Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, March 31, 1859
RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES of the Borough of Altoona, for the year
ending March 1st, 1859:
JAMES LOWTHER, Treasurer, in account with said Borough. DR.
To am't received of John McClelland, collector, balance on
Duplicate for 1857, $696.90
To am't received of John McClelland, collector, on acc't of Fox, for
1858, $1287.83
To am't received of E. M. Jones, Chief Burgess, Fines, Liens, &c.,
Total, $2040.68
1858. DR.
Mar. 31. J. F. Reifsnyder, Borough Constable, $20.00
" " H. A. Sellers, for rent of room, $1.00
" " J. Good, Esq., $1.00
April 21. William Robeson, work, $10.63
" " Alex Mock, plastering "Lock Up," 66.39
" " Lowther & McDowell, merchandize, $8.10
May 4. C. Glass, for labor, $5.00
" " Henry Foust, for labor, $6.00
" " John Hamlin, for labor, $4.50
" " H. Burkholder, for labor, $5.50
" " Geo. Metzgar, for labor, $4.00
" " F. Hafley, for labor, $5.50
" " E. M. Jones, supervisor, $7.56
" " Allen McPherson, labor, $3.00
" " David Louden, for labor, $5.50
" 6 Jacob Hesser, lumber, $11.50
" " James Coyle, labor, $2.50
June 8. E. M. Jones, supervisor, $20.97
" " John Hamlin, labor, $11.75
" " Thomas McMinn, carpenter work, $6.00
" " Allen McPherson, labor, $14.75
" " James Coyle, labor, $1.00
" " Henry Foust, labor, $15.25
" " D. Louden, labor, $7.25
" " H. Burkholder, labor, $13.00
" " George Metzgar, labor, $12.75
" " F. Hafley, labor, $17.75
" " C. Capstick, cleaning "Lock Up," $2.00
" 10 McCrum & Allison, printing, $10.00
" " McCrum & Allison, printing, $11.00
" 12 John Griffin, labor, $1.12
" " Jacob Miller, blacksmithing, $ .68
" " Jacob Miller, blacksmithing, $8.39
" " Joseph Caughling, labor, $7.25
" " Assessors, taking census $25.00
" " C. Glass, labor, $6.75
" 30 R. H. McCormick, merchandize, $16.89
July 7. John Griffin, labor, $6.37
" " Henry Foust, labor, $4.00
" " E. M. Jones, supervisor, $31.63
" " John Allison, horse labor, $3.00
" " _____Rodkey, $1.88
" " Penn'a Rail Road Co, $ .50
" " J. W. Rigg, spouting, $20.08
" " Henry Burkholder, labor, $20.00
" " John Cunningham, labor, $3.00
" " John Cunningham, labor, $7.50
" " William Walton, horse labor, $1.88
Aug. 2. Henry Burkholder, horse labor, $7.50
" " John Allison, horse labor, $6.00
" " William Walton, horse labor, $1.50
" " J. L. Ickes, merchandize, $1.80
" " Geo. Metzgar, labor, $5.50
" " E. M. Jones, supervisor, $28.88
" " John Cunningham, horse labor, $26.63
" " J. Runyen, labor, $2.00
" " G. Metzgar, labor $22.00
" " A. McPherson, horse labor, $4.00
" " John Griffin, horse labor, $18.00
" " John Griffin, horse labor, $3.00
Sept. 6. Mrs. Houck, cleaning Lock Up, $1.00
" " Lowther & McDowell, merchandize, $3.93
" " E. M. Jones, supervisor, $35.75
" " W. Armstrong, labor, $ .50
" " W. Brown, labor, $5.00
" " Jacob Hesser, lumber, $2.11
Oct. 11. John Allison, $1.50
" " J. Jackson, labor, $8.00
" " J. Thornberg, labor, $3.25
" " H. Burkholder, labor, $13.50
" " J. E. Houston, lumber, $68.04
" " H. Devine, labor, $12.75
" " E. M. Jones, supervisor, $34.94
" " ____ Wilson, labor, $10.75
" " John Shoemaker, lumber, $77.05
" " H. Devine, labor, $6.00
" " Louis Plack, stonework, $367.50
" " J. Cunningham, horse labor, $18.37
" " Geo. Metzgar, labor, $22.75
" " J. Hafley, labor, $23.50
" " J. Karns, horse labor, $18.75
" " D. Irons, labor, $12.75
" " H. Burkholder, labor, $13.25
" " J. Moist, horse labor, $20.62
Nov. 2. J. Kenney, labor, $1.75
" " E. M. Jones, supervisor, $28.88
" " F. Hafley, labor, $23.25
" " W. Awalt, labor, $1.50
" " J. McKearnen, labor, $15.37
" " Jacob Hesser, late Treasurer, $52.49
" " D. Widle, labor, $3.00
1859. F. Hafley, labor, $18.75
January H. Burkholder, labor, $10.50
" E. M. Jones, supervisor, $23.87
" G. Metzgar, labor, $14.75
" E. M. Jones, supervisor, $15.82
" J. Good, preparing liens, $8.75
" J. L. Reifsnyder, carpenter work, $6.00
" C. B. Sink, lumber, $29.24
" E. M. Jones, supervisor, $11.00
" John Louden, merchandize, $13.00
" F. Hafley, labor, $12.00
" J. Cunningham, labor, $6.75
" Jas. Rigg, stove, $12.31
" Miller Knott, lumber, $17.05
" T. Garrahen, labor, $2.75
" J. Cunningham, labor, $1.50
" J & J Lowther, merchandize, $4.79
" Michael Kearney, $1.00
" McCrum & Dern, printing, $16.00
" James & Hooper, blacksmithing, $7.70
" Peter Reed, furniture, $3.62
" M. McCormick, $9.52
" R. Green, stone, $30.00
" J. K. Ely, borough constable, $25.00
" J. McClelland, clerk to council, $25.00
Treasurer's per centage, $40.67
Balance in hands of Treasurer, $3.60
I certify that I have examined the above account and find it
- THOMAS McMINN, Auditor. March 17, 1859.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 31, 1859, page 1
For the Altoona Tribune.
Honor to the Brave.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - It has been suggested to give a new name* to the
"Cove," now sometimes called the "Kettle." To this the "oldest
inhabitant" makes a serious objection, and thinks it only necessary to
inform the present generation and the "rest of mankind" what the
original name of that beautiful, romantic and picturesque valley
really is, to secure the unanimous consent of even the present fast
generation in its behalf. The memory of that old veteran Indian
fighter, so well known to the early settlers of Franktown and Canoe
Creek, Capt. EDWARD MILLIGAN, Sr., who so nobly defended himself and
slew the enemy on the spot, deserves a continuation of the name given
to it by common consent at that time. He rendered his name, by his
valor, dear to all the inhabitants around about the spot, and the name
immediately became the same.
On the map of Huntingdon County, constructed by John Morrison, by
virtue of an Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, passed 19th March
1816, the romantic Gap in the Bush [sic] Mountain, through which we
pass into the "Cove," is called "Milligan's Gap." The new house just
erected by Mr. Samuel White, is on the ridge from which the waters run
opposite directions, dividing about five yards from each other. The
run flowing east, passing Brotherline's, Ream's, Lewis' Curry's and
Herrick's land, and the residence of Paul Hurm, the celebrated boot-
maker, and the new house just erected by Mr. Thos. Dobbs, is called on
the said map "Sinking Run."
The run flowing west and around north to Pottsgrove's Mills, out of
which the Altoona people are continually using the water, is named on
the said map "Milligan's Run."
Surely no name is more appropriate and beautiful than "Cove," and
none more deserving of honor than he who so nobly fought the battle
which secured the soil. Let it then, hereafter, be known only as
"Milligan's Gap," "Milligan's Cove," &c. Of course the Post
Office, the School District and the new township will each be named
"Brotherline," in honor of the liberal pioneer of the settlers. So
says the
* In our last issue we give the title of "Kemp's Mills" to the new
settlement, by mistake, in not understanding the name. It should have
been "Hurmville," in honor of the oldest settler, Paul Hurm, the
celebrated Boot-maker referred in the above communication. It was not
proposed to change the name of the Gap or the Cove, but merely to give
a name to the new town which will likely spring up in that "neck o'
timber." As there are now two names proposed, viz:-"Hurmville" and
"Brotherline," it remains for the settlers to decide for themselves
which they will adopt.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 31, 1859, page 2
LIST OF JURORS. - The following is a list of the Grand and Traverse
Jurors drawn for the approaching term of the April Court, commencing
on the fourth Monday and 25th day of the month: -
Ake Henry L, merchant, Woodberry.
Albright Samuel, laborer, Taylor.
Burbank George, farmer, Allegheny.
Burger David, do Juniata.
Bridenbaugh Philip do Tyrone tp.
Cannan Alfred, boat-builder, Hollidaysburg.
Crowther James, livery keeper, Tyrone bor.
Eckhart George, farmer, Freedom.
Hann? Jacob, do Allegheny
Hite Josiah M., cabinet maker, Greenfield.
Henry Franklin, clerk, Gaysport.
Harpster John, farmer, Frankstown.
Morrow Robert do Tyrone tp.
McIntyre Jacob, saddler, N. Woodberry.
McMullin Henry, farmer, Tyrone tp.
McGarney Wm. do Logan.
Nicodemus J. S. do N. Woodberry.
Powell Daniel do Huston.
Robison David do Allegheny.
Stoner Daniel do N. Woodberry
Stones John, laborer, Greenfield.
Weaver Philip, carpenter, Blair.
Yingling, Lazarus, blacksmith, Logan.
Young Curtis, farmer, Frankstown.
Ake Wm. H., farmer, Catharine.
Ake William do Logan.
Ake W. H. do Woodberry.
Allison John, coal merchant, Altoona.
Brooks John S., farmer, Freedom.
Bare John, butcher, Logan.
Burley B. F., blacksmith, Altoona.
Brua Jacob, Farmer, Frankstown.
Colclessor Daniel, manufacturer, Logan.
Cyphers G. T., grocer, Hollidaysburg.
Crawford H. S. iron founder, N. Woodberry.
Diehl Aaron, laborer, Greenfield.
Forbes William, clerk, Taylor
Garland Henry Jr., farmer, Snyder.
Hurd Thomas W., shoemaker, Gaysport.
Hoover John P., farmer, N. Woodberry.
Hoover Samuel, treasurer, Hollidaysburg.
Jones Benjamin, justice, Tyrone borough.
Kean Chas, cabinet-maker, Hollidaysburg.
Kough John, carpenter, Blair.
Koon George, tailor, Blair.
Keyes Patrick, painter, Hollidaysburg.
McKim James, merchant, Allegheny.
Mason Chas C., turner, Altoona.
Robison William, farmer, Snyder.
Riddle David do Blair.
Reeves Landon, hotel keeper, Blair.
Smith John R., farmer, Huston.
Snyder Franklin, saddler, N. Woodberry.
Snively G. R., miller, Woodberry.
Shriver Levi, farmer, N. Woodberry.
Stone Wm., Moulder, Hollidaysburg.
Smith Samuel, justice, Gaysport.
Snyder Christian, laborer, Hollidaysburg.
Williams M. K., teacher, Altoona.
Wilt P. H., farmer, Allegheny.
Wagoner Jacob, carpenter, Altoona.
Wertz John, farmer, Blair.
Alexander R., merchant, Woodberry.
Andrews Augustin, laborer, Allegheny.
Ake Munroe, farmer, Logan.
Bollinger Jacob, chair-marker, Hollidaysburg.
Beegle Daniel, farmer, Juniata.
Battenburg Jacob, laborer, Altoona.
Beamer Philip, farmer, Allegheny.
Crawford Jesse R., gentleman, Gaysport.
Cherry Andrew, (of Jacob,) farmer, Antis.
Crawford Armstrong, farmer, Tyrone tp.
Cunningham G. M., mason, Frankstown.
Diehl Jonas, merchant, Freedom.
Dunn Hugh, farmer, Catharine.
Earlengaugh [Earlenbaugh] John, farmer, Taylor.
Ellsworth Josiah F., mill-wright, Woodberry.
Graham Walter, gentleman, Catharine.
Guyer Caleb, clerk, Tyrone borough.
Goodfellow Thos., merchant, Hollidaysburg.
Houston George, founder, Antis.
Hooper J. M., blacksmith, Altoona.
Hopkins T. B., saddler, Hollidaysburg.
Koon David, farmer, Allegheny.
Lamison B. P., carpenter, Altoona.
Lower Christian, farmer, Taylor.
McAllister B., manager, Woodberry.
McCormick Alex., merchant, Altoona.
McCaulley Wm., farmer, Logan.
McClelland John, carpenter, Altoona.
McIntosh, Franklin, clerk, Blair.
Pope David, boatman, Hollidaysburg.
Roller Joshua, farmer, Woodberry.
Speering H. S., blacksmith, Altoona.
Smith Daniel, farmer, Logan.
Sickles Theodore, butcher, Gaysport.
Thomas William, carpenter, Hollidaysburg.
Vaugh [Vaughn?] Jon B., landlord, Allegheny.
Wilt Alexander, farmer, Allegheny.
Williamson J., carpenter, Allegheny.
Concert. - On Monday evening last, the Altoona Brass Band,
assisted by the Altoona String Band, and a number of amateur
vocalists, gave a concert in Keystone Hall. The members of the Brass
Band executed the pieces selected in their usual good style. The
violinists, Messrs. Delo and Wier, performed their parts admirably,
giving evidence of superior skill in handling the "bow," and a
perfection in music seldom attained by amateurs in the country. -
Dougherty "touched his guitar" with skillful fingers, fully sustaining
the reputation he acquired by his performances at the concert for the
benefit of the poor. To Kerry was assigned the part of amusing the
audience by singing comic songs, and right well did he fill it up. -
His first song, entitled "The P. R. R.," composed by one of the
members of the Brass Band, and given to him to commit at noon of
Monday, was received with shouts of applause, and was encored so
loudly that he again appeared and treated the audience to a song on
the "Deceitfulness of Appearances," which was well received.
HIGHLY COMPLIMENTARY. - We copy the following complimentary notice
of our Mountain city, and a few of its prominent men and institution,
from the Pittsburgh Press, of Monday last: -
THE CITY OF ALTOONA. - During a recent visit to this flourishing
city, we were much surprised at its present advanced position, as well
in regard to population as to its increasing business and general
appearance of prosperity. Here - where ten or twelve years ago there
was but one or two log cabins - a thriving, busy city, containing
immense manufacturing establishments, churches, hotels, stores, and
magnificent private dwellings, has been established, while the
population, numbering nearly eight thousand souls, are as intelligent,
industrious and honest as can be found anywhere.
While there, we were very politely shown through the city and its
principal business places, by Col. John Woods, formerly of Indiana
county, now the proprietor of the Altoona Hotel, and Mr. B. F. Rose,
the gentlemanly Chief Clerk of the Transportation department.
The great features of the business portion of the place, are the
extensive machine shops of the Pennsylvania railroad. Here, the cars,
bridges, boilers, castings, in fact, all the vast machinery and
innumerable articles used on the whole road, are gotten up with
despatch, and in the best possible manner.
The car building establishment, which is carried on in the most
extensive manner, is under the control of Mr. C. R. Hostetter, a
gentleman of integrity and experience, who turns out nothing in his
line but the neatest and best.
Mr. Alex. A. Smith is the foreman of the bridge and boiler shop,
where bridges and boilers of the very best kind are constantly ready
for use, and in process of construction.
The sheet iron, copper and tin shop, under the superintendence of
Geo. W. Sparks; the brass foundry, A. H. Maxwell, foreman; the iron
foundry, C. R. M'Crea, foreman; the pattern shop, Wm. Boyden, foreman;
the round house, A. C. Vauclain, foreman, and the machine shop, John
A. Nichols, foreman, are all model institutions, and reflect great
credit, both on their projectors and those having them in charge.
Mr. George W. Grier, a gentleman of great experience, sound
judgment and correct habits, is also located here, as master of
machinery for the whole road.
Some six hundred persons derive their support directly from these
works, while the whole business and living of the city is indirectly
dependent upon them.
We night extend this article to almost any length, in praise of the
many enterprising and interesting matters to be seen at Altoona, but
our time and space at present preclude it. We may refer to the
subject again. We can not close, however, without reminding our
friends that Col. John Woods, of the Altoona Hotel, is the prince of
clever gentlemen, and keeps an excellent house, his table being always
supplied with good, well-cooked and substantial fare. As good a meal
as any man would desire, can always be had at his house for twenty-
five cents.
DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. - It is with pain we record the sudden and
violent death of an estimable young citizen of our town - Mr. James
McCormick. Mr. McC., at the time of his death was a fireman on the
No. 107 passenger engine; and on Monday, while bringing the Mail train
up, and when about a mile west of Harrisburg, his attention, it is
supposed, was attracted to something in the rear of the train, and he
stopped between the tank and engine, (on the engineer's side), to look
out - when a plug at a water station struck him and knocked him off
the engine. The train was immediately stopped, and backed to the
place where he fell. He was found a corpse, his skull completely
crushed. He was taken back to Harrisburg, and brought to his
sorrowing friends by the Express train next morning. His remains were
escorted from the cars to his residence in East Altoona, by a large
and solemn concourse - evincing the fact that his circle of friends
was a large one, and that his death was greatly lamented. He was
buried at Newton Hamilton on Tuesday.
Mr. McCormick, about five years ago, was placed in the employ of
the Company by one of the Companies officers who was favorably
impressed with his merits, while attending the funeral of a brother,
(a conductor on the road), at Newton Hamilton. At that time he and a
surviving brother, (now an engineer), were the sole support of an aged
mother and two sisters - and although young and in an humble position;
(he was employed as "Cleaner" in the round House), he devoted his
entire means to the support of his family. This exemplary conduct,
and his marked industry and faithfulness, induced the Company to
promote him to the position he occupied at the time of his death -
and, we are informed, in a short time he would have been raised to the
responsible position of engineer. - He was strictly moral in
character, enjoyed the good will of all who knew him, and, all in all,
was a man. What more, which is good, can be said of him?
HOLLIDAYSBURG, March 29th, 1859.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - A number of young men of this place are now making
an effort to establish a Gymnasium. They have thus far met with great
success, a liberal amount having been subscribed by our citizens. An
institution of this kind has long been needed in this town - in fact,
our whole country blessed as it is with ample means for the mental
education of the youth of the land, is sadly deficient in supplying
them with opportunities for physical improvement. We trust that the
effort may be successful, and that it may become a permanent
On Saturday last the "Juniata Rifles," of this place, paraded
through portions of our town. - This company has been but recently
organized, and numbers between 60 and 70 members, all fine looking
men. It was under the command of Capt. Lloyd, to whose energy and
spirit, the company greatly owes its formation. It presented a very
handsome appearance and the members acquitted themselves very
The young man, Harlin, who had been lodged in jail on suspicion of
poisoning the horses of Mr. Stewart, was on Tuesday last, brought
before Justice Cox, and gave bail to the amount of $500, for his
appearance at Court.
The accident at Chimney Rock Furnace, causing its stoppage has been
repaired, and it was put in blast again on Thursday evening last. The
energetic proprietors of the Furnace deserve great credit for the
speedy manner in which they have surmounted the many obstacles they
have met since they started the Furnace.
The water was let into the Canal last week, and the usual business
has commenced. Our ears, however, which formerly were almost deafened
by the tooting of horns, now seldom hear their enlivening sounds. The
business which in former years was extensive has now become very
small, consisting principally in iron and coal. We trust that our
town may again enjoy the amount of business which attended it in
earlier years of canal navigation. - W.
C. Jaggard has removed his goods for the present to Ferree &
Morrow's corner, where in a few days he will be happy to see his
friends and the public generally. Altoona, March 3d, 1859.
In this borough, on Thursday last, JACOB RUSSELL, only son of
Randolph and Margaret Sies [or Sieg], aged 1 year and 22 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 31, 1859, page 3