Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 8, 1859
The Tonnage Tax Question.
In our last we noticed that the suit between the Commonwealth of
Pa. and the Penn'a R. R. Co., to test the constitutionality of the
Tonnage Tax, was about to open before Judge Pearson, at Harrisburg.
The trial was concluded on Friday evening last, and on Saturday
morning Judge Pearson delivered a lengthy opinion of the case,
reviewing the various points presented to the Court. He remarked that
the case presented new and important features, involving a large
amount of money and questions involving the rights of States. He had
no precedents given by any Court upon which to base his decision, and
was therefore bound to declare the law as he found it. He had no
doubt that it was the duty of any court of this State to declare a law
unconstitutional if it should be found in conflict with the
Constitution of the United States. From the Harrisburg Telegraph we
copy the following extract of the concluding portion of the
The Judge remarked that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was
incorporated on the 13th of April, 1846, for the purpose of building a
railroad from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, and a burden was at that time
imposed upon them that they should pay a tonnage tax upon goods
carried over their road; and that after the expiration of twelve years
they come now to contest the claim upon them made by the State, and
the court is called to decide the constitutional power of this State.
The constitutional power of this State to impose a tax upon goods
carried in the State is not doubted; but the right to trammel foreign
commerce is disputed. If the duties were merely imposed upon foreign
goods passing through this State, it might present another question;
but the burden was thrown upon the corporation alone and not upon
citizens of other States. The citizens of this State, as well as
those of others, were equally taxed; and it would not do at this time
for the Railroad Company to come into Court and say, "We have
collected the money from those who shipped goods over our road, but we
won't pay it over because we deem the law imposing those duties
unconstitutional." His Honor then enquired, "who can take advantage
of the unconstitutionality of the law? Certainly the Railroad Company
cannot; but the party paying the duties might test its
constitutionality." He held the law to be a contract between the
Railroad and the State to pay certain amounts for the franchises
received from the Commonwealth, and hooted at the idea of the Railroad
Company coming into Court and contesting this claim. They had no
defense at all on this plea; they could not come and say, in good
conscience, that they had collected this money but refused to pay it
over because they considered the law unconstitutional. The only party
that might bring such a plea must be a citizen of another State. He
did not look upon them as the Agents for the State to collect this
tax, but they collected it for themselves. The agent cannot say to
the principal that he had collected this money but refused to pay it
His honor then directed the jury to return a verdict in favor of
the State for the full amount claimed, with interest thereon;
whereupon the jury returned a verdict against the R. R. Co., for the
sum of $91,196.61, debt and interest to date.
HAND-BOOK OF THE PENN'A RAIL ROAD. - Col. Geo. B. Ayres, formerly
connected with the Penn'a Rail Road, has published a Descriptive Hand-
Book of the road, a copy of which is before us. The author commences
at Philadelphia and goes over the whole line of the Road, noticing
every station and point of interest, and furnishing information in
regard to the country and towns which must be of great interest and
satisfaction to every traveler. With his book in his hand the
traveler will feel as though he knew the Road and country, although he
may never have seen it before. The price of the book is not attached,
but we presume it is 25 cents, a small sum certainly to invest in a
work which will afford so much information, as well to those who live
along the line as to the stranger.
The Enterprising Publisher George G. Evans, No. 439 Chestnut
Street, Philadelphia, has just added to his extensive list, the
following new Books:
THE LIFE OF COL DAVID CROCKETT, Written by himself, comprising his
early life, Hunting Adventures, Daring Deeds in Border and Indian
Warfare, services under General Jackson in the Creek war,
Electioneering Speeches, Career in Congress, Triumphal Tour in the
Northern States, and Struggles in the Texan War of Independence,
together with an Account of his Glorious Death at the Alamo.
In one 12mo. volume. Handsomely bound. Price $1.09.
We copy the following from the Philadelphian North American:
Colonel Crockett was a character. His autobiography has been long
out of print; his reputation for eccentricity has been presumed upon
in the publication of all sorts of outrageous and obscene nonsense, in
coarse almanacs, and other vehicles for low humor. This volume is a
republication of the genuine work, with necessary additions; and will
be new to the present generation of readers. It is as marked and
characteristic as the subject was; his portrait faithfully drawn, and
none the less so that it is without effort, and perfectly naive and
sincere. We well remember the amiable original in his northern tour,
and recall many of the incidents to which his book alludes. We never
have looked upon his like since; and rejoice in this republication as
an act of justice; to retrieve an honest man from vulgar
A copy of the Book, and a handsome present will be sent by mail,
post-paid, upon receipt of $1.00 for the book, and 21 cents for
A new Classified Catalogue of Books and Gifts, with inducements to
Agents, will be sent free, on application.
Address, G. G. EVANS, Publisher, 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
young men, by CHARLES BURDETT, Author of "Second Marriage," "Elliot
Family," "Marion Desmond," "Never too Late," etc., etc. One volume,
12mo., cloth. Price $1.00
(From the Gazette.) This book deserves to be singled out and noted
as above the many novels which are published. Both in structure and
style it is entitled to the name of art. It is a tale of Domestic
Life, rehearsing the interwoven histories of a round of every-day
characters, and its aim is to show the follies of the too many, so
called, passions and pleasures of fashionable life, touching in no
part upon ground that properly belongs to the vast domain of
The Bachelor Millionaire Uncle George, is a character reminding us
of the Brothers Cheeryble, and although he teaches the "sweet uses of
Adversity" with severe discipline, it brings out the true beauty of
character, and shows how few there are who can go through the trials
of every-day life, and in the end prove their constancy.
Copies of either of the above books with a handsome Gift worth from
50 cents to $1.00, will be sent to any person in the United States
upon receipt of $1.00, and 21 cents to pay postage, by addressing the
A new and Classified Catalogue of Books in every department of
Literature, together with a list of Gifts, and every information
relative to the establishment of agencies in the Gift Book business
will be mailed free to any one by GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, and
Originator of the Gift Book Business, No. 439 Chestnut Street,
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 8, 1859, page
DR. C. J. HIRST DEAD. - It is with feelings of deepest sorrow that
we this week record the death of our late and esteemed fellow
townsman, Dr. C. J. Hirst, which occurred on Thursday morning last at
Galesburg, Illinois, to which place he removed about the middle of
June last. He was attacked with bilious fever shortly after his
arrival at Galesburg, from which he never recovered, although at times
he was able to be up and move from thence to Monmouth, 16 miles
distant, and back. It was reported in this place, some few weeks
since, that he was dead, but because we had no foundation for the
report, we did not notice it, believing it false; but the letter
received on Sunday morning, from his brother, Rev. Wm. Hirst, leaves
no room for doubt, destroys our hopes and confirms the fears we had
that such would eventually be the case. In his death his estimable
wife loses one who was to her a husband in every sense of the word,
and no higher tribute to his memory in this respect could be paid; his
relatives a kind and affectionate companion, and the community an
example of perseverance, integrity, liberality humanity, morality and
all that adorns a man and makes him a useful member of society. His
relatives, in this the hour of their bereavement will have the
sympathy of all who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance, as his
demise is universally coupled with expressions of sorrow. In the
midst of their affliction his friends can console themselves with the
reflection that he had made suitable preparation for the change which
sooner or later awaited him, and that ere long, if they too are
provident as he, they shall meet him where sickness never comes, where
death is no longer feared, where the pain of parting is never felt,
and sorrow is unknown.
SUMMER ENDED. - The Summer of Fifty-nine is past and gone forever
and we have entered upon the delightful season of the "sere and yellow
leaf." The harvest is past - the Summer is ended - the leaves of
variegated hue are already making their appearance on the forest trees
- and soon the voice of the "Katydid" and the light of the glow-worm
will usher in the Autumnal evenings. How short the time seems since
Spring was with us, so swiftly do the seasons pass! The years of
human life have very aptly been compared to the degrees of longitude
which shorten as we approach the poles. The ardent youth thinks the
years of fearful length until he attains maturity - then they seem
shorter, and increase with every subsequent period of life's journey
until he exclaims, with Job, "My days are swifter than a weaver's
shuttle." Autumn is the most delightful season, teeming with the
fruition of the year - the harvests are gathered, the fruits are ripe,
and plenty abounds. It infuses a soothing and tranquilizing influence
over the mind, and disposes to contemplation and gratitude.
CITIZENS' ENGINE AND HOSE COMPANY. - The zeal with which the
members of this company have entered into the spirit of their work,
deserves success, and if we do not have a good fire company and a good
engine, it will not be the fault of those engaged in the work, but may
be attributed to the short-sightedness of the property-holders of the
town. The Committee appointed by the company to receive subscriptions
and money for the purpose of purchasing an engine and a quantity of
hose, desire that all subscribers should pay up previous to the 12th
of September, and we sincerely hope the response will be instantaneous
and liberal. It seems to us useless that we should here recount the
advantages of having a good fire engine and company in this place, as
we presume all are aware of them; therefore we will only add that now
is the time to aid in securing what the nature of the buildings and
the good cause of the people tells them that the town demands, viz: a
means of protection in case of fire.
THE ENCAMPMENT. - From the extensive preparations now being made,
and the number of companies from a distance that have signified their
intention to participate therein, we believe that the encampment to be
held at Tyrone, commencing on Monday week, 19th of September, will be
one of the largest and best ever held in the interior of the State.
There are 11 companies in this county, all of whom will be on hand,
together with some 10 or 12 companies from Cambria, Clearfield and
Centre. It is also expected that Capt. Hambright's company, from
Lancaster, and the Duquesne Grays, of Pittsburgh, will visit the
Encampment. Arrangements are now being made with an aeronaut, of
Lebanon, John A. Light, to have a balloon ascension on Thursday
afternoon. This will add materially to the attractions of the
programme. The ground selected for the encampment is well adapted to
the purpose, and has been suitably prepared. The citizens of Tyrone
are taking great interest in the affair, evincing that they are a
public-spirited people. We hope their expectations may be fully
TOBACCO FOR BOYS. - A strong writer administers a wholesome dose
to the boy chewers and smokers, assuring them that tobacco has spoiled
and utterly ruined thousands of boys, inducing a dangerous precocity,
developing the passions, softening and weakening the bones, and
greatly injuring the spinal marrow, the brain, and the whole nervous
fluid. A boy who early and frequently smokes, or in any way uses
large quantities of tobacco, never is known to make a man of much
energy of character, and generally lacks physical and muscular, as
well as mental energy. We would particularly warn boys who want to be
anybody in the world, to shun tobacco as a most baneful poison.
CAMP MEETING. - The colored folks of this county will hold a Camp
Meeting near Brush Run, a short distance from Hollidaysburg,
commencing to-morrow (Friday). It will no doubt be well attended by
whites as well as blacks. We have been requested to state that Geo.
McCabe will be on hand with his omnibus to run between this place and
the camp during its continuance.
A SHAME! - Our post-master, on the 1st inst., opened the
"Washington Monument Contribution Box" placed in his office on the 1st
ultimo, and found the enormous sum of NINETY-NINE CENTS deposited
therein! - averaging about one-fifth of a mill to each inhabitant of
the town! "Oh! Shame! where is thy blush!" Oh! patriotism! Where
hast thou flown to! Oh Washington! did thy glorious deeds die with
thee? - Are we publishing a paper to enlighten heathen - or are we
talking to free-made citizens of Washington's Nation? We are really
ashamed to publish the above disgraceful fact, but we beg our distant
readers to exercise a little charity for our town - perhaps our people
did not know there was a contribution box in the post-office - we hope
they did not; and now that they have had due notice thereof, we hope
to have a much better report to give of the patriotism and citizenship
of Altoona, at the end of next month. We shall see.
DEATH BY SNAKE-BITE. - We learn that on Thursday of last week,
about one o'clock, a little boy of six years - son of John Weaver, who
lives about two miles above Bald Eagle Furnace - followed a cat to the
lower end of the garden, when a rattlesnake bit him eleven times, just
below the knee. Another little brother called to his father, who was
at some distance, that his brother was bitten by a snake. The father
ran, picked up the child and put some clay on its wounds, for they
were bleeding profusely; he then carried it into the house, but before
reaching the house, the child became deathly sick, vomited copiously,
and was soon entirely helpless. A physician was sent for, but about
nine o'clock the next morning, death put an end to the little fellow's
sufferings. It is thought that the fangs of the snake had struck a
leading artery, which carried the poison throughout the child's entire
system at once, so that nothing could be done for him when the
physician arrived. - Star.
CHILD DROWNED. - On Friday afternoon last, a little boy, aged about
two years, son of John Welsh, living on Branch street, East Altoona,
wandered out of the house, while his mother was doing something up
stairs, and went to a well in the yard, on which there was a loose
board. As soon as the mother came down stairs and missed the child
she made search for him, and discovering that the well-board had been
shifted she rushed to the spot, only to find her fears realized. She
child had fallen in and was drowned. The water being near the top of
the well she reached in and pulled him out and gave the alarm to the
neighbors, a number of whom came in immediately and endeavored to
resuscitate the child, but it was too late - the vital spark had fled.
Mr. Welsh is a brakesman on one of the freight trains on the Penn'a
Railroad and was from home at the time. An inquest was held by
Coroner Fox and a verdict in accordance with the above returned.
BOYS IN TROUBLE. - On Sunday last, a number of boys of this place
feloniously entered the orchard of Mr. Bell, residing over the hill,
and carried away a quantity of apples. Excursions of this kind having
become rather numerous, Mr. Bell concluded to enforce the law, made
and provided for such cases, and make an example of the lads which
would be a warning to others. Accordingly he had a warrant issued for
their arrest, and placed in the hands of Constable Ely who succeeded
in nabbing two of the boys on Monday evening and conveying them before
Esquire Cherry, who imposed a find on each and then let them off. The
Constable has no doubt caught the others ere this and made them settle
up. There are a number of bad boys about this place who need a touch
of the law, and we are glad to know that they are about to receive
OPENING OF THE SCHOOLS. - On Monday last the public schools in this
place were opened under the supervision of the teachers heretofore
announced. As a matter of course there was considerable confusion
among the "young 'uns" in gathering up books, &c, and many wry
faces were made as the command to "potter off" was issued by the
parents. We can easily imagine the feelings of the juveniles who are
thus deprived of the sports which they were enjoying during the
holidays. Once we dreaded the words "school commences to-day," and
would gladly have escaped to a land where there were no schools. Now,
however, our only regret is that we did not gladly welcome the sound
and make better use of our time; and so it will be with those who are
now enjoying a privilege, the most to be prized on earth, that of
obtaining a good education.
ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL SIGHT. - On Thursday night last, between the
hours of 12 and 4 o'clock, we are informed that a phenomenon, similar
to that which we noticed under the head of the "Aurora Borealis" last
week, only much brighter and more beautiful, was to be seen. - The
cause of these displays, if we may so style them, as yet remains
unexplained, if, indeed, they ever can be. In them philosophers and
astronomers will find subject matter for investigation. That they
effect the temperature of the atmosphere is now fully demonstrated,
hence we infer that electricity produces the phenomenon; but the
wherefore of its assuming the appearance it has on the two occasions
referred to, and its appearing at particular times, is we think, the
CONTEMPT OF COURT. - A man named Meloy, who was an important
witness for the Commonwealth in several liquor cases which came up at
last Court in this county, but who was non est when his name was
called, was brought up at the adjourned Court on the 24th ult., on
attachment, and fined $20 and costs, and ordered into the custody of
the sheriff until the sentence be complied with. The Judge intimated
that his straitened circumstances had this time secured him a moderate
punishment, but that a find of three times that amount would be
imposed in like cases in the future. The Pittsburgh Chronicle in
remarking on this case says: - "Judge Taylor is not a man to be
trifled with, and if there were more courts like this in the State,
there would be fewer rascals."
TRAVEL ON THE P. R. R. - For some time past the trains on the
Penn'a Rail Road have been carrying a greatly increased number of
passengers, rendering the addition of another car necessary. On
Wednesday morning of last week there were eight cars in the Express
Train West, and all crowded. The certainty of making connections, the
safety and the excellent accommodations the Penn'a Central guarantees
to travelers, is gradually drawing the travel from its rivals, none of
whom can ever hope to successfully compete with it in any of these
particulars. The traveler, who is not interested in the success of
any of the rival lines, who once passes over the Penn'a Central will
be sure to praise and patronize it every afterwards.
NEW RESTAURANT. - We are pleased to inform our readers, that Wm. B.
Smith, of Hollidaysburg, has opened a new restaurant in the basement
of J. & J. Lowther's building. Mr. Smith, as a caterer to the
sense of taste, bears a reputation unsurpassed by any other follower
of his profession in the Country - we speak by the book; for many a
meal, fit for a King, has it been our pleasure to devour at his table.
He intends serving up, besides Oysters, all the little delicacies
which the season furnishes, and the wants of the people demand. In
fine he determines to keep such a Restaurant as Altoona never knew or
heard of. Call and see him.
TOMATOES. - Mr. John Rutherford requests us to inform the citizens
of Altoona that he has a large stock of the largest and best tomatoes
ever raised in this part of the country, which are now fast ripening
and ready for market. - He will leave them at the houses of those who
order from him. Those who can not see him will be supplied by leaving
their orders at J. & J. Lowther's, Henry Bell's or at John Lehr's,
at which places he will deposit them for sale.
HOLLIDAYSBURG, September 6, 1859.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - The Public Schools of this place opened on
yesterday (Monday). The children, who have been enjoying a season of
holiday, will now have to shoulder their satchels and travel to the
school-room. As I listed to the old school bell, yesterday my mind
ran back to my by-gone school days, and I thought with what a heavy
heart I took my books in hand to go to school, after enjoying a
holiday during the summer months. No doubt some of the children,
wended their way to the school yesterday, with regret, whilst others
went with happy hearts. May we not hope that the children will now
improve the high privileges which they enjoy, as regards
A very pleasant Sabbath School pic-nic came off on Saturday last,
in the locality known as "Pole-cat-Hollow," situated in Allegheny
township. The devotional and intellectual exercises were conducted by
Revs. Dosh and Junkin, and consisted of hymns, addresses and prayer.
The repast was ample, was composed of the richest and most excellent
"good things." All appeared delighted and well satisfied with the
joyous manner in which they had spent the day.
As "snaix" stories appear to be in the rage, I will give a short
one. On Sunday last, two young lads of this place, while in the
neighborhood of the Reservoir killed a water-snake, which measured
about three feet in length. - After killing it, they opened it and
found within it thirty-five small one, each measuring about 10 or 12
inches in length. I do not vouch for the truth of this story.
On Thursday, September 2nd, 1859, by J. M. Cherry, Esq., in
Altoona, Mr. George Sharrah of Huntingdon Co., to Miss Rebecca Kees of
Pinegrove, Centre Co.
On the 21st ult., near Tiffin, Seneca Co., Ohio, Mr. Michael
Erhart, Sr., formerly of this place, aged about 65 years.
In Logan township, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Wm.
Black, aged 52 years, 10 months and 12 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 8, 1859, page