Estate Records of Jacob Yorgey

1884:Douglass Township, Berks County, PA

Last Will and Testament of Jacob Yorgey

1884 Volume 15 page 113: August 6, 1877

In the name of God Amen, I Jacob YORGEY of Douglass Township Berks County and State of Pennsylvania, being at present in good health of body and sound and disposing mind and memory -- praised be God for the same considering the uncertainty of this transitory life and to the end that I may be better prepared to leave this world whenever it shall please God to call me hence, Do make, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following to wit:

Item 1st, I order and direct that my debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.

Item 2nd, I give and devise to my son Ephraim R. YORGEY my entire farm situate in Douglass Township, Berks County, bounded by lands of Jno. WEASNER, Jno. L. EAGLE, Augustus YORGEY, Jno. MOCK, Henry LEVENGOOD and others, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, with all the hay, straw, fodder, manure, rails posts, boards and my share of the winter grain in the ground at the time of my decease. Which I have valued at the sum of six thousand dollars. My said son Ephraim to retain one thousand dollars the residue five thousand dollars - he is to pay out as follows:

One year after the first of April after my decease, he shall pay to each of my children, Charlotte, George, Rachel, Leah, and Sallie Ann, the sum of five hundred dollars, without interest.....

Two years after the first of April after my decease he shall pay to each of my children Charlotte, George, Rachel, and Sallie Ann, the sum of five hundred dollars without interest: the share to my daughter Leah [of] five hundred dollars to remain in the farm bequeathed to my son Ephraim and the interest thereon at five per cent to be paid to her annually on the first of April; First payment of Interest to be made to her, three years after the first of April after my decease, thence annually during her natural life. After her decease the sum of fifty dollars shall be applied to the payment, of her tombstones and the residue four hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid in equal shares to the children of my daughter Sallie Ann, wife of H. E. RHOADS, as they arrive at the age of twenty one years, without interest, one year after her decease.

Item 3rd, I authorize my executor herein after named to dispose of my personal property, not herein before bequeathed, at such time as may be for the best interest of my estate and after the same has been converted into money, together with all my moneys at interest - I give and bequeath as follows:

To my daughter Sallie Ann, one hundred dollars for her trouble in attending to me during my lifetime.

To my deceased son Christian's children I give one hundred dollars in equal shares, to be left in the hands of his son Jacob, and he to pay the share coming to each of his brothers and sisters as they arrive at the age of twenty one years without interest. The reason for not giving more to my said son Christian's children is that I consider having given him his full share during his lifetime.

Item 4th, I direct my executors to expend at least fifty dollars for my tombstones.

Item 5th All the rest and residue of my estate not herein before bequeathed I give and devise to my children George, Ephraim, Charlotte, Rachel, Leah and Sallie Ann, in equal shares.

Item 6th, I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my sons George and Ephraim to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament

Lastly - having now disposed of my worldly estate to the best of my judgement I commit my body to the earth and soul into the hands of my creator who gave it, in confidence of his mercy through the merits of my Savior, his son Jesus Christ.

In Witness to hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of August A.D. 1877.

Jacob YORGEY {signature}

Signed, Sealed, declared and published by the Testator, as and for his Last Will and Testament, who in his presence and in the presence of each other and at his request have signed our names as witnesses thereto.

Jeremiah YOCUM {signature}
D. B. MAUGER {signature}

Codicil to Will

I Jacob YORGEY the within named Testator do hereby make and publish this codicil, to be added to my last Will and Testament bearing date August 6th, 1877. In manner following to wit -

The five hundred dollars mentioned in Item 2nd to be paid to my daughter Leah wife of Henry BAKER one year after the first day of April after my decease, I hereby order and direct as follows: in case my said daughter Leah should die before the same is due and payable - Then I give and bequeath to my daughter Sallie Ann, wife of Henry E. RHOADS, two hundred dollars and the residue three hundred dollars to my said son Ephraim R. YORGEY. Also in Item 5th, the share coming to my said daughter Leah shall be paid to her husband Henry L. BAKER in case of her decease before the same is due and payable and whereas in my said Will I have given to my daughter Rachel who is since deceased, certain sums of money therein mentioned to be paid to her after my decease I do hereby declare as follows - My said daughter Rachel with her first husband David KEYSER who is also deceased, left issue a son named Jacob Y. KEYSER and three daughters named Elmina, Leah, and Malinda. The five hundred dollars mentioned in Item 2nd payable two years after the first day of April after my decease, to my said daughter Rachel I now give and devise as follows - one hundred dollars thereof to my grandchildren Edmond, Milton, Columbus and George Wellington GEIGER in equal shares. One hundred dollars thereof as follows: Thirty dollars which would be the share intended for Jacob Y. KEYSER to be paid to Frederick NEIMAN, twenty dollars to be paid to my granddaughter Elmina wife of John EGOLF, twenty dollars to my granddaughter Leah wife of Harrison RHOADS, Thirty dollars which I intended for my granddaughter Malinda wife of John MAUGER, shall be paid to Dr. Lewis C. B. YORGEY for service rendered to them and family, and the residue three hundred dollars I now give to my son Ephraim R. YORGEY in consideration of his working at home and having learned no trade. The five hundred dollars mentioned in Item 2nd and payable to my said daughter Rachel one year after the first day of April after my decease I give and devise to my grandchildren Edmund, Milton, Columbus and George Wellington GEIGER in equal shares and out of my daughter Rachel's share mentioned in Item 5th I give and devise to each of my grandsons Columbus and George Wellington GEIGER the sum of fifty dollars. I hereby appoint Edmond Y. GEIGER to be the guardian of his brothers Columbus and George Wellington GEIGER, and should either of my grandsons Edmund, Milton, Columbus or George Wellington GEIGER die before they received their shares or before they arrive at the age of twenty one years then the share of such deceased child shall be equally divided amongst those living.

The residue of my estate as mentioned in Item 5th that would be coming to my daughter Rachel and not herein before bequeathed I give and devise to my children George R., Ephraim R., Charlotte, Leah and Sallie Ann in equal shares.

In case my son Ephraim R. declines to accept of my farm or real estate upon the terms I give and bequeath it to him, then my son George R. shall have the privilege of accepting it upon the same terms and conditions. Witness my hand and seal September 29, AD, 1879, signed sealed and declared by the Testator as and for a codicil to his last Will and Testament.

Jacob YORGEY {signature}

Register Office Berks County SS

On the 3rd day of May AD, 1884 before me J. M SHOLLENBERGER, Register of Wills and personally appeared, Jeremiah YOCUM and D.B. MAUGER the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will being all duly sworn according to law did depose and say that they were present and did see and hear Jacob YORGEY the Testator, sign, seal publish and declare the forgoing instrument of writing as and for his Last Will and Codicil annexed thereto that at the time of so doing he was of sound mine, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge observation and belief.

J.M SHOLLENBERGER, Register {signature}

Recorded Vol. 15, page 113

Last Will and Testament Estate of Jacob YORGEY deceased.

Proved May 3rd AD 1884 and Letters of Testamentary in comman favor were granted unto George R. and Ephrain R. YORGEY the Executors in the will named, having first been duly qualified thereto. The testator died on the 11th day of April AD 1884 at 6 o'clock a.m.

Contributors Note: Jacob Hanselman YORGEY was (b.10-12-1797) was the son of Johann Christian and Magdelena (Hanselman) JORGE. He married Sarah Ann REIFSNYDER (b.1-11-1800 d. 1-6-1871) and both are buried in East End Cemetery, Pottstown, PA.

Jacob and Sarah had 7 children:
  1. Charlotte (b.9-15-1820) m. Frederick NEIMAN
  2. George (b.10-23-1821) m. Elizabeth BOWER
  3. Rachel (b.1-26-1824) who m. first David KEYSER and 2nd to John GEIGER
  4. Christian (b.10-2-1825)m. Matilda Keyser FRITZ
  5. Ephraim (b.9-25-1828) m. Hannah BECHTEL
  6. Leah REIFSNYDER (b.5-24-1831) m. Henry BAKER
  7. Sarah Ann (b.3-24-1839) m. Henry E. RHOADS

In 1870, son Ephraim, who was offered the farm, was living in Pottstown with a large family, including son Lewis (b.c.1848) who was probably the Dr. Lewis C.B. YORGEY, (doctor of divinity) mentioned in the will. Lewis is believed to be the same L. Yergey, minister of Lansford, Cambria County, PA who performed a marriage ceremony for Laura M. WARTMAN and Cyrus C. YERGEY, both of Pottstown on 8-8-1903 according to Montgomery County records.

Ephraim returned to the farm and died in 1919. Prior to 1900, the farm was sold to his brother George, and added to the 187 acres he already owned next door. George's farm at the Ironstone Station in Douglass Twp., Berks County, PA was named Glenook Farm by his son Henry Bower YORGEY (b.1857 d. 1939). Henry taught school for a number of years and later returned to the farm, where he wrote a personal account of his family and Glennok Farm. The journal was never published, but copies have been made for family members.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Betty J. Burdan.

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