Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa.,
Thursday, March 16, 1905
Disastrous Accident occurs On the Pittsburg Division Yesterday
Four Men Are Severely Injured, and Chances of Recovery Are not Very
One of the most disastrous accidents occurring on the Pittsburg
division of the Pennsylvania Railroad occurred just west of Boliver
station at 11:32 yesterday morning, when the boiler in extra freight
engine No. 2303, going west, was blown up. Two men were killed and
nine others injured. The dead:
ENGINEER JOHN L. RIBBLET, of this city; killed instantly.
WASHINGTON WAMBAUGH, floating labor gang, aged 31 years, married,
of Lockport.
The injured:
Fireman A. V. Kolierd, Coudersport, Pa.; badly scalded about body
and face, may die.
Brakeman Theodore Bennett, 22 years old, of Altoona; scalded about
face and body, will die.
Emanuel Hull, floating labor gang, aged 56 years, married, of New
Florence; injured internally and severely scalded about the face and
body, will die.
W. M. Hair, floating labor gang, aged 48 years, married, of
Lacolle; burned about the face and body, will die.
Frank Gill, floating labor gang, aged 20 years, single, of New
Florence; scalded about the head and body, will recover.
G. L. Hair, foreman of the floating labor gang, 30 years old,
married, of New Florence; hip injured and scalded about the face, will
George Hysong, floating labor gang, aged 34 years, married, of
Lockport; foot slightly cut.
Andrew Robison, floating labor gang, aged 34 years, married, of
Centerville; chest slightly injured.
Thomas S. Lenhart, floating labor gang, aged 25 years, married, of
New Florence; slight contusion of the back.
Washington Wambaugh succumbed to his injuries last night at the
Cambria hospital, Johnstown, Theodore Bennett, of this city, and
Emanuel Hull and G. L. Hair, of New Florence, were in a precarious
condition at 2 o'clock this morning, and were not expected to live the
night out.
The engine was hauling a train of cars loaded with limestone, and
after passing the station suddenly exploded. The huge steel cylinder
- the boiler of the engine - with one mighty bound completely cleared
the trucks on which it had been anchored, described a full circle in
the air at a distance which some spectators say was fully 100 feet
from the ground, leaped forward a full 100 feet more in direct line
with No. 2 track, ploughed its nose into the rails, bounded again and
finally turned over on its side to the right of the track.
A floating gang of laborers had been working on the tracks. The
engine, after making its wild plunge in the air, coming down ploughed
into the gang of workmen before any alarm could be given. Eight of
the men were caught by the wrecked engine and were injured, several so
badly that they will die.
Physicians from Pittsburg, Derry and Boliver were quick to arrive
at the scene, and after a hasty examination of the injured, had nine
of them removed to the Cambria hospital, in Johnstown. Fireman Kolierd
was placed on the day express and brought to this city. He was taken
to the hospital, where the physicians announced that he had been badly
burned about both legs, thigh, arms, face and body. His condition
last evening was serious, but not necessarily fatal. He has an even
chance for life and death.
When the explosion came Engineer Ribblet was in the engine cab, and
was blown 100 feet in the air, and his body went over a 50-foot
embankment when he fell. His body was taken to Derry, where
Undertaker William Nicholson prepared it for burial. His remains were
brought to this city on Philadelphia express and turned over to
Undertaker Stevens & Son.
Engineer Ribblet was born at Portage, June 4, 1866, and had been
engaged at railroading since 1888, being a resident of Altoona since
that time. He was married 14 years ago to Miss Annie M. Tierney, and
is survived by his wife, two sons - Charles and Herbert; his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Ribblet, of Portage, and the following brothers
and sisters: J. Edwin, of Pitcairn; Jacob C., of Youngwood; Mrs. Mary
Corle. of Portage: Mrs. Annie Berkebile, of South Fork; Mrs. Ida
Lantz, of Pitcairn; Mrs. Hannah Meek and Mrs. Teresa Cullen. He was a
member of the Pennsylvania Railroad Relief association.
The accident is the third within about thirteen months to occur on
the Pennsylvania Railroad main line within a comparatively short
distance. The first of the three was on the 22d of February, last
year, when four men lost their lives near the Ehrenfeld station by the
explosion of a locomotive boiler there on the track. Those killed on
that occasion were: Engineer Harry Tyson, Conductor John Gontz,
Fireman Geo. Remerick and Trackwalker George Brickner.
On June 30 of last year occurred the second accident, within 50
yards of the place of the first one. The boiler of a pusher exploded
and killed three men, injuring two others. The dead on that occasion
were: Engineer J. B. Wissinger, Fireman Daniel Crouch and Flagman
Charles Ross. The dead and injured all belonged in Conemaugh.
A fourth fatal explosion, within the limits above specified,
occurred on the Sewickley branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
Westmoreland county.
Seventh Avenue and Fairview Cars Run Together Last Night
A serious accident was narrowly averted shortly after 10 last
evening at Twelfth avenue and Twelfth street by the collision of a
Seventh avenue and a Fairview trolley cars.
Seventh avenue car 4 was coming down the Twelfth avenue hill and
just as it approached the corner of Twelfth street, Fairview car No.
20 rounded the corner directly in front of the Seventh avenue car.
The Seventh avenue car sideswiped the other car, smashing the fender
and a number of windows and causing it to jump the track.
The motorman of the Fairview car reversed the power on his car as
soon as the accident occurred, but the momentum it had already
obtained carried it across the pavement and stopped just before
crashing into a telegraph pole. Luckily there were no persons on the
Fairview car. No one was injured.
Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 16, 1905, page 1
Will Serve at Special Common Pleas Court, Beginning April 1.
The following Traverse jurors were drawn last evening, to serve at
special Common Pleas court, to be held the week beginning April 24,
Altoona - J. P. Craine, Grant Warfel, Andrew Ouer, Joseph Teufel,
G. W. Renner, W. W. Yon, S. S. Irwin, W. J. Major, Isaac Harpster, C.
E. Giles, J. D. Bloomhart, A. S. Ritz, E. R. Durst, Ira A. Crum, J. C.
Kamerly, John Miller, D. A. Young, H. W. Stouffer, T. W. Sickles,
Ralph Arney, William Ashburn, Harry Folk, John R. Flanagan, W. H.
Blake, Robert Bankert, Charles McAleer, William Kennedy, Herbert
Acker, Joseph Lantz.
Antis - T. S. Moyer, A. F. Irvin, John Craine.
Bellwood - J. C. Oswald, Harry Cornmesser, C. L. Bush, J. G.
Blair - S. R. Rohrabacher.
Catherine - James Downey.
Duncansville - G. W. Holland.
Hollidaysburg - William Hart, H. A. Miller.
Huston - B. F. Hoover.
Juanita [sic] Township - T. J. Moyer.
Frankstown - Warren McKendree, Charles Eicholtz, Jacob B. Wertz.
Juanita [sic] Borough - William Koofer.
Logan - R. D. Elder, S. H. Rice, Christ Bentz.
Martinsburg - C. M. Brumbaugh.
North Woodbury - Irwin Zook.
Roaring Spring - Harry Quarry, Plume Dick.
Snyder - Thomas Balling, J. R. Stewart.
Tyrone Borough - W. C. Grazier, A. W. Flenner.
Tyrone Township - O. C. Fleck, Thomas M. Fleck.
Mr. Henry Rosenthal is in Pittsburg on business.
John F. Haley and wife, of 314 Walnut avenue, are in Harrisburg
today, attending the funeral of James McCarthy.
Mr. George McIlvain, manager of the Standard Supply and Equipment
company, of Pittsburg, was in the city yesterday.
Miss Anna Finnagan, of South Fork, a guest at the home of her
brother, Conductor P. J. Finnigan, of 2101 Eighth avenue.
Mr. Rupert Wagner has resigned his position at the Germania Brewery
and has accepted a more remunerative position in the upper
Mrs. H. A. Stephens and daughters are visiting in Baltimore,
Washington and Philadelphia. Mr. Stephens will leave today to join
his family.
Messrs. Chester Smith, of 2011 Fifth avenue, and Guy Kuntz, of 2009
Second avenue, have gone to Pittsburg, where they have secured
positions as machinists in the Westinghouse.
Two drunks were arrested yesterday.
David Dinsmore, arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct,
was fined $15 or serve 15 days in jail by Committing Magistrate S. S.
B. Ramey.
Norville Swoope was arrested at 12.03 this morning at Eighth avenue
and Ninth street by Patrolmen Hall and Reinelli as a suspicious
John O'Neil and Bert Baker were arraigned before Committing
Magistrate S. S. B. Ramey yesterday afternoon for drunkenness and
violating ordinance 1500, relative to vagrants. O'Neil was discharged
and Baker was fined $15 and costs or serve 15 days in jail.
Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 16, 1905, page 3
According to the New Arrangement, Aged Railroaders Will Get Double Sum
Now Granted.
By a new scheme that has been formed by the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and which has been
approved by General Manager W. W. Atterbury and other high officials
of the road, the employes that are placed on the pension list of the
company will receive probably double the amount they are now paid.
The plan that the men have successfully worked out is that each
employe in the service of the company on the main line between
Philadelphia and Pittsburg pay one day's wages once a year into the
Pennsylvania Railroad relief fund. By this means the amount collected
by that department in one 1 year would aggregate about $300,000, from
which it is proposed to give the pensioned men additional money, when
they would be able to live comfortably the remainder of their
Some time ago this plan was devised by the engineers on the
Pittsburg division, and every person to whom the subject was broached
conceded that the object was an excellent one. A committee was
appointed to call on General Manager Atterbury, and, this was recently
done. After thoroughly looking over the situation, the general
manager, as well as a number of other officers, thought the plan a
good one. Since that time the matter has been placed before the men
on the three divisions and it has so far made a very favorable
An employe who has worked faithfully for the company, on reaching
the age of 65 years may be pensioned at his own request, but when he
reaches the age of 70 years his resignation is made compulsory. At
the present time these men receive 20 per cent. of their monthly
wages, based on an average of the past 10 years of work. The men
claim that when they attain the age limit they wish to retire from
active life, but cannot do so, owing to the small pension they
A pleasant surprise party was given Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Young, 105 First avenue, in honor of their
daughter, Miss Pearl Young, it being her 8th birthday.
The La Peze Social club will meet in their rooms tomorrow evening,
at which time eight new members will be installed, after which a
Persian tea and social will be had, it being strictly a membership
A very enjoyable surprise party was held at the home of Mr. George
Gearheart, Jr., at Foot of Ten, to celebrate his 21st birthday. The
evening was spent in various games, while vocal and instrumental music
was rendered. About midnight a dainty luncheon was served, of which
all partook.
A number of young ladies, members of the Fortnightly Sewing club,
very pleasantly surprised Miss Florence Hamilton, one of its members,
on Tuesday evening, at her home, 1212 Fourteenth avenue. The evening
was very enjoyably spent by all. At a later hour, the gentlemen
arriving, work was laid aside and a delicious lunch was served. Music
and dancing were features of the evening's enjoyment.
An enjoyable surprise party invaded the home of Henry Musselman, of
Pleasant Hill, Friday evening, to celebrate his 64th birthday. The
evening was spent in various amusements, music being the principal
feature. Miss Lizzie Long rendered several selections on the organ,
and Mr. Wills, a local violinist, rendered a few pieces. At a late
hour the party was treated to a bounteous supper.
A very enjoyable surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Crider, Pinecroft, Saturday, March 11, it being Mrs.
Krider's 44th birthday anniversary. A number of friends were present
from Altoona and Bellwood. Mrs. Crider received many beautiful and
costly presents. At 12 o'clock a dainty lunch was served, after which
the guests returned to their homes, wishing Mrs. Crider many more
happy events.
A surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. Henry Barr, on her 64th
birthday. There was a large number of relatives and friends present,
who partook of a sumptuous dinner, to which all did ample justice.
After dinner they were invited to the parlor, where music was
furnished by Rev. R. S. Taylor and Miss Jennie Barr. Miss Barr
received many useful presents, among them being a handsome reclining-
chair presented by her daughters.
The fourth anniversary of Altoona council No. 180, United
Commercial Travelers' association, will be celebrated Saturday evening
in the rooms in the Schenck block, Eleventh avenue and Fourteenth
street. All commercial travelers in the city at the time are
cordially invited to attend the affair. Rev. H. L. Bowlby, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, will deliver an address, and at its
conclusion there will be a smoker and euchre, interspersed with a
musical program.
The local camps of the Patriotic Order Sons of America have
arranged with Past National President Clarence F. Huth to deliver one
of his inimitable addresses in the First United Brethren church, this
city, on Wednesday evening, March 29. His theme will probably be
"Ultimate America." This lecture will be absolutely free to all
comers, and all who attend will be pleased with the substance and
method of his lecture, Mr. Huth being a speaker of ability, power and
eloquence. In addition to the lecture, there will be musical and
other features.
The euchre to be given in the parlors of the Logan House tonight by
the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Altoona Hospital promises to be one of
the leading social events of the season. The ladies have already
disposed of a large number of tickets for the event, the worthy cause
for which it is being held bringing it spontaneous and liberal
support from the citizens. The proceeds will be devoted to the
betterment of the Altoona hospital, in carrying out the improvements
that have been planned by the auxiliary. Eight beautiful prizes, now
on exhibition in Gable & Co.'s windows, have been provided for the
most proficient euchre players.
Mr. L. M. Berkey was agreeably surprised at his home, 204 Lexington
avenue, Monday evening by the members of the choir of the Fourth
Lutheran church, of which he is a member. The occasion was his
birthday, and the celebration was so quietly arranged that Mr. Berkey
was unaware of what was in store for him. The members of the choir
met at the church and went to his home in a body. While he was being
detained on the front porch the young people slipped quietly in the
rear door and when Mr. Berkey re-entered the house his surprise was
complete. Realizing that he was the victim of a surprise, he with his
wife, began the part of entertaining the choir. There was plenty of
music enlivening the hours of the evening. Professor Williams, with
the violin and Mr. H. C. Aurandt at the piano rendered a number of
selections. Miss Edna Zinn entertained the guests pleasantly with
piano selections and they choir joined their voices and made the
evening pleasant with music. There were many games played and the
evening was a most enjoyable one. Mrs. Berkey served a dainty
Mrs. Annie Margaret Everhardt, wife of Peter Everhardt, died
suddenly last night at 11 o'clock, at her home, 912 Fifth avenue, of
apoplexy, aged nearly 80 years. The aged lady retired for the night
at 9 o'clock, apparently in the best of health. Two hours later
members of the family heard a noise in her sleeping apartments, upon
investigating which they discovered the woman dead. The deceased was
born in Leimbach, Saxony, Germany, June 6, 1825, and would have been
80 years of age had she lived until next June. She came to this
county, with her parents, in 1846, the family settling in
Hollidaysburg, later moving to Frankstown. On November 18, 1852, she
was married to Mr. Everhardt, and the following year the couple came
to Altoona, where they resided ever since. To her union with Mr.
Everhardt were born five children, as follows: William, Harry and
Louisa Everhardt, and Mrs. N. H. Dwyer, of Altoona, and George L.
Everhardt, of Pittsburg. One brother, John W. Smith, of this city,
also survives, as do also three grandchildren. The deceased was a
member of the First Lutheran church, a devout christian lady and
universally loved and esteemed by all her neighbors. She was of a
kindly and charitable disposition, ever ready to render aid to those
who were in need of it. The funeral arrangements have not yet been
Common Branch Passed One Measure Finally and Advance a Large Number of
At the special meeting of common council held last evening one
ordinance passed third and final reading, and a large number of others
passed first and second reading.
The following members responded to roll call: Messrs. Andrews,
Blair, Cassidy, Delozier, Hare, Ickes, Kuebler, Kabella, Michaels,
McCullough, Seasoltz and President Walker.
The following business came up before the body: Ordinance No.
1537, authorizing the transfer of the sum of one thousand dollars from
department of highways and sewers to department of police and city
property appropriations for 1904-05, was passed finally with all the
councilmen present voting for it.
Ordinances passed on second reading:
Ordinance No. 1548, authorizing and providing for the construction
of a vitrified clay pipe sewer in Fourth avenue, between Twenty-fifth
street and Fourth district sewer.
Ordinance No. 1547, amending section two of ordinance 866,
entitled, "A ordinance creating a department of police and city
property, declaring the number, fixing the salaries, defining the
powers, prescribing the duties and regulating the conduct of the
members thereof," by increasing the number of patrolmen.
Ordinance No. 1545, authorizing the mayor of the city of Altoona in
behalf of the city to enter into an agreement with the Pennsylvania
Railroad company whereby the said company will grant the said city the
privilege to occupy a tract of land at the Twenty-fourth street
Ordinance No. 1521, authorizing and directing the placings of
twenty electric arc lamps in the several wards, and indicating the
location of the same, came up for second reading and upon motion of
Mr. Kabella was amended changing the location of a lamp from the
intersection of Fifth avenue and Fifth street to Seventh avenue and
Fifth street. It was thereupon referred back to printing.
Ordinances passed first reading:
Ordinance No. 1544, authorizing and providing for the construction
of a system of vitrified clay pipe sewer in the recently annexed
portion of the Ninth ward.
Ordinance No. 1536, fixing the amount of the bond of the city
treasurer, passed second reading with the amendment that the city
treasurer be directed to make a monthly report to councils, showing
the amount and place of depository of city's money.
Ordinance No. 1552, providing for the collection of municipal
claims, and for a report of the same by the city solicitor,
Ordinance No. 1554, to make an appropriation for the different
departments of the city.
No. 1555, fixing the millage for the levying of the taxes for the
upcoming year.
No further business being before the body it adjourned until Friday
Ward - Thompson.
Mr. Amos Steele Ward, of this city, and Miss Grace Clark Thompson,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson, of Birmingham,
were united in marriage at 7 o'clock last evening, at the residence of
the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. W. M. C. Craine, 408 Howard avenue.
The ceremony was performed in the spacious parlors of the home, which
were elaborately decorated in honor of the occasion, the bridal party
entering to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, rendered by
Master Robert Craine, a nephew of the bride. The bride was becomingly
attired in white organdie and scotia and carried bride's roses. Under
a canopy of greens and cut flowers the happy couple were made man and
wife by the Rev. George Murray Klepfer [sic], pastor of the Eighth
Avenue Methodist church, and received the congratulations of 200
admiring friends and relatives. Guests were present from Bellwood,
Birmingham, Martinsburg, New York city, Williamsburg, State College
and this city. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding supper was
served, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward left on the 9:05 train for an extended
wedding tour to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore and
Washington. They will reside in this city, the groom holding a
responsible position in Shop Clerk F. A. Bell's office.
Miss Maggie Sissel and Mr. Charles Westley were united in marriage
at 8 last evening in the parsonage of the Grace Reformed church, by
the Rev. J. D. Hicks. The couple was attended by Miss Bessie Sissel
and Mr. Michael Humm. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony
at the future home of the couple, 2624 West Chestnut avenue. Mr.
Westley is a popular young man and is employed as a hoseman at No. 3
fire station. His bride is an estimable young lady and has many
friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Westley will reside at 2624 West
Chestnut avenue.
Mr. E. T. McGowan and Miss S. A. Baker, both of this city, were
united in marriage in Baltimore, Sunday, March 5, by the Rev. Father
Storm, of the Corpus Christi church. Mr. McGowan and Miss Baker are
partners in the City Hand Laundry and both young people are well known
and popular in the city. Mr. and Mrs. McGowan will reside in the
Mr. Clair Ross, of Juniata, and Miss Bessie Ammerman, of Altoona,
were married on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The groom is employed in
the Juniata boiler shops. The bride is esteemed highly by all who
know her. Their many friends wish them all success in life. The
young couple will go to housekeeping at once in Juniata.
Costs in case of Principal Jacobs Were Divided Equally Between
Plaintiff and Defendant.
A. M. Jacobs, principal of the Juniata schools, and his assistant,
H. A. Brumbaugh, who were on trial charged with excessive cruelty in
whipping Walter Redding, 11 years old, the complaint being brought by
Mrs. Mary Redding, the boy's mother, were acquitted by the jury
yesterday morning. The costs were equally divided in the case of the
plaintiff and Jacobs in the one case, and in the charge against
Brumbaugh the county is mulcted for the costs.
Perry Brannon, a Frankstown township young man, who visited Altoona
some time ago and after loading up with rum, became involved in an
altercation with a negro in a hotel in that city and indulged in a
little gun play, which fortunately for him proved harmless, pleaded
guilty to the charge of willfully shooting at a person and was
sentenced to pay the costs. On account of previous good behavior and
promised reformation, further sentence was suspended.
Henry Schum pleaded guilty to assault and battery on his wife.
Sentenced to pay the costs and enter his own recognizance in the sum
of $200 to keep the peace.
Mrs. William Burtnett pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and
battery at the school house in Blair township. Sentenced to pay the
Ed. E. Stains was on trial charged with the crime of arson. It is
alleged that he set fire to an unoccupied plank house at Eldorado,
owned by Scott Stains, on the evening of April 12, 1905, the
prosecutor being his brother-in-law, W. F. Swoveland.
Joseph Peck and two of his sons, all of whom reside at Eldorado,
testified that they saw Ed. Stains near the house about dusk on the
evening of the fire.
Grace Stains, niece of the defendant, testified that she was at the
house on the afternoon of the day of the fire. She came away about 3
p. m. and saw the defendant going in the direction of the house. A
couple of days after the fire she met her uncle and he said: "I burned
your house down." She replied: "Yes I know you did and my father
will get even with you for it." She and her uncle are had friends.
Swoveland, the prosecutor, testified that a few days before the
fire Ed. Stains told him he would burn that house before he would
leave Charley Stains move into it. In July he told me he had burned
it down, and now let them prove it.
John F. Sullivan, esq., in opening the case for the defendant,
stated that at the request of the owner of the house that was burned
down, he went there that day to see that the windows were nailed shut
and the doors were securely locked, so as to prevent Charley Stairs'
family from moving into the house.
Ed. Stains testified that he saw Charley Stains' daughters going
out to clean the house and he went there about 6 o'clock in the
evening and walked around the house and found that it was securely
locked. He arrived home about 7.30 and he and Scott Stains went to
Kurtz's office to get out papers to prevent the Charley Stains family
from moving into the house. Witness said that Grace Stains accused
him of having burned the house, but he denied the charge. He also
denied positively of ever having told Mr. Swoveland that he would burn
the house down. He denied setting fire to the house.
Scott Stains testified that he directed his brother, Ed. to go out
and nail the windows down, and not to leave Charley move in the
The defendant rested after calling a number of character witnesses
among whom were Alderman S. S. B. Ramey, Charles Gearhart and Rev. E.
J. Metzler.
The court after deliberating about an hour brought in a verdict of
not guilty.
The case of commonwealth vs. Louis and Otto Plack was
William Fisher, an Altoona young man was on trial charged with
assault and battery and robbery on Anthony Michael, proprietor of a
fruit stand and restaurant at No. 504 Sixth avenue.
It appears that on the morning of Jan. 12 at 1.30 o'clock Fisher
accompanied by two other young men named Griffith and Fowler, went to
the restaurant and became involved in an altercation with the
proprietor who alleges that he endeavored to induce them to go out of
his place. Fisher wanted oysters and ice cream for nothing. They all
pounced on him and he ran back in the kitchen and got a club and drove
them out of the place. Michaels says that he took the money out of
the drawer and Fisher saw him tie a five dollar gold piece in his
handkerchief. After the melee in the house he started to go home.
Fisher met him at the alley and said what are you going to do about my
$5 cady hat you broke.
Witness said you go away and don't bother me. Fisher then struck
him on the nose with brass knuckles, knocked him down, and reached in
his pocket and took the handkerchief and $5 dollar gold piece. The
other fellows were ahead of us.
James McKee, cook at the restaurant corroborated the proprietor as
to the men beating him.
Fisher said he went into the restaurant with Griffith and Fowler,
and ordered oysters. Michaels said the fire was out and he could not
give us oysters. He wanted us to go out, and finally he hit me over
the head twice with a club, then I went out. I heard him cry murder
and looked in the room and saw the other boy beating him. These boys
have gone away and were not arrested. Witness admitted that he asked
Michael about paying for his cady, but said he was only in fun. We
were all standing on the corner smoking when Michael and McKee came
along. He walked up with Michael to the alley. Michael gave me a
push and then I knocked him down. Michael jumped up and had a knife
and handkerchief in his hand. He said I'll kill you.
Dr. J. E. Smith stated that he was called to see Michaels some time
in April. He was badly bruised on the face, both eyes black, cut
across the nose, bones knocked down but not broken, injured about the
body and bruised on the back of the head.
Officer Harlow said he went to see Michaels after this trouble, and
Michaels said he did not know who had assaulted him. He had five
dollars in the handkerchief, but he lost it.
The case was submitted to the jury at adjournment last evening.
A. V. Dively and J. F. Sullivan for defendant.
George Moore pleaded guilty to the larceny of an overcoat, and also
to defrauding a boarding house keeper. In the first case he is
sentenced to pay $5 fine and costs, and to serve three months in jail.
In the second case sentence suspended on payment of costs.
Grand Jury Returns.
Commonwealth vs. Louis Plack and Otto Plack, keeping a disorderly
house, keeping a house for gambling; prosecutor, Lee Conaway. A true
Commonwealth vs. George Moore, violating boarding house act;
prosecutrix, Annie Harrington. A true bill.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Saupp, assault and battery, aggravated
assault and battery; prosecutor, George Potter. A true bill.
Commonwealth vs. Newton Hurley, assault and battery; not a true
bill and prosecutor, Charles H. Able, to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Eva Runyeaon, assault and battery, prosecutrix,
Mary Shiffler. A true bill.
Motions and Petitions.
R. W. Smith, esq., presented the following bonds of the Allegheny
water company to riparian owners who will be affected by the taking of
the waters of Mill Run by condemnation proceedings: To Alphonzo A.
Stone, $500; to John M. Campbell estate, $500; to Mrs. Julia Ann Deck,
$50. The above bonds were approved. A number of other ones were
presented but were excepted to as insufficient. The objections will
be heard next Monday.
Charles Geesey, esq., was appointed master in the divorce case of
Henry M. Walty vs. Maud M. Walty.
J. D. Hicks, esq., is appointed master in the divorce case of
Roland K. Fleck vs. Dessie M. Fleck.
D. E. North, esq., is appointed master in the divorce case of Rose
L. Douglass vs. James P. Douglass.
James W. Findley, committee of George Wilson, lunatic, is
authorized to sell the interest of his ward in certain real estate to
H. A. Davis, esq.
Thomas H. Greevy presented a petition to set aside the sheriff's
sale of the property of Edward Kabella.
M. M. Morrow, esq., is appointed master in the divorce case of Mary
M. Quarry vs. George T. Quarry.
LAIRD ROSS, an aged and respected citizen, at 1.05 o'clock
yesterday morning at the home of his son-in-law, John M. Stonebraker,
807 Sixth avenue. Death was due to the infirmities of old age, Mr.
Ross being almost 87 years old. For many years he resided at Maria
Forge, near Roaring Spring, where he raised his family. Later he went
to Bellwood, where he resided for twenty years, coming to Altoona
about two years ago. While here he made his home with his son-in-law.
Mr. Ross' wife died twenty-one years ago. He is survived by six
children, as follows: Bigler, of Conemaugh; Edward, John and Thaddeus,
of Bellwood; Mrs. Sarah Fagley, of Punxsutawney, and Mrs. Lida
Albright, of Altoona. Mr. Ross was an iron worker and followed the
occupation of a forgeman for many years. He was a veteran of the
civil war, and a member of the Presbyterian church, of Bellwood.
Services will be held at the home of his son-in-law at 10 Saturday
morning. The body will be taken to Tyrone on Main line express, where
interment will be made.
R. NEWTON SHAW, who formerly conducted the Continental Hotel in
Philipsburg, of pleuro-pneumonia at 5 Sunday morning at his home in
Clearfield. He was a native of Clearfield county and was 63 years
old. He is survived by his father, Joseph Shaw, now nearly 89 years
old, a sister, Miss Ella, at home, and one brother, Thadeus, who lives
in Clearfield. For many years he conducted the Leonard House and the
old Shaw House in Clearfield. He was a great horseman and had many
friends in this city.
Death of An Infant.
Angelina, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Amorosa, died at 1.15 o'clock
yesterday afternoon at the parents' residence, 1229 Ninth avenue, aged
18 months. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
interment in St. John's cemetery.
Funeral Notices.
The funeral of the late Felix Wheeler Ickes will take place from
the residence of his sister, Mrs. A. C. Hazard, 2221 Seventh avenue,
tomorrow at 3 p. m. Funeral private.
The remains of Constable Miller will be taken to the home of his
daughter, 1400 Seventh avenue, where funeral services will be
conducted at 10 tomorrow morning. The interment will be made in Oak
Ridge cemetery.
To My Friends and the Public.
I have this day sold my grocery store and business at 1208 Eleventh
street to Burlingame & Co. I take the opportunity to thank my
friends for their patronage during my several years in business, and
hope the same pleasant relations that have existed between us will
continue with the new firm. - J. D. FAY.
Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 16, 1905, page 8