Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 18, 1862
Hon. L. W. HALL. - The Hollidaysburg Register of this week, makes
the following mention of Hon. L. W. Hall, the Union nominee for State
We congratulate our fellow-citizen, Hon. L. W. Hall, of Altoona, on
his unanimous nomination as the candidate of the People's Union Party
for the office of State Senator. This is an honor with which he may
well be gratified. The people had pointed him out as the man for the
times and the place, and were determined to have him as their
candidate, and are as determined to elect as they were to nominate
Mr. Hall entered political life when quite a young man, and rapidly
arose to the highest distinction in the Senate of Pennsylvania. While
Speaker of that body, he displayed such admirable tact, discrimination
and impartiality as to call forth the admiration and approbation of
every member of the body. Politically, Mr. Hall is classed among the
practical conservatives, and will continue to devote all his talents
and influence to the restoration of the Union, and placing it on a
firm foundation. We are highly gratified with the nomination, and
predict the triumphant election of the nominee.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 18, 1862, page
MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS. - The companies formed in this place in
compliance with the Governor's proclamation, met for drill on Saturday
afternoon last. The following is a list of the companies organized,
with the title of the organization and the officers:
Captain - A. C. Devlin
1st Lieut. - J. T. Prendergast.
2d Lieut. - Wm. A. Boyden.
Orderly Sergt. - John Curry.
Captain - George Hartzell.
1st Lieut. - Washington Foust.
2d Lieut. - Jacob Hesser.
Orderly Sergt. - Andrew Clabaugh.
Captain - Charles B. Street.
1st Lieut. - William A. Ware.
2d Lieut.- Thomas H. Savery.
Orderly Sergt. - William Whitehead.
Captain - Wm. Boyden.
1st Lieut. - Charles Bushman.
2d Lieut. - Geo. W. Sparks.
Orderly Sergt. - Henry Keely.
Captain - Samuel Barber.
1st Lieut. - Wm. Hough.
2d Lieut. - Wm. E. Albright.
Orderly Sergt. - Robert Clare.
Captain - Chas. E. Collins.
1st Lieut. - John J. Redder.
2d Lieut. - Thomas Drumgold.
Orderly Sergt. - John Cochran.
Captain - Alexander Everly.
1st Lieut. - Andrew Kipple.
2d Lieut. - David Robison.
Orderly Sergt. - John Flannigan.
There are two or more companies recruiting which we hope will be
able to complete their organization in the course of a few days.
There are men enough in Altoona and immediate vicinity to form a full
regiment, and steps will soon be taken to perfect such an
We had intended to make mention of the slim turnout of members for
drill, in one of the companies, on Saturday and Wednesday, but the
press of war news, at a late hour, has prevented.
NO DRAFT IN BLAIR. - From the returns published elsewhere, it will
be seen that "Little Blair" has largely exceeded her quota and avoided
a draft, and besides, we have the assurance of the Governor that Blair
county is not to be drafted. - This will be a great relief to certain
weak-kneed gentlemen, who have been living miserable lives for the
past month. It is no pleasure to us, in most cases, to witness the
misery of others but we must confess that it did do us good to behold
the trepidation of those unhappy mortals who were severely troubled
with the piles, or had lately felt symptoms of an attack of
rheumatism, or were seriously ruptured, or possessed one or an other
of the "thousand ills which flesh is heir to." We are of the opinion
that it would pay the Government to buy Dr. Barnes' recipe for
manufacturing his Pile Lotion, which is highly recommended, and go
into the manufacture and gratuitous distribution of the article. It
might not supply lack of courage, but it would help the disease.
excitement prevailed at Altoona on Saturday, in consequence of reports
abroad that a rebel raid on the place was contemplated. Orders were
received from Harrisburg to have all the engines there fired up, and
the rolling stock of the railroad ready to move. Simultaneously with
this, the companies there under orders to move to Harrisburg had their
orders countermanded, and for a time the town was in a state of great
consternation. Sunday morning, however, the danger, if there ever was
any, appeared to have passed, and the former orders to the troops were
re-affirmed. The locomotives, however, to the number of forty were
still kept fired up, and ready to move at a moment's notice.
We take the above from the Pittsburg Chronicle of Wednesday evening
last. That part which refers to the town being in a state of
consternation is news to us. We heard it remarked that orders had
been given to keep all the locomotives fired up, but did not learn
that orders had been given for our militia to remain at home.
Undoubtedly Altoona is liable to a cavalry raid, should the rebels
make their appearance at Cumberland, or in that vicinity, but we think
there will soon be a regiment of drilled men ready to give them a warm
If all the information given the public, by the Harrisburg
correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, approximates the truth as
closely as his report of the companies from Altoona, encamped in
Capital Park, on Monday last, we think his productions should be
received with many grains of allowance. In Tuesday morning's paper he
gives Altoona credit with having sent four companies of Militia to
Harrisburg. In order to do this he reports one company twice. The
truth is Altoona has not sent a single company, although there are
some six or seven ready to move as soon as the Governor gives the
word, and that word may be given very soon.
APPOINTED. - Dr. R. W. Christy, of Duncansville, this county, has
been appointed Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army.
Muster roll of Williamsburg company, 125th Reg't Pa.
Captain - Ulyssis L. Huyett.
1st Lieut. - Josiah R. Higgins.
2nd Lieut. - Garian Schollenberger.
1st Sergeant - Hill P. Wilson.
2nd " - James Houck.
3rd " - James Shellar.
4th " - Ephraim Gerst.
5th " - Sam'l G. Baker.
1st Corporal - James D. Allender.
2nd " - Wm. H. Riley.
3rd " - Joseph Lias.
4th " - James Griser.
5th " - Robert Feay.
6th " - Robert McFalls.
7th " - James C. Carey.
8th " - F. M. McKiernan.
John A. McKaney.
Calvin C. Hewitt.
Henry Withers.
Amhiser, Daniel
Aurandt, Joseph F
Blake, William B
Brantner, James S
Brantner, John H
Brunell, Wm
Brunell, Theodore
Brumbaugh, J C
Butts, Wm G
Carles, Henry D
Cooper, Theodore
Cooper, Jas M
Dougherty, Victory V
Dehaven, Westley
Donnelly, David H
Eichholts, Alfred
Estep, Elijah
Ewing, Levi M
Feay, David
Fouse, Wm D
Garner, Jos E
Geiser, Tillman
Heller, Edward W
Houck, Geo A
Huyett, Miles C
Irvine, Daniel P
Lang, Jos H
Lang, William
Lower, Henry G
Love, John D
Lucas, Gabriel
Lucas, John H
Lucas, Abraham
McCoy, William |
McGonigle, Geo H
McManamy, John
McManamy, Wilson
McMichael, John
Metz, Thornton B
Metz, Thomas B
Mock, John E
Nicodemus, John H
Patterson, John D
Philips, Ralph
Powell, Milton
Reiger, August
Rhodes, Geo H
Rhodes, Wm H
Richards, John
Shaeffer, Samuel B
Shinafelt, John C
Sims, And J
Slonaker, Lemuel A
Straighthoff, Jacob
Straighthoff, Johnson
Stewart, Madison W
Teats, John A
Treese, William
Treese, Harry
Treese, David
Trout, Alexander
Walters, Joseph
Westbrook, Wm
Whitehead, John
Winters, George
Wolford, Edward
Wolfkill, Benj F
Yerger, Geo |
CAUTION. - The ladies connected with the Soldiers Aid Society, in
this place, have reason to believe that irresponsible persons, not
connected with the Society, have been acting in the capacity of
solicitors of donations in money and goods, and have been successful
in securing both, but thus far they have made no return of them to the
Society. We are requested to say that hereafter the solicitors of the
Society will be furnished with written authority from the officers of
the same, and when persons are called on to contribute, if not
acquainted with the solicitors, they should ask to see their
CONSIDERABLY REDUCED. - The Standard of this week publishes the
muster roll of Company C. 84th Reg. Pa. Vols., Captain B. M. Morrow,
from which we learn that of the entire company there are now two
sergeants, five corporals and ten privates fit for duty. Of the
remainder three have died, ten deserted, twenty-seven are sick in
hospital, five were killed in battle, five were discharged on
Surgeon's certificate, four are missing since action of July 30th,
1862, and eight are on detached service.
ANOTHER MONSTER GUN CAST. - The first of the fifteen-inch guns for
the new Monitors was shipped to Wall's Station on Saturday for proving
to-day. It weighs in its present state upwards of thirty tons, and
will throw a ball weighing four hundred and seventy-five pounds. It
differs considerably from the fifteen-inch Rodman guns, being some two
feet shorter and apparently much heavier in the breech. The Fort Pitt
Works have a contract for supplying several of these guns and purpose
turning them out at the rate of two or three a week.
The Pennsylvania Rail Road Company has ordered their shops, in this
place, to be closed every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at half-
past three o'clock, for the purpose giving the employees an
opportunity to drill. All who join regularly organized companies and
attend drill will be paid their time the same as if they had been at
work in the shops.
GONE EAST. - Every day witnesses the passage of single car loads
and train loads of troops bound for Harrisburg, in response to the
Governor's call for militia to defend the border. The Harrisburg
Telegraph of this (Thursday) morning says that 72,000 men have
responded to the Governor's call and are now on their way, or have
already reached the border.
The ladies of Hollidaysburg have certainly done a great work within
the past two weeks, judging from the report given in the papers of
that place. They must certainly feel satisfied with themselves, and
many blessings have been invoked upon them by the suffering soldiers.
The ladies of this place have also been busy, but as yet we have no
report of the amount of stores sent forward.
THE ENROLMENT. - We notice that some of the papers are publishing a
statement of the returns of the Marshals of the different counties in
the Western District of this State, but knowing that it is wrong in
one or two instances we have not published it. We think the Marshal
of the District will soon furnish a correct statement.
POSTPONED. - The draft in this state has been postponed until the
25th of this month, in order to give the officers at Harrisburg, who
have the matter in charge, time to complete their arrangements.
Senatorial Conference.
A Conference of the People's Union Party of the Senatorial
District, composed of the counties of Clearfield, Cambria and Blair,
was held at the Logan House in Altoona, on Tuesday the 9th of Sept.
1862, to place in nomination a candidate for State Senator.
Clearfield County was represented by Wm. McBride, J. B. McAully and
G. H. Lytle.
Cambria - John Williams, Esq., Wm. R. Hughes and John H.
Blair - B. F. Rose, Wm. M. Lloyd and Jno. Dean.
On motion, Mr. Williams of Cambria was called to the Chair, and Wm.
McBride of Clearfield and Mr. Dean of Blair were elected
Mr. Hughes of Cambria nominated Hon. L. W. Hall of Blair County.
On motion, Mr. Hall was nominated by acclamation as the candidate
of the People's Union Party for State Senator, of the District.
On motion, a committee of three was appointed to wait upon Mr. Hall
and inform him of his nomination.
The Committee returned with Mr. Hall and informed the conference
that they had performed the duty assigned to them.
Mr. Hall then in a neat and appropriate speech informed the
conference that he accepted the nomination conferred upon him.
On motion conference adjourned sine die.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 18, 1862, page