Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 21, 1862
MUSTER ROLLS. - Below we publish the muster rolls of Capt. Bell's
company, from Tyrone, and Capt. McKeage's company, from Hollidaysburg.
We shall publish the rolls of all the companies from this county, as
soon as we can get them.
Captain - F. M. Bell.
1st Lieutenant - Jesses S. Stewart.
2d " - Wilber F. Martin.
1st Sergeant - David G. Ganoe.
2d " - John H. Keatly.
3d " - O. B. Smith.
4th " - C. Merriman.
5th " - W. B. Meridith.
1st Corporal - A. A. Abbott.
2d " - William C. Kean.
3d " - W. Funk.
4th " - W. Miller.
5th " - C. F. Kirkpatrick.
6th " - Amos G. Edwards.
7th " - W. H. H. Berry.
8th. " - A. Womer.
Musician - David S. Johnston.
" - S. V. Haslett.
Wagoner - J. Ayers.
Co. Clerk - Jerry Watson.
Ausbury, J. P.,
Ake, J. W.,
Baker, S. F.,
Beatty, J. W. R.,
Beamer, T. W.,
Beyer, E. C.,
Bressler, L. H.,
Bennett, A.,
Boliamer, H. J.,
Bowles, J. B.,
Crane, A. P.,
Crissman, A.,
Clodius, C.,
Crocker, H. H.,
Crone, W.,
Cory, John,
Croul, J.,
Cunningham, D. C.,
Davison, D. C.,
Deal, H.,
Dickson, D. C.,
Dunmire, G. B.,
Dell, J.,
Duck, H. P.,
Eakens, D. W.,
Edwards, A. G.,
Esterline, J. M.,
Funk, G.,
Garman, P.,
Grazier, J. W.,
Green, W.,
Hart, J.,
Hick, D.,
Heard, T. W.,
Hendershot, J. W.,
Henshey, S. A.,
Hook, S.,
Hunter, J. H.,
Houseman, J.,
Huff, C.,
Hunter, F., |
Herman, M.,
Isenburg, J. W.,
Jones, D.,
Keatley, C. F.,
Kinsell, J. W.,
Kinsell, E.,
Kerr, R.,
Loporte, A. M.,
Lego, W. S.,
Merriman, W. F.,
Myers, T.,
Myers, J.,
Miles, G.,
McCoy, J.,
McCoy, J.,
McGill, T. T.,
McIlvaine, H. C.,
McAvoy, M.,
McFarland, J. A.,
McQuillan, A. W.,
McCartney, G. W.,
Orr, G. W.,
Robeson, J.,
Roreberg, J.,
Roreberg, J. S.,
Shan, D.,
Sloan, J.,
Sharrar, G. W.,
Smith, T.,
Sturtsman, Henry,
Stevens, D. M.,
Templeton, J. R.,
Thomas, G. W.,
Thomas, J. G.,
Vaughn, H.,
Vaughn, G.,
Van Scoyoc, A.,
Wilson, J. W.,
Wolf, T.,
Wolf, J. P.,
Wesley, C. |
Captain - John McKeage.
1st Lieutenant - S. A. Andrews.
2d Lieutenant - Thos. McCamant.
1st Sergt. - David E. McCahen.
2d " - Augustus Batton.
3d " - John Swires.
4th " - Geo. W. Vaughn.
5th " - John Hellwig.
1st Corp. - James Rodgers.
2d " - Jas. N. Gibboney.
3d " - Moses Garland.
4th " - Joseph Carroll.
5th " - Thos. M. Barr.
6th " - Jas. R. Robinson.
7th " - Alexander Boggs.
8th " - Jno. G. Christian.
Musician - John Miller.
" - Thos. Lloyd.
Andrews, David,
Barr, Theodore,
Burns, Thomas,
Beamer, Albert,
Black, D. M.,
Bolinger, Henry,
Butterbaugh, Samuel,
Cameron, W. S.,
Canan, Wm. H.,
Charles, Thomas,
Clossin, T. S.,
Curtis, Geo. R.,
Christy, L. Lloyd,
Clarke, Robert,
Davis, John,
Dunn, James,
Dannals, Chas. R.,
Dasher, Samuel B.,
Fulton, Alex. S.,
Gibboney, B. F.,
Holler, James M.,
Hewitt, Henry,
Hicks, Phil. N.,
Hall, John,
Hewitt, William,
Hammer, James,
Irwin, A. C.,
Irwin, N. L.,
Isett, A. B.,
Jones, Thaddeus,
Johnston, D. R. P.,
Johnston, Frank,
Johnston, Jas. R.,
Kemp, Horace,
Lovett, John,
London, Geo. W.,
London, Jas. G.,
Long, James, Leet, C. M., |
McCrea, Wm. J.,
Miller, Thos.,
McKee, Thos. G.,
Maus, Jno. H.,
Metzler, Jos. F.,
McCord, Henry,
McGinnis, James,
Martin, Wm,
McClelland, Thomas,
McClelland, A.,
McClelland, H. F.
McClelland, W. H.,
Martin, Henry,
Morrow, Jas.,
Ounkst, Martin,
Ounkst, Daniel,
Price, Jos. H.,
Phillips, B. F.,
Phillips, David, jr.,
Piper, J. H.,
Promkard, Jno.,
Robinson, Albert,
Ruggels, B. F.,
Reed, Jos. H.,
Reffner, Jos.,
Riddle, Jas. D.,
Russ, J. C.,
Snyder, Wm. H.,
Stuff, Valentine,
Scott, Jas. P.,
Sellers, David M.,
Saunders, Jno.,
Sharar, Bascom,
Tippery, Maybury,
Taylor, Samuel,
Thompson, Rosswell,
Williams, D. P.,
Williams, Reese. |
BOUNTY PAID. - Thomas Caldwell, of the Banking House of Wm. M. Lloyd
& co., in this place, paid the members of Capts. Hostetter and
Gardner's companies their bounty money, on Saturday last, previous to
their departure for Washington.
PROMOTED. - We are pleased to record that Capt. Jacob Szink, of
this place, has been promoted to the Lieut. Colonelcy of the 125th
Regiment. He was deserving of the appointment, having been among the
first to recruit a company for the three months service, and also for
the last call for 300,000 men, and because of his being a thoroughly
drilled officer. He will reflect honor upon himself and the county
from which he hails. His appointment left his company without a
captain, whereupon it made a unanimous call for C. R. Hostetter, of
this place, who at once accepted the position and left on Saturday
last, to take charge of the company. A better selection could
scarcely have been made, and the men under him will not regret their
ANOTHER. - Altoonians are looking up. We have to announce that
Lieut. John M. Clark, connected with Capt. Seymour's Battery of the
5th U. S. Artillery, attached to Gen. McCall's division, has been
promoted to a captaincy for meritorious services in the last
engagement before Richmond. It will be remembered that Gen. McCall's
division sustained the first and heaviest charge of the rebels in that
engagement, and that the artillery fight was at close quarters, yet
strange to say, although the company with which Lieut. Clark was
connected was in the thickest of the fight, it lost none in killed and
had but one man wounded. Capt. Clark's promotion being in the regular
army, will of course be for life, or during good behavior, with a fair
prospect of still higher honors.
SEVENTH COMPANY FROM BLAIR. - On Friday morning last, Capt.
McFarlane's company, from Hollidaysburg, passed down to Harrisburg,
making the seventh company from "Little Blair" under the late calls
for 600,000 men, being at least two companies over her quota under
both calls. - We learn from those who have been at Harrisburg, that
the prompt and patriotic response of this county is known to all there
assembled, and that cheer after cheer is given her, and praise awarded
her on all hands. She is what has been claimed for her, the "banner
county" of the State. The "gallant three hundred" of the Eighty-
fourth, who won imperishable laurels at the battle of Winchester, were
nearly all from this county, and the men just sent into the field are
of the same material and will perform equal deeds of valor should
opportunity offer.
Our neighbor of the Standard, takes off our contemporaries, in
surrounding counties, in the right style, for claiming that "Little
Blair" had filled up some of her companies from those counties. If we
are not mistaken, several companies set down as being from Huntingdon
county, recruited while the camp of instruction was located at
Huntingdon, contained quite a number of men from this county. It
would hardly pay our contemporaries to go back a year, or fourteen
months, and count noses in this matter. Take the enlistments, since
the opening of the rebellion, and it will be found that the different
counties have about held their own, so far as drawing from each other
is concerned. We hope our friends do not envy Blair on the drafting
composed of six companies from Blair county, and four from Huntingdon
county. The field officers are: -
Colonel - Jacob Higgins, of Blair.
Lieut. Colonel - Jacob Szink, of Blair.
Major - John J. Lawrence, of Huntingdon.
Adjutant, R. M. Johnson.
The companies from this county are under the command of Capts.
Hostetter and Gardner, of Altoona, McKeage, of Hollidaysburg, Bell, of
Tyrone, Hewitt, of Williamsburg, and McGraw, of Newry. The company
left on Saturday evening last for Washington.
We always knew Madam Rumor to be a noted old story-teller, and we
seldom give credence to her reports without having them endorsed by a
responsible person; but last week we took her at her word and
published a falsehood. We stated that Wm. Boyden, of this place, was
recruiting a military company, and embraced the opportunity to puff
him a little. The puffing was all right, we have nothing to take back
on that score, but he has not been, is not now, and does not intend to
be, an aspirant for military honors. The people here have generally
concluded that Altoona has done her share towards filling up the army,
at least until other places have done as well.
MISSING. - We learn that Mrs. Lieut. John S. Campbell, (formerly
Miss McCormick) of this place, has received a letter from the Major of
the 12th U. S. Infantry, attached to Gen. Sigel's division, stating
that Lieut. Campbell has been missing since the fight on the 8th inst.
Gen. Sigel's division took an active part in that engagement and
suffered severely. The name of Lieut. Campbell does not appear among
the names of the prisoners taken by the rebels, or the list of killed
and wounded, and we have therefor reason to hope that he will yet turn
up safe and sound.
SELECTION OF TEACHERS. - The Altoona School Board have made the
following selection of teachers for the ensuing term, commencing on
the first Monday of September: -
1st Grade - West Ward - Elexes Elder.
2nd " " " - Eliza J. McCormick.
Primary " " - J. Rutherford, Principal, Maud B. McCrum, Assistant.
1st Grade - East Ward - J. Ginter Counsman.
2nd " " " - Priscilla M. McCrum.
Primary " " - T. Vickroy, Principal, Ella J. Humes, Assistant.
For the Tribune.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - The time for the election of county officers is
drawing nigh, and as Altoona and Logan township, with a number of
other boroughs and townships in the county, have no representatives in
office and none on the present ticket in nomination, it is time for us
to take care of ourselves. This side of the county has for years been
treated almost with contempt in county conventions. We have not had
one county officer from this side for three years, and previous to
that time, only the tail end, that no person particularly wanted.
Once we had a candidate for the Legislature, but the other side
defeated him. We have asked a share each time, but always been
refused. This year we asked for the Legislature, but were successfully
repulsed as before. We have no representative form Altoona or Logan,
and the indications are that we need expect nothing in future. We
poll more votes and pay more taxes than any other borough in the
county, yet Hollidaysburg now fills four offices and has candidates
for three more. Altoona and Logan polls two-thirds more votes than
Martinsburg and Woodberry, and excels them equally in amount of tax,
yet they now have the best office in the county and are on the ticket
for two more. J. G. Adlum is the man who should have received the
nomination for Assembly, and we hope, and believe that he will be
supported by the people for that office. If there is any gain in
being elected to the office, he is deserving of it. He is a man of
small means, with a large family to support - is a man of industry -
spends no idle time - a man of sober habits and strict economy; a man
of business habits and short speeches - just the kind of man the
people ant - and we intend to run him as our candidate, on this side,
whether he comes out as an "independent" or not.
OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY., Altoona, August 21st, 1862.
Union County Executive Committee.
Gaysport - Joseph Smith, (Chairman).
Antis - David Henchey.
Altoona - N. W., H. C. Dern.
Do - E. W., C. R. McCrea.
Do - W. W., Jacob Good.
Allegheny - D. C. Gibboney.
Blair - Samuel Confer.
Catharine - John Clark, Jr.,
Frankstown - Harvey Stewart.
Freedom - Frazer Harlan.
Greenfield - Paul Mauk.
Hollidaysburg - W. W., Joseph Irwin.
Do - E. W., John W. McClure.
Huston - David Aurandt.
Juniata - John F. Beegle.
Logan - William Johnston.
Martinsburg - Jacob Graffius.
Taylor - William Shiffler.
Tyrone - Samuel Morrow.
Tyrone City - Samuel Berlin.
Snyder - Robert Waring.
Woodberry - James M. Johnston.
N. Woodberry - Samuel Schriver.
Appointed by the President of County Convention.
June 18, 1862. MARTIN BELL.
The Democratic Senatorial Conference, for this district, met at
Tyrone, on Friday last. R. L. Johnson, of Cambria, Theophilus Snyder,
of Blair, and W. A. Wallace, of Clearfield, were placed in nomination.
Forty-eight ballots were had without effecting a nomination, when, on
motion the Conference adjourned to meet at the Altoona House, in this
place, on Thursday next 28th of August.
In Blair township, August 14, 1862, by W. H. Brooke, Esq., Mr.
Josiah Pool of Altoona, to Miss Rebecca Beightle, of Claysburg.
At the residence of the Bride's father, East Freedom, by W. H.
Brooke, Esq., Samuel Stroup, of Taylor township, to Miss Mary
On the 18th inst., in this place, John Huss, son of George H. and
Matilda Wilhelin, aged 1 year, 1 month and 12 days.
"The Lord has given him," thus Job said. "The Lord has taken him
again away.
"Up into his everlasting rest, the name of the Lord be forever
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 21, 1862, page
Pastor - Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, and in the
evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Room every
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Sabbath School in same room at 9
o'clock in the morning.
every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Room every Wednesday evening at 7
o'clock - Sabbath School in the same room at 2 o'clock P. M.
every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Room every Wednesday evening at 7
o'clock. Sabbath School in same room at 9 o'clock A. M.
BAPTIST - Rev. A. H. SEMBOWER, Pastor - Preaching every Sabbath
morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer
Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 9
o'clock A. M.
UNITED BRETHREN - Rev. SAMUEL KEPHART, Pastor. Preaching every
Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock.
Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Room every Wednesday evening at 7
o'clock. Sabbath School in the same room at 9 o'clock in the
PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL - (No regular Pastor.) Preaching on Sabbath
morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer
Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 9
o'clock A.M.
ENGLISH CATHOLIC - Rev. JOHN TUIGG, Pastor - Divine services every
Sabbath morning at 10 1/2 o'clock and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Sabbath School at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
GERMAN CATHOLIC - Rev. ___ , Pastor. - Divine services every
Sabbath morning at 10 1/2 o'clock, and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Sabbath School at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
every Fourth Sabbath in each month. Prayer Meeting every Friday
evening at 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock in the
ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862, TRAINS will arrive at and leave
Altoona Station as follows:
Express Train East arrives 8.20 P.M., leaves 8.40 P.M.
Express Train West arrives 7.50 A. M., leaves 8.10 A. M.
Fast Train East arrives 12.55 A. M., leaves 1.00 A. M.
Fast Train West arrives 8.05 P. M., leaves 8.20 P.M.
Mail Train East arrives 7.30 A. M., leaves 7.45 A. M.
Mail Train West arrives 6.45 P. M., leaves 7.00 P.M.
The HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH connects with Express Train West, and Mail
Train East and West.
THE BRANCH TRAIN also makes one trip to Huntingdon - leaving
Hollidaysburg at 10.15 A.M. - Altoona at 10.50 P.M. and arriving at
Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M.
RETURNING. - Leaves Huntingdon at 1.20 P.M. - Altoona at 3.15 P. M.
- and arrives at Hollidaysburg at 3.45.
ENOCH LEWIS, Gen'l Supt.
Eastern Way - 7 15 A. M.
Western Way - 7 30 A. M.
Hollidaysburg - 7 15 A. M. & 6 30 P. M.
Western Through - 7 20 P. M.
Eastern Through - 7 20 P. M.
Hollidaysburg - 7.20 A. M. & 6 45 P.M.
Western Through - 7 30 A. M.
Eastern Through - 7 50 A. M.
Western Way - . 8 20 P. M.
Eastern Way - 6 45 P. M.
OFFICE HOURS: - During the week, from 6 45 A. M. till 7 30 PM. On
Sundays, from 7 45 till 9 00 A.M.
MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. 281, A. Y. M., meets on third Tuesday of each
month, at 7 1/2 o'clock P. M., in the third story of the Masonic
MOUNTAIN R. A. CHAPTER, No. 189, R. A. C., meets on the first
Thursday of each month, at 7 1/2 o'clock P. M., in same room as
MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No. 9, R. & S. M., meets on the first Monday
of each month, at 7 1/2 o'clock P.M., in same room as above.
MOUNTAIN COMMANDERY, No. 10, K. T. meets on the fourth Tuesday of
each month, at 7 1/2 o'clock P.M., in same room as above.
ALTOONA LODGE, No. 473, I. O. of O. F., meets every Friday evening,
at 7 1/2 o'clock, in the third story of Jaggard's Hall.
VERANDA LODGE, No. 532, I .O, of O. F., meets every Monday evening,
at 7 1/2 o'clock, in third story of Patton's Building, on Virginia
WINNEBAGO TRIBE, No. 35, I. O. R. M., meets every Tuesday evening
in the second story of Masonic Temple. Council fire kindled at 7th run
30th breath.
ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311, S. of T., meets every Saturday evening,
at 7 o'clock, in the second story of the Masonic Temple.
Governor - Andrew G. Curtin.
Secretary of State - Eli Slifer.
Attorney General - William M. Meredith.
Auditor General - Thomas E, Cochran.
Surveyor General - William L. Wright.
Adjutant General - E. M. Biddle.
State Treasurer - Henry D. Moore.
Judges of the Courts. - President Judge, Hon George Taylor.
Associates, Samuel Dean, Adam Moses.
State Senator - Hon. Lewis W. Hall.
Assemblyman - Thaddeus Banks.
Prothonotary - Anthony S. Morrow.
Register and Recorder - Hugh A. Caldwell.
Sheriff - Samuel McCamant.
Deputy - John Marks.
District Attorney - Benjamin L. Hewit.
County Commissioner's - George L. Cowan, George Koon, James M.
County Surveyor - James L. Gwin.
Treasurer - John McKeage.
Poor House Directors - Peter Good, William Burley, David Aurandt.
County Auditors - A. M. Lloyd, Robt. M. Messimer, L. L. Moore.
Coroner - A. J. Freeman.
Superintendent of Common Schools - John Mitchell.
Justices of the Peace - Jacob M. Cherry, John W. Humes.
Burgess - John Allison.
Town Council - A. A. Smyth, Daniel Laughman, John Louden, Jacob
Hesser, O. R. Hostetter, N. J. Mervine.
Clerk to Council - S. M. Woodkok.
Borough Treasurer - Daniel Laughman.
School Directors - H. C. Dern, John Shoemaker, J. B. Hileman, Wm.
Boyden, James Lowther, E. A. Beck.
Treasurer of School Board - J. B. Hileman.
High Constable - Joseph K. Ely.
Collector of State, County, Borough and School Tax - Jos. K. Ely.
Auditors - John A. Nichols, C. J. Mann, Alex. McCormick.
Assessor - Daniel Price.
Assistant Assessors - Jacob Hesser, J. L. Reifsnyder.
Judge of Elections - East Ward - John B. Warfel.
" - West Ward - Michael Clabaugh.
" - North Ward - John Shoemaker.
Inspectors - East Ward - Wm. Rodamer, John Hickey.
" - West Ward - Geo. W. Kessler, Jno. Bowman.
" - North Ward - Robt. Green, Alex. McCormick.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 21, 1862, page