Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 26, 1858
Altoona Tribune,
THE UNION CAMP MEETING. - The Camp Meeting now in progress in
Black's Grove, on the Branch Road between this place and
Hollidaysburg, has thus far been well attended. Every train running
from this station to the ground, has been well filled with passengers.
On Sunday morning last, there were thirteen cars in the train, all
crowded to their utmost capacity. Over seven hundred ticks were sold
at the office in this place, for the morning train, and quite a number
paid their fare on the cars. It is supposed that there were over one
thousand persons on the train. Over five hundred tickets were sold at
the Hollidaysburg ticket office on that morning. The train made four
trips between each station and the camp ground during the day, and was
well filled each time. The camp is located on good ground in a very
pleasant grove, the only draw back on which is the absence of water.
A good supply, however, is furnished by persons engaged to haul
During the morning service, every seat on the ground appeared to be
taken up, and good order was observed. At 11 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Riley,
of Pittsburgh, delivered one of the most beautiful discourses to which
it has ever been our good fortune to listen. The Dr. is a powerful
logician, a finished orator, a ripe scholar, and bids fair to make one
of the most eminent and useful divines in our country. His efforts on
Sabbath would lose nothing by comparison with Spurgeon, the London
"sensation" preacher.
We observed a new feature introduced by a number of those in
attendance at the Camp on Sunday, suggested, we presume, by the
difficulty heretofore experienced in obtaining eatables at the Camp
Meetings at Tipton and Bell's Mills, which we considered a very
judicious precaution against like failures on this occasion - we refer
to the introduction of the practice of carrying a basketful or
pocketful along. We have no doubt that many would have went hungry
all day had they not been thus provided. Although there were three or
four boarding tents on the ground, the rush was so great at all of
them that it was almost impossible to get a seat at the table, and the
rates of fare were so high that many persons could not afford to pay,
even should they have been able to obtain a seat. In all directions
around the camp we observed parties of from three to a dozen sitting
around a log, stump or cloth spread on the ground, partaking of their
repast, reminding us very much of the celebration on the 5th of July.
- The feature is a good one and we hope to see it universally adopted.
It will relieve the tent holders of a heavy charge, as it is
impossible for them to feed at their friends who may be on the ground,
even though they might feel willing to do so.
Good order prevailed upon the ground throughout the day and
evening. In fact, we do not remember of having attended a Camp
Meeting at which there was better order observed. - The only confusion
or disturbance we noticed was occasioned about nine o'clock in the
evening, when, owing to a misunderstanding as to the time the train
would leave the camp for Altoona, that part of the congregation from
this place rose up and left the ground, on hearing the whistle of the
locomotive, while the minister was yet speaking.
According to the arrangement, the camp will break up to-morrow
DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. - We are this week again called upon to
chronicle one of those heart-sickening, blood-curdling accidents,
which, although common to all localities traversed by railroads, and
whose frequent occurrence are calculated to render us callous as to
their magnitude and teachings, are none the less shocking to our mind
and we can not contemplate them without a shudder. The facts in the
present case are as follows: On Sunday evening last, as the
locomotive which had pushed the Emigrant Train up the mountain, was
returning to this station, when near Kittanning Point, the engineer
observed something lying on the track which he mistook for a coat, but
which, on approaching nearer, he found to be a man lying between the
crossties, the ballast at that place being low and allowing the body
to be almost hid between the ties. He immediately reversed his engine
and the fireman applied the brakes, but could not check it until the
driving wheels had passed over the object. On examination it was
found to be a man, and that his head had been almost severed from his
body, it having evidently been lying on the rail. Information of the
accident was given to several persons residing in the vicinity who
came to the spot and assisted in placing the corpse upon the engine on
which it was brought to this place and placed in the warehouse of the
Company. Upon inquiry the body was found to be that of Cornelius
Maher, a miner at the ore bank of Hutchison & Co., on the mountain
above this place. - On Monday afternoon, Coroner Funk held an inquest
on the body. A number of the witnesses who had seen and conversed
with the deceased a few minutes previous to the accident, testified
that he was under the influence of liquor, and it is supposed that he
either fell between the ties and was unable to get up or that he sat
down and fell asleep. What a lesson to those who in the habit of
taking intoxicating liquors. Will it be heeded? A verdict in
accordance with the above facts was rendered by the jury, entirely
exculpating the engineer from any blame in the matter. The corpse was
given in charge of Mr. Geo. B. Cramer, who had it placed in a coffin
and decently interred in the Catholic graveyard, on Monday afternoon.
The deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn their loss.
SHOP LIFTING. - One day last week, a young lady residing in this
vicinity, whose name we withhold out of respect for her relatives,
stepped into a store in this place and asked the clerk to show her his
stock of shoes. After examining them for some time, she requested
that a couple of pair which she had selected should be laid to one
side and she would call and get them at another time. When the clerk
(who by the way is a pretty sharp one) was putting up the shoes, he
observed that one pair, which the lady had examined particularly, and
which bore a peculiar cost? mark, was missing. He immediately
suspected that they were in the lady's carpet sack, which was lying on
the floor, but he said nothing about it, and proceeded to show her
some dry goods for which she had asked. - While she was examining
these, the clerk slipped round the counter, and watching a favorable
opportunity, tread upon the sack. The screeching of the new leather
confirmed his suspicions, whereupon he picked up the sack and carried
it behind the counter. After the lady had made her selections from
the dry goods and was about departing, she looked around for her sack
and not finding it, asked the clerk if he had seen it. He informed
her that he had, but that as she had attempted to steal the shoes, he,
in turn, had stolen both shoes and carpet sack. The fact that she had
been detected at once flashed upon her and she gave vent to her
mortification in a copious shower of tears. She plead guilty to the
offense, and offered many excuses in extenuation, which were found to
be false, and which only made the matter worse. She gave in different
names and places of residence, but finally her real name was
ascertained from another lady who entered the store at the time.
Emboldened by having detected her on this occasion, the clerk charged
her with purloining four pair of bracelets from the store, some four
weeks since. She denied having taken the bracelets, but confessed
that she was an accessory, and gave the name of the person who had
taken them and also what disposition had been made of them. After
lecturing her for some time on the crime and consequences of such
conduct, the clerk agreed to compromise the matter, on her promising
to return in one week and pay for all that had been taken. We think
this should prove a lesson to the young lady, and it is hoped it will
cure her of her propensity to appropriate trifles, as we can assure
her she will not escape so easily another time. She is hardly sharp
enough to perform such operations successfully. We have withheld
names this time in the hope that the lady may be reclaimed from the
error of her ways, but should the act be repeated we will give full
particulars, in order that the storekeepers may keep a watch on her
UP. - The frame work of the fine building being created by Messrs.
Lowther & Plack, on the corner of Virginia and Annie streets, is
now up and we can form some idea of its dimensions. There will be
three large store rooms on the first floor - two fronting on Annie
street and one on Virginia street. Two of the rooms will be occupied
by the firm erecting the building - one for dry goods alone and the
other for groceries, hardware, &c. The other room we believe is
to be occupied by our young friend A. Roush, as a drug store. The
entire second story is to be fitted up as a Town Hall, and a most
excellent one it will make, equal, we believe, to any Hall in the
country. We are pleased to announce this fact, as such a room has
long been needed in this place, and we feel sure that under the
management of Messrs. Lowther & Plack it will be properly
The parsonage being erected for Rev. J. Twiggs, Pastor of the
Catholic church in this place, on the lot adjoining the church is also
under roof. It is a fine large building and will add materially to
the appearance of that part of the town. - The parsonage and school
house being erected by the Protestant Episcopal congregation in this
place, on their lot in East Altoona, are also under roof. They are
fine brick buildings, and although yet unfinished, externally, add
much to the appearance of the town in that locality. Workmen are now
engaged in cutting stone for the church to be erected on the same lot,
which, when finished, will be the handsomest in the place. It is to
be built of cut stone, in the ancient style of architecture.
Other improvements are in progress which we shall note again.
LIBEL SUIT. - We learn that Capt. Bell, editor of the Tyrone Star,
has sued Traugh, of the Standard, for libel, and that the latter has
been bound over in the sum of %600, to answer at the next sitting of
the Quarter Sessions of this county. We think the practice of
carrying up such cases to Court in order to establish a character or
good reputation, oftener results adversely than otherwise; at least
nothing can be gained by it. When we hear of persons going to law to
establish their character, we always think of the reply of an honest
blacksmith to a friend who was urging him to prosecute a person who
had been traducing his character. "No, sir," said the blacksmith, "I
will take my hammer and go to work and forge out for myself a better
character in one month, than all the Courts of justice could give me
in a lifetime." We commend this to the attention of our friend of the
Star, and suggest that there were peaceable means through which he
could have obtained redress for the wrong done him, which would have
been more effectual.
FETTINGER'S IMPROVEMENTS. - We notice that Fettinger, of the No. 1
Literary Emporium, has recently had the front of his store improved by
the erection of a new stoop, with railing, and the application of the
pain brush to the front of the building. It now presents a very neat
appearance. His stock inside also looks remarkably well. He has on
hand a large assortment of beautiful pictures, suited to all tastes,
with plain and gilt frames to match. His stock of notions is complete
and in the newspaper and periodical line he can supply you with almost
anything you may desire. Fet. Goes in for improvement, not only in
his place of business, but in his stock, which will soon be equal to
that found in similar stores in the cities.
SELECT SCHOOL. - The Fall Term of Mrs. King's School will commence
on Monday, September 13th. Further particulars will be given
A SHAVING OPERATION. - On Monday morning last, our polite and
attentive Constable waited upon our barbers, Messrs. Nesbit, Shorter,
Pleasant and Ambrose, and delivered them a small piece of writing
commencing with a "whereas," informing them that their presence was
required before Esquire Good. On repairing to the office they were
informed they stood charged with a violation of the Sunday Laws of
this State in keeping their shops open on that day. They all
acknowledged the corn, and two of them, Messrs. Shorter and Pleasant,
"dusted up" the "rino," paid their fines and the costs, amounting to
over four dollars each, and were discharged. Messrs. Nesbit and
Ambrose were not so willing to "chalk up," and intimated their
intention of appealing from the decision of the Justice and carrying
the matter up to Court to test the validity of the fine. Even should
they be successful in Court, which we very much doubt, it will cost
them more than the amount of the fine imposed, which is certainly
PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD EARNINGS. - Below, we give the official
statement of the earnings of the Pennsylvania Railroad, for the month
of July, as well as for the seven months ending August 1st. It will
be seen that the expenses of the road have been materially reduced,
and that the net earnings for the period named, are largely in advance
of the sum realized within the same period last year:
Earnings from all sources for month ending July 31, 1858: |
Gross Earnings |
Expenses |
Net Earnings |
$390,216.61 |
249,3314.37 |
140,902.24 |
Same month last year: |
404,955.40 |
280,304.80 |
124, 650.60 |
Increase |
16,251.64 |
Decrease |
14,738.79 |
30,990.43 |
Earnings from all sources from Jan. 1, 1858 to Aug. 1, 1858: |
2,080,148.89 |
1,727.459.10 |
1,258,689.79 |
Same period last year: |
2,681,099.26 |
1,923,855.72 |
1,057,153,54 |
Increase |
5,139.63 |
201,536.25 |
Decrease |
196,396.62 |
INVESTMENTS IN NEBRASKA. - The late hour at which we received the
advertisement of our young friend, Alex F. McKinney, prevented us from
noticing it editorially, last week. We take pleasure in calling the
attention of our readers to it this week, and recommend Alex. as a
proper person to whom to entrust the business which he proposes to
transact for those who may require his services. Nebraska is bound to
be a flourishing state and Omaha a large city, consequently
investments in that vicinity must pay. Let those who hold land
warrants or who wish to invest in western lands send on their
documents to Alex. and he will attend to them better, perhaps, than
most of them could do themselves.
HANDSOME PAINTING. - A few evenings since, our young friend, P.
Walsh, exhibited to us a number of specimens of his paintings in
imitation of oak, maple and other kinds of wood, finished up in styles
for door panels, halls, parlors, &c., which for beauty of design
and skill in execution we have seldom seen surpassed. - Walsh is a
good painter, as the numerous pieces of work he has finished in this
place will attest, and we are pleased to know that he is liberally
patronized. Let those who wish fancy painting executed, drop into his
establishment and view his samples, and we have no doubt they will
demand his services "instanter."
ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SUICIDE. - On Monday of last week an inmate of
our County Alms House, named Henry McCauly, aged about 68 years,
attempted to commit suicide by opening veins or arteries in his arms
and legs. In the effort he made no less than twenty-seven incisions,
some of them half an inch deep and an inch-and-a-half long. He had
gone out from the house, as he was accustomed to do, in the afternoon,
and remained out over night, and was not discovered until next
morning. His mind is evidently deranged. He says he did not mean to
kill himself, but inflicted the wounds to relieve a pain in his head.
- Register.
FIRE AT DAVIDSBURG. - A fire accidentally occurred in the Foundry
owned by C. E. Craine, Esq., at Davidsburg in this county, on the
evening of the 18th inst. which consumed the building and many of the
patterns of the establishment, making a total loss of some $1,000 or
$1,200. Messrs. Crotzer & Smith who had the establishment rented,
share the loss with Mr. Craine. - Register.
PERSONAL. - On Wednesday afternoon we had the pleasure of making
the acquaintance of J. F. Campbell, Esq., editor of the Blairsville
Record, who was on a visit to this place. We found him "all our fancy
painted him" - good-looking, affable, jovial, altogether such a man as
we wish we could always meet in our brethren of the corps editorial.
Circumstances would not permit us to accompany and show him the
"elephant" of our Mountain City, but as he was accompanied by a couple
of the fair sex, we presume he enjoyed a pleasant time of it.
SUDDEN DEATH. - A woman named Mrs. Wiley, wife of a German laborer
of that name, living over the hill in this place, died suddenly on
Friday evening last, a few minutes after rising from her supper table,
of disease of the heart, as it is supposed. - Register.
On the 23d inst., by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. Martin Gates, of Centre
county, to Mrs. Sarah Stevens, of Altoona.
In this place, on the 15th inst., of Bronchial Consumption, Miss
Mary Ann McCormick.
Thrice within a short time has death entered the little circle of
which the deceased was a member. First a daughter and sister, a
lovely christian, was called, cut down like a rose in full bloom, by
the same fell destroyer, consumption. Then death laid his hand upon
the husband and father. His sickness was protracted and painful,
afflicted as he was by cancer. Now the third time the Master comes
and lays his hand upon the elder of the two remaining daughters and
sisters, leaving the widowed mother and a sister and brother to mourn
their loss. But they mourn not as those who have no hope. The
deceased had for a considerable time been a consistent member of the
christian church, and died in the full triumphs of the christian's
faith. Her last words were, "Lord Jesus come quickly." The evidence
of a peaceful death and the index to a happy, glorious immortality. -
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 26, 1858, page