Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 6, 1860
Proceedings of Town Council.
Council met September 3d, 1860. Present - A. A. Smyth, R.
Greenwood and J. A. M'Dowell, Council, and Wm. C. McCormick, Chief
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The Chief Burgess presented and read the petition of the citizens
of Altoona Borough to the Court of Quarter Sessions, praying the Court
to so alter and amend the charter as that the Town Council shall be
composed of six members, two of whom shall be elected annually; and
that D. R. Miller and D. M. Greene serve one year from the 3d Friday
in February 1860, and Ralph Greenwood and J. A, McDowell serve for two
years from the same time, and that A. A. Smyth and D. Laughman serve
for three years from the time aforesaid.
And further, that the Chief Burgess, who is now elected annually,
be hereafter elected biennially; and also, that the present Chief
Burgess serve two years from the 3d Friday in February, 1860. Also,
presented and read the decree of the Court at August Term, 1860,
granting the prayer of the petitioners with all the properly
authenticated documents in relation thereto.
Whereupon Mr. David M. Green, being present, after being duly sworn
according to law, took his seat as one of the Council, and entered
upon the duties of his office.
Council proceeded to the examination of the duplicate of J. K. Ely,
Esq., late collector, and allowed him additional exonerations to
amount of $8.38 for the year 1859.
The following bills were then presented, and orders for the same
granted, to wit:
Jno. M. Campbell, for stone, sand, lime, &o., delivered,
J. & J. Lowther, for spikes, shovels and window blinds, 9.42
Chief Burgess for fees paid Prot'y and Reg. & Rec. on amended
charter, 5.20
J. A. McDowell for hauling plank & sills for sewer, and putting
same on, 24.50
Jno. M. Hooper for dressing tools, &c., 4.26
Jno. Allison for plank delivered, 11.00
The Supervisor presented the time of himself and laborers for the
month of August, with a statement of the amount, to wit: -
Wm. W. Snyder, Daniel Coyle, Jesse Groves, and Wm. Ferguson.
On motion Council adjourned to meet again on Thursday evening, Sept
13th, 1860, at 6 o'clock P. M. - Extract from Minutes.
RAIL ROAD OFFICERS IN TROUBLE.- For several days past the
faithlessness of some of the Conductors and Agents on the Penn'a R. R.
has been the subject of conversation on our street-corners and other
circles; but as we have no definite information in relation to the
affair, we shall say nothing about it; but give the following which we
find in the Philadelphia Inquirer of Thursday last: -
Exaggerated accounts have been circulated for the last few days
with regard to the loss sustained by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
through the faithlessness of some of the officials on the line of the
road. It affords us pleasure to be able to state that the loss, much
smaller in itself than generally reported, has been recovered by the
Company. At the same time the discovery of the present peculation has
secured the Company from further loss of the same sort, by showing its
managers the necessity of the adoption of new checks, rendering the
detection of such practices inevitable. The means adopted by the
officers of the Company during the past three months, were so complete
in all the details as to enable them to understand fully the
operations of all employees that were suspected. A general
examination has taken place in the last few days in this city,
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other places, resulting in the recovery
of cash, stock, property, &c., to a considerable amount, being the
investments of the proceeds of tickets returned to ticket agents and
others, and by them resold, and the daily appropriations from cash
collections by conductors. A number of the conductors and several
agents have been discharged. With the examples made, and the rigid
system now adopted for examination of accounts, those now in the
service will no doubt render faithful reports, and lead an honest,
upright life for the future. It is supposed that the evil, in a few
years, would have grown to be a serious matter to the revenues of the
Company, and it is therefore a matter of congratulation that the whole
scheme was discovered, and has been so completely checked for the
future. The Northern Central Railroad has also suffered
CAMP MEETING. - The Camp Meeting of the Bethel Church (colored)
will be held on the farm of Mr. Thomas Trout, near Blair Furnace,
commencing on Friday, Sept. 14th, 1860. Excursion tickets will be
issued by the P. R. R. Co., from all stations between Blairsville and
Lewistown. Ministers and others are respectfully invited to attend. -
A. JOHNSTON, Pastor in charge.
APPOINTED. - We are pleased to note the appointment of C. W.
Burkholder, late Clerk in the Superintendent's office in this place,
to the position of Ticket Agent at Harrisburg. Mr. B. is an energetic
and reliable man, and the Company could not have found a better man
for the position. While we regret to lose him as a citizen, we are
content since our loss is his gain.
CHANGE. - We see by the last number of the Blair County Union, that
the partnership existing between Martin & Ray, in the publication
of that paper, has been dissolved, and it is now published by John A.
Ray & Co. The paper has also been reduced to five columns per
The following local items we clip from the Tyrone Star, of
yesterday : -
On last Tuesday evening, Mr. John Shriver, of this County, went to
Janesville, in Clearfield county, for the purpose of purchasing a
farm. He had a large amount of money in his possession, which he
carried in a belt upon his person. He stayed all night at the hotel
of Mr. Jordan. The next day he made arrangements with Mr. Wesley
Nevling for the purchase of his farm, and after dinner, whilst an
article of agreement was being drawn up, he said he would go into a
piece of woods, which is upon the place, for the purpose of examining
the timber. He went into the woods alone, and from that time nothing
has been heard of him. The community in the neighborhood of
Janesville is in a great state of excitement. It is believed that he
has been foully dealt with, but we have not learned that any one in
that neighborhood is suspected.
Little Jimmy Cats, an orphan boy whom Mr. Robert Waring is raising,
a few days since was bitten upon the leg by a spotted snake. He was
alone in the field at the time, but instantly cut out with his pocket
knife the place that was bitten. A few ulcerated sores have made
their appearance in the neighborhood of the wound, but beyond this he
has sustained no inconvenience from the poison. He is not ten years
old, and for his age certainly displayed a great deal of courage and
presence of mind. Mr. Waring's farm adjoins Tyrone.
On Saturday last a meeting of the bar of this Judicial District was
held at the Logan House, Altoona, for the purpose of adopting a
uniform set of rules of court for the District. Hon. George Taylor
presided, and the bar of the various counties was largely
On Friday last, a son of Mr. James McFarland, of this place, whilst
engaged in gathering plums for his mother, fell from the tree, a
distance of some ten feet, injuring himself quite seriously.
Fortunately, however no bones were broken.
The child of Biddy Creely (whose arrest we noticed last week) died
in the Poor House on Thursday last.
PEOPLE'S PARTY MEETING. - A meeting of the People's Party was held
in this place on Monday evening last, which attracted a pretty large
crowd. The Altoona "Wide Awake" Club turned out between sixty and
seventy torches. Forty of the Club were attired in caps and capes.
They were preceded by the Altoona Brass Band. The "Wide Awake" Club of
Hollidaysburg, numbering 50, attired in the club uniform, came out on
a special train, accompanied by a large crowd. They were met at the
depot by the Altoona Club and escorted to the vacant lots in the rear
of the Post Office, where the meeting was held. Addresses were
delivered by Hon. Daniel Ullman, of New York, and George Cowen, of
ANOTHER STORE. - We notice that our friend, And. Clabaugh, has
fitted up a store room in the corner of the "Brant House," where he
has just opened a lot of choice confectionaries, nuts, fruits, cigars,
tobacco, &c., to which he invites the attention of the good
citizens of Altoona who wish anything in his line. He also intends
opening the newspaper and periodical business, and will supply papers
and periodicals regularly to all who will leave their names with him.
He wishes those who intend patronizing him to leave their names
previous to the 10th inst.
FALL OF A BRIDGE. - The bridge which crosses the Juniata between
Hollidaysburg and Gaysport, gave way, on Wednesday of last week,
whilst a drove of cattle, belonging to Messrs. Berry, Irvin & Co.,
were passing over it. About thirty of the cattle fell headlong into
the river below, and many were more or less injured. - The bridge has
been in a very bad condition for a year or two back, and it is hoped
the Commissioners will proceed immediately to erect a more substantial
OPENING OF THE SCHOOLS. - A ten months session of the public
schools in this place, opened on Monday last, much to the satisfaction
of parents, but not so satisfactory, we presume, to those juveniles
who have an antipathy "classic halls," and whose backs, owing to a
mischievous disposition, come in for frequent applications of "hickory
oil." All the advice and consolation we can give them is to keep an
eye on the "knight of the birch," when at their pranks, and when
caught "grin and bear it."
A. S. S. A. - The Altoona Sabbath School Association will meet in
the basement of the Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening, Sept. 7th,
1860, at 7 1/2 o'clock. The following questions will come before the
Association for discussion:
1st. Is there any advantage to be derived from the use of Question
Books in imparting Biblical instruction to a Sunday School Class?
2d. Is it expedient, under the present circumstances, to continue
longer the Altoona Union Sabbath School Association?
HURT. - As the "Wide-Awakes" were passing out of town on the road
which leads from Branch street to the Plank Road, on their way to the
People's Party Meeting, at Allegheny Furnace, on Thursday evening
last, some malicious individual threw a stone at one of the
transparencies, which missed its aim and struck a little girl on the
head knocking her down and cutting a severe gash.
We intend going East in a few days, to purchase our Fall Stock -
and we deem it only necessary to inform our customers of the fact,
feeling confident that they will be on hands to square up their
accounts. - J. & J. LOWTHER. Sept. 6, 1860.
PIC NIC. - The Presbyterian Sunday School of this place, intend
having a pic nic to-day in Millers's Woods.
In Tyrone, on the 19th ult., by Sam'l Jones, sq., Mr. Peter Denny,
of Tyrone, and Miss Catharine A. Powell, of Lewistown, Mifflin co.
On the 16th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev.
Samuel T. Lowrie, Geo. M. Brisbin, Esq., of New Orleans, to Miss
Hannah E, oldest daughter of Dr. D. Houtz of Alexandria, Huntingdon
County, Pa.
At Manor Hill, Huntingdon County, on Thursday, Aug. 30th, after a
brief illness, Miss Emily Jane Love, aged 22 years, 6 months and 10
At Claysburg, on the 19th ult., Mrs. Sophia, wife of Maj. Jacob
Zeth, aged 47 years, 8 months and 7 days.
In West Point. Lee County, Iowa, May 23d, 1860, Mrs. Willamina
Scott, wile of Alexander Barnes, and formerly of this place.
The deceased had long been a consistent member of the Presbyterian
church, first in this place, and then in West Point, but for a
considerable period preceding her death, the constant alternations
between the hope of life and the fear of death, occasioned by the
deceitfulness of her disease, consumption, seemed unfavorable to her
peace of mind and her assurance of faith in Christ, and to her hope of
salvation through him. But when she came to know the certainty of
speedy death, though the struggle for resignation to die and leave her
family in her heavenly Father's hands was a hard one, yet she did
become not only resigned to this, but was in a joyful and triumphant
frame of soul for several days before her death; and when the expected
summons came, she thrice exclaimed, "Welcome, death," and gave up her
spirit into her Saviour's care. One week after, her youngest born was
laid in the same grave with his mother, and was thus quickly restored
to a mother's society and love.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 6, 1860, page