12th regiment, of
Indiana county. Capt. B. bears the reputation of being one of the
finest officers in the corps, and certainly he is a perfect gentleman.
He is what might be called a "fighting parson" being a Presbyterian
minister by profession. When the Reserves were being mustered he gave
up his charge embracing two appointments, and recruited a company of
84 men. He has been through all the battles with the Reserves, and
his company has suffered severely, numbering at this time only 32
effective men.
The camp of the Reserves was immediately on the bank of the
Potomac, opposite Sheppardstown, which latter place was occupied by
the rebels. From the bluff on the opposite side of the river it would
have been an easy matter for the rebels to have shelled the camp, and
such a thing was not unexpected by the officers. While we would have
no objections to witnessing such a truly grand sight after nightfall,
we confess we would rather be more than half a mile distant at the
time, and have the "clock weights," as the boys call them, fly in some
other direction than toward us.
If any set of men in the army require rest for a short time, for
the purpose of recruiting, it is the Penn'a Reserves. A little over
one year ago they entered the army with full 11,000 men; now they
number but little over 3,000 effective men. - Dr. Bower, medical
director of the corps, informed us that that the loss of the Reserves
in killed and wounded, in the late battles in Maryland, was 972 men.
One company which went into the fight on the 17th of Sept. with forty
men, came out with eight killed and twenty-seven wounded. The boys
would like to have a rest for a few weeks, but nevertheless they
express themselves willing to go at a moment's notice to any point
where Gen. McClellan may order them.
Adjoining the Reserve camp was the camp of the 5th U. S. Artillery,
to which is attached the company of men recruited in this neighborhood
by Capt. John M. Clark, of this place. We found the Captain and the
Altoona boys all right side up, so far as health was concerned, and
looking none the worse of the hard service through which they have
lately passed. The Captain's company has been strangely fortunate
thus far. It was in all the engagements on the Peninsula, in the late
Bull Run battle, and in all the battles in Maryland, and yet, if we
remember rightly, it has lost but one man wounded.
Learning that Gen. McClellan's head-quarters were at Sharpsburg,
about a mile below the Reserve camp, we concluded to pay a visit to
that locality on Wednesday morning. The country in this section
appears to be naught but a vast military camp. Every field and wood
contains a regiment or brigade, and all the roads leading to the camps
are filled with baggage wagons. No one can form an idea of the scope
of country which it requires to accommodate an army of the size of
that now under Gen. McClellan, or the number of baggage, provision and
ammunition wagons necessary to keep it supplied, unless they go and
see as we did. The baggage wagons are more in number than the
ambulances, and on several occasions we observed trains of the latter
more than half a mile in length, filled with wounded soldiers being
conveyed from the field hospitals to the hospitals in Hagerstown and
Frederick City. We doubt whether all the baggage wagons and
ambulances of McClellan's army could be put on the road between this
place and Tyrone (15 miles.) It certainly calls for a master mind to
control and direct the movements of so vast an army. While planning a
battle extending over four miles of ground, in which 100,000 on either
side are to be engaged, he must descend to the arrangement of such
seemingly small matters as that of having baggage trains move at the
proper time and ambulances properly distributed over the field. After
viewing this stupendous concern, we readily perceived why so many
generals, who are brave and successful at the head of a small force,
utterly fail in maneuvering large armies, and, also, why a large army
cannot be moved as rapidly as a small one. If Gen. McClellan did not
regard the welfare of his men and pushed them ahead without caring
whether his provision trains kept pace, he might advance more rapidly,
but he would soon have fewer men. We think that if all the people of
the north could get a sight of this vast army, they would not be
disposed to grumble at slow movements, but, on the contrary, they
would wonder how it was possible to move it from Washington to
Sharpsburg as fast as "Little Mac" moved it. We have never, as
journalists, or in any other way, complained of the slow movements of
our armies, nor have we found fault with our chief officers for not
doing this thing or that at such a time, and we now feel much less
like doing so. We have seen enough to convince is that we know
nothing about such matters, and that those who have not seen what we
did know still less. If any reasonable man wishes to obtain
satisfaction on this point we advise him to visit the battle-field of
Antietam and the army of the Potomac. He will come away a wiser man
by reason of having learned his ignorance.
We arrived at Sharpsburg about nine o'clock and proceeded to what
was pointed out to us as Gen. McClellan's head-quarters. There was
nothing about them to indicate that they were more than common
soldiers' quarters, other than a small flag on the largest tent, and a
guard of soldiers around it. We did not get a sight of the General,
but in this we were not disappointed.
Returning, we walked through the town of Sharpsburg, made famous by
the late battle. It is evidently an old town, judging from the
appearance of the buildings, and contains but one main street. Many
of the houses were perforated with balls and shells, during the
battle, and yet a traveler, who did not know that such had been the
case, might pass through the place dozens of times without noticing a
single mark. As we were on the lookout for such evidences of the
engagement we discovered a number of holes in the roof and sides of
houses, plainly indicating that those localities were anything but
healthful on the 17th ult. But one house in the place was set on fire
by the shells. Most of the people left the town previous to the
battle and those who remained took refuge in their cellars. So far as
we could learn, none of the citizens of the place were injured,
although one newspaper reporter has it that a child was killed. Quite
a number of cows, hogs, and other domestic animals were killed.
Leaving Sharpsburg we followed the pike leading through Keatysville
and directly over the battle ground. On the right hand side of the
pike is a stone fence about four feet high and over a mile in length.
Behind this fence, and in a large cornfield, on the left hand side of
the pike, the rebels were posted in great numbers, and it was
certainly one of their strongest positions. Our forces were compelled
to advance upon them over open level fields, thus exposing themselves
while the rebels were entirely sheltered. A lieutenant of an Indiana
regiment told us that he was in the column which advanced upon that
wall. As soon as the column came within musket range the rebels
opened a murderous fire upon it, cutting down men by scores. The
order was then given to "charge bayonets - double quick," whereupon
the men sprang forward with a yell and the wall was soon gained.
Having reserved their fire until this time, they now poured a terrific
volley into the rebels, almost covering the road with dead and
wounded. In the meantime our artillery had been shelling the
cornfield before spoken of, and the rebels were in full retreat
therefrom. Just beyond the cornfield stands a small church which
bears evidence of the ferocity of the conflict in that locality. It
is perforated through the roof and sides by dozens of shells and
balls, and is a complete wreck. The rebels had taken shelter in a
wood just back of this church, from which it was designed to dislodge
them by artillery. We had read of trees as large as a man's body
being cut square off by balls and shells, but did not realize that
such could be. Here, however, we had positive evidence of it. The
ground was covered with limbs and tops of trees, the falling of which
would have killed as many men as the balls and rendered the place more
insecure than the open fields. From the numerous graves of union and
rebel dead, the destruction of houses, fences, cornfields and woods,
the dead horses lying around unburied, and the shells and balls which
could be picked up at every step, we judge this to have been the most
hotly contested part of the field. A house and barn situate about one
hundred yards from the stone fence alluded to, was burned during the
engagement, and every living thing about the premises was either
killed or frightened away, as there was not even a chicken to be seen
when we were there. If this be the condition of a country after one
day's battle, what must be the condition of the valley of Virginia,
over which the armies have been fighting for the last eighteen
We now come to refer to the part taken by "our regiment," the 125th
Pa. Vols., in the battle of Antietam. It will be remembered that this
regiment is composed of six companies from Blair County and four from
Huntingdon County, hence we say our regiment. It will be remembered
also that the 125th is one of the new nine month regiments, and that
the battle of the 17th ult. was the first in which it took part. On
the day of the engagement it had only been under organization about
five weeks, and during that time the boys had received but little
training. As soon as they arrived at Washington, about a week after
their organization, they were set to work on trenches, and kept at
that business until ordered into Maryland. While on their march into
and through Maryland they had no time for drill, all their halting
time being required for refreshment and sleep. On the day preceding
the engagement they were marched several miles, to a position in a
ploughed field, where they were ordered to lie on their arms. At
daylight on Wednesday morning, they were ordered up, without
breakfast, to their position in the line. It is needless to say that
every man was at his post and ready for the combat. After maneuvering
backward and forward for a time, the regiment was ordered to advance
and hold a position in the woods in front. Skirmishers were thrown
forward to find the whereabouts of the enemy. They advanced about one
hundred yards, and found the rebels in full force. After engaging
them for a short time the skirmishers fell back to their places in the
regiment and the whole line at once advanced. The battery, which had
advanced with the regiment at the opening of the fight, had retired,
having exhausted its ammunition, thus leaving it to contend,
unsupported, against a full brigade of rebels. Our men at once
perceived their perilous position, but having been ordered forward,
they obeyed, the line never wavering. The rebels seeing the position
of affairs, charged out with a yell, in full force, at the same time
endeavoring to flank the regiment on the left. The boys stood their
ground firmly, and would have been surrounded and captured, or cut to
pieces, had not the Colonel given the order to fall back. A portion
of the regiment did not hear the order and only became aware of it
when they found themselves alone, and the rebels within twenty yards
of them. The regiment made good its escape in the best order
possible, but not without the loss of some as brave men as ever
shouldered a musket. Had it been supported by a battery, as intended,
the boys would undoubtedly have held their position and driven the
rebels from the woods. When they fell back, the guns of Rickett's
battery were sent up to cover up the retreat, and these, with a
brigade of the Reserves soon made the rebels "skedaddle" faster than
the 125th had done.
While mingling with the Reserves and other soldiers who had been
near our boys during the action, we made inquiry as to their conduct,
and the testimony on all hands was that they behaved like veterans.
Rebel prisoners taken on the occasion say that there must have been a
brigade of the boys, as no single regiment could have cut them (the
rebels) up so badly in so short a time. Their superior officers, and
all who witnessed their conduct on that trying occasion, award to the
men of the 125th the highest mead of praise. All honor to the 125th.
Blair County has boasted of her 84th, and she can now boast of her
125th. The latter has brought no discredit upon the former.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 2, 1862, page
FUNERAL OF CORPORAL JOHN A. KELLY. - On Saturday evening last, Mr.
Joshua Kelly, of this place, returned from the battle-field of
Antietam, with the remains of his son, Corporal John A. Kelly, of
Company D. 125th Regt P. V., who fell, mortally wounded, in the early
part of the engagement. It is said by his companions that he was
bayoneted, before he died, by a rebel who came up with him on the
field. The day after the battle his body was found by Wm. A. B. Laub,
of the same company, who had been detailed to help bury the dead, who
interred the remains as decently as possible and marked the grave.
The funeral took place at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon, and
was attended by four companies of the militia, the Good Will Fire
Company, and a very large concourse of citizens. His remains were
deposited in the circle in the centre of Fair View Cemetery, which, as
our readers will remember, has been tendered by the Association as the
burial ground of all soldiers from Altoona and vicinity who may die or
be killed during the war.
SOLDIER KILLED. - A soldier named Lewis F. Smith, of New York city,
a member of the 125th N. Y. Regiment, (paroled at Harper's Ferry,)
fell from the train at the stone barn below Birmingham, on Saturday
last, and was instantly killed. His remains were brought to this
place, where they were taken charge of by Mr. John Shoemaker and
others, and his father telegraphed of the accident. He requested that
a metallic coffin should immediately be procured for his son's body,
and that he would be here on Monday to take it home. The coffin was
furnished by Mr. Isaac Cromer and the body properly washed and placed
therein. The father arrived on the Mail Train on Monday evening, and
returned again with the corpse on the Fast Line. Mr. Enoch Lewis,
Supt. of the P. R. R., kindly furnished a pass for the corpse and the
father from this place to Philadelphia.
AT HOME. - The officers of Pope's army, taken prisoners at the
battle of Slaughter Mountain, were released last week, and one of the
number, Lieut. John S. Campbell, of the 12th U. S. Infantry, arrived
at his home, in this place, on Sunday morning last. He confirms the
stories of the bad treatment these officers received while in
Richmond. They were imprisoned in a room over what was used as a dead
house and which was also used as a horse stable. The food given them
was often stronger than their stomachs were able to bear, and
contained more meat than came out of the beef. The guards would not
permit them to look out of the windows. He was at one time shot at
for his temerity in this respect, the ball grazing his wrist. We are
indebted to Lieut. C. for several copies of Richmond papers, but we
have not yet had time to examine them.
BOUND WEST. - The paroled prisoners from that disgraceful
surrender, at Harper's Ferry, passed over the Pennsylvania Rail Road
last week, on their way to settle the Indian difficulties in
Minnesota. While it was a disgraceful surrender, so far as the
officers in charge were concerned, no stigma attaches to the
subordinate officers or private soldiers, nor did our citizens so
regard it, for they supplied every train load with an abundance of
coffee, bread, cakes, pies, meat, &c., in fact, on one or two
occasions they almost rid the town of bread, and many husbands had to
make their suppers on warm cakes or do without. Hurrah for the
ladies. When they attempt to do a thing they do it.
WOUNDED AT HOME. - Several members of the companies from this
place, who, were wounded in the late battle, among whom are Lieut.
Marshall, young Burley and Minehard, have been home on furlough,
receiving home attentions, in order that they may the earlier be able
to take their places in the ranks again. It is not likely that they
will ever have to pass through as severe a conflict as their first
proved to be. We hope they may always come out as safely.
LETTERS FROM THE ARMY. - We have on hand two letters from the army,
which contain near about the same information given in our last issue,
and in our report of our visit to the late battlefield, in this issue,
consequently we have omitted them. We hope our friends will not take
umbrage at this, but continue to report their proceedings, which are
always interesting to the folks at home.
CONTRADICTED. - Mr. James Mundoo requests us to thus publicly
contradict the report put in circulation, for the purpose of injuring
him, to the effect that he sold coffee and bread to the soldiers
recently passing through this place. He furnished a great number of
them with coffee and provisions, but did not charge and did not
receive one cent in payment therefor.
JUST RECEIVED AT OAK HALL. - A splendid lot of new music, from Lee
& Walker, Chestnut St. Philad'a, consisting of Marches, Polkas,
&c., &c. The "Picket Guard" can't be beat. Ladies will
please call and examine for themselves. We are constantly receiving
all the new pieces published.
TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. - At a meeting of the M. E. Sabbath School, of
Altoona, held September 28, 1862, the following preamble and
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, In the inscrutable but alwise providence of Almighty God,
our beloved brother, Frederick C. Ward, has been removed from amongst
is by death, being slain on the battle field, whilst engaged against
the enemy of our beloved country, therefore, be it
Resolved, that we regard the death of our brother as a sad
bereavement, both to this school and to the church to which we are
Resolved, that while our brother was amongst us, we had constantly
presented for our admiration and imitation, an eminent example of
sincerity, truthfulness, integrity, entire freedom from guile, genial
humor, bright intelligence, christian devotion and moral purity.
Resolved, that we tender to his bereaved parents and heart-stricken
sisters, our sincere condolence and sympathy, with the assurance that
the memory of our young brother who was bold and brave, as well as
good, shall be fondly cherished by us, and with the prayer that God,
who is the father of us all, in His great mercy may comfort and
sustain them in their sore affliction.
Resolved, that a copy of the above resolutions be presented to the
family of the deceased, and that another copy be furnished for
publication in the Altoona Tribune.
D. W. A. BELFORD, Supt.
Thos. L. CALDWELL, Secy.
WHO IS SHE? - A day or two since, Mr. Patton, Post Master at this
place, received a letter to be handed to some lady whose name was
unknown to the writer. The following note, which accompanied the
letter, will partly explain the circumstance, and may enable Mr.
Patton to discover the lady to whom the letter should be
September 27, 1862.
P. M., ALTOONA: - This letter is wished to be delivered to the
hands of a lady of your place - name unknown. She traveled recently,
(on the 18th and 19th of the present month) from Lithopolis, in
Fairfield county, Ohio, to your place, and arrived there on Friday
afternoon, if not detained; is supposed to be unmarried; was in
company with her mother and little brother; of medium height; hair
thought to be dark. If this can reach the right person it will inform
her of the whereabouts of a valuable dropped in the cars. I hope you
will endeavor to find the lady. I think she is a resident of your
place and had been to Lithopolis near four months, staying with a
brother, I believe, if not mistaken in what she was heard to say. -
CONDITION OF THE WOUNDED. - We have heard but little from the
wounded of the 125th this week. They are now all in hospitals where
they will receive proper attention. Sergt. Hawkeswarth, of Capt.
Hostetter's company, who arrived at home on the Fast Line last
evening, informs us that Capt. Hostetter was brought to Mechanicsburg
on yesterday morning, and left in care of his friends at that place,
and that Sergt. Russ was brought to Harrisburg, with the intention of
sending him to his home in this place. He reports both as being on a
fair way of recovery.
Union Losses, Killed, Wounded and Missing, 14,794.
Rebel Losses, Killed, Wounded, Prisoners, &c., 30,000; Besides
14,000 Muskets, 13 Guns,
39 Colors, &c., &c.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. - The following report of the victories of
South Mountain and Antietam has been forwarded to the head-quarters of
the army by Gen. McClellan:
NEAR SHARPSBURG, Sept. 29, 1.30 P. M. - Maj. Gen. Halleck, General-
in-Chief of the United States Army - General: I have the honor to
report the following as some of the results of the battles of South
Mountain and Antietam:
At South Mountain our loss was -
Killed - 433
Wounded - 1,800
Missing - 76
Total - 2,325
At Antietam our loss was -
Killed - 2,010
Wounded - 9,416
Missing - 1,043
Total - 12,469
Loss in the two battles - 14,794
The Rebels, in the two battles, as near as can be ascertained from
the number of their dead found upon the field, and from other data,
will not fall short of the following estimate:
Major Davis, Assistant Inspector-General, who superintends the
burial of the dead, reports about three thousand Rebels buried upon
the field of Antietam by our troops. Previous to this, however, the
Rebels had buried many of their own dead upon the distant portion of
the battle field, which they occupied after the battle, probably, at
least, five hundred.
The loss of the Rebels at South Mountain cannot be ascertained with
accuracy; but as our troops continually drove them, from the
commencement of the action, and as a much greater number of their dead
were seen on the field than of our own men, it is not unreasonable to
suppose that their loss was greater than ours. Estimating their
killed at five hundred, the total Rebel killed in the two battles
would be four thousand. According to the ratio of our own killed and
wounded, this would make their loss, in wounded, 18,742.
As nearly as can be ascertained at this time, the number of
prisoners taken by our troops in the two battles will, at the lowest
estimate, amount to five thousand. The full returns will no doubt
show a larger number. Of these about twelve hundred are wounded.
This gives the Rebel loss, in killed, wounded and prisoners,
25,542. It will be observed that this does not include their
stragglers, the number of whom is said by citizens here to be
It may be safely concluded, therefore, that the Rebel army lost at
least 30,000 of their best troops during their campaign in
From the time our troops first encountered the enemy in Maryland
until he was driven back into Virginia, we captured 13 guns, 7
caissons, 9 limbers, 39 colors and 1 signal flag.
We have not lost a single gun or color. On the battle-field of
Antietam 14,000 small arms were collected, besides the large number
carried off by citizens and those distributed on the grounds to the
recruits and other unarmed men arriving immediately after the
At South Mountain no collection of small arms was made, owing to
the haste of the pursuit from that point; 400 were taken on the
opposite side of the Potomac.
(Signed) GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Major-General Commander.
Terrible Railroad Accident.
Yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock, one of the most terrible
railroad accidents that has occurred for many years, took place on the
Cumberland Valley Railroad, just beyond the bridge over the
Susquehanna, and almost opposite the city [Harrisburg].
It appears that a troop train, consisting of some twenty freight
cars, drawn by a single engine, and having the 20th Regiment of
Pennsylvania Militia on board, was coming to this city from
Greencastle, a small town near the border, where the regiment had been
encamped for the past few days. The train was behind time, and had
been waiting for trains at Carlisle, but none coming, the train
The weather was very foggy, and it was with the utmost difficulty
that objects could be discerned along the track; but everything went
on safely until within about a half mile of the bridge, when the train
came suddenly in sight of an engine standing on the track. The
engineer of the troop train immediately reversed his engine, but too
late to prevent the collision, and the engines came together with
terrific force. The result was awful. The forward car, immediately
behind the tender, was crushed into fragments, and nearly all of its
occupants either killed or wounded. The second car was driven into
the first and badly damaged, and a number of the inmates severely
hurt. The third car was thrown on top of the second, the wheels
crushing through the top. The remaining cars were not damaged. The
engines are complete wrecks.
Immediately after the accident two men were sent up the road to
warn all approaching trains and prevent a second collision, which
would have proved far more disastrous than the first.
The scene presented by the wreck was such as almost beggars the
description of a hastily written local paragraph. Inside the cars
could be seen brave men struggling in the last gasp of death - others
writhing and imploring Heaven to end their suffering - others again
dead, crushed, mangled, torn, without a single warning of the cause
which produced their end. So sudden was the crash, that the loud and
boisterous cheers of the soldiers, just then approaching as they had
reason to believe, the last change of cars which were to carry them
home, where, as it were, instantly changed to the groan, the stifled
cry of pain, the yell of agony, and such demonstrations as men only
make who are suddenly driven to despair and terrible death.
As we got full view of the interior of the cars and were able
completely to comprehend the extent of the disaster, the heart fairly
sickened at the sight. We never desire to look on such a scene again.
The cries of those wounded men still ring in our ears; while the sight
of the mangled and torn dead will be a spectacle which it will be
impossible to dispel from our view for some time to come. The wounded
were all carried to houses close by, and Surgeons sent for from
Harrisburg. One of the privates in the first Company of Revenue
Guards, a surgeon, rendered material assistance to some of the
wounded, and made them as comfortable as possible, until more medical
aid could arrive.
The results of the accident are eight killed outright, and over
fifty wounded, some of them so severely that they will most probably
The whole cause of the accident was carelessness on the part of an
engineer of the Cumberland Valley railroad. The Pennsylvania
railroad, which has the entire charge of the transportation of troops,
exercised all due caution. The shifting engine of the Cumberland
Valley railroad, instead of stopping at the bridge and inquiring the
whereabouts of the troop train, passed on, and the collision was the
result. - Harrisburg Telegraph of the 27th ult.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 2, 1862, page