Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 1, 1859
this Senatorial District, met at Tyrone on Thursday last. Dr. R. W.
Christy, of this county, was chosen Chairman and Cyrus L. Pershing, of
Cambria, and James Larimer, of Clearfield, Secretaries. Maj. Theodore
Snyder, of this county, Augustin Durbin, of Cambria, and Wm. A.
Wallace, of Clearfield, were nominated for Senator. 220 ballots were
had without making a nomination, at this time Maj. Snyder withdrew his
name, and on the 221st ballot the vote stood 5 for Durbin, and 3 for
Wallace. Mr. Durbin having received a majority of all the votes cast
was thereupon declared the nominee.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 1, 1859, page
THE AURORA BOREALIS. - The Northern Light, on Sunday night last,
was the most magnificent specimen of this phenomenon over witnessed in
this region of country. It was truly indescribably beautiful; but,
for the benefit of those of our readers who were so unfortunate as not
to have witnessed it, we give the following as-near-as-possible
perfect description of the sublime sight, from the Phila. Bulletin:
"The sun had set in a clear bright sky, and soon after dark a
peculiar appearance, resembling twilight, was observed in the north.
As the evening advanced the light became more intense, and it assumed
a streaky appearance the lines of which were variegated with green,
blue and crimson colors. These beautiful lights seemed to shoot up
from the northern horizon. After a time they gathered in the centre
of the heavens, rather south of the zenith, and from that point the
rays diverged, covering the eastern, western and northern skies, and
having the exact appearance of a canopy spread out over the sky and
extending in arches of colored light to the horizon where it seemed to
fade out. While the form of a canopy or of a gigantic transparent
umbrella was still retained there were constant changes in progress
among the rays of light and in the arrangement of the colors; but
every change was harmonious, and new and brilliant effects were
constantly produced as though the magnificent components of the Aurora
had been chopped into pieces, and placed in n titanic kaleidoscope,
through which the beholder watched the celestial fire works, as the
gigantic instrument revolved, and brought about new and still more
exquisite combinations and effects. The crown of the heavenly canopy
had a murky red appearance, which extended east and west, intensifying
near the eastern and western horizon into deep and brilliant crimson.
In the north the spurs of light assumed colors which varied in hue and
intensity almost momentarily; green and blue were the principal colors
in this portion of the display. The stars, which shone brilliantly in
the southern heavens, and which could be seen glimmering through the
polar canopy, added greatly to the beauty of the spectacle."
The cause of the phenomenon has for years past been a subject of
much speculation among the learned of the world, but nothing certain
or reliable has ever been produced. Astronomers have told us that it
was the reflection of the Arctic iceberg under the illumination of the
God of Day; but rational as the idea seems, philosophers have hooted
at it, and attempted to explain it on electrical principles -
philosophers in their turn, have been laughed at, and the matter has
been an uncertain mystery. Yet the results of Sunday night's display
have proved beyond doubt that electricity has, to say the least, a
great deal to do with the so-called Aurora Borealis of the Temperate
Zones. All over our State, (we read in our exchanges,) the
telegraphic wires were rendered useless on that evening, and at
Harrisburg one of the operators chanced to touch one of the wires, and
was "thrown, by the violence of the shock which he received, across
the room." And, moreover, philosophy as now taught, (and actual
observation,) demonstrates the fact that the Earth's atmosphere, when
surcharged with electricity, is rendered frigid ; and on Sunday night
last, our citizens were forced to add an additional blanket to their
beds, to prevent a chill - not to mention the visible frost on Monday
morning. A new subject for investigation, at any rate, is presented
to our philosophers, and we think they will finally and universally
adopt the opinion that electricity has more to do with the phenomenon
of the Northern Lights than the reflection of the sun upon the
icebergs of the Arctic Regions.
ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. - On Thursday morning last, as Geo. When, clerk
in Plack's store across the way, was opening the store, he observed a
man passing with several pairs of boots and a pair of shoes on his
arm. The man looked a little suspicious, which prompted George to ask
him where he had obtained his goods, and the stranger replied that he
had got them at the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store. This confirmed
George's suspicion, as he observed that the proprietor of the Shoe
Store had not yet opened his establishment and consequently was not
about, and he plied the fellow with a few more questions which he
could not answer satisfactorily, when he determined to take the boots
from the chap, to which operation he did not seriously object, but
afterwards made himself scarce. When Mr. Kimball opened his store
shortly afterwards, he missed several pair of boots which had been
left hanging close to the show window, and on examination he found
that one half of a broken pane of glass had been slid up past the
others, and the boots thus taken out. On making known his loss the
boots captured a short time previous were shown him and immediately
identified. When we consider that this operation was performed after
daylight and when a number of persons were on the street, we think it
about as bold an one as could well be undertaken.
DEPARTED. - On Saturday evening last, our young friend Kimball,
proprietor of the "Peoples' Shoe Store," called to bid us farewell,
having determined to pitch his tent in another locality. We were
sorry to part with such a whole-souled fellow, but presume he knew his
own business best, and therefore all we can do is to wish him a good
location, a good run of customers and a good time generally in the
A correspondent writing from Duncansville, gives us an account of a
pic nic held in Moore's Grove, at the foot of Plane 10, which must
have been a pleasant gathering. Revs. Junkin and Fichtner were
present and delivered appropriate addresses. He says further, that
"there are hopes entertained here that the Portage Iron Works will
start soon, but it is quite uncertain. Every one in this vicinity is
praying that they may start and thereby revive business in
Duncansville." The examination of teachers for Allegheny school
district came off on Tuesday of last week. The applicants, with one
exception, were quite young men. The following selections were made
by the Directors:
Duncansville, 1st school - Mr. Suitor
" 2d school, Mr. John Clingerman.
Foot of Ten - Mr. Ingersoll.
Bennington - Mr. D. M. Albaugh.
Sugar Run - Mr. J. Alex. Black.
Spencer's Run - Mr. H. A. Conrad.
Dysart's - Mr. J. M. Stiffler.
THE PRESBYTERIAN COLONY. - The Presbyterian Colony project is
getting along finely, as we understand from Mr. Crawford, the
Secretary. He informs us that ninety-one men (most of them having
families,) have signified a desire to embark in the enterprise, and
have offered to invest some $50,000 in it. Their vocations are varied
and suitable, comprising farmers, carpenters, cabinet-makers, tinners,
printers, teachers, preachers, stone-masons, merchants, attorneys,
clerks, &c. &c. Having now secured the complement fixed
upon in the first place, the managers of the affair will issue a call
for a meeting of those interested, to be held in the course of a few
weeks, to appoint a committee to visit and report upon proposed
locations for the colony, &c. Several points are offered, and
strong inducements are held out to secure the settlement, but no one
is able to give anything more than a vague guess as to where the
choice will fall. - Persons at any time desiring information as to
the Colony, should address John A. Crawford, Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
enclosing a P. O. stamp. - Hol. Register.
ALTOONA GAS AND WATER WORKS. - Quite a large force of men are now
at work laying the gas and water pipes through the streets, excavating
the basins for the water and gas and laying the foundation of the gas
house. Should the weather prove favorable, and all the pipe arrive in
time, the works will be completed by the first, or, at farthest, the
middle of November. It is the intention of the company to have all
the pipe laid down through the streets by the time the reservoir and
gas works are finished, so that water and gas can be conveyed to all
parts of the town as soon as it is received into the reservoir and
manufactured at the gas house. Those who wish either should signify
their desire to the proper persons immediately, so that the pipes may
be tapped opposite their residences or places of business, as they are
laid down, thus saving trouble hereafter.
SHOW ABOUT. - On Monday morning last, a travelling caravan stopped
at this place and pitched a tent on a vacant lot up street, and hung
out a number of life-size pictures - one of a lady called the snake-
tamer, who performed various feats with the subtle enemy who tempted
and betrayed mother Eve. Another of a mermaid, with a woman's head
and fishes tail, likely the same one we read of in P. T. Barnum's life
of himself - together with others which we did not stop to admire.
Very few of our citizens exhibiting a desire to "go in" and "get
squeezed" or humbugged, the proprietor pulled up stakes and left next
morning. The people of Altoona have been so much surfeited with
exhibitions of this kind lately, that it now requires something extra
to draw a crowd at such entertainments.
ADDRESS. - Judge Taylor, of Huntingdon, has accepted the
invitations of the Managers of the Blair County Agricultural Society,
to deliver an address on the occasion of the coming Fair. - Those who
know the man need not be told that it will be well worth listening to,
and to those who have not had the pleasure of hearing him, we can
promise that it will be one replete with information.
CHANGE. - The time of holding the Military Encampment at Tyrone,
has been changed from the 17th of October to the 19th of September.
It is expected that quite a number of companies from adjoining
counties will be in attendance. The committee of arrangements are now
busily engaged in fitting up the ground, and will have everything in
good order.
SINGING SCHOOL. - Prof. G. W. Huey, of Pittsburgh, is now in this
place, for the purpose of getting up a class of children and giving
instructions in vocal music. The Prof. comes highly recommended by
the ministers, lawyers and other prominent citizens of Greensburg,
Johnstown, Ebensburg, and all places where he has been giving
instructions. The Ebensburg Mountaineer, in noticing his farewell
concert in that place, given on Monday night last, says: "We scarcely
thought it possible for children to attain such proficiency in so
short a time. The harmony exhibited was really astonishing, and in
every portion of the exercise, evidence was given that a master hand
had been training them."
THANKS. - The Ladies of St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church,
Altoona, desire to return their thanks to the directors and members of
the Altoona Mechanics' Library and Reading Room Association for their
kindness and courtesy in granting the use of their room; and also to
the Welsh Miners Glee Club and the auctioneers for their valuable and
efficient aid rendered during the Fair.
SCHOOL BOOKS. - H. Fettinger has just received an extensive
assortment of the various kinds of school books used in this place and
surrounding districts, which he will sell at a small advance on first
cost. Also, all kinds of stationery, such as copy books, pens,
pencils, inks, slates, &c., all of which will be sold cheap.
Clark's Writing Fluid is just suited to school purposes.
ABOUT TO LEAVE. - Our excellent dentist, Dr. W. S. Bittner, informs
us that he is preparing to start on a visit to his friends, in the
course of a week or so, and that he will be absent for four weeks;
therefore, all those who wish anything in his line should call during
the latter part of the present week or beginning of next.
NOTICE. - The fourth instalment on the capital Stock of the Altoona
Gas and Water Company will be due and made payable at the Banking
House of Wm. Lloyd & Co., on the 16th day of September.
B. F. ROSE, Secretary, Altoona, Sept. 1, 1859
Sunday School Celebration.
MESSRS. McCRUM & DERN: - The scholars, teachers and friends of
the "Union Sabbath School," belonging to the vicinity of Gwin's School
House, in Logan township, held a celebration on Thursday last, 25th
inst. At nine o'clock in the morning the scholars and teachers met in
the school-room and afterwards formed in procession in classes, each
teacher taking the head of his or her class. In front was carried a
beautifully painted and decorated banner, having on one side the words
"UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL," and on the other side the words "JUST AS THE
TWIG IS BENT THE TREE'S INCLINED." For this banner the school is
mainly indebted to the late lamented Dr. G. D. Thomas, of Altoona, who
procured it for the school some two months previous to his death.
Thus they marched under the supervision of the officers of the school
- their only music the sweet voices of the children who sang "Away,
away to the Sabbath School," - until they reached the grove selected
for the future exercises of the day, near the residence of the
Superintendent, (Hon. J. L. Gwin) where, after a short address by him,
the school was dismissed. A number of swings had been put up which
were soon resorted to by those fond of that amusement, while others
joined in friendly conversation. Here were to be found the aged, who
had attained their fourscore years, down to the little prattler in its
mother's arms. Parents, children and grand-children were brought
together - friendships were renewed - neighbors met not as they
ordinarily meet, having only time to speak and part, but with leisure
to hold friendly conversation with each other. It is thus a community
is strengthened in its friendships and its plans of usefulness. There
the Sabbath school as a living reality is brought before the vision of
many who, perhaps do not see it at other times. - The very look of the
children seemed to say "come then with us (to the Sabbath School) and
we will do thee good."
The table having been spread, all were invited to come and partake
of the good things with which it was so bountifully ladened. After
thanks were offered to Almighty God for this goodness in sending the
rain, the fruitful season and abundant harvest, and his blessing
implored, all present to the number of 130 or 140 partook of the
dinner. Dinner over, two of the scholars recited a dialogue and two
others delivered addresses which were listened to with interest. A
discussion was then had as to the propriety of Sunday School
celebrations. After hearing of both sides, a vote was taken which
showed a large majority in favor of annual celebrations. A resolution
was also adopted favoring the holding of a Convention of the friends
of Sabbath Schools at an early day. The scholars were then dismissed
to engage in their recreations until the time to return to their homes
arrived. A number of persons from Altoona and other parts of the
county were present and expressed themselves well pleased, not a
single incident occurred to mar the pleasure of the day. Thus ended
the third celebration of the school referred to. May it greatly
prosper and abound in good works is the sincere wish of your
correspondent. LOGAN.
On the 25th inst., at the house of the bride's father, by the Rev.
Jos. Fichtner, Mr. Jacob J. Noffsker, of Freedom tp., to Miss Mary
Jane Stiffler, of Frankstown.
On the 1st of August, by Geo. L. Cowen, Esq., Mr. David Ham to Miss
Ruth Myers, all of Taylor tp.
At the Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, on the 28th
inst., Mr. George Curry to Miss Maggie J. Keasy, both of the Loop.
On the same evening, by the same (Rev. Lloyd Knight, on the 28th
inst.), Mr. William Foust of the Cove, to Miss Elizabeth Longenecker
of Hollidaysburg.
On the Camp Ground at Woodberry, 14th inst., by the Rev. B. Blake,
Mr. Abel Myers, of Maria Forges, to Miss Delaware Thompson of the same
In Hollidaysburg on the 25th inst., Eliza - daughter of John Gorley
and wife - aged 19 years.
In Logan tp, on the 27th inst., Mollie - daughter of John J. Canan
and wife - in the 15th year of her age.
In this place, on the 1st ult., William Marshall, son of Robert and
Matilda Hackett, aged 1 year and 10 months.
You are hereby commanded to meet at your armory, in the Borough of
Altoona, on Saturday, September 10th, 1859, at 9 o'clock, A. M.,
precisely, properly equipped for drill, and provided with eight rounds
of blank cartridge. - H. W. SNYDER, Capt.
In the Post Office at Altoona, September 1st, 1859.
Armstrong, Thos.
Alexander, Chas.
Adams, Lucius B.
Baily, S. L. 2
Brannan, E.
Barron, M.
Brawley, John
Beck, Isaac
Carl, Ellen
Cunningham, E. O.
Canton, Felix
Campbell, A. M. J.
Clark, John
Cooney, Margaret
Commerford, John
Donley, M.
Daily, John
Eshleman, M. B.
Farrell, Mary
Foenmer, Xavier
Goodall, Hannah
Green, Jane
Geible, J. F.
Gray, Samuel
Garrety, Bernard
Heylin, I. B.
Houseman, Levi
Hoover, G. S.
Houseman, Lydia |
Irvine, A. C.
Johnston, J. H. 2
Knox, Alex.
Kennedy, John M.
Morrisay, T.
Mullen, P.
Molana, W.
McClenen, Mary
McManigal, Jane
McClain, James
Nelson, Sarah A.
O'Keef, Miche
Price, Thos. H.
Richard, Mary A.
Sudler, J. R.
Steel, Martha J. 2
Sheehan, John
Stroup, Moses
Spare, Mary
Stekley, M. L.
Stombaugh, Jos.
Taylor, John
Washington, George
Wilson, Ann
Weist, Wolfkenick
Wilmore, Maria
Wells, E. D. 2
Yates, Wm.
Young, John |
persons calling for letters on this list will please say they are
advertised. - JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M.
NOTICE. - THERE WILL BE A public examination of Teachers for Logan
township, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH. The Examination will commence
at 9 o'clock A. M., in the Collinsville School House. Each applicant
must be present at that hour and be provided with paper and pencil.
Ten teachers are required to supply the schools. - A. LOUDON, Secy.
Logan Township, August 18th, 1859
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 1, 1859, page