Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 27, 1860
ANOTHER CALAMITY. - On Monday last, at 4 minutes before 1 o'clock
P. M., the boiler in the marble and machine works of W. W. Wallace, in
Pittsburgh, blew up and knocked the entire works into a heap of ruins,
burying a number beneath it. Ten dead bodies and 14 persons more or
less injured have been taken from the ruins. The cause of the
explosion can not be accounted for. The man who had charge of the
engine says that shortly before the explosion he tried the water gauge
and found the water at the second gauge. The safety valve was gauged
to 60 pounds, and the boiler seems to have been in good condition.
Some idea of the force of the explosion may be inferred from the fact
that after leaving its bed, it passed through and demolished six stout
brick walls. The affair has cast quite a gloom over the city and
thousands have visited the scene of the catastrophe.
Among the killed, we regret to notice the name of John DeArmit,
formerly of Hollidaysburg, who was universally respected and esteemed
by all who knew him.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 27, 1860, page
ARRIVAL OF THE "GOOD WILL." - The "Good Will" fire engine company
of Philadelphia, arrived in this place on Tuesday morning last, and
[was] met at the depot by a committee of reception from the "Good
Will" company of this place, and escorted to the Altoona House and
Exchange Hotel where rooms were provided for them. Their steam fire
engine arrived on Express Freight shortly after the arrival of the
company, was unshipped and taken to the half-round house, where the
engine of the "Good Will" company, of this place, is housed. The city
company is composed of fine looking men - just the men to man an
engine and take the first prize, as they did at the Fair at
Cincinnati, where their engine, which is a second class in size, beat
the first class engines of that city, throwing a stream 265 feet 6
inches, through an inch nozzle. During the forenoon, they were taken
in charge by the members of the "Good Will" of this place, and shown
the sights of our "Mountain City."
At one o'clock in the afternoon, the Altoona company, to the number
of 30, dressed in white shirts, black pants and glazed caps,
accompanied by the Altoona Brass Band, met at their engine house, and
forming in rank marched to the hotels at which the city company was
quartered and escorted them to the engine house. Here the procession
was formed by placing the band in front, the Altoona company next, the
steam engine, drawn by two horses, next, followed by the city company.
The procession then marched through several streets followed by a
large crowd. At different places along the route boquets were thrown
by the ladies to the Philadelphia firemen. A beautiful wreath,
manufactured of fine red, white and green paper, and trimmed with gold
and silver paper, bearing on a card within the inscription "Welcome
Good Will" on one side, and on the reverse side several stars and a
figure representing the Keystone of the arch, was presented by Mrs.
The engine was then pulled up to the reservoir of the water
company, at the head of Annie street, for the purpose of giving an
exhibition of her "squirting" powers. She was soon fired up and a
stream thrown about 200 feet through a 14 inch nozzle. The wind was
blowing a strong gale all the time of the trial and scattered the
water so much that it was impossible to get a fair idea of what she
could do, but her working was highly satisfactory to all who witnessed
it, and fully demonstrated the superiority of steam over hand power in
throwing water to quench fires.
The trial over, the companies returned to the place of starting,
and from thence proceeded to the armory of the Logan Rifle Rangers,
where a most bountiful collation was served up in good style, by Mrs.
Levan. Ample justice was done the good things, after which the
President of the Philadelphia Company made a few remarks, and called
up Mr. Himes, member of the Philadelphia Common Council, who responded
in a happy manner. When he had concluded, Mr. W. Boyden, on behalf of
Mrs. Fettinger, presented the Philadelphia Company with a beautiful
wreath manufactured by her, accompanying it with a few appropriate
remarks. Mr. Alex. A. Smyth, President of the Altoona company, also
made a few well-timed and well-received remarks. A number of toasts
were given and replied to by the members of the companies, and they
had a good time generally. After the repast the city company was
escorted to quarters at the hotels, where each company cheered the
other and separated to meet again at Military Hall in the evening and
participate in a ball given in honor of the visit of the city
In the evening the firemen, accompanied by a number of the ladies
of this place, assembled at Military Hall, and spent the evening very
pleasantly in "tipping the light fantastic toe" to the time of good
music. We were not present and can not speak knowingly of this part
of the programme; but we do know that the members of the city company
expressed themselves highly delighted with the reception they received
from the firemen and citizens of this place.
The company left for home on the Mail Train this (Wednesday)
morning, and we wish them a safe arrival in the city of Brotherly
ACCIDENT. - James Stewart, fireman on the Branch engine, met with a
severe accident on Tuesday evening of last week. In attempting to
pass into the engine house, he was caught between the door timber and
the side of the engine and severely injured about the hips. His
injuries, however, we are pleased to learn, were not near so serious
as they were at first supposed to be. He is mending rapidly, and will
probably be able to be about again in a short time. - Standard.
DECLINED. - We learn from the Standard of this week, that at a
meeting of the Democratic County Committee held on the 24th inst, a
letter was received from Col. John Woods, of this place, declining the
nomination for Associate Judge. The Committee considered the matter
and finally passed a resolution deeming it inexpedient to make another
DEMOCRATIC MEETING. - On Friday evening last, the Douglas wing of
the Democratic party held a large meeting in front of the Post Office,
in this place. The torch light procession, previous to the
organization of the meeting, was the longest we have seen in the place
this year, numbering in the neighborhood of 200. t was preceded by
the Altoona Brass Band. At a few minutes past 8 o'clock, an extra
train from Hollidaysburg brought in some 125 or 150 persons,
accompanied by Van Tries' Cornet Band. After the organization of the
meeting the audience was addressed by Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, of
Georgia, the candidate of the Party for Vice President. He is a large
man, of rather prepossessing appearance, and a fluent speaker. He was
a little severe on the Breckinridge wing of the party. His remarks
were listened to with very marked attention by the large audience,
composed of the members of all parties, who naturally wished to hear a
man who is a candidate for the second highest office in the gift of
the people. He was followed by Gen. Wm. H. Miller, of Harrisburg and
Mr. Jeffries, of Ohio, but we can not speak of their efforts, as we
did not stay to hear them.
QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS. - The law requires a person who claims
the right to vote, to have been a citizen of this Commonwealth "at
least one year, and in the election district at least ten days
immediately preceding such election, and within two years to have paid
a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten
days before the election. But a citizen of the United States, who has
previously been a qualified voter of the State, and removed therefrom
and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district, and
paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this
State six months. But citizens of the United States, between the ages
of 21 and 22 years, who have resided in the election district ten
days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not
have paid taxes." Are you assessed? See to it immediately that you
are. Saturday, the 29th inst., is the last day on which this duty can
be attended to to secure a vote at the ensuing election - as the
election takes place on Tuesday, the 9th of October.
PRINCE OF WALES. - The Pittsburgh Chronicle says that the car
recently built in the shops in this place, for the exclusive use of
the Directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be furnished
to the Prince of Wales and his suite, at Cincinnati, and will be
occupied by them until they reach Washington. It is proposed to leave
Pittsburgh on Tuesday afternoon, October 20, arriving in Washington on
the afternoon of the next day.
Since the above was placed in type, we learn that the Prince and
suite will pass through this place on Tuesday evening next. Mr. E. H.
Turner, General Car Inspector of the Penn'a R. R., goes to Cincinnati
with the car intended for the Prince, and will have charge of it until
it arrives at Washington.
POLE RAISING. - On Saturday evening last, the friends of Lincoln,
Hamlin and Curtin, in this place, raised a pole on the corner of
Virginia and Julia streets, opposite their Club Room. The gathering
was large and orderly, and the pole was soon planted. It is 80 feet
high. On the top is a very small flag, a few feet from the top is a
handsome red, white and blue streamer 12 or 15 feet long, and at a
point level with the windows of the Club Room a rope is stretched from
the pole to one of the windows, from which is suspended, directly
across the street, a large flag with the names of Lincoln, Hamlin and
Curtin thereon.
On the 20th inst., in the German Reformed church, by the Rev. D.
Gans, Mr. William Dent, of this place, to Miss Martha Jane Jones, of
In Williamsburg, on the 23d inst., of consumption, Thomas Rees,
(formerly Sheriff in this county,) aged about 40 years.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 27, 1860, page