Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 4, 1862
officers of the above company we republish the lists of members, the
first being inaccurate, in several respects:
Captain - C. R. Hostetter.
1st Lieut. - Alex. Marshall, (M),
2nd Lieut. - Peter I. Trees, (M),
1st Sergeant, Thos. E. Campbell.
2nd Sergeant - G. H. Hawksworth, (M),
3d Sergeant - James H. Attick, (M),
4th Sergeant - E. L. Russ, (M),
5th Sergeant - Edwin Hammond, (M),
1st Corporal - Robert Fry, (M),
2nd " - D. A. Burtnett, (M),
3rd " - J. E. Brown, (M),
4th " - Wm. T. Miller
5th " - Wm. Burley, (M),
6th " - Wm. I. Marshall, (M),
7th " - George Burtram, (M),
8th " - John A. Kelly, (M),
Fifer - Wm. A. Brumbaugh, (M),
Drummer - Aug. Boyden.
Abbott, David, (O)
Aiken, Stephen,
Boyer, Albert,
Burley, L.,
Burley, E.,
Blake, Samuel,
Blake, W. B.,
Brumbaugh, Jacob, (M),
Brubaker, George,
Bowen, Francis,
Barker, George, *
Bomgardner, Alfred,
Brown, J. A.,
Cochran, Robert, (M),
Conery, J.,
Davis, Leonard,
Davis, Morris,
Davis, John E., (M),
Davis, Abel, (M),
Dougherty, J. M.,
Dasher, J., (M),
Evans, A., (M),
Finney, A. W.,
Green, Daniel,
Glass, J. R.,
Gearhart, F. W.,
Howell, J. C., (M),
Higgins, Jno.,
Hoar, W. S.,
Haney, Patrick, No. 1,
Haney, Patrick, No. 2,
Horman, T.,
Irvin, G. M.,
Kissell, J. G.,
Keagy, J.,
Lingerfelter, J., (M),
Laub, W. A. B., (M),
Long, S. A., |
Markley, Isaac, (M),
Madison, John, (M),
Minehart, Lewis,
Myers, Wm. H.,
Myers, A., (M),
Myers, Joseph, (M),
Miller, Andrew,
McCloskey, G. A.,
McCloskey, D. A.,
McLaughlin, J.,
McMahan, Mordecai,
McCallum, M. C. (D),
Nokes, Anthony (D),
Oswalt, D., (M),
Owen, Matthew, (M),
Patton, Edward,
Painter, Jacob,
Parsons, C. A., (M),
Pool, Nathan, (D),
Richmond, S. S., (M),
Rose, John,
Rice, Rhinehart,
Robinson, Joseph, (M),
Sandrus, James S. *
Shaffer, Joseph, (M),
Schlag, Adolph, (M),
Shira, Philip,
Steel, Samuel, (M),
Springer, Wm., (M),
Stackhouse, Henry,
Stewart A., (M),
Stoner, C. A.,
Szink, Harry,
Trees, J. C.,
Urich, J.,
Williamson, S. H.,
Walton, John, (M),
Woods, Thomas (M). |
* Rejected by the examining Surgeon.
(D) Deserted.
(O) Drummed out of camp for refusing to take the oath.
(M) Married men.
We understand that some coward stuck up a notice or notices, a few
evenings since, stigmatizing certain persons about town as
secessionists. Now we believe we are loyal and can smell a rebel as
far as any other person, and detest him as much as anybody else can,
but we do think it dastardly and mean when a man may hold a different
political opinion from our own, or we may have some spite at him
individually - to stab him in the dark. Such is the conduct of those
who have written these anonymous notices. We would say, for shame
sake, gentlemen come out and let us test your own loyalty. If you are
afraid of an uprising of secessionists in our midst - come out and man
the big guns and let us be ready. Don't stand behind the corners of
the houses all night and shoot with your petty pop guns that hurt
nobody. For the sake of our common country - for the sake of
humanity, let us lay aside party jealously - and all be Union men.
EDITORIAL VISITORS. - The Democratic Senatorial conference met in
this place, on Thursday last, and, like all such arrangements, was
well attended by the editorial fraternity. We had the pleasure of
making the acquaintance of Dr. W. Moore, Esq., of the Clearfield
Republican, (rather a singular name for a Democratic paper) and J. S.
Todd, Esq., of the Ebensburg Democrat and Sentinel, and found them
affable and clever fellows. The latter has just emerged from the
back-woods by reason of the completion of the Ebensburg Branch, and
the former will be out of the woods when the Tyrone and Clearfield R.
R. is finished. Traugh, of the Standard popped in at the same time,
but we need not say anything about him as the people here generally
know him. D. A. Conrad, Esq., accompanied the party. If any man can
feel easy on the draft question it is he.
While from some other counties we have accounts of interferences
with the Deputy Marshals in the discharge of their duties, we have
heard of none in this county. Our people appear to understand the
intention of the enrolment and the consequences of attempting to evade
it, either by giving false statements, or resisting the officers. It
is the height of folly for any one to oppose the execution of the
laws, as those who have done it will discover. The enrolment embraces
all parties and classes, and if injustice be done by a Marshal the
injured party can appeal to the proper authorities for redress, and be
much more sure of receiving it than if he takes the law in his own
ATTENTION LADIES! - Shall we have a "Ladies' Aid Society" in this
place? Other towns, not one third as large as Altoona, have their
societies and they are doing an incalculable amount of good. Can not
our ladies agree to work together? In "union there is strength" and
by concert of action much more can be accomplished than by each acting
independently. You have now still stronger incentives to action than
heretofore, from the fact that many husbands, brothers and sons have
recently gone into the army from this place. We make one more appeal.
Can you not organize and act harmonizingly? You will find it much
easier to work, if you have a regular society, with a President,
Secretary and Managers. Try it, by all means try it.
ESCAPED. - We learn that a prisoner who was being conveyed from
Tennessee to some of the forts in the East, escaped from the guards,
at this place, on Tuesday evening of last week. There were a number
of prisoners together, under a guard of four or five soldiers, and
while passing from the Altoona House to the cars, the one referred to
managed to make his escape through the crowd. - One of the guard
returned to look for him the next day, but did not find or hear tell
of him.
EVER WELCOME. - We neglected last week to notice that our floral
friend, David M. Green, had placed us under obligations for another of
those ever welcome boquets which his garden and flower pots supply.
He has taken much care in the selection of his plants and seeds, and
has, perhaps, the finest collection of flowers in this section of the
country. We do not envy his collection, but we wish we had one like
Capt. McFarlane's company, from Hollidaysburg, is the one hundred
and thirty-seventh regiment.
MILITIA ENROLMENT. - The following are the assessors appointed by
Captain A. M. Lloyd, Deputy Marshal, to make the enrolment of persons
liable to military duty in the several wards, boroughs and townships
of Blair county: -
Logan - James Louden.
Antis - John Halfpenny.
Tyrone Borough - John H. Patterson.
Snyder - Robert Waring.
Tyrone Tp. - James Crawford.
Hollidaysburg, W. W. - Jas. Funk.
", E. W. - J. R. McFarlane.
Gaysport - R. L. Horrell.
Blair - M. B. Smith.
Juniata - George P. Kelly.
Freedom - L. F. Butler.
Greenfield - Jacob Walter.
Taylor - John C. Biddle.
North Woodberry - S. P. McFadden.
Martinsburg - H. C. Nicodemus.
Huston - James Roller.
Woodberry - John Dean.
Catharine - G . W. Reed.
Frankstown - G. W. Smith.
Allegheny - John H. Stiffler.
Altoona, E. W. - Isaac Hooper.
", W. W. - J. G. Adlum.
", N. W. - Alex. McCormick.
J. A. Landis, of Hollidaysburg, has been appointed examining
Surgeon for Blair county.
The employees of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road have
presented Major J. J. Lawrence, late Superintendent of the Road, with
an elegant sword. The blade is the finest steel, while the hilt is
pure silver, superbly chased and engraved. The scabbard is of steel,
heavily plated with gold, on which is inscribed the words: - Presented
to Capt. J. J. Lawrence by the employees of the Huntingdon and Broad
Top Railroad.
PROMOTED. - We are pleased to note that our young friend J. Wesley
Holmes, late chief clerk of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road,
has been promoted to the office of Superintendent of that Road, in
room of J. J. Lawrence, resigned. Mr. Holmes is well acquainted with
the workings of the Road, and will manage the business thereof with
credit to himself and the best interests of the company.
VOLUNTEER SURGEONS. - Drs. Finley, Christy and Calderwood, of this
place, left for Washington on Saturday night last, and Drs. Teitze, of
this place, Landis, Koehler and Leisenring, of Hollidaysburg, Christy
of Duncansville, and Smith of Frankstown, left for the same
destination on Sunday last, in response to a dispatch from Gov.
Curtin, to attend to the wounded in the late battles.
MAN KILLED. - A man named George Yingling, engaged in taking out
lumber on the mountain, above this place, was instantly killed, on
Monday evening last. It appears that a tree which he was felling
lodged on an adjoining tree and rolled back falling on him and
crushing his head. He lived in Logan township and leaves a wife and
two children.
PRAISEWORTHY. - On Wednesday evening last the employees of the
Engine Smith Shop, of the P. R. R., under the charge of Mr. George
Hawkesworth, held a meeting and unanimously agreed that should any
employee of that shop be drafted, those remaining will contribute
$1.00 each per month for support of his family. That is the way to do
LEG SMASHED. - A boy, whose name we could not learn, had the fleshy
part of one of his legs badly smashed, on Tuesday last, by being
caught between the bumpers while attempting to cross over a train of
For the Altoona Tribune.
Our Public Schools.
The Public Schools of this Borough opened on Monday morning last
for a term of nine months. We visited all the rooms in the East Ward
on Monday, and those of the West Ward on Tuesday, and met in all some
430 smiling faces. In the opening scenes, all seemed to go "Merry as
a marriage belle," and we predict, from the known capacity of the
teachers, and brightness of the scholars, marked advancement in all
those who are punctual in attendance and attentive to duty.
Upon the teachers of these schools, as well as upon teachers
everywhere, rests a great responsibility. To them are committed, to
receive and polish, the brightest gems of each household. - They are
to train minds in such a manner that they may be capable of the
greatest amount of enjoyment during the journey of life. They are to
train those committed to their charge, to be ornaments to society - to
be useful in the world - to be loyal-hearted men and women - to be
subject to the powers that be. In a word, to be American Citizens.
And last, but not least, they are to train them for eternity. May our
teachers use every effort to accomplish these desirable results.
But parents, we do not wish you to think that when your children's
faces are washed, and they started to school the first morning of the
term, that your duty is done. And do not solace yourselves with the
idea that for the next nine months the responsibility of your
children's ignorance, or bad conduct, rests entirely upon the teacher.
You have a work to do, and fearful will be your punishment if you do
not do it. When those children are at home, you should urge them on
in their studies. Your parental authority should be exercised in
restraining their bad conduct, and especially should you prohibit them
from indulging in that entirely too common practice, of spending all
their hours - except sleeping and school hours - upon the streets.
'Tis there, very often, that they receive seeds of bitterness, which
afterward spring up, and bear only thorns to pierce the parent's
But another important duty you have to perform, is to see that your
children are punctual in their attendance. We sometimes hear parents
say, "what difference is it if our children are not present just at
the appointed hour in the morning? or if they should happen to miss a
day now and then?" We answer, it makes a vast difference. - By way of
illustration we ask, what difference would it make it every second or
third layer of brick the mason lays, he would place no mortar between
them, or would frequently leave a brick entirely out? Would his wall
be a good one? And if this were the case in one wall of a building,
would not the whole building be in danger of suffering?
Just so it is with irregular attendance at school. Scholars have
missed a recitation, which would have bound the lessons of yesterday
to those of to-day, like the bricklayers mortar binds his bricks
together. Or, having missed a whole day, a brick is left out - a link
in the chain is wanting. There is no connection and the little bits
of information they receive, is thrown into a brain which becomes as
irregular as they are. In fact their minds become mere lumber rooms
in which are stowed away a vast number of fragments entirely
We will only add one more duty, which we feel to be incumbent upon
the parent, and that is, visit the schools. Do not be afraid that
your presence will do an injury there. Your children will study all
the better for knowing that you take some interest in them. Every
visit of parents to the school room is like a shower upon the thirsty
land - both welcome and refreshing. Then visit the schools, and add
your mite in this manner to making men of your sons and women of your
And to the Ministers of the Gospel, we would say, you can find
something there to claim your attention, which we think not out of the
line of a christian ministers duty. - MORE ANON.
NOTICE. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to the
undersigned, are notified to call and settle the same on or before the
15th inst., as I am about changing my business, and desire to close
all old standing accounts. Those neglecting this notice will have
their bills placed in an officer's hands for collection. - JESSE
SMITH, Sept. 4th.
On the 21st ult., by Isaac Yingling, Esq., Mr. George W. Taylor and
Miss Ann Eliza Williams, both of Catharine township.
On the 21st ult., by George L. Cowen, Esq., Mr. John F. McIlnay to
Miss Susan Smith, both of Maria Forges, Blair county.
In Hollidaysburg, on the 19th ult., Miss Caroline P. Thompson, in
the 15th year of her age.
LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Altoona Post Office, Sept. 1st,
Askwith, Wm
Alton, John
Alexander, Chas
Bellingham, John G
Bond, Robert
Burke, H
Boody, Jas W
Beaty, Daniel
Byers, John M
Buller, Joseph
Butler, Miss Ann
Cemer, Miss Manah [sic]
Copp, Catharine
Cowan, Miss Margaret
Carney, Miss Anne Jane
Covert, Jacob Esq.
Curtin, Jas B
Cochran, John
Clark, Joseph
Cooper, John F
Carroll, Patrick
Curry, John R
Dodds, Marshall
Ewing, David E
Franks, J M
Guigan, Bridget
Haskin, Mrs Barbara
Henderson, Miss Mary
Howell, Miss P
Hutchison, Miss Maggie J S
Hughes, Mary Ellen
Henderson, Andrew
Himes, David
Haul, Miss Mary E
Hamar, William H
Holler, Miss Mary M
Irvine, William
Johnston, H F
Jones, William C
Keagy, Jacob L
Kerr, James
Kiler, Andrew |
Lowe, William
Lowe, James L
Livingston, George
Lantz, Miss Henrietta
McCulen, James
McCormick, Elizabeth
M'Coley, Mrs Nancy
McMillen, Robert 3 [3 letters]
Miller, S F
Mueller, William
Markle, George
Nourse, Thomas
Osmant, Mrs Lizzy
Ott, Conrad
Omally, Samuel
Powel, Miss Elizabeth
Pote, Miss Sarah
Piper, James
Powell, W C
Rust, James
Rough, Mrs Margaret
Reffner, George
Raimy, Miss Mary A
Reech, John H
Richards, Frank 2
Scoot, James
Shaffer, Miss Rebecca 2
Shaffer, Miss Catharine
Shaffer, Miss Kate
Silvers, Miss Kate
Singer, Mrs Mary
Smith, Mrs M S
Smith, Hironemus
Smith, R L
Shenefelt, Adam
Seymour, H C
Strawser, Solomon
Schwab, John (German)
Thomas, C Thomas M D
Winder, John
Wise, Miss Ellen
Yon, Dillman |
Persons calling for letters on above list will please say
"advertised." - G. W. Patton, P. M.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 4, 1862, page