Last Will and Testament of Solomon Zoll

Warren County, NJ

His will reads:

"A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of Solomon Zoll late of the township of Independence in the County of Warren deceased made by us whose names are hereunto subscribed the 28th day of November eighteen hundred and forty

"Apparel $  35.00
Debt due from Peter Mucklow (?) $272.43
Gun $  3.00
Trunk $  1.00
Four Book $  1.00

"The above amount of three hundred and twelve dollars and forty three cents appraised by us the day and year written above.

Henry L. Pownell
Ross Crane

"State of New Jersey Warren County.

Before me on the second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty personally appeared Peter Mucklow, administrator of Solomon Zoll deceased who being duly sworn says that the _____ writing contains a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of Peter Mucklow deceased that have come to his knowledge in possession or to the possession of any other person or persons to his_____.

"Sworn and subscribed before me at the date above.

Signed by
Peter Mucklow
Adam Robertson

"State of New jersey Warren County.

Before me on the second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty personally appeared Henry Pownell one of the appraisers of the within inventory who being duly sworn says that the several articles in the annexed inventory set down and specified were by him appraised at their just and true respective rates and values according to the best of his judgment and understanding and that Ross Crane the other appraiser thereof was present at the same time and consented in all things of the doing thereof and that they appraised all things that were brought to their view for appraisement."

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Arlene.

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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:26 PST

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