Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 28, 1862
Our Army Correspondence.
CAMP WELLES, VA., near Washington, D. C.
August 25, 1862.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - At this late day I take up my pen to comply with
your request, and fulfil my promise, made before we left our peaceful
homes. This should have been attended to sooner, but circumstances
were not favorable, and this is all the apology I have to offer.
It is, perhaps, needless for me to describe to you our trip from
Altoona to Harrisburg; suffice it to say, we were greeted at every
station along the road with vociferous cheers and the waving of hats
and handkerchiefs. The ladies (God bless them) turned out en masse
and encouraged our hearts by their sweet smiles and pleasant words.
Many were the blessings invoked upon us by our aged matrons and young
maidens, and many were the tears of sympathy shed by those who knew us
only as volunteers for the defence of the Constitution and the Union.
Some of our men think we were treated rather shabbily by the P. R. R.
Co., in being shipped off in dirty coal-cars, and without any previous
intimation of the hour of starting - but what right has a soldier to
expect decent treatment? Is he not Government stock? Of course.
Well, then, I shall say no more, but merely express the hope that
other human stock may fare better - or, at least, no worse.
We sojourned in Camp Curtin eight days, and were not sorry when we
received "marching orders." Water was scarce and dust was plenty;
besides, there was no room for men to drill, and we could do little
else than loiter around and waste our precious time. On Saturday last
we were armed with Springfield muskets, and fully equipped for active
service. In the evening we struck our tents, packed up and took
passage on board a train of freight cars, with the engine headed
towards "Dixie." About daylight on Sunday morning we arrived at
Baltimore. Leaving the cars, the whole regiment formed in line (our
company bearing the colors) and marched through the city to the other
depot where we were to embark for Washington. Here we were provided
with breakfast by the Union Relief Association. What we had for
breakfast I won't say, but it was considered good enough for soldiers,
and we felt better after it was down, for many of us had no supper on
the evening previous. After resting for a time we got on board
another train of freight cars and were soon on the road to Washington,
at which place we arrived about noon. Forming in line again, we
marched up near the Capitol and stacked arms in the street. After
resting a short time we were marched down to the "Soldiers' Retreat,"
where we were provided with dinner. Returning again to our arms, we
spent the afternoon in the street, wondering what the next move would
be. Towards evening our minds were relieved by an order to return to
the "Retreat," take supper and spend the night as comfortable as
possible. - Each man (excepting the General) made his bed by wrapping
his blanket around him and lying down upon the floor, where I believe
all slept soundly (at least your humble servant did) until morning.
After breakfast, we took up the line of march for the "sacred soil" of
the old "Dominion," upon which we had the pleasure of setting our
unhallowed Yankee feet as soon as we had crossed the long bridge over
the Potomac. The morning was very warm, and we were all more or less
impressed with the importance of light knapsacks. I believe only one
man in the whole regiment gave out, although several entertained
serious thoughts of "caving in." After marching five or six miles, we
reached the site of our present camp, where we pitched our tents and
commenced making ourselves "at home." The only inconvenience we
experience here is scarcity of water, and what we do get is not what a
Pennsylvanian would call good. It is all obtained from wells by means
of a rope and windlass. The ground upon which we are encamped was
once a splendid farm. Alas! what a change! There are no fences to be
seen, even around the little patches of sickly looking corn which some
families have planted. The celebrated "peach orchard" has
disappeared, and all looks desolate. The once beautiful fields are
now splendid drill grounds for Union troops, and they have been and
still are being faithfully used for that purpose. Almost every day
some new regiment pitches its tents near us, remains a day or two and
then packs up and moves Southward. Sometimes several regiments pass
us in one day, while others halt and occupy the ground but recently
evacuated by their brothers in arms.
Our regiment is already becoming slightly affected with soldierly
pride - and why shouldn't it? We know our officers, we know one
another, and we have reason to believe that we are making as rapid
progress in military efficiency as any other regiment under the same
circumstances. It has been decided to drill five companies of this
regiment two hours each day, in the use of artillery, in the different
forts surrounding our present camp. In order to determine which
companies should handle the big guns, and in which fort each company
should receive instruction, it was found necessary to cast lots. Ten
tickets, five of which were blank and five of which were numbered,
were placed in a box, and each Captain then proceeded to draw one
ticket. This was a fair way of deciding the matter, and Company D,
Captain Hostetter, drew No. 1, which entitles is to the use of the big
guns in the nearest fort about a mile from camp. No. 2 entitles the
drawer of that number to the next nearest fort, and so on, while those
companies who drew blanks will have to content themselves with field
duty; Company H, Capt. McKeage, is one of these, I have been unable,
up to this time, to ascertain any further particulars in regard to the
"drawing," but you shall be informed in due season of this, as well as
any other items of interest which may transpire in the "course of
Company A, Capt. Bell, left us on Saturday night last, having been
detailed to guard the Long Bridge.
"With many thanks for a late copy of our old friend, the Tribune, I
will close by subscribing myself - Your humble serv't, BREVIER.
HAMPTON RHODES, Aug. 19th, 1862.
Messrs. McCRUM AND DERN: - Since my last letter to you quite a change
has taken place in the Army of the Potomac. The commanding General
has seen proper to evacuate our recent position and take up the line
of march, no one knows whither. Various are the conjectures as to our
destination, but we must all remain in ignorance for the time being.
On Friday last a portion of the head-quarters, including the printing
office, embarked on board the Ariel. The General and staff remained
behind intending to come overland to Old Point. For several days
previous the whole army had been prepared to march, having placed
their knapsacks on board the boats, retaining nothing but their
canteens and haversacks containing three days rations. The sick from
the hospitals and all who were not able to march were placed on board
transports and taken to the hospital at old point. The hospitals here
were taken all aback by the arrival of so many sick, as they had been
packing up and preparing to follow the general movement. While
looking around the hospital, the other day, for members of company M,
I found Jonathan Ginter, a man named Potts, and another named Brindle.
They seemed to be in tolerable health, but I presume not able to
endure the march. They will most probably join the company when it
arrives at its destination. Lieut. Murray has been very unwell for
some time, and altogether unable to endure the fatigue of a march.
While visiting company M, the day before their departure, I saw our
gallant Col. Sweitzer, who had been a prisoner at Richmond. He looks
hale and hearty, apparently in possession of his usual light-hearted
and happy disposition. When with the boys I used to think that Col.
Black and Major (now Col.) Sweitzer were the only two men I knew
capable of successfully leading or commanding the 62nd, and I have no
cause to change my opinion. With Col. Sweitzer in command, and the
memory of the lamented Black to inspire them with energy, the 62nd
will never falter or waver in the discharge of their duty, but like
the "Old Guard" of Napoleon, who cared for naught but the safety of
their beloved commander and the glory of France, so will the 62nd feel
and fearlessly meet the enemy, heeding nothing save the presence of
their brave Colonel and the inward promptings of revenge for the
murder of Colonel Black. Sergt. Kress, Tom Green and a little fellow
they call "Reddy," returned with Col. Sweitzer from Richmond. They
all enjoy good health.
Our steamer has been anchored out in the Rhodes for several days,
anxiously awaiting orders, and from the number of boats I see moving
about, I suppose our stay here will be short. Since we have been here
the weather has been more to my liking, slightly windy however, but
not so excessively hot as along the James. The only objection to the
wind is that it makes the sea very rough and is productive of sea
sickness, vessels are almost as numerous here as soldiers in the army.
From above Fortress Monroe, in the bay, around to where we lie,
opposite Hampton, for about three miles, and as far back as the eye
can reach, you see nothing but bare poles and ropes, presenting the
appearance of a forest of dead trees. It would be quite as difficult
to sail through here without a skillful pilot as for one to pass
through the woods blindfolded. At night the sight is really
beautiful. The signal-lights suspended from the masts and guard-arms
of the vessels causes the bay to present the appearance of a very
large city.
We are suffering very much from confinement here, with nothing to
amuse us but reading and fishing. Many kinds of fish of fine
dimensions are caught by the men, and also large sea crabs in
abundance. We throw out a small scoop net, having a piece of meat and
a weight fastened to the bottom. The crab goes in for the bait and is
easily secured. They are boiled in water as potatoes, and dressed
with a little salt, making an excellent dish.
I was told to-day that the mills and other works, at Hollidaysburg,
were fast becoming deserted by the workmen enlisting in order to avoid
being drafted. At this stage of the game I think there is little
difference between volunteering and drafting. The one volunteers
through fear of being drafted and the other prefers to take his chance
in the draft. One may be as brave as the other, and no doubt they
will all make as good soldiers as any in the field.
Correspondents should address their letters as usual. This
movement will not affect their reaching the army but will delay their
Yours Respectfully, W. I. BLAIN.
Regulations for the Draft.
On the 9th of August the following regulations for making the draft
were telegraphed from Washington to Gov. Pierpoint, of Virginia. We
give a full abstract of the provisions:
First. The Governors of the State will proceed to furnish their
quotas of the militia, under the call for 300,000 such troops. (Under
both requisitions the State is called upon to furnish 92,841 men.)
Second. The Governors are forthwith to designate the plan of
rendezvous, as few in number as possible, and name the commandants of
such posts.
Third. The Governors will cause an immediate enrolment of all
able-bodied male citizens (including of course in several New England
States the colored citizens) between the ages of eighteen and forty-
five years, giving the name, age and occupation of each, together with
such facts as may determine his exemption. The expenses of this
enrolment will be paid by the United States.
Fourth. Where the law exists in any State for carrying out this
draft, or where the laws are defective, the following regulations will
be observed:
1. As soon as the enrolment is completed the lists are to be filed
in the office of the Sheriffs of the respective counties.
2. A commissioner is to be appointed by the Governor in each
county, at $4 per diem, to superintend the drafting and to determine
the claims for exemption.
The enrolling officers shall immediately, upon the filing of the
enrolment lists, notify said Commissioner that said lists have been so
filed, and the Commissioners shall therefore give notice by handbills
posted in each township of his county, at the time and place of which
claims of exemption will be received and determined by him, and shall
fix the time to be specified in the order aforesaid within ten days of
the filing of the enrolment at which the draft shall be made, and all
persons claiming to be exempt from Military duty, shall, before the
said days fixed for the draft, make proof of such exemption before
said Commissioner, and if found sufficient, his name shall be stricken
from the list by a red line drawn through it leaving it still legible.
The commissioner shall in like manner strike from the list the names
of all persons now in the military service of the United States - all
Telegraph operators and contractors actually engaged on the 5th day of
August 1862, engineers of locomotives on Railroads, the Vice President
of the United States, the officers, judicial and executive, of the
Government of the United States, the members of both Houses of
Congress and their respective officers. All custom house officers and
their clerks, all Postofficers and stage drivers who are employed in
the care and conveyance of the mails of the post offices of the United
States, all ferrymen who are employed at any ferry on the post roads,
all pilots, all mariners actually employed in the sea service of any
citizens or merchants within the United States, all engineers and
pilots of registered or licensed steamboats and steamships, and all
persons exempt by the laws of the respective States from military
duty, on sufficient evidence, or his personal knowledge that said
persons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, whether the exemption
is claimed by them or not. Exemption will not be made for disability
unless it be of such prominent character as to render the person unfit
for service for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by
a surgeon appointed by the Governor in each county for that
5. At the time fixed by the commissioner, the Sheriff, or in his
absence, some one appointed by the Commissioner, shall in his presence
publicly place in a wheel, or in a box similar to those used for
drawing jurors, the names of all persons not stricken from the
enrolment list, and a proper person, appointed by the commissioner,
and blindfolded, shall thereupon draw from the box or wheel, a number
of ballots equal to the number of men to be drafted as the quota of
the county.
6. A printed notice of his being drafted, and of the place of
rendezvous, must be served upon each person so drafted.
7. Any person so drafted nay offer a substitute at the time of
rendezvous. The substitute must have all the proper requirements, and
bind himself in writing.
8. The drafted men must assemble at the county seats of their
respective counties within four days after the drafting, whence
transportation will be furnished them to the place of rendezvous.
9. A copy of the draft must be sent by the Commissioner to the
commandant of the rendezvous, and another to the Adjutant General of
the State, who will immediately organize the drafted men into
companies of one hundred and one men and regiments of ten such
10. At the expiration of the time allowed the drafted men for
reaching the rendezvous, the commandant shall proclaim the names of
regimental commissioned officers. In case the laws of the State (as
in Pennsylvania) provide for the election of such officers, the
election will take place under the direction of the commandant. Non-
commissioned officers are appointed.
11. As soon as organized the troops are to be mustered into the
United States service.
Fifth. Marshals will be appointed to secure the attendance of men
that are drafted.
Sixth. In case the volunteer quotas are not filled by August 22,
all incomplete regiments shall be consolidated by the Governors, and
the number that are required to fill the volunteer quota drafted.
Seventh. After August 22 no new regiments of volunteers may be
organized, but the bounty and advance pay will still be paid to those
volunteering in old regiments.
NATURALIZATION OF ALIEN SOLDIERS. - We publish for the benefit of
such as are not aware of the existence of such a law, the following
which is entitled:
"An Act to define the pay and emoluments of certain officers of the
army, and for other purposes," approved July 17, 1862:
Section 21. And be it further enacted, That any alien, of the age
of twenty-one years and upwards, who has enlisted or shall enlist in
the armies of the United States, either the regular or the volunteer
forces and has been or shall be hereafter honorably discharged may be
admitted to become a citizen of the United States, upon his petition,
without any previous declaration of his intention to become a citizen
of the United States and that he shall not be required to prove more
than one Year's residence within the United States previous to his
application; and that the court admitting such alien shall, in
addition to such proof of residence and good moral character as is now
provided by law, be satisfied, by competent proof, of such person
having been honorably discharged from the service of the United
States. as aforesaid.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 28, 1862, page
THE DRAFT. - The enrollment of the militia of this county will be
finished in a few days and it will then be seen whether Blair has
furnished her quota. We learn that the quota of this county, under
all the calls, excepting that for three months men, is 1852 men.
Whether the enrollment will show that we have exceeded or fell short
of this amount, we have as yet no means of ascertaining. It can only
be known after the Deputy Marshals have made their returns and the
lists have been compared. The manner in which the enrollment is taken
prevents one county from imposing upon or claiming the men who have
gone from another county and enlisted in companies raised in the
first. The Marshals take the name of every man who has gone to war
from his district, with the letter of the company and the regiment in
which he enlisted, no matter whether the company is from another
county or State. Thus every county, and district in the county,
receives credit for its own. This county will receive no credit for
men from Huntingdon county who enlisted in companies from this county,
although they may have received the bounty given by Blair. This is
right, so far as exhibiting the patriotism of a county is concerned,
but wrong in reference to the bounty.
When it is known exactly how many men are lacking in a district, to
make up the quotas, we think it would be an easy matter to raise
volunteers sufficient to fill it. It is done in the following manner
in other places. A meeting of the citizens of a district is called
and the announcement made that so many men are wanted to fill up the
quota. A bounty fund is immediately raised by those whose business
will not admit of their leaving and this bounty is offered for
volunteers. In every case it is accepted and the districts relieved
from a draft. In this way the burden falls equally upon all who will
pay, and at the same time enables those who volunteer to leave enough
behind them for the support of those who are dependent upon them. It
is better for those who do not wish to leave their business to
contribute liberally to this fund for volunteers and not run the risk
of being drafted, and it is also better for those who can leave home
to take the bounty, and go as volunteers than to stand their chance in
a draft and have to go without bounty. It may he said that this would
shield the rich, and compel the poor to volunteer. We do not so
consider it. At this stage of the game, when a draft is to be made,
all are equal, and if a man who stands a fair chance to be drafted
can, by volunteering, save himself from being drafted, and receive a
compensation of $50 or $100 dollars, it is certainly to his advantage
to take it. Besides, it is not paying for a substitute. The man who
pays toward this bounty, no matter how liberally, might not be
drafted, and therefore have no substitute to furnish, but he pays the
money directly for the benefit of those who volunteer, and in order to
save the district from a draft. We do not know how others may view
this, or what action may be taken on it. We note it as the manner of
procedure in other places where it is found to work to the advantage
of all. There are many men in this place who wish to go into the army
and would gladly do so it such inducements be offered, provided it
shall be found that Altoona has not furnished her quota.
LOCAL BAGGAGE AGENT. - We learn that the Rail Road Company is about
to erect a baggage room at the depot, in this place, and that J.
Mazzaree, formerly a brakeman on the Mail Train between this place and
Harrisburg, has been appointed baggage agent. This will prove a great
convenience to persons departing or arriving. When departing they can
take their baggage to the depot, place it under the care of the
baggage agent, have it checked to their destination and have no
further trouble in looking after it. So, also, the baggage of those
arriving will be taken in charge by the agent, and passengers will be
saved the trouble of pushing and crowding around the baggage car to
get hold of their trunks, &c.
CAPT. GARDNER'S COMPANY. - Below we give the muster roll of Capt.
Gardner's company:
COMMISSIONED OFFICERS: Captain - J. M. Gardner.*
1st Lieut. - E. R. Dinnegan.*
2nd Lieut. - D. J. Traves.*
1st Sergeant - H. B. Hutt.
2nd " - T. H. Bryan.
3rd " - William Graw.
4th " - H. G. Krise.
5th - John Coho.*
1st Corporal - Wm. J. Bradley.
2nd " - Frank Beattey.
3rd " - George Russel.
4th " - John Cummerford*
5th " - Britton Cluck.
6th " - Harry Shotts.
7th " - John A. McIntyre.
8th " - B. J. McFeely.
Akers, W. L.,
Arbel, J. H.,
Arbel, Thos. G.,
Beales, William,
Beales, John S.,
Beattey, Jacob,
Bell, Joseph M.,
Burkhammer, Martin,
Bender, Simon,*
Bender, James,
Brant, W.,
Bierman, Fred.,
Bortman, A. H.,
Cluck, Jacob,
Collier, Elias B.,
Cook, H. H.,
Crooke, Peter,
Callahan, Andrew,*
Cretin, Joshua,*
Conway, J. A.,
Dillon, Charles,*
Donohue, Patrick,
Ehrenfelt, J. M.,
Edmunson, S. B.,*
Finney, Francis,
Farrell, James,
Grey, George W.,*
Gates, Henry A.,*
Hoefler, Fred,
Hicks, Josiah D.,
Hall, Edmund,
Hobert, Bartholemew,
Ingles, Robert P.,
Inlor, Francis,
Jones, George W.,
King, James, |
Kearney, P. F.,
London, George,
Lee, Martin,
Mathews, John,
Maurie, Joseph,
Mabes, Leonard,
Myers, William,
M'Lane, George,
McGough, Charles,*
McGough, S. A.,
McDermitt, M. A.
McDermitt, L. C.,
McMullin, J. E.,
McGuire, Hiram,
McClarey, Samuel,
Noel, M. J.,
Orr, A. F.,
Rodamer, John,
Robertson, J. H.,*
Rhodes, Jacob,
Rhodes, Abraham,
Rhodes, Isaac,
Ramarley, W. R.,
Reinhart, Joseph,
Richard, George,
Speilman, M. P.,
Strong, William,
Swagler, Hugh,
Smith, Robert,
Shaffer, Jacob,*
Tipton, Caleb,
Trout, Fred.,
Tiearney, F. B.,
Wakefield, Thos. H.,
Ward, Fred C.,
Yerger, Henry. |
Those marked with a star (*) are married men. The letter
accompanying the above states that the boys are all in fine spirits,
and fancy that they are making rapid progress in the acquirement of
military knowledge. They are encamped on Arlington Heights, about
five miles from Washington city, on Gen. Lee's farm. We have the
promise of a letter from the company occasionally, which we will
publish with pleasure and we know it will be anxiously looked for by
our readers. The company is known as company K, 125th Regiment P. V.
Persons writing to friends in that company will direct as follows:
"Co. K, 125th Regt. P. V. camp Welles, near Washington city, D.
Capt. Hostetter's (formerly Szinks) company is Co. D, same
THE BASE BALL MATCH. - According to previous arrangement, the match
between nine members of the Base Ball Club, of this place, and the
same number of the Keystone Club, of Harrisburg, came off at the
latter place, on Wednesday of last week. From the Harrisburg
Telegraph of Thursday last we copy the following account of the game.
For the information of those unacquainted with the game we may state
that nine innings constitute a single game:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Keystone |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
13 |
33 |
Mountain |
1 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
4 |
33 |
The ninth inning being a tie a tenth was played for the
championship, which resulted in the Keystone making 8 runs and the
Mountain 5 runs, or on 10 innings a side, the Keystone made 41 runs,
and Mountain 38 runs. The prize ball was handed over to the Keystone,
by the Captain of the Mountain Club. The umpire, Col. D. W. C. Moore
of Philadelphia, complimented the players of both clubs for their good
playing, considering the short time they have practiced. All parties
separated with the best of feelings. The following will show the
batting, hands lost and runs, of the respective players:
Keystone. |
H. L.* |
Runs. |
Mountain. |
H. L.* |
Runs. |
Hunt, C |
2 |
6 |
Watt, C |
3 |
4 |
Snodgrass, P |
3 |
6 |
Lewis, P. |
8 |
1 |
Head, s s |
3 |
4 |
Keller, s s |
2 |
7 |
Wallace, 1st b |
4 |
4 |
Petitt, 1st b |
3 |
3 |
M'Cargo, 2d b |
4 |
5 |
Darlington, 2 b |
6 |
2 |
Gemmill, 3d b |
4 |
4 |
Reilly, 3d b |
2 |
5 |
Frish, l f |
2 |
5 |
Miller, l f |
4 |
5 |
Grone, c f |
4 |
4 |
Caldwell, c f |
2 |
4 |
Willison, r f |
4 |
3 |
Downer, r f |
0 |
7 |
Runs |
41 |
Runs |
38 |
* Hands Lost.
In justice to the members of Mountain Club we must state that
during the entire game they never changed the position of a man, while
the Keystone Club changed the position of nearly every man. - It will
be observed that the playing of the Mountain Club was regular and
rather the best, up to the eighth inning, at which time the Keystone
Club changed their pitcher. The new pitcher gave balls to which
Mountain Club was unaccustomed, and which they could not bat; and
although they made a fair show of runs on the ninth and tenth innings,
it was more on "misses" than "strikes." Considering that the Mountain
Club was on a new field, they did exceedingly well, and on their own
ground would likely to lead the Keystone more than three runs in ten
The Patriot & Union says the only casualty during the game was
borne by McCargo, of the "Keystone," who, on the sixth inning, in
trying to catch a bounding ball, caught it on his nose, causing a
bountiful supply of claret to flow, and a suspension of the playing
for about ten minutes.
Our correspondent, "Brevier," is inclined to complain of the
accommodations furnished by the Penna R. R. Co. for carrying soldiers.
He should remember that the cars for transportation were not of the
Company's chosing. Doubtless the Company would much rather have sent
all recruits forward on passenger cars, had that been possible, than
to have cut up and seated freight cars in the manner they did. The
Government would admit of no delay, consequently the Company did the
best they could.
VISITOR. - On Saturday last we had the pleasure of making the
acquaintance of Henry Eckel, Esq., editor and proprietor of the
Delaware State Journal and Statesman, published semi-weekly in
Wilmington, Del. We found him a perfect gentleman, as most editors
are, a good practical printer, as all editors should be, and from the
reading of his paper we know him to be what is better than all else, a
sound Union man, doing good service for the Union cause in the Diamond
State. May he and the cause he favors flourish together.
The Marshals' returns from this place will show that we have a
large proportion of fighting men, that is, men fit to do military
duty; undoubtedly more, in proportion to the number who have gone out,
than almost any other town in the State. The reason of this is
obvious to every one acquainted with the place. In the first place
almost every man is a laborer, and there are fewer old men than in
older towns; and in the second place the population is kept up by the
constant influx of workmen to take the places of those who have gone
away. The work in the shops must be executed, and men are brought
from other places to do it. For these reasons the returns will
doubtless show a less per centage from Altoona than | from other
places which have not done as well.
TEST OF LOYALTY. - The Board of Directors of the Penn's Rail Road
Company recently passed a resolution requiring that all persons in the
employ of the company should take the oath of allegiance or be
summarily discharged. Suspicion as to the loyalty of some of those in
connection with the Road induced the passage of this resolution.
Opponents of the general government must now perjure themselves or be
dismissed from the service, and loyal men will be relieved from unjust
suspicion. The oath can not be administered any too soon.
THE BRIDGE. - We observe that the Rail Road company is about to
commence the erection of a bridge across the railroad tracks at the
crossing on Annie street. This will prove a great convenience to our
citizens and fully demonstrate the accommodating disposition of the
company, as the bridge will be for the benefit of the public at the
expense of the company.
HEARD FROM. - Lieut. John S. Campbell, whom we noticed last week as
being among the missing since the battle of Slaughter's Mountain, has
been heard from. An officer of the Federal army, who knows Lieut. C.,
was recently released from imprisonment in one of the tobacco
warehouses in Richmond, and he informs Mrs. Campbell that her husband
arrived among the prisoners taken in the above battle, just as he left
his prison.
CORRECTION. - Some time since we published the death of Mr. Samuel
M'Dowell, of Logan township, and made a mistake of 60 years in his
age. Instead of 10 years, it should have been 70 years, 3 months and
25 days.
An Inquiry.
We, the undersigned, commissioned officers, commanding companies
composed entirely of men from Blair county, submit to the citizens of
the county the following, for our own information: - Having noticed,
lately, the bounties offered and paid to men enlisting under the
recent requisitions of the Government, to wit: $25 for nine month
men, $30 for twelve month men and $50 for three year, or the war, men,
we desire to know whether the $50 paid to men enlisting for three
years, or the war, applies to those who enlisted for that term, prior
to the recent call, or only to those who have enlisted since the call?
If the latter, we desire to know it, representing, as we do, two
companies of loyal men from Blair county, enlisted for the war. We
also notice that the County Commissioners have negotiated a loan of
$22,000 to be applied to that purpose. If so, are our men entitled to
the bounty? and if not, why? Our men enlisted before there was a
probability of a draft, with no bounty offered them except that
provided by an Act of Congress, approved July 22d, 1861. No other
inducement was held out than that our country needed our services
every one of us - in crushing this unnatural rebellion; and with true
and patriotic hearts they responded, and have proved themselves worthy
of the name of SOLDIER. No stigma rests on them. "If you will not
volunteer to-day and take the bounties offered, you will be drafted
to-morrow and be excluded from all benefits." Twelve hundred of Blair
county's sons did not ask " what bounty do you give?" Satisfied were
they to know that they and theirs should be taken care of, and with
the spirit of patriots left their pleasant and comfortable homes, to
experience the hardships of a soldier's life, the risk of a deadly
missile, or worse - disease. If this loan is to be paid by taxation
on the citizens, we ask for our enlisted men the benefits of the same.
They are entitled to the same bounty paid to other men on the same
term of enlistment. We ask that justice be done - 'tis all we ask.
As to sums donated by private citizens we know nor care nothing about,
but in regard to the former we desire to be enlightened.
Patriotism is a fine thing, but finer is the "almighty dollar," in
some peoples estimation, and it has proven correct doctrine, judging
from the response to the late calls; and remember if there is any
pickings, we want our men to have a chance. We did not come for
paltry dollars and cents, but as there is a superabundance,
apparently, of that article, we repeat, our "boys" are in for a
Hoping you will give this matter your consideration, and give us
the desired information as soon as convenient, we will then, if
necessary, have something more to say about it. We have the honor to
be Your most obedient servants,
Captain Co. C, 76th Reg., P. V.
Captain Co. F, 76th Reg., P. V.
HILTON HEAD, S. C., Aug. 18, 1862.
The late hour at which we received the above prevents our giving a
definite answer to the inquiry. We hope, ere our next issue, to have
something official on the subject.
We think the reference to "almighty dollar," as stimulating the
recent enlistments, very uncharitable. We know a greater portion of
those who enlisted in this place, and we know that it was patriotism
and not gain that induced them to do so. Their bounty was small, only
$25 from the county and $25, in advance from the Government, with no
bounty at the end of their term; and almost every one of them left
situations worth from $30 to $50 per month.
On the 14th inst., by the Rev. C. L. Ehrenfeld, Mr. Robert Peck, of
Pleasant Valley, Blair Co., to Miss Margaret E. Davis, of Altoona.
In Birmingham, Huntingdon Co., on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr.
Houch, Mr. David G. Owens, of the above place, to Miss Hannah Irvin,
of Duncansville, Blair County.
In this place, on the 22d inst., Christina, daughter of Stephanus
and Barbara Lehner, aged 3 years.
In this place, on the 24th inst., Maria, daughter of Mr. C.
Schlemmer, aged 4 years and 10 months.
On the 24th inst., in this place, Maria J., daughter of Jacob and
Maria Gerhardt, aged 3 years and 5 months.
In Logan township, on Tuesday morning, after a lingering illness,
Mr. James Elway, in the 58th year of his age.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 28, 1862, page