Blair County PAGenWeb

Blair County Newspaper Articles
News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Evening Mirror, Altoona, Pa.,
March 27, 1876
Grandest Affair of the Season. - The Fair of the Mountain City
Band, to be held in the Latta Guard Hall, commencing April 11th, and
continuing until the 18th, promises to be a grand affair. We hope the
citizens will kindly tender their patronage toward us, and we will
remember them in the future. We have several articles to be chanced
off and contested for. First, to be contested for, is a silver B flat
cornet horn. Contestants, Lowry Mathews and David Espenlaub. One
Past Grand Officers suit of Knights Templar. Contestants, Jack Hurd
and John Frazier. One chamber suit, by four little girls, and one
gold ring, by the ladies connected with the Fair. The following
articles will be chanced off: One set of carpenter tools, (can be
seen in Turner & Metzgar's show window) one silver watch, (can be
seen in window of jewelry store below postoffice,) and other articles
too numerous to mention, such as wax flowers, dishes, vases, glass
ware, dolls, etc. Any person desiring to run on the Knight Templar
suit we would be glad to hear from them, as we would like to have one
or two more competitors, and we hope the citizens will assist the
contestants in their work.
J. B. BURKET & M. M. RUSH, Committee.
Evening Mirror, Altoona, Pa., March 27, 1876, page 1
Accident. - On Saturday evening about 5 o'clock, William Euker,
aged sixteen years, had his right arm badly crushed while and other
boys were "dropping down" cars on the siding at Lilly's Station. The
arm was amputated near the shoulder joint. The boy was a runaway,
having left his home in Huntingdon some five weeks since.
Sleighing on the Mountain. - Mr. Michael Burns, the liveryman,
returned on Saturday from St. Augustine, Cambria county. He reports
sleighing on the Alleghenies excellent, and advises all who want to
enjoy the luxury of a ride behind a dashing team in a stylish cutter
over a good bed of snow to call at his stables, and he will them how
to go and where.
Meeting of the Committee on Surveys. - In response to a call of
Chairman Harkins, the Committee on Surveys of City Council met in the
Mayor's office Saturday evening and considered the propriety of
employing an engineer. The Committee finally decided to authorize
Mayor Gilland to employe J. B. Haupt, whenever his services may be
required, until the next meeting of Council. Persons needing the
Engineer will find him at his office in the municipal building.
Tax Exonerations. - The special committee appointed by council to
examine the duplicate of Rupert Leader and allow such additional
exonerations as he is entitled to, held a meeting on Saturday evening
in the Engineer's office, and commenced their tedious work. Chairman
Metz was present, and with Messrs. Koch and Hauser, progressed
favorably in the work. The time which has elapsed since the duplicate
was placed in Mr. Leader's hands makes the labor of the committee much
more onerous.
Fire in the Opera House. - Yesterday afternoon some gentlemen who
were passing the Opera House noticed smoke issuing from several places
in the basement. On examining the cause thereof they found some boys
and tramps sitting around a fire which they had kindled in one of the
rooms in the basement. The gentlemen attempted to capture some of the
boys but the latter escaped. Mr. Kreider, the janitor, was notified
and promptly extinguished the fire. The probabilities are that the
building would have been destroyed had the fire not been discovered.
Ingress was obtained through one of the windows.
Personal. - Hon. George Boyles, late a member of the constitutional
convention of Colorado, was in this city Saturday evening and a
portion of yesterday. He was on his way home from Washington and
stopped in Altoona to see some of his old friends, he formerly having
been a resident of this county. Mr. Boyles now resides at Trinidad,
about two thousand miles west of this city, a town of some four
thousand inhabitants. The Rio Grande narrow gauge railroad has just
been completed to that town and has developed vast deposits of coal,
which it is expected will cause the place to grow rapidly in
importance and wealth. Although but a young man, Mr. Boyles has risen
to eminence in his far off western home, both in his profession as a
lawyer and as a politician. He has promised the MIRROR an occasional
letter, which we are sure will be perused with interest by our
readers. He resumed his journey westward on limited Mail yesterday
afternoon, and will arrive in Trinidad in about four days.
Hon. Frederick Douglass, the celebrated colored orator and
statesman, arrived in this city Saturday evening on the Fast Line and
remained at the Logan House until yesterday morning, when he continued
his journey westward.
A Pleasant Evening - A Princely Supper - Toasts, Responses, etc.
The second annual re-union and banquet of the members of the
Vigilant Steam Fire Engine Company took place on Saturday evening at
the St. Charles Hotel, at nine o'clock. Many of the firemen attended
the citizens' meeting in the Council Chamber, after which they met in
the spacious engine room below and proceeded in a body to the hotel.
The time intervening between their arrival and the supper hour was
pleasantly whiled away in the parlors, all being evidently in the best
of spirits and determined upon having an evening of genuine pleasure.
When the hour for supper arrived the company filed down stairs and
into the commodious dining hall of the hotel, where a number of tables
were provided with delicacies and substantials, temptingly abundant
and invitingly arranged. Judge B. F. Rose, President of the Vigilant
company, presided at the banquet and announced the toasts. After
fully partaking of the good things of the banquet, the Judge arose and
announced the first toast, as follows:
Executive of our city. Honored and respected because of his
impartial decisions, his gentlemanly deportment and his generous
Responded to by Mayor Gilland in a neat and sensible manner. The
second toast was then announced, as follows:
Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Chosen from our midst
because his ability and punctuality have rendered his services
Responded to by T. B. Patton, Esq. Third toast:
Assistant Engineer, eastern district. May his usefulness increase
with his experience and his loss be ever felt in his absence.
Response by Harry Bowers.
There was also a toast announced for the Assistant Engineer of the
western district, but we failed to obtain it. Response by B. M.
Craine. The following was the fifth toast:
The Altoona Steam Fire Engine Company. Although not connected with
the department, we regard them as brothers, and in all their actions
have proven themselves gentlemen.
Response by Mr. A. Kipple. Sixth toast:
The press of our city. Our advocates and defenders in whom we can
always rely.
Responses by M. Edgar King, of the Radical, G. J., Akers, of the
MIRROR, and H. C. Dern, of the Tribune. Seventh toast:
The Good Will Steam Fire Engine Company. Their name is their motto
and their works prove them worthy of their name.
Responded to by Mayor Gilland on behalf of the company. Eighth
The Empire Hook and Ladder Company. A noble band of daring
Response by B. Berkowitz. Ninth toast:
The Excelsior Hose company, a worthy auxiliary to the fire
department of the city.
Response by John Schenk. Tenth toast; proposed by a member of the
To the first and present President of the Vigilant Steam Fire
Engine Company. Deserving of honor because he has ever been a
faithful worker in behalf of the institution of which he is a
Response by Judge Rose. Eleventh toast:
To our former chief of fire department. May his active duty in the
future continue as profitable to the department as in the past.
Response by Ed. Mountney. Twelfth toast:
To our third fireman. May he never sit on the fire box and let the
steam go down to five pounds at another fire.
Response by William Pimlott.
Toasts were also proposed to the legal profession and the City
Council, and responded to by Thos. H. Greevy and N. Cunningham,
The generous host, Mr. M. Fitzharris, was not forgotten, and a
toast was offered, thanking him for the splendid banquet he had
prepared. Mr. F. briefly responded. Another toast, to the lady
waiters, was announced and Jim McKee called upon for a response, but
he declared himself unequal to the emergency. A letter was read from
William H. Reed, of Pittsburgh, regretting his inability to be
present, and also expressing the regrets of Mr. Miller. The following
letter was read:
ALTOONA, March 25th, 1876.
To the President and Members of the Vigilant Steam Fire Engine
GENTLEMEN: - Having been invited by one of your active members to
participate in your banquet and re-union, I am exceedingly sorry to
state that it is impossible for me to be with you, on account of
indisposition, but I shall be with you in spirit, as I always have
been hitherto. In conclusion, gentlemen, permit me to tender you my
sympathy and good wishes, hoping that you may have a "good time'' to-
night. Finally, may you ever be "Vigilant" when duty calls, and
thereby elicit the "Good Will" of the citizens of "Altoona." Then,
with a lofty, undaunted courage, make "Excelsior" your watchword,
whilst westward the course of "Empire" takes its way. Yours, very
respectfully, H. FETTINGER, Sr.
After the banqueting was over, the happy party again repaired to
the parlors, and, after the interchange of friendly greetings,
dispersed. The following persons were present: D. A. Gilland, Mayor;
T. B. Patton, H. Bowers, B. M. Craine, A. Kipple, W. W. Smith, Chief-
of-Police; N. Cunningham, member Council; H. C. Dern, Editor Tribune;
J. A. Schenk, M. E. King, Editor Radical; B. Berkowitz, J. S. Mann,
John Hileman, S. Reamey, G. W. Kessler, J. Weiss, J. Hurd, W. S.
Bitner, J. O'Conner, J. H. Freidly, J. M. Stonebraker, W. C. Pimlott,
James Johnston, J., Paiseley, J. Adams, A. Graham, D. Fulton, B.
Storey, R. J. Tweedy, W. C. Galbraith, City Treasurer; H. C. Bennett,
C. Steece, T. H. Greevy, W. Johnston, J. T. Patton, W. A. Adams, W.
Renner, W. Hallock, Ed. Mountney, J. W. McKee, W. S. Lyon, B. F. Rose,
W. M. Rose, A. P. McDonald.
- A public hall is about to be erected in Ebensburg.
- Rev. Father Walsh, the new pastor of St. John's delivered his
inaugural sermon yesterday.
- Messrs. Cliver & Elway have their Centennial frame on
exhibition at Hollidaysburg now.
- The streets and avenues are in a very muddy condition and will
doubtless remain so until after the spring "thawing out."
- Elegant weather to travel around in search of local news and
succeed in getting wet feet and clothing, and "nary" news, ain't
- The eclipse on Saturday was a failure, if we may judge by the
view obtained of old Sol's surface by the inhabitants of this
sublunary sphere.
- We are glad to record the fact that Dr. Miller is receiving very
liberal encouragement in the dental profession since his return from
- Judging from the interest manifested at the citizens' meeting on
Saturday evening, the Fourth of July celebration will be a complete
success. A good set of officers were elected.
- We recently announced the birth of triplets, two boys and a girl,
to Mrs. Ream, who resides in Conemaugh township, Cambria county. We
are sorry to announce that two of them died on Thursday night last and
the other one is not expected to live.
- John H. White, a one armed printer, is in the city to-day. He
hails from Baltimore and came via Bedford and Hollidaysburg. He says
he can set 6,000 "ems" brevier per day, without much trouble. How he
manages to do it astonishes the two-armed members of the craft. He
leaves for Bellefonte this evening.
- The heaviest claim against the Opera House building is a mortgage
held by Mr. Watson, of Huntingdon, for $20,000. He will doubtless be
the purchaser, as it is generally thought that sum covers the real
value of the building. Should Mr. W. purchase it he will make some
considerable improvements. The sale takes place on Wednesday, the
29th instant.
- "Bet a half a dollar I shall fall down! Bet half a dollar I
shall fall!" murmured an old chap as, loaded to the muzzle with forty-
rod whisky, he was reeling his way down street. "Bet half a doll- ."
Just here the old boy's heels flew so high into the air that his head
and shoulders beat them back to the ground. Rising to a sitting
posture he took up his hat, rubbed the back of his head, and then
said: "Won the money! And it is the first bet I won this year."
Inspections and Election of Officers.
On Saturday evening at 4 o'clock the Juniata Rifles, company F., N.
G. [National Guard] was inspected at Hollidaysburg. The inspection
was highly creditable, we understand, in all particulars. After the
inspection an election for officers was held, which resulted as
follows: Captain, Wilkins, vice, James Rodgers, resigned; First
Lieutenant, James Rodgers; Second Lieutenant, Frank West.
The Latta Guard.
At half-past seven the same evening the Latta Guard, of this city,
company D, N. G., was inspected, by Captain Statler, of Bedford, Col.
D. S. Elliott having been called home in the afternoon by the illness
of a child. The inspection took place in the armory in the presence
of a number of distinguished military men and others, among the number
the following: Col. James F. Milliken, Adjutant Brotherline, Capt.
Wolaslogle [sic], of Wilmore; Capt. Jones, of Tyrone; Major John R.
Garden, of this city; Capt. Guthrie, late of the Duquesne Grays, of
Pittsburgh, and others. After the inspection Captain Statler
complimented the company very highly, saying that it was the most
proficient in discipline, etc., of any in the regiment, so far as the
companies in the regiment had been inspected. There were forty-two
men present at the inspection and three officers of the company, Capt.
Burchfield, and Lieutenants Valentine and Munson.
The First Step Towards a Centennial Fourth of July Celebration.
On Saturday evening, a large number of citizens - in response to a
call by Mayor Gilland - assembled in the council chamber to take steps
towards a Centennial Fourth of July celebration. Upon his Honor
calling the meeting to order and stating the object in view, an
organization was at once effected by electing the following permanent
officers: Mayor D. A. Gilland, Chairman; J. Cloyd Kreider, Secretary;
Col. F. B. Stewart, Treasurer. Hon. B. F. Rose, as a representative
of the Vigilant Fire Company, addressed the meeting, stating that
there would be nothing lacking on the part of the fire companies to
make the coming Fourth of July demonstration one that would be a
credit to the Mountain City.
It was stated by a gentleman that the Altoona Relief Association
and also other of our home talent would give entertainments for the
benefit of a Fourth of July celebration, if so requested by a legally
constituted committee or meeting.
A motion was then made by F. P. Tierney, Esq., and agreed to, that
the Chair appoint a committee of sixteen (two from each ward), to be
called a Committee of Ways and Means, whose duty it shall be to
solicit contributions and make other necessary arrangements. The
following gentlemen were appointed:
First Ward - G. M. Metz, S. I. Fries.
Second Ward - H. B. Huff, Peter Moore.
Third Ward - H. J. Cornman, James Harkins.
Fourth Ward - F. P. Tierney, (chairman) David Kinch.
Fifth Ward - George Hawksworth, Jr., Christ Hauser, Sr.
Sixth Ward - Joseph R. Long, John O'Tool.
Seventh Ward - John Frazier, A. C. Rickabaugh.
Eighth Ward - M. J. McCoy, George L. Freet.
A motion was made to the effect that we have a grand parade on the
Fourth of July in the forenoon and illumination and fireworks in the
evening. This motion was discussed at considerable length and
unanimously agreed to.
The meeting then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening week. - J.
It is to be hoped that the citizens will turn out en masse on
Tuesday evening week, and if they have any suggestions to make they
will be gladly received. Let us join hands - one and all - go to work
at once, and not put it off, and say "it is a long time yet until the
Fourth of July." There is a great deal of work to be performed, and
if we desire - which we do - to make the celebration a success, we
must go to work promptly. Don't stay away from the meeting and say
"there is a committee appointed to attend to the arrangements." There
are other committees, just as important as the committee of ways and
means yet to be appointed, as it is not the intention to ask the one
committee to do all the work.
Evening Mirror, Altoona, Pa., March 27, 1876, page 4