Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, April 4, 1861
Below we give a list of the causes and Jurors for the April term of
Court, which commences on the 22d :
James J Dull vs Margery O'Friel Jr
Hays & Son vs Kirtpatrick & Son
G W Graham vs E Hammond
Jos Dysart vs O'Friel's heirs
Ann Bell vs A Patterson & al
S Barr vs Samuel Henchy
T Barnes vs Paul Mauk
John Miller vs Shoenberger's Executors
Same vs Same
Charles Hughes vs G L Lloyd
Mary Lowry vs Same
David Deihl vs R Lytle & Co
E J Bollinger vs Downs & Co
George Wehn vs Jane Beals
Taylor & Bacon vs J M Lytle
C Garber's Executors vs Shoenberger's Exrs
Same vs A P Wilson
John Fox vs Union Insurance Company
Henry McMullen vs A McClain
McNamara's Adx vs Wm Lyon
Jacob Ressler vs Shoenberger's Executors
D Good vs D Watson et al
Andrews & McClain vs Thomas Mays
Shoenberger's Executors vs John Miller
Buchanan's Admr vs O'Friel's heirs
J Brotherline vs Hagerty & Harmon
A M & R White vs R M Lemon & Co
E B Isett vs John Miller
Daniel Shannon vs Geo Wehn
C H F Hench vs Jacob Good
James Malone vs Wm Anderson
J Brotherline vs A Swires et al
Louis Plack vs JD Hughes
Levring & Clark vs H McNeal
McFarlane's Admx vs Shoenberger's Executors
James D Rea vs Kempt & Lust
Same vs C Lust
EL Lytle's trustee vs Jos Steel
Andrew Biddle vs J Brenneman
S & R Kergan vs J Alexander
Aslop & Shriver vs Alex Dobbins
Chaffee Stout & Co vs A Patterson
W Masden vs M Grabrill
Kline & Carroll vs W Casey
M Lanahan & Johnston vs Bell & Cresswell
C Wendell vs A M & R White & Co
B Lorenz et al vs J L Hemphill et al
James Wilke's Executors vs A & E Patterson
H Crumbecker vs W Donaldson
A Byers et al vs Evan Williams
J S Medara & Co vs Jno Brotherline
Henry Irvin vs John Shoemaker
J C McLanahan et al vs Jno Brotherline
Ellen Bouslough vs Jacob Bouslough
H Y Brady vs J K Ely
Peter Campbell vs Same
W Innes Admr vs J C Innes' Executors
Ake Simon, Woodberry
Bridenbaugh M, Tyrone tp
Baker Samuel, Hollidaysburg
Crumbaker Jesse, Frankstown
Clark John, sr, Catharine
Ely Joseph K, Altoona
Glasgow James P, Antes
Glunt Abraham, Blair
Hileman Jos B, Altoona
Harlin Joseph, Freedom
Imler Josiah, Greenfield
Irwin David C, Frankstown
Igow Roller, Antes
Jacobs William, Gaysport
Knox Alexander, Blair
Lingafelt John, Hollidaysburg
McAteer Jonathan, Logan
McCloskey Patrick, Blair
Mulburry James, Antes
Nugent Benjamin, Allegheny
Nicodemus J S, North Woodberry
Ross Kephart, Snyder
Smith George, Huston
Shannon James, Hollidaysburg
Breckbill Christian, Huston
Bobb Alexander, Martinsburg
Barr Samuel S, Hollidaysburg
Buck Jacob, Logan
Burley Jacob, Snyder
Clark S P, Altoona
Conrad Jonathan, Altoona
Crouse Peter, Logan
Cramer J H, Hollidaysburg
Crowther James, Tyrone bor
Cumming Thomas, Catharine
Campbell Nehemiah, Martinsburg
Cromwell James, Hollidaysburg
Dobbins Thomas, Woodberry
Dearmond James, Juniata
Eller William, Greenfield
Fox Stewart, Antes
Fleck Oliver P, Tyrone tp
Gwin Alexander, Allegheny
Gailey Joseph, Allegheny
Gibboney Davis, Woodberry
Hunter Andrew, Hollidaysburg
Hartman John, Gaysport
Hoover Job P, North Woodberry
Holland Thomas, Allegheny
Harbison Henry, Jr, Woodberry
Lingenfelter Valentine, Greenfield
Lang John B, Woodberry
Lotz Rudolph P, Logan
Moore Samuel, Blair
Masden James, Freedom
Martin Christian, Taylor
McCartney Thomas, Antes
McAllister Archibald, Woodberry
McKinney Daniel, Snyder
McFadden J P, Martinsburg
McFadden Archibald, Hollidaysburg
McNeal Hugh, Taylor
Maurer Henry, Logan
McLain Richard, Altoona
McGirr Phillip, Logan
Peicht Jacob, Altoona
Ramey Solomon, Altoona
Stiffler Samuel, Altoona
Smith James, Blair
Snowberger Jacob, sr, Taylor
Tippery John W, Gaysport
Young Curtis, Frankstown
Second Week.
Aurandt David, Huston
Alexander Robert, Woodberry
Burget Isaac, North Woodberry
Baker John, Altoona
Bloom William, Martinsburg
Confer Samuel B, Blair
Corben Joseph, Hollidaysburg
Cassiday David, Blair
Carothers Alexander, Catharine
Callier John, Logan
Diehl Isaac, Juniata
Feay James, Woodberry
Fare James, Hollidaysburg
Geesey Michael, Frankstown
Hartsock Thomas, Hollidaysburg
Hoke Samuel, Woodberry
Hicks John, Woodberry
Hoover Daniel, Woodberry
Hoover Samuel, Hollidaysburg
Houser Christ, Gaysport
Hopkins T B, Hollidaysburg
Halpenny John, Antes
Hooper John W, Altoona
Ickes Edward, Altoona
Kessler Geo W, Altoona
Kinports James M, Hollidaysburg
Lehr Gabriel, Altoona
Lehr John, Altoona
Leidy Daniel, Woodberry
McCamant Samuel, Snyder
Morrow Samuel, Tyrone tp
McMaster Francis, Taylor
Sink Christ. B, Logan
Stiffler John H, Allegheny
Stratiff William, Altoona
Tipton E B, Antes
Traugh O A, Hollidaysburg
Thompson John, Hollidaysburg
Within a few months there has sprung up throughout the country
numerous institutions known from their flaming advertisements as
"dollar stores." Here the most remarkable bargains can be had. Whole
sets of jewelry, formerly sold for a small fortune, can be secured for
the insignificant sum of one dollar. Does your wife want a set of
ear-rings - one dollar will get them. Is she teazing you for a new
brooch - the price is only one dollar. She wants a gold locket in
which to preserve your daguerreotype - 'tis only one dollar. Your
sweet heart must have a ring and bracelets - they can be procured for
one dollar. 'Tis wonderful what a change has taken place in prices.
This is the age of gold. Everything you touch turns into gold as it
did to Tantalus of old. It is very difficult to tell which is the
servant on the street - Bridget or your wife - for Bridget wears just
as showy a necklace, just as shining ear-rings, just as beautiful
rings, and, with the exception of her plebian gait and freckled face,
is just as handsome a woman. - Then it is quite as difficult to tell
who is master - John who sits on the box of the coach, or yourself
sitting inside. John sports a gold watch with an immense chain and
fob. He wears three magnificent rings on his fingers, and when not in
charge of the horses, John swings a gold headed cane. Surely John
puts on as many airs as his master, and dresses as well - how can a
stranger tell the difference between John and his master? What has
wrought this great change in the way of ornament? Has money become
more plentiful, or gold cheaper? We will give the solution as
furnished by the Scientific American. There is a new metallic alloy
extensively used in this country as a substitute for gold. It is a
French discovery, and is called by the French, gold oriede [oroide].
It is manufactured to a large extent in Waterbury, Conn. It bears a
very close resemblance to gold in color, density and fineness of
grain, so close that it deceives every one but practical dealers and
experts. The fineness of the grain if this alloy gives to those
objects of art composed of it a delicacy and a purity of detail that
cannot be obtained from bronze. The alloy is essentially ductile and
malleable, and can be cast, rolled, drawn, stamped, chased, beaten
into a powder or loaves, or treated in other way the artist may
desire. The discovery of this new alloy is really wonderful, and its
use will have a tendency to place within the reach of all the useful,
ornamental and higher products of art. An immense number and amount
of articles are manufactured out of alloy and sold South and West, and
none but excellent judges can tell it from gold.
If ever good house-wives had their patience tried, it was on Monday
last. It Was general moving day, and it did keep people moving. It
snew and blew and thew with a vengeance, from early morn till dewy
eve, much to the detriment of good furniture and the clean floors left
by the women folks for those who came after them. It is an old saying
that "three flits are equal to a fire," but we think one less flit on
such days as Monday would be worse than a fire. Of course, stoves and
fires was in demand, and, as usual, pipe would not suit, or was lost,
or dinged or something else were wrong, and to say that every man kept
his temper, under the circumstances, would be stretching the truth.
Such a thing can't be did without a large supply of restraining grace.
But the day is past and many are thankful.
Truly "the long agony is over," and all hopes and fears confirmed
or dispelled. The Post Master for Altoona has been appointed, and his
name is Geo. W. Patton, at least so says Madam Rumor, and this time
she speaks correctly. There was a hot siege for that position, and
Mr. Blair may well feel relieved, now that the deed is done. -
Maledictions dire will no doubt be heaped upon him, but it would have
been the same had he appointed any other man. But one could be
appointed, consequently all the others must be disappointed. Let
those who have been "left out in the cold," consider how magnanimous
they would have been to their competitors had they succeeded in
"knocking the persimons," and show how philosophically they can take a
A great discovery of coal oil is said to have been made at Altoona
and Hollidaysburg, Pa. - Exchange.
Huzza! That's news - to us at least; but it is an old saying that
we must go from home to learn news about home. The great discovery of
oil at Altoona and Hollidaysburg is likely about as true as many of
the stories told about the great discoveries in the north and west.
In consequence of this item we may expect a heavy influx of
prospectors oil companies, and our farmers will no doubt put up the
price of their lands 100 per cent. It is said that in boring for oil
a vein of gas is first struck. We think gas is all that has yet been
discovered in this region, and we are not certain that the quality we
have is manufactured under ground.
The following property will be disposed of at public sale at the
Court House, in Hollidaysburg, on Wednesday, April 24th.
The interest of John Yorley in a tract of 75 acres of land in
Frankstown township, on which are erected a log house, log barn and
other out buildings.
The interest of Patrick Garrahan in a lot in Loudensville,
adjoining Altoona, having a two-story frame dwelling house
The interest of Solomon Wilson in a half lot of ground in the
borough of Hollidaysburg, having thereon a house part brick and part
The interest of Jacob R. Ebaugh in a lot of ground in
Hollidaysburg, having a frame dwelling house and frame stable thereon.
The interest of Alfred Cannon in a half lot of ground in
Hollidaysburg, having thereon a two-story frame house and frame
The interest of John D. Gorley in half lot of ground in
Hollidaysburg, having thereon a two-story plank weather-boarded house.
The interest of Alfred Cannon, John D. Gorley, Solomon Wilson and
Jacob R. Ebaugh, in three unimproved lots in Hollidaysburg.
The interest of Edwin F. Shoenberger, in the property known as the
Gap Furnace property, with all the iron ore, privileges and whatsoever
hereunto belonging.
The interest of Job D. Miller in a lot of ground in Fostoria,
having thereon a two-story frame dwelling house.
The interest of John W. Cramer in a lot of ground in Tyrone
borough, having thereon a two-story frame house, frame store house and
frame stable.
The interest of Wm. R. Finley in a lot of ground in Frankstown,
having thereon a two-story brick house and frame stable.
The interest of Joseph Kemp in a tract of land in Antes township,
containing 401 acres.
The interest of Wm. Conly in a lot of ground in Tyrone Borough,
having thereon a large double two-story frame house and frame
The interest of Joseph Hoover in a tract of 154 acres of land in
Woodberry township, having thereon a dwelling house and stable.
The interest of Wm. Elder in a tract of 401 acres of land in Antes
Council Proceedings.
ALTOONA, April 1st, 1861.
Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present, A. A. Smyth,
President, R. Greenwood, Daniel F. Laughman and C. R. Hostetter.
The minutes of last meeting were corrected, and then approved.
A bill from Hall & Neff, for services rendered as counsel for
the Borough, was read and laid on the table.
A bill was presented and an order granted to W. W. Snyder for
service rendered as Supervisor.
On motion of Daniel F. Laughman, Resolved, That, the Assessor be,
and he is hereby required to observe, and carry out the provisions of
the Ordinance passed the 13th of July, A. D. 1854, relating to the
assessment of a tax on dogs, &c., in this borough.
A memorial from the President and other officers of the "Fair-View
Cemetery Association," asking the privilege of holding its sessions in
the Council room, was received, and on motion of R. Greenwood, the
privilege was granted on the express condition that said Association
will defray all expenses for fuel, &c., consumed during its
A memorial from the members of the "String Band" of Altoona, asking
the use of the Council room, was, on motion, thrown under the table,
for the reason that by the provisions of the deed for the Borough
property, the Council are precluded from using the Council room for
such purposes.
On motion, the President appointed R. Greenwood and C R. Hostetter,
a committee to procure a draft or plot of Altoona, to be filed among
the records of the Borough.
On motion adjourned to meet on the first Monday of May, 1861, at 7
1/2 o'clock P. M. - Extracts from the Minutes.
The Ladies' Mite Society, of the Methodist Church, will meet at the
house of Mr. J. W. Webber, on to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, at 2
o'clock. A full attendance of the members of the society is earnestly
requested, as officers to serve during the ensuing year are to be
elected, and a statement made of the receipts and expenditures of the
past year. While there has not been as much interest taken in this
society as there should be, those who have given their mite may well
feel satisfied with what they have accomplished. - Turn out, ladies,
and lend your aid to this slow but sure means of accomplishing great
Mr. E. M. Jones, who, for several years past, has acted as Agent of
the Adams' Express Company, for this place, has resigned his position,
and Mr. Daniel Laughman has been appointed in his stead. The change
took place on Monday last. Mr. Jones was an obliging Agent and served
the Company faithfully, as is evidenced by the fact that he has held a
position with it for about ten years. - The office of the Company will
hereafter be at Laughman's Clothing Store, in the Altoona House
building. Look out for the neat sign in a circle of gold letters over
the door.
On Thursday evening last, our citizens were alarmed by the cry of
fire, occasioned by a bright light seen to rise above the hill
northwest of Altoona. A general rush was made in that direction, but
it was soon discovered that the fire was some two miles out in the
country, at the house of Wm. McGenty. When we arrived within sight of
the fire, the house was almost consumed. The barn which stood close
by was at one time thought to be on fire, but was shortly
extinguished. We have not as yet learned whether there was any
furniture burned.
A few days since we examined a new invention got up by our
ingenious townsman, Mr. James Widney. It is a new coupling for cars,
by means of which the danger attendant upon coupling cars, by the
present mode, is entirely obviated. It is not entirely a self-
coupling, although after the coupling pin is adjusted it requires no
further attention, and in this is really a self-coupling. We are not
sufficiently posted in the names given to the different parts of these
appendages to cars to give a lucid description of the invention, but
will give it hereafter, when the improvement has been more fully
tested. It has been placed upon the passenger car on the Branch Road,
between this place and Hollidaysburg, and gives satisfaction. We
learn that it is also being placed upon a number of freight cars for
the purpose of fully testing its merits. We think, from what we have
seen of its workings, that it is a good invention and likely to be
adopted. One good feature about it is that it is not likely to get
out of working order, being very simple in its construction, and, we
believe, costing less than the couplings now used.
On going into the shoe store of Mr. Shoemaker, in Masonic Hall, a
few days since, we were surprised to find it "transmogrified" into a
grocery and provision store, and our portly friend behind the counter
ready to attend to the wants of customers. His stock consists of all
kinds of groceries, flour, corn meal, spices, raisins, soap, candles,
tubs, buckets, and a variety "too numerous to mention." He still
continues to manufacture boots and shoes to order and has a large
stock ready made. Call and see for yourselves.
POST MASTERS APPOINTED. - The following persons have been appointed
Post Masters in this district, up to this date. -
James Bingham, Hollidaysburg.
George W. Patton, Altoona
W. J. Spencer, Williamsburg.
H. J. Kephart, Frankstown.
John Thompson, Ebensburg.
George A. Steel, Huntingdon.
George Raymond, Mail Messenger at Hollidaysburg, Pa., at $360 per
The Memorial School.
The Female department of the above School will re-open on Monday
the 8th inst., at 8 1/2 o'clock A. M. R W. OLIVER.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, April 4, 1861, page 3