Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, August 19, 1858
THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. - The exhibition of teachers and applicants for
the public schools in this place, came off in the West Ward School
House, on Thursday last. There were over thirty persons present to be
On Friday evening following, the School Directors met and made the
following appointments of teachers for the schools of this borough for
the ensuing term: -
No. 1. John Rutherford.
No. 2. Miss Priscilla M. McCrum.
No. 3. Mr. M. G. Crawford and Miss Kate Gwinn.
No. 1 Mr. J. K. Kounsman.
No. 2 Miss Currance T. Benedict.
No. 3 Mr. M. K. Williams and Miss Nannie Galbraith.
Miss Benedict has not yet accepted the school offered her, and
there may therefore be a change, which will be announced next
THE CAMP MEETING. - The Camp Meeting which commences to-morrow, on
the road between this place and Hollidaysburg, promises to be well
attended by the members of the different charges. The reduction of
fare on the Railroad, between Huntingdon and Johnstown, to excursion
rates, together with the close proximity of the camp to the Branch
Road, and the conveniences in point of accommodations in the line of
eating and sleeping to be had in this place and Hollidaysburg by a few
minutes ride on a train which will run to and from the camp three
times a day, will induce many persons to at least attend who would
otherwise be compelled to stay away.
REGIMENTAL OFFICERS. - The following are the appointments of the
Regimental Staff Officers for the 1st Regiment in the 4th Brigade,
16th Division P. U. M.:
Dr. R. W. Christy, Surgeon, with rank of Major; Dr. John Feny,
Assistant Surgeon, with the rank of Captain; Capt. D. H. Hofius, Judge
Advocate with the rank of Major; 1st Lieut. J. C. Osterloch, Adjutant;
C. R. Hostetter, Regimental Quarter Master, with the rank of 1st
Lieutenant. Non-Commissioned Staff: - Lorenzo D. White, Sergeant
Major, Frederick E. Shindel, Drum Major.
By order of JACOB HIGGINS, Lieut. Col. Commanding. J. C. OSTERLOH,
IMPORTANT INFORMATION. - A notice has just been issued by the
Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad to the effect that on and
after September 1st, passengers can procure tickets to and from all
regular stations on the road at one-half cent per mile less than the
rates to be charged in the cars, after that date. Passengers will
promote their own convenience and save sixteen per cent. by purchasing
their tickets before taking seats in the cars.
DEAD. - Wm. C. Knox, the young man employed in our office a short
time since, who was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs, while
walking across the street in the vicinity of the Superintendent's
office, died at the residence of his brother, in Perrysville, Juniata
county, on Sunday morning list. He was attacked with hemorrhage on
the morning in question, and died in a few minutes.
CAMP MEETING. - Birmingham Circuit will hold a Camp Meeting,
commencing on Friday, the 10th day of September next, in a beautiful
grove a short distance above the Pennsylvania Railroad Station at
Tyrone City. There is an abundance of excellent water on the ground.
Minister and people of the M. E. Church, and of all others churches of
the surrounding neighborhood, are respectfully invited to attend.
SEVERE ACCIDENT. - Silas, son of Harry Maus of this place, and
about twelve years of age, met with a severe accident on Saturday
last. - The injured lad and several boys about his own age had
procured some powder and a piece of fuse, and were playing "dig ore"
back of town. The blast was prepared and the fuse ignited; but not
going off immediately, they came to the conclusion that it had gone
out, when young Maus ventured forward and commenced blowing the fuse,
in the act of doing which it exploded. His face was shockingly
burned, and it was feared at first that he would lose both his eyes.
Fortunately his injuries were not so serious as was apprehended, and
with proper care and attention he will recover with a badly scarred
face. Another warning to those lads who are in the habit of playing
with powder, and one which it is hoped they will heed. - Standard.
BITTEN BY A DOG. - One day last week, a little girl, daughter of
Wm. Nesbit, of this place, was severely bitten on the leg and arm by
a ferocious dog in the yard of Mr. Smith. It appears the little girl
attempted to take something out of a bucket which stood in the yard,
whereupon the dog broke the chain with which he was tied and seized
her. With considerable difficulty the dog was beaten off and the girl
conveyed home where her wounds were dressed and she is now doing well.
The dog was afterwards shot and killed.
KILLED BY LIGHTNING. - An aged man named Solomon Wolfe, was killed
by lightning during the storm on Tuesday afternoon of last week,
whilst engaged in ploughing a field, near Canoe Creek, in this county.
The electric fluid penetrated the top of his head and passed out at
his feet, producing instantaneous death. - Standard.
On the 12th inst., at the house of Mr. Thomas Elway, by Rev. S. A.
Wilson, Mr. B. P. Lamason to Miss Irene Baer, all of Altoona.
With the above notice we received a lion's share of the good things
which graced the festal board, for which we return the happy donors
our warmest thanks, and express the hope that they may ever be as
kindly dealt with by fickle fortune as we have been by them. May
their joys be great, their prosperity unbounded, their lives long and
their deaths triumphant.
On the 10th instant, in Logan township, D. James, son of Jonathan
and Mary Ann Christian, aged 1 year, 11 months and 27 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 19, 1858, page 3