Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, September 2, 1858
DANGEROUS DENTAL OPERATION. - One of the Subjects Since Dead. - On
Saturday last Drs. Hirst, Good and Bittner performed a very dangerous
dental operation on two individuals from the mountain, above this
place. Before proceeding with the operation it was deemed advisable
to place the subjects under the influence of chloroform, which was
accordingly administered by Drs. Hirst & Good. The first patient
exhibited a combative spirit when approached with the fluid, but
finally succumbed and two teeth were extracted without further
difficulty. The second, which appeared to be the stronger of the two,
was not so easily placed under the influence, although he exhibited
less spirit of fight. After he had been sufficiently affected to
render the operation safe, two teeth were extracted. The first
patient soon recovered from the effects of the chloroform, but the
second remained in a dead stupor and all efforts to arouse him proved
unavailing. The vital spark had evidently fled. He was left for a
time with his companion in the office, in hopes that he might
ultimately recover, but, sorry as we are to announce the fact, the
reality of his situation was made apparent to us, on Monday morning,
when we found him to all intents and purposes a dead -
RED MEN'S PARADE. - We understand that the members of Winebago
Tribe, No. 35, I. O. R. M., of this place, purpose having a parade, in
full regalia, on Saturday the 11th inst. Invitations have been
extended to a number of sister Tribes throughout the State, several of
whom will certainly be in attendance. We have no doubt the parade
will be a grand one, and be quite a sight to our citizens. If the
order only makes as creditable display as it did in Mifflintown, at
the parade on the 3d of July, it will be hard to take down. But we
have no doubt it will far excel that. A magnificent collation will be
served up to the invited Brothers, in Hagerty's woods, below town. We
shall publish the programme of proceedings next week.
STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. - Through the exertions of our excellent
Burgess and Street Supervisor, E. M. Jones, the streets and sidewalks
are receiving the attention they require. The streets are being
graded, and sidewalks laid down for those who will not attend to the
matter themselves. Should the work be prosecuted as vigorously for
some time to come as it has been, we will be ready for the mud and
slush of the fall and winter, as there will then be sidewalks in all
parts of the town. The inconvenience arising from the want of good
walks has been severely felt, and we are pleased to see that the right
spirit is being manifested by our efficient "city fathers," in this
FIGHT IN THE CARS. - When the Mail Train Westward was about leaving
this station on Saturday evening last, quite an excitement was created
by the cry of "a fight in the cars," which was occasioned by a fellow,
who had imbibed a little too much of the "O-be-joyful," attempting to
chastise the breaksman [sic] on the hindmost car. The case was soon
disposed of, however, on the arrival of Col Cramor, of the Branch
train, who ejected the unruly passenger from the car and gave him into
the hands of Constable Ely, who placed him in the "Lock up" for a
couple of hours.
MASONIC PICNIC. - The Masonic Fraternity of this place intend
having a picnic in Beale's Woods, near this place, to-morrow. It will
no doubt be a grand affair, if we may judge from the character of
those who are taking an active part in arranging the preliminaries. A
car chartered for the purpose will convey those in attendance from
this place to the woods. We hope they may have a pleasant day and a
merry time.
REMOVAL. - We are sorry to notice that by a recent decision of the
heads of the departments of the P. R. R. Co., our young friend, J. C.
Boggs, Esq., chief clerk of the Freight Department, has been removed
from this place to Philadelphia. We part with him with regret, as his
proverbially kind and courteous treatment toward all with whom he came
in contact, won our respect, and in his removal we lose a good citizen
and a pleasant associate. We hope his new home may prove an agreeable
NO ACCOMMODATIONS FOR CIRCUSES. - On Tuesday last, the agent for
Van Amburg & Co.'s Zoological and Equestrian Company, visited this
place, but failing to procure accommodations for the great number of
horses attached to this establishment, had to pass on to the city (?)
of Tyrone. He indulged in a few strictures on the "airs" put on by
our hotel-keepers, nevertheless we believe they can as well afford to
do without such custom as the company can without the dimes they would
have received, and we are sure the community in general will not
regret the loss of their entertainment.
Fair View Cemetery Association was held in the Town Council Chamber,
on Saturday evening last, and a resolution passed placing an
assessment of three dollars on each lot. On the payment of the
assessment, each lot holder will receive a certificate of stock in the
Association, which will be redeemed as soon as the Association has the
means, or will be taken in payment for lots yet unsold.
MORE TALL BUCKWHEAT. - On Saturday last, Mr. Glass, residing a
short distance from this place, who presented us with a tall stock of
buckwheat, a few weeks since, came into our office with another stock
which measured six feet and ten inches. This we think will take down
anything in the line of tall buckwheat in this "neck of timber."
BOROUGH SCHOOLS. - The public schools of the Borough will not open
until Monday next, the Directors having been unable to complete all
their arrangements prior to the first instant. Children East of the
Railroad will go to the East Ward schools, and those West of the
Railroad to the West Ward schools.
NEWRY, August 30, 1858
MESSRS. EDITORS: - I arrived at this ancient village this morning,
and after having looked around a little, I now proceed to give you a
short sketch of the place and some other things as I found them. I
will begin by remarking that this village is one of the oldest in the
county, and although surrounded by a beautiful and fertile country,
has bid defiance to that spirit of improvement which has manifested
itself so commendably in other places. I notice but one house in
process of erection, which, although small, will be a neat and
handsome dwelling. - One gentleman has torn down the porch in front of
his dwelling and erected a new one in its stead. The citizens speak
very confidently of getting a railroad to this place in a short time,
and indeed I believe they can easily accomplish it, if they but
This place has two churches, a Catholic and Lutheran, very neatly
built and numerously attended. I had the pleasure of visiting the
public school taught by Mr. John H. Black. I found it composed of
seventy-two children, all under ten years of age, and a brighter and
more interesting group of little children it was never my lot to see
before. They were orderly and obedient to their teacher, who never
spake a harsh or angry word to them during my stay. Mr. Black's term
of school is eight months, half of which will be devoted to teaching
all under ten years of age; the other half, all above that age. Mr.
Black is a young man of the right stamp. He is affable and courteous,
embracing in his character all that is necessary to make a gentleman.
He well understands the art of "teaching the young idea how to shoot,"
and is untiring in his efforts to render satisfaction to the parents
and to do his duty to the little ones under his care. In a word, he
is a model Schoolmaster.
This place supports two good hotels, one of which I visited, that
kept by Landon Reeves, Esq., and called the "Franklin House." I was
furnished with a splendid dinner and gracefully waited upon by a young
and beautiful female just bursting into lovely womanhood, which
delightful fact made me partake of the good things before me with a
zest unknown to me before. - The next time I write you, I will be some
where else. - PASSIM.
On the 1st inst., by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. William Robison to
Miss Rebecca Hues, all of Morrison's Cove, Bedford county.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 2, 1858, page