Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, October 3, 1861
Kind patrons, it is a long time since we have addressed you on the
money subject, and we feel sure that the files of our paper will bear
us out in the assertion that we have dunned less in the last three
years, than any other publishers in the country. In fact we have but
once asked, through our paper, for money in that time. The reason is,
because we do not like to be "dunned,'' consequently we do not like to
dunn others. But we now want money for a particular purpose, and if
our patrons who are in debt for subscription, advertising and job
work, will pay up, we will have enough to accomplish our purpose, and
that purpose will be beneficial to our subscribers and patrons as well
as ourselves. Now we don't want one of our patrons to withhold the
amount of his indebtedness thinking that all the rest will pay up and
it will make no difference about his mite. If this be the case we
shall not succeed. We want all that is due us. If our desires are
acceded to, promptly, we shall effect our purpose by the first of
October, at which time we shall extend an invitation to our patrons
that will astonish them. We are in earnest, friends, and if you come
up as you should, we will, at the time appointed, show you something
never before seen in this section of the country. Your bills are all
made out, so there need be no delay.
quota of three years' troops to be furnished by Pennsylvania, under
the call of the President for 500,000 men, is 75,000. As yet she has
furnished only forty-seven regiments, or about 50,000 men. The
Government can not wait much longer for the remaining quota of men,
and although the Secretary of War has forbidden drafting at present,
it is altogether probable that it may yet be resorted to in order to
fill the remaining regiments, and we understand that the papers for
this purpose have been made out at Harrisburg and will be put into the
hands of proper officers to be served, if recruiting officers do not
meet with better success pretty soon.
The quota of three years' troops to be furnished by Pennsylvania,
under the call of the President for 500,000 men, is 75,000. As yet
she has furnished only forty-seven regiments, or about 50,000 men.
The Government can not wait much longer for the remaining quota of
men, and although the Secretary of War has forbidden drafting at
present, it is altogether probable that it may yet be resorted to in
order to fill the remaining regiments, and we understand that the
papers for this purpose have been made out at Harrisburg and will be
put into the hands of proper officers to be served, if recruiting
officers do not meet with better success pretty soon.
"'Tis true Pennsylvania has furnished several thousand men -
perhaps seven thousand - for regiments and brigades outside of the
State, as, for instance, Sickles' Brigade, the California Regiment,
New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and District of
Columbia regiments, yet for these the State gets no credit, and the
75,000 must be forthcoming independent of them. Those who have
enlisted in regiments, brigades or companies outside of the State have
debarred themselves and their families from all the provisions which
have been or may be made by the State for their support or reward, as
the State will know only those enrolled in its own properly organized
regiments. We are glad to notice that the Governor has just issued a
proclamation which will have the effect of preventing the carrying of
men out of this State for the benefit of others. The proclamation
will be found in another column. Independent of this, however, we
think our citizens should have enough of State pride to keep them in
their State regiments.
No one doubts that Pennsylvania could furnish double the number of
troops demanded of her, without serious injury to her agricultural,
manufacturing or commercial interests, or that she will do it, if
needs be; but there is evidently a want of the proper knowledge of the
necessity for complying speedily with the demands of the War
Department. We live here, enjoying peace and plenty, removed from the
scenes of conflict and the utter desolation and starvation which
follows in the wake of the rebel army, and therefore do not realize
the horrors and accumulating evils of the war, and the necessity for
its speedy termination. We feel so little of the effects of the
rebellion that we read accounts of the movements of the army and
conflict of arms with scarcely more excitement than if they were
transpiring on another continent. There must be something to rouse
the people to a sense of their situation and their duty, and that
something will come ere long. If the work of recruiting does not
prosper better in the future than it has for some time past, it is
altogether likely - yes, we may say, certain - that we will wake up to
a realization of our duty when an officer appears at our doors and
summons us to take our position in ranks - willing or unwilling. We
earnestly hope that there may never be cause to draft in Pennsylvania,
if for nothing else than the credit of the State. - While there is
nothing whatever illegal or dishonorable about it, nevertheless, it is
humiliating; and it appears to us that a soldier who volunteers can
fight better and, if he escapes death, return home more proudly than
the one who fights because he is compelled to.
It is not to be expected that all men are to leave their callings
and go into the army, nor is it right that they should, except in
cases of State invasion. While one man's business will admit of his
leaving it for a time, another person's would be entirely destroyed by
so doing, thereby preventing him from providing properly for his own
household, as well as those of his neighbors, which he would be able
to do if he remained at home and prosecuted that business. The call
is more direct to the young and single men of the country, yet we
venture the prediction that if we had a canvass of the army now in the
field we should find that they are not up to their proportion.
In the above remarks we have had reference to the State. We come
now to speak of Blair county. Every citizen of the county felt a just
pride in that he was a citizen of "Little Blair," when her young men,
middle aged men and even old men, almost simultaneous with the call
for troops, threw themselves forward by hundreds, not knowing when,
where, or in what numbers they were to meet the enemy, until the
county had furnished more men for the three month service, in
proportion to her population, than any other county in the State. And
shall she now lose her patriotic position? We have been informed by
those who have made an estimate of the number of men who have entered
the three year service, from this county, that it does not exceed 500.
Lawrence county, in this State, with a voting population of 3,604 has
furnished 1,200 men. Cambria county, which contains 4,760 voters, has
1,100 men in the field, while Blair county, with her 5,223 voters, has
only 500 men in her country's service. This is not a flattering
picture. Lawrence and Cambria counties have done nobly. Blair county
can do the same. Will her sons bring her up again to the high and
patriotic position which she took at the outbreak of the rebellion?
Fall in, fall in, young men; the earlier you enter the ranks the
sooner you will be ready to do effective service on the field of
action. Do not wait to be drafted. We do not wish to frighten any
into enlisting by intimating that they may be drafted, though such may
be the case, preferring to see them enter the service in a more
patriotic way, and we believe they will do it when they properly
understand that their services are needed.
QUITE A STORM. - On Friday evening last, we were visited by a regular
old-fashioned equinoxial storm - one of those which "runs things into
the ground," and pulls things out of the ground, and scatters things
around miscellaneously. The heaviest part of it came about night
fall, and the way the wind and rain swept around the corners, making
shutters clash, windows rattle, and sign-boards creak, was fearful to
hear. Considerable damage was done by the water in the way of
flooding street-crossings and carrying away the footwalks over
gutters, causing pedestrians to take unwilling and unnecessary baths.
In North Ward the sidewalks were swept out into the street, and
cellars inundated. Several washes in the Branch Rail Road, between
this place and Hollidaysburg, did damage to the track, but they were
promptly repaired. We learn that considerable damage was done to dams
and property along the streams in Cambria county and further west. In
Philadelphia the storm raged terrifically, levelling shade-trees,
demolishing awnings, unroofing buildings, blowing bricks off chimneys,
and doing much other damage. From the Pittsburg Chronicle, of Monday
last, we learn that the freshet in the Monongahela and Allegheny
rivers was tremendous, and the destruction of property almost beyond
computation. Five saw-mills in Clarion county were swept away,
together with millions of feet of lumber. Oil-tanks were overflowed
and washed out, and hundreds of oil-barrels carried off. Coal-boats
were torn loose from their moorings and drifted down the tide to
become perfect wrecks. The water was higher than ever before known,
except on two occasions - in 1810 and 1832 - but it did not do so much
damage at those times, for the reason that there were not so many
improvements along the banks of the rivers.
AN ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITY. - Reader, have you ever thought,
while dashing over bridges, through valleys, around hills and
precipices and under mountains, at the rate of three minutes, or less,
to a mile, that your personal safety, even your life, is in the hands
of the engineer, and the responsibility which rests upon him. You
know not what is ahead - you could not know if you wished to, for it
is more dangerous to attempt such a feat than to keep your position,
and even if you were to observe danger you are powerless to avoid it.
The engineer is the only man on the train who looks ahead. He keeps
his eye fixed upon the track every moment the train is in motion.
Upon his vigilance and skillfulness depends the safety of all on board
the train. How awful to think that the lives of so many are in the
hands of one man, and that no action on their part can render them
more secure. There are certain dangers, too, which an engineer cannot
guard against because he cannot foresee them - such as the breaking of
a flange, a nut, a screw, an axle, a broken rail, an insecure bridge,
and other defects in workmanship, any of which would send a train
whirling down a precipice or into a river. How important that an
engineer should be a good man in every respect, since such a
responsibility rests upon him. It is no common occupation and
deserves to be classed higher than it really is. While everything
goes well, the position is not accounted much, save by those who
desire its pecuniary reward; but let a serious accident occur, and no
one envies the situation of him who may have been the innocent cause
of it. Give the railway engineer his place, and let him feel the
responsibility of his calling.
Fast Day. - Thursday last was almost universally observed, in this
place, as Fast Day. We noticed but two or three small business places
open. Work was suspended in the Company's shops, and the day wore the
appearance of a well ordered Sabbath. There was Divine service in
almost all the churches, and the congregations were large and
attentive. But few, so far as we observed, disregarded the injunction
of the Chief Magistrate and perverted the good effects designed, by
engaging in worldly employment or rambling to the woods on hunting
excursions. Of the number who fasted we can not speak.
ELOCUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT. - Rev. Alex. Clark, editor of the
School Visitor, gave an entertainment at Jaggard's Hall, on Tuesday
evening of last week, to a large and highly delighted audience. Mr.
C. is almost inimitable in his delineations of school-boy
characteristics, and his lectures are productive of good effects. He
can produce more beneficial amusement in the same space of time than
any lecturer we know of. He is, as he deserves to be, well received
wherever he goes.
ACCIDENT ON THE RAILROAD. - On Tuesday evening last, a man was
found on the track of the Pennsylvania Railroad near Mineral
soon after the passage of the fast line West, with his right foot cut
off by being run over by the cars. He gives his name as Trask, from
Potter county in this State, where he says he has a wife and family.
He is dressed in grey soldier clothes, and says he was sworn into the
service and fell off the cars while on his way to join his command.
He appears to be somewhat unsound in mind.
Near Washington, Sept. 27, 1861.
Messrs. EDITORS: - Some of your readers are probably becoming
impatient to hear from the 1st District of Columbia Regiment,
therefore I drop you a line for their benefit. On the 14th instant we
left our quarters on E street and marched to the arsenal where we
received our arms, and from thence to the above named hill, where we
are now encamped. The scenery from this point is beautiful. All
around us are camps, and the white tents present an appearance not
unlike a vast field of snow-balls on their green bushes. We are daily
visited by many young ladies from the city, who have manifested their
patriotism and respect for us by presenting to our regiment a large
and beautiful flag, got up in the most finished style, having written
on it in large golden letters, "First District of Columbia Regiment."
Bully for the ladies of Washington.
We (Altoonians and Tuckahoe-boys) are under Capt. C. H. Rodier,
who, although a stranger, is a man we all like. The officers of the
regiment are, so far as I am acquainted with them, praiseworthy.
Lieuts. Clark and Rigg seem to have the good will and good wishes, of
the entire regiment. The officers of our company are - C. H. Rodier,
Captain; John M. Clark, 1st Lieut.; James W. Rigg, 2d Lieut.; R. G.
Clark, 1st Sergt.; Charles E. Laub, 2d Sergt.; Oscar Beatty, 3d
Sergt.; Samuel Stewart, 4th Sergt.; Thomas O'Brian, 5th Sergt. - Our
regiment is, or soon will be, equal to regulars. Our officers have
all been appointed by the Secretary of War. The Republican, of this
city, paid a very high compliment to Col. Tait's First Reg. D. C.
Volunteers, on the occasion of our marching to the arsenal for our
arms, and going into camp.
Several days since, John C. Rives, Esq., came out to our camp and
paid a voluntary entrance fee of $100 in gold, saying, at the same
time, that he would similarly remember the boys on a future occasion.
The Paymaster General was around this way the other day, and paid off
the Regiment up to the 1st of September, which seemed to please the
boys very much. Our pay only amounted to $2.16 each, and many were
"strapped" in two hours after they received the gold. Considering the
favorable circumstances surrounding us, I think it would be very
ungrateful for any one to grumble or complain.
We have had several showers of rain lately, which makes it somewhat
disagreeable in camp. This evening there is quite a storm of wind,
which is creating much merriment among the boys, from the fact that
tents are going over endwise and sidewise, and cracking and snapping
in the air like stage-whips. The evenings and mornings are getting
quite cool in this region, and many of us are yet without overcoats,
but we expect them to-morrow.
Universal health prevails in our camp. - Some of us having come up
to our present position through much tribulation, we look back upon
the past with sad countenances, but we must rejoice for the present
and hope for the future. Time will not permit me to speak further of
our camp-life at present.
Respectfully Yours, ISAAC MAURER.
An Important Decision.
The following opinion, delivered by the Attorney General of the
State, at the request of the Governor, is not only very important to
those entitled to vote, but it fixes the disfranchisement of those who
voluntarily left the State, giving up their interest in its reputation
and honor, to serve in the ranks of regiments raised by other States,
at the expense of their rights and citizenship in Pennsylvania. The
opinion is brief and just, and cannot fail to be fully comprehended by
all who are interested in the premises.
HARRISBURG, Sept. 27, 1861.
My opinion is requested by the Governor, on the following
questions, viz:
I. What volunteers will be entitled to vote at the approaching
general election, in their camps?
II. Whether the volunteers so entitled to vote can vote for County
I. I am clearly of the opinion that no volunteers will be entitled
to vote in their camps, except such as are in actual military service
in conformity with law, viz: Such as are in service under the
authority of the Governor on the requisition of the President of the
United States. All the field officers of such regiments will be
commissioned by the Governor, and the holding of such commissions by
the field officers will be a fair test of the right of the regiment to
II. The Act of Assembly provides that the volunteers may exercise
the right of suffrage; of course they have as much right to vote for
county officers as for any other. - W. M. MEREDITH, Att'y Gen'l.
Since the above opinion was presented to the Governor, another
question arose, which the Attorney General has disposed of as
Since writing the above an additional question has been propounded
to me, viz: Where men from several counties are in the same company,
what course should be pursued? I am of opinion that in such cases
there should be separate ballot-boxes, tally-lists, &c., for each
county, and the votes should be returned to each county, of the voters
entitled to vote in such county. - W. M. MEREDITH, Atty Gen'l. Sept.
28, 1861.
This now fixes the terms, the qualifications and the proceedings
necessary to legalize the election in the various encampments of
Pennsylvania troops within and without the limits of the
On the 26th of September, 1861, by Rev. Mr. Harris, Mr. J. C. Russ,
of Hollidaysburg, Pa., to Miss Martha Watkins, of Ironton, Ohio.
On Monday evening, 9th ult., at the house of Mr. John Davis, in
this place, by the Rev. Jos. Fichtner, Mr. Geo. W. Yingling, and Miss
Elizabeth A. Wilt, both of Logan township.
On the 19th ult., at the Lutheran Parsonage in Newry, by the same,
Mr. Michael K. Stiffler and Miss Mary Jane Zeigler, both of Juniata
In Claysburg, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. N. E. Gilds, Mr. Jacob
E. Nofsker to Miss Elizabeth Dodson, both of this county.
On the 26th ult., by the Rev. A. H. Taylor, Mr. Wm. S. Douglas, of
Hollidaysburg, to Miss Cynthia Rollin, of Gaysport.
On the 26th ult., at the Reformed Parsonage in Martinsburg, by the
Rev. J. Hassler, Mr. John Eberly to Miss Matilda Fouse, all of this
On the 24th ult., by George Koon, Esq., Mr. Michael Dougherty and
Miss Margaret Hughes, both of Taylor township.
In this place, on Sunday evening, 29th ult., Mrs. Martha J., wife
of Mr. William Dent, aged 32 years.
On the 26th ult., in Morrison's Cove, Mr. John Howe, in the 85th
year of his age.
In Williamsburg, Sept. 20th, Joseph, infant son of Andrew and Sarah
Riley, aged 1 year, 7 months and 17 days.
In Williamsburg, Sept. 21st, William, infant son of Henry and Mary
A. Lanzer, aged 1 year and 9 days.
Near Williamsburg, Sept. 21st, Mr. John Marks, formerly of Logan's
Valley, in the 19th year of his age.
Near Williamsburg. Sept. 26th, Miss Rachel Catharine Straithoof,
aged 30 years, 7 months and 18 days.
In Williamsburg, Sept. 28th, Henry Clarence, aged 1 year and 12
days; and a few hours afterwards, Florein, aged 2 years, 10 months and
8 days, children of David and Nancy Stevens. These two little
innocents having died within a few hours of each other were buried in
one grave.
Prof. JOHN MILLER, Principal.
The established reputation of Prof. Miller as an accomplished
scholar and successful Teacher is a sure guarantee to parents,
guardians and others, that the school will be so conducted as to give
For English Grammar, Geography, Composition, Natural Philosophy,
Mental and Advanced Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and
Greek - $12.50
For German or French - $5.00
For Music - $5.00
Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, October 3, 1861, page