Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, March 28, 1861
For Labor on streets in month of March |
$64.50 |
To Thos McMinn, auditing Borough account |
1.00 |
To David Galbraith, " " " |
1.00 |
For Labor on streets in April |
91.75 |
To Wm C McCormick, for wheelbarrow |
4.00 |
To Henry Foust, interring dead carcass |
.50 |
For Labor on streets in May |
152.25 |
To John Cunningham, lumber and carting |
4.07 |
To James Hooper, blacksmithing |
6.80 |
To McCrum & Dern, printing for council of 1859 |
35.00 |
For Labor on streets in June |
168.50 |
To C B Sink, for nails, spikes and plank for 1859 |
7.73 |
To McCrum & Dern, printing |
16.75 |
To Philip Dempsey, hauling |
25.00 |
To James Karns, hauling |
21.00 |
To J A McDowell, " |
30.00 |
To John Smith, ditching alley |
2.00 |
For Labor on streets in July |
127.76 |
To J A McDowell, hauling |
42.00 |
To T J Williams, hauling |
32.50 |
To J A McDowell, hauling |
12.75 |
For Labor on streets in August |
102.28 |
To J M Campbell, stone, sand, lime and hauling |
77.40 |
To J & J Lowther, shovels, spikes and blinds |
9.42 |
To Wm C McCormick, Chief Burgess, fees paid Prothonotary and
Recorder |
5.20 |
To J A McDowell, for plank, sills and hauling for sewer and putting
plank on sewer |
24.50 |
To James Hooper, blacksmithing |
4.26 |
To John Allison, plank delivered |
11.00 |
To James Kearney, making culvert, part |
140.00 |
To Gas & Water Co., service pipe for Council room |
6.00 |
To A A Smyth, lawyer fees paid |
5.00 |
To Louis Plack, debt contracted for in 1858 |
40.93 |
For Labor on streets in September |
47.25 |
To John Shoemaker, lumber and spikes |
33.61 |
To Thomas McAuley, for lumber |
2.88 |
To James Hooper, blacksmithing |
2.37 |
To Shoemaker & Irons, measuring wall |
1.00 |
To J A McDowell, stone and carpenter work |
3.00 |
To Philip Dempsey, hauling |
15.25 |
To Miller B Knott, hauling |
3.00 |
To Martin Ginner, mason work |
10.75 |
To Clement Jaggard, lumber |
4.28 |
To R H McCormick, bill per former Council |
4.09 |
To R H McCormick, lumber |
45.43 |
To James Kearney, balance due on sewer |
170.28 |
To Gas & Water Co |
.50 |
For Labor on streets in October |
43.50 |
To Stewart & Long, Gas fixtures for Council room |
13.68 |
To James L Gwinn, surveying and plots |
10.00 |
To Joseph Haslett, glazing |
1.00 |
To Penn'a R R Co, Ties |
2.70 |
For Labor on Streets in November |
64.00 |
To Altoona Gas & Water Co., fire -plugs and water rent up to 15th of
December, 1960 |
158.00 |
To D F Laughman, blankets for Lock up |
3.50 |
To John Shoemaker, lumber, hauling and nails |
13.62 |
To J A McDowell, hauling |
5.75 |
To R H McCormick, lumber and nails |
8.31 |
To John Hooper, blacksmithing for 1859 |
.80 |
To Gas & Water Co, water rent for quarter commencing December 15th,
1860 |
20.00 |
To Altoona Gas & Water Co, Gas used by Council |
.25 |
To Robert Green, crossing stone |
6.00 |
To J K Ely, services as Borough Constable, 1860 |
25.00 |
For Labor on Streets in October and November |
61.62 |
To John McClelland, services as Clerk to Council, making out
duplicate for '60 and stationery |
45.40 |
To Jesse Groves, labor on streets |
.75 |
To Wm. Walton, hauling |
.25 |
$2106.73 |
By amount rec'd from J K Ely, collector |
344.11 |
" " " D Price, former Treasurer |
2.00 |
" " " John McClelland, collector |
1689.62 |
" " " Edward Cassiday, for pavement |
9.03 |
" " " A A Smyth, building permits |
5.00 |
" " " Chief Burgess, for flues |
8.00 |
By amount rec'd from H Haup, for pavement |
19.99 |
Amount of excess over receipts |
28.98 |
$2106.72 |
D. R. MILLER, Treasurer, in account with Altoona Borough.
To am't rec'd from D Price, late Treasurer |
$2.00 |
" " " from J K Ely, collector for 1859 |
344.11 |
" " " from J McClelland, collector for 1860 |
1689.62 |
" " " from E Cassiday, being one half of making pavement in front
of Lot No. 9 |
9.03 |
" " " from A A Smyth, for building permits granted |
5.00 |
" " " from Wm C McCormick, Chief Burgess fines collected |
8.00 |
" " " from Wm C McCormick, Chief Burgess, being am't
rec'd from H Haupt, for putting down pavement in front of lots corner Harriet
& Catharine sts. |
19.99 |
To balance due to Treasurer per contra |
17.27 |
$2095.02 |
1860. |
D Galbraith and T McMinn, auditing acc't |
$2.00 |
Apr. |
Sundries for labor on streets |
24.75 |
May. |
Do do do |
86.25 |
July |
Do do do |
77.75 |
Aug. |
T J Williams, for 1859 |
99.90 |
" |
Do do interest on same |
4.48 |
104.38 |
T J Williams for 1860 |
25.00 |
L W Hall, for 1859 |
25.00 |
T J Williams, for 1859 |
75.00 |
Do do do |
100.00 |
Do do interest on same |
4.97 |
104.97 |
Do do for 1859 |
75.00 |
Do do interest on same |
8.73 |
78.73 |
Do do for 1859 |
24.80 |
Do do do |
25.00 |
Do do do |
32.50 |
C B Sink for 1859 |
7.73 |
Sundries for labor on streets |
229.00 |
Do do do |
275.25 |
James Kearney (2 orders) in full for sewer contract |
310.28 |
Sept. |
A A Smyth, attorney's fees to W R Boyers |
5.00 |
W C McCormick, Court fees and statement of liens |
5.20 |
J & J Lowther, tools and spikes |
9.42 |
Sundry Orders for labor on streets |
80.88 |
Oct. |
Gas & Water Company, Gas used |
.56 |
R H McCormick, lumber &c |
49.52 |
John Allison, do |
11.00 |
J Hooper, blacksmithing |
4.26 |
Miller Knott for 1859 |
4.50 |
Do do 1860 |
3.00 |
Jas Hooper, blacksmithing (2 orders) |
9.17 |
J A McDowell, for hauling (2 orders) |
37.25 |
Thomas McAuley, lumber |
2.88 |
Philip Dempsey, |
15.25 |
Sundry orders for labor |
26.75 |
Do do do |
12.00 |
D F Laughman, blankets for Lock-up |
3.50 |
C Jaggard for lumber |
4.28 |
McCrum & Dern, printing for former Council in 1859 |
35.00 |
Martin Ginner, mason-work |
10.75 |
Jno Cunningham, carting |
4.07 |
Lewis Plack, for 1859 (2 orders) |
40.93 |
John Hooper for 1859 |
.80 |
J A McDowell, hauling |
5.75 |
Wm. C. McCormick, wheelbarrow |
4.00 |
John Shoemaker for lumber |
13.62 |
Robert Green, crossing stone |
6.00 |
Sunday orders for labor on street |
140.75 |
By per centage as Treasurer on $2,677.75 at 2 per cent |
41.54 |
$2095.02 |
1861, Feb. 19. By balance due Treasurer |
17.27 |
The undersigned, Auditors for the Borough of Altoona, Certify that
we have examined the above and foregoing account of D R Miller,
Treasurer, and find it correct, with a balance due the Treasurer of
Seventeen Dollars and Twenty-Seven Cents, ($17.27.)
Altoona, February 19, 1861.
STATEMENT OF Damages allowed, and Assessments made, for the purpose
of Opening and Extending Catharine Street, in the Borough of
Am't of damages allowed to John Shoemaker |
$278.09 |
" " " Simon Clouser |
150.00 |
" " " A Cherry, (now William Domer) |
175.00 |
" " " D F Laughman |
172.00 |
$775.09 |
The following have been paid, viz: |
John Shoemaker |
278.09 |
Simon Clouser |
150.00 |
D F Laughman |
90.19 |
Amount due and unpaid |
$518.28 |
To meet the above balance, there is yet uncollected assessments
considered available |
72.96 |
Amount unprovided for |
$183.85 |
The above amount which remains unprovided for, occurred through the
petitions of certain individuals to the Court after the assessment was
made, for reductions, which were ordered by the Court, to wit:
Atwood & Co. |
$85.00 |
John A Wright & Co. |
68.00 |
Bernard Kurtz |
28.56 |
Unavailable assessment |
2.29 |
$183.85 |
STATEMENT of the Liabilities and Resources of the Borough of
Altoona up to 25th of February, 1861, as near as can be
1860 |
To Sundry orders outstanding and unpaid for the years 1857, 1858,
1859 and 1860 |
$196.55 |
To order in favor of T J Williams (now Wm Loudon) for 1859 |
140.00 |
" " " T J Williams (now A Markey) for 1859 |
100.00 |
" " " D Masden for 1859 |
213.00 |
To balance due D R Miller as Treasurer |
17.27 |
To account due McCrum & Dern, printing |
10.00 |
To amount from contra |
255.63 |
$1232.45 |
1860 |
By am't due by J K Ely, late collector |
$9.47 |
" " " John McClelland, " |
674.59 |
By am't Mechanics' lien on certain lots for putting down pavements
in 1857, 1858 and 1858 |
262.19 |
" " due by Altoona Gas & Water Co, as per bill rendered |
294.45 |
" " due for building permits |
1.75 |
$1232.45 |
1861, Feb. 25. |
By this amount of resources over liabilities up to this date |
$255.63 |
NOTE. - The Borough's proportion, with the Penn'a R. R. Co., of
cost of putting in the large sewer along Branch street, of $679.95 is
not taken into the statement for 1860, being payable, according to
contract, out of taxes for 1861 and 1862.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 28, 1861, page 1
NEW STEAM CAR. - The Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad Company have
made arrangements to put a Steam Car on the road, to run between
Huntingdon and Hopewell. The car, which is a combination of
Locomotive, Passenger and Baggage car, has been contracted for, and
will be running about the first of June, and for convenience and
utility, will be a popular institution. It will seat comfortably,
about forty passengers, with a baggage room next to the engine,
sufficient to hold the baggage, mails and Express matter. The engine
will be set on the front platform within the car, and work on an
entirely new principle, and will have sufficient power to haul a
second car when necessary, and to run twenty-five miles an hour. We
understand the Company intend to offer strong inducements to encourage
and increase the travel, by a reduction of fares, and taking on and
letting off passengers at any point on the road, virtually making
every farm house and road crossing a station, and charging only for
the distance traveled. The car is being built by Murphy &
Allison, celebrated car builders in Phila. The engine by Neafie ?
& Leoy, Penn'a Works, Phil'a, both being superintended by Messrs.
Grice & Long, the patentees. We suppose the Passenger car on the
Shoup's Run Branch will be run as usual for the accommodation of those
having business at the mines, and to enable our citizens to connect
with the trains for Huntingdon at Saxton. - Broad Top Miner.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 28, 1861, page 2
ROWDYISM. - Rowdyism is fast on the increase in our borough. For
some time past, our streets have nightly been made to resound with
yells, as though his satanic majesty had turned loose upon earth a few
of the inmates of his habitation, who, revelling in riot and
drunkenness, make night hideous with their yelling, profanity and
blackguardism, rendering themselves ridiculous and almost unendurable.
We have always boasted of the quiet of our town in this respect, and
the high moral character of our citizens, but we are led to fear that
our boasting will soon be turned to censure if this state of things
continues. The "turbulents" generally are young men who have just
arrived at the age at which they take their places in the world on
their own responsibility. Their characters are now being formed, but
alas! we fear for anything else than useful lives. We think it high
time that steps were taken to initiate a reformation in this matter,
that our youths, with dignity and pride, might walk the paths of
rectitude, sobriety and virtue, thus crowning themselves with honor,
and fitting themselves to fill, in future life, the various positions
which must necessarily fall to their lot, when those who now hold them
shall have gone on that journey "whence no traveller returns."
Reformation is needed, but how shall it be accomplished, so long as
parents will allow their children the liberty of prowling the streets
at unseasonable hours? So long as parents permit this breach of trust
which belongs to them, and for which they will be held accountable by
a higher than human tribunal, so long will moral suasion prove
ineffectual and sink into insignificance when the allurements of
night, to vice and immorality, are ever spread before the unwary. We
wish that we could say something which would induce parents to look
after their boys when they are not found around the hearthstone at
home at the proper retiring hour. Could we do so, we feel sure that
we would have accomplished a work equal to that of the greatest
benefactor of the human race, for the reason that thereby many boys
who are now forming habits which will result in their ultimate misery
and ruin, and bring their parents in sorrow to the grave, would be
saved to usefulness and happiness, not only to themselves, but to all
around them.
But this rowdyism, which we noticed at the head of this article
must be stopped. If one police officer is not sufficient to check it,
more should be appointed. It is not to be presumed that peaceable
citizens are to be annoyed at all hours of the night, by a band of
outlaws, and have no redress therefor. Some of the young men who have
made a practice of misbehaving upon the streets at night, may yet find
themselves the tenants of the "Lock-Up."
THE ANNUAL CRISIS. - The first of April is near at hand. Already
in elongated countenances, pallid cheeks, quivering lips, and hurried
steps of those we meet in our walks, are manifested the indubitable
tokens of that rapidly approaching crisis which will test the capacity
of pockets, and try the depth of purses. - Complaints are many and
multiplying of scarcity of the ready pewter wherewith to satisfy duns
and compose creditors. Our household gods [goods?] look desponding
and afflicted in view of approaching trials; while the housekeepers,
who are easy and amiable eleven months in the year, are relentlessly
routing cracked crockery from corner cup-boards, and banishing to back
boudoirs the boots and beavers of better days. Our county officers,
lawyers and scriveners are taking early breakfasts to meet the
increasing demands upon their time and services - money lenders are
pouring over their bonds and bank books, figuring up the amount they
will have on hand for the accommodation of their needing and numerous
friends - borrowers are as busy as bees, looking out in time for the
wherewithal to meet their various engagements - while business people
generally are stirring about with more than usual energy and activity,
"getting ready for the first." May all be prepared for the
MISTAKES. - Mistakes are one of the severest plagues of a printer's
life, for the reason that everybody gets to see his mistakes, and
everybody thinks that he or she has a certain inalienable right to say
or think whatever he or she pleases about such mistakes. Printers, to
a degree, are privileged characters, and their characters and faults
appear to be the privilege of others, but they don't take half the
liberty with the fault of others which others do with theirs. Very
frequently we find, after our edition is off, that a word, or a line,
which we had written, was left out or misplaced by the compositor,
just at a point where the sense would be destroyed. Of course we have
then no remedy but to correct next week, and ten chances to one, it is
forgotten, and passed on from week to week, and is never corrected.
Our compositors made a grievous mistake in our article on the death of
Mrs. McCrea, last week, by leaving out a full line. The sentence
should have read: "She was a woman of robust and healthy appearance,
and, to human observation, bid more fair to live out her three-score
years than one-third of those by whom she was surrounded."
NEW ROUTE AGENTS. - The work of decapitation goes bravely on at
Washington, and the heads of Democratic officials are constantly
rolling off the block. The heads of Messrs. Sargent and Kacy, Route
Agents between this place and Harrisburg, have felt the power of the
official guillotine, to make room for our townsmen, George C. Ferree,
Esq., who takes the place of Col. Kacy, and for our young friend Sol.
Books, of Mifflintown, Juniata county, who takes the place of Mr.
Sargent. On the ground of services to party, the new appointees
deserved their places and will make efficient agents.
R. R. ACCIDENT. - The Express Train East, on Wednesday night last,
ran over some cattle which were on the track between Petersburg and
Huntingdon, throwing the baggage car down an embankment and upsetting
the stove, thereby setting fire to the mails and baggage therein, most
of which were burned before they could be got out. The mails from
this place were burned.
FIRST OF APRIL CHANGES. - Those of our subscribers who intend
removing their places of residence about the first of April, and
desiring the places of sending their papers changed, will be good
enough to give us timely notice of their wish in the matter. Early
attention to this matter will save trouble, and prevent the loss of
At the Exchange Hotel, Altoona, Pa, March 21st, 1801, by the Rev.
C. L. Ehrenfeld, Mr. ISRAEL GRAZIER of Warrior's Mark to Miss CAROLINE
BECK of Canoe Valley, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
On the 21st inst., by the Rev. J. N. Burket, Mr. MICHAEL STOVER, of
Cambria Co. to Miss NANCY J. HANNAH, of Clearfield Co., Pa.
In Petersburg, on the 13th inst., by Rev. W. Kidder, Mr. JONATHAN
STITLER, of Frankstown tp., Blair co., to Mrs. JANE PHINNEY, of
On the 17th inst., by Elias Dell, Esq., Mr. SAMUEL PRESSEL to Miss
MATILDA LEWIS, all of Claysburg, Blair co.
In Logan township, on Friday last, Mr. Frederick Yingling, in the
83rd year of his age.
In Frankstown township, on the 20th inst., Bennie, son of David and
Jane H. McKillip, aged 19 months and 10 days.
In Williamsburg, Feb. 19th, Mary N. Huyett, daughter of Wm. G.
& Elizabeth Huyett, in the 16th year of her age.
At Shavers Creek, Huntingdon co., Pa., on the 3d inst., Jno.
Irvine, Esq., formerly of Williamsburg, at an advanced age.
On Sunday evening, the 17th inst., Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Chas. R.
McCrea, of Altoona, in the 45th year of her age.
Suddenly and unexpectedly the stern messenger came amongst us, and
snatched away from our midst one of the brightest ornaments there.
Little did the writer think when he began the services on that calm
Sabbath evening, that ere he should conclude, one of the most
attentive of his audience would quit the prison house of clay and
become the companion of spirits in an eternal world. But before the
closing song of praise had died away, there was one less worshipper on
The deceased had left home in the evening apparently in her usual
health, to attend the regular services in the Baptist Church, where
among the first she took her accustomed seat. When the introductory
services were almost completed, she arose and passed out of the house
in company with a young lady living in her family. The general
impression in the minds of the audience no doubt was that some slight
indisposition had caused her to retire, for nothing unusual had been
noticed in her manner or appearance. In a short time however a
messenger entered and communicated to some of the audience the
intelligence that Mrs. McCrea was dying.
Several persons passed out and the minds of all became somewhat
excited with the idea that something unusual had taken place.
Consequently the services were rendered as brief as possible and the
congregation dismissed.
What was our surprise when at that moment a messenger brought the
tidings that the vital spark had fled.
We have since learned from the female companion who retired with
her, that after leaving the church door, with much difficulty, and by
the assistance of her friend, she reached the house of Mrs. Cauffman,
near by, to which place Doctors Christy and Findley and her family
were summoned, who did all that could be done to alleviate her
sufferings. But human skill and sympathy could not stay the shaft,
and in about half an hour after she left the church her soul had taken
its flight. She retained her reason and was able to converse with
those around her almost to the moment of her dissolution.
It is the opinion of at least the Physician with whom we conversed
on the subject, that her death was caused by disease of the heart,
which may perhaps have been making its inroads for months past unknown
to the deceased or her friends.
Thus suddenly from this world of care has been called one who was
esteemed by all. In her death the poor have lost a benefactor, the
friendless a sympathizer, and her now bereaved companion one who was
all a wife should be. While her motherless children may well say each
to the other:
Come nearer, brother, nearer,
And sit beside me here.
The day is slowly fading,
And twilight's shades draw near,
The cloud of grief is keeping
Its shadows on our brow,
And mists have gathered o'er our hearts;
We have no mother now.
No mother now to bless us;
We've laid her down to rest,
And all our joys seem buried,
Close folded to her breast.
The vacant chair upon the hearth,
The hours that come and go,
All seem to whisper sadly
We have no mother now. - A. H. S. Altoona, March 23, 1861.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 28, 1861, page 3