Estate Records of Samuel Hanselman Yorgey

1878: Exeter Township, Berks County, PA

Last Will and Testament of Samuel Hanselman Yorgey

Volume 22, page 475: filed December 4th, 1878, Approved January 25, 1879

Berks County SS.

August YORGEY Administrator of Samuel YORGEY late of Exeter Township, deceased being duly sworn doth [sic] depose and say that the said Samuel YORGEY died in the said Township of Exeter, Berks County and State of Pennsylvania on the 28th day of July A.D. 1878 at about 4:30 o'clock p.m.

August YORGEY {signature}

Sworn and Subscribed before me this 19th day of September A.D. 1878

P.Y. EDELMAN, Register {signature}

Administrator's Account of the Estate of Samuel Yorgey

The Account of August YORGEY, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Samuel YORGEY late of the Township of Douglass in the county of Berks, deceased.

Debits - The Accountant charges himself as follows viz:

Sept 19, 1878 - To amount of Inventory & appraisement of personal property filed $1,747.35
To error in appraising Benj. FRITZ note: $       5.00
[Total Debits] $1,752.25

Reading, December 3, 1878, August YORGEY, Adm.

Credits - The accountant claims credit for the following payments by cash for the following payments, to wit:

P.Y. EDELMAN Register letter Ad $    4.70
Appraisers & expenses $    5.00
Wm. S. RITTER, publishing $    2.50
Affidavits to appraisement $      .50
Jacob S. LIVINGOOD, services $  30.00
P.Y. EDELMAN, filing acct. $     9.60
By note of Wm. WEAVER, not collected $   30.00
By error in appraisement of cash in chest $   10.00
By cash paid Benj. FRITZ on acct of bill $   20.00
By cash paid Benj FRITZ, balance of acct $  174.25
By accountants compensation $    87.00
[Total credits] $  368.55
Balance due Estate: $1,388.70

To the Honorable the Judges of the Orphans Court of County of Berks I the undersigned do hereby Certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the original account as filed in the Registers Office. That I have carefully examined the same with the vouchers and papers and found it to be just and true as per proceeding statement in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 4th day of December A.D. 1878.

P.Y. EDELMEN, Register {signature}

Contributors Note: No will was found on file for Samuel Hanselman YORGEY, the father of Samuel P. YORGEY, however a report filed on Dec 4th, 1878, by his administrator, Augustus YORGEY, approved by Judge August SASSAMAN on January 25, 1879, was found. That report included the following documents.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Betty J. Burdan.

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